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Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1–13



Chloride binding of cement-based materials subjected to

external chloride environment – A review
Qiang Yuan a,1, Caijun Shi b,*, Geert De Schutter c, Katrien Audenaert c, Dehua Deng a
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Central South University, Hunan, China
College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Hunan, China
Magnel Laboratory for Concrete Research, Department of Structural Engineering, Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 904, B-9052 Ghent
(Zwijnaarde), Ghent University, Belgium

Received 27 May 2007; received in revised form 4 February 2008; accepted 8 February 2008
Available online 24 March 2008


This paper reviews the chloride binding of cement-based materials subjected to external chloride environments. Chloride ion exist
either in the pore solution, chemically bound to the hydration products, or physically held to the surface of the hydration products. Chlo-
ride binding of cement-based material is very complicated and influenced by many factors, such as chloride concentration, cement com-
position, hydroxyl concentration, cation of chloride salt, temperature, supplementary cementing materials, carbonation, sulfate ions and
electrical field etc. Four different types of binding isotherms, namely linear, Langmuir, Freundlich and BET binding isotherm have been
proposed to describe the relationship between free and bound chloride, none of which can accurately express the relationships between
free and bound chloride within the whole concentration range. Freundlich binding isotherm seems to be the most approximate one.
However, some field data fit linear isotherm well. This may be ascribed to the leakage of hydroxyl ion. Many service life prediction mod-
els based on diffusion mechanism alone have been proposed during the past two decades. If chloride ion binding is not considered in the
models, it underestimates the predicated service life.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Chloride ion; Binding; Cement-based materials; Binding isotherm


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Factors affecting chloride binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1. Chloride concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2. Cement composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2.1. C3A and C4AF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2.2. C3S and C2S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2.3. SO3 content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3. Supplementary cementitious materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3.1. Silica fume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3.2. Fly ash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3.3. Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Q. Yuan), (C. Shi).
Present address: School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Central South University, Hunan, China.

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 Q. Yuan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1–13

2.4. Hydroxyl ion concentration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 5

2.5. Cation of chloride salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 5
2.6. Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 6
2.7. Carbonation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 6
2.8. Sulfate ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 6
2.9. Electrical Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 6
3. Binding isotherm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 7
3.1. Linear binding isotherm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 7
3.2. Langmuir isotherm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 7
3.3. Freundlich binding isotherm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 7
3.4. Brunauer, Emmett, Teller (BET) isotherm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 8
4. Experimental determination of binding isotherm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 8
4.1. Equilibrium method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 8
4.2. Pore solution expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 8
4.3. Diffusion cell method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 8
4.4. Migration test method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 8
5. Effect of chloride binding on transport of chloride in concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 9
6. Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1. Introduction structure and slows down the transport of chloride ion.

Therefore, the effect of chloride binding must be taken into
Chloride-induced corrosion of steel bar dominates the account when studying the chloride ion transport in
durability of concrete structures exposed to marine envi- concrete.
ronments and de-icing salts. It is well known that the high Concrete is a porous material that has both solid and
alkaline medium provided by the cement matrix in concrete liquid components. The mass transport through the solid
maintains the steel bar in a passive state, where the corro- portion of the matrix is negligible when compared to that
sion rate is significantly low due to the formation of a layer through the pores. When concrete is saturated, the trans-
of iron oxide on the surface of steel. However, a localized port is controlled by the movement of mass through the
breakdown of the passive layer occurs when a sufficient pore solution. When concrete is not saturated, it is con-
amount of chloride ion reaches the steel bar. Corrosion is trolled by suction. Chlorides can exist either in the pore
then initiated. solution, chemically bound to hydration products, or phys-
In the context of chloride-induced corrosion, it is rea- ically held to the surface of hydration products [6]. Some
sonable to consider the service life of reinforced concrete researchers [7,8] believed that only free chloride ion in
structures as consisting of two stages [1]. The first stage is the pore solution is responsible for initiating corrosion.
generally related to the time needed for a critical chloride However, Glass [9–11] indicated that bound chloride may
concentration to reach the steel bar, which is related to also be responsible for the corrosion initiation due to the
the transport of chloride ion in concrete. In some recently release of some bound chloride ions into the pore solution.
developed service life prediction models [2,3], the first Thus, total chloride, instead of free chloride, is sometimes
stage, i.e., the initiation period, is regarded as the service used to evaluate corrosion risk of reinforcements in con-
life. The subsequent propagation stage extends on to the crete. Due to the retardation effect of bound chloride, the
time when the structure has been damaged by corrosion free and bound chlorides must be distinguished from each
beyond acceptable limits, which is related to the expansion other in service life prediction models. Chemical binding is
of corrosion products in concrete and resulted cracks. generally the result of reaction between chlorides and C3A
Some models also include this period in the service life [4]. to form Friedel’s salt or the reaction with C4AF to form a
When chloride ion from environmental solutions pene- Friedel’s salt analogue [12,13]. Physical binding is due to
trates into the concrete, some of them are captured by the adsorption of chloride ion to the C–S–H surfaces.
the hydration products. This is called chloride binding. Ramachandran [14] distinguished three types of interaction
Chloride binding is significant to the study of the service with C–S–H: in a chemisorbed layer on hydrated calcium
life of concrete structures for three reasons: (1) reduction silicates, present in the C–S–H interlayer spaces, and inti-
of the free chloride concentration in the vicinity of the rein- mately bound in the C–S–H lattice. Tang and Nilsson
forcing steel which will reduce the chance of corrosion; (2) [15] suggested that most of the bound chloride is physically
removal of chloride from the diffusion flux, thus retarding bound to ion exchange sites of C–S–H gel. They also sug-
the penetration of chloride to the level of the steel [5], (3) gested that a significant degree of reversibility exists and,
formation of Friedel’s salt, which results in a less porous thus, reducing the pore solution chloride concentration
Q. Yuan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1–13 3

