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1.VERB subject (his son) Non-
Finite verb (passive infinitive)
Non-Finite verb
English Structure Subject + Verb Finite/Princi-
+ Object (S + V + O). pal verb should be considered.
verb verbs
subject Non-Finite (active participle)
Finite verb com-
I want to play cricket. prises (present indefinite)

He wants to play cricket. (ii).
They wanted to play cricket. Finite/Principal verb
verbs want conjunction
play; want subject verbs
principal verb

play form subject
Finite verb (Principal Verb) The conmmittee which is investingating the case
verb Non-Finite. comprises three retired judges.
Non-Finite verb or
The committee is investigating the case and com-
1 3
To V (active) To be V (passive)
To have V3(active)/To have been V3 (passive) Infinitive
prises three retired judges.
V }Gerund verb tense (principal verb)
V (active)/Being V 3(passive)
Having V3 (active)/ Having been V3 (passive) Participle conjunction
who, which conjunctions
verb forms subject (iii). conjunctions verb
conjunctions 'and',
Finite verbs tense modal 'but' 'or'
(i). gramatically
Finite verb
subject verb subject conjunctions
Finite/Principal verb verb form
We are happy to recommedn that his son to be
considered for the post. The students were asked to unpack, eat their lunch
The committee investigating the case comprising and relaxing.
three retired judges.
[ Page: 1 ]
Several guests notice Mr. Sharma collapsing in his ment, now still
chair and gasped for breath. verb present continuous form
None of the diplomats at the conference was able Still the bulk of Indian women lives below poverty
either to comprehend or solve the problem. line. ()
conjunctions verb form Still the bulk of Indian women is living below pov-
right to left verb erty line. ()
and V (relax-
ing Don't disturb him, he has been studying at the
ing) right to left moment. ()
verb Ving form (collapsing), Don't disturb him, he is studying at the moment.
gasped gasping ()
or V1 4. present continuous
(solve) right to left verb
to V form
(to comprehend).
either to (feel, hear, see, smell)

(hate, like, admire, fear,
love, respect, dislike, want, wish)
TENSE: (agree, know,
mean, think, suppose, understand, believe)
Simple Present Tense:

1. present indefinite habit regu- (belong, has/have, possess) continuous form
seldom, usually, sometimes, often, ev- Most of the Indians are not thinking God to be
eryday habitual action just imagination. ()
simple present Most of the Indians do not think God to be just
imagination. ()
He is always talking nonsense. ()
Every living being, be it animal or man, is feeling
He always talks nonsense. ()
cold in winter. ()
How often are you going gymnasium? ()
Every living being, be it animal or man, feels cold
How often do you go gymnasium? () in winter. ()
never always The instruction clearly mentions that each item is
simple present present perfect having two option. (has)

Present Perfect:
He has always been a friend of mine. ()
I have never visited such a place. () 5. So far, uptill now, ever verb form
2. If, when whenever indefinite form present perfect
Did you ever think of going abroad? ()
Whenever he is getting, he watches films. () Have you ever thought of going abroad? ()
Whenever he gets time, he watches films. () We sent call-letters to many candidates, but only
a few had reported so far. ()
Present Continuous: We sent call-letters to many candidates, but only
3. presently, at present, at the mo- a few have reported so far. ()
[ Page: 2 ]
6. Yet present perfect nega- verb form past
tive form indefinite (V )

Hari ahs not received the information of the picnic I don't know where he is now, but I had seen him
yet. () yesterday. ()
7. since + point of time for + period I don't know where he is now, but I saw him yes-
of time terday. ()
verb present perfect form 11. past
verb past
India faced four foreign countries' attacks since the manger wanted to know whether he has done
independence. () any mistake. ()
India has faced four foreign countries' attack since The manger wanted to know whether he had done
independence. () any mistake. ()
8. since + point of time for + period Nobody has naswered the questions properly was
his opinion. ()

of time verb
Nobody had answered the questions properly was
has/have + been
his opinion. ()
For ages, India is a champion of peace and non-
12. past
violence. ()
universal truth
For ages, India has been a champion of peace and

past Relative pro-
non-violence. ()
noun (who, which, that)
Perfect Continuous: past tense
Today I missed my morning train which I usually
9. past
caught. ()
verb form present perfect continu-
Today I missed my morning train which I usually
ous tense perfect continu- catch. ()
ous since + point of time for + period of People in ancient time believed that man was a
time pawn in the hand to time. ()
The meeting was already going on, when I reached People in ancient time believed that man is a pawn
there. () in the hand to time. ()
The meeting had already been going on, when I
reached there. () Past Continuous:
He must be tired as he is watching television since
morning. () 13. past tense
He must be tired as he has been watching televi-
sion since morning. ()
for/since + time past verb form V2 (past indefinite)
indefinite verb
I worded for this organisation for seven years. () past continuous
Past Indefinite: When Monika entered the office, a speeding car
dashed her. (was entering)
[ Page: 3 ]
When the theft occurred in the house, the family 'will'
attended a night party. (was attending)

Past Perfect We will stay here untill he comes back. ()

