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Complexation of glutarimidedioxime with Fe(III),

Cu(II), Pb(II), and Ni(II), the competing ions for the
Published on 07 August 2013. Downloaded by Seton Hall University on 26/09/2014 12:53:11.

Cite this: Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 14621

sequestration of U(VI) from seawater†

Xiaoqi Sun,a,b Chao Xu,a,c Guoxin Tiana and Linfeng Rao*a

The stability constants of the complexes of Fe(III), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Ni(II) with glutarimidedioxime, a ligand
that has significant implications in the sequestration of uranium from seawater with amidoxime-based
sorbents, were determined by potentiometry. The enthalpies of complexation for the Fe(III)/glutarimide-
dioxime complexes were determined by microcalorimetry. Compared with the data for the complexation
of U(VI) with glutarimidedioxime in the literature, Fe(III) forms much stronger complexes with glutarimide-
Received 2nd July 2013,
dioxime and is expected to affect the efficiency of uranium sequestration from seawater by competing
Accepted 6th August 2013
for the sorption sites of the amidoxime-based sorbents. The structures of two Fe(III)/glutarimidedioxime
DOI: 10.1039/c3dt51767e
complexes were identified by single-crystal X-ray diffractometry, and helped to interpret the stronger complexation of Fe(III) with glutarimidedioxime than that of U(VI).

Introduction Table 1 Concentrations of some metal ions in seawater6

Sequestration of uranium from seawater has recently become a Element Concentration (mg kg−1)
subject of research1–4 with substantially high interest because
U 0.0033
of the huge demand in uranium as a fuel in the nuclear energy Na 10 800
systems and the massive quantities of uranium in seawater. K 392
Mg 1290
Though the concentration of uranium in seawater is extremely
Ca 411
low (3.3 μg L−1),1,5 the total amount of uranium is estimated to Fe 0.0034
be 4.5 billion metric tons in the ocean, more than a thousand Cu 0.0009
Ni 0.0066
times as much as that in terrestrial ores. However, extraction
Pb 0.00003
of uranium from seawater is extremely challenging not only
because uranium is present in very low concentrations, but
also because many other cations including transition metal ion exchange,9,10 membrane separation,11,12 flotation,13 and
ions also exist in seawater, some of which are in concen- sorption.14 Among these, sorption of uranium by fiber
trations higher than or comparable to that of uranium materials functionalized with amidoxime-related ligand
(Table 1). As a result, the process for the sequestration of groups has shown the best promise. Kilogram quantities of
uranium must be very efficient and highly selective. uranium were collected in 30-day marine tests in Japan.3
Many technologies have been investigated for the sequestra- Based on the most optimistic estimate, the cost of collect-
tion of uranium from seawater, including solvent extraction,7,8 ing uranium from seawater with the amidoxime-based sor-
bents currently developed in Japan is at least 2–3 times the
spot market price of uranium.3 To make the process economi-
Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron cally competitive, the sorption efficiency for uranium and the
Rd., Berkeley, California 94720, USA. E-mail:; Fax: +01 5104865596;
selectivity over other metal ions must be improved. Thermo-
Tel: +01 5104865427
Xiamen Institute of Rare Earth Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences, dynamic and structural studies should be conducted to evalu-
Xiamen 361021, China ate the binding strength of amidoxime-related ligands with U(VI)
Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, and other major metal ions, and provide guidance in
Beijing 100084, China designing new ligands and optimizing the preparation of sor-
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental conditions
of spectrophotometry and potentiometry, the CIF and Checkcif files for FeHACl2
bents. Recent studies from this group have shown that U(VI)
and FeHA2·8H2O. CCDC 947989 and 947990. For ESI and crystallographic data forms fairly strong complexes with glutarimidedioxime
in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/c3dt51767e (Fig. 1), a probable ligand configuration on the amidoxime-

