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Cells, such as the ones in the

human body, need a way to to do it cells often send out

interact and communicate with tiny chemical
substances such as hormones, signals that act on the receptors
drugs, or even sunlight. That is on other
where cellular receptors come cells.
Cellular receptors are proteins Signals can be classified
which are essential for cell according to the
signaling. When a specific distance between the signaling
signaling molecule (ligand) cell and the
binds to its corresponding target cell.
receptor, this acts like a key
unlocking a door. The binding Autocrine signals are produced
of a ligand triggers a change in by a cell and
the receptor, which leads to a go to its own receptors, so the
host of downstream signaling cell sends
actions and changes inside the
cell. a signal to itself.
A receptor is a protein
molecule in a cell or on the Paracrine signals are produced
surface of a cell to which a by a cell and
substance (such as a hormone, go to target cells that are
a drug, or an antigen) can bind, nearby.
causing a change in the activity
of that cell. And endocrine signals are
produced by a cell
To make a multicellular and go to target cells that are
organism, cells must further away.
be able to communicate with
one another, and
Examples of these include cell membrane and bind to
hormones that are receptor proteins
secreted into the bloodstream,
as well as inside the target cell - either in
the cytoplasm
cytokines that can be released or in the nucleus.
at the site
of injury and act on the brain Most signal molecules are
to cause a hydrophilic, so
they can freely float in the
fever. extracellular

Signaling molecules or ligands space to reach the target cells,

can be hydrophobic, but are then
meaning that they tend to repel unable to cross the cell
water, or membrane.

hydrophilic, meaning that they So to pass on the signal,

tend to stay hydrophilic molecules
in water. bind to receptors on the cell
Hydrophobic signalling
molecules can’t freely These receptors are
float in the extracellular space, transmembrane proteins,
so they’re with an extracellular end that
binds to the
brought to the target cells by
carrier proteins. ligand, and an intracellular end
that triggers
Hydrophobic molecules can a signaling pathway inside the
diffuse across the cell.
receptors, enzyme-coupled
We can think of the cell receptors, and ion
signaling pathway channel receptors.
in three stages.
G-protein coupled receptors
The first stage is reception, are seven pass
which is when transmembrane receptors.
the target cell’s receptor binds
to a ligand. These are really long proteins
that have one
It’s like a key fitting into a end that sits outside the cell
lock. and binds the

Then there’s transduction, ligand, then the snake-like

which means that protein dips in
the receptor protein changes in and out of the cell membrane
some way and seven times,

that activates intracellular and finally ends on the inside

molecules - the of the cell.
second messengers.
The end of the G-protein
The third stage is the cell’s coupled receptor
response to that’s within the cell activates
the signal. intracellular

Zooming into these proteins called guanine

transmembrane receptors, nucleotide-binding
there are three major classes: G proteins or G proteins.
protein coupled
G proteins are made up of the G protein to release GDP
three subunits called and bind GTP
alpha, beta, and gamma, sort of instead, activating the protein.
like a flower
When the alpha subunit is
with three petals. bound to GTP, the
alpha subunit separates from
The alpha and the gamma the beta and
subunits are anchored
to the cell membrane and keep gamma subunits, like one petal
the G protein opening and
separating from the others.
right next to the receptor.
When that happens, the alpha
G proteins bind to guanosine subunit is free
diphosphate or to interact with other proteins -
GDP when they’re inactive. it stimulates

When the alpha subunit is some while inhibiting others.

bound to GDP, the
three subunits stay together, so But, to act on other proteins,
the flower the alpha subunit
turns GTP into GDP, and when
is closed. that happens

But when the ligand binds, the the three subunits come
G-protein coupled together again - the
receptor changes its shape, and flower closes - and the G
this allows protein is turned

Overall, there are three types Since the calcium
of G proteins: concentration is higher
Gq, Gi, and Gs, and each one in the endoplasmic reticulum
stimulates and than in the cytoplasm,

inhibits a different set of calcium flows out of the

enzymes and molecular endoplasmic reticulum
pathways. to the cytoplasm.