14. Past Will we continue doing it? ()
Shall we continue doing it? ()
past perfect
18. Future present continuous
past indefinite
before after
future -is/am/are +
After the food was served people folded their going + to V1
hands in prayer. ()
I am meeting the chairman today to present my
After the food had been served people folded their grievances. ()
hands in prayer. () I am going to meet the chairman today to present
15. past

my grievances. ()
perfect Future Perfect:
past indefinite 19. future by then, by that time by
Although we reached his house on this, he left for + future time verb form future

the station. (had left) perfect
On reaching the school campus he was we hope that by 2020 A.D. India will be a devel-
disppointed as the bus went. (had gone)
oped country. ()
Before he was seventeen, he had learnt to speak
We hope that by 2020 A.D. India will have been a
three languages. () developed country. ()
Future Indefinite: I assure you that when you get back all work will
be finished by then. ()
16. (when, until, till, so long as, as long as I assure you that when you get back all work will
(if, unless, in case, whether, provided have been finished by then. ()
will, shall
Conditional Sentence:
modal auxiliary
20. Conditional sentence 'if
Until you will stay here, how will you meet the chair- structure
man? () 1. If + past indefinite, S + would + V1
Until you stay here, how will you meet the chair-
man? () structure
You will have to stay here alone in case it will rain.
() If I were a billionaire, I would open a charitable
You will have to stay here alone in case it rains. hospital.
() 'if' were
17. person 'will' subject
I, we shall
[ Page: 4 ]
If he were, If Ram were sentence verb V2
if were form conditional sentence
structure subject
Were I, Were he, Were Ram (Were + S) He behaves as if he were the President. ()
2. If + past perfect, S + would have + V3 past
past conditional as if/as though verb struc-
ture had + V3
The members of the family pretended as though
If he had seen you there, he would have scolded nothing had occurred one night before. ()
you. 23. It is (high) time
sentence (if sentence
verb V2 (past indefinite)

Had he seen you there (Had + S + V3) It is time we started the match.
21. It is high time we begin preparing for the examina-
structure tion. ()
structure It is high time we started preparing for the exami-
nation. ()

24. Wish
If I were God, I would have made the would
peaceful. () Subject + wish
past conditional structure
If I were God, I would make the would peaceful. sentence structure
() S + wish, past indefinite/would + V1
I wish I knew/I would know his name. ()
If the question paper were a bit easier, I would subject + wish
have solved it entirely. ()
Structure structure
S + wish, past perfect
If the question paper had been a bit easier, I would I wished Subash Chandra Bose had become the
have solved it entirely. () first prime minister of independent India. ()
25. If only
Some Special Cases:

22. As if/As though

If only + S + past indefinite/would + V1
[ Page: 5 ]
If only I would have/I had more money! () negative
26. (i) (interrogative) question tag
1. Wh- Pronoun (When, Why, What, I break my promise rarely, do I?
How) 2. Auxiliary verb subject No boy will opt for this career, will he?
3. Question Tag structures

I am learning my lessons well, aren't I? (I am

auxiliary verb subject Question Tag aren't I
What, When Let us postpone our meeting for two days, shall
we? (Let's Question Tag shall we
The passerby told us where was the marriage hall Let him do his work, will you? (Let us
and even led us to it. ()
object Question Tag
I do not know where could he have gone so early
will you
in the morning. ()

Please help me, won't you? (Positive imperative
auxiliary verb subject Question Tag won't you
Don't disturb him, will you? (Negative imperative
auxiliary verb subject the Question Tag will you
marriage hall was, he could.

pronoun) that GERUND, PARTICIPLE
He asked that how long you would be absent.
that Verb subject
Question Tag: Non-finite verb
structure 27. verbs infinite (to
Assertive sentence, auxiliary verb + pronoun? V)1
verb infinitive
Question tag auxiliary verb wh- pronoun (how, when,
verb why
question tag aux- Ask, Forget, Know, Learn Remember, Think,
iliary verb negative Want to know, Wonder
question tag He did not know to solve this question. ()
Question tag pronoun subject He did not know how to solve this question. ()
The students usually ask me to start their prepara-
tion. ()
India stands as a powerful country, doesn't she?
The students usually ask me when/how to start their
People have not witnessed such an event, have
they? preparation. ()

hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, barely verbs infinitives whether

[ Page: 6 ]
The little girl wanted to know whether to play or the U.S. President. ()
study. () Replace 'welcome' with 'welcoming'.
28. Needn't, Dare not, Would rather, Rather than, Had 33. Ving (gerund) pronoun possessive
better - infinitive 'to' (my, our, your) form
Please excuse me coming late. ()
Looking at the disturbed condition we had better Please excuse my coming late. ()
gone from here. () The boss resented Shyam going on such long
Looking at the disturbed condition we had better leave.()
go from here. () The boss resented Shyam's going no such a long
29. make let verb leave. ()
V1 34. verbs/expressions
With his hilarious jokes he made everyone to verb verb V4 (gerund)
laugh.() Admit, Avoid, Delay, Deny, Detest, Enjoy, Excuse,

