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ALABAMA PUNT RETURN TEAM CONTENTS. DEPTH CHART COACH'S RESPONSIBILITIES GOALS INSTALLATION CHECKLIST GENERAL INFORMATION PUNT RETURN TECHNIQUE REMINDERS ALIGNMENTS: HOLD-UPS. 10, BLOCKS 11, RETURNS VS UNCONVENTIONAL ALIGN. CONODRN> PUNT RETURN TEAM RETURN AND PUNT BLOCK RESPONSIBILITI *Will be responsible for Punt Return organization, practice plans, personnel and oversee scouting report ‘Will oversee meetings, all phases of retums and blocks ‘Responsible for Game Day operation, all substitution and direetion of Show Team. organization sLE~LT-G~S(S when in Box) Lance Thompson RE~ RF-N~$ ($ when in Box) Kevin Stecle LCS, Vise Control Billy Napier Retumer Burton Burns RC~S. Vise Control student Coach Responsible for Show Team preparation ‘Student Caasa Coordinate Show Team organization Offensive GA Assist with Show Team organization Defensive GA [Assist with Show Team organization Manager (TBA | Assist in set up of drill and ball operations PUNT RETURN GOALS When a block is called, block a punt or force a bad kick. . Average 10 yards or more per return. . Give the offense the balll inside the 50 at least once a game. . Stop all fake attempts. Play mistake free: +No Missed Assignments +No Turnovers *No Penalties PUNT RETURN INSTALLATION CHECKLIST TECHNIQUE Stance and Get OfF Shock and Control Stab and Lag Pigay-Back Technique Block Technique ALIGNMENTS Stack Alignment 6-2 Alignment (Atlanta, Boston, Denver) Tandem Alignment Alignment vs Bulldog, HOLD-UPS Black Black Double Right Black Double Left Red (Change) Blue (Change) ADJUSTMENTS Gunners Over ¥ Geronimo ¥ Bulldog (Geronimo) Punt Safe BLOCKS Go / Twi PUNT RETURN GENERAL “TYPES OF PLAYS ‘A, Wewill have four types of plays that willbe part oF our punt defense: B. Middle Return All out effor to return the ball up the middle. C. Block ~All out effort to block a ick, D. Side Returns ~All out effort to retum the ball up and outside. , Combinstion return and block. BE AW: MART ‘stance, Start, Keys A. Same stance everytime B, Proper slignmentshade C. Align onsie ~ crowd the ball ~hand behind ball ~hat behing hand D. Key the ball for take off E, Get offon the ball F. Beaware ofthe punerbloching point —take proper angle 6. Be aler to fakes HH Scoop and soot ll blocks on the opponent side of ine of scrimmage 1. After Scoop others peel back and block 4. Peter al blocks on you side of line of serimmage. K. Always be alert to Peter call ~"Get away from the Ball” | Punt Block Called ~ If we do aot block the kick, turn and gett the wall orto the Blocking assignment (depending on the game plan). Know ahead of time which way we will set the wall forthe return ifthe kick in NOT blocked, M. Arule change in 1986 states that the return team may not block below the waist at any time, including on the ne of scrimmage. The line of scrimmage part was added to the previous no blocking below the waist rule N. If the punt team is trying to angle kick out of bounds, the force man to that side should try ‘and block the punt. First you have a good angle for the block and second it disrupts the punters timing and aim, ©. Its illegal to run into and rough the kicker unless: 1. The ball has been touched by the defender in a block attempt. 2. The punter has started to run, or the ball has touched the ground. (Low snap) P. Always pressure the punter and attempt to break hs rhythm, Q. The front 8 must vary your alignment so as not to tip any of our returns or blocks. R. We will always have someone who is responsible to see that the ball has been kicked and who aiso has run responsibilty. ‘8. Make sure that all proper personnel are on the field ‘T. Know the exact retumn or block call and be lined up properly. Make sure that the ppersonnel on the field who did not come in from the bench get the exact call. (We will have particular people assigned to this) U. Ifthe ball hits one of our return people it becomes live and may be recovered by the kicking team. \V. Punt Return Team must make sure the proper personnel ison the field and alert fake call. W. We must all sprint on