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Class: BBA 8C

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Status: Group Assignment

Submitted on: 07-02-2021

Department of Management sciences

COMSATS University Islamabad

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT...............................................................................................................1
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS.................................................................................................1
GOAL 1: NO POVERTY.............................................................................................................................3
THE GOAL.............................................................................................................................................3
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO ACHIEVE GOAL 1...................................................................................3
PURPOSE OF GOAL.............................................................................................................................3
GOAL 2: ZERO HUNGER..........................................................................................................................4
THE GOAL.............................................................................................................................................4
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO ACHIEVE THE GOAL 2...........................................................................4
PURPOSE OF GOAL.............................................................................................................................5
THE PURPOSE OF SDG’S WORKING ON A WORLD LEVEL.................................................................5
GOAL 1: NO POVERTY.........................................................................................................................5
LOW-INCOME COUNTRY: BANGLADESH......................................................................................8
LOWER-MIDDLE INCOME COUNTRY: NIGERIA...........................................................................9
UPPER-MIDDLE INCOME COUNTRY: BRAZIL..............................................................................9
HIGH-INCOME COUNTRY: AUSTRIA............................................................................................10
GOAL 2: ZERO HUNGER...................................................................................................................10
LOW-INCOME COUNTRY: YEMEN................................................................................................12
LOWER-MIDDLE INCOME COUNTRY: SRI LANKA.....................................................................12
UPPER-MIDDLE INCOME COUNTRY: SOUTH AFRICA.............................................................13
HIGH-INCOME COUNTRY: BAHAMAS.........................................................................................14
IMPLEMENTATION OF GOALS IN PAKISTAN......................................................................................14
GOAL 1: NO POVERTY.......................................................................................................................15
GOAL 2: ZERO HUNGER....................................................................................................................16
This term was publicized in 1987 by UN commission on environment and development.
Sustainable development basically refers to “Development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” phrased by
Brundtland Commission 1987. Sustainable development is based on three pillars economic,

environmental and social sustainability. [ CITATION Nat \l 1033 ]

This development can be for undefined time period or for any specific period of time. It is a
development which use different resources in a particular way and make sure that those
resources are available for others to use. Aim of sustainable development is to achieve social
progress, environmental equilibrium and economic growth. SD highlight the need for society to
move away from harmful socio-economic activities and focus on those activities that are for
well-being of society and have positive impacts of social, environmental and economic aspects
of society. [ CITATION Jus19 \l 1033 ] This approach is concerned with fundamental human needs
such as poverty, equality, environment, democracy, development and peace. [ CITATION Din \l
1033 ] This concept goes far away from only materialistic needs, it involves values, relationships,
freedom to think, act and participate. [ CITATION Sci18 \l 1033 ]


At the Sustainable Development
Summit held in United Nation’s
headquarter in NewYork from 25-
27 September 2015, about 193
countries out of 195 (except for
The Holy See and the State of
Palestine, they are not part of UN)
officially adopted the Sustainable
Development goals (SDG’s). A
new agenda was presented before
them and is named as
“Transforming Our World: The
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and it involves 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
This new agenda wants all the countries to divert their attention towards the five main crucial

areas for all the people for the coming 15 years and these areas are: people, planet, prosperity,
peace and partnership. [ CITATION Uni21 \l 1033 ]
Following are the 17 SDG’s:
1. No poverty.
2. Zero hunger.
3. Good health and well-being.
4. Quality education.
5. Gender equality.
6. Clean water and sanitation.
7. Affordable and clean energy.
8. Decent work and economic growth.
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure.
10. Reduce inequalities.
11. Sustainable cities and communities.
12. Responsible consumption and
13. Climate action.
14. Life below water.
15. Life on land.
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions.
17. Partnerships for the goals. [ CITATION Uni207 \l 1033 ]
Aim of SDG’s is to make sure that all countries work together for benefit of their country and no
one is left behind. All these links are connected to each other in some aspect. Success of any one
goal affects the success of another. [ CITATION Sig21 \l 1033 ]
Initiative to take this step is to give power to unsafe an unguarded population in rural Senegal
especially to women, widows and orphans. Vision of SDG’s is to provide power to rural Senegal
groups by providing them such facilities that can improve their food situation, give them basic
education facility, medical facility and nourish their position in community. [ CITATION Eic15 \l
1033 ] SDG’s provide proper plan for peaceful, comfortable and sustainable future for everyone. [
CITATION ope \l 1033 ] Make world a place where people can live happily, and their lives are
supported by proper base in which they have basic facilities and resources for better functioning
of country. Mission is to provide better lives to people by providing them basic facilities to
everyone and making countries better and developed. [ CITATION Eic15 \l 1033 ] They want to
make sure that every person stays healthy and provide jobs to everyone so that they can work
and support them and their family. Provide medical facilities specially eye care in some
developing countries which need such facility. They want to ensure that education facility is
provided to every child and every child is able to go to school and get education so that they can
work for betterment of their society and country. Give equal rights to every gender and remove
gender discrimination, and also give equal rights to disable people and don’t leave anyone
behind. [ CITATION Sig21 \l 1033 ] They run some campaigns to remove inequality from society in
every aspect weather it is at country level, organization level or domestic level. Provide basic