With his hilarious jikes he made everyone laugh.() Finish, Forgive, Mind, Prevent, Resent, Can't
30. Help verb stand, Can't help, It's no use/good, Worth.
to V1, Now let's get back home; it is no use to go in the
in V , V
ing 1 meeting. ()
He helped me solved the problem. (to solve, in Replace 'to go' with going'.
I always enjoy to talk to strangers. ()

solving, solve)
31. Do + anything/nothing/everything + but/ex- Replace 'to talk' with 'talking'.
cept + infinitive without 'to'
It is quite boring because we do nothing but sitting
idle. () 35. Present participle (Ving active voice Being
It is quite boring because we do nothing but sit V passive
Perfect participle (Having V4
idle. () active voice Having been V3 passive
32. /phrases verb Seeing the police on the road, the dacoits fled a
V4 (Ving) way. ()
'to' Having listened to both the parties, the judge de-
Look forward to, Take to, Addicted to, Accus- livered his verdict.()
tomed to, Habituated to, is/am/are + used to, With subjcet comma (,)
a view to, Dedicated to, Devoted to, Committed (dacoits, the judge)
to subject
When I was young I was used to play for hours at judge (listened)
a stretch. ()
(deliver verdict)
Replace 'play' with 'playing' because here 'to' is a
36. participle subject
preposition and after preposition verb is in Ving
form. active (participle
The entire country is looking forward to welcome passive (participle

[ Page: 7 ]
Having stood first in the class, Ram was awarded
Having beaten by his classmate, the boy was cry- by the teacher. ()
ing. ()
subject (boy)
39. Voice
participle passive (i) Active voice subject
Having been beaten by his classmate, the boy was (object)
crying. ()
37. Present participle (ii) passive voice subjce

Lying in the bed, he was watching television. (to- passive voice doer
gether by + doer

Opening the door, he reshed out, (immediately My brother passed the examination with good
before marks. (Active)
Perfect participle participle The scheme was launched with great fanfare. (Pas-
In the first sentence, the subject 'my brother' does

the work of passing while in the second case, the
Having taken his breakfast, he went to his school. subject 'the scheme' does not do the work (launch-
() ing). If in the second case the doer is to be ruse, it
Realizing that he lacked necessary qualification, he should be in 'by + noun' form.
thought of pursuing higher degrees. ()
40. Passive voice
is/am/are + V3
having realised
was/were + V3
38. Participle
has/have/had been + V3
misrelated participle
is/are/was/were being + V3
Being a nice, sunny day, we decided to go on a
picnic. () will/shall/may/can be + V3
having stood first in the class, the teacher awarded To V1 passive to be V3 Ving pas-
Ram. () sive being V3 Verb form
subject (we, teacher) parti- verb forms verb
ciple (active) active
(passive) 41. voice error
 Participle subject subject doer verb active
It being a nice, sunny day, we decided to go on a doer passive
picnic. () verb
 voice participle noun pronoun objcet
subject comma (,) subject verb doer
[ Page: 8 ]
verb active Not jone of the five members of the committee
verb active were able to present a viable solution. (was)
passive Each of the thirty students deserve praise for the
voice project. (deserves)
tense 2. Preposition Verb
voice verb present indefi- subject
nite voice preposition noun sub-
present indefinite ject
verb The latest methodology of recruiting employees in
subject companies of all profiles are more considerate. (is)
active The subject here is 'methodology' (coming before
subject 'of') which is singular.
passive subject 3. nouns and verb plural

Congestion in the streets must be seen to unit verb
believe.() singular noun
subject 'congestion'
see believe nouns 'the'

verb passive nouns 'the'
must be seen passive to
believe active verb verb plural
passive to be believed the nouns verb singular
A man who wants to learn always enjoys advising The innocence and playfulness of a child exist in
by elders on critical occasions. () every human being. (exists)
subject (man) The president of the company and the friend has
want, to lear, enjoys, advising active arrived in the meeting. (have, use of two 'the', hence
two different persons)
subject (wants, to
The president of the company and friend have ar-
lear, enjoys)
rived in the meeting. (has, one 'the' means both the
(by elders). verb passive nouns indicate a single person)
being advised. Pond and fish make an enchanting scenery. (makes,
both together make an enchanting scene)
2. SYNTAX 4. nouns as well as, with, together with, along
with, besides, in addition to -
verb subject singular verb noun
1. Each, Every, No, None, Somebody, Someone, The coach together with all the players of the team
One - singular are responsible for the debacle. (is)
verb singular The members of the party as well as the president
does not agree to the proposal. (do not)
[ Page: 9 ]
5. noun or, nor but also verb pronoun
noun singular
Neither the PM onr the members of his cabinet noun plural
has paid attention to the matter. (have) Each must do ..... duty?
6. Nothing but noun singular Each of them has to cast ......... votes?
plural verb pronoun
singular each (singular) (his)
Nothing but the heads of innumerable people were pronoun 'each' (singular)
seen in the ground. (was) them (plural) of
7. Many noun verb plural noun pronoun
many a noun (his). verb pronoun each
verb singular guide
Many a religious traditions are followed in India. each, every, no, none ....... his/its

