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General Information

Class: JSS 3B

Average age: 13

Subject: Basic Technology

Topic: Timber

Date: 5th February, 2021

Teaching aid: A diagrammatic representation of the structure of a wood

Previous knowledge: Materials used in building construction

Behavioural objectives: by the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Define the term timber

2. Differentiate between softwood and hardwood
3. List the uses of timber

Introduction: the teacher introduces the lesson by asking the students; who can remind the class the
last topic discussed, before he/she writes the date and topic for today


Step 1: the teacher defines timber as: the wood at any stage after the tree has been felled, that have
been harvested which retain their bark or other characteristics for aesthetic purposes.

Step 2: Types of timber: there are majorly 2 classifications of timber: hardwood and softwood


Gotten from coniferous trees Gotten from deciduous trees

Easier to work with Hard workability

Used to make paper, paper pulp, solid wood General flooring and furnitures

Less Durability More durable

Fast growth rate Slow growth rate

Step 3: the teacher states the uses of timber

i. As fuel for cooking, for heating homes, heat water for domestic work
ii. For construction of rafters, joists, support, studs, beams etc
iii. For making furniture
iv. Paper manufacturing from pulpwood
v. Making timber beams used on docks, piers and jetties

Evaluation: the teacher asks the students to:

1. Define Timber
2. Differentiate between soft and hardwood
3. State the uses of timber

Conclusion: the teacher gives the students an assignment to list and explain 10 properties of a good
timber and bring it to the next class

A cross section of wood structure

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