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General Data

Torino project's feasibility studies

General data
Item Data Observation

Project's name TORINO

Project's type PMGD

Project classification Project greater than 3MW Art 10 ley 19.300
n Panels tecnology (W) 430 With horizontal NS tracking structure
Installed Power (MWp) 11
a Injected Power (MW) 9
Number of solar Panel 26325

Average of anual electric Production in the area 1978 kWh/kWp From SOLARGIS Program - Annex 1

Voltage level of power line (KV). 13,2 KV Colonne1

The project wil be conected directly into the
o Conection point ( Structure code) N/A substation "Teno" in the MV bar by
n implementing a new MV private line.
n Conection point coordinates (UTM) 263162m E ; 6243605 m S
Substation of power Teno
The project wil build its private MV line to the
t Power line name N/A
i Evacuation power line distance (km) 0,8
n Open access request in process with the "Cordinador
electrico Nacional"

L Sector Teno Colonne1

Town Teno
a n Region Region of Maule
t Project Area (ha) 15
o Analized Area (ha) 15
Project's Environmental feasibility
Territorial planification's Instrument (IPT) ==> Annex 2
Regulation Plan's Name Restriction (YES / NO) Observation Action
Comunal Regulation Plan (PRC) NO
InterComunal Regulation Plan (PRI) NO

Metropolitan Regulation Plan (PRM) NO

Urban devolpment regional's Plan NO

Trees ==> Annex 3
Analisis' Sources Forest existence (YES / NO) Observation Action

Field visit NO Field visit done, no forest in conclusion

Google Earth historical Analisis have his first image in

Google Earth historical Analisis NO 2004. It's possible observe that vegetation never exist
onto the analized area.
Soil ==> Annex 4
Analized Area Percent ( from Ciren 2014) Soil uses' clasification Observation Action

In order to be autorized in developping the project in this Industrial Qualfication certificate was
area, will be necesary to explain and justify to the approved by N° 2007117196, provided by
100% 3
authority (SAG) the very low impact of this kind of project health´s ministery, so no agriculture soil it´s
on the soil component. going to be affected by the Project.

Teritorial analisis (SEA)_BUFFER 5 KM ==> Annex 5

Intersection with the Project's Area
Area Clasification Observation Action
(YES / NO)
Protected Area (art 10 of law 19.300) YES
We can observe 2 Protected area which are :
1 - Aquifers, which is intersecting with project area. The nature of the project did not affect any of
2 - Wetland wich is corespond to the teno river. It's this protected areas. According to DIA, and
Oficial Protected Area (Art 11 law 19.300) YES
locates 3,53 Km Away from project area RCA.

Other Area :Priority Site for biodiversity conservation para la

conservacion (Art 11 law 19.300)

Water stream ==> Annex 6

Intersection with the Project's Area
Water stream type Observation Action
(YES / NO)
Annex 6 show the intersection of Irrigation Canal with the
project area. Those canal creted by the owner to get the
Existent crossing going to be used, irrigation
Irrigation Canal YES water throught the field can be closed without any
canal non affected by the project
autorization from authority. So they will not afct the
project development.
Artificial Canal NO

Natural water stream NO

River NO

Mining Right ==> Annex 7

Intersection with the Project's Area
concessions type Observation Action
(YES / NO)
According to the mining cadastre, exist an expired
It will be necesary to process a new mining
Exploration NO exploration mining concessions owned by Beatriz Vilma
concession to protect the project area
Navaro Reyes

Explotation NO

"Pedimento" (Exploration in process) NO

"Manifestacion" (Explotation in Process) NO
Feasability of entry into SEA system
Clasification YES / NO Observation Action
c) Energy Power plant larger than 3 MW YES DIA
b.1)Power line Voltage higher than 23Kv NO
Other NO
Admision into Environmental Evaluation System YES DIA
Water Stream

Gantt Proyecto
Preliminar Month
# Feasibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Land's Contract
2 foto
3 Topography
4 Agronomic Study
5 Minery
6 Legal opinion
7 Site visit
8 layout
Development Ready
9 Electrical studies Build
10 DIA
11 IFC
12 MOP Medium voltage Line
15 Building permit
16 PAS 140
17 PAS 142
18 PS - driveway access

On going

• Compromiso ambiental voluntario respecto de nueva prospección

arqueológica e inducción a trabajadores
• Compromiso ambiental voluntario respecto del Plan de Perturbación
Controlada para la Componente Fauna Silvestre
• Compromiso ambiental voluntario respecto del cuidado de cauces
cercanos a la zona del proyecto

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