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Primera Lengua Extranjera I

1º Bachillerato de Ciencias y Tecnología

Escola Pia de Sarrià-Calassanç

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No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
UNIT 1  

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
➔ Past Simple 
Finished events in the past 
➔ Past continuous 
Interrupted action in the past  
For expressing irritation (He was 
always getting into trouble) 
Failed plans or unfulfilled 
expectations (I was going to give up 

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➔ Past perfect  
For actions that happened before 
another past action 
➔ Past perfect continuous  
For an action that was happening 
over a period of time before 
another action in the past 
➔ Would/Used to  
Used to: ​Habits and states  
Would: ​Habits, more nostalgic  
Creating distance 
➔ I think, Did, Could, Would, I was wondering, Might, May I... 
Can​ you help me with this homework? - C ​ ould​ you… 
Do​ you want to tell me what’s wrong? - D ​ id​ you want... 
Do​ you have enough time to come shopping? - I w ​ as thinking​ if you did… 
My idea is that we ​can​ put our heads together - My idea is that we ​might​... 
Can​ I borrow ten pounds from you? - ​Could​ I… 
What's​ your name? - ​May​ I have your name? 
-Selective memory -Block out memories 
-Remember word for word -Commit to memory  
-Jog my memory (help remember) -Trigger a memory  
Remind: ​remind (someone) sth - I reminded her to take the pill 
- It reminds me of an amazing trip 
Remember: r​ emember something that is already in your mind 
- I remember when I first met you 
Recall:​ y ​ ou go back into the past and try to collect the memory 
- I lost my phone when I was with you, could you recall where I left it? 

Recognise: ​Id ​ entify something or someone based on having previous 
experience with that thing or person 
- Even though I haven’t seen her in years, I recognised her in the airport 
Memorise: C ​ ommit something to memory 
- I memorised thousands of words of vocabulary for the exam  
Realise: ​Understand a situation clearly  
- I realised my mistake and apologised to her 

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Participle adjective + dependent preposition + noun/V-ing/wh. cl.  
They have the function of an adjective but they might come from a verb 
form. Their endings are -ed -ing.  
Ex: ​I was annoyed ​by her​ behaviour  
I was annoyed ​about having​ to wear a mask 
I was annoyed ​at her for what she had done 
-addicted to - concerned about -known for   
-amazed at -based on -undecided about 

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-embarrassed by - inspired by -stopped me from 
-scared of -delighted with -remembered for  
-apologising for  - accomplished at  -protecting from 
-talented at -concerned with  
Prefixes + Word + Suffixes  
If it is necessary = Noun/Adjective/Verb 
If it is unnecessary = Adjective/Adverb 
Increase  Increase  Increasing  
Difference    Differ  Different 
Inspiration  Inspire  Inspiring 
Advice  Advise  Advisable 
Description  Describe Descriptive 
Reassurance Reassure Reassuring 
Substance Substantialise Substantial 

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