The Gq protein activates the The increased calcium

enzyme phospholipase concentration in the
C, which is found in the cell cytoplasm changes the
membrane. electrical charge of

Phospholipase C then cleaves a the cell and can lead to

phospholipid depolarization.
called phosphatidylinositol
4,5-bisphosphate Meanwhile, diacylglycerol
remains attached
into inositol trisphosphate and to the cell membrane and binds
diacylglycerol. to the enzyme

Inositol trisphosphate is protein kinase C, which also

soluble and diffuses relies on calcium
freely through the cytoplasm to fully activate.
and into the
Once calcium levels in the cell
endoplasmic reticulum where go up, protein
it opens up calcium kinase C starts to activate
channels. proteins by adding
phosphoryl groups to them. from the catalytic subunit of
protein kinase
Next is protein Gs which A. It’s like pulling the pin out
stimulates the enzyme of the
adenylate cyclase.
fire extinguisher allowing it, in
Activated adenylate cyclase this case
takes adenosine the catalytic subunit, to do its
triphosphate or ATP, and job.
removes two phosphate
So after dissociating, the
molecules transforming it into catalytic subunit
cyclic adenosine of protein kinase A is free to
monophosphate or cAMP. phosphorylate
cAMP moves throughout
target proteins that trigger a
the cytoplasm and binds to the cellular response.
enzyme protein
kinase A. Protein kinase A has Finally, there’s the protein Gi,
two parts - a which is
also bound to adenylate
regulatory subunit and a cyclase - but in this
catalytic subunit,
and cAMP specifically binds case, inhibits it, causing
the regulatory negative feedback
on protein Gs.
subunit of protein kinase A.
When cAMP binds This is particularly important
it makes the regulatory subunit in helping
dissociate to inactivate cells.
kinase that phosphorylates the
Next are the enzyme-coupled receptor domain.
Now, there are three main
They’re usually single-pass types of enzyme-coupled
transmembrane receptors, based on the amino
proteins, meaning that they acid the receptors
have only one
get phosphorylated at.
transmembrane segment, and
their intracellular The first group are the receptor
end has intrinsic enzyme tyrosine
activity. kinases.

In other words, enzyme- These are the most common

coupled receptors have enzyme-coupled receptors,
two parts - one domain is the and there are many
receptor and subfamilies.

the other domain is an enzyme. Receptor tyrosine kinase are

generally molecules
Each domain has a separate that can’t phosphorylate their
function, like own tyrosine
a swiss army knife composed
of both a knife side chains.

and scissors. When a ligand binds, two

receptor chains come
The enzymatic domain is together and dimerize, and
usually a protein they cross-phosphorylate
one another at multiple When the receptors bind their
tyrosine residues. ligand, the
cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases
This triggers a conformational phosphorylate
change that
creates high-affinity binding various target proteins to relay
sites for the the signal.

second messengers, which can Finally, there are the receptor

also be phosphorylated serine/threonine
and activated, triggering the kinases and they have a
signaling pathway. serine/threonine kinase