could result in desorption of bound chlorides. However,

Henocq and Marchand et al. [16] found that physical bind-
ing only accounts for a very small fraction of the total chlo-
ride ion bound by cement.
Chloride ion can be introduced into concrete through
two ways: (1) as an admixture (internal chloride); (2) pen-
etration from external environment (external chloride). In
most cases, the service life of reinforced concrete depends
on chloride ion penetrating from the external environment
into the concrete. External chloride affects chloride binding
in a different way from internal chloride [17]. Nagataki
et al. [18] found that the binding capacity of the intruded
chloride is about 2 or 3 times as high as that of the internal
chloride bound in the corresponding cementitious pastes.
No explanations were given on this phenomenon. During
the mass transport, chemically and physically bound chlo-
rides are usually not distinguished from each other. This Fig. 1. Chloride profiles with different values of chloride binding rate [23].
paper reviews the chloride binding of cement-based materi-
als subjected to external chloride environment.
concentration, cation of chloride salt, temperature, supple-
2. Factors affecting chloride binding mentary cementing materials, carbonation, sulfate ions and
electrical field etc. This section discusses how these factors
Usually, binding occurs instantaneously or at least at a affect the chloride binding in detail.
much greater rate than transport velocities. The pore sys-
tem is always considered to be at equilibrium. This assump- 2.1. Chloride concentration
tion may be valid, when the chloride ion travels slowly, just
in the case of diffusion alone. While, this may not be valid Chloride concentration is probably one of the most
when the ions are moving quickly and the test duration is important factors affecting the chloride binding. Several
short, as in the case of the rapid migration test. In this case, studies have confirmed that a higher concentration of
transport would be occurring too quickly for equilibrium external chloride results in a higher chloride concentration
to be maintained [19,20]. Tang and Nilsson [15] found that in the pore solution, and consequently a high level of chlo-
when crushed particles (with the size of 0.25–0.2 mm) were ride binding [25–27]. For a given cement, a maximum bind-
immersed in chloride solution, chemical binding was com- ing capacity exists for chloride ion. Under this limit, the
plete after less than fourteen days. However, Arya et al. higher the chloride concentration in the pore solution is,
[21] found that bound chlorides were still increasing after the more chloride ion has the chance to access to the bind-
84 days of immersion in 2% chloride solution. Truc [22] ing sites, and the higher the chloride binding will be. The
believed that the rate of chloride binding on crushed mor- relationship between free chloride and bound chloride is
tar particles is very high. Indeed, more than 80% of the known as binding isotherm, which will be discussed in
bound chlorides are bound in less than 5 h. details in Section 3.
Tang [23] found that the rate of chloride binding
changes the shape of chloride profile, although it does 2.2. Cement composition
not remarkably change the penetration depth, as shown
in Fig. 1, where k represents the binding rate, and C/Cs rep- 2.2.1. C3A and C4AF
resents the ratio of the chloride concentration at the point In the case of internal chloride, Racheeduzzafar et al.
of interest to the surface chloride concentration. Stanish [28] found a substantial reduction in water-soluble chloride
[24] carried out some studies to evaluate the binding rate content with increased C3A content. In addition, they also
of cement. A high variation was observed in his research. found X-ray diffractogram evidence of calcium chloroalu-
1% and 5% NaCl solution was used as immersion solution, minate formation in chloride penetrated concrete made
and the chloride ion concentration was titrated by 0.01 N with cement with 9% and 14% C3A. Blunk et al. [25]
AgNO3 solution. The NaCl solution has to be diluted noticed that a pure C3A-gypsum mixture bound more chlo-
before titration. This accounts for the high variation [24]. rides than an ordinary Portland cement and C3S paste
According to the author, despite the variability, it was con- when they were treated with chloride solutions of varying
cluded that most binding occurs within the first one or two concentrations. Arya et al. [21] stored ordinary Portland
hours of exposure. cement (OPC) and sulfate resistant Portland cement
The binding of chloride ion by cementitious materials is (SRPC) in a 20 g/l NaCl solution, and found that SRPC
very complicated, and is influenced by many factors includ- bound considerably less chloride than OPC, because of a
ing chloride concentration, cement composition, hydroxyl lower C3A content. Several studies have been carried out
4 Q. Yuan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1–13

tion. It is generally accepted that the amount of bound

chlorides increases with increased alumina-bearing phase.
Under the action of carbonation or intruded sulfate, the
chemical binding is reversible [13].

