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Problem statement
- Problem 1: The access rate to Orange Homestay on social networking platforms
Facebook, Instagram is not high. According to the measured data, the traffic rate is
decreasing by 20% every month
 Reason: There is not much new content, images or articles on these social
networking platforms yet.
- Problem 2: The conversion rate, booking through social networking channels is
often very low compared to booking websites like Agoda, Booking, Go2Joy...
The booking rate through social networks is 50% lower than through Booking
websites (Consider)
 Reason: Because users are not familiar with online booking
- Problem 3: Orange Homestay is a newly opened and put into operation
Homestay, so the number of people accessing and knowing is limited. The growth
rate in social media platforms is still slow.
 Reason: Since it's new, it hasn't been able to reach many customers yet

2. Project Mission
Customer (Segmentation)
Age: over 18 year old
Regardless of gender, nationality
Lifestyle: We aim at customers who want to experience a new but still cozy
Project’s mission
The Orange Homestay project’s mission is to design a new platform and
social media for the Homestay to bring our reputation closer to our customers.
Project’s important
Orange Homestay is a new one so it is not yet known on social networks as
well as online platforms so we are implementing this project to bring Orange to
customers through Facebook, Instagram and to help customers have
more choices when they need to stopover at Sai Gon.( pioneer)
Approach: online platform ( and social media (Facebook, Instagram)
3. Project strategy
-Phương án thay thế giải quyết vân đề như
Chiến lược marketing (Boost marketing activities)
Chăm sóc khách hàng (CRM, quality)
Đánh giá dự án, chiến lược duy tri tài khoản
-Rủi ro những chiến lược trên có thể chấp nhận khi mắc sai lầm nhỏ
Rủi ro về maketing khi chiến dịch quảng cáo bị thiếu hụt ngân sách
Rủi ro bộ phận chăm sóc kh khi online, trục trặc về vấn đề mạng
Rủi ro việc đăng nhập tài khoản
-Chiến lược phù hợp với văn hóa cty khi thực hiện dự án xây dựng nền tảng trực
4. Project Objectives
We implement this project with the ultimate goal of helping Orange homestay to
Have a large database of potential customers (Reach 600 followers per
The sales of the business that can exceed the set mark (approximately 100
million VND per month)

Faceboo Instagram Prepare Total

k ads Mark
on Fb, Ins
Have a large database Yes Yes No Yes 6
(Reach 600 followers /
Increases the sales of the Maybe Maybe Yes Maybe 5
(Approximately 100
million VND / month)
Total mark 3 3 2 3

Need to explain each objectives ------> The best objective

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