the field to line up, HOLD UP TECHNIQUE SHOCK: Geto on snap like block ison. Aim down the middle of your man and ATTACK: “Ske with ht and hands. *Your eyes under his “Shoot arms under armpits ~ Hands inside Pads over oes. eet tagered. **Foree your man back as deep as possible behind the LOS. CONTROL: When you fee! your man release, lock out your arm and get leverage by straddling hisleg, Force a release opposite your leverage. *Slide your feet ‘Know his landmark and keep him away from i STAB: __Getin back pocket of your man and widen him with short 6” punches. Stay low on ‘im and donot let him go behind you ‘Reach for forearm to disrupt his stride LaG: Ifyou lose your back pocket relationship, unto his hip and read his coverage. ‘Sprint tothe side ofthe return man. ‘i he breaks down, wheel and fit infront sf he redirects tothe alley, attack and eut him off - Do not a “If he redirects away from the alley widen and deepen and wait for him to ‘come back PIGGY-BACK TECHNIQUE GUNNER INSIDE RELEASE: L ee Comer squeeze & stay tight to hip 2. Safety attack and be PHYSICAL! 3. Comer run to Retumer’s MDM GUNNER OUTSIDE RELEAS! ‘A. Corner hes low shoulder position: 1. Sefety trail hip of Comer 2. IfGunner slips Comer over the top, Sefety goes low shoulder and Comer peels to Safety's hip B. Comer gets beat over the top: 1. Safety run to midpoint and low shoulder the Gunner 2. Comer get in the hip of the Safety PUNT BLOCK TECHNIQUE . 3 point sprinters stance. Crowd the ball. Hand behind ball. Hat behind hand. Explode vertically 3 steps. . Redirect to 8 yard landmark. Come across the punter’s foot when coming from the side. Go to the side of the punter’s foot when coming up the middle. . NEVER put body on a collision course with the Punter. . Fight into the pressure of the defender blocking you. DO NOT GET BLOCKED OUT OF YOUR LANE. If blocked, attack his inside shoulder, then peel outside for scoop and score or for wall. . Eyes on the ball and shoot hands from the hip. STACK ALIGNMENT oO poribiritiviitivs E TANDEM ALIGNMENT | Oo O o oO OONlOO oO IGNMENT 6-2 DENVE! c SET NGTE$ F 6-2 ATLANTA ALIGNMENT c ET Ng gS TE c oO oO q oO o | pO OOMOO, oO _ | 6-2 BOSTON ALIGNMENT oO oO . m Q m a pod pe | STACK BLACK DOUBLE RIGHT | STACK RED | an pi STACK RED CHANGE 4 EEE) 4 T q HEEeC. q STACK BLOCK ] TTT tt Q im. | TANDEM BLACK DBL RIGHT ; Tt TTT TANDEM RED O | {Se EEEEEEL Ae) YB | TANDEM RUSH Oo 0 0 ca pot t tia a m 4 4 As o | BOSTON BLACK DBL RIGHT | BOSTON RED CHANGE 4 E BOSTON GO TOT TTT BOSTON KAT LEFT ™. e 4 ™m ° E BOSTON KAT RIGHT B oO DENVER BLACK DBL RIGHT ptt | DENVER BLACK DBL LEFT P@l 2 on 40 DENVER RED | oD E DENVER BLUE ] Oo DENVER KAT RIGHT 0 im IZ I< im ia + r- im TI + 90 sb bb | ATLANTA BLACK DBL RIGHT | oO { oO m 4 z. o a =i m ° ae ATLANTA TWIST F GIANT KAT LEFT GIANT KAT RIGHT Ss pobre STEM OVERLOAD PICKLEFT | oO pile TOTTI potted STEM OVERLOAD PICK RIGHT | potted RETURNER SUB FOR FREE SAFETY S. GUNNERS OVER: CORNERS MATCH CHECK TO COVER 1 BULLDOG BLACK LEFT aun (=> wmNEE BULLDOG RED wan TIGER LEFT + ©} = RED BONZAI E BULLDOG SAFE BULLDOG SAFE | -N:Algn on the ball. Rush tothe side ofthe PP -G Spy te PP “C's! Mano Man wih 1tefgible to your side +S & §:Manto Man2nd eligible to your side -£'s & Te: Equaly istibute and force the punt -Retum Man: You have the Purter ithe displaces fom the pun aigrenent -N:Align on the ball, Rush to the side of the PP -G: Spythe PP C's: Manto Man with 1st eligible to your side, -S & $: Mano Man 2nd eligible to your side. -£'s & T's: Equally distribute and force the punt. -Retum Man: You have the Punter he displaces from the punt afgnment GERONIMO CHECK ALABAMA PUNT TEAM CONTENTS- DEPTH CHART. ‘COACH'S RESPONSIBILITIES “OUR MOST IMPORTANT PHASE” GOALS INSTALLATION CHECKLIST REMINDERS ‘ALIGNMENT COVERAGE PROCEDURES & CALLS 10. GENERAL INFORMATION pear areenn PUNTING GAME RESPONSIBILITIES COACH RESPONSIBILITIES Bobby Williams {sponsible for Punt crganization, practice plans, personnel, and oversee the scouting report of blocks and returns ‘oversee meetings all phases of coverage and the whole protection +Responsible