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STUDENT ID : E1D112053
In today’s global world, the importance of English can not be denied and ignored
since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. With the help of
developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors
including medicine, engineering, and education, which, in my opinion, is the most
important arena where English is needed. Particularly, as a developing country,
Turkey needs to make use of this world-wide spoken language in order to prove its
international power. This can merely be based on the efficiency of tertiary education.
Consequently, English should be the medium of instruction at universities in Turkey
for the following three reasons: finding a high-quality job, communicating with the
international world, and accessing scientific sources in the student’s major field.

The first reason for why English should be the medium of instruction at universities
in Turkey is that it helps students find a high quality jobs for students to find. In
business life, the most important common language is obviously English. In addition
to this, especially, high-quality jobs need good understanding ability and speaking in
English. Therefore, companies can easily open out to other countries, and these
companies generally employ graduates whose English is fluent and orderly. For
example, the student who is graduated from a university which takes English as a
major language will find a better or high-quality job than other students who don’t
know English adequately. In other words, the student who knows English is able to be
more efficient in his job because he can use the information from foreign sources and
web sites. He can prepare his assignment and tasks with the help of these
information. Therefore, undoubtedly, his managers would like his effort or prepared
projects. In addition, many high-quality jobs are related with international
communication and world-wide data sharing. University graduates who are in a
international company and business are needed to communicate with foreign workers.
For instance, if their managers want them to share the company’s data, they are
expected to know English. Moreover, they will even have to go business trip for their
company. Absolutely, all of these depend on speaking English
;as a result, new graduates have to know English in order to get a high-quality job,
and the others, who don’t know English, may have lack of communication and be
paid less money.

The second and the most important reason, for English to be the medium of
instruction in the Turkish higher education system is that it enables students to
communicate with the international world. In these days, in my opinion, the most
important thing for both university students and graduates is to follow the
development in technology. For this reason, they have to learn common language.
Certainly, they should not lose their interest on communicating with the world.
However, some of the university students can’t obtain English education in their
university. Unfortunately, these people may lose their communication with
worldwide subjects and topics. In short, they will not communicate foreign people.
To prevent these people from lacking of speaking English, universities’
administration will provide English education to them. In addition, university students
can use some specific hardware and software of computers with their English to
communicate others. For example, the Internet, which, in my opinion, is the largest
source in the world, based on English knowledge and information. Also, most of the
software such as “Windows”, “Microsoft Office”, “Internet Explorer” are firstly
written in English, and these programs are the basic vital things for communication
over computer. That is to say, even in a little research about something, they need
these programs and the Internet to find necessary sources and information.

The last reason for favoring English as the medium of instruction of Turkish
universities is that it facilitates accessing information. All of the students have to do
some projects or home works which are related with their field during the university
education. In these projects or home works, they have to find some information which
is connected with their subject. They find sources from English web sites and books,
but they have to replace these data to their projects. During these process, if they
know English, they will not come across with any difficulty, but if they don’t know,
even they may not use these data. As a result, the student who knows English will be
more successful at his/her project. For this reason, to obstruct possible inequity
between students, management of universities should accept English as a second
language in order to provide accessing information to the students. In short, university
students need to know English to access information.

All in all, the education in universities should be done with English for three reasons.
First, students who know English are able to find their favorite job related with their
field. Second, they can communicate with others internationally. Third, as a major
language in universities, English makes accessing information easy for students. In
my opinion, internationally, people need one common language. For many
Years ,English has been the common world-wide language, and it will be in the
future. For this reason, if you want to follow trends, new gadgets and technology, modernization
of the developing world, you have to know English whatever age you are in.


Hagan ( 1994) defines competency- based training as an approach to vocational education an

training which focuses on outcomes or what a learner can do at the end of a course of study this
approach differs from previous approaches which focused on time spent in training and teacher
input. The evolution of competency based approaches can be traced along two main
developmental lines : educational and economic (Docking 1994) in educational line , the
application of CBAs is based on importance of considering learners needs in designing English
curriculum /syllabus and the movement in testing procedures ,especially dealing with the
application of Criterion Referenced Testing (CRT).
Considering the learner’s needs to learn English in the central issue in designing syllabus in an
ESP context. According to Hutchinson and Waters (1993) , the learner’s needs can be
interpreted into several categories : needs as necessities (i.e. the demand of the target situations
where the language to be used ) , needs as lacks (i.e. what knowledge the learner has already
known in order to master the language functions needed in target situation ), and needs as wants
(i.e. what the learner would like to gain from the language training (personal aims). In
establishing the competencies needed in certain workplace, the needs as necessities (i.e. what the
learner has to know in order to function effectively in target (real) situation) must be used in
starting point curriculum design in order to know what learners need to acquire at the end of the
course .This can be achieved by tracing the responsibilities or duties or job description of the
professional workers in the real situation ( see the following section for step in estabhishing