2.2.2. C3S and C2S

Compared to C3A, much less studies were focused on
C3S and C2S. C–S–H gel is the main hydration product
of Portland cement and dominates the physical binding
of chloride. Physical binding is due to the adsorption of
chloride ion to the C–S–H. Ramachandran [14] distin-
guished three types of interaction with C–S–H: chlorides
can either be present in a chemisorbed layer on the
Fig. 2. Predicted binding data together with the fitted Langmuir adsorp- hydrated calcium silicates, penetrate into the C–S–H inter-
tion isotherms for a 0.45 w/c OPC cement paste [31]. layer spaces, or be intimately bound in the C–S–H lattice.
The higher the content of C3S and C2S is, the higher phys-
ical binding of chloride will be. Tang and Nilsson [15]
in the case of internal chloride to study the influence of found that chloride binding capacity of OPC concrete is
C3A on binding [12,26,29,30], all the results indicate that strongly dependent on the C–S–H content in the concrete
higher C3A content results in higher binding capacity. regardless of the water–cement ratio and the addition of
Glass and Buenfeld [31] developed a model to predict the aggregate. Beaudoin et al. [33] suggested that the binding
free chloride concentration as a function of various input capacity of C–S–H depends on its C/S ratio. Lower C/S
variables. The effect of C3A content on the binding iso- ratios result in lower binding capacities. However, by add-
therm is shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the chloride ing chloride to pure alite paste, Lambert et al. [34] found
binding increases significantly as the C3A content increases. that C–S–H only absorb a very small amount of chloride
Due to the reactions between chloride ion and C3A or ions.
C4AF, resulting in the formation of Friedel’s salt and its While C3A and C4AF dominate the chemical binding of
analogues, the contents of C3A and C4AF in cement dom- chloride ion, C3S and C2S dominate physical binding.
inate chemical binding. The formation of Friedel’s salt may Zibara [17] treated pure C3A, C4AF, C3S and C2S, respec-
be due to direct reaction between C3A and CaCl2, accord- tively with chloride solutions. He found that C3A plays the
ing to the following reaction schemes when NaCl is present most important role in the chloride binding capacity of
[17]: cement. C3A is a good indicator of binding capacity of
CaðOHÞ2 þ 2NaCl ¼ CaCl2 þ 2Naþ þ 2OH ð1Þ cement in the high concentration range (1.0–3.0 M), while
it is not a good indicator of chloride binding at the low
C3 A þ CaCl2 þ 10H2 O ! C3 A  CaCl2  10H2 O ð2Þ concentration (0.1 M). The chloride binding capacity of
According to Suryavanshi et al. [32], Friedel’s salt and its C4AF is one third of that of C3A. The contribution of
analogue forms by two separate mechanisms: adsorption C3S to the binding capacity could possibly range from
and anion-exchange. In the adsorption mechanism, the for- 25% to over 50%.
mation of Friedel’s salt is due to the adsorption of bulk
chloride ion present in the pore solution into the interlayers 2.2.3. SO3 content
of the principal layers, [Ca2Al(OH)6  2H2O]+, of the AFm The SO3 content of cement also affects the chloride bind-
(aluminate ferritemono) structure to balance the charge. In ing. Zibara [17] found that SO3 has a negative influence on
the anion-exchange mechanism, a fraction of the chloride the binding capacity, especially at low chloride concentra-
ion replace OH ions present in the interlayers of the prin- tions (0.1 M). Sulfates react with C3A and C4AF to form
cipal layer of the AFm hydrates (C4AH13 and its deriva- ettringite or monosulphate. As the chloride concentration
tions) to form Friedel’s salt, which is expressed as follows: increases, the monosulphate transforms into Kuzel’s salt
first, and then into Friedel’s salt at higher concentrations.
R  OH þ Naþ þ Cl ! R  Cl þ Naþ þ OH ð3Þ
Ettringite also starts to transform at higher concentration
where R is the principle layer of the AFm hydrates of com- (3.0 M). This could explain why the influence is more sig-
position, [Ca2Al(OH)6  nH2O]+. nificant at low concentrations.
As a result of Friedel’s salt formation by adsorption
mechanism, some Na+ ions, equivalent to the adsorbed 2.3. Supplementary cementitious materials
chloride ions, are removed from the pore solution to main-
tain the ionic charge neutrality. In contrast, the Friedel’s At present, supplementary cementitious materials such
salt formation by the anion-exchange mechanism involves as silica fume, slag and fly ash are widely used as cement
the release of OH ions from the AFm hydrates into the replacements for materials cost, environmental reasons or
pore solution, thereby increasing the pH of the pore solu- improvement of the properties of concrete. Each cementi-
Q. Yuan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1–13 5