for Game Day operation, all substitution and direction for Show Team organization “Will oversee the protection portion of Center & Personal Protector Lance Thompson ight Guard ~ Right Tackle - Right Wing Kevin Stecle Right Gunner ~LeA Hold Up Billy Napier Left Gunner Right Hold Up Burton Burns Let Guard - Left Tackle - Lei Wing ‘Student Coach Sapper ~Punter - Responsible for Show Punt Return Team Cards Student Coach Coordinate Show Team organization Offensive Assist with Show Team organization Defensive GA Assist with Show Team organization Manager (TBA Assist in setup of drill and ball operations PUNT PROTECTION AND COVEREGE “OUR MOST IMPORTANT PHASE” During a course of a game we'll have more Punt plays than any other phase of Special ‘Team. This means our Punt will have more opportunities to have a positive effect on the game. Unquestionably, this phase of the kicking game is the most volatile; he complexion of ‘many games has tumed due to a blocked Punt or long return. For these reasons, this area ofthe kicking game demands more practice time and maximum concentration by the participants. It is the last play of offense and the first play of defense. Physical and Mental Requirements 1. Athletes with a strong sense of responsibility ~ people we can count on to do their job. 2. Athletes with intelligence ~ people that know what to do and hew to do it 3. Hitters eta BAMA PUNT GOALS . Sound Protection — No Blocks . Punter Average 42+ Yards. . Hold opponent to less than 5.5 yards per return. . Net Punt 38+ Yards. . Achieve all time standards: . Execute a successful fake + Snap — 0.8 seconds or below + Punter ~ 1.25 seconds or below + Time to Punt — 2.05 seconds or below + Hang Time — 4.0 seconds or more Make at least one big play a game: + Fumble recovery * Downed punt inside the 10 yard line * A Coverage Tackle for negative return yards Play Penalty Free. PUNT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST ‘Alignment (Front Lne and Gunners) stance Procedure ‘Man Technique Rock / Solid Gunner Releases vs. Vice Punt Cover Dri ick” (fr better releases} Gunner Release vs. Double Peel Blocking Twists Coverage Responsibilities Punt Cover Lane Drill Zone Technique Ny/tA Rall Technique vs. Wide Rushers Blocking Stacks (Guard Calls) NY/LA Overload Sky Punt vs. Safe Green—Blue Tight Punt Creeper Progression (See below) Giant Tandem Rover Stems lee (¥ Rock for Returners) End of Game / Half Rushes (10 & 13 Man) Bleed the Clock Slow Timeout Take a Safety Creeper Progression Corner comes Late = No Bail Punter) Corner comes Late ~ Bail (PP Scan) Corner comes with Bail ¥”& Recount Box Corner comes — No Bail ~ Gunner ¥ Kat kee PP Routine (Change it up) ‘Snapper Routine (Change it up) Rush Progression 3x3 /4x2 3x4 /4x3 4/2; 3/4 Twists 1/2; 3/4 Knifes Pick Stunts on Snapper Solid ~Snapper Covered axa ax4~"Rail” 3x5/5x3 (Overload with 2/3 Twists Safe 2x6 /6x2 Giant” 2x6 /6x2"Rip/ U2” Stacks, Tandem TAA Rover Stems fA Twist Overload ~ 3/5 Twist Man 10Man 31 Man (¥ Tight) fakes fed Orange Bula PUNT TEAM REMINDERS 1. We always sprint on the field and get lined up. Any coverage adjustments, fakes, quick, et...will ‘be communicated on sideline and signaled to those on the field 2, Make sure the person inside you is set before you set your alignment. 3. The personal protector wil signal direction of ball: Right, Lef, or California, GUNNERS GIVE, SHORT CALL. 4, We will always release 10 yards to your lanes as ifthe balls kicked in the middle ofthe fied, and then adjust tothe ball 5, Do not run behind your own color jersey. 