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how to write A good ESSAY?

Presenting By
- Group 4 -
the list of
members of group 4

209 203 204


210 208 205


let's break it down

What is an essay?
Why we have to write an essay?
What is the structure & the format of an essay?
Example of an essay
What is an outline of an essay and its
Why we have to write an outline of an essay?
How to write an outline?
- Definition -
The essay is a written piece that is
designed to present an idea, propose an
argument, express emotion, or initiate
why we have to practice
writing an essay?

education carrier yourself community

Imrpoving your Many jobs are You can help your
Develop your
quality as a requiring workers to community by
critical thinking skill
student have a briliant ideas giving ideas

achievement ideas Value

By having a lot of
There is a lot of Essay is one of the
knowledge and good
competition to write best ways to
criticcal thinking you can
an essay develop your ideas
be a better person
the structure or the format of an essay

A basic structure of a good essay is consist of

three main parts:

1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion
An essay can be as short as 500 words, it can also be 5000 words or more.
However, most essays fall somewhere around 1000 to 3000 words.

Five paragraph essay

another form of essay
This is the most common type of
formal essay.
Argumentative Definition descriptive
- It follows an easy outline structure
essay essay essay
an opening introduction paragraph;
three body paragraphs to expand
the thesis, and a conclusion to sum
it up.
the example of
The Importance of Education For People
By: Sucik Rahayu

Nowadays, education is very crucial for people. Moreover, some countries pay more attention to develop their
education. The education development affects the quality of the country as well. There are two reasons why
education is very crucial for the country. That are for professional and personal reasons.The first importance of
education for people is for professional life.
However it is very needed for looking for a job in the field you want entered. If you have diploma, you will be considered when recruitment career or when you get
interviewed. Not only that, in work environment, educated people more respected. In the reason, they considered as a smart person by the people around him.
Furthermore when we already be employees in company, educated people will more considered to be promoted or getting involve in any project company. Indirectly we
have been work hard and of course we will get salary and bonuses from what we did and it will improve our future financial.
The second importance of education for people is for personal life. We cannot be denied that have higher education very helpful in our daily life. For example when we
have any problems. We can think what is the right one and what is the wrong one by
thinking on it and think the effects if we take that action. In short, if we have problems, we have to find a way out wisely. Therefore, if we usually facing problems it will help
us to be more mature in thinking something in life also more be careful in make decision so that we are not wrong in solving the problems. In order we can be a wise
people. In conclusion, personal and professional are being the two important reasons of education development. Personal reason includes self quality to solve the
Besides professional reasons can be the promotions from the company and additional salary or bonuses. However higher education background is not the only reasons
that can make them easier to apply a job. In contrast world of work also needs soft skill. Therefore higher education background must be balanced with soft skill. In order
to accomplished the standard criteria of apply for job.
- Definition -
An outline is a tool used to organize
written ideas about a topic
or thesis into a logical order. Outlines
arrange major topics,
subtopics, and supporting details.
the characteristics of outline

Characteristics of Outlines Crafting your

outline with these four characteristics will
help write more clearly.

1. Parallelism: That is, the headings should

match in the form
2. Coordination: The headings at one level
should all have the same level of
3. Subordination: The headings should be
more general than the subheadings.
4. Division: Each heading should be
subdivided into at least two subheadings.
Why we have to write an
outline of an essay?

Writing an outline can help writer get over any initial writer's
block when starting a project because an outline can also be
used as a brainstorming tool, helping to writer develop thoughts
so writer know just what it is writer want to write. An outline
can help writer to clarify thoughts, as well.
How to write an
- Identify your topic or thesis statement.
- Decide what points you would like to discuss during your paper.
- Put your points in logical, numerical order so that each point
connects back to your main point.

- Write possible transitions between paragraphs.

q & a
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