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id :transfrom: Admin Panel :transto: Panel Admin

id :transfrom: Operation success :transto:

id :transfrom: Menu :transto: Menu
id :transfrom: Logout :transto: Keluar
id :transfrom: Friends :transto: Teman
id :transfrom: Profile :transto:
id :transfrom: Inbox :transto: Kotak Masuk
id :transfrom: Notifications :transto: Notifikasi
id :transfrom: Account :transto:
id :transfrom: Home :transto: Beranda
id :transfrom: Browse :transto: Telusur
id :transfrom: News feed :transto: Feed Berita
id :transfrom: Photos :transto: Foto
id :transfrom: Blogs :transto: Blog
id :transfrom: Videos :transto: Video
id :transfrom: Web Mail :transto:
id :transfrom: My Document :transto:
id :transfrom: Events :transto: Acara
id :transfrom: My apps :transto:
id :transfrom: Dashboard :transto: Dasbor
id :transfrom: Invite :transto: Undang
id :transfrom: Admin CP :transto: Panel Admin
id :transfrom: Save :transto: Simpan
id :transfrom: Language :transto: Bahasa
id :transfrom: Search on Senisono :transto: Cari di Senisono
id :transfrom: Forum :transto: Forum
id :transfrom: Chess :transto: Catur
id :transfrom: My account :transto: Akunku
id :transfrom: News for me :transto: Berita Untukku
id :transfrom: Custom profile :transto: Desain Profil
id :transfrom: Community activities :transto: Aktifitas Sesomaniac
id :transfrom: View status :transto: Lihat status
id :transfrom: {1} people like this :transto: {1} orang menyukai ini
id :transfrom: Site configuration :transto: Konfigurasi Situs
id :transfrom: Modules :transto: Modul
id :transfrom: Themes :transto: Tema
id :transfrom: Profile Questions :transto: Pertanyaan profil
id :transfrom: Members :transto: Anggota
id :transfrom: User Roles :transto: Peran Anggota
id :transfrom: User Permissions :transto: Izin Pengguna
id :transfrom: Texts :transto: Teks
id :transfrom: Translate :transto: Terjemah
id :transfrom: Black List :transto: Daftar Hitam
id :transfrom: Update :transto: Perbarui
id :transfrom: Gender :transto: Jenis Kelamin
id :transfrom: Male :transto: Cowok
id :transfrom: Female :transto: Cewek
id :transfrom: Both :transto: Keduanya
id :transfrom: Age :transto: Umur
id :transfrom: Location :transto: Lokasi
id :transfrom: All :transto: Semua
id :transfrom: Order by :transto: Diurut Berdasarkan
id :transfrom: Last Login :transto: Terakhir Masuk
id :transfrom: Registration :transto: Pendaftaran
id :transfrom: Top Followed :transto: Paling diikuti
id :transfrom: More.. :transto: Selengkapnya..
id :transfrom: Customize my profile theme :transto: Kustomisasi tema profil saya
id :transfrom: customtheme :transto: tema kustom
id :transfrom: Custom my profile theme :transto: Kustomisasi tema profil saya
id :transfrom: Delete Current Image :transto: Hapus gambar ini
id :transfrom: Music player :transto: Pemutar musik
id :transfrom: Play my liked music in my profile page. :transto: Mainkan musik y
g kusukai di halaman profil
id :transfrom: Wallpaper :transto: Wallpaper
id :transfrom: Enable custom Wall Paper :transto: Aktifkan kustom wallpaper
id :transfrom: Upload background image :transto: Unggah gambar belakang
id :transfrom: Position :transto: Posisi
id :transfrom: Background color :transto: Warna Latar Belakang
id :transfrom: General Page :transto: Halaman Umum
id :transfrom: Enable custom General Page :transto: Aktifkan halaman umum kustom
id :transfrom: Transparent :transto: Transparan
id :transfrom: Font color :transto: Warna huruf
id :transfrom: Link color :transto: Warna Link
id :transfrom: Block Title :transto: Judul Blok
id :transfrom: Enable custom Block Title :transto: Aktifkan judul blok kustom
id :transfrom: Save changes :transto: Simpan perubahan
id :transfrom: Guest :transto: Pengunjung
id :transfrom: Login/ SignUp :transto: Masuk/ Daftar
id :transfrom: Login :transto: Masuk
id :transfrom: Sign up :transto: Daftar Baru
id :transfrom: Username or Email :transto: Nama pengguna atau Email
id :transfrom: Password :transto: Sandi
id :transfrom: Forgot password? :transto: Lupa Sandi?
