Soil Texture and Irrigation Influence The Transport and The Development of Pasteuria Penetrans

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Soil Biology & Biochemistry 36 (2004) 539–543

Short communication

Soil texture and irrigation influence the transport and the development
of Pasteuria penetrans, a bacterial parasite of root-knot nematodes
K.R. Dabiré*, T. Mateille1
UR IRD 51, Laboratoire de Nématologie, IRD, BP 1386, Dakar, Senegal
Received 22 June 2001; received in revised form 22 October 2003; accepted 27 October 2003

The transport of the spores of Pasteuria penetrans was studied in three contrasted textured soils (a sandy, a sandy-clay and a clay soils),
cultivated with tomato, inoculated with juveniles of Meloidogyne javanica and watered with 25 or 150 mm day21. One month after
inoculation of the nematodes, 53% of the spores inoculated were leached by water flow in the sandy soil but only 14% in the sandy-clay soil
and 0.1% in the clay soil. No nematodes survived in the clay soil, while the population was multiplied both in the sandy and in the sandy-clay
soils. But juveniles of M. javanica were more infected by P. penetrans in the sandy-clay soil than in the sandy soil. Comparing different
combinations of bare soils containing 1.1– 57% of clay showed that the best spore percolation and retention balance occurred in soils
amended with 10 – 30% clay. However, the spore recoveries decreased when the soil was enriched with more than 30% clay. The role of clay
particles on the extractability of spores and on their availability to attach to the nematode cuticle in the soil is discussed.
q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Clay; Meloidogyne javanica; Pasteuria penetrans; Percolation; Soil texture

1. Introduction predict the success of P. penetrans inocula in nematode

biological control management. The aim of this work is to
Pasteuria penetrans, an endospore-forming bacterium, investigate the influence of (i) the soil texture on the
was investigated as a biological control agent against plant- transport and the development of P. penetrans in cultivated
parasitic nematodes, especially the root-knot nematodes soils (ii) and the clay content on the transport and the
Meloidogyne spp. (Chen and Dickson, 1998). Some studies retention of spores in the bare soil.
were performed on the population dynamics of both
P. penetrans and Meloidogyne spp. in particular on
density-dependence (Ciancio and Bourijate, 1995). Few 2. Materials and methods
papers have reported the effects of some abiotic factors,
such as temperature or soil moisture (Serracin et al., 1997) Three native soils were used (Table 1). A sandy soil
and host plant (Giannakou et al., 1999) on the biological was sampled from a bare fallow at the experimental
control of Meloidogyne spp. populations. Research has also station of the Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles
been conducted on the influence of texture and ionic (ISRA, Cambérène, Sénégal). A clay soil was sampled
solution on the availability of the spores that attach to the from a bare fallow at the west valley of the Senegal river.
nematode cuticle (Mateille et al., 1995). However, knowl- Both soils were free of Meloidogyne spp. and of
edge about the survival and activity of the spores of P. penetrans. A sandy-clay soil was sampled from the
P. penetrans added to soils is lacking and is essential to experimental station of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure
d’Agriculture (ENSA, Thiès, Senegal), in a field culti-
* Corresponding author. Address: DABIRE Kounbobr Roch, vated with African egg-plants (Solanum aethiopicum
INERA/Station de Farako-Bâ, BP 208, Bobo-Dioulasso Burkina Faso. Soxna), and highly infested with Meloidogyne javanica
Tel.: þ 226-97-21-05; fax: þ 226-97-01-59.
E-mail address: (K.R. Dabiré).
(20 £ 103 juveniles cm21 of soil) and P. penetrans (80%
CBGP, Campus International de Baillarguet, CS 30016, 34988 of infected juveniles). The soils were autoclaved (24 h at
Montferrier-sur-Lez Cedex, France. 120 8C) before using. Furthermore, different soil combinations
0038-0717/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
540 K.R. Dabiré, T. Mateille / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 36 (2004) 539–543