(tradition, is) None of the boys ......... his
None of the boys has done his homework. (their)
8. A number of verb plural from
Each of them has expressed his opinion. ()
the number of
verb singular Each, Every None
Question Tag pronoun plural form
The number of students taking admissions in the

colleges are rising. (is) None of the boys has done his homework, have't
A number of students is taking admissions in the they?
college. (are) nouns
9. noun pronoun
plural unit singular correctness
noun use
Twenty kilometres were the distanve we had to
scale on foot. (was) the company has appointed three consultants to
help them in audit project.
Forty kilograms are a good weight to lift. (is)
The scientist must follow his hunches and data
10. and/but Verb Subject wherever it may lead.
Subject Sub- The political party has started consulting the mem-
ject bers before staking their claim to form the new
Patience and perseverance are the two most government.
importan qualities and thus plays an important role 'them'
in a man's life. (play)
company consultants? consultants
them it com-
 CONCEPT: pany consultants appoint
them it
Pronoun noun
it they
singular plural noun
[ Page: 10 ]
their its Actually, subject (he)
common error he, she, it they
He cursed himself for the failure,
Personal Pronoun Subject

1. is, are, was, were, be, been, such as, but, except
the subject cursed the self for the failure.
pronoun nominative form (I, We, You, He,
On the interview day, the candidate must dress
She, It, They)
him in formal wear. (himself)
I have not seen such a consummate artist as Wherever they go, Indians easily adapt to the cir-
him.(he) cumstances.
It is me who should be blamed for all problems.(I) candidate
2. Verb preposition pronoun objective
form (me, us, you, him, her, it, them) adat

3. Ving pronoun possessive form themselves
(my, our, your, his, her, its, their) 7. verb reflexive
I am so well prepared that there is no question of
me failling in the examination. (my) (i) verb active voice
4. each other (ii) object

one another Avail of Enjoy Apply
each other one another
An intelligent man always avails of very opportu-
India and Pakistan have been antagonistic to one nity. (avails himself
another since their freedom. (each other) You must apply to your studies if you want to suc-
5. 'One' ceed. (use 'yourself ' after 'apply')
subject one one's He was feeling dizzy as he enjoyed in the party the
he, him his whole night long. (use 'himself ' after 'enjoyed')
One should analyze his mistake if he wants to Relative Pronoun:
progress. (his one's, he 8. 'who'
one) 'which'
Reflexive Pronoun: 'that'
6. Reflexive pronouns
error 'who'
verb object
So Martha missed here dog who died of a skin dis-
ease. ()
He cursed him for the failure,
[ Page: 11 ]
The company who tries to motiveate its employ- Gandhiji, who we always remember with fond-
ees gets success in its endeavour. (which) ness, was truly a saint. (whom)
The man which strives hard gets the favour of good
luck. (who)
He is the man whom I know has committed the
9. relative pronoun mistake. ()
relative pronoun subject
verb (we believe) has com-
'that' who which
mitted subject is subject He
All, Much, Anything, The only, The same, Noth- believe we. the man
ing, Anybody, Nobody, Somebody, None, Ad-
has committed subject
jective in superlative degree
You must remember, anything which you do af-
fects your mind. ('that' in place of 'which') object/complement
subject whom
All which glitters is not gold. (that)

10. Who, which, That verb
Gandhi is the man whom we believe achieved free-
noun pronoun
dom for the country single - handedly. (who)
'only one of 12. who whom
who, which that verb

verb subject
It is they who is guilty. ()
verb subject
It is they who are guilty. ()
He is one of the boys who has done the home-
'is' subject 'he'
work. have who boys
'know' 'he', "has committee" sub-
ject 'who'
Gandhi is, we believe,
He is only one of the boys who have done the
achieved subject who
mistake. (has only jone of


verb whom
Relative Pronoun conjunction
subject verb

The boy, who I met on the road in the evening,

This company which is the largest manufacturer of
was an old acquaintance of mine. () mobile phones in India.
who I met (subject which con-
verb) object junction verb
who whom
[ Page: 12 ]
which of my motorcycle.
(conjunction) Cleaning verb
relative pronoun noun
ex- article 'a'.
amples adjective thoroughly
Children are amused by the monkeys playing in thorough status
the cage.
We don't need to take any new step but to initiate
actions to fulfill the promises already made.
The couple was shocked to find that some of the
people who were invited missing.
Root word and Derivative:
sentences verb (playing, made,
missing) V3 V4 form
subject status

auxiliary verb PREFIX:
prefix status
structure "which are im + proper, in +
playing" (which are) capable, un + able.
already made which were. prefix 'en' 'em' verb

who verb Enable, Empower, Encounter
auxiliary verb + principal verb SUFFIX:
missing were status suffix
13. persons pronouns
second person, third person Adverb: Adjective + ly (silently, honestly, mildly)
first person
(Rule of 231):
Word ending with 'ful' (beautiful, shameful, care-
He, I and you are going to watch a movie together. ful, colorful)
(you, he and I) " " 'able'/'ible' (unable, capable,
advisable, appreciable)
" " 'ous' (advantageous, sagacious,
 CONCEPT: continuous, enormous)
" " 'ic' (beatific, realistic, horrific,
adjective noun materialistic)
pronoun adverb " " 'less' (imaginative, inventive, of-
verb, adjective fensive, preventive)
" " 'ose' (grandiose, verbose)
noun adjective. Word ending with 'ment' (arrangement, manage-
ment, agreement
The mechanic advised me a thoroughly cleaning
[ Page: 13 ]
" " 'tion'/'ion' (examination, irrita- My brother missed the local train
tion, beautician, circulation (D)Article/Determiner + Adverb + Adjective +
" " 'st' (enthusiast, realist, extrem- Noun
ist, materialist) My younger brother missed the timely local
" " 'ness' (fairness, meaningfulness, train
nervous his, restlessness)
(E) Subject + Verb + Object + Adverb
" " 'ty' (beauty, inability, sagacity,
My younger brother missed the timely local
capability, continuity)
train narrowly.
" " 'cy' (democracy, idiocy, se-
crecy, normalcy) sentence
" " 'tude' (attitude, fortitude, grati- The mechanic advised me a thoroughly cleaning
tude, servitude) of my motorcycle.
" " 'sis' (diagnosis, basis) sentence a thoroughly cleaning structure
" " 'ism' (pragmatism, socialism, Article + Adverb + Noun part C
realism, materialism) Article + Adjective + Noun

