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Full name: Trần Thị Bảo Vy

Student ID: 19F7511672

Reading 4, group 6

Unit Article titles and links Your reflection

Unit 1 Genius: Nature or Nurture Today I have read 2 articles about genius.
-Geniuses: born or made? - The Washington Actually I think genius can be both nature
Post and nurture. Intelligence is many things,
-What Makes a Genius? you can be emotional, mathemathically,
( phhysically etc.A lot of intelligence is
written in our genetic code but a lot of
intelligence also comes from the
environment surrounding us. Here are
some awesome vocabularies that I have
-Perverse: resistant to guidance or
- Introvert: a person who tend to shrink
from social contacts
- Tortuous: highly complex or intricate and
occasionally devious
- Dilatory: wasting time
-Elation: a feeling of joy and pride

Unit 2 Facing Life’s obstacle Today I have read 2 article about the ways
-Resilience: Facing Life's Challenges - Set to to overcome obstacle in life. After reading
these 2 articles, I reallize that I must be
Go: A JED Program
-6 Challenges in Life You Must Overcome to
optimistic in thinking. And I have to learn
Become a Better Person ( to pick the most positive person’s brain to
overcome the difficulties.
And here are the tips to overcome the
obstacle that I have read: 
 Do not complain: People dont want
to hear woe is me over and over
again, especially if you do nothing
about it. However, do ask for help
and for suggestions from others that
may have been in similar situations.
You have to be willing to help
yourself, People can’t do it for you.
 Face it head on: Don’t beat around
the bush. If you are having an issue,
do something about it. Burying it
does nothing but eat away at you.
 Stay positive: When you are
worried about something it’s hard
to stay positive, but think about the
good things that could come from
the difficult decision you hacve to
male or the hard conversation  you
have to have
And here are some vocabularies:
-Eligible:able or allow to do sth
- Elusive: difficult to find, achieve or
- Compassion: sympathy for someone who
is suffering
- Altitude: the height of sth above sea level
- Empowering: giving someone
confidence, power, or right to do sth.

Unit 3 Making medical decisions When it comes to medical decisions topic, I

-Vietnam ascribes industrial park outbreaks suddenly think aboout corona virus.
to new Indian variant - VnExpress Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an
International infectious disease caused by a newly
-Covid-19 Recession: 10 Important Numbers discovered coronavirus.
That Sum Up America’s Economic Crisis One
Year Later ( Most people infected with the COVID-
19 virus will experience mild to
moderate respiratory illness and
recover without requiring special
treatment.  Older people, and those
with underlying medical problems like
cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
chronic respiratory disease, and
cancer are more likely to develop
serious illness.

The best way to prevent and slow

down transmission is to be well
informed about the COVID-19 virus,
the disease it causes and how it
spreads. Protect yourself and others
from infection by washing your hands
or using an alcohol based rub
frequently and not touching your face. 

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily

through droplets of saliva or discharge
from the nose when an infected person
coughs or sneezes, so it’s important
that you also practice respiratory
etiquette (for example, by coughing
into a flexed elbow).

Here are the vocabularies of this topic:

 diagnose (verb): identify an

illness by examining the
symptoms - Only a medical
professional can properly
diagnose the cause of your
 disease (noun): illness;
sickness; a disorder of the
body - Polio is one of
several serious diseases
that have been nearly
 droplets (noun): the spray
produced when people
cough or sneeze, and which
can spread diseases like
COVID-19 - Health care
personnel wear protective
clothing to guard against the
disease carried in droplets
when infected people
sneeze or cough.
 epidemic (noun):
occurrence of a particular
disease in a large number of
people in a particular area.
See outbreak, pandemic -
The city was devastated by
an epidemic of cholera in
the 19th century.
 flatten the curve (verb -
figurative): change the steep
upward curve on a graph of
new disease cases to a
flatter, shallower upward
curve over a longer time
period through measures
such as social distancing -
Authorities hope that by
introducing social distancing
they will be able to flatten
the curve and avoid
hospitals being rapidly
overwhelmed with new
 COVID-19 (noun): official
name for the novel
coronavirus disease that
emerged in China in 2019.
COVID-19 = COronaVIrus
Disease-2019 - All countries
are requested to report any
new confirmed case of
COVID-19 within 48 hours.

Unit 4 Instinct or Intellect

-Why World Animal Protection? | World
Animal Protection

-5 Animals that Make the Best Pets | The

Web Writer Spotlight (@writerspotlight)
Unit 5 Too much of a good things
-Is Longevity Good, Or Not? (
-How to Live Longer: 15 Things You Can Do |
Canyon Ranch
-Differences Between Human Life Span and
Expectancy (

Unit 6 Making a difference

- Benefits of Community Service For You
- What is a Philanthropist? | Fidelity
- 9 Positive Effects of Donating Money to
Charity - The Life You Can Save
Unit 7 The empty classroom
- How Effective Is Online Learning? What the
Research Does and Doesn't Tell Us (Opinion)
- 5 Advantages of Online Learning vs
Traditional Classes
- Can technology replace teachers?

Unit 8 Managing your smartphone

- How Do Smartphones Affect the
Brain? (
- 8 Things That Happen When I Put
Down My Phone (
- 5 signs you're suffering from
nomophobia | Digital Detox | Time
to Log Off (

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