id :transfrom: Remember me :transto: Ingat saya
id :transfrom: New to our Network? :transto: Baru di sesoma?
id :transfrom: Join Now! :transto: Gabung Sekarang!
id :transfrom: Recent Logins :transto: Baru Login
id :transfrom: Browse more people :transto: Telusur lebih banyak orang
id :transfrom: Network Statistics :transto: Statistik
id :transfrom: Activities :transto: Aktivitas
id :transfrom: Friendships :transto: Pertemanan
id :transfrom: Comments :transto: Komen
id :transfrom: Outbox :transto: Kotak Keluar
id :transfrom: Message :transto: Pesan
id :transfrom: Check/ Uncheck all :transto: Centang/ Hilangkan semua centang
id :transfrom: Delete :transto: Hapus
id :transfrom: Are you sure to delete? :transto: Apakah kamu yakin untuk menghap
id :transfrom: Kotak Masuk :transto:
id :transfrom: Reply :transto: Balas
id :transfrom: Opration success :transto: Operasi Berhasil
id :transfrom: Upload :transto: Unggah
id :transfrom: Content :transto: Konten
id :transfrom: Title :transto: Judul
id :transfrom: Submit :transto: Ajukan
id :transfrom: Categories :transto: Kategori
id :transfrom: added a photo album :transto: menambahkan album foto
id :transfrom: Album name :transto: Nama Album
id :transfrom: Next step :transto: Lanjut
id :transfrom: Private message :transto: Pesan privat
id :transfrom: Friend request :transto: Permintaan pertemanan
id :transfrom: Friend request confirmed :transto: Permintaan pertemanan diterima
id :transfrom: Wall post :transto: Tulisan Dinding
id :transfrom: Stream comment :transto: Komentar Sesomaniac
id :transfrom: Group reply :transto: Balasan Grup
id :transfrom: My details :transto: Selengkapnya
id :transfrom: Full Name :transto: Nama Lengkap
id :transfrom: Hide :transto: Sembunyikan
id :transfrom: Birth :transto: Lahir
id :transfrom: Hide my age :transto: Sembunyikan umur saya
id :transfrom: Come from :transto: Berasal Dari
id :transfrom: About me :transto: Tentangku
id :transfrom: My information :transto: Informasiku
id :transfrom: Avatar :transto:
id :transfrom: Privacy :transto: Privasi
id :transfrom: Avatar picture :transto: Gambar avatar
id :transfrom: My profile :transto: Profilku
id :transfrom: Block :transto:
id :transfrom: Follow :transto: Ikuti
id :transfrom: Add friend :transto: Tambah sebagai Teman
id :transfrom: Wall :transto: Dinding
id :transfrom: Liked :transto: Menyukai
id :transfrom: {1}'s profile :transto: Profil {1}
id :transfrom: What's on your mind... :transto: Aktivitasmu...
id :transfrom: Share :transto: Sensing
id :transfrom: Comment :transto: Komen
id :transfrom: Like :transto: Suka
id :transfrom: Activity streams :transto: Aktivitas Sesomaniac
id :transfrom: Following :transto: Mengikuti
id :transfrom: See all :transto: Lihat Semua
id :transfrom: Edit :transto: Ubah
id :transfrom: Birthday :transto: Ulang Tahun
id :transfrom: Registered :transto: Terdaftar
id :transfrom: Details :transto: Selengkapnya
id :transfrom: Write Comment.. :transto: Tulis Komentar..
id :transfrom: Profile Comments :transto: Komentar Profil
id :transfrom: Report spam, advertising, and problematic. :transto: Laporkan spa
m, iklan, and permasalahan.
id :transfrom: See More :transto: Lihat Lebih Banyak
id :transfrom: {1}'s {2} :transto:
id :transfrom: Administration Panel :transto: Panel Administrasi
id :transfrom: Your profile was viewed {1} times. :transto: Profilmu telah dilih
at {1} kali.
