Language Skills and Attitudes Percentage Points: Ano Letivo 2020/2021 Inglês (LE1) - 8º Ano

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Ano Letivo 2020/2021

Inglês (LE1)-8º ano

Name:_____________________________________________ Class: 8ºD No.: ___________

Date: ____/____/ 20____ Teacher: __________________ Listening Comprehension Test

Percentage Points
Language Skills and Attitudes Parent/ Legal
Listening 15% Guardian signature:
Reading 30% __________________
Writing 30%
Speaking 10%
Attitudes 15%


Task A: 30 points
Task B: 30 points
Task B: 40 points

A - Listen to the dialogue between Leo and Victoria.

Tick the correct option.

1. What time are Leo and Victoria going to have lunch today?
a. 12:30 b. 13:30 c. 14:00

2. They are having lunch at a

a. vegetarian restaurant. b. hamburger restaurant. c. Japanese restaurant.

3. For dessert Victoria is having

a. chocolate mousse. b. fruit salad. c. apple pie.

4. Where are they going to have coffee?

a. At the restaurant. b. In the office. c. In the park.

5. Right after, Victoria needs to go

a. to the bank. b. to the office. c. home.

Paulo Abrantes
B. Listen to the text about a cooking competition. Complete with the correct information.

Cooking Competition
For students younger than ____________________
1. Club: ____________________
2. Place of the Club: _________________
3. Date of the competition: ____________________
4. First prize: ____________________
5. For more information talk to Mrs. Patricia ____________________

C. Listen again. Are the statements True (T) or False (F)?

1. Mrs. La Rosa is talking to all the students.
2. This is the third year of the competition.
3. The participants need to use the school garden fruit and vegetables.
4. The young cooks can practise at the Garden Club.

Good luck! 
Paulo Abrantes

Paulo Abrantes

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