Table 1 the abundance of P. penetrans spores produced by

Physico-chemical characteristics of the soils used the nematode females, roots were dried, weighed and
Characteristics Sandy soil Sandy-clay soil Clay soil powdered. The root powders were suspended in 20 ml of
distilled water and the suspensions were sieved (20 mm).
Particles (%) The spores were numbered in the filtrates following the
Clay (0–2 mm) 1.1 10.3 57.0 technique for leachates as described above.
Fine silt (2– 20 mm) 0.9 1.7 12.4 A 25 g soil subsample was dispersed in 100 ml of
Coarse silt (20–50 mm) 1.2 2.4 10.0
distilled water in the presence of three agate marbles (1 cm
Fine sand (50–200 mm) 46.2 44 21.7
Coarse sand (200– 2000 mm) 50.4 40.7 0.2 diameter) for 16 h (Dabiré et al., 2001). After a 5 min
Organic matter (‰) sedimentation, the suspensions were sieved using a bank of
Carbon 0.24 0.29 2.68 sieves (200, 50, 20 mm). The size fraction 0 – 20 mm was
Nitrogen 0.04 0.04 0.42 concentrated on a 0.6 mm filter and suspended in distilled
C/N 6.00 7.25 6.38
water. The spores of P. penetrans were numbered as
Mineral analysis
P2O5 total (ppm) 198 1320 1477 described above and density was expressed per gram of soil
Ca (meq/%) 0.83 0.30 0.29 or per gram of root.
Mg (meq/%) 0.44 0.12 0.36 The juveniles of M. javanica were extracted from the
Na (meq/%) 0.17 0.14 0.22 remaining roots and soils (Seinhorst, 1962) and numbers
K (meq/%) 0.14 0.14 0.16
were estimated per plant. Multiplication rates of the
pH H2O 6.98 7.56 5.10
nematode populations were calculated as ratio of final
population (in roots and soil) to inoculum number. Five
replication were made per treatment.
were made with the native sandy and clay soils to obtain a
For the fallow soils, PVC tubes (10 cm high and
range of clay contents (Table 2).
1.5 cm internal diameter), closed at the bottom by a 50-
For the cultivated soils, PVC tubes (20 cm high and
mm mesh, were filled up to 9 cm height (Mateille et al.,
5 cm internal diameter), closed at the bottom by a 50-mm
1996) with 25 g of each native or mixed soils. The soils
mesh, were filled with each native soil (sand, sandy-clay
were saturated by submerging in distilled water for 20 min
and clay). The tubes were immersed in distilled water
and then allowed to drain. Then, 4.5 £ 106 spores of P.
during 20 min. After draining, 2-week-old tomato plants
penetrans were inoculated in the 0 – 1 cm top of the soil
(Lycopersicon esculentum Roma) were transplanted in
column. The tubes were placed on the top of 500 ml
each tube and randomly placed in a greenhouse (28 –
bottles under a drip distilled water supply. Different
30 8C). Each plant was inoculated with an average of
proportions of clay content were used (Table 2). After
8.5 £ 105 spores of P. penetrans two days later and with
24 h of percolation, the spores were numbered in the
about 180 juveniles of M. javanica another two days
leachates as described above. The soil columns were
later. Two irrigation treatments (25 or 150 ml of distilled
removed from the tubes and the soil was gently shaken by
water day21) were applied to the plants. In order to
hand in 150 ml of distilled water. After a 3– 5 min
recover the leachates, each tube was placed into a 150 ml
sedimentation, the soil suspensions were sieved using a
container. The leachates were sieved daily on a 0.6 mm
bank of sieves (200, 50, 20 mm). The spores were
filter and the spores of P. penetrans were numbered in
numbered in the size fraction 0 – 20 mm as described
the suspensions with a Malassez counting chamber
(magnification 120).
Five replicates were used for each native or mixed soil
The plants were uprooted 30 days after nematode
and irrigation combination. Data were analysed according to
inoculation, and root galls induced by M. javanica were
ANOVA test. Percentages were transformed by Arcsin
indexed from 0 to 10 (Zeck, 1971). In order to evaluate
(sqrt) before analysis.

Table 2
Proportions of clay in the different soil combinations and irrigation
3. Results

Soil combinations (%) Clay particles (%) Irrigation (ml min-1) In the sandy soil, the irrigation did not influence the
root galling, the number of M. javanica juveniles in the
Sandy soil Clay soil
roots and the nematode multiplication rate (Table 3). But
100 0 1.1 100 the juveniles recovered from the soil were three time more
90 10 6.7 100 abundant under the 150 mm day21 irrigation ðP , 0:05Þ:
80 20 12.3 100 In the sandy-clay soil, the irrigation influenced the root
50 50 29.1 100 infestation and the multiplication rate, which were two
25 75 43.1 80
times highest under the 25 mm day21 irrigation (P , 0:05
0 100 57.0 80
for root infestation). In the clay soil, the inoculated
K.R. Dabiré, T. Mateille / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 36 (2004) 539–543 541

Table 3
Influence of the soil type and the irrigation on the gall index, the soil and root infestations by M. javanica and the estimated reproduction of the nematode

Soil Irrigation (mm/day) Gall index Number of juveniles per plant Multiplication rate

In soil In roots

Sand 25 4a 1080a* 56,027a 334.1a

150 4a 3577b*** 50,738a 305.14a
Sandy-clay 25 4a 642c 83,100a 470.72a
150 4a 447c 45,720a 259.91a
Clay 25 1b* 3d 3b* 0.02b*
150 1b* 1d 0b* 0.01b*