necessities like food and clean water to everyone. Take some actions to control climatic changes
which are harmful for atmosphere and people’s life. They do partnerships with different
countries and organizations in order to make sure that these goals are implemented and working
properly. [ CITATION Uni207 \l 1033 ]

To end poverty altogether by 2030.
The increase in poverty isn't just out of line and a danger to the
trustworthiness of millions of individuals, but it also increases
imbalance which, weakens social cohesion and seriously
hampers monetary development.
The fundamental driver of poverty (joblessness, social
avoidance and significant vulnerability for certain populace
segments to natural disasters and illness) drive disparity and
increase hunger, absence of admittance to education, segregation and prohibition. Altogether this
worsens crises, builds political and social pressure and prompts a wide range of conflict.
[ CITATION Ibe21 \l 1033 ] Poverty has numerous dimensions, however it causes incorporate
joblessness, social avoidance, what's more, high vulnerability of certain populace to calamities,
sicknesses and other different phenomenon which prevent people from being productive.
[ CITATION Uni207 \l 1033 ]

Starting at 2015, around 736 million
individuals actually lived on under US$1.90
or so every day; many need food, clean
drinking water and disinfection. Quick
development in nations, for example, China
and India has lifted millions out of
destitution. Ladies are bound to be poor as
compared to men because they have less paid
work, instruction, and own less property.
[ CITATION Uni208 \l 1033 ]

In 2017, financial losses credited to some

unfortunate events were assessed at more
than $300 billion, among the most elevated losses as of late. In any case, this issue also
influenced developed nations. At the moment there are 30 million kids growing up poor in the
world's most extravagant nations. [ CITATION Uni207 \l 1033 ] For the individuals who have a job,
having some work doesn't ensure a good living. In fact, 8% of workers and their families overall

lived in extreme destitution in 2018. One out of five children live in extreme destitution.
Guaranteeing social security for all children and other weak groups is a necessity if we want to
diminish poverty. [ CITATION Uni207 \l 1033 ] In February 2020, only 87 nations had
unemployment security programs set up as a feature of their public enactment, and consultants
were only covered in 34 of those nations.
There is likewise a big contrast in the inclusion gave regarding monetary and social assistance
for vulnerable fragments of the populace from one district onto the next. Around 61 % of these
segments (kids, grown-ups at working age and senior residents not covered by commitment
plans) get monetary support in Europe and North America. Comparatively, financial aid is just
offered to 4 % in Central and Southern Asia.
For every one of these reasons, eliminating poverty altogether from everywhere requires the
whole worldwide global community to take part. [ CITATION Uni208 \l 1033 ]


To end all types of hunger and malnutrition by 2030, ensuring all
individuals particularly kids to have adequate and nutritious food
throughout the year. This includes advancing sustainable agriculture,
supporting small-scale ranchers and equivalent access to land,
innovation and markets. [ CITATION Uni201 \l 1033 ]


Unfortunately, outrageous hunger and unhealthiness stay a huge
obstruction to improvement in numerous countries. There are 821
million individuals assessed to be constantly undernourished starting
at 2017, frequently as a direct result of environmental degradation, dry season and biodiversity
loss. More than 90 million kids under five are extremely underweight. Malnutrition and extreme
food uncertainty appear to be expanding in practically all areas of Africa, as well as in South
America. [ CITATION Uni203 \l 1033 ]
The world isn't on track to accomplish Zero Hunger by 2030. If recent patterns proceed, the
quantity of individuals influenced by hunger would outperform 840 million by 2030.
As per the World Food Program, 135 million experience the ill effects of intense hunger
generally because of man-made clashes, environmental change and financial declines. The
COVID-19 pandemic could now double that number, putting an extra 130 million individuals in
danger of suffering intense hunger before the finish of 2020.
With more than fourth of a billion people possibly near the precarious edge of starvation, quick
move should be made to give food and relief to the most at risk areas.