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pH meter (Model 713) equipped with a Ross combination pH

electrode (Orion Model 8102), a Metrohm dosimat (Model
765), and a computer. The temperature of the titration cell was
maintained at 25.0 ± 0.1 °C by an external circulating water
bath. An inert atmosphere, Ar, was used to prevent the sorp-
tion of CO2 by the solution in the cell during the titration. The
original inner solution (3 M KCl) of the electrode was replaced
Fig. 1 Glutarimidedioxime (H2A). with 1 M NaCl to reduce the electrode junction potential.
In the potentiometric titrations, the concentration of hydro-
based sorbents at seawater pH and carbonate concentrations.15 gen ions was determined from the measured electromotive
Published on 07 August 2013. Downloaded by Seton Hall University on 26/09/2014 12:53:11.

To provide thermodynamic data to help evaluate the compe- force (EMF, in millivolts). The EMF in acidic and basic regions
tition between U(VI) and other metal ions in the sequestration can be expressed by eqn (1) and (2), respectively.
process, the present study has been conducted with a focus on E ¼ E 0 þ RT=F ln½Hþ  þ γ H ½Hþ  ð1Þ
the complexation of glutarimidedioxime with major transition
metal ions (Fe, Cu, and Ni) and Pb, because the seawater tests E ¼ E 0 þ RT=F lnðQw =½OH Þ þ γ OH ½OH  ð2Þ
in Japan showed that the sorption coefficients of these ions
where R is the gas constant, F is the Faraday constant, and T is
are comparable or even higher than that of U(VI).2,3 Stability
the temperature in K. Qw = [H+][OH−]. The last terms, γH[H+] in
constants of the complexes for Fe(III), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Ni(II)
eqn (1) and γOH[OH−] in eqn (2), are the electrode junction
were determined. Because Fe(III) was found to form the stron-
potentials for the hydrogen ion or the hydroxide ion (ΔEj,H+ or
gest complexes, further thermodynamic and structural studies
ΔEj,OH−), assumed to be proportional to the concentration of
of Fe(III)/glutarimidedioxime complexes, including microcalori-
the hydrogen or hydroxide ions. Prior to each titration, an
metry and single crystal X-ray diffractometry, were performed.
acid/base titration with standard HCl and NaOH was per-
Data from this work, in conjunction with the previous data on
formed to obtain the electrode parameters of E0, γH, and γOH.
the complexation of U(VI) with glutarimidedioxime, allow a
These parameters allowed the calculation of hydrogen ion con-
quantitative evaluation of the competition between U(VI) and
centrations from the EMF in the subsequent titration. For each
these metal ions.
of the four metal ions, multiple titrations were conducted with
In this paper, the glutarimidedioxime ligand is denoted as H2A,
solutions of different concentrations of the metal ions (CM),
where A2− represents the fully deprotonated glutarimidedioxime.
the glutarimidedioxime ligand (CA), and total proton (CH). The
potentiometric titration data were analyzed to obtain the stabi-
lity constants of the complexes between the metal ions and
Experimental glutarimidedioxime by the Hyperquad 2008 program.17
All chemicals were of reagent-grade or higher. Boiled/cooled
Milli-Q water was used in the preparation of solutions. All The enthalpy of the complexation of Fe(III) with glutarimide-
experiments were conducted at 25 °C and an ionic strength of dioxime at 25 °C was determined using an isothermal titration
0.5 M (NaCl). Glutarimidedioxime (H2A) was synthesized, puri- microcalorimeter (ITC 4200, Calorimetry Sciences Corp.).
fied, and characterized by 1H NMR and potentiometric titra- Detailed information on the microcalorimeter and its cali-
tions as described elsewhere.15 Stock solutions of Fe(III), Cu(II), bration has been provided previously.15,18 Multiple titrations
Pb(II), and Ni(II) in hydrochloric acid were prepared by dissol- were performed to reduce the uncertainty of results using
ving corresponding chlorides in aqueous solutions of HCl. The different CM, CA, and CH. The reaction heats measured by
concentrations of Fe(III), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Ni(II) in the stock microcalorimetry were used, in conjunction with the equili-
solutions were determined by complexometry using standard brium constants obtained by potentiometry, to calculate
EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) as the titrant under the enthalpy of complexation with the computer program
different conditions: for Fe(III), PAN (1-(2-pyridylazo)-2- HypDeltaH.18
naphthol) as the indicator (yellow to red) in pH 4.8 acetate
buffer; for Cu(II), murexide as the indicator (orange to red) in Single-crystal X-ray diffractometry
pH 4 acetate buffer; for Ni(II), murexide as the indicator (orange Two crystals of Fe(III)/glutarimidedioxime complexes, Fe(HA)-
to colorless) in pH 10 ammonium buffer; for Pb(II), xylenol Cl2 and FeHA2·8H2O, were obtained. The red plate crystal of
orange as the indicator (red to brilliant yellow) in pH 6 hexa- the 1 : 1 metal–ligand complex, Fe(HA)Cl2, was obtained by
methylenediamine solution. The concentrations of hydrochloric recrystallization from an aqueous solution containing FeCl3
acid in the stock solutions were determined by Gran’s titration.16 and H2A (molar ratio = 1 : 1) with excess pyridine. The red
crystal of the 1 : 2 metal–ligand complex, FeHA2·8H2O, was
Potentiometry obtained by slow evaporation from 1 mL solution containing
Potentiometric titrations were conducted using an automatic Fe2(SO4)3 and Na2A (molar ratio = 1 : 2.1). The crystals were
titration system consisting of a glass titration cell, a Metrohm mounted on a Cryoloop with Paratone oil. Data were collected

