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Types of Manuals

There are 5 types of manuals

1- User Manual
2- Training Manual
3- Operators Manual
4- Service Manual
5- Special-Purpose Manual

1-User Manual
User manuals are intended for both professional and inexperienced equipment users,
and they provide instructions for the configuration, service, and maintenance of a
product. Security precautions and troubleshooting charts and guides are usually included
in user manuals.

2- Training Manual
Individuals use training manuals to prepare for a procedure or skill,
such as using a respirator, flying an aircraft, or filing an insurance claim. Training
manuals can be handwritten, or they can be distributed electronically or online.

3- Operators Manual
Operator manuals, which are written for professional operators of
building, manufacturing, electronic, or military equipment, contain important guidance
and safety alerts. They are often written in a format that enables operators to use them on
the job.

4- Service Manual
Service manuals assist qualified technicians in repairing appliances or
devices on the customer's premises. Troubleshooting guides for finding technical
problems are often included in such manuals.

5- Special-Purpose Manual
Programmer reference manuals, overhaul manuals, handling
and setup manuals, and safety manuals are examples of manuals that are needed by
certain users.

1- How many types of manuals in technical writing?

a) 6
b) 7
c) 4
d) 5

2- Which one is a type of manual?

a) Mailing manual
b) Filing manual
c) Historical manual
d) None of above

3- Operator manual is a type of manuals in technical writing?

a) Yes
b) No

4- User manual includes

a) Skills
b) Process
c) Troubleshooting
d) Feature

5- The basic purpose of operator manual is

a) To tell them how to perform the tasks efficiently.
b) Help the people to understand how to use the product.
c) Aim to improve the quality of the task
d) All of above

6- Characteristics of a good manual are

a) It is comprehensive
b) Scope of manual is determine by its purpose
c) It is concise
d) All of above

7- Service manual is used for

a) How to repair system
b) How to serve customer
c) Communicate with customer
d) All of these
8- Training manuals are written to provide guidance for people
a) Who are new to an organization or specific work activity
b) Who need travelling guide
c) Who are customers
d) None of above

9- Ali repairs his car without giving any cost. Which type of manual is used?

a) Training manual
b) User manual
c) Operator manual
d) None of above
10- Anwar doesn’t know how to drive the car. How would he learn driving?

a) Through Training manual

b) Through User manual
c) Through Operator manual
d) Through user manual
Short questions

Textual base

1- Difference between User Manual and Training Manual

Solution: User Manual gives the information to the people about how to use the
product safely. On the other hand training manual train there member how to
improve the quality of the product

2- Difference between service manual and operator manual

Solution: Service manuals provide you with a solution to a problem by

troubleshooting and often save you money on the expense of hiring someone to fix
the problem, while operator manuals serve as a reminder to employees on how to do
their jobs and complete tasks efficiently.

3- What is the importance of user manual?

Solution: End-users will get useful details about 'how to use a product' from the user
manual. There is a much lower chance of accidentally putting a computer out of
service when it is used properly.

Scenario base

1- Ahmad saw a smart watch he wants to buy that watch but he don’t know
how to use the watch. Who will help him to understand how to use the

Solution: for understanding how to use the watch, a user manual will have him how
to use the watch and how he can use it safely. Even user manual will tell all the
feature of the smart watch.
2- Ali was bought a laptop. The shopkeeper say him this laptop is very good
in speed and told also the battery time is very good. But in actual the laptop
was not good in quality. How would he get information about laptop?

Solution: Ali needs to get knowledge about laptop, how he can know what the
quality of the laptop is. For that training manual will help him to know how to know
the quality of the laptop so next time he would not do this mistake and training
manual also give him more information about the laptop

3- Rehman bought smart phone 1 month ago. He lost touch screen of his
new phone. And he has 1 year warranty on his phone. How he can repair his
phone without any cost?

Solution: Rehman can repair his phone without any cost through claim warranty
so he will save his money by claiming warranty. It’s because of service manual
where he can get the service they will do troubleshoot and got what’s the problem
and they will repair it without any cost
Cover panel
the cover of a brochure produced by the National Cancer Institute in the hopes of
attracting health-care practitioners to an online course on performing clinical trials in
their practises. The cover photo shows a health-care professional advising a patient, while
the text defines the course, offers a URL, and identifies the sponsoring agency.
First inside panel
The National Cancer Institute brochure's first inside panel uses boldface headings to
illustrate brief explanations of the course and others who might benefit.

Design Style
Create a theme for your brochure that unifies and complements the material, and stick to
it throughout. So we should use photos of professionals in the workplace that should be
used in a brochure for a National Cancer Institute.

What are the advantages of brochure?

 A well-designed brochure is an excellent way to introduce your business.

 Brochures, when circulated correctly, will increase the company's exposure.
 When it comes to reaching out to potential clients, brochures are an excellent
marketing tool.

 Brochures will help the business gain positive press.

 Brochures are ideal for use at trade shows and networking events.

What is the purpose of Context and Audience?

Context: The type of situation or setting in which interactions with the text are
influenced by attitudes and other environmental trends. The writer should
envision or anticipate the audience's background.

Audience: A specific category of potential readers who are most likely to

encounter your essay.
1-Which benefit of using brochure is WRONG:
a) Brochures Are Easy to Distribute
b) Brochures Are Cost Effective
c) Brochures Build Trust
d) Brochures Hold Little-bit Information

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