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TEXAS OFFENSIVE PHILOSOPHY ‘ical, Explosive, Balanced lexity. We will ves the best e Fun every An . Our number one goal on offense it to WIN! é i! We want to be Physi and Difficult to Prepare for. Our philosophy is Simplicity within Comp! utilize eae Formations, Personnel, Tempo and Funk to give oursel' advantage to Win. We will expect our players to: d, Play Smart and Hav time we take the field. uur players to; Play Hard, Play MISSION STATEMENT YOUR PERSONAL BEST, EVERY DAY! Spectacular Attitude & Relentless Effort = Improvement CHAMPIONSHIP OFFENSE ) . ELIMINATE TURNOVERS . PHYSICAL DOWN HILL RUN GAME . EXPLOSIVE PASS GAME . SCORE IN THE RED ZONE . CREATE DEFENSIVE CONFUSION & UNCERTAINTY . GREAT QB PLAY Ankwne BATTLES TO WIN . TURNOVER BATTLE . RED ZONE BATTLE . 3°? DOWN BATTLE . EXPLOSIVE BATTLE PeVy- ACTION PLAN TO WIN D staNDARD of EXCELLENCE: oe “To do.a common thing with uncommon discipline and uncommon enthusias” 1 Coaches’ Responsibitities: A Teach our system; our way of doing things (mission statement . Do not deviate from our standards; consistent & demanding. . Be fanatical about fundamentals, details and exact technique. 1 . Be an expert in your area—understand strengths, weaknesses & your personnel. Great Teachers; organized, sequential, clear & concise. Take the gray out. Be positive & enthusiastic—bring people “up”, we do coach effort! . Must have total buy in; our way will work. We have to EXPECT TO WIN! IL Player Requirements A. Toughness —He will never back down, lay down or quit on his team or coaches. B. Accountability — No excuses. Takes ownership & gets it done. Dependable. C. Work Ethic - “Blue Collar” attitude. Relentless Effort. D. Competitor — Loves to Play, Practice & Prepare. Great Enthusiasm. E. F.B.L - Meticulous preparation! Works to become an expert in our system. F. Must have total buy in; our way will work. They must EXPECT TO WIN! & player requirements) ay aAmAmse Practice Objectives: A. We want to recreate the game in practice. B. Develop our players and develop our Effort & Toughness in practice. C. Teach fundamentals! Specific and organized drills that improve our players. D. Great tempo—Urgency! Good pace & deliberateness to everything we do. E, Attention to detail—we need to have tremendous discipline (mental reps). F. Enjoy it! Great enthusiasm & energy. OFFENSIVE GO WIN THE GAME! Scoring Offense: 40+ points per game Tumovers: 20 or less These numbers are based off being Rushing: 200 yards per game atop 10 of offense i Third Downs: 48% football incollege , Red Zone: 88% Scoring: 68% Touchdown Explosives: 8+ per game, Offensive Run Downs a D al Catego SS 7+ (long): 2 6 or less):559% Epp 3113-5 (med): 50% Ett 36-9 (long): 35% Bap 3 10+ (x long): 40% Ete Short Yards (3th | 25% Efe Goalline (+4 in), 2¥48): 7096 Fae Redzone (25-11yq line 100% Efe Tight Redzone (+19.5 4). Backed Up (-5 back) °¥¢ line) “Indy” —No huddle Oftengs “Clutch” — 2 minute Offense 4 Minute Game Ending Overall 3 Downs 48% TEXAS OFFENSIVE PHILOSOPHY . i ced Our number one goal on offense it to WIN! We want to be Physical, ea ell and Difficult to Prepare for. Our philosophy is Simplicity within Comp! igen inaitese utilize Movement, Formations, Personnel, Tempo and Funk to give ourselv id Have Fun every advantage to Win. We will expect our players to; Play Hard, Play Smart an time we take the field, MISSION STATEMENT YOUR PERSONAL BEST, EVERY DAY! Spectacular Attitude & Relentless Effort = Improvement CHAMPIONSHIP OFFENSE 1, ELIMINATE TURNOVERS 2. PHYSICAL DOWN HILL RUN GAME 3. EXPLOSIVE PASS GAME 4. SCORE IN THE RED ZONE 5. CREATE DEFENSIVE CONFUSION & UNCERTAINTY 6. GREAT QB PLAY BATTLES TO 1. TURNOVER BATTLE 2. RED ZONE BATTLE . 3 DOWN BATTLE . EXPLOSIVE BATTLE Aw | \ STANDARD of EXCELLENCE: ACTION PLAN TO W! —_———— Eas Eee To do a common thing with uncommon discipline and uncommon enthusiasm” I B. I. ; Our way of doing things (mission statement & player requirements) Do not deviate from our standards; consistent & demanding. . Be fanatical about fundamentals, details and exact technique. Be an expert in your area—understand strengths, weaknesses & your personnel. Great Teachers; organized, sequential, clear & concise. Take the gray out. - Be positive & enthusiastic—bring people “up”, we do coach effort! - Must have total buy in; our way will work. We have to EXPECT TO WIN! Player Requirements Toughness —He will never back down, lay down or quit on his team or coaches. Accountability — No excuses. Takes ownership & gets it done. Dependable. Work Ethic — “Blue Collar” attitude. Relentless Effort. Competitor — Loves to Play, Practice & Prepare. Great Enthusiasm. F.B.L — Meticulous preparation! Works to become an expert in our system. Must have total buy in; our way will work. They must EXPECT TO WIN! Practice Objectives: We want to recreate the game in practice. Develop our players and develop our Effort & Toughness in practice. Teach fundamentals! Specific and organized drills that improve our players. Great tempo—Urgency! Good pace & deliberateness to everything we do. Attention to detail—we need to have tremendous discipline (mental reps). Enjoy it! Great enthusiasm & energy. OFFENSIVE GO. WIN THE GAME! Scoring Offense: 40+ points per game Turnovers: 20 or less These numbers are based off bein Rushing: 200 yards per game atop 10 of offense in college ° Third Downs: 48% football. Red Zone: 88% Scoring; 68% Touchdown Explosives: 8+ per game. Offensive Situational Categor Run Downs (1 10 & 2"'6 or less):55% Eff 6 . a 7+ (long): 50% Eff = 3"3.5 (med): 55% Eft = 3" 6-9 (long): 40% Eff | Overall 3" Downs 48% = 3" 10+ (x long): 25% Bit * Short Yards (3"/4" 1-2yds): 70% Eff. "Goalline (+4 in): 100% Eff * Redzone (25-1 yd line) Tight Redzone (+10-Syd line) Backed Up (-5 back) “Indy” ~ No huddle Offense “Clutch” ~2 minute Offense 4 Minute Game Ending . FY raste oF conrents Se Pg. 1... PERSONNEL TERMINOLOGY Pa... HUDDLE ALIGNMENT BY PERSONNEL, Pg. 3... BACKFIELD ALIGNMENT TERMINOLOGY/ADJUSTMENTS Pg. 4... BACKFIELD SETS Pg. 5... BRONCO FORMATIONS Pg. 6... COWBOY FORMATIONS @ rg... ZEBRA, FOX, GIANTS FORMATIONS Pg. 8... FINS FORMATIONS Pg. 9... FALCON FORMATIONS. Pg.10... JETS FORMATIONS Pg.11.... CHIEFS, TITANS, PATRIOT FORMATIONS Pg.12.... | MOTION TERMINOLOGY Pg, 13-17... SHIFT PROCEDURES Pg. ~Y PERSONNEL TERMINOLOGY yy BRONCO - 2 WRs (X,2), 1 TE (Y), 2 RBs (FB,TB) a COWBOY 3 WRs (X,V,2), OTE, 2 RBs (FB,TB) ZEBRA-I WR (Z),2 TEs (Y,H), 2 RBs (FB,TB) EOX- 1 WR (X), 2 TEs (YH), 2 RBs (FB,TB) GIANTS - 0 WRs, 3 TEs (Y,H,W), 2 RBs (FB,TB) EINS - 2 WRs (X,2),2 TEs (Y,H),1 1B FALCON - 3 WRs (X,H,Z), 1 TE (¥), 1B JETS - 4 WRs (XH,Y,Z) 0 TE, 1 TB (CHIEFS - 1 WR (X),3 TEs (Y, H, W), 1 TB. TITANS--0 WRs, 4 TE (Y,H,W,U), 1 TB PATRIOT ~3 WRs (X,Z,Y), 2 TE (TF), OTB “Tag words and/or numbers can be added to personnel to detail the group. Ex: Quick Bronco =2 TB instead of 1 TB and 1 FB & Bx Fox ¢= Fox personnel with #4 playing WR e Pg.2 * Sy HUDDLE ALIGNMENT > BY PERSONNEL ACT B.Gun C."Near” D. “Far” EQ" AF Deer” G. “Split” H. King/Queen LOut NN Pg.3 BACKFIELD ALIGNMENT Tall TERMINOLOGY & ADJUSTMENTS * Backfild in the “I” set is assumed in 2 backs unless otherwise noted with Near, Far, Split, Etc 1. FB - Foot to Foot on Center, 3-point stance with toes 5 yards from nose of ball. 2. TB - Foot to foot on Fullback, 2-point stance with heels at 8 yards from nose of ball. 1. We will not say gun in the play. Gun will be by play in our offense. When we are Gun the QB will align his heels at Syds and the TB will align at the same depth over the tackle to his side. FB— Align on same side of the TE on the inside foot of the tackle. 3 point stance with, toes 5 yards from the nose of the ball 1. FB — Align opposite side of the TE on the inside foot of the tackle. 3 point stance ‘with toes 5 yards from the nose of the ball. 1. TB Align directly behind QB heels at 8 yds. QB will be in the gun. 1. TB Align on the outside leg of the guard 1 ¥ yds behind QB 1. FB - Align so that the inside foot of the Strong side Tackle splits you down the middle; 2-point stance, even with QB like in gun. 2. TB - Align so the inside foot of the Weak side Tackle splits you down the middle, 2epoint stance, even with QB like in gun. NOTE: The alignments above are general spit alignments. At times the play will cal for the backs to align in an adjusted position to better aid the Structure of the play. ADJUSTMENTS 1. TB Aligns in the slot position strong in King and weak in Queen. 1. TBJTE - Formation in which TB pre-aligns out of the backfield to an outside wide receiver position based on game plan (Le,, Trey Right Out). ~N Pg.4 ‘a Ye BACKFIELD SETS 7a NEAR RIGHT oo B ooo QNEAR LEFT QNEAR RIGHT 2 @00B800 1o OOB000 e@o Oe © @ DEEP DOUBLE LEFT DEEP DOUBLE RIGHT ®00B00 @ g@ COH00® ° ° @ SPLIT LEFT SPLIT RIGHT Io @00 Boo io OoOoOR0CO®e eo°o @oe BRONCO FORMATIONS 2RB_17E_2WR NEAR LEFT SLOT @00 B oo e @ ~~ ee J NEAR RIGHT SLOT e OOR00O i Q ° o ° FAR LEFT SLOT @00 B oo e @ SPLIT LEFT @ 00800 e@oo NEAR WEST (unbalanced) ogoo ®@ 9 °°°8 5 e @ FAR RIGHT SLOT e OOB00O ° ° 3 e @ SPLIT RIGHT ©COH00® 9 e@06e FAR EAST (unbalanced) OOR000 ° e @ N Pg.6 a v COWBOY FORMATIONS vie SPLIT LEFT @ ® 00 RO ° e @ FAR LEFT @ © COROCO e @ 8 2RB_OTE_3WR SPLIT RIGHT @ |e OORCO © o o e NEAR RIGHT ° OOOO © o @e ° A Ta ZEBRA ‘yO "6? 2RB_2TE_1WRZ) RIGHT @00R000 oO e © FOX ann 2TE_1wRo RIGHT er 0 ORoe elo ooRooe, e e 9 © GIANTS 2RB_3TE_OWR RIGHT LEFT ar? ORCCe ecoRoK0e, e e 1 TWINS LEFT @ @ S00R00e @ FINS FORMATIONS RB_2TE_2WR ye Pg.8 GOORO0® DEUCE RIGHT @ @ @ TWINS RIGHT @00R00e 2°e oO TOY LEFT @ °@ eP°°RO0e TOY.RIGHT ®@00R0O, 9 © @ ® TREY LEFT TREY RIGHT @ G2 00HOD B® CORO0H gg oO © _——— DING LEFT DING RIGHT oogoOo © eB ° @o OoROCe, ° | wer P89 FALCON FORMATIONS V WR DOUBLE RIGHT. DOUBLE LEFT o @00800 oO ® © CoRo0e Qo oO oO TRIO LEFT. TRIO RIGHT 20 @ooRoo 10 OoR00e © 0 @ o TRAIN RIGHT TRAIN LEFT ° o°0B0O =| = CORDOO, ° ® oe @ oO RIGHT TRI LEFT TRI @00R00 elo °° OoRCOO oo @ LEET BUNDLE @ RIGHT BUNDLE @00R00 oo °°o CoRooe oO ® Pg.10 Tv JETSFORMATIONS =~ "i 2 TRB_OTE_4Wk DICE RIGHT 9} ® @ COMOCO © oO TRIPLE LEFT TRIPLE RIGHT @ eo CoRoo e|o CORSO @ oo oO @ SCRUNCH LEFT 2 g@ CORO ® SCRUNCH RIGHT ® @ CORO g @ oO oO SQUEEZE RIGHT SQUEEZE LEFT o® CO80O oO, go COBO O, oO o @ @ PATRIOT LEFT wT WING LEFT @° 0OR00@ oo TREY LEFT @®0ORC0e © TIT: IRB 4 TIGHT LEFT gr? ORo0e, oO CHIEFS 1RB_3TE_1WR @ Fr Pent Jwincricnt ——«Y @ S00R000, oO TREY RIGHT @OOROOO, @ ‘ANS TE_OWR TIGHT RIGHT oe? OR000, ° PATRIOT ors 2 ROO © 08 @D Q| TE_3WR PATRIOT RIGHT oe OR0%> o © eo Pg. 12 MOTION TERMINOLOGY v ® ZMbotion: ZIP ~Z short motion inside towards the ball, ZOOM - Z across the formation to outside alignment by play design. ZAG 2 return motion to wing position or by play design. ZING. Z across the formation to a wing postion or by play design, ‘ull will start in backfield then motion tohis alignment by play design. X Motion: ‘%In- X short inside motion toward the ball ‘%It- X across the formation to wing position. ‘+X Ray- X motion inside towards ball and back out to play design alignment. HMotio: ‘s HOOF -H across the formation to same alignment on opposite side. “SHAC ~ H return motion to a wing position or o play design alignment. ‘sHIT-H short motion in towards the ball “+H Out H motion from alignment to and outside receiver position by play design. Y Motion: “FLY. Y across the formation to same alignment on opposite side ‘FLING - Y return motion back to position or by play alignment. ‘FLOAT-Y step off motion across formation and reset on opposite side. +Y-In—Y short motion inside towards the ball T Motion: ‘JUMP~TB will start opposite of final alignment and Jump to it on QBS signal JACK ~TB will startin gun alignment and Jack back tothe Q alignment on QB signal ‘TEAR -TB motion tothe right to play design alignment. sTAIL- TB motion tothe left to play design alignment. ‘ROCKET -TB motion just before the snap of the ball going % speed tothe right. LASER -TB motion just before the snap ofthe ball going % speed to the let F Motion: ‘FIRE - FB motion right to play design alignment. *FLAME - FB motion left to play design alignment. “FIND - Motion used in the run game to block a defender. We will designate a WR Z.X,.H. “SEAL. Motion tothe Backside Tackle and cuting, 1" defender off tackles butt Can be tagged with the letter ofthe position we want to motion. Ex. Trio RtH Seal 22 Zone “NOTE: “FLY SWEEP MOTION” can be added by just giving the letter of the position. This tells the motion man to run 3/4 speed toward the QB. The bail will be snapped before he gets to the QB & he must create a mesh with the QB. Be: Far RtZ SHIFT PROCEDURES SHIFT) —¥ starts opposteofstrngihand mover final ormation on Loe ™ (Ee shift Near RO) zg tes YANK (H)~Y wil ar inthe backed ashe Fan (Bx: Yank Double RO) z ‘YO.1)¥ wilstart onthe LOS and step back off the wa (ExeDouble RYO) ~~ Pg. 13 SINGLE ADJUSTMENTS THNDE Gt) —H wil tart inthe bacild ehe FW ant dst oa oration Hyde Deuce RO THOP (1) wll san onthe LOS oppose ot Vand jst ial formation (Ex: Hop Trey RO i ’ (x Hop Double RO) te THUG (9) wilt ina ey lignan wih te adj inal fomation, (ee Hog Far RO Pg. 14 ) > SHIFT PROCEDURES ~y COMBINATION SHIETS COMBINATION SHIFTS 'BUST (Bronco) ~ Combination: When we "Bust we | FAST(Drace)— Combination: When we show "Fast willbepin na Bronco alignment and move tothe final | we willepin ina Deuce alignment and move tothe formation, WR's startin inal formation. “But” els | final formation, WR's start nthe final formation ‘the Yt shit strengeh from the LOS tothe final. Fast” tellsthe to shit tenth rom the LOS tothe formation and HPS to adjust from the baclcl tothe | final formation sn H to aaj from the LOS oppose final formation, the final formation, (Gx: Bust Deuce RO (Ex Fast Near RESIo8) o Pg. 15 ; ‘ SHIFT PROCEDURES | > COMBINATION SHIFTS COMBINATION SHETS ‘HOP - Combination: A shitby and an saimen| by HL Yat wilairaye sta Tey agent and t TEREAD Combination: A shlthy Yanan Stes Ya any a ae positon nd move tthe fia aration, (Ge Spread Deace RD the FB and move to fina formation on 08, H wl Seton te LOS and wilt al nto, (e-Shake Near RD [BOUNCE Combination Ashitby Yad an depen Hewat one Pg. 16 Sy SHIFT PROCEDURES =~ ai COMBINATION SHIFTS. COMBINATION SHIFTS. TAG (Tro) Combination: When we “Tag” we will | RIVER/LAKE.