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in a nitrogen gas stream at 100(2) K using phi and omega Results

scans, on the diffractometer in the X-ray Crystallography Facil-
ity of College of Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley. Stability constants
The data were integrated using the Bruker SAINT program and Detailed conditions of the potentiometric titrations are pro-
scaled using the TWINABS program. Solution by direct vided in ESI.† Representative titrations, one for each metal ion,
methods (SIR-97) produced a complete heavy-atom phasing are shown in Fig. 2. Best models to fit the potentiometric data
model consistent with the proposed structure. All non-hydro- include the formation of a number of complexes between
gen atoms were refined anisotropically by full-matrix least- glutarimidedioxime and the metal ions, including MA, MHA,
squares (SHELXL-2013) utilizing the full data set. All hydrogen MA2, MHA2 and MH2A2, as represented by eqn (3) (the electri-
atoms were placed using a riding model. Their positions were cal charges of the species are omitted for clarity):
Published on 07 August 2013. Downloaded by Seton Hall University on 26/09/2014 12:53:11.

constrained relative to their parent atom using the appropriate

M þ mH þ nA ¼ MHm An ð3Þ
HFIX command in SHELXL-2013. Details of the crystallo-
graphic data and structure refinement are shown in Table 2. where m = 0, 1, or 2, n = 1 or 2. For the titrations of the Fe(III)/
glutarimidedioxime system, it was necessary to include a
species denoted as FeH−1A22− (or Fe(OH)A22−) in the model to
improve the goodness of fitting in the region of high pCH
(>10). This species could be a ternary hydrolyzed complex as
Table 2 Crystallographic data and structure refinement
Fe(OH)A22− or a binary Fe(III)/glutarimidedioxime complex as
Identification code Fe(HA)Cl2 FeHA2·8H2O FeH−1A22− resulting from the further deprotonation of FeA2−.
In the calculation, the values of the protonation constants of
Empirical formula C5H8.62Cl2FeN3O2.25 C10H31FeN6O12
Formula weight 273.52 483.26 glutarimidedioxime were taken from the previous study15 and
Temperature 100(2) K 100(2) K confirmed by additional potentiometric titrations at 25 °C and
Wavelength 0.71073 Å 0.71073 Å in 0.5 M NaCl in this study. The calculated stability constants
Crystal system Orthorhombic Monoclinic
Space group P212121 P2(1)/c of the metal complexes are given in Table 3.
Unit cell a = 9.3249(5) Å α = 90° a = 14.102(4) Å α = 90°
dimensions b = 9.4984(4) Å β = 90° b = 11.929(3) Å Enthalpy of complexation
β = 91.976(3)°
