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2018 -



Dwight Rychl R. Catabay, Mariel Anne C. Aficial, Mariah Alondra L. Jovero,

Kimberly C. Riño, Kristel Joy C. Terceño and Zandro W. Payocong, CPA


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educational institution zealous in the
formation of human resources who are
imbued with the Christian spirit and who are
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December 2018
Saint Louis University
School of Accountancy and Business Management
Department of Accountancy


CITY” has been prepared and submitted by Dwight Rychl Catabay, Mariel Anne Aficial, Mariah
Alondra Jovero, Kimberly Rino and Kristel Joy Terceno in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and Management Accounting has been examined and is
recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examination.

Zandro W. Payocong, CPA



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination on November 23, 2018 with a grade of

Jomari Casem, CPA


Erlinda G. Bialno, CPA Zandro W. Payocong, CPA

Member Member

ACCEPTED AND APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy and Management Accounting.


Head, Department of Accountancy Dean

Page 2

Dwight Rychl R. Catabay


Mariel Anne C. Aficial


Mariah Alondra L. Jovcro


Kimberly C. Riño

Kristel Joy C. Terceño


Zandro W. Payocong, CPA

School of Accountancy, Management and Computing and Information Studies
Saint Louis University

TRAIN Law, Minimum Wage Earners, budgeting, spending, saving, expenses, age, gender and civil status

ABSTRACT: The research aimed to determine the Impact of TRAIN Law to the budgeting of the Minimum Wage
Earners in Baguio City. The study seeks to answer the following; 1. What is the profile of minimum wage earners
according to sex, age, and civil status; 2. What is the impact before and after the implementation of the TRAIN Law
to the minimum wage earners, and 3. What are the significant differences if the respondents are grouped in
accordance to their profile. The researchers used descriptive and comparative method of research. The data was
gathered by distributing questionnaires to 100 minimum wage earners in Baguio City. Based on the results obtained
from the study, the researchers concluded that most of the expenses have an average impact due to the increased
prices of goods.
Introduction 2014). With an aim to pursue a simpler, more
efficient, and more equitable tax, the Tax Reform for
According to the Benefit-Received Principle, the Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law is signed
purpose of taxation is to pay for government services into law by President Rodrigo Duterte. According to
and people pay taxes in proportion to the benefits the Department of Finance (DOF), it lessens the tax
they receive from government spending. burden among the poor and the middle class and
Governments impose charges on their citizens and includes more inclusive growth, improved public
businesses as a means of raising revenue, which is services; safe, healthy, and peaceful communities,
then used to meet their budgetary demands. This more money in the people’s pockets, and a more
includes financing government and public projects as comfortable life for all. It addresses several
well as making the business environment in the weaknesses of the previous tax system by lowering
country conducive for economic growth (Klein, and simplifying personal income taxes, simplifying
estate and donor’s taxes, expanding the value-added

Page 3
tax base, adjusting oil and automobile excise taxes, period last year. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco had
and excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages. the highest inflation among other commodities in the
region with 14 percent followed by transport with 5.3
According to the Department of Finance, increase on percent. Food items such as vegetables (11. 8
excise tax is embodied under economic justifications percent), corn (11.3 percent) and meat (6.3 percent)
provided by the law. Excise on sugar-sweetened have the highest price increase in May this year.
beverages is a health measure meant to discourage
the consumption of these beverages due to their high- In addition to that, the research entitled, “Analysis of
sugar content. From that, industry players are the Impact of Changes in the Prices of Rice and Fuel
encouraged to develop healthier alternative products. on Poverty in the Philippines”, stated that with the
Annually, some P145 billions of government increase of price of fuel, a lot of sectors will be
revenues are draining because of oil tax rates that affected, especially, those which are directly
were unadjusted since 1997. Thus, oil excise tax rates dependent on these products. Relatively large price
were also increased. The need to increase oil excise increases are also recorded for the transportation
tax lies in the reason that it is a highly progressive tax industry, including air transportation and public
since those who consume more will pay more tax utility cars and taxicab operations. Prices of jeepney,
compared to those who consume less. Excise tax on tricycles and other road transport and bus line
automobiles were simplified and it remains that more operation also increased. The increase in the prices of
expensive cars are taxed higher compared to those road transportation such as jeepney, tricycles and
cheaper ones. Tobacco excise tax was also raised and buses could affect the middle-income and poor
by 2024 onwards, an annual 4% increase will be households more since they are the ones who
imposed. Excise tax on mineral products and on consume much on these services.
cosmetic procedures were also imposed as well.
Finance Assistant Secretary Paola Alvarez asserted
According to the Department of Finance (DOF), that the recent oil price hike to the rising world oil
TRAIN has increased the incomes or spending power prices and the weakness of the peso are one of the
of Filipino consumers to cope up with the rise of causes of the increase of inflation. “The good thing,
inflation which happens in fast growing economies. though, is the higher revenues generated by the
The rise to a demand and consumption leads to spike TRAIN has enabled the government to put in place
in inflation. Yet the annual inflation in the Philippines various measures, such as personal income tax (PIT)
rose to unexpected higher rate compared to previous cuts, unconditional cash transfers (UCTs) and
years. The inflation in the Philippines is 6.4% as of transport subsidies, which have put more money into
August 2018 above market estimates of 5.9% from the hands of consumers to more than cover for the
5.7% in the previous month. This was the fastest and slight increase in prices,” Alvarez said. Rosemarie
highest since March 2009, when the inflation hits Edillon, undersecretary of the National Economic and
6.6% during the administration of Arroyo. Development Authority (NEDA), said “the rising
inflation is also partly caused by having more money
The cost rose in alcoholic beverages and tobacco in the economy chasing after fewer goods.” The
(21.6 percent from 21.5 percent); furnishing, higher take-home pay causes an increase in demand.
household equipment and routine maintenance (3.5 Thus, “Demand is outstripping supply,” and
percent from 3.3 percent); health (4 percent from 3.7 “Therefore there is a need to increase capacity.”
percent); restaurant & miscellaneous goods and Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III said that
services (4 percent from 3.7 percent) and recreation cigarettes and sugary drinks are intended to be
and culture (2.4 percent from 0.9 percent). Annual expensive because of health reasons.
mark-ups were observed in the following: Rice
(4.7%);Corn (14.1%); Other Cereals, Flour, Cereal There is a great effect on the people’s budgeting
Preparation, Bread, Pasta and Other Bakery Products because of the price increase that has been going on.
(2.4%); Meat (5.0%); Vegetables (8.6%); Sugar, Jam, Since the previous researches are only about
Honey, Chocolate and Confectionery (3.9%); and household budgeting, we focused on a specific group
Food Products not Elsewhere Classified (3.1%). which are the minimum wage earners.
(CNN Philippines, July 2018) Kalinga reached the
highest inflation rate at 5.1 percent followed by Minimum wage earners are those who are greatly
Benguet at 4.2 and Ifugao with 3.6. According to affected because of the current situation. They are the
PSA-CAR, year-on-year inflation rate of food and workers in the private sector paid the statutory
non-alcoholic beverages in the region accelerated to minimum wage or to an employee in the public sector
4.7 percent from 0.1 difference compared in the same with compensation income of not more than the

