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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Part 2: Twelve Management Options

Written by: Dr. Bahram Jam, PT

Advanced Physical Therapy Education Institute (APTEI), Thornhill, ON, Canada
January 3, 2017 Article published on “Clinical Library”

The first part of this paper systematic review found that good results were
discussed the clinical features achieved with conservative treatments in 76 to
and clinical tests for the three 100% of neurogenic TOS patients at short-term
primary classifications of follow-up and 59 to 88% after one year (Vanti et al
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 2007). However, poor outcomes with conservative
(TOS): arterial, venous and therapy were found when TOS was associated
neurogenic. The TOS with obesity and worker’s compensation (Novak et
classification was then further al 1995).
divided into Advanced or Simple. Patients with
Advanced TOS present with constant, obvious It is suggested that neurogenic TOS should be
vascular and/or neurological symptoms which can managed conservatively with physical therapy
be confirmed with various vascular imaging and including posture and activity modification,
nerve conduction tests (Sanders et al 2008). scaleni and pectoral stretches, neural
Advanced TOS often requires surgical mobilizations, manual therapies, upper extremity
interventions; fortunately the condition is strengthening exercises and if required,
relatively uncommon. pharmaceutical interventions for pain control
(Buller et al 2015). If symptoms become
On the other hand, patients with Simple TOS progressively worse despite conservative care,
present with more subtle and intermittent surgical consultation may be required for
neurological and/or vascular symptoms that are Advanced TOS (Buller et al 2015).
associated with specific postures and activities.
Medical imaging, vascular imaging and nerve The aim of this paper is to review 12 clinically
conduction tests are not indicated for Simple TOS applicable management strategies for TOS.
as the tests will likely prove negative. Based on a Admittedly, there are currently no studies to date
few clinical studies, Simple TOS may be to support any of the 12 management strategies on
effectively managed with conservative care (Vanti their own. Effective management of TOS likely
et al 2007). It is hypothesized that identification and involves a combination of strategies based on the
appropriate management of Simple TOS early on unique presentation and needs of each patient.
may prevent progression into Advanced TOS.

The 12 Conservative Management Options

Although there is controversy regarding the ideal
specific treatment of patients with TOS, there is
little debate that conservative management should
be attempted before surgery is considered. A

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Option #1: Repeated cervical extension range is reached, the elbows are brought together
The primary conservative intervention should while the thoracic spine is flexed. Each position is
include patient education on avoiding or at least held one second and repeated 3-5 times for every
limiting postures and activities that potentially hour of sitting.
aggravate TOS symptoms, such as sustained
slouched postures and neck flexion (Hooper at al Option #3: Limit Scapular depression
2010). In order to reduce traction forces on the brachial
plexus, sustained scapular depression must be
Self cervico-thoracic extension mobilizations can avoided. It is essential to instruct patients to limit
be valuable for interrupting prolonged flexed neck the carrying of a heavy purse over the affected
postures. The fingers of both hands are placed at shoulder. The carrying of heavy objects or
the T1-3 spinous processes and a cranial glide is suitcases with the affected arm should also be
sustained while the neck is actively retracted and temporarily limited.
extended. This cervical extension exercise may be
repeated 3-5 times for every hour of sitting.