" " 'ary' (dictionary, pleasantry, (thorough)
1. Verb (V3) (Ving)
" " 'eer'/'er'/'or' (teacher, mentor,
advisor, mountaineer) adjective V3
" " 'age' (coverage, advantage,

Word ending with 'ise'/'ize' (harmonise, agonize,
characterize, centralise) frightening
" " 'fy' (beautify, magnify, identify,
personify) frightened
" " 'ate' (activate, appreciate, un-
derrate, substantiate) News was interesting. (creating the effect)
Placement of a word in a sentence I was intersted. (affected by something)
status Women in this male-dominated society are de-
pressing in every regard. (depressed)
2. Some/Any
preposition conjunction 'if'
structures 'any' some
I don't know if I will have some success ever. ('any'
(A)Subject + Verb + Object in place of 'some')
Brother missed train When he was cheated he was left with hardly some
(B)Adjective + Noun money. ('any' in place of 'some')
Brother missed local train Interrogative
(C)Article/Determiner + Adjective + Noun invitation request sense
[ Page: 14 ]
some tive
Could you be kind enough to make a personal Only first two are entitled to get prize. It will not
visit on any day? ('some' in place of 'any') be given to another. (any other)
3. Little/A little/ The little 7. All
uncountable noun 'all' noun
'Little' verb all singular
negative little
negatvie "A little" All is good when you are good. ()
positive Degree of Comparison:
"The little" 8. Positive degree as + Adj + as
The little the conjunc- so + Adj + as negative
tion S
+V The little + noun (that) + S In terms of human resources India is so developed

+V structure The little/few as any other country. (as developed as)
conjunction 9. Comparative degree more + Adjective + than
PV Senior, Junior, Inferior,
He met with a fatal accident and has now a little Superior, Prior than
chance of survival. (little) 'to'

In a desperate condition even a weak person em-
Nobody likes him because he always regards ev-
ploys a little energy he has. (the little)
ery other person inferior than him. (to him)
4. Few/A few/The few
10. Prefer
little group
able noun S + prefer + noun/proun/gerund + to + noun/
Since I had a few dresses for myself could give
S + prefer + to V1 + rather than + V1
the beggar none. (few)
A poor man prefers poverty with continuing leth-
5. Each/Every argy than prosperity with perseverance. ('to' in
singular noun verb place of 'than')
each The brave would prefer to lay down their lives
every rather than to vield. (remove 'to' before 'yield')
every 11. double comparative structure

Every of the present members must accept his structure

responsiblility. (each) The + comparative + S + V,
6. Other/Another/Any other the + comparative + S + V
Another singular countable noun The harder you become before difficulties, the
other plural countable noun bolder you become in life. ()
any other singular plural nega- The further up you go, the cleaner Ganga you
[ Page: 15 ]
structure veloping countries. (use 'other' after 'all')
Verb 14. Fewer countable noun
Tense less uncountable
The more we looked at it, the more we like it. countable less
I had to pay fifty rupees less for that shirt. ()
S+V Verb There were fifteen boys less than the normal
strength. ()
Verb Subject
normal stength
The higher the price of petroleum products, the
faster the prices of all products go up. () less fewer
Subject Verb 15. One of adjective superlative de-

12. gree noun plural form
India is one of the fastesty developing countries of
the word. ()
New adaptations in information technology are 16. adjectives the most
faster than any other sector. ()

Perfect, Full, Unique, Impossible, Absolute, Ex-
"new adaptations" any other sector cellent etc.
sector sector adapta-
17. Superlative
tions adaptations

Between Hari and Sundar, the latter is the stron-

any other sector's
gest. (stronger)
adaptations any other sector's
those in any other sector. that 18. First/Former, Last/Latter
subject Former Latter
those subject
The climatic condition of Bangalore is more salu- First Last
brious than that of Delhi. () [that = the climate]
13. subject
Of the two great cities the first is bigger.
best quality no, any every Of the two films in which he starred, I think the
first is better.
Of the five boys who performed at last, the latter
anybody everybody else
was the best.

positive comparative su-

the first the former
perlative other else
India is higher on development index than all de-
[ Page: 16 ]
the Position of adverbs:
latter the last 1. adverb
verb verb object
19. comparative degree adverb object
of (= between) He enchanted the entire audience as he nicely
Comparative the talked to it. (nicely at last)
Ram is better than the two sons of the old man. 2. adverb verb
(the better of) verb auxiliary verb
auxiliary verb main verb
5. ADVERB auxiliary verb
STRUCTURE: Such a big personality had been never invited to
the ceremony. (had never been)

adjective ly Inversion (Auxiliary verb + Subject):
adverb 3. expression
rules auxiliary verb
 adjective adverb subject
ly auxiliary verb subject