Regarding the influence of CBAs in today educational and employment contexts , Docking
(1994) comment that in education context, the competencies , (learning outcomes) underpin
curriculum design , teaching strategies ,assessment, reporting , accreditation , program evaluation
and certification. In employment / economic context, on the other hand, the CBAs are being
adopted of the basis of work design industrial awards recruitment and selection, performance
appraisal , training need analysis and training design, etc. furthermore docking suggest that it is
important to consider the application of CBAs can be

 a means of promoting or rewarding excellence , by writing competencies that demand

sophisticated and high level performance.
 a means of justifying certification decisions, not on a normative basis but based on real
 a means of ensuring consistency in standards between internal and external modes of
delivery .
 a means of raising standards to meet competency profile requirements and not just pass
 a means of ensuring the credibility and continued resourcing of education and training
 a means of avoiding cultural bias and facilitating equity.
 a means of meeting the need for flexibility and diversity and consistent comparable
 a means of interfacing and integrating different forms of learning and including different
education and training sectors and different levels of education.
 a means of communicating curriculum expectations to students and colleagues and
providing a shared language of outcomes for education, training , and works.
 a means of empowering learners to take more responsibility for their learning to increase
their options, and to take advantage of opportunities for learning as they arise.
The process of analysis start from the identifications of learners of the language teaching
program. The target group in this step can be categorized into two groups : the identification
learners who wants to study the language in terms of personal, socio culture, education,
expectation, interest, real language needs, etc ;and the identification of professional workers in
the target situation . the identification of responsibilities of professional workers of the target
situation will be useful guideline in the next steps in the designing syllabus since the
responsibilities of the professional workers in the target situation are used as a basis in course
design. In this steps , it is necessary to (a) study in depth each of the situations in which they
would need to use English; (b) clarify the learner’s communicative purpose by analyzing the
activities and roles they would be performing in English; and (c)determine the level of
performance they expected to certain. From the responsibilities of the professional workers ,the
communicative needs can further be elaborated in order to find out the focus of language skill
needed in the particular workplace. The following step is the translation of the communicative in
to language competencies that need to be developed in order to be able to do the job
professionally in the target situations. The language competencies are then translated into
teaching materials from functional and structural point of view and strategies to master the
language competencies.

Referring to the main purposes of doing need analysis mentioned in previous section, step 1-4
aim at finding out the target needs (what learners need to do in the target situations) while step 5-
6 aim to finding out learning needs (what learners need to do in class in order to master the
language needed in the target situations ).





Communication skill How to communicate You must be able  Speaking
with other students , to speak clearly to
other teacher , students, other
parents , and teachers , parents,  Reading body
administration and administration signal
officials officials.

Instructions skills How to give You will have to  Speaking

instructions to explain new ideas  Reading body
students . and unfamiliar signal
concept with
authority and in a
clear and concise
way so that
student can
understand. You
must work to keep
the student’s
Writing skills How to write Teacher write  Writing
progress reports,
notes home and in
the case of post
teachers, publish
research. writing
skill are critical
Patience How to be patience to The students you  Expressing
deal with students work with will relate with other
have different and people
abilities . patience
will have teachers  Making
deal with student decision
who act out or
have trouble  Mediation
following the
People skill How to act your skill Engaging parents  Relating with
and creating other people
relationship with
students and
faculty will have
create a quality
Creativity How to be creative Teacher have to  Speaking
find ways to  Extensive
involve students in reading
their lessons.  Writing
Additionally ,  Reading
teachers may have
to work with
different learning
styles to get the
most out of each

Brindley,G., 1989.’’The Role of needs analysis in Adult ESL Program Design.’’ in R.K Johnson (ed). The
Second Language curriculum. Cambridge : CUP.pp.63-78.

Crook,Tonny,1991.’’A Skill-Bases Approach to Language Need analysis for Hotel personnel –

A case study ‘’ A Paper presented at TEFLIN Seminar 37 at FKIP Unram mataram Lombok.

Dubin, F.& E. Olshtain , 1988.Course Design : Developing programs and materials for
language learning. Cambridge :CUP

Hutchinson and Walters. 1993. English for Specific purpose. Cambridge : Cambridge University

Krahnke,Karl,1987.Approaches to Syllabus Design for Foreign Language Teaching. Englewood

Cliffs: Prentice Hall Regents.

Brown,J.D. ,1996.Testing in Language Programs.New Jersey : Prentice Hall Regents.

Docking,R.,1994.’’Competency-Based Curricula: A Literature Review’’, Prospect :A Journal of

Australian TESOL.Vol 1 ,No 2 ,pp.8-17.

Hagan,P., 1994’’ Competency –Based Curriculum: The NWS AMES Experience’’,Prospect: A

Journal of Australian TESOL.Vol.9,No,pp,30-40.

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