c = 22.7056(8) Å γ = 90° c = 12.857(3) Å γ = 90° Detailed conditions of the microcalorimetric titrations are pro-
Volume 2011.07(15) Å3 2161.5(9) Å3
vided in ESI.† Fig. 3 shows a representative titration of Fe(III)/
Z 8 4
Density 1.807 Mg m−3 1.485 Mg m−3
Absorption 2.005 mm−1 0.765 mm−1
F(000) 1101 1020
Crystal size 0.08 × 0.06 × 0.02 mm3 0.12 × 0.10 ×
0.04 mm3
Crystal color/habit Red plate Red plate
Theta range for 1.794 to 25.358° 1.44 to 25.42°
data collection
Index ranges −11 ≤ h ≤ 11, −11 ≤ k ≤ −16 ≤ h ≤ 16, −14 ≤ k
11, −27 ≤ l ≤ 27 ≤ 14, −15 ≤ l ≤ 15
Reflections 26 858 47 520
Independent 14 493 [R(int) = 0.0633] 3972 [R(int) = 0.0252]
Completeness to 99.9% 100.0%
theta = 25.00°
Absorption Semi-empirical from Semi-empirical from
correction equivalents equivalents
Max. and min. 0.929 and 0.789 0.9701 and 0.9138
Refinement Full-matrix least-squares Full-matrix least-
method on F2 squares on F2
Data/restraints/ 14 493/0/246 3972/0/262
Goodness-of-fit on 0.975 1.062
Fig. 2 Potentiometric titration for the complexation of glutarimidedioxime
Final R indices R1 = 0.0479, wR2 = 0.0971 R1 = 0.0247,
[I > 2σ(I)] wR2 = 0.0653 (H2A) with metal ions, I = 0.5 M NaCl, t = 25 °C. Titration conditions are provided
R indices (all data) R1 = 0.0605, wR2 = 0.1031 R1 = 0.0265, in ESI.† Gray circles – experimental pCH, dashed black line – fitted pCH (right
wR2 = 0.0669 y-axis). Solid color lines – the percentages of metal complexes with H2A (left
Absolute structure 0.028(16) y-axis); Fe: 1 – Fe(HA)2+, 2 – Fe(HA)2+, 3 – FeHA2, 4 – FeA2−, 5 – Fe(OH)A22−;
parameter Cu: 1 – Cu2+, 2 – Cu(HA)+, 3 – CuA, 4 – CuHA2−, 5 – CuA22−; Pb: 1 – Pb2+, 2
Largest diff. peak 0.744 and −0.431 e Å−3 0.420 and – Pb(HA)+, 3 – PbA, 4 – PbHA2−, 5 – PbA22−; Ni: 1 – Ni2+, 2 – NiA, 3 – NiHA2−,
and hole −0.440 e Å−3 4 – NiA22−.

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Table 3 Stability constants of the glutarimidedioxime complexes with Fe(III), Cu(II), Pb(II), and Ni(II) in comparison with U(VI) (25 °C, I = 0.5 M NaCl). Data for U(VI) are
from ref. 15

log β

Reactions UO22+ Fe3+ Cu2+ Pb2+ Ni2+

Mj+ + A2− = MAj−2 17.8 ± 1.1 18.94 ± 0.05 14.28 ± 0.02 10.32 ± 0.03
Mj+ + H+ + A2− = M(HA)j−1 22.7 ± 1.3 25.66 ± 1.09 22.71 ± 0.04 21.78 ± 0.05
Mj+ + 2A2− = MA2j−4 27.5 ± 2.3 36.02 ± 1.07 24.45 ± 0.11 19.38 ± 0.22 16.74 ± 0.07
Mj+ + H+ + 2A2− = MHA2j−3 36.8 ± 2.1 43.94 ± 1.08 35.77 ± 0.11 29.96 ± 0.23 27.05 ± 0.10
Mj+ + 2H+ + 2A2− = MH2A2j−2 43.0 ± 1.1 49.71 ± 1.08
Mj+ + H2O + 2A2− = M(OH)A2j−5 + H+ 25.73 ± 1.08
Published on 07 August 2013. Downloaded by Seton Hall University on 26/09/2014 12:53:11.