Page 4
statutory minimum wage in the nonagricultural sector equipment, life insurance, personal care, tobacco,
where he/she is assigned. (Republic Act 9504) The alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
erosion of wage’s purchasing power moved quickly
downwards by six percent in just a matter of two The expenses of an average Filipino family are rice,
months upon the effectivity of TRAIN in January. meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, non-alcoholic
(Associated Labor Union, March 2018) beverages, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, clothing and
footwear, house rent, electricity and water bill, gas,
Before the implementation of TRAIN law, industries health, transportation, recreation, communication,
in Baguio City who have 11 or more employees was education and personal care. (National Economic
earning a minimum wage of P300 which includes a Development Authority)
P15 cost of living allowance (Cola), while other
sectors who have 10 or fewer employees were Budgeting differs because of certain factors. One of
earning a minimum wage of P285 which already which is budgeting by gender. According to the study
includes a cost of living allowance of 15. This 2018, “Budgeting: Men vs. Women”, men and women are
the Cordillera Regional Tripartite Wages and fundamentally different, spend in different ways.
Productivity Board has issued Wage Order 19, There are many reasons that a woman may spend
providing for P20 and P30 increase in the minimum more on her food than a man does. Women are
wages of workers in the Cordillera Region. It was spending more on their monthly shopping than men
approved by the National Wage Commission on July are. One of the best-documented findings, with
31, 2018. The effectivity took after 15 days from evidence spanning many developing countries, is that
August 5, 2018. As implemented, there is an increase when women have greater control over the spending
of PHP20 in the minimum wage particularly in of their households' resources, they devote a larger
Baguio City, and the town of La Trinidad in Benguet share of spending to foster the potential of their
province. However, there was an increase of P30 in children and purchase household necessities. Theory
some other areas in CAR region. As a result, the suggests a number of reasons why women might
minimum wage in Baguio City and La Trinidad have different savings preferences than men,
became P320. including the need to provide for a longer life
expectancy. Some evidence suggests that enhancing
Considering that they are earning a minimum wage women's control over resources does in fact lead to a
only, no research was conducted regarding their higher saving rate, but further study is needed to
budgeting. According to the research, “Budgeting as draw any firm conclusions. (Janet G. Stotsky,2007)
means to Household Finances”, budgeting is not just
about restricting spending and living a cheapskate Budgeting also differs by age. According to the
life. It is about insights, wisdom, informed decisions, research “Budgeting Practices over the Life Cycle”,
action and sustained discipline when it comes to as consumers age, both their level of spending and
household financials. People with a financial plan the way they allocate their spending changes. Under
tend to save more money, feel better about their the age group below 35 they spend their income to
progress, and make more appropriate decisions. food away from home, alcoholic beverages, housing,
shelter, rent, apparel and services, transportation, and
Budgeting plays the biggest key in managing well the education but the least allocation on health care, cash
money. Budgeting can actually save you money and contributions, personal insurance and pensions.
allow you to have more to spend by helping you to
make the most of your money. (Catwell, 2013) Under the age group 36-64, they had the highest
expenditure on personal insurance and pensions spent
Jeremy Vohwinkle (2012) suggested creating a and slightly more for alcoholic beverages. The 65-
budget to take control of the money so that it does not and older group have the highest level of
control you. He also extends that spending too much expenditures in health care and cash contributions to
money on one expense may make a shortage on persons outside of the household, charities, churches,
another expense which would yield results that are and other organizations.
less than expected.
Being single or married also matters in the way one’s
According to the study “Analysis of Household budgeting is affected. In the research, “Civil Status
Spending Patterns”, it enumerated the following Budgeting”, singles in their early twenties apportion
household expenses such as food, shelter, a higher percentage of their budget to food, alcohol,
transportation, health care, utility, leisure and housing, and education. Married couples in their
entertainment, education, personal care, household early twenties spend a larger share of their budgets to