tious material has a different chemical composition and the same level as cement paste, the higher binding capacity
physical properties, which results in different effects on disappeared. Therefore, he ascribed the higher binding
chloride binding isotherms. capacity of slag-cement to the dilution effects of sulfate
2.3.1. Silica fume
Arya et al. [21] studied the chloride binding behavior of 2.4. Hydroxyl ion concentration
cement paste with 15% silica fume by exposing the cement
paste to 0.56 M NaCl solution, and found that partial Tritthart [44] immersed cement pastes in chloride solu-
replacement of cement with silica fume decreased chloride tions with different pH values, and found that chloride
binding. Some researchers observed a different trend [35]. binding increased with decreased pH value. Many research-
However, most studies [17,36] showed that silica fume ers [45,46] also found that the hydroxyl concentration in
decreased chloride binding in the case of external chloride. the external environment has a significant influence on
In the case of internal chloride, many studies [21,37,38] chloride binding. The general tendency is that the higher
observed the same phenomena. Three changes may be the hydroxyl concentration is, the lower the amount of
induced by partial replacement of cement with silica fume: bound chloride is (Fig. 3). As pointed out by Tritthart
(1) an increase of the content of C–S–H with lower C/S [44], a competition exists between hydroxyl and chloride
ratio; (2) a reduction in pH value; (3) a dilution effect of ion for adsorption sites on cement surface. Suryavanshi
C3A. The increase in C–S–H may be in favor of binding, [32] also suggested that a competition exists between
but, the lower C/S ratio [33] may also have a negative hydroxyl and chloride ion during their adsorption in the
impact on binding. Page [39] found that the amount of Fri- interlayers of the principal layers, [Ca2Al(OH)6  2H2O]+.
edel’s salt decreases with increasing silica fume content by Roberts [47] suggested that an increased pH of the chloride
using differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetry. solution increases the solubility of Friedel’s salt, thereby,
The reduction in pH may be responsible for it. The dilution releasing chloride to the pore solution and reducing the
effect of C3A may decrease the binding as well. amount of chemically bound chloride.

2.3.2. Fly ash 2.5. Cation of chloride salt

Dhir et al. [40] used the equilibrium method and found
that the chloride binding capacity of cement paste increases Several studies [12,21,25,48] have noticed that cations of
with the increase in fly ash replacement level up to 50%, chloride salts affect the chloride binding. Delagrave et al.
and then declines at 67%. Many other researchers [12] found that CaCl2 resulted in more bound chlorides
[21,35,41] also found that partial replacement of cement than NaCl, as shown in Fig. 4. Arya et al. [21] found that
with fly ash has a positive effect on the chloride binding NaCl resulted in 43% bound chloride, CaCl2 65%, MgCl2
when the cement paste was exposed to a chloride environ- 61% and seawater 43%. The nature of the associated cation
ment. However, Nagataki et al. [18] found that the replace- probably has a predominant influence on the chloroalumi-
ment of 30% cement with fly ash reduced the chloride nate solubility and the accessibility of chloride ion to the
binding capacity of cementious material in the case of adsorption sites [12]. In addition, the presence of Na+ in
external chlorides. There is no good explanation for this. hardened concrete results in a higher pH value than that
In the case of internal chloride, the increase in chloride of Ca2+ and Mg2+. Thus, the degree of competition offered
binding due to the replacement of fly ash was found by OH in NaCl solution is higher than that in CaCl2 and
[21,35,37,42]. An increase in chloride binding may be
mainly ascribed to the high alumina content in fly ash,
which results in the formation of more Friedel’s salt [41].

2.3.3. Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS)

Many researchers [17,18,21,40] have shown that partial
substitution of cement with GGBFS increases the chloride
binding in the case of external chlorides. The increase in
chloride binding due to the replacement of GGBFS was
also observed in the case of internal chloride [21,37,42].
Dhir et al. [40] suggested that high binding capacity of
cement-slag paste may be due to the high alumina content
in slag, resulting in the formation of more Friedel’s salt.
Arya et al. [21] suggested that the increase in adsorbed
chlorides is responsible for the higher level of binding. It
is worthwhile to mention that Xu [43] studied the chloride
binding of cement paste with admixed chloride, and found
that when the sulfate ion in slag-cement paste is raised to Fig. 3. Influence of hydroxyl concentration on chloride binding [45].
6 Q. Yuan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1–13

ical binding, the dropping of pH value due to carbonation

may decrease the degree of competition offered by hydro-
xyl, but increase the solubility of Friedel’s salt [50]. Overall,
carbonation decreases the chemical binding capacity of
cement-based materials. This was verified by the XRD
and DTA results from Suryavanshi and Narayanswamy
[50], under the action of carbonation, chlorides from Fri-
edel’s salt are released into pore solution. Thus, in the pres-
ence of carbonation, reinforcement concrete is at higher
corrosion risk.