— Combination: We willshow one begin ina Teo alignment and move tothe fia formation and move tothe final formation. "River formation. WR's start inthe final formation. “Tag” tell] willshow empty right. “Lake” will show emp left the Y to shift strength fom the LOS to the fal “The QB will give a "Move" cal and ¥ trades sides of formation and H/TB toadjst rom the slot alignment | formation, TB and FB shit into backfield tothe final formation (Bx: Tag Near RD (®x Lake Split RD Pg.17 Ty SHIFT PROCEDURES =~ oe ‘SHOW CONCEPTS: ‘SHOW CONCEPTS ‘CLUSTER (Bunch) ~ When we show "Cluster" we will ] DART (Double) When we "Dart" we will Begin ina begin in a Bunch alignment and move othe final Doble alignment and move to the inal frration. formation. WR's tothe show side wil align in Bunch J “Dart” tls the ¥ to shit strength from Double Pre shift and move tothe final formation. “Cluster” J alignment tothe final formation and H to adjust fom tells the Vand I to shift rom Bunch alignment tothe | the slot aligament othe ial formation. final formation. (Ex ChusterNese Ro Ge Dat Near et eogooe (Be Cluster Trio RO) oT Pg... Pg. 2,3 & 4... Pg. 4. Pg.5... TABLE OF CONTENT: NT wv OFFENSIVE HOLE NUMBERING/ POSITION IDENTIFICATION HUDDLE AND LINE OF SCRIMMAGE PROCEDURES (CADENCE AUDIBLES, CHECKS, ALERTS Pg.1 > HOLE NUMBERING & ~~ POSITION IDENTIFICATION ® Numbering System A. The numbering system is based upon assigning a number to the ‘gaps between the offensive linemen and tight end(s.) B. Holes to the right of the center are even (0, 2, 4, 6,8.) C. Holes to the left of the center are odd (1,3,5,7,9.) Position Identification A. Our linemen are referred to as Right Guard, Right Tackle, Left Guard, Left Tackle, and Center. B. Our backs are referred to as Tailback & Fullback. The Fullback is known as “3” in the running game and “F" in the passing game. The Tailback is designated as “2” and “T.” C. The Quarterback is the number “1” and the leter “Q.” D. The weak side receiver is “X,” the strong side receiver is “Z,” and the tight end is “Y.” E, The second tight end or third wide receiver is referred to as “H.” Pg.2 Ne HUDDLE & ~ 7 @ LINE OF SCRIMMAGE PROCEDURES Huddle Formation ‘ (Ball) | 5 YARDS LT LG C RG RT X WHY T Z Q ‘A, The center forms the huddle with his heels at five yards f from the football. Everyone must hustle into the huddle to avoid problems with the play clock. De your resting in the huddle, not on your way to i away B. The linemen will form a wall at five yards standing up and facing. the QB. The receivers, backs, and tight ends will form the front row, with the X and Z receivers forming a tunnel on the ends. Stay in the huddle until someone replaces you! Remember we cannot break the huddle with more than 11 players. yd penalty) Huddle Procedure A. The center will put his hands above his head and give the command “Huddle.” ‘The offensive personnel will then take their positions in the huddle. B. When the QB enters the huddle, all eyes are focused on him. CC. The QB will do ALL the talking in the huddle. Any information that can be helpful should be relayed to the QB outside the huddle or through coaches on the sideline. e D. The QB will call the formation, play, and snap count, one time only E, If you don’t hear the call, say “CHECK”; QB will repeat call. Pg.3 HUDDLE & Not LINE OF SCRIMMAGE PROCEDURES J Huddle Procedures Continued: F, The huddle call sequence is as follows: 1, Movement (Shift, Bust, Fast) 2. Backfield Set (Far, Split, Strong) 3. Formation (Double, Deuce, Dice) 4. Strength (Right/Left) 5. WR Variations (Slot, On,) 6. Motion (Zing, X, Hoof) 7. Play (22 Zone) 8. Snap count (on “Texas”) 9. Ready... Clap hands on break Example Run: Example Pass Far shite Right Trio Slot Right 22 Zone Slide Righ 8 Cat ‘On “Texas” On “Stallion” “Ready” Clap “Ready” - Clap Breaking the Huddle: ‘All players will hustle to the LOS and assume their positions ina minimum amount of time. This is crucial for our shift and motions to be effective. We have a variety of different speeds in our offensive package and our pace to and from the huddle will bbe key to making those speeds put pressure on the defense. Pg.4 : HUDDLE & Nox ° LINE OF SCRIMMAGE PROCEDURES J “Line Up In It”: If we have a motion or shift called and we break the huddle with 8 seconds of less left on the 40 second clock, the QB will yell “Line Up In It.” All players will quickly get set into final formation and abort any shift or motion. Everyone must be set for 1 Second before we can snap the ball Procedure At The LOS: If we are shifting, designated players will come to the LOS in a formation other than the one called in the huddle and shift to All players assume their positions immediately (Y stay in 2-point when shifting.) QB will say “Down, Set Hut” to begin the shift. Motions are initiated by the @ Sotateots head, or by his foot for the RB's I formation. * If we are in our No Huddle Offense (Indy) we want to be set and ready to play as fast as possible, We will not huddle and we will use limited movement during our No Huddle Offense. ° 14 CADENCE yr ‘The cadence is a combination of words and numbers used in a non-rhythmic count. ‘The cadence must be used as a weapon by the offensive team. The QB can NEVER allow the defense to time our cadence, Base Cadence Sequence: “TEXAS” “Down, Set Hut” - Any player shifting will move at this time. The QB should hit this hard in his cadence to try to get the defense to show what they are doing. Next is Color & Number, Color & ‘Number ~ We will use White or Black for the colors and 20's for the numbers “Hut” ballis snapped. Ex. Down, Set Hut, White 20. White 20.. Hut Cadence Variations: “Stallion” Down, Set Hut. This is our base cadence in No Huddle (Indy), Clutch and Hurry Up. “Texas” (one)-Down, Set Hut White 20., White 20.. Hut. “Hors” (¢wo)-Down, Set Hut, Black 22..Black 22, Hut. Hut. QB wants to hit that first Hut hard! “Note - Any time we change the snap count from “Texas” the QB will remind the offense in the ‘huddle before the play cal that we are going on something other than “Texas.” 2 Or Staion on “San” Nest RE: 24 Power on “Staion” “On Repeat” “Onry” - Use on specific plays when we may need to check or see certain looks ‘The QB's cadence will start “Set, Red Number, Red Number. Hut, Hut” trying to get the defense to show us what they intend todo. If we do not change the play the QB will continue with our regular cadence on “Texas” “Set Color Number, Color Number, Hut.” If we do change the play the QB's cadence after the intial Red number sequence, will be “Easy, Easy, White Slide, White Slide, Down, Set Hut” ~ changed play toSlide Rt. 1 “Bob” Silent count that willbe used when we ae having trouble hearing the QB's cadence. It willbe used in Shot Gun. The QB will it his foot (nthe gun), the center will look through his legs to see the OB lit his foot and then will look upat the Dine, look to one side, then snap the ball saying “Set Hut” “Hand” -silent count that will be used when we are having trouble hearing the QB's cadence, It will be used in Shot Gun. The QB will flash his hand (in the gun), the center will ook through his legs to se the QB flash his hand and when the center looks up he will snap the ball saying "Set Hut” “Freeze” - Used during Indy no play is given when we freeze QB will fake a play call and say Down Set Hut. Ifthe defense jumps off sides skill players will execute pass route. Ifthe defense (@ s2e 0% jump 28 wil cal rel pay and the cadence Down, Set ut Pg. 6 ~~ AUDIBLES, CHECKS & ALERTS) ~~ Go é Audibles: QB may audible at various points inthe game to get us out ofa bad play and into the right play. He will notify the offense that he is changing the play by saying “Easy, Easy” to let the ‘offense know to relax and listen infor the new play. When the QB auidibles he will use our No Huddle terminology and communication to change into the new play. The cadence will bbe “Down, Set Hut” when the QB makes the audible. Most of the time only the QB will see the look to make him audible the play and its up to the est ofthe offense tobe alert to the “Easy, Easy “call and listen infor the new play. QB will hand signal routes to skill players tolet them know what route we are running or if itis a run play. Ex, Down, Set Hut. White 20.Easy, Easy...White Slide, White Slide.. Down, Set Hut Checks: Checks are used to take advantage ofa defensive team's alignment to choose between the ‘same type of play or two different plays. All “Checks” are on “Texas” and the color "White” (or “Black” will be used “White” = Right. "Black" = Lett © __Exeintnehusste op ap "Deve Rte Zaneon “Texas. Atte 05 the OB cls Diown strut White 2, We Fa 23 me Bed "down St Hut Blick 2 Blak 2-H” 23 Zone EXOTE: Ihe OS wifaweys tums ead the play se fst. swine the poytde Otte mokecaly Ts isalo ere RB econ hea ow whee he ay i Rit eteckal to "Note: “Checkers” will be used in our No Huddle tempo to alert the offense to get set {quickly so the QB can see the defensive look and check the play. The QB will be under center on “Checkers.” Alerts: We wil use the term “Alen” in the py cll tet the offense know thatthe QB wil be choosing between tv diferent play a the ie of scrimmage based of the defensive look ‘Frecaderce ie “Texas” and the QB wl une WhiteBlack slong with he play amber to ienity which play and side he is checking oo. Ex 1. In the huddle QB calls “Trio Rt23 Push, Alert 26 Ted on “Texas.” At the line the QB calls “Down, Set Hut, Black 23, Black 23 . Hut” = 23 Push. Ex.2. “Down, Set Hut, White 26, White 26,Set Hut” =26 Ted ie Pg. 7... TABLE OF CONTENTS: NO HUDDLE OFFENSE - “INDY” 2 MINUTE OFFENSE - “CLUTCH” FOUR MINUTE OFFENSE VICTORY OFFENSE RED ZONE OFFENSE BACKED UP OFFENSE SUDDEN CHANGE GAME ENDING PLAYS De “INDY” YS no NO HUDDLE OFFENSE Philosophy: ‘Attack Mentality! Change the tempo of the game. We want to operate ata fast tempo. Keop the defense on their heels, hard to prepare for. Help protect our Shift & Motion packages Condense defensive plays and give us more varilla looks. ‘Wear down defensive personnel. We ae in better shape. eeeeee Operation: QB wil initiate our No Huddle Otfense by caling out “Indy”, “Indy” tothe offense to alert them to use No Huddle procedures, This is ot a2 minute situation, we want to operate ata fast tempo but we ae nt concerned with stopping the clock or using timeouts until we get into a2 minute situation (Our No Huddle procedures ae as followed: 1. QBalerts offense to No Huddle by saying “Indy” 2. O-Line quickly gets set on the ball and all skill players look to the sideline for formation & play. One signaler is formation, one is play and the third signaler is a dummy . 