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University of Okara

Submitted by:
M Waseem shafi
Roll no:
Bs Zoology 2nd semester
Open book review
Submitted to:
Prof. Fida-Ul-Mustafa
Essay Writing

We study about an essay is a group of paragraph that explain an idea. we can write
about 3 to 5 paragraph The steps involve in Essay Writing Are Road Map, Reading
To Write , Invention(Pre-Writing) Arrangement, Drafting And Revising, Editing
And Proofreading .Many Type Of Essay Such As Descriptive Essay , Definition,
Compare Essay, Critical Essay, Cause Essay, Narrative Essay. There Are Three
Parts Of Essay Introduction Paragraph Body Paragraph And Conclusion Paragraph

The words essay is defined in ‘’ The concise oxford dictionary’’ as’’ a literary
composition on any subject.


‘’A short piece of writing that tells a person’s thoughts or opinions about a

Type of essay:

1. Narrative essay
2. Descriptive essay
3. Opinionated essay

Characteristics of Essay writing:

 Unity
 Order
 Brevity
 Style
 Personal touch

Parts of an Essay:

1. First statement is an ‘I’

2. Introductory paragraph
3. Topic statement
Memo Writing

The word ‘’memo’’ is short for memorandum.

A memo is a short written communication that is often used in the workplace to

provide information or ask some action to take place. Simplest from a memo can
look like a post-it an email , or a secretary’s note saying that someone called and
needs to be called back.

Parts of a Memo:

1. Heading
2. Opening
3. Summary
4. Discussion
5. Closing
6. Necessary attachment
it look like a post-it an email part of a memo are Heading, Opening,
Summary, Discussion Closing Necessary attachments. Keep memo short,
specific and precise. We can write memo step by step which are write the
memos, heading body of memo, finalize memo and using templates.


Reading comprehension:

The capacity for understanding fully: the acts or action of grasping with the


Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its
meaning . an individual’s ability to comprehend text is influenced by their traits
and skill, one of which is the ability to make inference
We study about comprehension processes of understanding get main idea of
paragraph that given as we read it carefully three time almost to get main idea and
give the answer the paragraph we can use own ward for write answer .write the
title of paragraph give the answer in correct sentence.

Type of reading

Extensive writing

Reading in order to gain a general over overview of the contents You don’t need
to understand all the wards . Reading for gist of books you read it for pleasure we
read novels, news papers and magazine etc as part of our extensive Reading .
Student sets material smooth reading level importance skill for extensive reading is
ability to choose your own text.

Intensive Reading

Careful detailed reading of section of a text. you need to understand whole text .
find specific information ,exam reading articles attention to grammatical forms
discourse markers it involve looking closely at a text for a specific purpose teacher
usually chooses the text .reader usually reading done with specific purpose in mind
write book reports on books they read as part of their extensive reading.


Skimming is type of reading to get general idea of text we do not need to read
word by word read few sentence you can often to get a general idea about passage
text you can skim news paper or magazine, articles, instruction, manual ,
catalogues read more quickly decide if text is interesting and whether you should
read it more detail eyes run on page in this type of reading ,it help in research.
Example : Newspaper, books cover, articles


Scanning is reading technique to be used when you want to find specific

information quickly rapidly covers a great deal material to get information we
rapidly read text to locate specific information in detail in this type of reading we
read specific names date and facts and search keywords in this way we skip large
amount of text read only main idea and heading.

Example: Specific information like Name, date, a time , a key word

Minutes of meeting:

A guide to creating effective meeting minutes that are straight forward to write
and easy to use. Minutes of meeting describe specify what was discussed and
decided in a meeting. Permanentrecord of the meeting for future reference.

The minutes of a meeting are basic record of important that will be useful for
group to remember minutes could include the meeting date ,names of people
decision and action evolution of Saturday’ outreach stall and drafting a simple
leaflet about our group.

Importance of meeting minutes:

Confirm any decision made. Record of any agreed actions to be taken. Record of
who has been allocated any tasks or responsibilities. Provide details of the meeting
to anyone unable to attend.

Precise writing :The term is derived form French word which means précis or
Expressed accurately .Italso means an abstract or a gist of a longer passage.
The precise is a clear compact and logical summary of a passage. It only
preserves the essential points or ideas of the original.

Importance:The life today has become overbusy . Speed is now well-connected,

narrative paragraph or a précis is needed. Shortcut has become a way of life. Every
one prefer shortcut to complete one’s task.

Rules of precise :There are 16 rules for précis writing.

 Careful reading
 Outline
 Understanding
 Under lining
 Omission
 Don’t omit
 Length
 Indirect speech
 Own wording
 Avoid giving opinions
 Paragraph form
 Tenses and person
 No change in meaning
 Art of compression
 Rereading
 Conclusion

Uses of precise writing :It is useful in grasping the ideas of a passage , extract ,
chapter or a book .

It aids concentration when reading a passage that has to be summarized .it

improves writing skills and teaches the quality of expressing much in few words.

CV Writing :A C.v which stands for curriculum vitae, Is a document used when
applying for jobs . It allows you to summarise your Education, skills and
experience enabling you to successfully sell your abilities to potential employers .

 Start with contact information
 Full Name
 Permanent mailing address
 E-mail address
 Phone number
 Education
 Honors and Awards
 Professional Experience
 Publication and presentations
 Extracurricular andvolunteer experience

There are five steps to writing an effective C.V

1. Taking an inventory of your skills and experience.
2. Finding a suitable employer.
3. Choosing right format.
4. Writing your C.V.
5. Customizing your C.V for each application.

Excise no 5

Title :- importance of self awareness

Self training of the young people

Précis; - young people should learn to put on themselves from their childhood so
that when they grow up, enter life the should be able to earn their living .

Exercise no 6

Title ;-book-an antidote to boredom

Title 2 :- importance of books

Précis:- life would be dull in the absence of books it provide information and
excitement that needed to make life interesting children find in books an outlet
from boredom . they first read stories of child and they pass on books adventure
and explanation .books keep them away from unsocial activities.

Exercise no 7

Title :- conservation and utilization of water

Title 2:- Importance and sources of water

Precise :- water is base of life living things are not exist without water. The main
source of water are rain. rain water goes into river this water is must use to convert
our burred land into fertile and by utilizing water we solve over national problem.

Thanks you

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