Simultaneously, a significant difference in the worldwide food and agricultural framework is
required if we are to sustain the excess of 690 million individuals who are hungry today – and
the extra 2 billion individuals the world will have by 2050. Expanding rural productivity and
economical food production are pivotal to help alleviate the dangers of hunger. [ CITATION
Uni203 \l 1033 ]

To end hunger and guarantee equivalent access by all individuals to protected, nutritious and
adequate food. [ CITATION Ibe21 \l 1033 ]
Every day an excessive number of people across the globe battle to secure their kids a nutritious
meal. In a world where we produce sufficient food to feed everybody, 690 million individuals
actually head to sleep on an unfilled stomach every evening. Intense food instability affected 135
million individuals in 55 nations in 2019. Even more – one out of three – experience some type
of lack of healthy sustenance. [ CITATION Uni209 \l 1033 ]
The food industries are crucial in eliminating
hunger. Under great, responsible administration
they could take care of the whole planet and
generate income, encourage improvement among
the rural populace and secure our current
environment. Nonetheless, as per the United
Nations (UN), 33% of the food we produce
worldwide goes to trash. That implies roughly 1.3
billion tons of food goes discarded each year. It is
assessed that by 2050 there will be 2 billion
additional people on the planet, yet we will have
25 % less land on which to develop crops. This
calls for sustainable food production frameworks
and strong agrarian practice to end hunger and accomplish sanitation, better sustenance and more
manageable cultivating.
Finishing hunger and accomplishing food security has become a significant test because of
environment stuns and torment of beetles, presently causing an emergency in 23 nations,
particularly in and around eastern Africa. These bugs are beguiling harvests and annihilating
ranches and can eat up tremendous measures of plants and vegetables.
In these circumstances, finishing hunger has become SDG 2 of the UN's 17 Sustainable
Development Goals, affirmed in September 2015 as a component of the 2030 Agenda. [ CITATION
Ibe21 \l 1033 ]


After the implementation of Agenda 2030 officially in 2016, countries all around the world are
trying their best to eliminate poverty of all forms. Each country is obliged to formulate their

national framework for the achievement of Goal 1: No Poverty. The implementation of SDG 1
and its success is completely dependent on respective country’s sustainable development
policies, plans and programmes. But on the other hand, each country is also required and is
having a primary responsibility for sharing the progress they so far made when it comes to the
implementation of goal. For checking the progress of their implementation, each country is
required to collect quality, accessible and timely data. There is also need of regional follow-up
and review. The sustainable development strategies depend upon the summoning of the
resources. [ CITATION Uni20 \l 1033 ]
Even in 21st Century, Poverty remains one of the most crucial issue the world is facing. Every
country is trying their best to reduce their poverty rate since 1990 and with all their efforts, they
were able to take out about 1.2 billion people from the extreme poverty. In 1990, 36% of the
world was able to survive on $1.92 per day or less but now this percentage is dropped to 9.2%.
[ CITATION The201 \l 1033 ] But due to the global pandemic known as Covid-19, all the
accomplishments of countries became futile. According to the world bank, around 88 million to
115 million people were expected to reach extreme poverty and addition of this amount resulted
in the total of 703 million to 729 million. Even before this global pandemic, it was predicted that
around 6% of the world population will still be facing extreme poverty in 2030 despite of every
country’s efforts. Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa is expected to face the most extreme
poverty. The following figures show the proportion of people living below $1.90 a day from
2010-2015, 2019 nowcast, and the forecast before and after Covid-19. [ CITATION Uni201 \l 1033 ]

The following shows the countries with most likely to have the chances of facing increase in the
extreme income poverty headcounts compared to baseline,2020. [ CITATION Hom20 \l 1033 ]

The following shows an estimate of countries who could have deepest and long-term impact of
global pandemic on poverty. [ CITATION Hom20 \l 1033 ]

The following figure is showing the change in poverty because of Covid-19 and the response of
policy. Table is having absolute numbers and percentages of the world population. The number
of countries included in this data are only 183 countries. [ CITATION Hom20 \l 1033 ]

Poverty line shows the point beyond which it is impossible for the people to buy themselves the
basic needs of life. The calculation of poverty line includes calculation of the costs that incurs in
meeting the basic needs of life and every country is having their own poverty line. Following
table shows the poverty line for different regions.