Page 5
transportation, health care and entertainment. This study will determine the impact of TRAIN Law
Regardless of their marital status, persons in their late to the budgeting of the Minimum Wage Earners in
twenties earn more, spend more, are more likely to Baguio City.
have bachelor’s degree, and are more likely to own a
home. Specifically, it will determine the following:
1. The profile of minimum wage earners according
In making a budget, savings has an important role. to:
The simplest definition of “saving” that can be a. Sex
applied to all households is income minus b. Age
consumption in a year or other time period c. Civil Status
(Browning & Lusard, 1996). The purposes and
meanings of saving, however, are different for each 2. The impact before and after the implementation of
household, and are determined not only by income, TRAIN Law to the budgeting of the minimum wage
but by the need to accumulate consumable goods earners.
(Wärneryd, 1989).
3. The significant differences if the respondents are
According to the research, “Savings Goals and grouped into:
Saving Behavior From a Perspective of Maslow’s a. Sex
Hierarchy of Needs”, to better understand the saving b. Age
behavior of households, therefore, it is important to c. Civil Status
identify the attributes of each saving goal and the
influence of human needs on the likelihood of saving. Framework of the Study
The research “Explaining Filipino Households’ Conceptual framework
Declining Saving Rate” explains that one factor why
Filipino Households’ saving rate is declining because This study considers the profile of the Minimum
of higher inflation rate in the 2000s driven mainly by Wage Earners as the independent variable and the
a hike in oil and food prices, and negative real Impacts of Train Law to Budgeting as dependent
interest rate. The saving behavior might have been variable. The expected output of this study is to
affected by a shift in a precautionary motive of determine the impact of train law to budgeting of
Filipino households, as also suggested from the Minimum Wage Earners in terms of their profile.
cohort effects.
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1 What is the profile of the minimum wage earners INDEPENDENT VARIABLE
in Baguio City? Minimum Wage Earners (Profile)
a. Sex  Age
b. Age  Sex
c. Civil Status  Civil Status

2 What is the impact of TRAIN Law to the

budgeting of the Minimum wage earners in
Baguio City?

3 Are there significant differences if the

respondents are grouped into:
a. Sex
b. Age
Impacts of Train Law to Budgeting
Objectives of the Study

Page 6
Future Researchers: The study will help them in
conducting their future researches about the impacts
of TRAIN Law, especially in terms of budgeting of
the minimum wage earners.

Scope and Limitations
Impacts on budgeting to minimum The general intent of the study is to identify the
wage earners due to Train Law in impact of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and
terms of sex, age, and civil status. Inclusion (TRAIN) Law to the budgeting of the
minimum wage earners in Baguio City. The study
will be conducted in the different work
establishments in Baguio City wherein the
Assumptions of the Study respondents are the Minimum Wage Earners. The
 The interviewee answered the questionnaires researchers focused on the factors that affect the
accurately. budgeting of minimum wage earners specifically
 The respondents rated the situations excise taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages and oil.
 The attitudes of the interviewee are stable.
 The subjects of the study appropriate in Research Design and Methodology
relation to the respondents.
Research Design
Research Hypothesis The researchers made use of descriptive and
Ho: There is no significant difference to the comparative methods of research in order to assess
budgeting of minimum wage earners in Baguio City the Impact of TRAIN Law to the Budgeting of the
before and after the implementation of TRAIN Law Minimum Wage Earners. Comparative research
in terms of age. design was used since there is a need to know if there
are significant differences in the budgeting of the
Ho: There is no significant difference to the Minimum Wage Earners before and after the
budgeting of minimum wage earners in Baguio City
implementation of TRAIN Law and when they are
before and after the implementation of TRAIN Law
in terms of sex. grouped according to age, sex, and civil status.

Ho: There is no significant difference to the Population of the study

budgeting of minimum wage earners in Baguio City
before and after the implementation of TRAIN Law The target population of the study is Minimum Wage
in terms of civil status. Earners working in Baguio City. There is no data
available on the population of Minimum Wage
Significance of the Study Earners in Baguio City from The Philippine Statistics
Authority (PSA) and The Department of Labor and
This study will provide information about the impact Employment (DOLE), so the researchers went around
of Train Law to the budgeting of the Minimum Wage different places Baguio City and obtained
Earners This study could be beneficial especially to
information from the people whether they are
the following:
Minimum Wage Earners or not by asking them
Minimum Wage Earners: The study will guide and directly.
inform the minimum wage earners in managing their
financial affairs. Sample Design

Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Since there is no data available on the entire
Boards & Government: The study will be used as population, the researchers made use of purposive
the basis for setting the sufficient minimum payroll method of sampling wherein a sample is based on the
for Baguio Minimum Wage Earners. judgment of the researcher wherein he or she relies

Page 7
on his or her own judgment when choosing members summarize the survey data in a
of population to participate in the study. The tabular format, (b) interpret the data, and (c)
researchers believe that one hundred (100) Minimum detect outliers (extreme values) in the survey
data set. (Lavrakas, 2008)
Wage Earners are needed as respondents of the study.

