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RIGHT TO RIGHT SQUIB py PR PUNT AFTER SAFETY toortirerdins TOT ery tt | i Siw 13 4 1s 1, v TTT RELA ALIGN IN THREE Power semavTeRS STANCE Rianne ‘Gate al nner ble st Sone ma closes a elie ‘Se he end man ah slr TS Sono man nese 3 “Secon owt ann ro he siden a lon th pa of bal needy fora deiton Nosrfsou emu the bal -ecreit 1 satay he foun 1 Sosyome ne der Say to teat 1. REMINDERS 2 Bal tone sare bef oaroponet xthes is 5 Soren men mst mete ean penple mie cncro lot eg shed than bout he Our and RE eat Recover he al at a co, 5: We cot vanes th all ALL ON THE BALL WEDGE FITS ALABAMA Field Goal/Ex Pt TEAM CONTENTS DEPTH CHART COACH'S RESPONSIBILITIES GOALS PaeNe GENERAL INFORMATION . FIRE CALLS A EXTRA POINT AND FIELD GOAL PROTECTIO! COACH RESPONSIBILITIES Bobby Williams Responsible for Field Goal organization, practice plans, personnel and scouting reports of all rushes “Will oversee meetings, and all phases of protection Responsible for Game Day operation, all substitution and direction of Show Team organization *Will oversee Snspper, Holder and Kicker operations “RTE-RW LG -LT-RG-RT Student Coach (OL) Assist with LG-LT-RG-RT Student Coach(SpTms) Snapper, Holder and Kicker operation Burton Burns LTE-LW Student Coach Coordinate Show Team organization Graduate Assistant Assist with Show Team organization Manager (TBA) Assist in set up of drill and ball operations. FIELD GOAL / EXTRA POINT TEAM GOALS 1. Score! 2. Operations time <1.30 3. 100% PAT’s 4. 100% Field Goals <40yds 5. 67% Field Goals 40yds+ 6, 87% overall Field Goals HELD GOAL/PAT ALIGNMENT AND PROTECTION ae) Postion "AUGNMENT "TECHNIQUE/ASSIGNMENT. rapper fiw point Snapper alignment. nap after sat call (No Rhythm). Get your Fead up an tr big keeping your ips ondsholdes saute. | Guards nside foot behind Snappers footuick 6° splke step inside Snappers fcot. Bra utside toe betind Snapper's heel Snapper's leg with your inside thigh. Hit onthe rise th inside hand down. ‘Gap with face and forearm to B Gap with your outs Stay square and do not move ouside foot. ckies jnside foot behind Gu Fs foot. Brace Guard’ outside foot even with Guard'deg with your inside thigh. Hit on the rise the 8 Ga ith face and forearm to C Gap with your outside fist. Bay square and do not move outside foot. s mies 6 spike step inside Guar utside foot. Inside hand down. nds side Toot behind Tackles foot Quick 6° spike sep inside the Tackles foot. Pund utside foot even with Tackle'dnside C Gap with inside hand and shoulder, D side fot, Inside hand down. putside foot back and open your hips at 2 45° angle inch your outside hand to D Gap (2). Keep your eye foun, 1 Wisi alt hb an inns Teather wi lock pont, elbows on your thighs}nterlocked. Punch inside to help TE. Then time u uF up foot ins the End's outsideyour outside foot ~ stepping back and punching ou oot. ith your eutide hand on rusher to widen him. I no, | sh, peel back