3. kill players will quickly get set into formation signaled and communicate play information to each other if needed, 4. Q8 will relay the play to the O-Line using our No Huddle coding and we want to snap_ the ball within 5 seconds after the QB makes his lat call to the O-Line. 5. QB's may hand signal to the Skill players if necessary 6."Indy” cadence is on “Stallion” (Down Set Hut) * LF the QB audible’s we will use our audible mechanics. “Easy, Easy” to alert the offense he is changing to another play must allow sufficient time for make appropriate calls and WR to NOTE: rn fall coun belore sapping tatball QS wil again make he cal to BeLse foe getirat tad communseRfon and combst crowd fase ee Signal for “Indy” is a gunslinger motion ike shooting gunn the ai. You may NOTE Be ts acon if you come ftom the streets in east Bose Pg.2 " a CLUTCH OFFENSE Ty q (2 MINUTE OFFENSE) General Overview: We will use our “Clutch” Offense during a game 2 minutes before halftime and within the last 2 minutes of the game if we are behind and need to score. The “Clutch” Offense requires poise, hustle, proper execution, communication and confidence. The perfect utilization of this offense has an important bearing on the final outcome of any game. ‘The following points are extremely important and should be noted during the “Clutch” period. We will use the same communication procedures as we do in “Indy” and our cadence is “Down Set Hut.” Now we are trying to save time and stop the clock by getting out of bounds, using timeouts or spiking the ball to kill the clock. There will be times that the QB will call all the formation and plays and all skill players should be focused on him in this situation. When the clock is stopped the offense must be ready to huddle and change personnel. This will allow us to use the entire system and regular snap counts for certain plays. Coaching Points for Clutch Offense: 1. Itis the responsibility of the QB to know how much time is remaining. He must also know how many time outs we have remaining. Officials will notify the Captain and Coach of the number of time outs remaining. QB should ask the referee how many time outs we ~~ have if he does not inform us. 2. The QB and Coaches are the only ones that make the timeout call. 3: In the last 2 minutes of the game the offense must know what we need, FG or TD, to win ‘or tie the game. 4, Offense must assume no huddle unless QB calls you to huddle. 3. Be sure correct personnel is ready and in the game, Our base personnel for clutch is Jets. 6. "Spike" is used to stop the clock and can only be used on 1".2" or 3% downs. We will use the “Spike” play when we are out of timeouts or don’t want to calla timeout to stop the lock. Everyone gets set on the LOS and do not move, QB will say “Down Set Hut” and take the snap and take 1 step back and spike the ball to the ground. 7 Ball Carriers ~ struggling for inches consumes time. We need to get the yardage we can and get out of bounds. General rule ball caught inside the #'s get vertical and the 1% down, gutsile #5 get vertical and get out of bounds. It downs will stop the clock until the chains gre set and then the clock will start again if the ball carrier stayed in bounds. If the OB takes a sack we need to use a timeout. QB's we must be smart with the football and eliminate sacks in clutch. OA time out in excess of three is a penalty unless for an injured player, who must be vomoved from the game. Time will continue on the referee's whistle. Excessive timeouts (calling more that we have) bears a5-yard penalty, and the clock starts with the referee's whistle, You can cal a time out immediately after a time out without a snap. 40. Speed field goal should be ready, we need 18-20 seconds from the sideline to ge the kick Off, ff we havea timeout the QB will let the clock run down to3 seconds and call timeout, e SL Clock will stop on official measurements of first down yardage or injury and will start ‘on the referee's signal. We must be ready on the LOS to run our play. Pg.3 3 ~~ CLUTCH OFFENSE ‘ye Clock Rules: Cutie ete inet Fa * 2 Inurea payer 2 ets whistle Seas 3 ets whale 4 fess whist SRetwhiste 6. Center Snap 7. Incomplete Pass 7.Center Snap 8. Out of Bounds 8. Center Snap 9. Change of Possession 9. Center Snap Clutch Before Half Tim: This time period may give us the opportunity to go into half-time with either a score or psychological advantage. @Goal: Get at least 3 points @ Know timeout situation (save 1 for FG if you can) ‘@.Be Ready to run the ball if we get into scoring range quickly 2.08 be aware of check downs Me © Can huddle up if ig loss occurs when we are backed up Clutch at the End of Game: During this time we must be confident and poised in order to execute properly and move our offense down the field into scoring position. ‘© Know what we need to win or tie game @ Know timeout situation and time remaining ‘© We must have proper personnel in the game 1.2100 to 1:00 remaining: "a Emphasis must be placed on hustle, poise, execution, communication, and confidence. b. Do not all time out unless absolutely necessary: Only Coaches & QB! AIT plays must be executed in 15 seconds or less SU Ball carriers and receivers should try to get as much positive yardage as possible after making the first down (clock will stop )Get out of bounds after 1st down is made. ©. No timeouts except after a sack. 2. Less than 1:00: 2. Utilize time outs, e Fee loc whenever posible. Bal carriers must get out of bounds C- Expect more down field throws, boundary throws...more aggressive if TD is needed. 4.NO sacks! 9 Pg.4 al FOUR MINUTE OFFENSE av In “Four Minute Offense” we want the clock to run, however, we still need to make first downs. QB will hold team at LOS while watching the 40 second clock and not snap the ball until play clock is inside three seconds we call this “Milking the Clock”, KEEP CLOCK RUNNING: ‘©We will utilize our base un game and play action nakeds in this scenario. Make sure of ball handling (no turnovers) ‘Stayin Bounds ‘@NO time out cals (unless directed by sidelines). Only Coaches and QBS! 2Use up the 40 second clock. Snap the ball with 3 seconds let {@Ball cartier stay onthe ground and make official take bal from you(unpile slowly) @Do not ask for measurement unless directed by sidelines ‘@Poise! No foolish penalties (be prepared for cheap shots) ‘@iinjured players get off the field on their own, ‘@Use a simple snap count go on “Texas” ‘@Be prepared for stunts and blitzes ‘©RBSs fighting for extra yards could cause problems. > VICTORY OFFENSE ww” When we are in a situation where we are leading or want to run the clock out we will call “Victory.” This call will serve as both the formation and the play call Victory formation has no strength call; thus remains constant (see diagram.) Ball will be snapped and QB will take a knee. Victory: ‘QNo Penalties! Expect cheap shots and do not retaliate. Lineman, ¥ and H, cut spits to foottofoot and execute wedge blocking realign in 3-point stance. QT and Falign one yard deep behind guards and serve as personal protectors for QB. Be ready for any fumbled exchange onthe snap. 2 align directly behind QB at 10 yards, Serve asthe safety man ‘8 will secure snap then drop 1-3 yards and touch one knee down; thus dlowning the ball. QB then gets up slowly, Have the referee come ake the ball fom you NOTE: Remember that the defense may advance a fumble! “© 0 reminders in Vietory: ‘@.Use all of the 40 second clock. Qo will snap the ball with 2 seconds left on the clock BOOS Oy T F @ZEBRA group > RED ZONE OFFENSE > "ee SCORE! SCORE! SCORE! Our number one goal when we get into the Red Zone is to Score 100% of the time. Our objective is a Touchdown our alternative is a Field Goal but we must get points. We must take advantage of these opportunities during the course of a game and we must have great execution in the Red Zone. We break our Red Zone up into 3 areas 1 Red Zone - from the opponents 25 yd line to the 1lyd line going in. 2, Tight Red Zone ~ 10yd line to yd line going in, 3.Goal line ~ inside the 4yd line when the defense gets into their {goal line fronts and coverage. Coaching Points in the Red Zone: 1. No Sacks! Field position is crucial and we need every yard. 2. No Tumovers! Throwaways and good ball mechanics are paramount 3. High percentage decision making. 4.No Penaltiest 5. Expect blitz. Know when & where they like to bring it 6. Expect tight coverage, less field for the defense to defend. 7. Expect to go for iton 4% downs. 8. Be sure tohave correct personnel inthe game. 9. Field Goal team ready. Pg.7 T BACKED UP OFFENSE ~~ (Inside our own 5 yard line) In our “Backed Up Offense” our goal is to put our offense in position to get a first down. Our second objective is to get past our 5 yd line to give our Punt Team enough space to get the ball off. We will utilize our base run game and pass game along with a shot play. It is very demoralizing for a defense when they let an offense out of this territory. Rules: 1L Basic game rules apply 2. Offensive penalty is half the distance to the goal. 3. Any penalty occurring in the end zone while the ball is in the end zone (Including holding in the end zone) results in a safety with the ensuing kick off from the 20 yd line, Coaching Points: 1, Protect the football. We need great ball handling. 2. Must not take a loss of yards. 3. Every inch counts. We need positive yards. 4. Expect blitz, 5. Expect tight coverage. 6.No penalties. 7." HORNS” snap count can be used in this situation to get us easy yards. ‘Yr SUDDEN CHANGE yy" ‘ Defi mn: ‘When we get the ball after our defense has created a turnover. Goal: ‘@We want points. ‘We want to at least gain field position. Operation: ‘@Get the offense on the field! ‘@Havea plan. Everyoneis in the middle of making adjustments. Players and Coaches must change gears and communicate and stay poised. Be ready to takea shot early. @Be ready to change the tempo of our offense. Red Zon @Be ready to take a shot at the End Zone early in the drive. ‘@Emphasis: No sacks or tumovers- GET POINTS! Pg.9 Aes T GAME ENDING PLAYS ee ~ Rules: 1, All “Clutch Offense” rules are applicable here, 2. Penalty on defense when clock has run out we can accept penalty to get another play. ‘3. 1EQB should be sacked ~ CLOCK WILL CONTINUE TO RUN. WE MAY NEED TO ‘USE A TIMEOUT. Coaching Points: Everyone must have a sense of urgency in thi situation and be on point but under control and poised enough to exceue ther asignments Ball carrier must be given a chance to run in open field if he thinks he can score, otherwise getout of bounds. QB must ONLY run with ball if big yardage is there, Last play (Big Ben) - we could get a pass interference ~ throw as deep as possible in end zone if possible. (On 1* down - 20 yard gain on sideline is EXCELLENT (Y Deep Out). 3) Pass caught deep downfield ~ other receivers sprint to block. Be aware how coaches demeanor may change. This is nota sign of panic. Game Procedures: 1. STAYWITHTHE PLAN ‘a. Use last three plays in appropriate situations. 1, Streak Go (called by QB if we cannot huddle) 2. YDeep Out 3. Big Ben 4 Circus 5, Money in Red Zone situation 2. Use time out after each play if available, Be aware of time outs remaining. If eld goal wins, F team is up and ready. (Need 18-20 seconds if clock is running) Mayday/ Whistle be ready. 4. Substitution groups need to be as close to coach as possible. 