Fast, Long, Low, Straight, Well
 adverb
Hardly, Scarcely, Seldom, Rarely, Never, Nor, No,
Not, Only by, Only in this way, Only when/then,
In/Under no circumstances, On no account, So +
'Late' means and 'Lately' means
He reacted to the proposal lately and he missed There is no other way; only by hard labour you
the chance. (late) can get success. (can you)
We have late come across a person who can fore- Nobody in the class was able to answer the ques-
tell the future. (lately) tion; nor I was. (was I)
'Hard' means and 'Hardly' So cautions he has become after the accident that
means now he prefers to walk on foot. (has he)
I am coming directly from home. (direct) 4. Too/so
Be prepared, the chief guest will be here direct. So Too very
(directly) very so that
Deeply Too structure
Too + Adj + ToV1
Highly It is difficult for him to pass because he is too weak
in language. (Replace 'too' with 'very')
Deeply influenced, Highly admired He is so polite in his nature and hence everybody

[ Page: 17 ]
loves him. (Replace 'so' with 'very', otherwise use preposition
'that' in place of 'and hence')
He is very serious in his work that his success is He missed his train because of the train arrived
sure, (Replace 'very' with 'so') late.
He is too wise to be deceived. (= He is so wise "because of " preposition
that he cannot be deceived.)
"because of "
She is too poor in health to miss the examination.
(Replace 'miss' with 'appear in')
5. Rather/Fairly
negative fairly positive
He missed his train because the train arrived late.
He missed his train because of the late arriveal of
In hot summer, tea seems fairly hot. (rather) the train.
In winter, tea seems rather hot. (fairly) He met with an accident but luckily survival. ()

6. Enough He met with an accident but survived luckily. ()
adjective conjunction Prepo-
adjective (very good, sition
quite interesting), enough adjective CONJUNCTION PREPOSITION

Though, Although  Inspite of, Despite,
In that alien land he was enough generous to help ( Notwith standing
me with money. (generous enough) But, However,  
The boy is learning the matter enough quickly.
Nevertheless, Yet
(quickly enough)
7. verb
Because, Since, As  Because of, Due to Owing
verbs adjective to, On account of
In order that, So that  In order to, So as to
Look, Seem, Appear, Happen, Taste, Feel, Smell, 1. No sooner – than, Scarcely/Hardly – when
Sound, Become, Get, Remain, Go, Turn, Prove, (a) "no sooner"
Stay 'than'
At the end, his arguments proved wrongly. (worng) 'Hardly'/scarcely' 'when'
The mango tastes sweetly. (sweet)

6. CONJUNCTION No sooner did he start writing when his pen

ran out of ink. (than)
Concept: CONJUNCTION v/s PREPOSITION (b) 'no sooner', 'hardly' scarcely'
conjunction preposition auxiliary verb subject

[ Page: 18 ]
Hardly he stood to deliver his speech when position
there was a pandemonium. (did he stand)
He no sooner moved from his place than it Both Ram as well as some of his friends have come
was acquired by some other person. () during their holidays. (and)
2. Not only – but also He is supposed to be a scholar as he has studied
both in America and India.
both in
"not only" "but also"
part of speech – noun verb preposi- 4. So – that
tion – part of speech "not only" 'So' 'that'
"not only"
"but also" He is so intelligent and hence everybody admires
him. (that)
 "not only" He is popular among his follower that there is no
problem for him in winning election. (use 'so' be-

fore 'popular')
 but also ..........
5. Such – as/that
 but ...........also
 but...also.........
The bandits not only during their looting snatched

valuables from the passangers but injured them also. 'as'

"but also" verb "not There is no such boy that you are looking for. (as)
only" verb "not only" Such was his anger as every attempt to pacify him
failed. (that)
He was in such an emotional frenzy as he listened
I the scuffle I not only lost my purse but my gold
to none. (that)
watch also.
6. Though/Although – yet
but noun "not
Though Although
only" noun not only
Though the meeting started late but all the mem-
conjunction inversion
bers were present. [yet or comma (,)]
7. The reason (why)
not only
'The reason' because,
not only verb
because of, due to, owing to
auxiliary verb
the reason
Subject not only
position mistake The reason why he spoke so rudely is because he
is emotionally disturbed today. ()
Not only did he lose his important documents but
The reason why he spoke so rudely is (that) he is
also the keys of his house. ()
emotionally disturbed today. ()
3. Both – and
8. Since
'Both' 'and'
since/Ever since
[ Page: 19 ]
verbV1 I was unable to decide that to leave that question
verb has/have + V3 or attempt it. ('whether' in place of 'that')
The entire country doubts that India will win the
Since air-conditioned cars were attached to the World Cup. (whether)
trains, trains, travelling became comfortable. (has 12. Supposing
become) Suppose/Supposing 'if '
Nothing has changed in this town since I have left
it. (Remove 'have left' and use 'left')
13. If/Unless
9. In case/Provided
'Unless' "if not"
In case 'provided'
'unless' 'not'
will, shall modal auxiliary
'will', 'shall' modal
auxiliary rule 'if ',
Success is very doubtful unless you will not perse-
'unless', 'supposing'

vere in your effort. ()
'will', 'shall'
unless will not
India will become a developed country provided
Success is very doubtful unless you persevere in
it will strengthen its infrastructure. (strengthens)
your effort. ()
I shall remain indoors provided it rains continu-

ously. (In case) 14. Till/Until
10. Lest conjunctions
'Lest' modal auxiliary will, shall modal
'should' 'not' "Till" period of time
'Lest' 'until' point of time. 'until'