Data Gathering 2. The simple or arithmetic mean is the

average value of the data; it is obtained by
The researchers used questionnaires as primary adding the scores and dividing the sum by
sources of information for the study. The first part of the number of scores. Most often, this
the questionnaires contains information on the age, particular average is referred to simply as
sex, civil status of the respondents. The second part is the mean. (Garambas, June 2015)
a checklist wherein the respondents rate their food
and non-food expenses and savings before and after n

the implementation of TRAIN Law. X́ =∑ xi


The researchers went around Baguio City and floated

questionnaires to people who responded that they are
Minimum Wage Earners. The researchers assisted the X́ = Mean
respondents in answering the questionnaires. Follow-
up questions were also asked in order to supplement x i = the ith observation
the answers to obtain clearer and more accurate
information from the respondents. n = Sample

Statistical Treatment of Data

3. The t-test is one type of inferential statistics.
To describe the basic features of the data in the study, It is used to determine whether there is a
the researchers used descriptive statistics. Frequency significant difference between the means of
table, simple mean, t-test (two means with equal two groups. When the difference between
variances), One-way ANOVA and Likert Scale are two population averages is being
used in this study. The researchers used t-test (two investigated, a t test is used. In other words,
means with equal variances) in the sex and civil a t test is used when we wish to compare
status profiles because they wanted to know if there two means (the scores must be measured on
are significant differences between 2 groups in terms an interval or ratio measurement scale).
of sex and civil status groups in their budgeting
before and after the implementation of TRAIN Law. 4. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
The One-way ANOVA was used in the age profile is used to determine whether there are any
since the researchers wanted to test if there are statistically significant differences between
significant differences among the divided age groups the means of two or more independent
of the sample. (unrelated) groups (although you tend to
only see it used when there are a minimum
1. A frequency distribution is a tabular of three, rather than two groups).
representation of a survey data set used to
organize and summarize the data.
Specifically, it is a list of either qualitative Table 1. Analysis of Variance for One Way
or quantitative values that a variable takes in Classification
a data set and the associated number of
times each value occurs (frequencies). The
frequency distribution is the basic building
block of statistical analytical methods and
the first step in analyzing survey data. It
helps researchers (a) organize and

Page 8
Source of Sum of Degrees Mean Computed Weight Statistical Descriptive
Variation Squares of Square f Value Limit Equivalent
Freedom 1 0.0100 - Very Low
Column SSC k-1 SSC 2 0.1040 - Below Average
Means MSC= MSC 0.1979
f= 3 0.1980 - Average
MSE 0.292
Error SSE N-k SSE 4 0.2920 - Above Average
N−k 0.3859
5 0.3860 - 0.47 Very High
Total SST N-1
Results, Findings and Discussion
k n
y . .2 1. Profile Of Minimum Wage Earners
SST =∑ ∑ y 2 ij− A. Age
i =1 j=1 N
Table 3. MWEs by age
y 2 i y ..2
SSC=∑ − Age Group No. of Respondents
i =1 ni N
17-22 25
SSE=SST −SSC 23-28 31
29-34 18
Where: 35-40 13
ni 41-46 8
= sample size per group 47-52 3
53-58 1
N = total number of observations 59-65 1
Total 100
k = number of groups
B. Sex
y .. = grand total Table 4. MWEs by Sex

y i = total of ith group/column Sex No. of

Male 47
5. Likert scale is a psychological measurement Female 53
Total 100
device that is used to gauge attitudes, values,
and opinions. It functions by having a C. Civil Status
person complete a questionnaire that Table 5. MWEs by Civil Status
requires them to indicate the extent to which
they agree or disagree with a series of Civil Status No. of
statements. Respondents
Married 65
The difference between the mean of before Single 35
and after are described using Likert Scale. Total 100
The weight values, statistical limits and
interpretation are as follows: 2. Impact