5, Personnel not involved ~ stay clear. gq ee Pg. 1&2... Pg.3,4&5... Pg, 6... Pg.7 &8... Pg.9 & 10... Pg. 11... Pg. 12... Pg. 13... Pg, 14 & 15... Pg, 16 & 17... TABLE OF CONTENTS: ye BASIC DEFENSIVE IDENTIFICATION DEFENSIVE FRONT IDENTIFICATION BLITZ IDENTIFICATION STUNT IDENTIFICATION COVERAGE IDENTIFICATION COVER 0 CONCEPTS COVER 1 CONCEPTS COVER 2 CONCEPTS COVER 3 CONCEPTS COVER 4 (QUARTERS) CONCEPTS & COVER 6 Q P Pg.1 > ¥ BASIC DEFENSIVE IDENTIFICATION ~y” ZZ D Z Y x A B c G) 3 @ Defensive Line Techniques will be designated by using a number system. A “head-up” alignment on the center is identified as “0.” Shades on the center will be called “Shade Strong” or Shade Weak.” Inside shades by a Defensive lineman on the Guard, Tackle and Tight Ends are called “1”, “4i”, and “7” techniques. Head up alignments on the Guard, Tackle and Tight Ends are called ”2”, "4", and “8” techniques. Outside shades on the Guard, Tackle and Tight Ends are called “3 and “9” techniques. Gaps are designated by letters. The offensive strong side gaps are lettered A through D. The weak side gaps are lettered X through Q. The Center and Guard @ gaps are “A” or ”X.” The Guard and Tackle gaps are “B” or “Y.” The Tackle and TE gaps are “C” or “Z” and the gaps outside the tight ends are “D” or “ZZ” gaps. Defensive Personnel Recognition In a “four down” defensive scheme, the inside two down defensive players will referred to as “tackles” (T) while the outside two down defensive players will be referred to as “ends” (E). E T T E ooBwOoOoO°O Ina “three down” defensive scheme, the down defensive lineman over the center will be referred to as the “nose guard” (N) and the remaining two down defensive players will be referred to as “ends” (E). Pg. 2 a 9 BASIC DEFENSIVE RECOGNITION J" We will refer to the Linebackers and the Safeties in the followi way @Mike (M)- The Middle Linebacker in a 40 front, and the play side LB in 80 and 30 fronts. @Sam (S) — The strong side outside LB in a 40 front, and the strong side outside LB in 80 and 30 fronts. @.Will (W) ~ The weak side outside LB in a 40 front, and the weak side inside LB in 80 and 30 fronts. @ Rover (R) - Weak Safety player. When at LB depth Rover becomes the weak side outside LB in an 80 front. @-Free Safety (FS) - Strong side safety player. * @Liz (L) - The weak side outside LB in a 30 front. R FS FS Ww wom ss R M a Bee Np ee BN T_E ooBO00 oowoo°o Example: 40 Front Example: 80 Front R FS w M t s B Te E 2 oomooo Example: 30 Front, 1 Net Pes 8 " DEFENSIVE FRONT IDENTIFICATION v To name our fronts we will start by understanding 6 basic mirrored fronts. Our numbering system will name fronts by identifying the alignment and number of defenders to the strong and weak side of the offense. The 6 base fronts below have the same number of defenders on the strong and weak side (a 70 front is the exception), this is indicated by the zero as the second number in the numbering system. w M s B N B N T E iT E OoOOHOO®@ OORO00 0 “40” (Even) Ww uM a) iT es } oomoo@ “30” (Odd) Ww M s BON T CE mM % om006 oomoo®@ “50” (Double) “70" (Bear) e is an eight man front, while a “Double Eagle” is a seven man front, A“Bear” front is an ei : We eats get into Bear/Double Eagle fronts in several different ways. Pg.4 “Y* DEFENSIVE FRONT IDENTIFICATION "§ @ strong side (1 Number: The first step in determining a combination front is looking at the defense’s front on the strong side of the offensive formation. The first digit in our sequence identifies the strong side of the front. Weak Side (2"¢ Number): ‘The second number identifies the defensive front lined up on the weak side of the 0" indicates the defensive front is mirrored on both sides. 7 PBS ~Y* DEFENSIVE FRONT IDENTIFICATION “jy” The first step in determining a combination front is looking at the defense’s front on the strong side of the offensive formation. The first digit in our sequence identifies the strong side of the front. The second number identifies the defensive front lined up on the weak side of the offensive formation, Text may be added to further specify the front. 50 (Double) Pg.6 v BLITZ IDENTIFICATION v A BLITZ is a rush by any second level defender. We will identify the blitzer first and the gap second when only one defender is blitzing. When identifying blitzes, the strong side gaps will remain A, B, C, and D, while the weak side gaps will be X, Y, Z, and Q. These are examples of 1 man blitzes. paetog | Géagod | Reeds Sam @ A Will @Z. Mike @B ‘The following are some examples of combination blitzes. We will identify the blitzes with the terms below. Some are specific to Field and Boundary sides, while others are identified by the specific defender or combination of blitz. ‘ais Field Scrape Boundary Scrape Boundary I | peated) Dogs Strong Pg.7 YY STUNT/SLANT IDENTIFICATION Te Go asTuNTis any game involving the down defensive lineman, To identi stunts the down lineman are labeled as: E= Strong side Defensive End. T = Strong side Defensive Tackle, N= Weak side Defensive Tackle, B= Weak side Defensive End or “Buck End”, The letter thats listed 1s the penerator, the 2 letter is the looper. Ex, —* T/E = Tackle (1% / End c=) Twist. @tant Strong = Slant OSfant Weak~ Angle @.Other terms will occur as needed to describe movements of the Defensive Line. Pg.8 ~Y STUNT/SLANTIDENTIFICATION >Y Most common DL SLANTS. obnsyh | Asades Angle Slant A stunt involving a Defensive Lineman dropping is termed “spy.” The Defensive Lineman dropping will be named followed by the term “spy.” The dropping DL are usually accompanied by a some sort of blitz behind it (not pictured here). Pad 0 “Y= COVERAGE IDENTIFICATION Cover 0.. Blitz coverage. Man to Man with middle open. 6 or more rushers. OBanjo., -Man to Man coverage with the middle open with 1 blitzer. The two middle linebackers have Man/Zone responsibilities on the TB based on which side he goes to. Drop... = Man to Man coverage with the middle open with no blitzers. The linebackers are dropping to zones. Cover1... __ -Man to Man coverage with 1 Safety in the deep middle, and 1 blitzer. Robber... -Man to Man coverage with 1 Safety in the deep middle and the weak side Safety “Robbing” the middle underneath zone. e No extra blitzers in this coverage. ‘Banjo... _ = Man to Man coverage with 1 Safety in the deep middle, and no extra blitzers. The two middle linebackers have Man/Zone responsibilities on the TB based on which side he goes. Cover2... “Two deep zone coverage with two flat defenders and the safeties working half the field coverage with the middle open. ‘Tampa 2, “Two deep zone coverage with two flat defenders and the safeties working wide half field coverage, with a linebacker responsible for defending the deep middle zone. 2Man... ~ Two deep zone coverage with Man to Man underneath coverage. Qo Pg. 10 “Y= COVERAGE IDENTIFICATION >Y* Cover3... 3Buzz... 3Cloud... Cover 4... 4 Pre: 4 Sky... Cover 4X... Cover 6... ‘Three deep zone coverage rolled strong. ‘Three deep zone coverage with Strong Side Safety bu: inside the Outside Linebacker tothe curl zone, with the OLB, responsible for the flat. ‘Three deep zone coverage with field side comer working as flat defender. ‘Quarters coverage with the Safeties and Corners each responsible for one-quarter of the field. Safeties are force on both sides, Quarters coverage with the Safeties and Corners each responsible for one-quarter of the field, and the Corners pressing outside receivers. ‘Quarters coverage on the strong side of the formation, with the Weak Side Safety buzzing to the flat zone. ‘Quarters coverage with the Weak Side Comer in press man coverage on the Weak Side Receiver. (Quarter, Quarter Half coverage. Quarters coverage to the field, with cloud coverage to the boundary. COVER 0 CONCEPTS i ~ a“ ———<<—_———s—_efsfsés—” El Pg. 12 a COVER 1 CONCEPTS ~~ COVER 2 CONCEPTS Pg. 15 ie 3 DEEP CONCEPTS ~ ZZ. a a # Pg.17 ys QUARTERCONCEPTS. (ye ” usrTERuarren ‘QuAFtERquaRreR Day: Friday, Aug 5 FALL CAMP 2011 Practice #1 a ROE 1 2223 ZONE 22/23 PUSH ‘2723 RENO EMPHASIS ro a 2 Getheto Rtn zens 2 Ge arin 2 vstz men Saar oe ue : Tarn soon rome 1 GOsinreUtoCR ee! = 1 aARnTe me : — ri Beton Sent ee ee ee eee Pe ieee ares 1 (P)u Shift DbI Lt Zoom Blaze Rt 1 cu a meaee ec Facey anaes fa ee Gy Teyna tam os Yau Se pee Cocca. ane Opera F Slide Rt ¥ Climb (F) Dbl Li Slide Lt Streak . “teapetmartemty frites ODM Der ey cere amine eens 4 ‘*P9! Beready for hole throw e BRICK by BRICK TEXAS FOOTHALL Day: Saturday. August 6 (Helmets) 2 (F)Doe Rt Tail Y Side Rt Crash 2 Dime (IB) "2 Ps. Dimes on Regular Crsh only BRICK by BRICK FALL CAMP 2011 Practice #2 RUN GAME. 2627 TED 2627 TED DOWN EMPHASIS 1 (Fu Tag Deuce L127 Ted H Seam 1 (Fi Shop Ding Lt u 1 Combo Shite + Hake aspiit 21 Ted Down Bob 2 (QB) Split Lt Slot Rocket 27 Ted Swing, 2 2 “Feho & "Echo Fp" 3. (F) Deep Lt TH 27 Ted Bob 3 Jump 4 "Line up in i s PLAY ACTION PRONG XCOBB 1 (B) Fast Ri Zip Blast Pass Lt Prong 1 (B) Fas RA Zip Blast Pase LEX Cobb 1 #7 sep drop "7 ep drop SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS q DUAL SLAM. BLAST PASS, 1) Yank Dice Lt Dual Lt 1 Y SLIDE PASS GAME. ‘STRIKE RAZORSTAG. CRASH "INDY" 1 (Triple ReJump 1 (F)DBLLEJump 1 *(F) Triple RE Jump 1 (Deep Le TH 27 Ted Bob Slam L Strike Slam LtRazor Stag Slide Lt Crash (PyTeiple Rt Sam Le Ske (DOLL Sam Lt Razor Sag (Triple Re Sie La Crash TEXAS FOOTHALL Dy: Sunday, August 7 (Shells) FALL CAMP 2011 Practice 3 RUNGAME AP unsrowen 2aas PUNCH EMPHASIS 1 (B) Stake Re 1 (F)Shim Deep DBILE 1 (Fe Deuce R22 Zone_—_1 "On Repeat” fr nakeds 24 Power X Look 25 Punch Bob 2 (B) (Hu) West 25 Power (FIB) 2 “Hury Up" *Tman box = Smoke 2 Peek 4 FireFlame d PLAY ACTION NAKED NAKED OHIO DANCER | 1 (Fu) Doe R127 Naked (RAD 1 (B) (ony) Spread Nr Lr Slot, 1 (B) Nr Re Fling PP Re Dancer 27 Rim Nid Ohio * By Nake + X/2 po dime vs soft comers 2 ay naked : *2ofe edge = power away SCREENS, SPECIAL. PROTECTIONS, : cons & GO. ‘SMOKE L ' 1 (Ca) Trey R25 CrNaked Cobb GocLny |_RIMD NAKED, (CTR NAKED PASS GAME, I " 900K PRESS, can 1 uExtoDeweRt 1 U)DiceRE L@DicensFeck (NF R24 Power X Lok Sinoke RE Smoke Lt9 Look Sle Rt Press (Deep DBI L125 Porch Bob (Fi)Deace Smoke REI Dice i Side Ri Press BRICK by BRICK TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Monday, Augost 8 (Shells) FALL CAMP 2011 Practice # 4 RUNGAME p27 STRETCH (TOSS) EMPHASIS 1 (Fx) Shop Far Lt Hoot 1 @)QRIBundle 26 Ted Bob 1 "Lighting Steak” 28 Suetch Tors way “HB, 2 Preeze 1 way triht 2 (Fi) Deep Toy Re Scrunch Fly 27 Stretch Bob 3@ ‘4 5 PLAY ACTION XCOBBY 1 (Fx) Shit Hitto Nr Re PP REX Cobb Y Hi 1 #7 step drop SCREENS, SPECIAL, PROTECTIONS, REVIEW LIGHTNING STREAK » 1 1 (FFL) Die R lide Rr Steak (1 vay) ‘We need good splits Spacing PASS GAME 2STAGH PIVOT “INDY” 1 @)Shin Tailto Tri Lt (9 Deuce R122 Zone Slam Lt2 Stag H Pivot Hight split ‘Freeze BRICK by BRICK. TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Tuesday, Auzust 9 (Pads) FALL CAMP 2011 Practice #_$ RUN GAME. mas RIM GIVE LEADS. EMPHASIS 1 (@)GW)NrLtSI0r23 Rim Bob 1 (B) Shin FarLaZ (8) Shit ar LsZ23 Zonet Tear! Tall, 23 Zone Give Lead 2 (Deep Doc L125 Pus Rim Bob 2 Full mation 2 (Fi) Hyde Devee RLONZ +7 man box = smoke 22 Zone Give Lead (by) A PLAY ACTION. FLOOD z. WHIP evi 1 (Bounce Twins Ri22 Zombie Flood Z Whip 1 (Fi) Tag Pll Deuse L122 Zombie Devi ‘oved a good whip sell SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS z0MBI 1 1 SMACK orro. PASS GAME, nstick CHAIR cURL 1 @)TeartoEmpy Rt 1 (FVFAIEMpY RE 1 (C)SplitR ng (B)Nr Lit 23 Rim Bob Smack Lt 12 Suck Src L19 Chir ‘On RI Curt (Dice Lt Dual Lt (PEmpy Rr Stan Ls 12 Stick (Emp Re Siam 49 Chair (€) Split Rt Ose Ri Cun TEXAS FOOTHALL Bayz Wesnesday. August 10 Am (Pads) FALL CAMP 201 Practice #6 RUNGAME, LEAD wit TED FLIP EMPHASIS 1 (B)(orns) R120 Lead 1 (Wa Taran THO ROOK (FD) Yank Dee LOZ 1 Home? 14 Pover QD 2) 2 TesFip 2 (Wt) DOLLEZ 17 Tes Lead 2 “Hand? (Bax 3 s PLAY ACTION HWaIP SCORE PASS xX 1 (Deep Doc Li Fling 2 Rim Nk H Whip 1 (B) (Ha) Lr Squeeze Score Pas LX + FB Wis also * Edge heat = smoke SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS al misste ‘SCORE PASS 1 Dice Re Rocket Misile Lt 1 * Boundary & Feld pay PASS GAME, ‘COUGAR X. PONY SCAT “INDY 1 (©) Triple RtJump 1 (F)YankDOIREHit 1 (B) Crazy Tro Re (Ding L127 Ted Down Slide Lt Cougar X Slide Lt Pony Slide R18 Cat (Dice Rr Rocket Missile Lt *Pos Dime wo Z (0) To RI Sie Re Cat 2 @Empyat °% Qo can signal Dime (©) Tepe Ride Li Cougar x Slam Lt Cougar X BRICK by BRICK e TEXAS FOOTHALL ase one ' 1 Chuteh (signal) +t ce oe : sexs sci rears = eo inn Oana BRICK by BRICK (Dice Re Slide Re Rag (2) Dice Rt Side Rt Climb (Dice Rt Side Re Press () Dice R Slide Re Streak (Triple Re Day: Thursday August 11 (Pads) TEXAS FOOTHALL IcE 14/15 PONCHO: EMPHASIS: : ee i = 1 (F) Hoof to Dice Rt Slam Lt Sara Bob 1 (Fi) Deuce Lt Off Z Lock Pass Rt H Flood Laid st BRICK by BRICK. (©) Dive Rt lide Re Press (0) Dice Ri Slide Re Streak (2) Tepe Rr Side Lt Crash Day: Friday, August 12 AM (Pads) TEXAS FOOTBALL FALL CAMP 2011 Practice #9 RUN GAME | roweR pown, POUND FORCE WEDGE EMPHASIS 1 (Gi)Shop Ne R124 Power Down 1 (Fx) (Ha) Ne Eas 24 Pound Fare 1 (Fi)Deuce RU10 Wedge 1 “Thunder” 1 Way "2 way play ‘+ -Thunder” =24 Pound Force 2 syioL 3 4 s PLAY ACTION. SCORE PASS, isco wag 1 (Gi Far Rite SPL 1 (FD Hitt Ding Lt 1 (Ta Tie R27 Naked Wag RN) 24 Par Ps Disco way ply SCREENS SPECIAL, PROTECTIONS ‘BOB SCREEN Quick. 