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Electronics Engineering

1. In your own words, describe the following:

a. Electronics engineering
Electronics engineering is a subfield of electrical engineering that focuses on
electronic circuits, system and devices in order to develop, research, integrate and
apply it to perform functional tasks such as transmitting information. Electronic
engineers design electrical devices such as cell phones and electronic hardware. It
utilizes electronic technology to produce electronic items and systems.
b. Areas of electronics engineering
Instrumentation and Control engineering focuses on designing, developing,
testing, maintaining and modifying control systems and devices used in order to monitor
and control a wide range of industrial processes and machineries.
Robotics and Automation engineering focuses on control systems and
information technologies in order to design and create robots and the computers used
to manipulate and process them.
Communication engineering focuses on the design, development, production and
modification of electronic and communication equipment and systems for scientific,
military, industrial or commercial use.
Signal Processing engineering uses information technologies to analyze, alter
and synthesize analog or digital signals.
Analog electronics engineering deals with electronic systems with varying
continuous signals and utilize them in order to design integrated circuits, electronic
boards or equipment.
Power Electronics engineering deals with converting electrical power to different
forms using the application of electronics. It focuses on the efficient conversion, control
and conditioning of electric power.

2. Which career in electronics engineering interests you? Why?

The career in Robotics and Automation engineer best interests me because it’s a
hands-on field where I can build and work on machines and robots and troubleshoot
them. And as more jobs get automated, I know that robotics will play a huge part in the
future. I really like working with robots, and I want to take part in the future that works
with robots. We also have this club in Senior High School named “Roboteens” in which
they create and design small robots as well as program them in order to perform
different tasks. They have competed in different places and I admire their passion in
Robotics, so I really wanted to try that field in the future. I am also fascinated with the
first humanoid robot named “Asimo” that is made by Honda, a company my father works
for, and I look forward in creating more robots like him. Aside from my fascination with
robots, I also want to help the industry by creating and modifying robots to speed up
manufacturing processes and maintain quality control.

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