tothe inside to secure inside leak older te sure there are 11 men are on the field. When the git ies down Bind pot A rds deep. eam and your Kicker are ready, make a cirection call *Red/Blue” & "SET" call. Recelve the ball and spot ly and precisely. Right Safety in coverage. | ignment (dive @ spot placement for a Holder. Let Wolder knowd when you are ready. Left Safety in coverage. Kicker OVERLOAD RIGHT O |USED WHEN BALL IS INSIDE THE 15YD LINE ON THE LEFT HASH HOLDER MAKES AN “OVERLOAD RIGHT” CALL AND THE LEFT TACKLE ALIGNS BETWEEN RIGHT TACKLE AND RIGHT END. LEFT TACKLE SWITCHES TECHNIQUE |HOLDER OFFSETS BEHIND SNAPPER’S RIGHT FOOT OVERLOAD LEFT USED WHEN BALL IS INSIDE THE 15YD LINE ON THE RIGHT HASH HOLDER MAKES AN “OVERLOAD LEFT” CALL AND THE RIGHT TACKLE ALIGNS BETWEEN LEFT TACKLE AND LEFT END. RIGHT TACKLE SWITCHES TECHNIQUE HOLDER OFFSETS BEHIND SNAPPER'S RIGHT FOOT “FIRE” RIGHT LINE: Ifa "FIRE call is made, run to call side gap and block RIP/LIZ protection. Do not go downfield. RIGHT END: — Runa 10-12 yard Flag route - Run to the deep pylon. RIGHT WING: Runa 4-5 yard Flat route. LEFTEND: — RunaS yard Drag route, If not eligible by number, block. LEFT WING: — Run to the middle of the goal post. Settle if you get to the back line. KICKER: Run through the kick spot, tum and block backside, inside out. HOLDER: Secure the football and reverse out and sprint wide the LOS. Run if you can get the Ist down. Read short to deep outside in. (1) Flat to (2) Flagdod)@bst. If nowhere to run or throw, throw to the and the LW make a play. ay “FIRE” LEFT PYLON LINE: Ifa "FIRE call is made, run to call side gap and block RIP/LIZ protection. Do not go downfield. LEFTEND: Runa 10-12 yard Flag route - Run to the deep pylon. LEFT WING: — Runa 4-5 yard Flat route, RIGHTEND: — Runa 5 yard Drag route. If not eli block. je by number, RIGHT WING: Run to the middle of the goal post. Settle if you get to the back line. KICKER: Run through the kick spot, turn and block the backside, inside out. HOLDER: Secure the football and reverse out and sprint wide toward the LOS. Run if you can get the Ist down. Read short to deep outside in. (1) Flat to (2) Flag to (3) Post. If nowhere to run or throw, throw to the goal post and the LW make a play. PAT BLOCK PAT BLOCK BLAST LEFT KNIFE LeV/wNVss¥ Xr MAN MAN PULL WING TE GUARD BLAST RIGHT KNIFE PAT BLOCK BLAST LEFT JUMP PITCH O iy S Te JUMPER 1°"guY OUT OF PLE BLAST RIGHT JUMP O JUMPER: PAT BLOCK BLOCK LEFT PAT BLOCK BLOCK LEFT BACKERS SECONDARY (©) SONIC COV —~ CONTAIN BLOCK RIGHT BACKERS pres SECONDARY CONTAIN SONIC COV % OVER TOP CORRAL OVERLOAD ries 90. yes (hE 7 > PAT BLOCK MIDDLE PUSH LT PAT BLOCK STEM MIDDLE PUSH LT STEM MIDDLE PUSH RT Da, Nad Rell Cece THEN RESET & RUSH A GAP PAT BLOCK DBL PUSH LEFT DBL “a RIGHT PAT BLOCK DBL PUSH OQ LEFT PITCH IWAN An DBL PUSH CRASH RIGHT PAT BLOCK DBL PUSH CRASH LEFT SHOOT PKG PAT BLOCK MAX BLOCK RIGHT (JUMPER) JUMPER, MAX BLOCK LEFT (JUMPER) MAX