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Write a brief lead paragraph of not more than 35 words for each of the following stories.

You are required to write both leads: story I in Bahasa Malaysia and story II in English. You may
write more than one paragraph to avoid your leads from being cluttered and vague.

Story I

1. Kejadian ragut.
2. Mangsa meninggal dunia.
3. Kejadian berlaku di Kampung Kubang Parit, Kuala Terengganu.
4. Kejadian berlaku jam 11.00 malam tadi.
5. Nama mangsa – Ramlah Mohammad, 55.
6. Mangsa sedang menunggang motosikal ke rumah emaknya di Taman Perumahan
7. Mangsa ditemui terlentang di tepi jalanraya berdekatan sebuah perhentian bas di
Kampung Kubang Parit.
8. Beberapa saksi terdengar mangsa menjerit kuat.
9. Saksi juga menemui tali beg tangan mangsa berdekatan tempat kejadian.
10. Mangsa dibawa ke Klinik 1 Malaysia (K1M) KP Perdana, Kuala Terengganu.
11. Mangsa meninggal dunia semasa dirawat di klinik itu.

Story II

1. A fire occurred.
2. The fire occurred at 7.15 last night.
3. Incident occurred at Kampung Bukit Belacon, Jalan Segama-Lahad Datu, Lahad Datu,
4. A mother and her two sons died in the fire.
5. The mother – Yong Choi Choo, 38. The sons – Fat Hi Jan, 5, and Fat Li Chan, 4.
6. The bodies were found in the master bedroom.
7. Husband of the victim known only as Majah, escaped unharmed.
8. The house, a single-storey wooden building, was burnt down completely.
9. Initial investigation found the fire started on the ceiling of the kitchen.
10. However, the real cause of the fire was still being investigated by the Lahad Datu Fire
and Rescue Deparment.
11. The Fire and Rescue Department received a call at 7.39pm and arrived soon after with a
fire engine of six personnel.
12. The fire personnel took 15 minutes to put the fire out.

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