2.8. Sulfate ion

It is well known that sulfate ion can react with C3A dur-
ing its hydration process to form monosulphoaluminate or
ettringite. Byfors [35] measured chloride penetrated into
Fig. 4. Influence of cation of chloride salt on the chloride binding cement pastes after immersion in 0.28 M NaCl solutions
isotherms [12]. containing sulfate ions for 8 months, and found that
increased sulfate ion concentrations resulted in slightly
decreased chloride binding. Wowra and Setzer [48]
MgCl2 solution. Wowra and Setzer [48] suggested that an observed similar phenomena. Holden et al. [51] suggest
increase in binding was induced by the adsorption of that sulfate ions preferentially react with C3A and its
Ca2+ ions on the surface of C–S–H, which results in an hydration products and inhibit the formation of Friedel’s
increased positive charge and a subsequent higher adsorp- salt. Brown and Badger [52] investigated the distributions
tion of chloride ion in the double electrical layers. of bound sulfates and chlorides in concrete subjected to
mixed NaCl, MgSO4, and Na2SO4 attack, and found that
2.6. Temperature the microstructure of these concretes are characterized by
zones of gypsum near the top and bottom surfaces, zones
Larsson [49] and Roberts [47] found that the amount of of ettringite adjacent to these, and central zones of mono-
bound chloride decreased as temperature increases. Indeed, sulphoaluminate and Friedel’s salt. The formation of Fri-
for a physical adsorption, an elevated temperature edel’s salt is due to the higher penetration velocity of
increases the thermal vibration of absorbates, resulting in chloride ion than sulfate ion. Thus, sulfate ions may
more unbound chloride. For a chemical reaction, although decrease the chloride binding, whether sulfate ions were
an elevated temperature increases the reaction rate, it may added into concrete or penetrate into concrete from an
also increase the solubility of the reaction products (Fri- external environment.
edel’s salt), resulting in more reactants free at the equilib-
rium. Zibara [17] found that at a low chloride 2.9. Electrical Field
concentration (0.1 M, 1.0 M), an increased temperature
resulted in a decreased binding; while at high chloride con- It is very common now to use an applied voltage to accel-
centration (3.0 M), an increased temperature results in an erate the chloride transport and to shorten test duration dur-
increased binding. ing the measurement of resistance of concrete to chloride
transport. However, very few data are reported in literature
2.7. Carbonation concerning the influence of the electrical field on the chloride
binding. Ollivier et al. [53] examined the chloride binding
There are few publications dealing with the effect of car- after a migration test and found no difference in binding
bonation on the binding. Zibara [17] immersed three differ- capacity over an applied voltage range of 2  30 V. How-
ent pre-carbonated pastes into chloride solutions with ever, it is possible that chloride binding is already affected
different concentrations, and found that the pastes had when a voltage as low as 2 V is applied. Castellote et al.
almost no binding capacity. [54] also examined the effect of electrical potential on chlo-
Carbonation changes the nature of hydration products ride binding after a non-steady state migration experiment.
and will definitely have a great effect on the chloride ion They found that no binding occurs as long as the total chlo-
binding of the cement pastes. After carbonation, the hydra- ride concentration remains below 0.14%. Above this level
tion products are converted to CaCO3, silica gel and alu- the amount of bound chlorides is less than what would be
mina gel, and the pH value of the system drops to about expected in a natural diffusion experiment. It is worthwhile
9. For physical binding, the decomposition of C–S–H to study further the effect of electrical field on chloride bind-
and the reduction in total porosity may provide fewer sites ing of concrete, especially of concrete with various supple-
for ion exchange reaction and physical binding. For chem- mentary cementing materials.
Q. Yuan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1–13 7

3. Binding isotherm tration is defined as free chloride according to Mohammed

and Hamada [57], and the acid-soluble chloride concentra-
The relationship between free and bound chloride ions tion is defined as total chloride. In another study, Sandberg
over a range of chloride concentrations at a given temper- [58] found the linear relationship between free and total
ature are known as the chloride binding isotherms. Until chloride concentration in field-exposed concrete, which is
now, four types of binding isotherm (i.e., linear, Langmuir, different from the corresponding relationship measured in
Freundlich and BET binding isotherm) have been pro- equilibrium experiments. He ascribed the difference to the
posed to describe the relationship, which are described in leaching of hydroxyl. In his study, the free chloride concen-
the following sections. tration was obtained by the pore solution expression
method, and the acid-soluble chloride was defined as the
3.1. Linear binding isotherm total chloride.