6, Stack the defender as soon as possible to gain leverage and draw the clip. 7. On downing the bal, pick it up and hand to offical after it comes to a stop. Don't take for ‘granted that ball is down. Only the official can stop play 8. Gunners, when sky panting ifa far atch i given on 10, anticipate the fake fer catch and find the ball. Keep the ballin play. We can catch ballin mid-air if the returner does not attempt to catch the ball. You can be inside the end zone as long as you have contro ofthe ball before IT crosses the plain of the gol Hine A. Guards B, Tackles C. Wings SPREAD PUNT ALIGNMENT = = oe SCRE eo “Two point stance with ifside foot back. Back heel sould be off ofthe ground. Alignment 1” from the Snapper. Your outside foot should align just behind the Snapper's heels. Bend at your waist and helmet should cross the Snapper's waist ~flt back. Put your weight on your front toe and hands on your knees. Front knee should be over toe. Eyes up and see the ball in your periphery. “Two point stance with inside foot back. Back heel should be off ofthe ground. Alignment 11° from the Guard, Your outside foot should be even with Guard's outside foot. Bend at ‘your waist and helmet should cross the Snapper’s waist flat back. Put your weight on your front toe and hands on your knees. Front knee should be over toe. Eyes up and see the ball in your periphery. ‘Same stance as Guards and Tackles. Align with your inside foot 6” outside the foot of the tackle. Align so that you ean fouch his outside hip with your inside hand. D. Pers. Pro Heels at 6 yards from the front tip ofthe ball, Step to 5 yards afte the snap. Stradale the ouside leg of the Guard, Two point Tailback stance ~ shoulder aver mid-thigh E. Gunners Two point Wide Receiver stance with inside foot up vs. single coverage and feet parallel vs. Vice. Your alignment is 15 yards from the ball: SIF MOF: inside numbers, 15 yards from the ball +If Hash/Boundary: 5 yards from the sideline +If Hash/Field: 3 yards outside the hash PUNT COVERAGE LANES Discipline in the proper lane distribution is vital to our success in punt coverage. Each member of im will have an assigned landmark on the field to run thru. Our coverage first run thru vour land id then converge on the ball, 1.Know and understand punt protection and coverage principles (previously stated) 2.Rum thra your landmark...converge onthe ball cartier by running thru the near leg of the returner. S,CANNOT over run the ball carrier. 4.Gang tackle...2™ and 3" tacklers go for the bal S.Directional Signals... “FIST” Right “OPEN HAND” Leh “HANG TEN" =California 6. GUNNERS: Our Gunners will te our forcers and therefore, will have no lane responsibility: 60 directly to the ball. Don't allow the ball o spit you or bounce outside of you. AVtack from ‘oulside-in, Make tackle thru neer leg of the returner. 7. LANE: Interior men will have lane responsibility; know and apply coverage principles (previously stated) specific lane landmarks are to follow. 8. CONTAIN: The wings will generally have contain responsibilities although we have the flexibility to change up; contsin men are the widest men horizontally on the football field; don’t allow an opponent outside of you and squeeze in on the coverage; alway’ alert for kickout blocks, reverses, and gadgets. 9, SAFETY: The Punter will have the safety responsibilty. Move smartly down field ata pace so that you ean make the tackle asthe carrier pops thru an opening, never in the open field. Keep your head on a swivel and look for erack blocks. Snapper: Guns Tackles: Wing Gunners: Personal Protector: Punter PUNT COVER RESPONSIBILITY BALL PUNTED TO THE MIDDLE OF THE FIELD [After a good snap and proper protection, run (othe ball, If you're the first one down, take a shot, if you're not the First down, then seallop to the Retumer. Keep shoulders square and shulMe to keep ball from crossing your face. Iball is to be “fair caught”, break down 3 yards in from, be ready for dropped punts. ‘After proper protection, hed your man and release 1 point 3 yards inside near hash. As You attack the Retumer squeeze, if you're the first one down, take a sho, if you're not the first down, then scallop to the Returner. Always stay square and scallop to keep ball infront and inside of you. ‘After proper protection, shed your man and release to a point 3 yards outside near hash. AS {you attack the Returner squeeze, if you're the first one down, take a shot, if you're not the first down, then scallop to the Returner. Always stay square and scallop to keep ballin fom and inside of you. ‘After proper protection, shed your man and release to a point to