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Chittagong Independent University

School of Business; Program: MBA (Spring 2021); Course: Principles of Management (MBA 521)


Question: 1

A company has strength in developing new products (strength). They also identify that there is an increase in demand
forecasted for their product (opportunity). Their competitors also do not have the capability to meet this demand
(another opportunity). The company though does not have a strong advertising ability (weakness) and there may be a
lack of skilled workers in their area (threat).

a) Based on this scenario, which one is the best strategy for the company – growth or stability? Why?
b) Identify the action plans for this company using SWOT analysis.

Question 2:

You are floating on a private ship in the south Atlantic. Due to a fire of unknown origin, much of the ship and its
contents have been destroyed. The ship is now slowly sinking. Your location is unclear because important navigational
equipment was destroyed and you and the crew were troubled in trying to bring the fire under control. Your best
estimate is that you are approximately 1,000 miles south-southeast of the nearest land.

Following is a list of 15 items that are intact and undamaged after the fire. In addition to these items, you have a
serviceable rubber life-raft with oars large enough to carry yourself, the crew, and the entire item listed. The total
contents of all survivors’ pockets are a package of cigarettes, several matches, and some dollars.

Your task is to rank the following 15 items in terms of their importance to your survival. Place the number 1 by the
most important item, the number to by the second most important and so on. Give logic in favor of your 1 st five
selected items.

_____ Sextant _____ 1 case of canned food _____ Small transistor radio ____ 15 feet of nylon rope

_____ Shaving mirror _____ Maps of Atlantic Ocean _____ Shark repellent _____ 2 boxes of chocolate

_____ Five-gallon can of water _____ Seat cushion _____ 20 square feet plastic _____ Fishing Kit

_____ Mosquito net _____ Two-gallon can of oil _____ 100 bottles of Coca-Cola

Question 3:

Can you identify 10 situations/factors when you felt Can you identify 10 situations/factors when you felt
exceptionally good about your job exceptionally bad about your job
1. 1.
2. 2.
Classify these responses according to Hertzberg's two-factor theory.

Question 4:

Watch the YouTube video using following link and make a summary of the topic discussed in the video.

(Submit the soft copy of the assignment to the instructor on or before April 01, 2021)

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