Table 4 Enthalpy and entropy of Fe(III)/glutarimidedioxime complexation

(25 °C, I = 0.5 M NaCl)

Reactiona ΔH (kJ mol−1) ΔS (J K−1 mol−1)

H+ + A2− = HA− −36.1 ± 0.5 110 ± 2

2H+ + A2− = H2A −69.7 ± 0.9 202 ± 3
3H+ + A2− = H3A+ −77 ± 6 218 ± 14
Fe3+ + H+ + A2− = FeHA2+ −63 ± 2 283 ± 28

3+ 2−
Fe + 2A = FeA2 −64 ± 3 479 ± 32
Fe3+ + H+ + 2A2− = FeHA2 −91 ± 3 536 ± 31
Fe3+ + 2H+ + 2A2− = FeH2A2+ −113 ± 3 573 ± 31
3+ 2−
Fe + H2O + 2A = Fe(OH)A2 + H2− +
−50 ± 3 325 ± 30
Enthalpy and entropy of protonation are from ref. 15.

Fig. 3 Calorimetric titration of the complexation of Fe(III) with glutarimidedi-

oxime (H2A), I = 0.5 M NaCl, t = 25 °C. Initial solution: V = 0.900 mL, CFe =
0.911 mM, CA = 1.89 mM, CH = 4.08 mM; Titrant: 0.0213 M NaOH (5.0 μL per
addition). (upper) thermogram; (lower) total heat (right y axis, O – experimental,
dashed line – fit) and speciation of Fe(III) (left y axis) vs. the titrant volume.
1 – Fe(HA)2+, 2 – Fe(HA)2+, 3 – FeHA2, 4 – FeA2−, 5 – Fe(OH)A22−.

Fig. 4 Crystal structures of [Fe(HA)Cl2] (top, only 1 component of the twinned

crystal is shown) and [FeHA2·8H2O] (bottom). Water molecules are omitted for
glutarimidedioxime complexation. The total reaction heat, clarity.
Q,r,j, as well as the distribution of Fe(III) species, is shown as a
function of the titrant volume. From the reaction heat and the
stability constants of the Fe(III) complexes, the enthalpies as data were integrated simultaneously using the Bruker SAINT
well as the entropies of complexation were calculated and software program and scaled using the TWINABS software
listed in Table 4. program. Data were not merged due to the presence of the 2
component twin. For the FeHA2·8H2O complex that crystalized
Crystal structures of Fe(III)/glutarimidedioxime complexes in a primitive, monoclinic lattice, the space group was found
Single-crystal structures of the 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 metal–ligand com- to be P2(1)/c (No. 14). Major bond lengths and angles of the
plexes, Fe(HA)Cl2 and FeHA2·8H2O, are shown in Fig. 4. For two structures are summarized in Table 5.
the Fe(HA)Cl2 complex, indexing and unit cell refinement The bond lengths of Fe–O and Fe–N are of particular inter-
(CELLNOW) indicated a non-merohedral twinned but primi- est because, in comparison with the U–O and U–N bond
tive, orthorhombic lattice, consisting of 2 components. The lengths in the UO2(HA)2 complex,15 they have demonstrated
space group was found to be P212121 (No. 19). The twinned the stronger binding of Fe(III) with glutarimidedioxime than