BLOCK RIGHT (JUMPER) FIELD lo 3 kK) ( ((¥ OLHIDOD 4 Laer /\ AN I LXV ANAM, 1 oR sONPER JUMPER dAVS 94 OOOUIOO HONAd VIVE IV x eS Pa rm a < = < oO 4 | ¢q Osim all fW Ssso to OOOOS0O Pd fe bs les} ba F P le Im = (@) Be COMBO HOLDER/KICKER 9g AIA ADEA AR on COMBO HOLDER/KICKER MUDDLE HUDDLE RULES 4, SAM - ALIGNS ON BALL, OUTSIDE RUSH 2. CORNERS - HAVE #1 TO THEIR SIDE (COMBO CALL W/ SAFETY) 3. SAFETIES — HAVE #2 & #3 (COMBO CALL VS SPLIT GATE) 4, MIKE — 1° ADJUSTER — FIND WING IN THE OVERLOAD. 5, WILL — 2"? ADJUSTER — FIND EXTRA ELIGIBLE 6. FRONT - VS 5 MAN GATE ALIGN IN §, 3, 2i, 6 TECHNIQUES VS 4 MAN OVERLOAD ENDS ALIGN ON EDGE, TCK IN INTERIOR GAPS l PAT BLOCK J MUDDLE HUDDLE RULES *MUST ALIGN TO HAVE A MAN FOR A MAN IN ALL FORMATIONS* EF tt ins is lock 1 SAM - align head up over snapper. You have him man if eligible. Safties align off ball & combo elligibles in cluster Funnel the cluster formation Corners will have #1 man to their side. If not split out, edge the formation. MIKE = 1" adjuster. Play man to #2 weak if eligible. If no eligible #2 weak alert possible adjust to cover #2 strong. wil 2” adjuster. Find the extra eligible in the Overload t th re th Vs 5 man split gate — align in 5,3,21,& 6 technique Vs 4/3 man split gate — ends edge gate & tackles play interior gaps Vs 5 OR MORE II TE! ECK EI (HENRY. ALE! Gabe THEY RETURN TO PATIFG FORMATION RECHECK FG BLOCK AND. EXECUTE on< dg] od] od] 04 xd 4 og vit te o< Sg oneness < ong O < a | 4 | od bee on no Oo Oo o U Qa) YQ4q | ~Qg ]L. alee) I ORR R LUN oo) 0} Apeos jing soouy — 9]3ue ,¢p 1e E(ave)/\ SOE H ee IN Mey eh- NY Oyopy (aU me alte reblo? Moll MSI MeO) ale IRVING} Sail Vm tie WI MOrmUaltt miles mer sleeC | Lema m ele uel inok usamjog yng InoA daay yo9y Bin COV@nt HL FANN Yoo|g — }99J UNI — opisul spuey] — pososseys 109 J~ Stem eas CO aTemCy (el PoLETeavs Coy | eMLU LLP Con BVI sO esL6CSHRS) 10 COLE |= fee) WS — UPL NOK UO JOOP 94} 9SO]D : “SutAow dooy pure sourjeg dooyy “spreA oroul ¢ Joy Sulepodyorq PUI Wee elt ULmneL tap Coley pre dn wiry orenbs — ia IMoA YOVLS pue 199} ZZNg “uINy, 7AM, mG TTS E (aXe) Ns O=H eI MeN e}-F “UMO( MOIS JON OG — 3095 Reet COLO tae (ee Rose Oe COs STAM LOW LCC te hd sdry diy ‘[[¥o .,05,, SPATS 19U.INJA1 JJO UIY AA ST ey OTTO PRC yo) SO SECON *soouy nod pusg — jU01y UT SRW el) aes ee CCRC Ea ORSIAG i SAP OMERE ELON eRe URL CIoL¢ i ULL ROM ALIS eR EbC MTR LU HUD RULE CL ANOINHDAL GNA TWO SLOG BUN ISBN @ Mie cr) CRG | (UL@ Uta (Eee oe Cyst GOs ‘uvul ANOA YSNoOAYy) UNA [Vd ..05,,UO « gL un) pue diy 0} yuLIds — pug [Je uo sakq « DAD ROR POOR OM CERT CS LU CHGY¢ ia PAT CORCUCRam ED AD MULL Beem LULL} 10 yoo }adxo pur [suv .Sp 3¥ [Bq DBT « ANOINHDIL GNF LHOIW / GNF 14347 NS | obs PAgIe- LT BOUNC 4d i> | OE a 3 a TPT TTT TT TTT ry y 4 a KWWYSAWONROREDY Ole - a © | oO iL <, TUTTI os eater) aie) i | E 5 4 OTYSA 10 SA S Pe W A= e Eg = eI bd a TTT} wi lO ibid Luu

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