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1. Act 171-Local Govt. Act of 1976

- To streamline and replace the colonial system of ordinaries

- To empower Local Authorities (LA) to promulgate
(propagate) legislation/by-laws
- To empower LA to charge licensing fees
- 3 categories of LA:
i) Majlis/ Dewan Bandar Raya (9nos)
ii) Majlis Perbandaran (30nos)
iii)Majlis Daerah (114nos)
2. Act 133-The Street, Drainage & Building Act 1974

- Shall apply only in Peninsula Malaysia

- To amend & consolidate the laws relating to street,
drainage and building in LA areas
- To introduce uniform system pertaining to street, drainage
and building in LA areas
- Defines ‘qualified persons’ as an architect, engineer or a
building draftsman registered under any written law
- Section 70 -notice of new buildings
- Section 133 -power to make by-laws for the State Authority
3. Act 172-Town & Country Planning Act 1976

- Provides legal framework and lays down uniform procedure

for preparation of development plans & planning control
- Part III deals with Structure Plan & Local Plan
- Part IV deals with condition for development and
submission application for planning approval
- Section 21C -Preparation of plan, etc by a qualified person

- To consolidate multiple by-laws promulgated under Town Board
Enactments FMS Cap 137
- Prior to UBBL every LA implemented various by-laws and
legislations to suit their needs
- Tedious and time consuming to submit plans with differing
requirements in different LA
- Requirements are outdated and obsolete
- A need for a uniform by-laws applicable to all LAs with the intention
of reducing cost & time, and stream lining submission procedures
The Advantages of UBBL

- To establish uniformity of standards throughout Malaysia

- To regulate the design and construction of buildings
- To save cost and expedite application, processing and
approval of developments applications
- Provides a comprehensive section relating to structural fire
precautions, compartmentation etc
- Specifies the eligibility of the submitting persons and their
responsibilities and duties
- Emphasises the use of Malaysian Standards
The Disadvantages of UBBL

- Malaysia is not entirely urbanised–uniformity of application

of standards tends to affect smaller urban areas.
- Constant improvements and innovation in building
technologies at times will create conflicts with strict
interpretations of certain by-laws.
- Difficulty in interpretation of by-laws, monitoring its
implementation and reviewing its effectiveness.
The Review of UBBL

1. To correct grammatical, spelling and typographical errors.

2. To eliminate weaknesses/ loop holes especially with regards to enforcement.
3. To eliminate ambiguous statements, contradictions and discrepancies between
UBBL and Street, Drainage & Building Act.
4. To update and take into account modern technology.
5. To remove obsolete requirements which are not practicable in Malaysia.
6. To convert from imperial units to metric.
7. To add new by-laws such as atrium, high-rise buildings, provision for additional
protection for fire requirements.
8. To amend certain dimensions of spaces to conform to the minimum
requirements in term of health, comfort and safety.
9. To simplify definitions.
10. To simplify submission forms in the schedule.
Further Amendment Required…

1. Provisions for disabled persons especially in public

2. To emphasise on energy conservation measures for certain
3. Provision for lightning protection
4. Review of fire protection provision in line with Fire Services
Act 88
5. Procedures for building submission: e-submission
6. Provisions for building services

Part I Preliminary
Part II Submission of Plans For Approval
Part III Space, Light & Ventilation
Part IV Temporary Works in Connection With Building Operations
Part V Structural Requirements
Part VI Constructional Requirements
Part VII Fire Requirements
Part VIII Fire Alarms, Fire Detection etc
Part IX Miscellaneous
Part I –Preliminary
BL 2 : ‘qualified person’ means any architect, registered building draughtsman or engineer
: ‘Act’ means Street, Drainage & Building Act.

Part II –Submission of Plans For Approval

BL 3(1) : additional requirements of Section 70 of the Act
BL 3(1)(c) : all plans & Form A must be certified by a qualified person
BL 3(2) : plans, drawings or calculation shall be submitted by a qualified person
Part II –Submission of Plans For Approval
BL 5: the supervision of the works shall be carried out by a qualified
BL 6(1): all plans submitted must be signed by a qualified person & the
owner or his agent
BL 7(1): qualified person shall be fully responsible for the execution of the
BL 7(1)(a): substitution of another qualified person must be agreed upon
by the LA
BL 7(1)(b): the owner can substitute a qualified person provided works has
not commenced on site
BL 7(2): if the LA agrees to a substituted qualified person, works on site
should not be continued until a replacement has been made
BL 7(3): if the original qualified person is incapacitated, the owner must
produce evidence prior to appointment of a substitute
BL 8 to 10: stipulate submission requirements i.e. no. of sets, scale of
drawings etc
Part II –Submission of Plans For Approval

BL 22(1): Form B-Notice to commence or resume the works

BL 23(1): Form C-Notice of setting out completion
BL 24: Form D-Notice of completion of excavation for foundation
BL 25(1): Form E-Application for the issue Certificate of Fitness for Occupation (CFO)
BL 25A: Form F-Certificate of Completion and Compliance
BL 29: submission fees in accordance with the First Schedule to be paid
Part III –Space, Light & Ventilation

BL 30: Open spaces to be provided

BL 38: Width of Footway
BL 39: Natural Lighting and Ventilation
BL 40: Air-Wells
BL 41: Mechanicals Ventilation & Air-Conditioning
BL 42: Minimum areas of rooms in Residential Buildings
BL 44: Height of rooms in Residential Buildings,
Shophouses, Schools, etc.
Part IV –Temporary Works in Connection with Building Operations
BL 48: Commencement of Bldg. Operation
BL 49: Responsibility of persons granted Temporary Permits
BL 50: Cancellation of Temporary Permits
BL 51: Vehicular Access to Site

Part V –Structural Requirements

Part VI –Constructional Requirements

Part VII –Fire Requirements

Part VIII –Fire Alarms, Fire Detection etc.

Part IX –Miscellaneous

BL 254: Buildings to which Parts VII & VIII apply

BL 257: Malaysian Standards shall supersede that of British Standards
BL 258: requirements of compliance by the qualified person in the
event of building failure
BL 258(5): in the event of a building failure the qualified person is
always be held responsible even though the plans,
calculations have been approved by the LA
First Schedule
Submission fees for plans, permits etc.

Second Schedule
Form A : Certification of Building/ Structural Plans
Form B : Notice of Commencement/ Resumption of Building Operations
Form C : Notice of Completion of Setting-Out
Form D : Notice of Completion of Foundations
Form E : Application for the Issues of CFO
Form F : Certificate of Completion & Compliance

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