1 © 4) Lt Bundle Bob Screen Rt ' Emacs) SLIDE PASS GAME. RED DEAL Reprave | 2CHAIRY FLAG "INDY" 1 QNF)Dice RrHac 1 (FI) Cluster Trey RE 1 (F) Triple REJump 1 H Slide Lt Red Deal Ram Hac Quick Rt Red Fade Smoke Lt2 Chai Y Flag BRICK by BRICK () Dice Rt Slide Re Bench (DOL She Lt Pony Friday. August 12.PM (Shells) TEXAS FOOTHAT FALL CAMP 20 Practice #10 RUN GAME a a x REVIEW EMPHASIS. 1 1 1 Ciaeh 2 3 ‘ s PLAY ACTION REVIEW 1 1 SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS REVIEW 1 1 PASS GAME REVIEW wre] BRICK by BRICK (UpDice RI Smoke Rt 99Look (UpDice RI Side RE Rag () Dice R Slide RE Cinb () Dice R Slide Re Press (0) Die Rt lide Rt Steak +0) Dice R lie Rt Bench "TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Saturday, August 13 (Pads) FALL CAMP 2011, Practice #11 (Stadium) RUN GAME SCRIMMAGE, meres 1 ' ' ' 2 2 2 2 8 3 ‘ s PLAY ACTION 1 1 ' SCREENS SPECIAL, PROTECTIONS ' 1 2 PASS GAME 1 1 ' 1 2 2 2 a BRICK by BRICK Baye Sanday, Aust 4 (Shel) TEXAS FOOTHALT Days Sanden, FALL CAMP 2 Pracce 12 REVIEW EMPHASIS 1 v Y 1 Conse Re ‘ s PLAY ACTION REVIEW 1 v ‘SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS REVIEW STATUE ; 1G) Le Bundle te LL) PASS GAME REVIEW BRICK by BRICK TERNS FOOTHALT Day: Monday, August 1S AM (Pads) FALLCAMP 2011 Practice # 13 RUNGAME BULL EMPHASIS 1 (Bianrre 1 (© )Sparg Rt Find 1 1 25 Ball, 22 Push Rim 2 (ute Re25 Bat + Tman box = smoke *Uve fs unbalanced PLAY ACTION SNAG FLEX RED DEVIL 1 (C) Split Re deck PP Rr Sag Flex 1 (Fi) Shop Eas Trey Jack Brick Pass Rt Red Devil +2 Tighten down split SCREENS SPECIAL, PROTECTIONS. BULLDOG a 1 1 (Pek) (Pack L124 Bull Dog (way) PASS GAME FLEX caronveuoice | __2snipeR Noy" Bah Tee a Lowtanopiedts 1 (NPEapyR 1 (FD Bunch Ter 1 Seu Fex Suntstaw vce | Sumi Speer siimnish ney + FIB isto sn 1 Gan Dime Xif Comer ie Sof 2a sep 00 Gator BRICK by BRICK TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Monday. August 15 PM (Shel FALL CAMP 2011 Practice #14 RUNGAME. REVIEW EMPHASIS ' Y 1 1 "Bebo Freez” 2 2 Chuch 2 4 s PLAY ACTION REVIEW 1 1 1 a PROTECTIONS enue SPECIAL Qo ' 1 PASS GAME GATOR ¥ CLIMB 1 qr Extto DIRE Squeme DPRiGaor Clin BRICK by BRICK Day Teevsay seres 16 Pass, et yee Fowsnex | EMP ASS Dn Tope Re ba Done 178 wre wae cee — ru sw ra TF “Lem pany sues eo eee ie CoRrri a ea 1 penne ne = a oe rancant cercon [ecm er =a a mute Rm ee | Ee ne + Can Tag His BRICK by BRICK (FyDm ts Sse: Dag (Fyne Sue 22 gee Day: Tuesday, August 16 (Pads) TEXAS FOOTBALL FALL CAMP 201 Practice 18, RUNGAME FOLD STICK POWER FORCE EMPHASIS 1G) eile RE25 Fold Stick 1 (B)LSloe Zing 1 (F)Tey RIZ Bend 22 Rim | Red Zone 25 Power Fore X Look + TB same side 2 cue *Pos smoke 2 (Be) Rion Fly 2 Power Free 3 Zend s PLAY ACTION SLIDE 1 (B) (Hu) L123 Naked F side (Rh) v Lay play SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS. ‘TORPEDO. ‘X/REVERSE PASS SPRINT cur 1 Dice Re Rocket Torpedo Lt 1 (©) Split 27 Reach X Revers Pass (Lh) ‘Field edge pressure ~ smoke Tay pay PASS GAME ‘OREGON DAGGER ‘Z.WHIPPIN = 1 @ LTH kamp 1 @ShiA DLE 1 F)Empy RE 1 (@) Tearto Dice RE) Triple RL25 Fld Stik Sprint Rt Oregon Slide Lt Dagger Slam LtZ Whippin—CurRUI1 (LcTe Spit Re Oregon (DALLA Side Ls Dagaee can Tag H In BRICK by BRICK (0 Emp RE Stan LX Whippin TEXAS FOOTHALL ag Weed, Ang AM at) TAL eAMrsai Prasat 16 ican wn EMPHASIS (Dice RES WCBS Gs Onto Poe 7 *oin= Bs : Srp mae : ‘ : av Action xrost T ieeteDigeece roo) 1 7 ScHEENS srneunt moTEcTiONs g TOMA so 1 bade Tmt Bu Che) As GAME ra one vet08 anor = ee 22 Wi Cab Loree — «1 OTipeR «1 OTerw Ne 1 ‘ Shared Quctrone | Seacis9si0 Pos. pllup with 9 BRICK by BRICK = Wednesday, August 17 PM (Shes) TEXAS FOOTHALL FALL CAMP 20 Practice #17 RUN GAME, REVIEW EMPHASIS ' : ' 1 Backed Up 2 2 church 3 "Foot s PLAY ACTION REVIEW 1 1 SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS ° REVIEW PASS GAME, REVIEW @ BRICK by BRICK TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Thursday, August 18 (Pads) Z rractice Day: Thus ALL CAMP 01 Practices 18 PATCH EMPHASIS 1 USI Pek VTghLiz2Zme | Tow OnXSal ~~ Dane ame “20 apa =e ra : sk Ron : 4 : LAY ACTION SCORE ASS FLo0 PWR NKD F SLIDE 1 (Ch) Wac Trey Rt Hoof SP Lt X In 1 (Ti) Tight Lt 22 Zombie Flood 1 (Gi) Nr Rt 25 Power Nkd F Slide (M) sty scnzens serciat PROTECTIONS POWER 7 REVERSE 1 1 (ark Fee 24 Pover 2 Reve) ass GAME a 0B Noy" 1 ok On xi 1 “Review 1 (Hist) Zip to Bunch Rt I (F?) Fast Trio Re} Stim koi Sane * 2 point play: * 2 point play: BRICK by BRICK TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Friday, August 19 Pads) saci 19 RUN GAME, FALL CAMP 2011 reeceeet i SCRIMMAGE 12 EMPHASIS PLAY ACTION SCREENS, SPECIAL PROTECTIONS PASS GAME. BRICK by BRICK TEXAS FOOTBALL FALL CAMP 2011 Practice #20 EMPHASIS p 1 1 1 C&R Scim#2 2 3 4 s PLAY ACTION REVIEW 1 1 1 SCREENS. SPECIAL PROTECTIONS. BRICK by BRICK Day: Monday, August 22 Pads) TEXAS FOOTBALL RUNGAME! FALL CAMP 201 Pracuce #21 E evew EMPHASIS i: B ' 1 -Overine 2 3 ‘ s AY ACTION REVIEW 1 7 1 SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS REVIEW RIP Y DRAG RIPLZ 1 1 (Fp Hyde Seong Dee REX Rip ¥ Dag PASS GAME, BRICK by BRICK Day: Tuesday, August 23 (Pads) TEXAS FOOTBALL BALL CAMP 2011 Practice #22 RUNGAME 1 1 1 2 3 ‘ 5 PLAY ACTION, 1 1 SCREENS SPECIAL, PROTECTIONS 1 1 PASS GAME. BIG BEN YDEEPOUT ‘erRcus STREAK GO MONEY 1 BB) Teple Rt 1 eB) Tipe RI 1 (CR) Dice RE 1 (Dice RE 1 QF) Triple Slide Lt Money Slide Rr Big Ben Slide RIY Deep Out Slide Lt Circus Side Ri Steak Go BRICK by BRICK TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Thursday, August 25 (Pads) ? axe Thar. (Pads) FALL CAMP 2011 Practice #23 SCRIMMAGE EMPHL 1 ' 1 2 3 4 5 PLAY ACTION 1 1 SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS 1 1 PASS GAME BRICK by BRICK omg wt sum APU sod HI XO NY OL HEEL (aN) 2002 Ze 19S X YO RY OL (a) (109 9) 408 19 TEM €Z T2210. twee Sung ouay ¢z POY M1 MNEs 4354 (90) (109 1 wna und zz pus A ny baeds (9) (109 2) doa wing usna €z +1304 d2ea (a) 90g yong 42M young ry AO SIT AGVaa TIVISNI AWVD NOU 1107 T1V4 ° ° ssva ant ‘S8V4 “Am Z GaAs 21 MOBO SEV HIRO NSONVG ALIA nat ‘aD10H9 H NOUS variond ‘evaai ‘aayOUSHO HMVEVWNOL TORE ‘ASMA Z xaMOd fue ssva aswana x ‘ASod x anivas vid Art ‘ssvd 780, 009 aa09 mepeagw HOTS oaaaion arivs/vave TISSIN ‘ad doa azvia wae Oe Sars 4 GaNWN waMmod ‘Ova atu aansa ‘oot 1 BEDOOL NIX ssva s21098 XS8Vva RIODS ‘SSVd THOS Beng 8038 an Nopaio ‘nas tag aay ‘ONO sania (EEE, ovuaa Fare ‘sqva ama I vid AIVHO OTs 6 9OO18 uw HOTSROAS (2404) “tino tania 2 iva vac at agoova ‘ad Z HSVaO ‘RSVID xavonoo ‘awn Hosa xed 6 er PAS sg as aL on ome a "pam tomo rene ores 2 eos 9 — 2 pr mag at or sunwono = sf (ot-1ino 6 Le Tas aT aye FALL CAME ALL } brereat § Stas 2 ONE | [Bars ee ee | 7 2 the RZ toe TaamawnE ras 1d fexbae 1 ogee Xuew 2 Fi eee Yep Be Ping 7 Zane Be apres —_ rosy eT i ros (iam apa | J | TRRaieunanntod = ViytwLincnren —— Wotan aes orcs momen mae [narra : sue | 1 Sek a Zam Bm 1 | . | DIVE PASS. sree ware | conv cue z= bates 1 o)Mymbe Cotes! | Debcine BY Srmp ce dan “NEP Se e 2 Cy Sein be F Sue Bs ¥ Cob 10h om po rn on ty fo ie weak 19 Be rant be ie S02 BRICK by BRICK + (ex) SHIFT FAR LT HOOF PP RT FLOOD PRACTICE #1 Route dh va, Cloud) (Elood Splits) No ae s YANK DEEP DICE RT SLIDE RT RAG PRACTICE #1 ys UTSIDE a (£) FLY TO DOC LT DIVE PASS RT CLIMB PRACTICE #1 PEARL (@ TAKE) HEEIPUL Lippert ery — - a = x =| = = a S = = Se S| Ua) + @ = \ =e S| = aE = = = S = Gx (oodles ¥ = ve S| VP9 = CLIMB - Zz a = 4YDSFROM TACKLE — PEARL (@ TAKE) S © assert natT F = y 4 : TEXAS FOOTBALL, Practice # 2 turday, August 6 (Helmets) FALL CAMP 2011 IN GAME 2627 TED 26727 TED DOWN EMPHASIS 1 Gu Teg Deuce L127 Ted H Seam 1 (Fi) Shop Ding Lt 1 1 Combo Shifts + Htake a split 27 Ted Down Bob 2. (QB) Split Lt Slot Rocket 27 Ted Swing 2 2. "Beho" & "Echo Flip" 3.) Deep Lt Tvi 27 Ted Bob 3. Jump 4. "Line wp int” s PLAY ACTION PRONG XCOBB 1 (B) Fast Rt Zip Blast Pass Lt Prong 1 (B) Fast RZip Blast Pass Lt X Cobb 1 +7 step drop eee ap SPECIAL, PROTECTIONS, SLAM S 1 @&) Yank Dice Lt Dual Lt 1 Ltt YSLIDE PASS GAME STRIKE RAZOR STAG CRASH vinvy" 1 @® Triple Rt Jump 1 @DblLtJum 1 *(@) Triple Rt Jump 1 (F) Deep LTH 27 Ted Bob Slam Lt Strike Slam Lt Razor Stag Slide Lt Crash (ype Re Slam Lt Strike 2 (Doc Rt Tail (© DOILt Slam Lt Razor Stag by Stee Be CZ Dame (Wipe Re Side Lt Crash “02 Pos. Dimes on Regular Crash only BRICK by BRICK ~ — ‘ (B) FAST RT ZIP BLAST PASS LT PRONG PRACTICE #2 J 1 =a 12 tiit 1 Ee Y — ———-Z V X 8 snp BOON Saar “CHECK DOWN \T HASH FE cueck Burst —Z SNAP BALL. (—_ATHASH PRACTICE #2 GET YOUR DEPTH LOO i Ve es (£) TRIPLE RT JUMP SLIDE LT CRASH PRACTICE #2 COO Y ‘CLIMB ZV AYDSFROMTACKLE SEA 9 POS, DIME a CHECK DOWN PEEITUELI Pee erTereiyereipeeel ay: Sunday, August 7 (Shells) TEXAS FOOTBALL Noa FALL CAMP 2011 Practice #3 2425 POWER 248 PUNCH EMPHASIS 1 stake Rt 1 ©) ShiftDeep DbILt 1G) Hyde Deuce RE22 Zone 1. "On Repeat" for nakeds 9 Power Look 25 Punch Bob (B) (Hu) West 25 Power (F1B) 2 “Huy Up" * 7 man box = Smoke 3 Peek 4 Fire/Flame 5 PLAY ACTION NAKED NAKED OHIO DANCER 1) Hv) Doc R27 Naked (Rh) 1 (B) (onry) Spread Nr Lt Slot 1 (B) Nr RE Fling PP Rt Dancer 27 Rim Nkd Ohio * Bary Naked * X/Z:pos dime vs soft comers * 2 way naked *2 offthe edge = power away SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS e conn « co sMoKE (M) NAKED 1 1 (Ch) Trey Rt25 Ctr Naked Cobb & Go (Lh) a CTR NAKED PASS GAME. in 9L00K PRESS “inpy" ‘Du jeuce Rt 1 (S)DiceRE 1 @DiceRtPeck 1 (B)NERE24 Power X Look Beri SinokeL19 Look Sle RtPres €)Deep D125 Punch Bob 0 (Fi) Devce Rt Smoke Re 11 () DiceRI Slide Re Press a a J 3 "(Fi) (Hu) DOC RT 27 NAKED PRACTICE ¢. 12-14 YDS, Lh N “yp Ae) NEAR RT FLING PP RT DANCER PRACTICE #3 HIGH HEeiyureipinel POS.DIME 5 STEP ) a) Sed My? (B) NEAR RT FLING PP RT DANCER 2HIGH x, 1 HIGH PRACTICE #3 alt (Ch) TREY RT 25 CTR NAKED COBB & GO. PRACTICE #3 | ATTACK CORNER! TULLITIELEITELTE Y bh \ 0.0 4 PEI HUTA ele ta lente L Seq J 49) DICE RT SMOKE LT 9 LOOK PRACTICE #3 | HiT ig it HELI E tit CHECKOPTION TEXAS FOOTBAL : Monday, Aus /, August 8 (Shells) Micaue ) FALL CAMP 2011 Practice #_4 2627 STRETCH (TOSS) EMPHASIS 1 x) Shop Far Lt Hoof i F) 28 Stretch Toss (F)QRtBundle 26 Ted Bob “1 way ight 2 (Bi) Deep Toy Rt Serunch Fly 2 Freeze I way to righ “FB 21 Stretch Bob 39 4 PLAY ACTION XCOBBY 1 @x Shift Hitto Nr RtPP RtX Cobb Y 1 *7 step drop SPECIAL, PROTECTIONS REVIEW LIGHTNING STREAK| 1 (Fi) Dice Rt Slide Rt Streak (1 way) “We need good splits & Spacing PASS GAME, 2STAGHPIVOT "INDY" 1 Shift Tail to Trio Lt (Fi) Deuce Rt22 Zone Slam Lt 2 Stag H Pivot *H tight split * Freeze BRICK by BRICK wy Sa a (Ex) SHIFT HIT TO NEAR RT PP RT X COBB Y PRACTICE #4 1618 ie, HARD i UGH ISD} S| a Ox OO YZs V cops QB o— BENCHVSCLOUD = 7srep — > F crecksror <4) PELITELEITEL EEE Ieper FCuecxvown esvos BE PATIENTL (EF) SHIFT TAIL TO TRIO LT SLAM LT 2 STAG H PIVOT mdi HEbipiiil VELIVAT ere Hhil Qe | — Friday, August 12 PM (Shells) Aiea _ TEXAS FOOTBALL FALL CAMP 2011 Practice # 10 REVIEW EMPHASIS: u 1 1 1 Clutch 2 2 3 4 s PLAY ACTION REVIEW 1 1 ‘SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS, ’ REVIEW 1 1 PASS GAME Save menue 1 1 1 1 () Dice Rt Smoke Re 99/Look () Dice Rt Slide ReRag () Dice Rt Slide Re Climb () Dice Rt Slide Re Press () Dice Rt Slide Rt Streak 40) Dice Re Slide Rt Bench BRICK by BRICK saturday, August TEXAS FOOTBALL ; e@sPay: Saturday, August 13 (Pads FALL ractice # 11 (Stadium) aa ee ) CAMP 2011 Practice # 11 ( ‘SCRIMMAGE, EMPHASIS PLAY ACTION SCREENS SPECIAL, PROTECTIONS PASS GAME, BRICK by BRICK /PNe2y: Sunday, August 14 (Shells) TEXAS FOOTBALL A a el uNGaME FALL CAMP 2011 Practice # 12 ae EMPHASIS ‘| ‘ ' 1 1 Correct & Review 2 2 3 4 5 PLAY ACTION REVIEW SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS e REVIEW STATUE 1 1 (&) (Hu) Lt Bundle Statue Lt (Lh) PASS GAME REVIEW BRICK by BRICK TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Monday, August 15 AM (Pads CRE gata Aust 1s AM (Pay FALL CAMP 2011 Prastice #13 | BULL EMPHASIS 1 @unrke 1 (©)SparqReY Find 1 2s Bil 22 Push Rim 2 (WERE But 3 : #7 man box= smoke *Ute is unbalanced ; 4 5 PLAY ACTION SNAG FLEX RED DEVIL 1 (C) SplitRe Fak PP Ri Saag Flex 1 (Fi gShop East Tey Jack rick Pass RtRed Devil +7 Tighten down split SPECIAL PROTECTIONS BULLDOG ' 1 (Reo Peck L424 Ball Dog (1 way) PASS GAME 9 FLEX GATORY cHorce | __2SPIDER aNDY™ LoapTaito Bunch tt 1 QEmpyRE 1 (F) Bunch RU Tear 1 review Side Li9 Flex Siam Lt Gator Y Choise Siam Lt2 Spider ‘sinh inte Béry + FIB this too +78 © Can Dime X if Corer is Soft *X/Z.can swamp on Gator e BRICK by BRICK SST 0! (©) SPLIT RT JACK PP RT SNAG FLEX PRACTICE #13 ps a “8 1 DO <6 0s Hhtigerel pity JB Ox Oo V SNAG Hifpinit iit ibe aster — é T e@ ey (CHECKFLAT (Fi) g