$1.91 per person per day 33 low-income countries

$3.21 per person per day 32 lower-middle-income countries
$5.48 per person per day 32 upper-middle-income countries
$21.7 per person per day 29 high-income countries

Based on this data, it is clear and considered very important that each country according to their
own poverty line to come up with powerful and effective strategies for bringing their poverty
rate to as low percentage as possible. [ CITATION And20 \l 1033 ]
Implementation of Goal 1: No Poverty will be discussed in context of one country from each
region listed above.
Bangladesh is a South Asian country with total population of 163 million as of 2019.
Bangladesh’s national poverty (population living below the national upper poverty line) declined
from 31.5% in 2010 to 24.3% in 2016 to 20.15% in 2019. Also, the population living under the
lower poverty line also decreased to 10.5%. This reduction is the result of increasing the
coverage of social protection and putting larger proportion of government expenditure on key
services such as heath, education and social protection. Bangladesh’s economy is improving with
time and their progress is helping in eradicating poverty from their country. Only increase in
income inequality can be the reason for again rise in poverty. The government of Bangladesh
implemented various policies and came up with different programmes for dealing with different
natures of poverty. Programmes such as heavy investment in human development and social
safety nets were launched for dealing with LNOB issues, achievement of gender parity,
strengthening rural transformation, promotion of financial inclusion, provision of stable
macroeconomic environment. They faced number of challenges such as middle-class
vulnerability, prevention of slippage into poverty etc. but are confident enough to deal with these
challenges too. [ CITATION Ban20 \l 1033 ]

Nigeria is an African country with the total population of 201 million as of 2019. Nigeria is the
country in its continent with largest economy (GDP 397 Billion US$) but still about 83 million
people or 40.1% people in Nigeria are living in poverty. For the reduction of poverty rate in their
rural areas and northern zones, Nigeria initiated a programme named “The National Social
Investment Programme”. Despite all their efforts, the government is unable to reach the poor
households in Nigeria adequately, thoroughly and quickly. They make sure that they provide
extra services or help to women who are able to produce healthy children because nutrients are
having great impact when it comes to reducing poverty. Apart from that, inviting the people from
community to decision making arena for the successful structuring of local economic
development can help reducing poverty. Poverty can be reduced in Nigeria by strengthening of
education sector, health sector, small-scale agriculture, development of females of all age etc.
[ CITATION Nig20 \l 1033 ]


Brazil is the fifth largest country with the total population of 210 million as of 2019. From the
past five years, Brazil’s government is unable to eradicate poverty from their country and with
this global pandemic, the conditions in their country is getting worse. Policies they previously
developed were unable to bring down the poverty rate so they must review those policies.
Inequality is the major issue Brazilian are facing due to different reforms passed by the
government. About 72.7% Brazilian poor includes black men and women. Unemployment rate is
11.9% and formal market is having 41,1% Brazilian workers as a result the poverty rate showed
decline from 26% to 24.8%. Many poverty reduction policies and programs are reduced because
of insufficient resources. Extreme poverty increased from 6.4% to 6.6%. following figure is
showing the percentage of Brazilian population facing poverty by age.

Brazil has limited their spending on health, education and social protection. The following figure
is showing the decline in the special poverty reduction programmes. [ CITATION Civ20 \l 1033 ]

Austria is an East Alpine country and is having the population of 8.895 million as of 2019.
Austria a high-income country and using this as a plus point they are able to bring down the
extreme poverty from their country. The poverty rate is reduced from 18.9% in 2010 to 17.5% in
2018. And being a part of European Union, Austria is the only country having the ability to
successfully reduce poverty. The following figure is showing different targets and the Austria’s
take on it.

