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Assignment 1

1. State whether y[n] = x2[n] is memoryless on not. Explain your answer.

2. Define a homogeneous system

Is a system described by y[n] =x2[n]/x[n-1] homogeneous ?. Explain

3. Explain what is meant by a shift invariant system.

State whether a system described by y[n] = x[n] + x[-n] is shift variant. Justify your
4. Define a causal system and classify system defined by

y[n] = x[n] + x[n + 2] as causal or non-causal with a suitable justification.

5. Compute the discrete time convolution y(n) = x[n]*h[n]
where x[n] = anu[n] and h[n]= u[n]
6. Prove the commutative property of convolution
7. Compute the DT convolution y(n) = x[n]*h[n]
given x[n] = {1 10 ≤ n≤ 20
{0 Otherwise
h[n]= = {n -5 ≤ n ≤ 5
{0 Otherwise
8. If the response of a linear shift-invariant system to a unit step is
Find the unit sample response h[n]
9. Given two sequences
x[n] = u[n] -u [n-6] and h[n] = u[n-2] –u[n-5]
i. Plot x[n] and h[n]
ii. Compute the correlation between the sequences
iii. Plot the correlation
10. Given two sequences
x1[n] ={3,1,2} and x2[n] = [-1,2,2}
Compute the cross correlation Rxy and Ryx

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