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Unit 1: Curriculum
Through this unit, I have learned that curriculum does not have a specific definition. It
has a variety of definitions made by several famous people and authors, one says ‘curriculum is
an organized set of formal education and/or training intentions’ while the other says ‘curriculum
can be defined as a plan for action or a written document that includes strategies for achieving
desired goals.’ And regardless how people define curriculum, what I have learned from this
lesson is that curriculum is dynamic. It changes overtime and keep on changing as time goes by
in order to fit in and to cater the needs of the students that will help them face and survive the
21st century real life challenges. I also learned that curriculum is consists of detailed action plans
with specific learning objectives, content, activities, goals, outcomes and required skills
competencies that every student must obtain and achieve all over the course.
There was a part in the lesson where in the curriculum is categorized as a product, as a
program of the study, as an intended learnings or as an experience. And for me, I think
curriculum can be considered as all of those four since curriculum can be an electronic media
that can be a product as it can describe what students are capable of, it can also be a program of
the study as it contains everything that a students must learn. It can also be an intended learning
as institutions give us the curriculum that helps us to accomplish the outcomes of its learnings
and lastly, curriculum can also be an experience as it contains different activities that learners
must do and encounter that will serve as a lesson to them. Concepts, bases and aims of
curriculum were also discussed in the unit 1 and of course, the types of curriculum as well. And
as a future teacher, we must know these things in order for us to become more informed and
knowledgeable with regards to what are the things we are going to teach our students. Knowing
that curriculum serves as a blueprint in teaching and learning, the different types of curriculum
will be a huge help to every educator on what intended learning outcomes our students must
attain all throughout the course and also to keep us in track in what instructional teaching
techniques, approaches and strategies we have to use for us to be an effective educator to our
Through this unit, I was able to understand what curriculum is and what it comprises of. I
also got to know and distinguished the roles of the stake holders in curriculum development.
Besides, I realized how important curriculum is as it serves as guide and pattern for the educators
and learners to follow in their teaching and learning process in order know what teaching
strategies will best fit to the learning style of the students to help them learn best and to also
obtain and achieve the intended learning outcomes all throughout the course.

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