Table 2. Likert Five-Point Rating Scale

Page 9
Food, Beverages and Tobacco maintenance cost. The result to electricity expense
Before After Impact Interpretation relates to the article “Power Rates seen go up” which
2.175 2.3975 0.2225 Average states that the signing into law of Train Law by
There is an average impact under food, beverages and President Rodrigo Duterte will have a minimal effect
tobacco. Food includes rice, meat, fish, fruits and on the price of electricity in Baguio City and Benguet
vegetables. Food costs—for grocery shopping, Province.
takeout, meal kits, and dining out—are frequently
flagged by financial planners as forms of Under the gas and other fuel expense, the results
discretionary spending that can be reduced in a relate to the research entitled “The Effects of
household budget. (Earnest, 2017) Changes in Prices and Income on Car and Fuel
The non-alcoholic beverages industry encompasses Demand in Iceland.” When estimating the demand
liquid refreshment beverages (LRB) such as bottled for gasoline, the results were gasoline price and
water, carbonated soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit income are the primary factors that control the
beverages, ready-to-drink coffee and tea, sports demand. In accordance to the study, the main results
beverages and value-added water. The results can be are that when gasoline price goes up, the effects on
supported by the study conducted by the Bureau of gasoline use decreases.
Labor Statistics about the 2013 Consumer
Expenditure in US, between 2000 and 2013, average In clothing and footwear expense, Nielsen survey
household spending on nonalcoholic beverages
states that 62% are spending less on new clothing.
purchased at grocery and convenience stores grew 2
percent, after adjusting for inflation. All of the According to an MWE, they do not prioritize buying
growth occurred between 2006 and 2013—especially clothes since they have other expenses to spend on.
from 2010 to 2013, when spending on these items
grew 5 percent. For health and medical services, this expense is one
of the fastest-growing categories of expenditures. The
In the same study, they said that the biggest spenders continuing rapid rise in hospital costs, together with
on alcoholic beverages are householders aged 45 to an increase in hospital use by the population under
54, who spend 22 percent more than the average
age 65 contributed to the continuing large increase in
household on alcohol. However, this is in contrast
with our result since most of the minimum wage outlays for this purpose.
earners are non-drinkers.
For Personal Care, having a family to support,
From the research “Tobacco Spending and its-crowd- personal care costs could be quite expensive. The
out of Other Goods”, their findings resulted that distribution of consumer expenditures on cosmetics
households always spend more on alcohol than non- and personal care products in Canada, as of March
smoking households regardless of income level. 2018 in Canadian dollars. According to ProdegeMR,
some 49 percent of respondents stated that they spent
Non Food between 0 and 29 Canadian dollars on cosmetics and
Before After Impact Interpretation personal care products.
2.509 2.747 0.238 Average
Under the non-food expense, there is an average For transportation expense, the expenditures
impact after the implementation of TRAIN Law. accounted for $1.20 trillion (9.3 percent) of PCE in
Non-food expense includes house rent, electricity and 2016, making transportation the fourth largest
water bill, gas and other fuel, clothing and footwear, category (excluding “other expenditures”) after
health and medical services, personal care, healthcare, housing, and food. Recent increases in
transportation, communication, leisure and fuel prices have heightened resulted to an impact of
recreation, and lastly education. In connection to rising vehicle operating expenses on household
house rent expense, the study “Housing Rental transportation expenditures.
Study” concluded that most of the lessors do not
The increase in communication expense is due to the
impose rental increase and sometimes the reason for
inflation that surged to 6.4% that affected
rental increase is because of the cost for repair and
communications expense in 2018.

Page 10
The result in leisure and recreation relates to the household operations, apparel, health care,
forecast of in which they forecasted entertainment, personal care products, education and
that global airfares would increase by 3.5% that personal insurance.
discouraged them to book flights for leisure and Fish Expense
recreation in 2018. Also, there is an increase in fare
prices (from 1.40 to 1.55 for every succeeding Comparing the age groups of 35-40, 47-52, 59-64 to
kilometer) that were applied in provincial buses. other age groups, there is no significant difference
in terms of their budgeting under the fish expense
Under the education expense, this agrees with George since the s range is higher than the absolute mean
Langelett’s research which states that the demand difference.
elasticity for college tuition is -0.68 at a coefficient of Comparing the age groups of 17-22, 23-28, 29-34,
$8500, which states that it is inelastic. Inelastic 41-46 to the age group of 53-58, there is a significant
demand means a situation in which the demand for a difference in terms of their budgeting under the fish
product does not increase or decrease expense since the absolute mean difference is higher
correspondingly with a fall or rise in its price. than the computed S range. But when these age
groups are compared to the rest of the age groups,
there is no significant difference since the S range is
Savings higher than the absolute mean difference.
Before After Impact Interpretation Fruits and Vegetables

2.0700 1.7600 0.3100 Above Average Comparing the age groups of 47-52, 59-64 to other
Lastly, 37% and 38% respectively of the MWEs have age groups, there is no significant difference in
no savings before and after TRAIN law. For some terms of their budgeting under the fruits and
vegetables expense since the S range is higher than
who have savings, it increased after TRAIN law in
the absolute mean difference.
the range of 250 pesos and below. From 15%, it
increased to 20%. This relates to the article from Comparing the age groups of 17-22, 23-28, 29-34,
“Factors Affecting Savings” which states that a factor 35-40, 41-46 to the age group of 53-58, there is a
that affects savings is taxation in which TRAIN Law significant difference in terms of their budgeting
has something to do. Taxes such as customs duty, under the fruits and vegetables expense since the
absolute mean difference is higher than the computed
purchase tax and VAT are an obstacle to
S range. But when these age groups are compared to
consumption, thereby reducing its attractiveness and the rest of the age groups, there is no significant
making it more worthwhile to save. difference since the S range is higher than the
absolute mean difference.
3. Significant difference in budgeting if the
respondents are grouped by: Electricity and Water
A. Age
Comparing the age groups of 17-22, 35-40, 41-46,
Comparing the age groups of 17-22, 23-28, 29-34, 47-52, 53-58, and 59-64 to other age groups, there is
35-40, 41-46, 47-52, 53-58,and 59-64, there is no no significant difference in terms of their budgeting
significant difference in terms of their budgeting under the electricity and water expense since the S
under the rice, meat, other food, non-alcoholic and range is higher than the absolute mean difference.
alcoholic, tobacco, rent, gas, clothing, personal care,
Comparing the age group 23-28 to the age group of
transportation, communication, leisure and
29-34, there is a significant difference in terms of
recreation, education, and saving expenses since the s
their budgeting under the electricity and water
range is higher than absolute mean difference. It is
expense since the absolute mean difference is higher
inconsistent with the study “Spending Patterns by
than the computed S range. But when both age
Age”, there is a difference between the spending
groups are compared to the rest of the age groups,
pattern under the different age brackets in terms of
there is no significant difference since the S range is
food in general, alcoholic and non-alcoholic
higher than the absolute mean difference.
beverages and tobacco. There is also a difference in
terms of housing, utilities, fuel, transportation, B. Sex