Avoid carrying heavy Rest arm/elbow on

purse pillow

Interrupt prolong cervical Self cervico-thoracic It may also be beneficial to educate patients on the
flexion extension
use of pillows and arm rests to support the elbows,
therefore minimizing sustained traction forces on
Option #2: Repeated thoracic extension the brachial plexus.
The dynamic
“butterfly” stretch In severe and unresponsive
may be effective for cases of TOS, the temporary
extending the thoracic use of a sling for a few days
may prove to be valuable. Arm sling
spine and for
lengthening the
pectoral muscles. In Option #4: Scapular unloading taping
sitting, the hands are Taping may help provide proprioceptive feedback
clasped behind the to reduce scapular depression and unload stresses
head and elbows are on the brachial plexus. Have the patient support
drawn maximally their elbow in order to slightly elevate their
apart while the affected shoulder. The tape is applied starting
thoracic spine is from the deltoid insertion and then pulled across
Dynamic “Butterfly” the upper trapezius region to the T1-2 spinous
extended. Once end-
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For this particular effective method of
technique, a rigid relaxation and pain
versus an elastic tape management (Hilton
is recommended as it et al 2016).
may provide greater
physical support. The patient may
Potential risk of skin also be informed to Mindful diaphragmatic
irritation must be temporarily limit breathing to reduce over-
discussed with the vigorous aerobic activity of the scalene muscles
Scapular unloading taping
patient prior to tape activities that
application. encourage apical breathing and over-activity of
the scalene muscles (Walsh 1994).
Option #5: Sleeping posture modifications
If symptoms are particularly worse at night or in Option #7: First rib depression
the morning, sleeping posture modification is There are various manual therapies suggested for
recommended (Crosby et al 2004). A body pillow the mobilization of the first rib, however a daily
may help support the affected arm and prevent self-management strategy for addressing the first
prone lying. To prevent the arm from being raised rib may be more feasible. In sitting, the unaffected
above the shoulder while sleeping, the patient can hand is used to firmly push a tennis ball down on
be instructed to place their arm inside the shirt the affected first rib at the costo-clavicular space.
versus out of sleeve; limiting the unwanted The head is slightly tilted
shoulder abduction and traction on the brachial towards the ball in order to
plexus. relax the ipsi-lateral scalene
muscles. With each
exhalation the ball is pressed
caudally into the first rib in
order to assist its depression.
Sometimes immediate
improvement in active
shoulder flexion mobility is Self 1st Rib Caudal
Use of a body pillow may Arm inside shirt mobilization
provide support for the arm
noted after only 5-10 breaths.
to prevent arm
and prevent prone lying abduction at night
Option #8: Dynamic scalene stretching
Static passive scaleni muscle stretching has been
Option #6: Diaphragmatic breathing
suggested by several authors (Hooper et al 2010,
Relaxed diaphragmatic breathing may help reduce
Novak 1996). However, in my opinion, gentle
reliance on the accessory respiratory muscles such
dynamic active stretching of the scalene muscles
as the scaleni and lessen the potential elevation of
may provide greater relief and is less likely to
first rib. Scaleni muscle over-activity and an
cause a flare-up. The scalnei can be lengthened by
elevated first rib are proposed to be contributing
rotating and side bending the cervical spine away
factors to the development of TOS (Novak 2003).
then slightly into extension.
In addition, mindful breathing (which is a
component of mindfulness meditation) can be an
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This can be achieved by drawing a large figure 8 the bird” for the median nerve and “answer the
with the nose as if there is a pencil at the tip of the phone upside down” for the ulnar nerve. The
nose. This is best achieved patient may be instructed to perform 3-5 repetition
with the eyes closed and of each every 2 hours but to reduce the frequency
must be performed slowly and range if symptoms worsen.
and short of pain. The figure
8 neck movement will result Option #10: Shoulder strengthening
in the neck moving into all When tolerated, progressive
four quadrants. This exercise Dynamic scalnei non-aggravating upper
stretch using the
must be performed gently extremity strengthening
figure 8 pattern
and mindfully in order to exercises are necessary to
help normalize the tone of potentially hypertonic improve postural muscle
cervical muscles. endurance (Novak 2003).
Shoulder girdle
Option #9: Neural mobilization strengthening exercises
should focus on optimal
scapular upward rotation Shoulder press with
resistive band
and posterior tilting during
arm elevation. The ideal upper extremity exercise
program should include the shoulder press using
dumbbells or elastic resistance.

“Free the bird” neural mobilization

Option #11: Tissue
distraction release/cupping
Tissue distraction release
(TDR) may be an effective
method of reducing tension on
myofascial structures
TDR: Scaleni
contributing to TOS such as
the scaleni and the pectoral
muscles. TDR is a fairly
“Answer the phone upside painful procedure and can lead
down” neural mobilization
to significant temporary skin
discolouration, therefore it is
Various neural mobilizations have been imperative that informed TDR: Pectorals
recommended for TOS; these mobilizations must consent be received prior to
be performed in a pain-free manner to reduce the application. TDR cups including the e-manual
risk of symptom flare-up (Wehbe et al 2004). with instructions, indications and contra-
Examples of self-neural mobilizations as indications are available on .
described by David Butler (2005) include “free

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Option #12: Bra modification (if required)
In rare cases, heavy breasts in females may be a
contributing factor to the
sagging shoulder posture
and TOS symptoms.
Therefore, the use of
custom measured
supporting bra with
wide, crossed back straps
is recommended. In
Supporting bra with
exceptional cases, wide, crossed back First rib resection surgery
reduction mammoplasty Image courtesy of Youtube: University of Maryland Vascular Surgery
surgery has been
recommended, as women post breast reduction which involves scalenectomy, neurolysis and the
have demonstrated improved posture and reduced resection of the first rib. This surgery requires on
spinal pain associated with heavy breasts (Chao et al average 5 days of hospital stay (Vemuri et al 2013).
2002, Mackinnon et al 2002). Isolated pectoralis minor tenotomy is a relatively
low-risk outpatient surgery which has been shown
Surgical Management Options to be as effective as supraclavicular
In the past, TOS surgical interventions have been decompression on selected patients with
questioned “whether surgery should be done at all neurogenic TOS (Vemuri et al 2013).
for a condition that is vague and controversial.”
(Cherington 1992). However, the more recent studies Perhaps prior to considering surgery, there are
support surgical management for Advanced now some studies supporting botulinum toxin
arterial and venous TOS because of the potentially (BTX) injections for relaxing the anterior scalene,
limb-threatening complications that can result pectoralis minor and subclavius muscles in the
from the vascular compromise. A systematic management of TOS (Foley et al 2012), however
review has shown that 90% of patients with further research is needed.
arterial or venous TOS have significant
symptomatic relief following TOS decompression Summary
surgical procedures that also included vessel The aim of this two part paper was to review the
reconstruction (Peek et al 2016). Although classification system for diagnosing TOS and
potentially effective for arterial and venous TOS, discuss twelve potential physical therapy and self-
surgical interventions for neurogenic TOS have management options for treating this sometimes
been shown to have poor surgical outcomes, challenging condition. In rare cases, those who are
possibly because of previous irreversible nerve unresponsive to conservative care may require
damage (Buller et al 2015). further medical investigations and a surgical
consult. Future research investigating the efficacy
The most common surgical treatment for TOS is of physical therapy incorporating the twelve
referred to as supraclavicular decompression management options reviewed in this paper is

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