Data within a column with the same letter are not significantly different, P , 0:05: Multiplication rate is final /inoculum number (178 juveniles).
*P , 0:05; **P , 0:01; ***P , 0:001:

juveniles did not survive whatever the irrigation applied. 10% of juveniles were encumbered with spores, irrespec-
Comparing the sandy and the sandy-clay soils, the former tive of the irrigation. The greatest infection of the juveniles
had significantly high M. javanica densities but the roots was observed in the sandy-clay soil, but the increased
were similarly infested. The multiplication rates did not irrigation reduced that significantly ðP , 0:05Þ:
differ under the 25 mm day21 irrigation. However, under After a 24 h percolation through the soil columns with
the 150 mm day21 irrigation, the multiplication rate different clay contents, 76% of the inoculated spores
estimated for the sandy-clay soil was significantly lower leached through the native sandy soil containing only
than for the sandy soil. 1.1% of clay particles (Fig. 1). The enrichment of the sandy
No spores were recovered in the percolates with soil with the clay soil reduced the proportion of spores
25 mm day21 watering whatever the soil. The spores detected in the percolate and no spores were leached
recovered in the leachate (Table 4) were four times more through the soils with more than 29% of clay. According to
abundant in the sandy soil than in the sandy-clay soil. Only a the spore recovery from the soils, the optimal extraction
few spores (about 40,000 spores) were recovered in the level (40% of the inoculated spores) was performed in soils
leachate from the clay soil with 150 mm day21. containing approximately 10– 12% of clay particles (includ-
Irrespective of irrigation, more spores were recovered ing the native sandy-clay soil). Fewer than 20% ðP , 0:05Þ
from the clay soil than from both the sandy-clay and sand of inoculated spores were recovered from native clay soils
soils. and from the soil mixtures containing more than 12% clay
Only a few spores were detected in the root powders particles.
from the plants cultivated in the clay soil. The root
production of spores was highest in the plants cultivated in
the sandy-clay soil with 6 – 9 £ 105 spores g21 root 4. Discussion
ðP , 0:025Þ: M. javanica juveniles were scarce in the
clay soil irrigated with 25 mm day21, but all of them were In sandy soils intensively irrigated, the loss of the
infected by P. penetrans. In clay soils irrigated with spores was ascribed to the continuous water pathway
150 mm day21, they were absent. In the sandy soil, only which leached bacteria in depth. The phenomena were

Table 4
Influence of the soil and the irrigation on the leachate, the soil recovery and the root production of the spores of P. penetrans and on the proportion of
M.javanica infected juveniles

Soil Irrigation (mm/day) Spores of Pasteuria penetrans Infected juveniles in soil (%)
21 21
In leachate In soil (g ) In roots (g )

Sandy 25 0a 39 200a 612 676a 10.36a

150 2,275,000b*** 12,200a** 366,742a 10.24a
Sandy-clay 25 0a 207,200b 858,696a 64,73c***
150 630,188b* 88,400a 595,500a 27,51b**
Clay 25 0a 400,000b* 75,000b* 100c***
150 40,508a 228,000b 0b* 0a

Data within a column with the same letter are not significantly different, P , 0:05: *P , 0:05; **P , 0:01; ***P , 0:001:
542 K.R. Dabiré, T. Mateille / Soil Biology & Biochemistry 36 (2004) 539–543

Fig. 1. Proportions of spores of P. penetrans percolated and extracted in different native soils and soil mixtures defined by their clay content (bars represent
standard errors, *P , 0.05, **P , 0.025).

well elucidated by Wollum and Cassel (1978) studying (Prot and Van Gundy, 1981) which accords with our
the loss of bacteria by percolation. Conversely, inten- results obtained in clay soils.
sively watered clay soils reduced the vertical movement The attachment of P. penetrans spores to the
of spores. In our experiments this reduction occurred nematode cuticle is humidity dependent. In sandy soils
when the sandy soils were supplemented with more than characterized by low water holding capacity (Bonneau
29% of clay. and Souchier, 1979), a 25 ml irrigation did not provide
In these experiments, the retention of spores could be enough moisture for spore attachment. Furthermore,
attributed to the reduction of soil porosity consecutively when this soil was adequately watered, the populations
to the supplementation of clay particles. But, the of Meloidogyne increase while the bacteria were mostly
retention of bacteria can be secondarily due to adsorp- leached down, resulting in a dilution of the infective
tion on colloids when the soil structure is improved spores. In comparison, the sandy-clay soil provides more
abundantly with clay and organic matter (Bitton et al., juvenile infection, revealing that its abiotic properties
1974). As it was previously noticed by Dabiré et al. (water holding capacity, aeration) are more suitable for
(2001), these adsorption phenomena are confirmed in our juvenile infection and P. penetrans development.
experiments by the difficulty either to gently extract
spores of P. penetrans or to detect them in aqueous soil
suspensions from soils containing more than 12% of clay
particles. Therefore, according to our results, two clay- Acknowledgements
content thresholds can be defined with regard to the best
balance between percolation (about 10% of clay) and This study was supported by a grant from the EC
retention (about 30% of clay) of the spores in the soils. Project STD 3 no. TS3 * CT92-0098 (Biocontrol of
These soil interactions could directly control the damaging root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) pests of
dispersal and the availability of the spores of P. staple food and cash crops by including suppressive soils
penetrans to adhere on nematode cuticle. Therefore, it with the bacterial parasite P. penetrans). Authors are
is predicted that biocontrol of plant parasitic nematodes grateful to anonymous reviewers for their helpful sugges-
could be most effective in soils with 10 –30% of clay tions and comments.
The increase of the M. javanica populations was
enhanced in both sandy and sandy-clay soils, confirming
that the sandy and sandy-clay soils offer more suitable
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