Page 11
Table 6. Difference in budgeting of meat, fish, t stat Decision
other food expenses, non-alcoholic beverages and Alcoholic There is a significant
tobacco when grouped according to sex. Beverages difference
t stat Decision
In this particular table, t-computed is greater than t-
Rice 0.9774 critical value. Thus, it failed to accept the null
Meat 1.0772 hypothesis. This means that there is a significant
Fish difference between male and female in terms of
budgeting of alcoholic beverages. It is consistent with
Other the study, “Gender and Alcohol Consumption”,
food drinking per se and high-volume drinking were
expenses 0.8056 consistently more prevalent among men than among
Non- No significant difference women.
Beverages Table 9. Difference in budgeting of rent, gas,
(coffee, electricity and water bill, as and other fuel, health,
juice, soft transportation, communication, education sex.
etc.) 1.5151 t stat Decision
Tobacco 1.1809 House Rent 1.4251
Electricity and
Under this table, t-computed is less than the t-critical Water Bill 0.4925
value, therefore accepts the null hypothesis. It means
Gas & Other
that there is no significant difference between male
Fuel 0.8586
and female in terms of budgeting of rice, meat, fish,
other food expenses, non-alcoholic beverages and Health and No significant
tobacco. Under food expense in general, men and Medical difference
women have difference in terms of spending and food Services 1.4044
preferences according to the article “Men vs. Woman Transportation 1.7759
Eating Preferences”. It concluded that men and
women have different preferences in non-alcoholic Communication 1.1353
beverages particularly soda, coffee and juice. It is Leisure and
also inconsistent with the study, “Gender Differences Recreation 1.1176
in Tobacco Consumption”, which states that men are Education 1.4415
more likely to use tobacco products than are women.
Under this table, t-computed is less than the t-critical
Table 7. Difference in budgeting of fruits and value, therefore accepts the null hypothesis. It means
vegetables when grouped according to sex. that there is no significant difference between male
and female in terms of budgeting of house rent,
t stat Decision electricity & water bill, gas & other fuel, health &
Fruits & There is a significant medical services, communication, transportation
Vegetables 2.0978 difference leisure & recreation and education. In relation to this,
according to the article “Home Habits & Preferences
Since t computed is greater than t critical value, there – Men vs Women”, men and women have different
is a significant difference between male and female preferences in choosing an apartment or house. Also,
in the budgeting of fruits and vegetables. In relation they have different home electricity habits. Men drive
to this, according to the study “Men vs. Women longer distances potentially leading to higher total
Eating Preferences” women, typically stereotyped as energy use by men (Kanyama- Raty, 2009).
the more health-conscious of the sexes, tend to order According to the article, “Mainstreaming Gender in
healthier foods more often than men. Road Transport”, women who have the resources to
do so will often drive or take a taxi rather than walk
Table 8. Difference in budgeting of alcoholic or use public transit because of fear of physical or
beverages when grouped according to sex. verbal harassment or attack. Men and women have
different calling patterns with women making fewer

Page 12
but longer calls than men on average (Friebel- Personal Saving Behavior”, the study indicates that
Seabright, 2011). Women have radically higher differences in saving behaviors between men and
lifetime medical expenses than men do, about one- women.
third higher, on average (Williamson, 2017). It has
been well established that there are gender C. Civil Status
differences in leisure preferences and participation
and these gender differences may be related to Table 13. Difference in budgeting of rice when
personality (Kleiber & Hemmer, 1981) grouped according to civil status.

Table 10. Difference in the budgeting of clothing t stat Decision

and footwear when grouped according to sex
There is significant
Rice 3.7099
t stat Decision difference
There is a significant
and The above table shows that there is a significant
Footwear 3.5710 difference between married and single in the
budgeting of their rice expense since t computed is
In this table, t-computed is greater than t-critical greater than the t critical value. Based on the study
value. This means that there is a significant “Spending Patterns and Income of Single and
difference between male and female in terms of Married”, people who are married spend more than
budgeting of clothing & footwear It is consistent with people who are single in terms of food in general.
the study entitled “A Study of Clothing Purchasing
Behavior by Gender”, which states that male and Table 14. Difference in budgeting of meat, fish,
female consumers demonstrate considerably different fruits and vegetables, other food expenses, non-
approaches in their decision-making and purchasing alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverages and
behavior when shopping for clothing for a variety of tobacco when grouped according to civil status.
different reasons. Women spend more for personal
care and hygiene products than men. (Willet, 2015) t stat Decision

Table 11. Difference in the budgeting of personal Meat 1.8156

care when grouped according to sex Fish 1.7379
t stat Decision Fruits &
Vegetables 1.7341
Personal There is a significant
Other food
Care 2.7743 difference
expenses 0.6160
There is a significant difference between the Non-
budgeting of male and female under the personal care Alcoholic No significant difference
expense. Women spend more for personal care and Beverages
hygiene products than men. (Willet, 2015) (coffee,
juice, soft
Table 12. Difference in savings when grouped drinks
according to sex. etc.) 1.2170
t stat Decision Beverages 0.1960
Savings 1.1423 No significant difference Tobacco 0.6687

