Izzy Why School Is Important

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Why school is important

By: isabella

School is sometimes hard to understand... for example you might be

stuck on a math problem and sometimes you might feel like giving up
and quitting.. but that's what this essay is for! I'm going to tell you why
you shouldn't give up and to do your best in school.

Some reasons

School can be challenging sometimes and sometimes even boring but

when it feels like that you can't give up because school is very
important, school has a big impact on your future because it teaches
you many things.if you are confused how it is helpful here are some
reasons. 1. Math can teach you many things like adding and
subtracting and multiplying and so on and all that stuff will be helpful
later in life, like getting into collage, getting a good job, and getting a
house and stuff. 2. Reading is also important because it can teach you
new words that might be helpful. Reading can also help with your
future, Reading is a big part in life too. if you don't know how to read
you can't read essays like this and even if you do know how to read it's
helpful to get even better at it.

Fun fact
1. Did you know there are about 8 million teachers in the usa?

2. The average pencil can be sharpened 17 times and write about

45,000 words or draw a line 35 miles long before it doesn't work
School support :)
School can help you in many ways. School is a big part of life so do
your best. Even if you fail on some things it's okay because failing is a
part of success everyone learns from their mistakes and if your ever
feeling pressure from school just relax and take your time it's always
best to trust what you think. And if you get an answer wrong no one
will judge you. School will not judge you they will just help you figure
it out!

Don't give up!

If your ever reading and get stuck on a hard word don't give up! You
can always figure it out by spelling it out, and for math you can figure
it out if you need more help you can ask ask your
family,friends,teachers,aunts,and uncles, for help so pretty much
anyone just dont be scared to ask!

Making school f un/intresting!

If you think school is boring here is some ways you can make it fun!

1. Be a role model to your classmates

2. Participate
3. Do projects
4. Take opportunities to be active in school
5. Pay attention who knows you may find out something

I hope after reading this essay it feels fun and exciting to learn at
school and to have momentum to keep going! Thank you for reading
my essay :).

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