Target 1.1 i.e., eradication of extreme poverty is completely achieved. Target 1.2 was moderately
achieved. The calculation of Target 1.3’s trend was not possible. Target 1.4 and target 1.5 was
showing the significant progress. [ CITATION Rep20 \l 1033 ]


The hunger issues remain the biggest issue the world is facing despite the efforts of all countries.
From 2015, the people who are facing the hunger issues started to increase again after years.
About 8.9% people of the world are hungry. The 2030 agenda is not being met and by 2030, the
number is expected to rise to 840 million. Man-made conflicts, climate change and economic
downturns are making 135 million suffer from the acute hunger. Another problem which further
sparked this issue was the global pandemic of 2020. The eradication of hunger issue is also
dependent on the agricultural productivity and sustainable food protection. [ CITATION Uni202 \l
1033 ] In 2019, 2 Billion people in the world are not having access to the safe, nutritious and
sufficient food. [ CITATION Uni203 \l 1033 ] Following figures are showing the percentage of

10 | P a g e
population affected by food insecurity before, stunting and wasting among children and impact
on small-scale food producer. [ CITATION Uni204 \l 1033 ]

Following figure is showing the nation wise prevalence of moderate and severe food insecurity.
It is clear from the following figure that Sub-Sahara Africa (18.2%) and Central and Southern
Asian region (21.3%) were facing the severe food insecurity in 2019. The reason for this issue is
the significant increase in the prices of food due to production shocks, macroeconomic
difficulties and less investment in agriculture sector. [ CITATION Uni205 \l 1033 ] The hunger issue
in Southern Asian region is expected to rise to 29.4% in 2030. [ CITATION rei20 \l 1033 ]

In 2020, following 10 countries in the world are declared hungriest countries by global hunger
1. Chad
2. Timor-Leste
3. Madagascar
4. Haiti
5. Mozambique
6. Liberia
7. Sierra leone
8. Lesotho
9. Afghanistan

11 | P a g e
10. Nigeria [ CITATION Con20 \l 1033 ]
Now, the implementation of the goal 2: Zero Hunger will be discussed according to different
Yemen is facing the worst humanitarian crisis. The
economic output of Yemen decreased by 50 since 2019 and
as a result the oil and gas production reduced which
declined the country’s revenue. Now Yemen is unable to
provide the basic necessities of life to their citizens like
heath, education, water and sanitation. Inflation rate
escalated which proceeded with the high cost of food and
fuel upton150 to 200%. This issue triggered other issues
such as unemployment rate. Currently 80% of the
population of Yemen is in need of humanitarian assistance
and protection. 821 million were undernourished in 2017, 90 million children (below age 5) are
underweight, 22% children are stunted, more than 1 out of 8 adults is overweight, 1 out of 3
women of reproductive age is pale and only 26% of the citizens are working in agriculture
sector. [ CITATION Uni206 \l 1033 ]
SriLanka is an island in South Asia with 21.8 million
population. About 25% to 30% of the population of
SriLanka is dependent on agriculture. Non-irrigated and
irrigated agriculture of SriLanka is contributing about 83%
to total domestic food availability and to total exports about
25%. These exports prove beneficial for their agriculture
sector. Due to increased domestic food production,
SriLanka’s national food availability level is good, and they
are successfully meeting their goal of no hunger in their
country. But main issue raised by many stakeholders is the
quality and safety of the food which is available. SriLanka is sadly unable to meet their nutrition
standard. In 2016, 17% children were stunted, 21% were underweight and 15% wasted. Also,
climatic changes are major threat to production of food in SriLanka. The government is making
use of technology and initiating several programmes for fighting these challenges in future.
[ CITATION Gov16 \l 1033 ]


South Africa is situated in the south-most tip of
African continent and is having population of about
58.56 million. South Africa faced the worse hunger
crisis, but it is now making progress. About 29.3% of
people of South Africa were vulnerable to hunger but
now this percentage is reduced to 12.1% in 2017.

12 | P a g e
They are now more dedicated towards providing their citizens more social assistance i.e., about
3% of their total GDP. Integrated Food Security Strategy is implemented by government which
involves the involvement of large number of households having food insecurity into agriculture
for the purpose of fighting the food insecurity in rural areas. Many plans were initiated for
helping producers, promoting smart culture agriculture etc. such as Agricultural policy action
plan, integrated growth and development plan and strategic plan for the department of
agricultural forestry and fishery. From following figures, first figure is showing the percentage of
children stunted and second is showing the prevalence of malnutrition, wasting and children
which were overweight.