Tuutti [55] proposed a linear binding isotherm, which 3.2. Langmuir isotherm
can be expressed as follows:
C b ¼ kC f ð4Þ The Langmuir isotherm, derived from physical chemis-
try, is assuming monolayer adsorption, which explains that
where Cb is the concentration of bound chlorides, k is a the slope of the isotherm curve at high concentrations
constant and Cf is the concentration of free chlorides. It approaches zero. It is of the following form:
is valid for free chloride concentrations lower than 20 g/l.
aC f
Arya et al. [21] proposed a linear relationship with an inter- Cb ¼ ð5Þ
cept on the axis for bound or total chlorides. ð1 þ bC f Þ
Ramachandran et al. [56] found that the linear binding where a and b are constants, which vary with the binder
isotherm was not valid based on their results. The non-lin- composition. These coefficients are obtained by non-linear
ear relationship between free and total chlorides is now curve-fitting of the experimental data and have no physical
becoming generally accepted. The linear relationship is an meanings. In the case of chloride binding, the Langmuir
oversimplification and seems to be applicable within a lim- isotherm indicates that all the absorption sites are occupied
ited range of chloride concentrations [22]. It overestimates by chloride ion at high free chloride concentration. Sergi
chloride binding at high chloride concentration, and under- et al. [59] used the Langmuir isotherm to account for the
estimates chloride binding at low chloride concentrations, relationship between free and bound chloride, and ob-
as shown in Fig. 5. tained values of a and b as 1.67 and 4.08, respectively, by
However, some researchers [57,58] found that the rela- linear regression analysis of data from OPC paste samples
tionships between free chloride and total chloride contents with w/c = 0.5 (Cf and Cb were expressed by the authors as
in field-exposed concrete are linear. Mohammed and mol/ l and mmol/g of cement, respectively). Obviously, dif-
Hamada [57] found that there were linear relationships ferent units of free and total chloride content used in the
between free chloride and bound chloride in concrete based isotherm can result in different a and b. Tang and Nilsson
on several long-term, ranging from 10 years to 30 years, [15] found that the Langmuir isotherm was an excellent fit
exposure tests under marine environment for various types of their binding data at concentrations lower than 0.05 M.
of cement, such as ordinary Portland cement, high early
strength Portland cement, moderate heat Portland cement, 3.3. Freundlich binding isotherm
calcium aluminate cement, slag-cement and fly ash cement.
It should be noted that the water-soluble chloride concen- The Freundlich binding isotherm can be expressed as
C b ¼ aC bf ð6Þ
where a and b are binding constants. Tang and Nilsson
[15], suggested that monolayer adsorption occurs at low
concentrations (which is described better by Langmuir iso-
therm), but that adsorption becomes more complex at con-
centrations higher than 0.05 M and is described better by
the Freundlich isotherm. The difference between the Fre-
undlich and Langmuir isotherms is their behavior at high
concentrations, as shown in Fig. 5. It was found by Tang
and Nilsson [15], that the Freundlich equation fits the data
very well in a range of free chloride concentrations from
0.01 to 1 M. This range covers the two most important
magnitude orders of free chloride concentration in sea
Fig. 5. Plots of the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms [17]. water. Both Truc [22] and Tang [23] used Freundlich
8 Q. Yuan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1–13

binding isotherm in their models to predict the chloride shorten the time to reach equilibrium, the sample is
transport in concrete. required to be crushed to the size of 0.25–2 mm, which
may result in carbonation and allow further hydration.
3.4. Brunauer, Emmett, Teller (BET) isotherm This may affect the test accuracy [62]. Actually, it is very
difficult to reach an equilibrium. Arya et al. [21] found that
Brunauer, Emmett, Teller (BET) is originally applied to bound and free chloride ions were still increasing after 84
gas adsorption. Xu [60] used a modified BET isotherm to days of immersion in 2% chloride solution.
describe the chloride binding:
  2  4.2. Pore solution expression
a ccs 1  ð1  bÞ 1  b ccs
¼    ð7Þ In this method, pore solution is expressed by pressing
cbm b 1  b c 1  b c þ a c ð1  b c þ c
cs cs cs cs cs the concrete sample under very high pressure. The pore
The equation was also used by Tang [23]. It was found that solution is then analyzed by chemical procedures in order
BET equation corresponds very well with the experimental to obtain the free chloride concentration [63]. This method
results when the free chloride concentrations are lower needs special equipment. Sometimes, it is difficult to obtain
than 1 M. However, no report could be identified how it enough pore solution of concrete, especially in the case of a
fits experimental results when free chloride concentration low water to binder ratio. Sergi et al. [59] used this method
is greater than 1 M. to obtain a Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
The method can avoid some potential problems, such as
4. Experimental determination of binding isotherm carbonation, associated with the use of small samples
required by other methods. Furthermore, a complete bind-
The coefficients used in isotherm equations are usually ing isotherm may be obtained on a single specimen. How-
determined by various experiments. This section reviews ever, some loosely bound chloride ions may be released
the common methods used to determine binding isotherms, into the solution under pressure. This results in overesti-
including equilibrium method, pore expression method, mating the free chloride ion concentration. The chloride
diffusion cell method and migration cell method. concentration could be 20% higher than the true value [62].

4.1. Equilibrium method 4.3. Diffusion cell method

The most straightforward and widely applied test Glass et al. [64] proposed that the chloride binding iso-
method is the equilibrium method, which is considered to therm could be obtained from diffusion cell experiments
be quite accurate. In the equilibrium method, samples are used to determine the steady state diffusion coefficients.
simply put in a known chloride solution and wait for equi- After the steady state diffusion experiment, the specimens
librium to be reached. However, reaching equilibrium were removed from the cells and then frozen in nitrogen
needs a quite long time. Up to 1 year is required for cement and subsequently ground to powder samples. The acid-sol-
pastes which were 10 mm thick [44]. To shorten the time to uble chloride content of these samples and the chloride
reach equilibrium, Tang and Nilsson [15] immersed a few content of the storage solutions were determined by poten-
grams of particles in a salt solution having a certain chlo- tiometric titration against silver nitrate. The free chloride
ride concentration. The content of bound chloride is concentration is estimated by assuming that the concentra-
obtained by calculating the difference between the concen- tion gradient is linear under steady state diffusion condi-
tration of the initial solution and the concentration after a tions (i.e., the free chloride concentration in specimens
certain period of exposure, when the equilibrium is does not change with time). Glass’s experimental results
reached. According to Tang and Nilsson [15], with the par- showed that the chloride binding obtained from this
ticle size of 0.25–2 mm, the adsorption equilibrium could method is typical as those obtained by other methods, such
be reached within 14 days. After equilibrium, the inside as equilibrium method and pore solution expression.
solution was pippetted to determine the chloride concentra- Bigas [65] obtained binding isotherm from a series of
tion by potentiometric titration using 0.01 M AgNO3 and diffusion tests with different upstream chloride concentra-
selective electrode. The chloride concentration of the inside tions. In the diffusion test, the steady state flow and the
solution can also be measured by using thin film X-ray time lag is determined for each specimen. The full binding
fluorescence spectrometry on salts precipitated by evapora- isotherm can be determined from the time lag as a function
tion from the solutions chloride ion [61]. By immersing the of chloride concentration. Diffusion cell method is time-
particles in a series of solutions with different concentra- consuming and not easy to manipulate.
tions, the complete binding isotherm can be obtained.
There are some concerns on this method. First, it does 4.4. Migration test method
not take into account the effect of leaching of other species.
In fact, many other ionic species exist in the pore solution, Ollivier et al. [53] and Castellote et al. [54] determined
especially hydroxyl ions, which affect binding. Secondly, to the binding isotherm after the migration test. Castellote
Q. Yuan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1–13 9