You must take judicious decision lest you may Until government does not make effort to improve
commit error. ('should' in place of 'my') the condition of the poor, how will it improve? (Use
'makes' in place of 'does not make')
The condition looked up until a communist gov-
Subjunctive Verb
ernment ruled the USSR. (till)
Subject active form V1 passive
15. When/While
form be V : 3

continuous 'while'
He must be cautioned lest he fall in the ditch. ()
The proposal was passed in a hurry lest it be ob-
jected by the members. () When he had spoken people went home. ()
11. Whether When the match was going on, one part of the
stadium collapsed. (While)
verb 'doubt'
16. Like/As
conjunction 'whether' 'as' conjunction
[ Page: 20 ]
preposition (spectacles), Measles, Odds, Outskirts, Proceed-
ings, Riches (wealth), Savings, Scissors, Surround-
ings, Trousers, thanks, Thanks, Vegetables, Wages,
Like the expert committee recommended, the gov- Works (writing).
ernment is making a three – tier system. (as) You have helped me a lot; my thank is due for
17. Nothing else you. (thanks are)
'else' 'but' Nobody should shirk form hard work because the
wage of labour is success. (wages, are)
It is nothing else except pride that leads to one's 4.
downfall. (but) singular
18. Other
'other' 'than' Knowledge, Baggage, Scenery, Luggage, Machin-
ery, Information, Furniture, Poetry, Jewellery.
The furnitures of my house are old and should be
India has no other claim in this race of develop-

replaced. (furniture, is)
ment but quality human resource. ('than' in place
of 'but') 5. noun preposition

6. NOUN noun
1. noun plural number hy- verb singular

phen (–) hyphen noun Be judicious in using your time, minutes aftyer min-
utes are passing. (minute after minute is)
noun singular 6. noun,

Whenever I eat into that restaurant, I give 100- Number + Noun + and + Fraction
rupees tip to the waiter. (rupee) Three hours and a half
The government has appointed a two members 7. plural
committee to enquire into the incident. (member)
Medium – Media, Syllabus – Syllabi, Analysis –
He has appointed two thousands workers in the
Analyses, Crisis – Crises, Hypothesis – Hypoth-
project. (thousand)
eses, Thesis – Theses, Criterion – Criteria, Phe-
2. Infantry, Cattle, Peasantry, Gentry are always used nomenon – Phenomena.
as plural nouns.
8. The + adj noun
3. plural plural noun
The rich is often unhappy. (are)
Alms, Belongings, Earnings, Fetters, Glasses

[ Page: 21 ]
 Past continuous (was/were + Ving)
Direct speech Reporting verb Past perfect continuous (had been + Ving)
inverted commas  Past perfect (had + V3)
Reported speech inverted commas into
Ram said to Mohan, "I shall do your work."  Past perfect continuous (had been + Ving)
(Ram said to Mohan) reporting into
verb inverted commas same
reported speech  Will/Shall/May/Can

Indirect speech inverted into
commas Would/Should/Might/Could
conjunction Reporting verb Present Future
Direct Indirect speech Reported speech verb
Reported speech

(i). Reporting verb tense Reported speech Reporting verb past
verb tense present Future Reported
Reporting verb past speech universal truth
Reported speech verb past (ii). Reporting verb Subject Object
Reported speech pronoun
 Present indefinite(V1)
speech pronoun
Past indefinite (2)
 Present continuous (is/am/are + Ving)
into Ram said to Mohan, "I shall do your work."
Past continuous (was/were + Ving) My borther told me, "You have cheated me."
 Present perfect (has/have + V3) I Ram
into your Mohan third person singular
Past perfect (had + V3) noun Ram told Mohan that he would
 Present perfect continuous (has/have been + Ving) do his work. You me
into me my brother My
Past Perfect continuous (had been + Ving) brother told me the I had cheated him.
 Past indefinite(V2) (iii). Reporting verb past reported speech
Past perfect (had + V3) This  That, These  Those, Here  There,
[ Page: 22 ]
Now Then, Today That day, Yesterday   Reportd speech Wh- pronoun
The previous day/The day before, Tomorrow  auxiliary verb that
The next day/The following day, Last day The
previous day
 Reporting verb past Reported speech
reported speech
I/we should request
Indirect speech Reported
1. (assertive) speech auxiliary verb Direct subject
 Reporting verb said told verb Indirect interrogative sentence assertive
object told verb (Subject + Verb)
object said: pronoun, tense
Ram Said to Mohan Ram told Mohan
Ram said Ram said

He said to the boys, "What is the important factor
Reporting verb object now?"
Reported speech object he asked the boys what the important factor was
Reported speech object then.
He said, "Will you do my work tomorrow?"
She said, "I would like to give you my pen." He asked me if I would do his work the next day.