SHOP EAST TREY JACK BRICK PASS RT RED DEVIL Hitt eal © (NF) TAIL TO BUNCH LT SLIDE LT 9 FLEX PRACTICE #13 Hit Hitt Hhbiyitt S-6yds Pivot Hiiiyiree TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Monday, Au 7 RUN rR A eeust 1S PM (Shells) FALL CAMP 2011 Practice # M4 REVI a EMPHASIS 1 1 1 "Echo Freeze" 2 2 Chueh 3 4 s PLAY ACTION REVIEW 1 7 ; SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS Oeviw 1 1 PASS GAME GATOR ¥ CLIMB cLuten" 1 (®)Exitto DUI RESqueeze 1 1 1 pee DP Ri Gator ¥ Climb BRICK by BRICK wr J (F) EXIT TO DBL RT SQUEEZE DP RT GATOR Y CLIMB PRACTICE #14 iN ss16¥08 — Hibiyeted PEARL (@ TAKE) HLPITEbbiyiree Libiyverriyeeed TEXAS FOOTBALL wie [__rounsnex oo Ea TORR —Twusmey «OTT ZOMIARIn Reza Pret ee 2 cha * Pos smoke 2 (2) Rt on Fly 25 Power Force : : av Acton 30m 1 oom a scutes svc rmoreerons Q roxrev0 REVERSE FASS srt 1 @) Dice Rt Rocket Torpedo Lt 1 (©) Split R27 Reach X Reverse Pass (Lb) oe “sep st * Lway play sass came onecon acorn [nn =< Lqpurinmy 1 QSAR 1 BER 1 (Terobeeke Orie seRAesea unio | Baio | Suzie | Sanit Quis tte thot ier “otal Dg hn hp BRICK by BRICK a J A ~ (B) (Hu) LT 23 NAKED F SLIDE PRACTICE #15 HEIyiieeprel HOPELIteiLeteipitiigiee j WIDE HITCH a 8 “* e (F) SHIFT DBL LT SLIDE LT DAGGER 2HIGH — 1HIGH a+—F PRACTICE #15 HARD THROUGH 15, a) BEATER iS} yy Vv DIG Hbriyvtrriyitt ee Dents (F) TEAR TO DICE RT CUT RT 11 PRACTICE #15 VPEy teh eee TEPITELbiyirel TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Wednesday, August 17 AM (Pads) FALL CAMP 2011 Practice #16 RUN GAME. © WILL EMPHASIS 1) Dice R123 Will Ck Bob (Fi) Twins Rt On Hoof 24 Power ' PLAY ACTION XxPosT 1 i (ony) Dp Ding Re27 Nid Stay X Post (RH) 1 ' SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS @ TOMAHAWK skip 1c Bld Tumahk i Bs Re Chek) * L way play: PASS GAME Poa OKIE 9stop inv" , Tear TWoRt 1 (Dice R122 Will Ck Bob 1 Fly to Doc Lt 1 G) Triple Rt 1®) Shad et GurBroue —" Saaketi9 see *Pos.pllup with 9 BRICK by BRICK Boigu ; O = ‘LYD OUTSIDE ne BOTTOM OF NUMBERS. 4 FSU EIT ULL iii cxscxoron T~ “QB gsrep a Ma ity 7 (J) TRIPLE RT SLIDE RT OKIE gd PRACTICE #16 on = (F) TEAR TO TRIO RT SMOKE LT 9 SLOB GOALINE PLAY 4 TEXAS FOOTBALL FALL CAMP 2011 Practice # 17 __ Pea Redesday August 17 PM (Shells) RUN GAME. ' 1 1 1 Backed Up ; 2 Cluch 3 "Foot" 4 PLAY ACTION REVIEW u 1 SPECIAL PROTECTIONS 1 1 2 PASS GAME ae REVIEW * Review BRICK by BRICK TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Thursday, August 18 (Pads) FALL CAMP 2011 Practice # 18 RUN GAME. ‘a Pre EMPHASIS 1 @)Lr S033 Piten 1 (TTight L122 Zone 1. (F) Trio Rt On X Seal 1 2 Point Pays 22 Zone +08 ups as= give FB 2 *1 back GL Run 3 4 5 PLAY ACTION SCORE PASS FLOOD PWR NKD F SLIDE 1 (Ch) Wac Trey Rt Hoof SP LtX In 1 (Ti) Tight L122 Zombie Flood 1 (Gi)NFR125 Power Nkd F Slide (M) *Lwy SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS, a POWER Z. REVERSE 1 1 (B) Far Ri Fire 24 Power Z Reverse Lt (Rh) PASS GAME HOIST RUB NDE” 1 (Hist) Zip to Bunch Rt 1. (F7) Fast Tio RLOn Exit 1 “Review Slam Rt Hoist Sprit Rt Rab *2poin play *2 point play BRICK by BRICK sor é o (Ch) WAC TREY RT HOOF SP LT XIN PRACTICE #18 FLAG 3S WOOLTOO Yiwu Vv OF ——_—H i <4) ~ ie ° (Gi) NR LT 25 POWER NAKED F SLIDE PRACTICE #18 GOALINE PLAY - ° (F?) FAST TRIO RT ON EXIT SPRINT RT RUB PRACTICE #18 Heel cweeell . TEXAS FOOTBALL Day: Friday, August 19 (Pads) FALL CAMP 2011 Practice #19) (ew GAME | SCRIMMAGE #2 EMPHASIS u 1 1 1 2 3 4 s PLAY ACTION 1 1 SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS 1 1 PASS GAME 1 1 1 1 BRICK by BRICK TEXAS FOOTBALL Can ‘GAME FALL CAMP 2011 Practice # 20 REVIEW | L [ [ EMPHASIS ' 1 1 1 C&R Scrim #2 2 3 4 5 PLAY ACTION REVIEW 1 1 1 SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS REVIEW 1 1 PASS GAME REVIEW 1 1 1 1 BRICK by BRICK = FOOTBALL Day: Monday, August 22 (Pads) FALL CAMP 2011 Practice # 21 EMPHASIS GAME, REVIEW 1 PLAY ACTION, IL | | 1 1 1 "Overtime" — ‘SCREENS SPECIAL PROTECTIONS REVIEW RIP YDRAG RIP/LIZ 1 1 i) Hyde Strong Deuce RtX Rip ¥ Drag, PASS GAME BRICK by BRICK TEXAS FOOTBALL ie ae PR Taea Ane 2 ay FALL CAMP rscce #22 | [ |] (sees 1 1 1 1 Game Ending 2 : ‘ s pisy acrios 1 1 1 ScREESS srecuat pRoTECTIOss ' \ PASS GAME mics [ veurom [ cman [_smmxco ONEY 1 (BeB) Triple Re 1 (BgB) Triple Rt 1 (CR) Dice Rt 1 (@)Dice Rt 1 (UF) Triple Rt Stide Lt Money Slide Rt Big Bea Slide Rt ¥ Deep Our Slide Lt Circus Slide Rr Streak Go BRICK by BRICK O SCRAMBLE RULES ah “00 © DESCRIPTION If the QB is forcer out of the pocket due to a heavy pass rush, the receivers Wide Receivers | will observe the following rules: A. OUTSIDE RECEIVERS 1. If the QB comes to your side, break your route and run deep toward the goal line. Continue going deep if there is no deep coverage: If there is deep coverage, stop and come back to the QB 2. Ifthe QB goes away from your side, break your route and run “IN”, if there is a safety in the middle of the field. If the middle of the field is open, run a deep "Post.” B. OTHER RECEIVERS 1. Run toward the QB at the same depth as the called route. If you approach the sideline, hang there and find a hole ° 2, Receivers must break their routes once the QB has cleared the hash marks. 3. We must try and get receivers to the three “HOT SPOTS.” Use your scramble move to break off.a deep route oO Scramble Drill Example #2 b=» s Hot Spot are A NS ot |_HotSpot__ ‘ “Poe O O 7 Hot Spot (pLay ] (E) Dice Rt Rocket Missile Lt DESCRIPTION oO Y PST | Getwidest rusher upfield and dont let him in the play. Fan to edge pressure. PBR for Flat/Alley defender (#2 from WR) Cut 2nd level defenders. PSG Flat/Alley defender (#2 from WR) Cut 2nd level defend c PBR for ISLB to saftey BSG | PBR to cleanup PSDT or MDM. BST | Bim DEtocut Run screen track Block #1 push alley player. Run off. Eyes Away. Sell vertical try to get PSLB to carry & block him. If you can't get to PSLB, work to safety. x H Z Y | | Rocket motion, Swing away. Le | 3 step find lane to missile screen runner. PLAY (F) Yank Dice Lt Dual Lt DESCRIPTION: <_< O o ‘Smoke Set - 1,2 Release to block flat ‘Smoke Set - 1,2 Release to block Alley ‘Smoke Set - Set, throw, go, block 1st backside LB BSG | Smoke Set-Set, throw, go kick out flaValley defender. With TE "Mike cal Pass set and get edge rusher up the field and block him. Run screen track, Push Pin to Safety vs cloud comer work for outside release. "Poi Best release crack 1st ILB. Crack MLB vs 3 LB look BS: "Mike" call and block flat defender Dual Screen route. (Hot) Sell them with you width. Stretch and vertical cut 7 eyes, beat them with your feet. Get quick No@. Hot-TB. Five Quick. Read playside DE to backside. Continue to get depth PLAY (FE) Dbl Lt Zoom Blaze Rt heey | < T oO aes pst | 6°. Open side cut edge rusher. "Out" call vs. MOMO psc | RipReachand Run May cut at 2nd level. Must take care of DT's. c Rip Reach and Run | May cut at 2nd level. Must take care of DT's BSG | Rip Reach and Run j May cut at 2nd level. Must take care of DT's. BST | Rip Reach and Run May cut at 2nd level Must take care of DI's. x Run Blaze H Block flat defender to MDM Zs Block #1 Y Rip, Reach and Run ‘Smoke opposite the screen call. QB | Flash fake opposite. PLAY (F) Dice Rt Rocket Torpedo Lt page 7 7 t J ps | Get widest rusher upfield and dont let him in the play. Fan to edge pressure psc | PBR forFlavAlley Gefender (#2 from WR) Cut 2nd level defenders. PBR for ISLB to saftey BSG | PBRtoclean up PSDT or MDM. BST | Jump CutDE- x Run screen track H Block #1 push alley player. z Zz Block Comer for swing screen. Block flat defender for swing screen- Rocket motion, run swing Screen QB 3 step find lane to missile screen runner. DESCRIPTION PST PSG BSG BST x H PLAY (F) Hoof to Dice Rt Slam Lt Sara Alley Flat __ 83 Bob J. T QB "Sara" Block protection called. Get edge rusher up the field. Poss. cut at 5 yds. Block protection called - (Thousand 1, Thousand Go) release flat down LOS and block Flat defender (kick out) Block protection called - (Thousand 1, Thousand Go) release flat down LOS and block Alley Block protection called. Eliminate your DT to clean up Block protection called - Full time pass protector - QB will set deep. Run off eyes away - Pull Coverage Run off eyes away - Pull Safety 9 release - Run Off. Eyes Away. Block 1st Backer in the box. ‘Thousand 1, Thousand Go. Get inside of OG's block. screen. If brdy heat, use Bob ‘Throw screen to TB. Throw away behind LOS or chase SLIDE RT VS FIELD SCRAPE (a) Lovie ALERT OW RAY F s VS FIELD SONIC (aysic RAY —— > c c >. Vente a ° Fy) oo, Va es o Oo Oo RIGHT VS COBRA (A)LOuiE iw ‘ ‘ : Ny s Py > s ° a 7) Ofe}d4o} Ae oN Sead o ° ° VS GROSS POP (4) TAKE FIRSTLB, BAGK WILL MAKE: (@)LucKy ‘| ° VS COBRAWILL (A)LuCKY VS 30 (A) VS FIELD SCRAPE (ALERT SIN) oe WSS BS ReK Sew GU $ F $ lw] c as s c OX. oe ad olo 00 oo VS 30LIZ/COBRA (Pus VS 30 FIELD SONIC ()aIGRAY Y5S0 LIZCOBRA F $ e— — c fw mM ° 5 io Wg iM 0 — ° Kea tho g o} 0 fo ove oo ° Y 00 0° oo 25 OTTO RT VS 84 (AyMicky RT-RAY VS FIELD SCRAPE (A)RAY F $ F s c c w im] 2 c| © Xp Ys ef ° Coece od. wveop ° 4 Aion o°O°o VS FIELD SONIC (4) BIG RAY VS COBRA (A)BACK pr eae s ic w Mw cc Ge Lal A ° 6 Veo? | oN bho o 40 ; o0O° oo VS COBRA/ WILL (A) LOU- 08 MAY MAKE A"BIG LOU" CALL F $ N\ Gea | o°O°o O° PLAY PASS RT VS FIELD SCRAPE (4) LOUIE STAY ON VS FIELD SONIC (A) LOUIE STAY ON a F \ F cc \p w bc wi we ° 7 \e E ) oF oo ° Se YO wo e a me a 69 oO Q Q a fe) YS CROSS POP (A) TAKE FIRST, BACK MAKES US RIGHT. VS COBRA (A) LOUIE (8) msde Loon Luck Fy $ F $ \ ¢ M os cl wl om e c o fo ote djo & oN SGIG}9 9, ofo o o fe) 3 Q © 8 3 VS COBRA’ WILL VS 30 (A) VS STRONG SCRAPE (LOUIE) ee (@) VS WEAK SCRAPE (LOUIE) —F Pas) F $ = - . Slee 5 ° Sya"ey OO, ba ‘ ° 3 J ° Q o VS COBRA/LIZ (A) PUSH F $ Shee ° ugg 29 ueg “purysy ‘dum{ “ApnyAyoy ‘ysng ‘no Avy 81g ‘noyAey - sjuauyjsn(py. UL-PISINO 7P2YD — Peg [Teo apis uosajord wosy Leave 0s [TEM 9M, SMU Z +1040. APH + 1ab 105 arqzsu0dsex TO “ad 303 doxp daig £-g ‘worpajorg we 9 :9P TIS oF a7 arqana aiqnog O€ $4.7 OPHS moley fav GP 8A 71 PS & yuTod aD 350 a wary deo .¥, 5A Spr wary anvist aranod Vad S411 apNS uns ory WA ano] ee : & onan. 09 $A 74 OPHS ous wary wa amo] ( pre oNn $8 SA NY APUS Haris @g i eee fog arqqana £6 SAVY APHS uipy fav OF $4.71 APS v ‘at onn. 08 $A 7 OPS Spr yw urg 3p weg ‘dum{ “opn7/Apoy aysng ‘noyAvy S1g/no7y/sexy ‘amoryro8oy - squaunsn{py “yp ano eee ist t z MT araana, 76 SAY Sseq 2AIG & pe 23%, aiqnog VAR SA NI Sse Bar 7 ino Org apis sv sayny sures “woRD” payPpPeq quaseyyrp pue apisded sjas dum/ warm org apyig isseg anrq uis poiq vary axon 1S SKhPE 3, zeag sa Ayn oHewony UVAG SA TY sseg AvIE cep fO Pee i jana 6 SA TY Sseg Avg P IE aino1 ae vy mo : aqqang arqnoq 0€ SA3y sseq epg a NI wo Ob sary sseg Aepg AL/m 98pa.H07 Epo = ear 1d, 01 paredaid aq ou 3] “os ‘apis nok 0} HW IT &sy a1qang a1qnoq O€ sary wHeTS oe 2moy 2h oe ere aby fav OF SA Ty UTEIS Hop dase WS TN &pryApou ‘ata-9 yong ‘dum| noyéey 81q ‘no yaey ‘aseg ‘ue - sjuounsnipy 09 $A Fy WETS amoq outs wary ee ere uy & a Lm] ONn. 8 SAY WEIS MOVWS / WV'1S © ¥ pn yay “ANVISL? PLES aiqnog, Uva sa ny ures ro? re saiqissoa, Ww aiqana ‘6 SA TY URIS a) IS HOLY ere y N ONn. 08 SA TY WTS amoy g a Sd /pny&por “aid NO 31g - syuaunsn{py cunt TPS AL 2210 MO/MoLjuny, avy AL? LO Sa ‘prsino Suppdue sey GLP ‘211 AP ISUE sf SPY AT POT, aIe LO PHO Sd ‘auayps uo_DE Aejd aprs eam ue g :sseg 1sejg "yuouy O€ anu Uo y2eq a1eppap shemyy aed 1Ods iT + SAND Z + 10 10 ysed Jods xT + AYDIN + Ta 404 aiqisuodsad 31+ 10 wm ve) ESR ae bl m © ai 2PISINO paz LO apISIMO at 79 (ONL, LE LIS kT 4G 86 SA 17 Ssed ISEIG_ UVa 6477 ssed eI OF SA77 sseq iseqg SsvVd LSV1¢ & Cc a 08 8447 sseq ise TED , OPH, HIV Kemy uny 0} spay ay ZATTG a>fH] 1,Use0p AO JI - syuaunsn{py “pa € uo ]TeM & Pg 10 OWOW WIM “yay ge Aeyd mojs [TIM 1Sa “ey ano Suyssox Sury3Aue wae 1H suny pur yseay ‘uonoe Aeqd auoz apIsMo []9S PIEH :POEN L7/9T OWOW/M aa Seid mois ape, ek SOUS a oN Ww ¥6 $A PaXPN LZ GiIVN © 08 SA POyEN LZ a0 Pies. onto 2 ON z Ww M r $956 S43 PEE OF SAI PUG “‘PHOg 10 moj ~ sjuauysn(py >poq STY JO JJ0 SIM GL 29 AC S>POTG BL AO Aq saquaD ayy puryaq doxp days ¢ ‘oid de3 wew 2 310g 08 SA PEG auoN - swsunsn{py “way aq isn “aq >P014 OWOW $4 LSd ‘SOTWA 9 PPI Z LSA “AO 105 dosp days ¢ ‘uopoajoid de8 tng ueur g :ayous, ga >po1q OWOW $4 sd SOIDAT MOAT anne z $6 SAY ayoUS, AMDT f anad 08 $4 7y axoug no PZ si sayy au0z 24 \ rey Sey Pregumog oN 38y oT Uld NC 81g - sjuauysnipy ee £ a a %. PABBA “raquad ayy puryagq W831 ‘days sajny auoz, 6 $4 a1qUIOZ Ez PrguNOG ON aay a FOS Sh x” [nf OF Sa arquioz ez + Lens ouoz enysoaity CaN 80, v 0€ sa aiquioz 7 PIPGUMOC ON [sony auoz anissaitBy a 80D Fat By s IM au0z, als ww Y 8h $4 arquioz ¢z HIGINOZ Q Preyumoc on, qOu8 Ww 4-981 dosp s,gO junz Jas ysnur aa aM ‘saqna auoz SurzyHN uoR2a}01d eur / aarssarB8y :arquioz 6F SA aIquIOZ Ez UVaa SA arquroz ¢z 09 8A arquroz ¢z = 805 ae ssoussy 08 84 arquioz ¢z aUoN - suauysn{py “uns yas ysnur 10 “PH UO Jno yay [TIM Sq UO AL “(LY 20 11) 1A0 de8 yporq Sa pue > ,"uMoq,,, paxao> ¢ apisut WIM “P01, 71949 DO we IM Sd “Md, LO/DO “yra1 € & YIM Sd ‘ord de8 ueut 2/9 :sseg 21095 Zz | aN gs eo gis 190) : SB Ww Qa , mM 0¢ $4 7y sseq ax09g 09 sa zy sseq ax09g ~~ Ud uw 2 ALY e Ww 98 SA TY Sseq ax09g SSVd HUOIS G Q VAG $4. 