14624 | Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 14621–14627 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
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Table 5 Major bond distances (Å) and angles (°) in the Fe(III)/glutarimide- shorter than the U–O and U–N bonds in the glutarimidedi-
dioxime complexes oxime complexes. Because the Fe(III) atomic radius (0.55 Å and
0.645 Å for low spin and high spin complexes, respectively) is
Fe(HA)Cl2 FeHA2·8H2O
only 0.18 Å (low-spin) or 0.085 Å (high-spin) shorter than the
N(2)–Fe(1) 2.005(8) 2.0298(13) U(VI) atomic radius (0.73 Å), the crystal structures have indeed
N(5)–Fe(1) 2.0035(13) demonstrated much stronger covalent bonding of glutarimide-
O(1)–Fe(1) 2.017(7) 2.0465(11)
O(2)–Fe(1) 2.021(6) 2.0569(12) dioxime with Fe(III) than U(VI).
O(3)–Fe(1) 2.0268(11) The interpretation of the order of binding strength for
O(4)–Fe(1) 2.0692(11) Cu(II), Ni(II), and Pb(II) may not be that straightforward. In fact,
Cl(1)–Fe(1) 2.220(3)
Cl(2)–Fe(1) 2.227(3) these ions preferably form complexes with different coordi-
Published on 07 August 2013. Downloaded by Seton Hall University on 26/09/2014 12:53:11.

∠N(2)–Fe(1)–O(1) 75.7(3) 74.79(5) nation numbers and geometry. For example, Cu(II) tends to
∠N(2)–Fe(1)–O(2) 75.3(3) 74.55(5) form 4-coordinated square-planar or 5-coordinated square pyr-
∠N(5)–Fe(1)–O(4) 73.79(5)
∠N(5)–Fe(1)–O(3) 76.03(5) amidal complexes with mixed O,N-donor ligands such as
Schiff bases.20 Pb(II) often forms 6-coordinated octahedral
complexes while the 4-coordinated square-planar complexes of
that of U(VI), in agreement with the thermodynamic trend in Ni(II) are most numerous.19 The order of binding strength for
the binding strength measured by potentiometry. these ions might be a composite result of all the affecting
factors including ionic radii, coordination number, geometry,
as well as the nature of the bonding orbitals. For example,
Discussion Pb(II) forms weaker complexes with glutarimidedioxime than
Fe(III), U(VI), and Cu(II), probably due to, among all factors, its
Binding strengths of glutarimidedioxime with Fe(III), Cu(II), lower charge density. In the case of Ni(II), it is probably
Pb(II), and Ni(II), in comparison with U(VI) difficult for the most preferred square-planar geometry to
Data in Table 3 show a general sequence of binding strength accommodate the tridentate ligands such as glutarimidedi-
of glutarimidedioxime as: Fe(III) > U(VI) ∼ Cu(II) > Pb(II) > Ni(II). oxime so that the Ni(II) complexes are expected to be weaker
The binding strength of glutarimidedioxime with Fe(III) is than other complexes.
much stronger than that with U(VI): the stability constants of Because of the much stronger complexation of glutarimide-
the Fe(III) complexes, FeHA2+, FeA2−, FeHA2 and FeH2A2+, are 3, dioxime with Fe(III) than U(VI) and the higher molar concen-
8.5, 7, and 6.7 orders of magnitude higher, respectively, than tration of Fe(III) than U(VI) in seawater ([Fe] = 3.4 ppb ≈ 6.1 ×
those of the corresponding U(VI) complexes. The order of the 10−8 M; ([U] = 3.3 ppb ≈ 1.4 × 10−8 M), Fe(III) is expected to be
binding strength can be rationalized by taking into consider- a very strong competitor with U(VI) in the collection of U(VI)
ation a few factors including the ionic radii, the effective from seawater by amidoxime-based sorbents. A speciation
charge, the nature of the bonding orbitals, and the steric diagram (Fig. 5), calculated with the stability constants and
requirements in these complexes. the concentrations of Fe(III), U(VI), and total carbonate in sea-
For the coordination number of 6, the ionic radii of the water, indicated that the dominant species of Fe(III) and U(VI)
ions under study decrease in the order: Pb(II) (1.19 Å) > Cu(II)
(0.73 Å) ∼ U(VI) (0.73 Å) > Ni(II) (0.69 Å) > Fe(III) (0.55 Å for “low-
spin” complexes and 0.645 Å for “high-spin” complexes).19
Obviously, the highest binding strength of Fe(III) with glutari-
midedioxime results from its highest ionic charge and smal-
lest radius in this series. Besides, the much stronger binding
strength of Fe(III) than U(VI) could also originate from the
difference in the nature of the binding. In the Fe(III) complex,
participation of the d-orbitals of Fe(III) allows a large overlap
with the donor atom orbitals (from O and N), forming strong
covalent bonds. In contrast, in the U(VI) complex, the f-orbitals
are less extended and less overlapped with the donor atom
orbitals, forming coordination bonds with lower covalency.
Consequently, Fe(III) forms much stronger complexes with glu-
tarimidedioxime than U(VI). The crystal structures of Fe(HA)Cl2
and FeHA2·8H2O from this work (Fig. 4 and Table 5) and that
of UO2(HA)2 from the previous work15 support this argument.
In the glutarimidedioxime complexes, the Fe–O and Fe–N
bond distances range from 2.00 to 2.06 Å (Table 5), while the Fig. 5 Speciation of U(VI) and Fe(III) in the presence of 0.01 M glutarimidedi-
U–O and U–N bond distances range from 2.43 to 2.56 Å,15 oxime as a function of pH. CA = 0.01 M, CU = 3.3 ppb, CFe = 3.4 ppb, Ccarbonate =
meaning that the Fe–O and Fe–N bonds are 0.43–0.50 Å 0.0023 M.