id :transfrom: You have {1} friends and {2} followers. :transto: Kamu memiliki {
1} teman dan {2} pengikut.
id :transfrom: My Followers :transto: Pengikutku
id :transfrom: My Following :transto: Yang aku ikuti
id :transfrom: Preference :transto: Opsi
id :transfrom: Friends birthday coming up :transto: Teman yang akan ulang tahun
id :transfrom: Quick share :transto: Bagi Cepat
id :transfrom: Dinding :transto:
id :transfrom: Menyukai :transto:
id :transfrom: No one is available to chat :transto: Tidak ada seorangpun di cha
id :transfrom: Online :transto:
id :transfrom: Unfollow :transto: Tidak ikuti
id :transfrom: like this :transto: menyukai ini
id :transfrom: {1} commented on your stream :transto: {1} berkomentar pada aktiv
id :transfrom: Passport :transto:
id :transfrom: Email Address :transto: Alamat Email
id :transfrom: We won't display your Email Address. :transto: Kami tidak akan me
nampilkan alamat emailmu.
id :transfrom: Username :transto: Nama pengguna
id :transfrom: Nickname :transto: Nama panggilan
id :transfrom: 4 to 18 characters, made up of 0-9,a-z :transto: 4 sampai 18 char
acters, berisi 0-9,a-z
id :transfrom: Personal info :transto: Info personal
id :transfrom: Image verification :transto: Verifikasi gambar
id :transfrom: Rules & Conditions :transto: Peraturan & Kondisi
id :transfrom: I have read, and agree to abide by the Rules & Conditions. :trans
to: Saya telah membaca, dan setuju dengan peraturan dan kondisi.
id :transfrom: Signup Now :transto: Daftar Sekarang
id :transfrom: Related posts :transto: Tulisan yang mirip
id :transfrom: New Post :transto: Buat tulisan baru
id :transfrom: Rating :transto: Nilai
id :transfrom: added a blog post :transto: menambahkan tulisan di blog
id :transfrom: blog entries :transto: tulisan blog
id :transfrom: Signed Up :transto: Mendaftar
id :transfrom: Congratulations! You have successfully signed up. You can now log
in with your account :transto: Selamat! Kamu telah berhasil mendaftar. Kamu dapa
t masuk dengan akun kamu
id :transfrom: Click here to go on :transto: Klik disini untuk lanjut
id :transfrom: Register an account :transto: Daftar akun
id :transfrom: Log in :transto: Masuk
id :transfrom: You haven't finished editing your profile :transto: Kamu belum me
nyelesaikan perubahan pada profilmu
id :transfrom: My photos :transto: Fotoku
id :transfrom: Tags :transto: tanda
id :transfrom: Multiple tags should be Separated with commas(,) :transto: Banyak
tanda harus dipisahkan dengan koma(,)
id :transfrom: Everyone :transto: Siapapun
id :transfrom: Friends of friends :transto: Teman dari teman
id :transfrom: Friends only :transto: Teman saja
id :transfrom: You have no photo album :transto: Kamu tidak memiliki album foto
id :transfrom: Choose an album to continue :transto: Pilih sebuah album untuk me
id :transfrom: Album Description :transto: Deskripsi Album
id :transfrom: Create a New album :transto: Buat album baru
id :transfrom: Friend requests :transto: Permintaan pertemanan
id :transfrom: Adding {1} {2} as friend :transto: Menambahkan {1} {2} sebagai te
id :transfrom: Request message :transto:
id :transfrom: Say something to help your request be accepted :transto: Katakan
sesuatu untuk membantu agar permintaanmu diterima
id :transfrom: Send request :transto: Kirim permintaan
id :transfrom: Teman :transto:
id :transfrom: You have {1} pending requests :transto: Kamu memiliki {1} permint
aan tertunda
id :transfrom: To others :transto: Ke lainnya
id :transfrom: To you :transto: Ke anda
id :transfrom: My friends :transto: Temanku
id :transfrom: Posted by {1} :transto: Ditulis oleh {1}
id :transfrom: Views :transto: Lihat
id :transfrom: Bookmark & Share :transto: Tandai & Sensing
id :transfrom: from 4 to 18 characters, only 0-9,a-z :transto: dari 4 sampai 18
karakter, hanya 0-9,a-z
id :transfrom: Errors :transto:
id :transfrom: More... :transto: Selengkapnya...