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OF $434 01 0} apisypeg 2q PINO? gy SA) ig ‘node 31g NO Big ‘Wid 1s] ‘aseg ‘weg - sjusunsnlpy sh Z +10 £10 j 8 S477 OHO, L a L L aNvist rrEat vad 8471 0n0 FT ewos wiog| JZ nor SASH 08 SA3y ONO dun - syrounsnipy “uty 2q ysnut JL pue 10 ‘AO 403 dosp days € MPP Zz sey LSA “SOTA ynd gL ‘apisdeyd uo uy Supdeys ALL wim ord de pny weur { 79ND re ee (a ‘opm, MORNE Kannt PA: Angad s w OM Ww M s w M OF SAIY PMD 6 SA. IND os sarmpmo Ww —sjuaunsn {py *LSd/ALSd 405 amma 1 Suey -aBury days st Sq ‘apisXeyd s9201q ypear aarssar33y ymo yurds qyor [Ing yuEdg vad sary rds Cs sCotalo fers 2 Pwlo . a 4 % foto. M Ww M Ww Ww 09 sary junds Feral a 6 SAT UES og sary yuLds 1 Buca fu dag oceealsle a8uy dais op say auEds 98a 7 UG LNTUdS & 9 - - ¥8 SArY US PH0s 10 mojs ~ syuousnipy “Lga 2up puryaq dn yas pue dosp days £-¢ az1THM 11M 398 GO “TEM pig pue yydap aso} Up ATFYM SO] WO ULI a ‘aL 10y | Suey [IM gL “worpa};01d de yjox jeu weun f 221 AEROXGT mo a PHOS, g ¥ wet tt Hae e Fs Ww 09 84 dra 59.80 dry ZYV/dIu ~ s * gay OWOW SISA ayo, anne auON - sjuaunsn{py Same & “ad Ww MSE n> OWOW $4 LSd “dO 103 doxp . days ¢ ‘de8 yoy) Surno auodiaaa YIIM uoRpajozd de8 [[ny ueur g n> P6SATY IND og SAT IND (loog ou UF ouOATAA) TAD © & o -so8pa sey as sa at Ww $sey 10 "3 odn eM 91 >9 N 2AkY 9079 DSd = dumf me SD ‘asapim sey gy pue snoz8uep sour € Ur s19Z111q apIsyno z sA=,noT/Aey S1g, ana 14a ~ 84007] UT ISTP 1A SPN 10 = aseg ang 19 ~ 94007] UY S11 Sey au “sBueys040 29 3q Sey 10 = Ue spurs] nq 1a ~ $1007] UT vad ~ $007 WUT WG ~ @y UeW UO UeWY = ,SPUETST,, M ang ‘ang 19a - syoo] 3uy ang 14d - syoo7] Uy “AL 10 1S P9y49 you sop aBpa 3307 5A, quouysn{pe sg yea0 DSq wary de8 Ing = ysng, SLINAWLSAlav @ [22 0} }U0IJ UMOP F 10 81429 ang un ‘(py - syoo] 1 ‘aa sey aur “de8 @ 9 vam dn de8 149 OSd = UT a144ng 19c ‘Parsacsun ‘a1qang — $4007] UY apis Arid 2uISfis SHeMOMY = NOT/ALY me Kaeo a M Ww a 19a 2un ‘Ipy - 84007 Uy “3 9POlq ay Jeuysn{py jqq 79 VeaH aprsuT, ‘ope ga 330 z ‘ord de8 png = Apoyo] a TEXASYFOOTBALL FALL 2011 OF! FENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY TWO OR MORE ON LEVEL 1 TO 4&ZONE.COMBOS4 ADJACENT OFFENSIVE LINEMEN WORKING TOGETHER ON A DEFENSIVE LINEMAN A LINEBACKER ON LEVEL 2. EON Mines DIP CO TA} TIM TO i EEL a ae Ha TEXAS TFooTBALL e FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY COG TAG M ae ® of, ees o oe! io ODD oO @ oo! oe @ @ @ @ Ss co. setween cenreR coor nerween PAYSIDe & PUAYSDE GUARD GUAR & PLAYSIDE TACKLE TIM TOM s, Oo T 4 - ret Be @ oo wood @ @ aes @ ® @ @ 4 cooP BETWEEN Pusioe coor oer as San eae ar ne TEXAS YFOOTBALL aA @ FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY A B M, we e tt oO godhooo cle gsoleooo e ® (COP BETWEEN BACKSIDE coo? BETWEEN BACKSIDE ‘GUARD a: CENTER TACKLE BACKSIDE GUARO Cc Cc wy 8. a a io gbo00ece res $beeee e e coor BETWEEN BACKSIDE COOP BETWEEN BACKSIDE TE & TE & BACKSIDE TACKLE BACKSIDE TACHLE FOR SAFE e TEXASTFOOTBALL FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY WAGON Qu. N @er ®@ @® @ eB (CO-OP BETWEEN PLAYSIDE GUARD, PLAYSIDE TACKLE & PLAYSIDE TE GANG ea) ‘THREE WAY CO-OP BETWEEN THE BACKSIDE GUARD, CENTER & PLAYSIDE GUARD TRAIL @ (CO-OP BETWEEN BACKSIDE TACKLE, BACKSIDE [GUARD & CENTER WORKING TO THE BACKSIDE ir TEMAS Foo Tsay FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY ZONE Ww M BON I @ébr @ayo) @ D (CO-OP BETWEEN THE ENTIRE LINE TO BLOCK A, ‘CALLED DIRECTION TEXASTFOOTBALL FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY #GAP‘COMBI A COMBINATION BLOCK BETWEEN TWO ADJACENT PLAYERS REMOVING THE DOWN LINEMAN, THEN WORKING TO A LEVEL 2 DEFENDER See iss | BACKSIDE Ace GRHEGR LIfe DOMParg JAC DIKEKINGQUAD us PLAYSIDE e COMRO: a TEXASTFOOTBALL FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY ACE M ” cine ® ©PEPpo © @® @ CENTER & PLAYSIDE GUARD. a eee DRILL E ® ®2OESoo © ¢ ® Ps Sree nen corned z nan aaue womans ay TREY My. T hee a ® opEee © ¢ © @D CO-OP BETWEEN PLAYSIDE TACKLE : crutabere komme Toae sneer a TEXASYFOOTBALL FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY DIKE @ ‘ACOMBO BLOCK BETWEEN THE PLAYSIDE GUARD & PLAYSIDE TACKLE, WORKING TO PLAYSIDE LB KING 2, SS eooke @ ‘A.COMBO BETWEEN THE PLAYSIDE TACKLE & PLAYSIDE TE, WORKING TO APLAYSIDE LB. QUAD ™ BON oT ES Deed, © eoofeo @ ‘A COMBO BLOCK BETWEEN THE PLAYSIDE TE & THE PLAYSIDE WING TEXASYFCOTBALL a FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY FeO nD: | A BLOCKING EXCHANGE BETWEEN TWO OR MORE ADJACENT PLAYERS TO SECURE THE LEVEL 4 DEFENDER a eS CHARLIE GUT @ ICI ® & - GUS SNAPPER TED TEXAS TFOOTBALL FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY TED M N s @ ®2OX® aw) COs t ® ¢ 1 ® FOLD BETWEEN THE PLAYSIDE TACKLE & PLAYSIDE TE WITH THE PLAYSIDE TACKLE @ BLOCKING THE DEFENDER OVER THE TE GUT @ ®@ FOLD BETWEEN THE PLAYSIDE TAGKLE Ect PLAYSIDE GUARD, WITH THE PLANSIDE GUARD GOING TO LEVEL 2 SNAPPER M t eB @ @ OORP®D ¢@ mi ®@ & snare @® FOLD BETWEEN THE PLAYSIDE GUARD & 8 CENTER, WITHTHE CENTER GOING TO LEVEL 2 TEXASTFooTBALL FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY Gus Ww £ @ eS ira] 3 OPPO @ : ® fot BETWEEN TE BACKSOE TACHLE &BACHSDE Pichi tenrort etre CHARLI E M © aegeepo ® @® FOLD BETWEEN CENTER & BACKSIDE GUARD, WITH BACKSIDE GUARD GOING TO LEVEL 2 @ TEXASTFOOTBALL FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY RIM w M B NT — § @ Qe SPBCPO ® $ ® ® ae sLockina soHeme WITH THE = SACKS GUARD PULLING FOR THE BACKSIDE LB oO woaM N Ge ies 87g) @ @ OOD em T @ S @® GAP BLOCKING SCHEME WTH THE BACKSIOE @ (GUARD PULLING AROUND & READING THE B DOUBLE TEAM TO THE PLAYSIDE LB G wom os ss R oN YE {moa © Pos ® 2 @® ® THE PLAYSIDE GUARD PULLING FOR 3 THE FORCE DEFENDER TEXASTFOOTBALL FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY oT ®@ © cmap RcHNG svn moAS Samer petro ee et LOCK (BULL) @ weer =P - Ber coeasenssnncne seer Parner eee Sea FIRE ® ey @D WHEN LB THAT WE ARE PULLING FOR IS NOW ON DE ere iren pacers TEXASTF00TSALL FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY FAN B, ® DoEeee TOPs @ 5 ® @® —_tummneauwenoaero nocn g a arian cea or TER HAND WHAM Ww . ora BOD @ QPaoPF © 5 ® @® _TeWeorenra nencumteaTeotTe Divan vacemure mon cassie Perce ces PINCH —E s PO® @ oT ®@ ® @ ——_serse moe acamen nsronsisLe 8 FOR THE DT & BACKSIDE LB fo TEXASTFOOTBALL FALL 2011 OFFENSIVE LINE TERMINOLOGY BACK ‘CENTER BLOCK DEFENDER OVER PULLING GUARD, PLAYSIDE GUARD BLOCK DEFENDER OVER CENTER. ‘THE CENTER'S GAP IS THREATENED CHOKE M s : ae gepo ® @ rap Oz = 5 TELLING THE PLAYSIDE TACKLE TO WORK WITH THE CENTER ON THE DL OVER THE PLAYSIDE GUARD TO THE PLAYSIDE LB SER PLAY] BASE FORMATION: INSIDE ZONE 22123 ZONE (B) FAR RT DESCRIPTION | Strongside inside zone blocking scheme. Aiming point is outside leg of PSG. Blocking 5 Surface will employ Drive blocks (Combos). Ball carrier path will control LB'ers. Align with Heels at 8 yards. Zone footwork, read first down lineman and react to flow. Inside out course. Align with heels at 5 yards. Accelerate through 1st defender outside of BST. Open at 5:00/7:00, get ball to TB as deep as possible, accelerate out of exchange and boot away. QB MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. Secure C Gap on backside. With no C Gap threat base DE INSIDE ZONE 22/23 ZONE fe Drive EMLOS. If PST is uncovered he will Combo with you (Tim/Tom), Covered- Drive block man on. If PSG is uncovered he will Combo with you (Tag). Uncovered- Combo with TE (Tim/Tom/Out). Covered- Drive block man on. If C is uncovered he will Combo with you COG. Uncovered- Combo with PST (Tag). PSG Covered- Drive block man on (Possible A / Trail) Uncovered- Combo with PSG (Cog) Secure A Gap. Possible A/B / Trail / Gang. Secure B Gap. Possible B / Trail. BST This is a vertical movement scheme. Blocking surface must eliminate all penetration for us to have a positive play. Always work to keep shoulders square. NOTES 'BEXAS 4 RUN INSTALL Eig Hst~ Play side i oa ‘ logl}- Base 2 feck Derk ge belt ; PLAY 2 2000 Daw Ot 40 80 F g 4 Cs Ww. s 4 & Ww M Ss B, Ly t f° Ty _E. 7 fo Sah wi BQ |e, Tm a Mign- OFF 94 e “yf » “aglat Tay 2 o BASE FORMATIONS} (B) NEAR Zone blocking scheme. OL will have to push to ‘st playside LB'er. 9 Point is outside leg of PSG. Blocking surface will employ Drive blocks (Combos). arrier path will control LB'ers. ia ‘ INSIDE ZONE 22/23 PUSH DESCRIPTION Openside inside Aimin Balle: Align with Heels at 8 yards. Zone footwork, read first down lineman and react to flow. Align with Heels at 5 yards. You are responsible for Sam LB’er unless TE gives you a Pig/Pork call, then you will block backside DE. Open at 5:00/7:00, get ball to TB as deep as possible, accelerate out of exchange and boot away. MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. If Bob is Tagged on play call employ Bob Screen Blocking Playside- Block man on Backside- Dig Sam LB'er If Bob is tagged on play call run the Bob Screen a | ES] PLA\ INSIDE ZONE 22/23 PUSH Secure C Gap on backside. "C" with tight 5 Tech. With no C Gap threat base DE. Possible Pig/Pork. TE Drive block EMLOS. If PSG is uncovered he will combo with you (Tag/ Out). Out vs Odd or LB'er off of edge. PST Covered- Drive block man on. If C is uncovered he will combo with you (coc) Uncovered- Combo with PST (Tag/Out) Covered-Drive block man on (Possible A / TRAIL / GANG). Uncovered- Combo with PSG (COG) Secure A Gap. A/B/GANG/ TRAIL. Secure B Gap. B/TRAIL/C. BST This is a vertical movement scheme. Blocking surface must eliminate all penetration for us to have a positive play. Always work to keep shoulders square. NOTES | a ie 8 cE OAS ~ 4 zat Le & Qe ate Tos s ue 0 z4 = a = e 6 “Bi =o z Be a n do ' od J 2 ges o3]) co g KN o sH—o % o, BC a bs 4 al . = ° 3 a Hearo 270 . wes 4 zg wu Zz % m wu 3 8 4 3 Mt aS 9 oh o a i\t vt dR —9 | o dt & 2 * SERIES] PLAY, BASE FORMATIONS| INSIDE ZONE 22123 RENO DICE DESCRIPTIO cone inside zone blocking scheme with QB reading DE. OL will push to 1st Li 'yside. Aiming point is crack of the Center. c FS R c neg | B cos { Oo Line-up in gun alignment. Block flat defender. Align in shotgun, read DE for give/pull read. MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. Block man on (Corer) Run block bob screen [SERIES] PLAY BASE FORMATIONS| INSIDE ZONE 22123 RENO DICE ge | NOTES: Drive block EMLOS. If PSG is uncovered he will combo with you (Tag/Out). Out vs Odd or LB'er off of edge. Covered- Drive block man on. If C is uncovered he will combo with you (cos). Uncovered- Combo wit PST (Tag / Out) | PSG Covered-Drive block man on (Possible Trail / A / Gang). Uncovered- Combo with PSG (Cog) Secure A Gap. Possible A/ B / Trail / Gang, Secure B Gap. Possible B / Trail / Base. This is a vertical movement scheme. Blocking surface must eliminate all penetration for us to have a positive play. Always work to keep shoulders square. 