et al. [54] determined the amount of bound chlorides from force (chemical potential) and draw-back force (counter-
various layers of a concrete sample after it was subjected to electrical field) [71], can be written as
a non-steady state migration experiment. In the experi-  
D oc o ln c zF oU
ment, X-ray fluorescence was used to obtain the total J ¼ crl ¼ D 1þ  cD ð9Þ
RT ox o ln c RT ox
amount of chlorides, and a leaching method was used to
determine the free amount of chlorides. For the purpose  of simplification, in the literature, the
Ollivier et al. [53] used steady state migration tests to terms 1 þ oo ln
ln c
zF oU
and cD RT ox
are often neglected. Eq. (9)
obtain chloride binding isotherm. After a steady state becomes Fick’s first law:
migration test, the chloride distribution is almost constant oc
throughout the specimen. One point on the binding iso- J ¼ D ð10Þ
therm can be measured from one migration test. By con-
ducting a series of migration test with different upstream For a non-steady state process, one gets Fick’s second law
chloride concentrations, a full binding isotherm could be [73],
obtained. o oc oJ oct ocf ocb ocf ocb
Electrical field shortens the time to reach the equilib- D ¼ ¼ ¼ þ ¼ 1þ
ox ox ox ot ot ot ot ocf
rium. However, whether the application of electrical field
has an influence on the chloride binding property of cement
is still unknown. Fick’s second law can be used to describe the chloride
As described, several different methods have been used transport. In cases when chloride binding is present, the
to determine the free and bound chloride concentration. bound chloride ion will be removed from the diffusion flux
Each of them uses different procedures and has some draw- and can be subtracted from the conservation of mass equa-
backs. This in turn makes the comparison between different tion:
experimental results difficult. On the other hand, the chlo- ocf o ocf ocb
ride binding can be a very important factor in predicting xe ¼ De xe  ð12Þ
ot ox ox ot
the service life of concrete. Thus, it is important to stan-
ct ¼ cb þ cf  xe ð13Þ
dardize one procedure so the results can be comparable
and can be incorporated into the service life prediction where cf is the free chloride concentration (kg/m solution),
models. cb is the bound chloride concentration (kg/m3 concrete), ct
is the total chloride concentration (kg/m3 concrete), and De
5. Effect of chloride binding on transport of chloride in is the effective diffusion coefficient. xe is the evaporable
concrete water content (m3 solution/m3 concrete). Inserting Eq. (9)
into (8), one obtains,
In most field cases, chloride ion may penetrate into con-    
oct ocf ocb o ocf
crete through a combined mechanism of hydraulic advec- ¼ xe þ ¼ De xe ð14Þ
ot ot ocf ox ox
tion, capillary suction, diffusion and thermal migration.
Diffusion is the dominating mechanism in the case of satu- Thus
rated concrete, such as concrete submerged in seawater. In De
the past decades, many models [22,23,66], based on diffu- Da ¼   ð15Þ
sion alone have been developed to predict chloride penetra- 1 þ x1e ocf
tion into saturated concrete. Also, some models [67–69]
The influence of various binding isotherms on Da is shown
based on combined mechanisms have been developed to
in the following equation:
predict chloride penetration into unsaturated concrete.
No binding:
This paper focuses on the diffusion of chloride ion in satu-
rated concrete. As discussed in the introduction, chloride cb ¼ 0; Da ¼ De
binding has a significant effect on the chloride transport Linear isotherm:
process. It retards chloride ion penetrating into concrete
and prolongs the time for corrosion initiation. Therefore, ocb De
cb ¼ kcf ; ¼ k; Da ¼
in order to better predict the chloride transport process, ocf 1 þ x1e k
chloride binding should be taken into account in the
Freundlich isotherm:
When chloride ion transports through diffusion alone, ocb De
cb ¼ acbf ; ¼ abcb1
f ; Da ¼
the chemical gradient is the only driving force. The chemi- ocf 1 þ x1e abcb1
cal potential of chloride is given by [70–72]:
Langmuir isotherm:
l ¼ l0 þ RT ln ðccÞ ð8Þ
acf acb a De
The movement of ionic species is under the gradient of elec- cb ¼ ; ¼ ; Da ¼ a
1 þ bcf acf ð1 þ bcf Þ2 1 þ xð1þbc Þ2
trochemical potential, which is the combination of driving
10 Q. Yuan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1–13