Following figure is showing the assistance provided by the government to the agriculture sector.
[ CITATION Sta19 \l 1033 ]


Bahamas is a Caribbean country with only 389,482
population. One out 6 people in Bahamas face chronic
hunger. About 90% of their national consumption is
dependent on their imports and annually they import
food of worth $1 billion. For easing the responsibilities
regarding safety of food, the government of Bahamas
divided work among different ministries. Government
increased VAT from 7.5% to 12% making it difficult for
the citizens to afford food. Later it was announced that
breadbasket staples will be having 0% VAT. Government also reduced custom duty rates for

13 | P a g e
making sure that people can get more nutritious food. A very remarkable initiative by the
Bahamas’ government is the establishment of Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute
(BAMSI) in 2014 which is responsible for promoting crop production, provision of training and
research in field of agriculture and marine etc. so that country can reduce their imports.
[ CITATION Gov18 \l 1033 ]


Pakistan is a South Asian country with the total population of 216.1 million and is the fifth
largest country with respect to population. [ CITATION USC21 \l 1033 ] In 2016, Pakistan was
officially the first country to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The national and
provincial assembles of Pakistan for the purpose of overseeing the progress of SDG appointed a
taskforce. Pakistan overall score is 56.2. Overall score is used to measure each country’s
progress towards the attainment of 17 SDGs. Pakistan occupies 134 position out of 193 when it
comes to the attainment of goals. Following figure is showing the alignment of national priority
agenda with SDGs.

Pakistan’s poverty rate increased from 24.3% in 2015-2016 to 40% in 2020. In absolute terms, it
means that about 87 million are in danger. In the coming year, it is predicted that more million of
people are going to fall below the poverty line because of poor economic condition of Pakistan

14 | P a g e
and high inflation rate which is expected to further rise in coming months. [ CITATION Sha201 \l
1033 ]

Before this global pandemic, there was a consistent decline in poverty rate in Pakistan.
According to the World Bank’s PovCalNet, from 2005 to 2015 Pakistan showed 10% decline in
the poverty rate.

Pakistan was and still is currently engaged in different multi-sectoral poverty reduction strategy.
One major invention is Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). Apart from that private
benevolence and upgraded access to microfinance in rural areas. Other important initiatives by
Pakistani government involves Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal, the Zakat and Ushr programmes,
employee’s old age benefit institutions, social security institutions etc. Improved law and order
situation, good GDP, political stability, high inflow of remittances, and other important
indicators are very crucial when it comes to reducing poverty in Pakistan or any other country.
267 billion rupees are donated to poor people of Pakistan since 2008 by BISP. BISP also
initiated a project known as Waseela-e-Taleem for giving free education to poor people. For the
purpose of generating employment in the infrastructure sector, government improved their public
development spending. Government also guaranteed to divert their attention towards giving 80
million poor people quality healthcare today and in coming years. For giving shelter to poor
people, a popular and successful initiative was Panahgah. Pakistani government also engaged in
developing individual’s skills and started self-employment schemes.
Pakistan is planning to reduce the poverty rate to 19% by 2023 with the help of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Government will be using heavy amount for reducing poverty
in the country.
From the past 25 years, even though Pakistan’s food production increased but they are still
people who are unable to get one meal a day. Also, the rapid growth in country’s population,
inadequate mechanism of distribution and limited food access are factors responsible for this
issue. Inflation rate is making it difficult for some people of Pakistan to get food because the
input cost is high, and sellers are forced to increase the prices of their final products. poor
hygiene and food intake practices followed by people triggers further health and nutrition issues.
Malnutrition is increasing which in turn resulting in low workplace productivity, costing
Pakistan almost 3% of annual GDP. It is important to reduce hunger issues from all areas.

15 | P a g e
Reduction in malnutrition was observed between 1990 and 2015. Percentage of children
suffering from stunting fall from 50% to 37.6%, underweight children who were less than 5
years old also declined 40.4% to 23%.

Pakistan Integrated Nutrition Strategy was formed in 2011 for collaborating intervention. For
scaling up research, policy planning, monitoring of mechanism and coordination among various
stakeholders, Pakistan joined the famous global Scaling Nutrition movement. A remarkable
initiation by Pakistan is the development of Pakistan’s first National Food Security Policy and
after that they started implementing multi-sectoral nutrition strategies in 2017. Pakistan Multi-
Sectoral Nutrition Strategy and Pakistan Dietary Guidelines for Better Nutrition were put
together. Food fortification programme and universal salt iodization programme are currently in
operation over several districts. Different programmes are implemented by Pakistan’s provincial
governments such as Nutrition Support program in Sindh, Stunting Prevention Nutrition
prgramme in Punjab, Health Integrated Reforms Programme in KPK, Nutrition Programme for
Mothers & Children (BNPMC) and many more. Eradicting hunger issues in Pakistan is
considered as government’s main priority. Different targets are being developed and government
is eager to accomplish those targets.

16 | P a g e
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