In terms of savings, t-computed is less than the t- In this part, there is no significant difference
critical value, therefore accepts the null hypothesis. It between married and single in the budgeting of their
means that there is no significant difference between expenses in meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, other
the savings of male and female before the food expenses, non-alcoholic beverages, alcoholic
implementation of TRAIN Law. It is inconsistent beverages and tobacco since t computed is less than t
with the study entitled, “Gender Differences in critical value. Based on the study “Spending Patterns

Page 13
and Income of Single and Married”, people who are Table 17. Difference in budgeting of leisure and
married spend more than people who are single in recreation when grouped according to civil status.
terms of food in general, beverages and tobacco.
t stat Decision
Table 15. Difference in budgeting of rent, gas, Leisure
health, personal care, transportation and There is significant
communication when grouped according to civil difference
Recreation 2.7116
There is a significant difference between married
t stat Decision and single in the budgeting of the leisure and
House Rent 1.5480 recreation. It is consistent with the study, “The
Impact of Marital Status and Gender on Leisure
Gas & Other
Values of Older Adults” single may have leisure
Fuel 1.4358 values that are different than that of someone who is
Clothing and married.
Footwear 0.9602
Table 18. Difference in budgeting of education
Health and No significant when grouped according to civil status.
Medical difference
Services 0.4363 t stat Decision
Personal Care There is significant
0.0695 Education
4.6984 difference
1.2597 There is a significant difference between married
and single in the budgeting of the leisure and
0.5285 recreation since t computed is greater than t critical
value. According to the study “Spending Patterns and
Again, since t computed is less than t critical value, Income of Single and Married”, people who are
there is no significant difference between married married spend more on education compared to people
and single in the budgeting of their house rent, gas, who are single.
clothing and footwear, health and medical services,
personal care, transportation, communication, and Table 19. Difference in savings when grouped
leisure and recreation. Based on the study “Spending according to civil status.
Patterns and Income of Single and Married”, there is
a significant difference between married and single in t stat Decision
terms of how they spend on shelter and dwellings, Savings 0.5735 No significant difference
gas, apparel, health services, transportation and
communication. In terms of savings, there is no significant difference
between married and single since t computed is less
Table 16. Difference in budgeting of electricity and than t critical value
water bill when grouped according to civil status.

t stat Decision Conclusion

Based on the results and discussion of the study,
Electricit the researchers concluded the following:
There is significant
y and
Water Bill 3.5446 1. The profile of the minimum wage earners
are grouped according to age, sex civil
The above table shows that there is a significant status:
difference between married and single in the a.) There are 53 females and 47 males.
budgeting of electricity and water bill since t b.) There are 65 single and 35 married.
computed is greater than the t critical value. Based on c.) There are 25 respondents from the age
the study “Spending Patterns and Income of Single group 17-22, 31 from 23-28, 18 from
and Married”, people who are married spend more 29-34, 13 from 35-40, 8 from 41-46, 3
than people who are single in terms of utilities.

Page 14
from 47-52, 1 from 53-58 and 1 from benefit is an increase in their salary which could help
59-61. their personal budgeting.

2. The overall impact of Train Law on the 2. Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity
budgeting of the minimum wage earners is Boards & Government is recommended to conduct a
average. Under the food, beverages, tobacco
more extensive study about the TRAIN Law in order
and non-food expenses there is an average
impact. While for the savings there is an for them to address the appropriate salary for the
above average impact. minimum wage earners since there is a hike in the
inflation of goods.
3. There is a significant difference between the
budgeting of the respondents when grouped 3. The future researchers are recommended to
according to age, sex and civil status. further study the research to come up with more
accurate findings.
a. When the age group 53-58 is compared
to 17-22, 23-28, 29-34, 41-46 age
groups there is a significant difference
under fish expense. When 17-22, 23-28,
29-34, 35-40, 41-46 age groups is
compared to 53-58, there is a significant
difference in terms of their budgeting
under the fruits and vegetables expense.
While the age group 23-28 to the age
group of 29-34, there is a significant
difference under the electricity and
water expense. There is no significant
difference on the remaining expenses.

b. There is a significant difference

between the budgeting of male and
female under fruits and vegetables,
alcoholic beverages, clothing and
footwear, and personal care expenses.
There is no significant difference on the
remaining expenses.

c. There is a significant difference

between the budgeting of married and
single minimum wage earners under of
rice, electricity and water bill, leisure
and recreation, and education expenses.
There is no significant difference on the
remaining expenses.

The researchers recommend the following based
from the conducted research:
1. Minimum wage earners must acquire Acknowledgement
sufficient awareness of the increasing prices of
commodities that particularly affect their budget in The researchers would like to acknowledge the
order for them to have a proper and suitable following people:
budgeting for their expenses. Also, they are
To Mr. Zandro Payocong, their thesis adviser, they
encouraged to supplement their knowledge about would like to express their sincere gratitude for his
train law since a benefit is granted to them. Such

Page 15
patience, guidance, supervision, and time that he
allotted to successfully conduct the research.

To the respondents, who honestly and actively

participated in answering the prepared questionnaires
to obtain a reliable data for our research.

To our parents, whose support and assistance is

continuous throughout the making of the study.

And foremost, our Almighty God who had given the

researchers the knowledge, strength and wisdom to
finish the research.