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are FeA2− and UO2HA2−, respectively, at the seawater pH 8.3, were identified in the literature,24–36 but no structures of Fe(III)
and that, if the amount of ligand is sufficient for complexing complexes with glutarimidedioxime have been reported. In the
both Fe(III) and U(VI), the molar concentration of FeA2− is more recently-reported crystal structures of Fe(III) complexes, a
than 4 times that of UO2HA2−. As a result, the number of number of coordination modes were identified in the poly-
effective sites that could be available for the sorption of nuclear complexes with pyrazine-2-amidoxime (H2pzaox),
uranium would be reduced because a larger portion of the [Fe11(μ4-O)7(μ2-O)3(Hpzaox)9(H2O)6Cl]Cl3·5CH3OH·5H2O and
sorbent sites is occupied by Fe(III). If the number of effective [Fe3(Hpzaox)6]Cl2·10H2O, involving the oxygen and nitrogen
sites are limited and insufficient to accommodate all Fe(III) atoms of the oxime, amide, and pyrazine moieties.36
and U(VI), the molar ratio of sorbed Fe(III) to U(VI) could be The crystal structures of Fe(III) complexes from this work
even higher than 4 because Fe(III) forms much stronger com- (Fig. 4) are the only mono-nuclear Fe(III) complexes with glutar-
Published on 07 August 2013. Downloaded by Seton Hall University on 26/09/2014 12:53:11.