the outside edge of the numbers. As you atlack the Retumer, squeeze, gather and come under control S yards before the ball, Always stay square and scallop to keep the ballin front and inside of you. ‘After your release, atlack the Retumer with “All of your might.” Your nose on his near shoulder, but remember that you ARE NOT responsible for contain. Make the tackle. You have freedom to take your shot fit is given. Do NOT let the Returner split the two of you After making proper calls and going through proper protection, release 10 the face of the Retumer. As you altack the Returner, squeeze, gather and come under control 5 yards before the ball, Handle the snap, get the ball off in 1.2 seconds, away from the anticipated rush. Find the ‘mouth of the wall and get init. You are the safety. Play at 17 yards above the ball Stack your man as soon as possible so you will be in position to draw a clip. 2, Always keep the Returner in front and inside of you. Do not allow the ball to cross your ce. To your outside. 3. If the ball is caught outside hash, the near guard will become the apex player. All backside players wil adjust 5 yards to the ball. Backside wing is for contain, never let the ball cross your face tothe outside. 4. Never follow behind another teammate down the field PERSONAL PROTECTOR PROCEDURE & CALLS ‘The Personal Protecor isthe QB of the Punt Team. He is responsible for making the correct calls directing the Center and communicating the protection to ALL players, Our scheme isa man scheme with zone principals. PROCEDUR “The PP counts the potential rushers in the box (3 yards outside the wings and 5 yards deep) then communicates that to the blockers. ° Sy > LS) i=} <) oi KICKOFF COVER DRILL | i a 4 L 1. Sprint and rp right at the frst bog 2. Regan your lane and fpf atthe second bag ‘3. Regain your ane and atack the third and tw 0-98. 4, Albag haters aliack the coverage ran when e's 8 yard fromyou ‘5, Retumer advance the ball when coverage rakes contac: with the bag in roto you. (6 Near leg and near shoulder the Reurner. 7. Bverone rotate up one level; cover man now becomes the returner. MIDDLE TO RIGHT MIDDLE TO LEFT Fo: : vu poole dire be ttt pedo tt RIGHT TO RIGHT politi tis eee THT yt petit birt bie te HH rt q * MIDDLE TO RIGHT 1 KNIFE MIDDLE TO RIGHT 2: 3 READ E | FE =f c 4 FA q MIDDLE TO LEFT 23 READ RIGHT TO LEFT 23 READ - MIDDLE TO RIGHT 34 READ MIDDLE TO RIGHT 34 READ (FIELD : * sorter titi i MIDDLE TO LEFT 34 READ RIGHT TO RIGHT 34 READ q 5 = * MIDDLE TO RIGHT 45 READ = 5 * J : E ot Lt | |e | wh A ot ryt elo SIO nt 4 MIDDLE TO RIGHT 55 READ Z S * poitirritivis rope eee obit tii MEPS eae Pl Trt pobre titi ttt et 7 E a 4 E . : q E = - q RIGHT TO LEFT 55 TWIST, Fo o* : poitiy thoiitiiitivis ae AERA RRA pert t ta RIGHT TO RIGHT 43 TWIST 1 KNIFE : > * | RIGHT TO RIGHT 34 READ 55 TWIST = : * potisiiticiitie epee eee eee n im \ a nh hited ttt ti MIDDLE TO RIGHT 54 LOOP ~ = ors 4 ret mitiiisl oti Pou mois i is RSC R@ RS RZ RT MIDDLE TO LEFT 54 LOOP vine MIDDLE TO RIGHT 23 READ 54 LOOP potirs rerpireipeeeeperceporre REALE REEEE RRR ERROR RARA RAO DARA ROR LR A RR cotbiee tired MIDDLE TO LEFT 23 READ 54 LOOP * 5 : tothoadrrederedecodicdies Tt otis iti teas pote E E E MIDDLE TO RIGHT ROVER 3 oobi tebe bts mooitiitiis ut L213 TT pottiiitii tis ig. i: & beritinis (oa a a 2 MIDDLE TO LEFT ROVER 3 4 et Tprcipeeerperss Bue us ORS RS ORS RZ RI MIDDLE TO RIGHT CONTAIN ROVER 3 ae seottorertocei tonite ted ser ca dA ES rT ol OS Ol | u wu LS R5.-R4 RS R2 RI MIDDLE TO LEFT CONTAIN ROVER 3 * = = Aor ar vieipercaprerepices roti tite TIE EEE MIDDLE TO RIGHT 4 CONTAIN S * Oe Sn eee soortroitir tities tie tieis roy RT TO RT 4 CONTAIN 55 TWIST * ppt seotiset toot ett tet ta wit reer RT TO RT 4 CONTAIN 3 ROVER 55 TW. pobiitii titi motioitiin EEE ee eee K 4 poet RKO ROO SS z a uu IT SKY IDDLE TO RIGH OW oe PeerpePreph eee pirripeeeepeeeiTieel cote be eb eee eet Peecpeceebeereteenepuneepeeeepiee pti bitde ti e RIGHT TO LEFT SKY a poitiiitiiitisis E fh = & Setar : : eee 4 : | E & 4 E Cae cotter tit

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