Next, are the tyrosine kinase domain on their intracellular

associated receptors end.
which work in nearly the same
way as receptor There are two classes of these
receptor serine/threonine
tyrosine kinases, and their kinases - type I and type II -
name even sounds which are structurally
almost the same.
The key difference is that they
have no intrinsic Ligand binding brings the two
enzyme activity. together together
so that the type II receptor can
Instead they’re associated with phosphorylate
tyrosine kinases. and activate the type I receptor,
which in
turn recruits and nearby cells, and endocrine
phosphorylates various target signals target
distant cells.
proteins to relay the signal.
Hydrophobic ligands are able
Finally, there are the ion to diffuse across
channel receptors the cell membrane and bind to
which are generally closed, but receptor proteins
then open
inside the target cell.
up once they bind a specific
ligand. Hydrophilic ligands are unable
to cross the
They allow ions like chloride, cell membrane, so they must
calcium, sodium, bind to transmembrane
and potassium to passively
flow down their receptors, which have an
intracellular end
gradient. that triggers a signaling
pathway inside the
This leads to a shift in electric
charge distribution target cell.
inside the cell, triggering a
cellular response. There are three major
transmembrane receptor
Alright, as a quick recap, classes: G protein coupled
autocrine signals receptors, enzyme-coupled
target the same cell, paracrine
signals target receptors, and ion channel
Cells' receptors are very
specialized and there are in
fact hundreds of different types
While there are many different of receptors. Most respond to
types of receptors, they can be chemical substances such as
broadly classified into cell hormones, drugs or allergens,
surface receptors and while some even respond to
intracellular receptors. This pressure or light (your body
module will discuss the produces vitamin D, the
structure and function of the "sunshine hormone," when
main types of receptors. sunlight hits your skin).
A receptor is like a lock, while In some cases, if a cell does
the substance binding to it is not have the correct receptor
the key to that lock. Only for a particular substance, then
substances keyed to fit the that substance won't affect the
receptor "lock" can bind to a cell.
particular receptor. Leptin is the hormone that
Substances binding to causes you to feel full and
receptors on cells can tell the satiated following a big meal.
cell to produce a particular Cells that don't have receptors
substance (such as a hormone for leptin won't respond to that
that makes you feel full after a hormone, but cells that do have
big meal), to divide faster receptors for leptin will
(maybe causing you to add respond to it, inhibiting the
muscle cells following release of other hormones that
exercise) or even to die make you want to eat more.
(chemotherapy drugs binding Receptors can play both good
to cancer cell receptors can and bad roles in the human
signal those cancer cells to body.
self-destruct). In celiac disease, for example,
receptors on specific immune
system cells serve as the locks Cell surface (or
and fragments of the gluten transmembrane) receptors span
protein serve as the keys, the cell membrane and provide
triggering celiac's cellular access for ligands that
characteristic intestinal damage cannot cross the plasma
known as villous atrophy. membrane themselves. This is
Certain cellular receptors also often because these ligands are
appear to play a role in causing hydrophilic or large, making
damage in other autoimmune them unable to diffuse through
diseases. In an autoimmune the plasma membrane.
disease, your immune system There are three main types of
mistakenly turns on and cell surface receptors: ion
damages some of your body's channel receptors, G-protein
own cells. Celiac disease is an coupled receptors (GPCRs)
autoimmune disease. and enzyme-linked receptors.
But in high blood pressure, While these each have unique
drugs can fit as keys into the structures, cell surface
cellular receptors that receptors are generally
otherwise would fit a hormone composed of three domains: an
that raises blood pressure. extracellular ligand-binding
These drugs, known as domain, a hydrophobic domain
angiotensin-blockers because embedded within the plasma
they block the blood pressure- membrane, and an intracellular
raising hormone angiotensin, domain.
can help control your blood  
pressure by preventing Ion Channel Receptors
angiotensin from signaling Ion channel receptors are like
your cells to raise blood gates which open to provide
pressure. ions with entry into the cell.
Cell Surface Receptors Different subtypes exist, for
example voltage-gated ion
channels, which open or close either associated with an
in response to changes in enzyme or has enzymatic
membrane potential. Another activity itself, enabling it to
subtype, ligand-gated ion catalyze chemical reactions.
channels, open or close in Binding of a ligand to the
response to the binding of a extracellular domain leads to
specific ligand (for example a activation of the enzyme and
neurotransmitter) to their triggers a specific response. An
extracellular domain. When important subtype of enzyme-
they open, they provide a linked receptors is tyrosine
channel through which ions kinase receptors.
can passively enter the cell. Tyrosine kinase receptors
Ion channels are crucial for contain kinase – an enzyme
many processes, for example which transfers phosphate
in the nervous system. molecules. In the case of
Transmission of action tyrosine kinase, phosphate
potentials from one neuron to molecules are transferred to the
the next depends on the flow of amino acid tyrosine. When a
sodium and potassium ions via ligand binds to the
voltage-gated ion channels. extracellular domain of a
G-protein Coupled Receptors tyrosine kinase receptor, the
GPCRs are a diverse group of receptor dimerizes with its
cell surface receptors that use neighboring receptor.
specific proteins called G Dimerization triggers
proteins to participate in cell phosphorylation of the tyrosine
signaling. molecules on the intracellular
Enzyme-linked Receptors domain of the receptor.
Enzyme-linked receptors are Phosphorylated tyrosine
cell surface receptors that have molecules are involved in
a catalytic site on their many different signaling
intracellular domain, which is cascades which are crucial for
various processes such as cell hormones, and the fat-soluble
division and wound healing. vitamins.
Intracellular Receptors
Intracellular (or internal)
receptors are found inside the
cell, in the cytoplasm or
nucleus. Their ligands tend to
be small, hydrophobic (i.e.
lipid-soluble) molecules,
which can diffuse across the
plasma membrane by
themselves. Once inside the
cell, these ligands bind to their
specific intracellular receptor
to form a ligand-receptor
complex, which will then bind
to DNA in the nucleus and
directly affect gene
transcription and protein
 Like cell surface receptors,
intracellular receptors also
have three core domains.
These comprise a ligand-
binding domain, DNA binding
domain and an amino terminus
(which interacts with the gene
transcription machinery).
Examples of ligands which
bind to intracellular receptors
include sex hormones, thyroid

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