Martı́n-Pérez et al. [74] solved the conservation of mass vice life. If no binding is accounted for in the model, the
equations by using one-dimensional finite-difference meth- total chloride concentration is higher than that when bind-
od. The initial and boundary conditions used for the ing is considered in the model. Based on the results from
numerical analysis were the followings: Martı́n-Pérez’s, we can understand how significantly the
calculated chloride profiles depend on the assumed binding
t = 0, cf = c0, at x > 0 isotherm used in the model. Subsequently, the binding iso-
t > 0, cf = cs, at x = 0 therms affect the predicted penetration depth and the time
t > 0, cf = c0, at x = L. for corrosion initiation.
The model mentioned above is the simplest one, in
L is the thickness of the concrete sample, t is the time, cs which many factors influencing the chloride binding and
is the surface chloride concentration, and c0 is the back- chloride transport were neglected, such as pH, tempera-
ground concentration. ture, age etc. In fact, the continuous hydration of cement
Three binding scenarios were considered in the model: affects the chloride binding as well. The change of pH
(1) no binding; (2) linear binding isotherm; (3) Freundlich due to leakage of hydroxyl is also known to influence the
binding isotherm. It was assumed that the effective diffu- relationship between free and bound chloride. Because of
sion coefficient De was 1.0  1012 m2/s, the surface chlo- these simplifications, the model used in Martı́n-Pérez’s
ride concentration was 0.5 M and xe was 8%. paper, whose original purpose is to use a simplified model
Figs. 6 and 7 show that the predicted free and total chlo- to clarify the chloride binding on service life prediction, is
ride concentration profiles after 5 years and 50 years of not appropriate for the service life prediction, Tang [23]
exposure to 0.5 M chloride solution. As shown in the pre- developed a model, called ClinConc, to predict chloride
dicted total chloride concentration profiles, the order of the transport in concrete, in which a Freundlich binding iso-
free chloride concentration at a given depth is: Freundlich therm was implemented. The pH and the temperature
binding < linear binding < no binding. This means that effects were also considered. The equations were solved
when no binding is considered in the model, free chloride using a finite-difference method. Truc [22] also developed
concentration reaches the threshold earliest. This may a more complicated model, called MsDiff, in which the
result in an underestimation of the concrete structure’s ser- interactions of four types of ions were considered. He

Fig. 6. Predicted free chloride concentration profiles at 5 years and 50 years for 0.5 M exposure condition [74].

Fig. 7. Predicted total chloride concentration profiles at 5 years and 50 years for 0.5 M exposure condition [74].
Q. Yuan et al. / Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1–13 11

applied the Freundlich binding isotherm. Although these chloride. The assumption of monolayer adsorption in the
models are sophisticated, chloride binding may have simi- Langmuir isotherm seems far from reality at high concen-
lar influences on the predicted results of these models. trations, although it fits well with experimental results at
Instead of using binding isotherms, Samson and Marc- low concentrations. Due to the numerical complexity,
hand considered only chemical binding, but neglected BET isotherm is seldom applied in the service life predic-
physical binding [67,75]. The chemical equilibrium of vari- tion models. The Freundlich isotherm corresponds with
ous solid phases, including portlandite, ettringite, Friedel’s the experimental results very well at the concentrations
salt, C–S–H, gypsum etc, present in cement material is ver- which cover the range of free chloride concentrations in
ified at each point by considering the concentrations of all seawater. When no binding or linear binding is consid-
ions. A local chemical equilibrium throughout the system ered in the prediction models, it underestimates the service
was assumed. These assumptions are questionable, because life.
physical binding may also play an important role in the However, in some long-term field cases, a linear rela-
binding phenomena. tionship between free and bound chloride was found. This
may be ascribed to the leakage of hydroxyl. So, in order to
6. Concluding remarks accurately describe the relationship between free and
bound chloride in field cases, many other factors, such as
Chloride binding is a very complicated process and is the leakage of hydroxyl, temperature, etc, should be
affected by many factors, such as chloride concentration, considered.
cement composition, hydroxyl concentration, cation of Modeling binding phenomena by chemical equilibrium
chloride salt, temperature, supplementary cementing at each point is advanced over binding isotherm tech-
materials, carbonation, sulfate ions and electrical field. niques. However, the physical binding should not be
In many cases, it is assumed that concrete is saturated neglected. More research is needed to develop models
and carbonation does not happen. In fact, in some cases, incorporating physical binding.
such as splash zone and concrete subjected to de-icing
salt, carbonation may occur progressively at the same
time. However, there are few publications, which deal Acknowledgements
with the effect of carbonation on the binding. It is neces-
sary to establish the relationship between carbonation and The authors wish to express their acknowledgement to
binding. the research fund of Ghent University for their financial
An electrical field is widely used to accelerate the chlo- support. The financial support of the FWO-Flander is
ride transport. However, the effect of an electrical field greatly acknowledged.
on the binding behavior of cement-based materials is gen-
erally neglected. The binding in the presence of an electrical
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