She told me that she would like to give me her  Reported speech
pen. yes no
His father said, "Hari, you will finish your home- I said to my friend, "Shall we go to movie tomor-
work first." row?" "No", he said.
Hari's father told him that he would finish his home-
work first. No he said +
 Inverted commas Reporting verb subject + auxiliary verb he replied in the....
that Reported he said
speech verb, pronoun Reported speech auxiliary
verb shall) auxiliary verb
He said he wouldn't.
2. (interrogative) He replied in
 Reporting verb asked
enquired (of) the negative. yes He
Enquired verb ob- replied in the affirmative.
I asked my friend if/whether we should go to a
ject enquired of Ram
movie the next day. He said he wouldn't/He re-
asked Shyam, Ram enquired of Shyam plied in the negative.
 Reported speech Wh- pronoun
(when, why, what, how) in- 3. (imperative)
verted commas that  Reporting verb said ordered/com-
[ Page: 23 ]
Reported speech day.
The boy said to his father, "Let me choose the
 Reporting verb object carrer of my choice. "
indirect object The boy requested his father to let him choose the
carrer of his choice.
 Reported speech to V1
The boy requested his father that he should/might
not to V1
be allowed/permitted to choose the career of his
Reported speech reporting verb for- choice.
bade not to V1 He said, "Let me be free from all negative thoughts."
to V1
The mother said to the child, "Don't make a mess He wished that he should be free from all negative
of it." thoughts.
The mother forbade the child to make a mess of
that./The mother warned the child not to make a 5.
mess of that.

The teacher said to the students, "Think and then
speak."  Reporting verb (Reported speech)
the teacher advised the students to think and then wish/bless/pay/curse

4. Let assertive that
 Reported speech
 Let Reported speech may
Reporting verb suggest indirect subject might
propose (allow, permit)
People said, "Long live our country."
Reporting verb request
People wished that their country might live long.
 assertive inverted
commas that 6. (exclamatory)
Reported speech auxiliary verb
should Reported speech  Reported speech Reporting
verb exclaimed with joy/sorrow/anger/surprise/
to V 1
that + S + V + O
 assertive that
 Let us Reported speech
subject 'they' Reporting  Reported speech
verb subject pronoun

 Let He said, "Oh My God! I have done a mistake."

Reporting verb wished He exclaimed with regret/sorrow that he had done
a mistake.

Mohan said, "Let us visit the zoo today."  Reported speech

Mohan proposed that they should visit the zoo the

[ Page: 24 ]
noun adjective 
He said, "What a scene!" factors
He exclaimed with joy/admiration that it was a options
good scene.
 exclamatory

He said, "Good morning! whay are you sad?"

exclamatory inter-
rogative Question 1.
and I said to my mother, "I will certainly take you to
Bangalore this week."

(a) I told my mother he would certainly take her
to Bangalore that week.
He wished me good morning and asked why I was
sad. (b) I told my mother that I would certainly take
He said, "A brave solider, and afraid of dying!" her to Bangalore that week.
He exclaimed with contempt/disgust that a brave (c) I told my mother that she would certainly take

soldier should not be afraid of dying. her to Bangalore that week.
(d) I told to my mother that I would take you to
Narration in objective examinations: Bangalore that week.
option (d)
subjective objective
told to
that I he I
I answer
option (b)
options confuse Question 2.
Answer I said to my friend, "Good Morning. Let us go for
a picnic today."
First noun adjective (a) I told good morning to my friend, and asked
to go for a picnic that day.
(b) I wished my friend good morning and proposed
that we should go for a picnic that day.
Second Reporting verb, pronoun Reported
(c) I wished my friend good morning and proposed
speech form
that they should go for a picnic that day.
(d) I told good morning to my friend and suggested
Third Now–Then, Here–There to go for a picnic today.
good morning options
[ Page: 25 ]
(a) (b) Let Question 5.
us they should option (b) "Govind," said the manager sternly, "I command
Question 3. you to tell me what the old man said."
"How clever of you to have solved the puzzle so (a) The manager sternly told Govind that he com-
quickly!" said the mother. manded him to tell him what the old man had
(a) The mother exclaimed admiringly that it was said.
very clever of him to have solved the puzzle so (b) The manager commanded sternly to Govind
quickly. to tell him what the old man had said.
(b) The mother expressed that he was so clever (c) The manager commanded Govind to tell him
to have solved the puzzle quickly. what the old man said.
(c) The mother told that he was very clever in solv- (d) The manager sternly commanded Govind to
ing the puzzle so quickly. tell him what the old man had said.
(d) The mother exclaimed with joy that he was Reporting verb
clever enough to solve the puzzle so quickly. commanded

exclamatory option (b) (c)
solve form option (d) option (a)
to have solved option (d) to solve option (b) object (Govind) to
option (a) option (c) sternly

Question 4.
I reiterated, "I don't care about the job." Reporting verb
pronoun verb
(a) I reiterated I didn't care about the job.
(b) I said again and again I didn't care about the narration
job. theory objective examination narration
(c) I reiterated that I did not care about the job.
(d) I repeatedly said that I cared about the job.
examiner confuse
Reporting verb
compare elimination Method

Reporting verb that

option (c) (d)
option (d) not
Answer (c)

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