plexes than U(VI). In fact, the sorption experiments in Japan imidedioxime that have been reported. In the 1 : 1 metal–
using seawater showed that the distribution coefficient of ligand complex (Fe(HA)Cl2), the ligand coordinates to the iron
Fe(III) was about 10 times that of U(VI).2,3 atom in a tridentate mode through the two oxime oxygen
atoms and the imide nitrogen atom. The proton of the oxime
Effect of temperature on the complexation of group is rearranged from the oxygen atom to the nitrogen
glutarimidedioxime with Fe(III) – implications on the atom, and the middle imide group is deprotonated (HA−) to
selectivity of amidoxime-based sorbents at different coordinate to Fe3+. In the 1 : 2 metal–ligand complex (FeHA2),
temperatures the two ligand units are not identical: one is HA− and the
In a previous study,15 the major overall reaction for the inter- other is A2−. Both HA− and A2− are tridentate with two oxime
actions of glutarimidedioxime with U(VI) was written as eqn oxygens and one imido nitrogen coordinating to the center Fe
(4), based on the thermodynamic parameters on the speciation atom. Similar to the coordination mode in the UO2(HA)2
of carbonate,21 the glutarimidedioxime ligand and its com- complex,15 the HA− ligand coordinates to Fe3+ through a conju-
plexes with U(VI). gated system with delocalization of electron density on –O–N–
C–N–C–N–O–, resulting in very strong complexes. However,
UO2 ðCO3 Þ3 4 þ 2H2 A ¼ UO2 HA2  þ 3HCO3  ð4Þ difference can be observed in the coordination strength and
− 4− mode between the complexes with U(VI) and Fe(III). As dis-
Using the enthalpy values for HCO3 and UO2(CO3)3 in
cussed in a previous section, the difference in the bond dis-
the literature21,22 and for H2A and UO2(HA)A− from the pre-
tances between the Fe–O/Fe–N bonds in Fe(III) complexes
vious work,15 the enthalpy of reaction (4) was calculated to be
(2.00–2.06 Å) and the U–O/U–N bonds in UO2(HA)2
+16.7 kJ mol−1.15 This means that the overall sequestration of
(2.43–2.56 Å)15 (Table 5) is 0.43–0.50 Å, much larger than the
U(VI) from seawater by glutarimidedioxime is endothermic,
difference in the atomic radii between Fe(III) and U(VI) (0.18 Å
and that the efficiency of sequestration of U(VI) should be
for low-spin Fe(III) – 0.085 Å for high-spin Fe(III)). This means,
enhanced at higher temperatures.
the crystal structures of Fe(III)/glutarimidedioxime complexes
In the case of Fe(III), data in the literature21,23 imply that, in
from this work indicate that Fe(III) forms much shorter and
the pH region around 8–9 and in the presence of carbonate,
stronger covalent bonding with glutarimidedioxime than U(VI).
Fe(III) could probably exist as Fe(OH)3(aq) and/or Fe(OH)CO3(aq).
It is noteworthy that, in contrast to the almost perfectly planar
Though the enthalpies of the formation of these species are
–O–N–C–N–C–N–O– moieties in the equatorial plane of the
not known, the dissociation of these species is expected to be
linear UO22+ cation in the UO2(HA)2 complex,15 the –O–N–C–
highly endothermic. Therefore, for the probable overall reac-
N–C–N–O– moiety in Fe(HA)Cl2 or FeHA2 deviates slightly from
tions of (5) or (6), a rough estimate suggests that the enthalpy
a plane, probably due to the short ionic radius of Fe3+ and the
of reaction is endothermic:
steric hindrance resulting from the octahedral coordination of
FeðOHÞ3 ðaqÞ þ 2H2 A þ OH ¼ FeA2  þ 4H2 O ð5Þ Fe3+.

FeðOHÞCO3 ðaqÞ þ 2H2 A þ 2OH

¼ FeA2  þ 3H2 O þ HCO3  ð6Þ Conclusion
Because the enthalpies of reactions for the overall reactions Thermodynamic data from this work show that the binding
of U(VI) and Fe(III) are both endothermic (and probably of strength of glutarimidedioxime with major transition metal
similar magnitude), the sorption of U(VI) and Fe(III) would all ions, Pb(II), and U(VI) cations follows the order: Fe(III) > U(VI) ∼
be enhanced at higher temperatures. Consequently, higher Cu(II) > Pb(II) > Ni(II). This trend in the binding strength
temperatures may not help to improve the selectivity of the reflects the composite effect of a number of factors including
amidoxime-based sorbents for U(VI) over Fe(III). the effective ionic charge, ionic radii, coordination number
and geometry, and the nature of electronic orbitals participat-
Coordination modes ing in the bonding. The much stronger binding of Fe(III) with
A number of crystal structures of transition metal complexes glutarimidedioxime than U(VI) is due to the higher charge
(Co, Ni, Cu, Mo, Pt, and Fe) with amidoxime-related ligands density of Fe(III) and the higher covalency in the Fe(III)/

14626 | Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 14621–14627 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
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