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Page 19
Page 20
Author Biographies TERCEÑO, are fourth year Accountancy
Students of the School of Accountancy, Management,
DWIGHT RYCHL R. CATABAY, Computing and Information Studies, Saint Louis
University, Baguio City, Philippines. MR. ZANDRO
MARIEL ANNE C. AFICIAL, MARIAH W. PAYOCONG, CPA is their adviser in Accounting
ALONDRA L. JOVERO, KIMBERLY C. 403a, Management Consultancy I (Thesis).

Page 21

Appendix A

Saint Louis University

School of Accountancy, Management, Computing and Information Studies
Maryheights Campus, Bakakeng, Baguio City

Good Day!

We, the students from Saint Louis University taking up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy are conducting a
research about the “Impact of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Law to the Budgeting of the
Minimum Wage Earners in Baguio City.”

We sincerely ask for your participation in our research. Rest assured that all information will be held confidential
and will only be used for academic purposes. Thank you and God Bless!

Sincerely yours,

Catabay, Dwight Rychl R. Riño, Kimberly C.

Aficial, Mariel Anne C. Terceño, Kristel Joy C.

Jovero, Mariah Alondra L.

Noted by:

Mr. Zandro Payocong, CPA

Name (optional):
Age: Sex: Civil Status:

Direction: Please choose the range which describes your monthly spending the most. If the following expenses
below are not within your budget, please leave it blank.

Legend: 1 – 250 and below 6 – 1251 – 1500

2 – 251 – 500 7 – 1501 – 1750
3 – 501 – 750 8 – 1751 – 2000
4 – 751 – 1000 9 – 2001 – 2250
5 – 1001 – 1250 10 – 2251 and above

BEFORE TRAIN LAW (Prior January 1, 2018)

Monthly Expenses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Food, Beverages and Tobacco
Fruits & Vegetables
Other food
Beverages (coffee,
juice, soft drinks etc.)
Alcoholic Beverages
Non Food
House Rent
Electricity and Water
Gas & Other Fuel
Clothing and
Health and Medical
Personal Care
Leisure and
AFTER TRAIN LAW (January 1, 2018 to present)
Monthly Expenses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Food, Beverages and Tobacco
Fruits & Vegetables
Other food
Beverages (coffee,
juice, soft drinks etc.)
Alcoholic Beverages
Non Food
House Rent
Electricity and Water
Gas & Other Fuel
Clothing and Footwear
Health and Medical
Personal Care
Leisure and
Appendix B

Class Interval f CB CM <CF >CF %

17-22 25 16.5 - 22.5 19.5 25 100 25
23-28 31 22.5 - 28.5 25.5 56 75 31
29-34 18 28.5 - 34.5 31.5 74 44 18
35-40 13 34.5 - 40.5 37.5 87 26 13
41-46 8 40.5 - 46.5 43.5 95 13 8
47-52 3 46.5 - 52.5 49.5 98 5 3
53-58 1 52.5 - 58.5 55.5 99 2 1
59-64 1 59.5 - 64.5 62 100 1 1
100 100

Appendix C
T –test for Sex and Civil Status

Male Female
Mean 1 3.6415094
Variance 3.259482 4.4459361
Observations 47 53
Pooled Variance 1
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 98
t Stat 4
P(T<=t) one-tail 5
t Critical one-tail 2
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.330783
t Critical two-tail 5

Mean 2.8984375 4.3235294
Variance 2.7633309 4.2557932
Observations 64.0000000 34.0000000
Pooled Variance 3.2763648
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0.0000000
df 96.0000000
t Stat -3.7099082
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0001737
t Critical one-tail 1.6608814
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.0003474
t Critical two-tail 1.9849843
Appendix D

One-way ANOVA
F 1.61
F, critical 2.111
Number of groups (e.g. columns) 8
p value 0.1423
Column means significantly different (p<0.05) ? No
Significance level: 95%

Source of variations
Between groups (e.g. between columns) 50.927 7 7.275
Within groups (Error) 415.663 92 4.518
Total 466.59 99
Appendix E

Food, Beverages and Tobacco
Before After Impact
Rice 3.2900 3.6300 0.3400 Above Average
Meat 2.8700 3.2000 0.3300 Above Average
Fish 2.6600 2.9300 0.2700 Average
Fruits &
2.5400 2.8200 0.2800
Vegetables Average
Other food
2.3200 2.3500 0.0300
expenses Very Low
2.2400 2.3400 0.1000
(coffee, juice, soft
drinks etc.) Very Low
0.7900 1.1500 0.3600
Beverages Above Average
Tobacco 0.6900 0.7600 0.0700 Very Low
Non Food
House Rent 3.7400 3.9300 0.1900 Below Average
Electricity and
3.0800 3.2100 0.1300
Water Bill Below Average
Gas & Other Fuel 2.6500 2.9000 0.2500 Average
Clothing and
2.2100 2.3900 0.1800
Footwear Below Average
Health and
1.9700 2.3500 0.3800
Medical Services Above Average
Personal Care 2.4200 2.6700 0.2500 Average
Transportation 2.5800 3.0600 0.4800 Very High
Communication 2.0700 2.2800 0.2100 Average
Leisure and
1.6600 1.6700 0.0100
Recreation Very Low
Education 2.7100 3.0100 0.3000 Above Average
Savings 2.0700 1.7600 0.3100 Above Average

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