'REXAS RUN INSTALL Day +! aA PLAY 22 Reno 40 80 - ‘ ¢ ie wef lw s «| T fab 8 sh ASH o ett a” Bere ~~ 8 C5 BHO _-4 ge Some oe as “zane! 94 30 $ ca $ a Re om Ge im Ww Jf T 9 3 eiéacal jut os tiad o B dae TAS SP eB Ty oes oa o e eke eet TED TB AADESCRIPTION CPLAY] BASE FORMATIONS 26/27 TED DEUCE ‘Aman blocking scheme that allows } me Us to take advantage of our blocking angles. Aiming point is crack of TE. OL willbe responsible for Sam, Mike and Wil FS a R w ™ Bi dacv)s/ SLICE /B GUT Align at 8 yards, stretch footwork, aiming point is crack of TE. Slow too, fast through thinking, Open at 4:00/8:00, get ball to TB as deep as possible, boot away. Push Pin unless force is called. To you- 2x2 (Dbl) MDM. 3x1 (Trio) Block Man on (Comer) Away- Convoy: Flat angle to Safety. line (TE) Slice. betached WR) Block Rover - Highest/Widest rule. TE PST PSG PLAY BASE FORMATIONS} Drive DE. "9" call vs. 9 technique and Sam inside the box. "Fire" vs edge heat Block Down vs. 3 technique (Gut). Pull for Force vs. Shade or 1 technique (TED). "9" call pull for Sam (probably in box). Pull for Force vs. 3 technique (Gut). Block down vs. 1 technique (Snapper). Pull for ISLB vs. Shade or 0 Nose (You) Best release to declared LB vs. 3 technique (Gut). Pull for declared vs. 1 technique (Snapper). Reach vs. Shade or 0 Nose (A vs Odd). Possible Charlie vs tight backside shade. Slice- Rip reach A Gap. "A" with playside shade or O Nose. Maximize your angle of departure. Possible GUS or Charlie B/ Slice reach B Gap. ‘Trail with playside shade or 0 Nose. Maximize your angle of departure. Possible GUS Center will make the Snapper call to determine who will pull. "TEXAS RUN INSTALL a PLAY 27 Tad ba, #2 TB (ADESCRIPTION PLA’ c Ty am s a QUAD GUT Align at 8 yards, Stretch footwork, aiming point is crack of TE. Slow too, fast through thinking To You - Block Man On (Comer) Convoy - Flat angle to Safety. Combo with Convoy: Flat angle to Safety. Open at 4:00/8:00, get ball to TB as deep as possible, boot away. Y to first LB'er in the box. 26/27 TED DOWN DING ‘Aman blocking scheme that allows us to take advantage of our blocking angles. Y/H will combo to the first LB'er in the b« paaeilearbat fe in the box. The first puller has force, second puller BASE FORMATIONS) FS 1 PLAY BASE FORMATIONS} NOTES: TED 26/27 TED DOWN DING Drive block DE. Possible C combo with H to first LB'er in the box (quad). No 9 call TE Block down vs. 3 technique (Gut). Pull for force vs. Shade or 1 technique. Think widest defender on TED call. PST Pull for force vs. 3 technique (Gut). Block down vs. 1 technique (Snapper). Think widest defender on Gut call. Uncovered - Pull; Cleanup to Safety Covered - Possible Snapper. Think 2nd widest defender on Gut call, Center will set the scheme with a Gut or SNAPPER call TE/H willl always Quad to declared LB NOTES 9 EXAS RUN INSTALL PLAY a6 Ted Down Dey #2 40 80 F 4 ; c a a ce zi + wW mM. AS Zz s N ue B uf T. A S 24 ys S oe a oS eat | ior TeE/ tt aloays at to declered 94 30 4 % q je ua cl y ea van eeoe J oft | isa ee it - — Stamm, Go | ag | GAP [PLAY 24125 POWER ~\DESCRIPTION hom block gap scheme with BSG pulling for Mike. Aiming point is playside Align with heels at 8 yards. Split step, get on inside hip of puller, attack playside A Gap. side of LOS. Reverse pivot, do not cross mid-line, set up in pocket. MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. side of LOS. We need to create vertical moverent with our playside allow us to attack the defense on their side of the ball BASE FORMATIONS} Lead on Sam. Work for inside number, make contact on defensive Lead on Sam. Work for inside number, make contact on defensive NEAR combo, this will [ [SERIES] PLAY BASE FORMATIONS| cae 24/25 POWER NEAR | NOTES: Drive block DE. Ifhe is lined up on PST combo with him to Will (Trey). Covered- Combo with TE to Will (Trey). Uncovered- Combo with PSG to Will (DRILL). "Dril/Down" with Guard and Tackle covered. PST Covered- Combo with PST to Will (Drill). Uncovered- Block down on Nose. ‘Ace on the run vs backside zone pressure. PSG Back Block- Replace ‘Ace or Back vs. Double/Bear front. Chip vs. Odd "ace on the run” vs Backside Zone Pressure. lared. Hug the combo to get inside on Mike and kick out. Pull for Dect: hnique with "Ace" call vs bear B gap hinge. Cut a 3 tect prilvDown call vs. PSG and PST covered alerting TE he will be on DE by himself PLAY 24 Poo: RUN INSTALL Da, #3 B xe hinge (@ |~ Sbsen> etl te delend on ower 80 Ir 94 ERIES PLAY BASE FORMATIONS| cata 24/25 PUNCH DOUBLE DESCRIPTION | 4 one back down blocking scheme with BSG pulling for the first LB'er in the box. Aiming point is playside A Gap. Fs R c s Mi w Cc A ° DRILL O BACK ib B GAP HINGE QOL, O Align with heels at 8 yards. Split step, get on inside hip of puller, attack playside A Gap. Reverse Pivot, do not cross mid-line, set up in pocket MDM: Block force defender utilizing pushipin technique. MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. © Gap Hinge. You will have no Tackle help. ate vertical movement with our playside combo, this will re Ye ea k the defense on their side of all. allow us to attact TSERTEST- FLAY BASE FORMATIONS| 24/25 PUNCH Drive block EMLOS. "Out" vs 5/9 "Fire" call vs edge heat. TE Covered- Drive Block (Out) Uncovered- Combo with PSG to Will (Drill/Dike). Covered- Combo with PST to Will (Drill/Dike). Possible "Lock" call vs 1 tech Uncovered- Block down on Nose. Ace vs. Odd PSG | ‘@ PST | | Back Block- Replace Ace vs. Odd Pull for first LB'er in the box. Fire call tells you your man is blitzing off of the edge. BSG Hinge. ih o tae L'ers in the box climb to Will (no hinge) lay is checked, going to 3 technique. CALL JOCKEY VS 94 OR 30 FRONTSII! "REXAS RUN INSTALL a PLAY 24 Puc DHF 40 80 w G £ lepohes, Q Dei Base S - Bare hinge @ 94 30 0 [SERIES] [PLAY] BASE FORMATIONS| OUTSIDE ZONE 26/27 STRETCH FOX FAR HOOF DESCRIPTION | Strongside outside zone blocking scheme. Aiming point is crack of Tight End, q ia Tag) R aw yM as c [e , [tedgses Align with heels at 8 yards. Ted path to crack of TE, Read block of TE. Arc block to force. Cleanup to Safety. 2nd spot past declared. Open at 4:00/8:00, get ball to TB as deep as possible, boot away. Playside: Push Pin Backside: Convoy Playside: Push Pin Backside: Convoy [SERIES] OUTSIDE ZONE TE 5/9 or edge heat, in the box. Declared. BST Base cut off DT. Possible A/B / Slice. "Wagon" call turns it into "Reach Tracks." PLAY 26/27 STRETCH Tite block with Tackle to first LB'er in the box. Wagon vs. tight Tite block with TE to first LB'er in the box. Reach DE with Wagon call Reach block DT. Possible Ace / COG to second LB'er in the box. Reach block man on. Possible Ace / COG with PSG to second LB'er Base cut off DE. Possible B / Trail / Slice. BASE FORMATIONS, TEXAS RUN INSTALL a PLAY »., ph RE Sena FL Ble Strekh Beh a “on AA" L ey ila REXAS RUN INSTALL 2 PLAY 2% Sink Ts Daye 40 80 Lg 8 ert eaghee 23 > ys Shade LG “Peete declared TEXAS RUN INSTALL 40 PLAY 24 Shrehd or> Coon000 80 94 B Ww M N T E ecowce] s w M B iy E Ss eomMmoodo PLAY! BASE FORMATIONS| INSIDE ZONE 22/23 RIM NEAR SLOT DESCRIPTION St ongside inside zone blocking scheme with FIH coming across formation to block DE. 4 Aiming point is outside leg of PSG. Blocking surface will employ Drive blocks (Combos). Ballcarrier path will control LB'ers. FS c on woo s 1 Align with Heels at 8 yards. Zone footwork, read first down lineman and react to flow. Align with heels at 5 yards. Shuffle playside, clear QB and wind back. Accelerate through 1st defender outside of BST. Open at 5:00/7:00, get ball to TB as deep as possible, accelerate out of exchange and boot away. QB Push Pin unless tagged with screen. Push Pin unless tagged with screen From a Wing alignment accelerate through 1st defender outside of BST. Hug the LOS. PLAY BASE FORMATIONS| INSIDE ZONE 22/23 RIM a INOS ema | Drive EMLOS. If PST is uncovered he will Combo with you (Tim/Tom/Out) Covered- Drive block man on. If PSG is uncovered he will Combo with you (Tag). Uncovered- Combo with TE (Tim/Tom/Out). Covered- Drive block man on. If C is uncovered he will Combo with you (COG / GANG). Uncovered- Combo with PST (Tag). PSG Covered- Drive block man on (Possible A/ GANG / TRAIL) Uncovered- Combo with PSG (COG) Secure A Gap. A/ GANG / TRAIL. Secure B Gap. B/ TRAIL/C. This is a vertical movement scheme. Blocking surface must eliminate all penetration for us to have @ positive play. Always work to keep shoulders square. "REXAS RUN INSTALL 2 PLAY 23. Rin Reb ie 40 80 [PLAY] 20/21 LEAD a DESCRIPTION | A draw action lead scheme, DRAW Slide, set, let the qb take the ball to you and follow FB. Pass set and lead of first LB'er playside. Draw action. MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. BASE FORMATIONS} RT/LT [ TSERIES] PLAY BASE FORMATIONS} DRAW 20/21 LEAD a “/NOTES: Best release to Sam Linebacker. Fit with inside leverage. Vs 9 tech - Easy call Good Split, pass flash and set DE to widen. Pass Flash on DT and take him where he wants to go. No penetration. Vs. Odd Ace to Will Linebacker. Pass flash DT to Will Possible Ace / A / Solo. Pass Flash on DT and take him where he wants to go. No penetration. Vs. Odd block out. Great Split, pass flash and set DE to widen. No penetration Be Patient ** Bump off all twists Stretch Splits ERAS RUN INSTALL 2 PLAY ole} 40 80 . - . a4 to t Re iy M s ° Bowe ‘oo ; ef Ps Sey © Paet = ° 94 30 & + ce c iw ni make Lm, wt E Ss B T ‘poo Fo HN 8 pot or | TB DESCRIPTION PLAY] BASE FORMATIONS] 20/21 ICE RTI/LT, SLOT Openside lead blockin le sche 2 int 9 OF PSG, Bloc scree, wil lead on tat playside LBer. Aiming points outside surface will employ Drive blocks (Combos). Align with Heels at 7 yards. Play Pass footwork, read first down lineman and react to flow. Vs shade or 1 Tech this play has a good chance of staying playside. Lead on 1st playside LB'er. Vs 3 Tech read PSG block for path Vs. Odd lead on Will. Open at 6:00, get ball to TB as deep as possible, set up on play action. MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. QB will motion you to block edge if needed, Find rules Vs. playside shade expect play to hit playside: PLAY LEAI a oe 20/21 ICE NOTES Secure C Gap Inside Drive block EMLOS Drive block EMLOS Take a big split Covered- Drive block man on. With 1 or 2 Tech Center will combo with you (COG). Vs shade (Ace) Uncovered- COG to 2nd playside LB'er. PSG Responsible for Mike LB'er. Covered- ACE /A Uncovered- COG vs 1 or 2 Tech Secure A Gap. Covered- B / Base. Uncovered- A SecureBGap Covered- Inside Drive block Uncovered- B to sam Declaration - Leave 1 for FB ‘REXAS PLAY 2 end 2) Fee RUN INSTALL Dats &0 Ihe BASE FORMATIONS} 14/15 PONCHO, (F) DICE 1 back gap play with QB reading the playside DE. GAP @PESCRIPTION wo M oo E Normal gun alignment - cross QB's toes, stay flat with speed. Carry out fake if no hand off. Read playside DE. If he closes, hand off. If the DE stretches, pull the ball and follow the pulling guard MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. MDM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. MOM: Block force defender utilizing push/pin technique. [ [SERTEST- FLAY GaP 14/15 PONCHO | Drill to Will vs 3 tech, vs shade go through to Will Covered- Drill Uncovered- Down Back replace B gap hindge This is a vertical movement scheme. Blocking surface must eliminate all ‘onetration for us to have a positive play. Always work to keep shoulders square. TEXAS RUN INSTALL PLAY die Gb Fins 14 PokeShelh 40 80 = PST ~streky spits ws oso wunter- declee Sore - ae Strehh spits v> B 60, ee tof PRT He decked i FPS f 94 30 e fos ah ofa? J hare ___—_| B REXAS 8 RUN INSTALL PLAY 2 eT! Ftp Dy #L 40 80 ie 4 S ia c ce wo om BL org wf MM ys bled, B N y ad bes sad 7 { ; a pos me ae a a ® 94 30 A e e + z WwW al ef & wy mM e < L . etltedty | tecalach o oe gra 3. ea ee 9 "REXAS RUN INSTALL e ae PLAY “aca, Tro RE OM KIL Rver 40 80 PEXAS RUN INSTALL a _ PLAY pac ge 2 Ie Ted eed @ mayhecte hans Cy PLA’ BASE FORMATIONS; GAP 24/25 POWER DOWN (Gl) NEAR DESCRIPTION | A(down block scheme with the BSG pulling outside TE and blocking color. This play will hit wider than all of our other Power schemes. OM Align with heels at 7 yards. Split step, get on hip of puller. This play should hit wider than our other Power plays. Lead on first defender off of edge. Reverse pivot, get ball to TB as deep as possible. C Gap Hinge. D Gap. Possible combo with Y to first LB'er inside (Quad) Short yardage/Goal line play. [SERIES] PLAY BASE FORMATIONS| GAP 24/25 POWER DOWN (Gl) NEAR NOTES: C Gap. Possible Quad or Tank. B Gap. Possible Tank, Dike or Drill AGap. Possible Dike or Drill Block Back- Replace. Pull for first color outside of box, pull is one gap wider. B Gap Hinge. BST TEKRSYFOOTBALL é PLAY 24 Powers Down 62 a PLAY) BASE FORMATIONS| 24/25 POUND FORCE FOX NEAR EAST DESCRIPTION | short yardage/goal line gap scheme with no pullers. Aiming point is playside A gap. Align with heels at 8 yards. Split step and attack downhill. Read Tackles block, Block force defender. Be ready to adjust off of H's block. Reverse pivot, do not cross mid-line, set up in the pocket Tom or Out. Block Sam Linebacker. LSERIES] GAP Block DE. Possible Tank to Mike Linebacker. Covered: Tank to Mike Uncovered: Dike to Mike Base DT. Possible Dike or Ace. Near shade to Will. Base DT possible Lou to Will Tom or Out BASE FORMATIONS} NOTES: RUN INSTALL TEXAS PLAY 24 Rud Eee Vv p—__0 vO Re “4 {—~7~0 ; = Hes oe Se, xy ee Z1@t - oO o * yey u

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