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Proceedings of NU-UTeM SAKURA Symposium on Mechanical Science and Engineering, pp.

1-2, November 2017

Effect of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Additive on The Vibrations Of Ball Bearing

N.S.R. Apandi1,, R.Ismail1 ,Mohd Fadzli Bin Abdollah1,2,*, Takayuki Tokoroyama3, Noritsugu Umehara3

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka,
Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia.
Centre for Advanced Research on Energy, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka,
Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho Chikusa-ku,
Nagoya 464-8603, Japan.
Corresponding e-mail:

Keywords: Ball bearing; Vibration reduction; nanoparticles

ABSTRACT – This paper presents a study on the However, until now, none of this research has provides
performances of the hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) clarification of the reduction in vibration amplitude.
nanoparticles additive in reducing the vibration Vibration monitoring is one way of condition
amplitude on ball bearing. The hBN powder was mixed monitoring for the machine and it is more versatile as it
with SAE 15W40 diesel engine oil by different volume can reveal wider range of faults for the early
concentration which are 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 vol%. Next, the deterioration or malfunction in machinery particularly in
nano-oil was mixed using the ultrasonic homogenizer. rotating components [8], [9]. Thus, in this paper, the
The vibration test was conducted with the experimental vibration measurement technique is applied to obtain
test rig consist of new and defected bearings. The the amplitude of the ball bearing operated with hBN
experimental results show that the 0.2 vol% of hBN nanoparticles mixed with engine diesel oil.
concentration can reduced the vibration amplitude of
new and defected bearings effectively compared to the 2. METHODOLOGY
other concentrations. In summary, it is found that the The hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanoparticles is in
hBN mixed lubricant has a potential in reducing the the form of white powder was dispersed into the
vibration amplitude of new and defected bearing. conventional diesel engine oil namely SAE 15W40. The
1. INTRODUCTION mixture was homogenised using the ultrasonic
Nowadays, searching for new additives in the lubricant homogenizer for 30 minutes to become the nano-oil.
have becomes one of the most important technologies The sample is varying from 0.0, 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 vol%
from the researchers because the additives present in of concentration of hBN. Next, all the samples were
lubricant can reduce the friction and wear between the poured into the lubricant container as shown in Figure 1.
contacting surfaces [1]. The past research used the The test rig consists of single phase motor, lubricant
copper nanoparticles as additives to prevent severe anti- container and the tested bearing. The accelerometer was
wear, load-carrying and friction reduction performances placed on top of the housing bearing to capture the
added in diesel engine oil [2]. Then, this finding was signal from the bearing and the data was analysed using
followed by other nanoparticles like zirconia/silica the DATA PHYSIC.
(ZrO3/SiO2) composite, copper oxide (CuO), titanium
oxide (TiO2) and nano-diamond. All these nanoparticles
have shown that a good performance in improving
tribology characteristics [3], [4]. Also actively reduced
the wear rate of materials and has shown a good
quantitative agreement with coefficient of friction by
dispersing the nanoparticles in conventional diesel
engine oil [5], [6]. Hexagonal boron nitride was widely
uses as lubricant additive for high temperature
lubrication. Other than that, it also can be used as an
electrical insulator, standard parts materials, heat Figure 1 The vibration experimental test rig
radiation material, aeronautics and space application.
The crystal structure of this element makes it able to use
in widely range of field. There have been a few
published papers show that this type of nanoparticles
has significant reduction in wear and friction [7].

© Centre for Advanced Research on Energy

Apandi et al., 2018



Figure 2 Vibration amplitude for new and defected

bearings. Figure 4 Photograph of SEM Micrograph and EDX
From the Figure 2, it shows that the 0.2% vol. spectrum for (a) 0.0 vol% of concentration of hBN and
concentration of hBN is the optimum concentration in (b) 0.2 vol% of concentration of hBN
reducing vibration for all type of different bearings The results show that the boron element coexits inside
condition compared to other concentration. Figure 3 0.2 vol% of concentration of hBN and for the 0.0 vol%
shows the reduction of vibration amplitude in ball of concentration of hBN, there is carbon and iron
bearing mixed lubricant. The new bearing shows 34% element only. However, this lubrication mechanism can
of vibration reduction from base lubricant, for the outer only be observed with the lowest value of volume
defected, it shows 20 % of reduction in amplitude and concentration because when the percentage of volume
lastly for the inner defected bearing it shows that the concentration of hBN increased the agglomeration
amplitude reduce was 36% compared to the base occurs in which the elements are sticking to one another
lubricant. as shown in Figure 5. This phenomenon can clearly
understand that when the volume of concentration
increases from 0.5 vol% to 1.0 vol%. This
agglomeration will buckle up and it will reduce the
ability of rolling effect on the surface. Agglomeration
will reduce the function of nanoparticles as a friction
modifier. Their advantages are the manometer size
allows them to enter easily the contact area, like
molecules so that it will immediately efficient even at
ambient temperature, so it can change the mending
effect to the rolling effect when two contact surfaces are
in touch. The nanoparticles suspended in lubricating oil
Figure 3 the reduction of vibration amplitude do the role of ball bearings between friction surfaces. It
is also make a protective film to some extent by coating
The amplitude of the mixed nano-lubricants was
the rough friction surfaces.
decreasing compared to the base lubricant because of
the formation of full film lubrication regime formed
around the ball bearing [2]. Also, the presence of
nanoparticles itself could reduce the vibration
amplitude. This phenomenon is known as friction-
induced vibration which is widespread phenomena in
technical device and engineering systems. The scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) with addition of energy-
dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrum of the hBN
nanoparticles with 0.0 vol% and 0.2 vol % of
concentration is shown in Figure 4 to compare the boron
element that exist inside the bearing.

Proceedings of NU-UTeM SAKURA Symposium on Mechanical Science and Engineering, pp. 1-2, November 2017

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research group of Centre for Advanced Research on Ball Bearing Operated With Hexagonal Boron
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Teknikal Malaysia Melaka and The ministry of Engine Oil,” vol. 2016, no. Mjts, pp. 25–26,
Education, Malaysia under Short Term Research Grant, 2016.
Grant no. RAGS/1/2014/TK01/FKM/B00066.

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© Centre for Advanced Research on Energy

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