Tugas GSLC 1

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Michelle Adrianna / 2201733616 / LA55


9-54 The following is a list of controls (numbered (1) through (7)) typically
implemented in the revenue cycle.
a. For each control listed, briefly indicate the financial misstatement
that could occur if the control is not implemented effectively.
b. Identify a test of control that the auditor can perform to
determine the operating effectiveness of the control.

No. List of Controls Potential Auditing Procedures

Misstatement if Not to Test Effectiveness
Implemented of Control
1 All transactions under The recording of all a. for implement the
$10,000 may be transactions must not computer
approved by the be misstated. But, the program all
computer authorization collectability of procedures
program. The credit receivable might be should be
manager must approve impaired. Hence, it is reviewed and
all transactions over quite possible that net conclude the
$10,000. receivable might be level that the
overstated. credit department
tests and also
monitors the
accuracy of the
b. Consider
program testing
by submitting all
against it and tell
if the given
transactions are
2 All invoices are priced Sales and receivable a. Review all control
according to the might be indicated procedures used by
authorized price list incorrectly. If the the sales
maintained on the more sales are billed department to
computer. Either the than authorized, the apply authorized
regional or divisional receivable might not prices and continue
sales manager must be collectible. If fewer security of the
approve any exceptions. sales are billed than price list from
the authorized, the unlawful changes
customers might not b. Take sales
complain and the invoice’s sample
company will and check the
understate sales as price charged per
well as receivables. unit with the copy
Though, the of the authorized
authorized prices will price list kept by
not be collected. The the sales
company is basically department
less profitable. c. Submit a sample
of invoices to the
system and
decide that all
items are
invoiced related
to authorized
3 All shipping documents Shipments may not be a. Review the
are prenumbered and recorded and sales of control
periodically accounted company would be procedures of
for. Shipping document understated. It is also client used to
references are noted on probable that occasionally
all sales invoices. shipments could be account for all
recorded double goods. Test a
resulting in an sample of the
overstatement accounting of
receivables and sales company to
conclude that all
goods were
accounted for.
4 Customer complaints Accounts receivable a. See that the
regarding receipt of might be overstated separation of
goods are routed to a as customer duties as
customer service grievances are not mentioned in the
representative. Any adjusted. control procedure
discre-pancies are in reality exists.
immediately evaluated to b. Review customer
determine the cause of complaint’s
the discrepancy. sample to
conclude the
applied tofollow-
up and rectifies
the complaints.
5 All merchandise returns Accounts receivable a. Review related
must be received by the might be overstated procedures and
receiving department and and sales returns inquire about the
recorded on prenumbered might be understated procedures used
documents for receipts. if the receipts are not for handling
A document is created quickly recorded. returned goods
for each item (or batches Inventory might be
of like items). Returns overstated if quality
are sent to quality control control department
for test-ing, and a does not analysis the
recommendation for merchandise to
ultimate disposition is conclude its quality
made (scrap, rework and
sell as a second, or close
out as is), noted, and sent
to accounting for proper
6 The quantity of items Accounts receivable a. Examine packing
invoiced is reconciled and sales could be slips and shipping
with the packing misstated in each documents for a
document developed on direction, but it is sample of
receipt of the order and much probable that an invoices for a
the shipping notice by a understatement would sample of invoice
computer program as the be undetected as for shipped
goods are marked for customers might not goods.
shipment. If complain about not b. Consider
discrepancies appear, the being properly billed computer
shipping document for all goods shipped program’s testing
prevails. A discrepancy by submitting
report is prepared daily fictitious data to
and sent to the determine that the
warehouse manager for proper action is
follow-up. taken.
7 The company pays all Accounts receivable a. Pick a sample of
freight charges, but the and sales could be invoices and
customer is charged a misstated in each compute again
freight fee based on a direction, but it is the freight charge
minimum amount and a much probable that an to conclude if it is
sliding scale as a understatement would calculated in
percentage of the total be undetected as conformity with
invoice. The policy is customers might not the company
documented, and the complain about not policy
computer automatically being properly billed b. Consider
adds the charge. for all goods shipped computer
program’s testing
by submitting
fictional data to
conclude if the
calculation is
correctly done
9-61 Refer to Exhibit 9.10
a. What are typical substantive procedures in the revenue cycle, and
how are these procedures related to management assertions?

Management Assertion Substantive Procedures

Existence/occurrence—Recorded sales 1. Perform substantive analytical
and accounts receivable are valid. procedures.
2. Trace sales invoices to customer
orders and bills of lading.
3. Confirm balances or unpaid invoices
with customers.
4. Examine subsequent collections as
evidence that the sale existed.
5. Scan sales journal for duplicate
Completeness—All sales are recorded. 1. Perform substantive analytical
2. Trace bills of lading to sales invoice
and sales journal.
3. Account for sequence of sales
invoices in sales journal.
Rights and obligations—The accounts 1. Inquire of management.
receivable are owned by the 2. Review minutes of board meetings.
organization (e.g., none have been
1. Verify clerical accuracy of sales
invoices and agreement of sales
invoices with supporting documents.
Valuation or allocation—Sales and 2. Trace sales invoices to sales journal
accounts receivable are properly and customer’s ledger. 3. Confirm
valued and recorded in the correct balances or unpaid invoices with
period. Revenue has been recognized in customers.
accordance with GAAP. 4. Foot sales journal and accounts
receivable trial balance and reconcile
accounts receivable trial balance with
control account.
5. Review adequacy of the allowance
for doubtful accounts.
6. Perform sales cutoff test.
Presentation and disclosure—Credit 1. Obtain confirmations from banks and
balance and related-party accounts other financial institutions.
receivable are properly disclosed. 2. Inquire of management.
Revenue recognition policies have been 3. Review work performed in other
properly disclosed. audit areas.
4. Review revenue recognition policies
for appropriateness and consistency.

Management assertions are claims made by members of

management regarding certain aspects of a business. The concept is
primarily used in regard to the audit of a company's financial
statements, where the auditors rely upon a variety of assertions
regarding the business. The auditors test the validity of these
assertions by conducting a number of audit tests. The consideration of
management assertions during the various stages of audit helps to
reduce the audit risk.

b. For the following procedures (labeled (1) through (6)), indicate

the assertion that is being tested.

No. Procedures Management Substantive

Assertion Procedures
1 Take a block of shipping Completeness Perform substantive
orders and account for the analytical procedures
invoicing of all items in the
block and account for the pre-
numbering of the documents.
2 Review the general access Existence / Trace sales invoices to
controls to the computer Occurrence customer orders and
application and the authorized bills of ladding
ability to make changes to
computer price files.
3 Recompute the invoice total Valuation or Confirm balances or
and individual line items on a Allocation unpaid invoices with
sample of sales invoices. customers
4 Review client documentation Existence / Examine subsequent
to determine policy for credit Occurrence collection as evidence
authorization that the sale existed
5 Select a sample of shipping Completeness Account for sequence
notices and trace to invoices. of sales invoices in
sales journal
6 Randomly sample entries into Valuation or Trace sales invoices to
the sales journal and trace Allocation sales journal and
back to sales orders and customer’s ledger
shipping documents.

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