id :transfrom: Approve :transto: Terima
id :transfrom: Reject :transto: Tolak
id :transfrom: became a friend of {1} :transto: menjadi teman dari {1}
id :transfrom: {1} confirmed your friend request :transto: {1} menerima perminta
aan pertemananmu
id :transfrom: Remove :transto: Hapus
id :transfrom: {1} wants to be friends with you :transto: {1} ingin menjadi tema
id :transfrom: Your request has been sent successfully :transto: Permintaanmu te
lah terkirim
id :transfrom: Hidden :transto: Tersembunyi
id :transfrom: Unlike :transto: Tidak suka
id :transfrom: Users :transto: Pengguna
id :transfrom: Search :transto: Cari
id :transfrom: View profile :transto: Lihat profil
id :transfrom: Status :transto:
id :transfrom: Featured :transto: Yang Diutamakan
id :transfrom: Profile privacy :transto: Privasi profil
id :transfrom: Everyone can view my profile, and comment on my wall :transto: Si
apapun dapat melihat profilku, dan berkomentar di dindingku
id :transfrom: Everyone can view my profile, but only my friends can comment on
my wall :transto: Siapapun dapat melihat profilku, tapi hanya temanku yang bisa
berkomentar di dindingku
id :transfrom: Only my friends can view my profile, and comment on my wall :tran
sto: Hanya temanku yang dapat melihat profilku, dan berkomentar di dindingku
id :transfrom: Hide me from member browse :transto: Sembunyikan saya dari telusu
r anggota
id :transfrom: General settings :transto: Setting Umum
id :transfrom: Site name :transto: Nama Situs
id :transfrom: Site Slogan :transto: Slogan situs
id :transfrom: Site Keywords :transto: Kata kunci situs
id :transfrom: Webmaster email :transto: Email senisono
id :transfrom: Offline :transto:
id :transfrom: Reason :transto: Alasan
id :transfrom: Even if offline, you can still access admin area :transto:
id :transfrom: Click here to go back :transto: Klik disini untuk kembali
id :transfrom: your profile :transto: Profilku
id :transfrom: {1} left a comment to {2} :transto: {1} meninggalkan pesan ke {2}
id :transfrom: {1} left a comment to your profile :transto: {1} meninggalkan pes
an di profilmu
id :transfrom: You need to login to do this :transto: Kamu harus masuk untuk mel
akukan ini
id :transfrom: Games :transto: Permainan
id :transfrom: Permintaan pertemanan :transto:
id :transfrom: Kotak Keluar :transto:
id :transfrom: Compose a message :transto:
id :transfrom: Send to :transto:
id :transfrom: Subject :transto:
id :transfrom: Optional :transto:
id :transfrom: Send :transto:
id :transfrom: You have a new PM from {1} :transto:
id :transfrom: Wrong account or password :transto:
id :transfrom: You have registered with this email address before. :transto:
id :transfrom: The Username has already been used :transto:
id :transfrom: Receive emails for these kinds of notifications :transto:
id :transfrom: Current Password :transto:
id :transfrom: New password :transto:
id :transfrom: Re-type new password :transto:
id :transfrom: No entry :transto:
id :transfrom: My Blogs :transto:
id :transfrom: Share sharing :transto:
id :transfrom: Click here to import your msn contacts :transto:
id :transfrom: To :transto:
id :transfrom: Multiple email addresses should be Separated with commas :transto
id :transfrom: Confirm code :transto:
id :transfrom: Please enter the six letters above :transto:
id :transfrom: Send invitations :transto:
id :transfrom: Send invitation :transto:
id :transfrom: Histories :transto:
id :transfrom: Here :transto:
id :transfrom: Created an event :transto:
id :transfrom: Create event :transto:
id :transfrom: My events :transto:
id :transfrom: Add Video :transto:
id :transfrom: added a video :transto:
id :transfrom: Report :transto:
id :transfrom: Send to Admin :transto:
id :transfrom: Wrong Verification code :transto:
id :transfrom: Please fill all requried blanks :transto:
id :transfrom: Upload image :transto:
id :transfrom: Photo :transto:
id :transfrom: Description :transto:
id :transfrom: Add another photo :transto:
id :transfrom: Finished :transto:
id :transfrom: Photos of {1} :transto:
id :transfrom: Uploaded images :transto:
id :transfrom: Next :transto:
id :transfrom: Back to album :transto:
id :transfrom: Back to profile :transto:
id :transfrom: Previous :transto:
id :transfrom: Manage photos :transto:
id :transfrom: Im Following :transto:
id :transfrom: You are not following anyone. :transto:
id :transfrom: Uploaded a photo :transto:
id :transfrom: Album :transto:
id :transfrom: or :transto:
id :transfrom: Event title :transto:
id :transfrom: Time :transto:
id :transfrom: Video Title :transto:
id :transfrom: Separated with commas :transto:
id :transfrom: Video source :transto:
id :transfrom: Login to comment :transto:
id :transfrom: Blocks :transto:
id :transfrom: Stories :transto:
id :transfrom: Upload song :transto:
id :transfrom: Music :transto:
id :transfrom: added a song :transto:
id :transfrom: Name of the song :transto:
id :transfrom: Video Chat :transto:
id :transfrom: Notifications from {1} :transto:
id :transfrom: Get back my password :transto:
id :transfrom: Email :transto:
id :transfrom: The email address you registered with :transto:
id :transfrom: Timezone :transto:
id :transfrom: Please fill in all the required blanks :transto:
id :transfrom: You must use the Email address from which you received the invita
tion :transto:
id :transfrom: Click Here :transto:
id :transfrom: Get your password :transto:
id :transfrom: A verification email has been sent to you, please check your emai
l inbox :transto:
id :transfrom: Unliked :transto:
id :transfrom: Join me on :transto:
id :transfrom: you are invited to join {1} :transto:
id :transfrom: {1} submitted :transto:
id :transfrom: sents :transto:
id :transfrom: ignores :transto:
id :transfrom: Reports :transto:
id :transfrom: My videos :transto:
id :transfrom: Unavailable email address :transto:
id :transfrom: Feature this :transto:
id :transfrom: Keyword is too short :transto:
id :transfrom: Blog Title :transto:
id :transfrom: Maps :transto:
id :transfrom: Sorry, you have no permission to do this. :transto:
id :transfrom: Your current roles :transto:
id :transfrom: My Location :transto:
id :transfrom: No user registered with this email :transto:
id :transfrom: Pick a new password :transto:
id :transfrom: Your password has been changed :transto:
id :transfrom: Following (1) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (30) :transto:
id :transfrom: Following (0) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (2) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (16) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (22) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (4) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (10) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (12) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (0) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (11) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (1) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (19) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (13) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (23) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (5) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (14) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (17) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (28) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (6) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (25) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (26) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (7) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (3) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (40) :transto:
id :transfrom: Following (7) :transto:
id :transfrom: Following (2) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (8) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (24) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (21) :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (20) :transto:
id :transfrom: Sorry, this content is open to {1} :transto:
id :transfrom: Streams from adit :transto:
id :transfrom: Friends (9) :transto:
id :transfrom: Website Offline :transto:
id :transfrom: Signup :transto:
id :transfrom: {1}'s wall :transto:
id :transfrom: Post on :transto:
id :transfrom: New members :transto:
id :transfrom: Edit profile :transto:
id :transfrom: Post something... :transto:
id :transfrom: Download :transto:
id :transfrom: Chat Box :transto:
id :transfrom: Online Radio :transto:
id :transfrom: Play Games :transto:
id :transfrom: Horoscope :transto:
id :transfrom: Photo Editing :transto:
id :transfrom: Sorry, only friends can view this profile :transto:
id :transfrom: New Fashion :transto:
id :transfrom: Disco :transto:
id :transfrom: Hercules :transto:
id :transfrom: Cafe :transto:
id :transfrom: Farmer :transto:
id :transfrom: Poker :transto:
id :transfrom: Mafia :transto:
id :transfrom: Heroes :transto:
id :transfrom: HeyZap :transto:
id :transfrom: More games :transto:
id :transfrom: Album Created! :transto:

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