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Questionnaire (Health Management Information System)

Submitted To

Sir Shahzad Akhtar Aziz

Submitted by

Maham Nadeem (20384)

Samia Shad (19772)
Saba Javed (20215)


1st (Healthcare Systems in Pakistan)

Submitted On

10th May 2020


1) BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................... 3
2) QUESTIONNAIRE ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 SECTION A: DEMOGRAPHICS .............................................................................................. 5
2.2 SECTION B: SURVEY ............................................................................................................... 5
2.3 SECTION C: SURVEY................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 SECTION D: SURVEY ............................................................................................................... 6
3) REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 7


The Health Management Information System (HMIS) is a system
whereby data is recorded, stored, retrieved and processed to stream-
line operational deficiencies in health care settings. The system is
among the building blocks of health system and provides data needed
for other components including health workforce, access to medicines
etc. The implementation of HMIS is considered as a top priority of
modern healthcare systems.1Use of this system can lead to improved
quality of care, minimization of medical error and reduction in healthcare costs.2,3,4 Clinical care of
patients considerably depends on the collection and analysis of medical data for decision making
while devising management plans, thus use of this electronic system can have a significant impact
on the quality of patient care. 5,6

The information technology has been identified as

a critical factor that could significantly improve
healthcare quality and safety that is why use of
HMIS has become more pervasive globally.
The motivation behind this trend lies in its
capability to reduce the complexity of paper based
systems, upgrade the scope of patient as well as
data management, improve compliance with health
regulations, warrant availability of information to support more structured care, and augment security
around patient confidentiality.9

Most of the health organizations had no electronic health records (HER) systems implemented in past
and they used to depend either on manual paper work or on very basic software tools to perform day
to day tasks including Outpatient and inpatient facilities.10 But, now this facility is being provided at
all levels of healthcare system even at primary health care centers.

Integration of health information technology into the workflow of the healthcare providers is one of
the most challenging tasks.8 Regardless of the availability of large number of health information

technology applications, evidence suggests that its use has not been well accepted by healthcare
providers including doctors, nurses, paramedics and laboratory personnel. 11

Evidence has suggested failed clinical system implementations, due to lack of adoption by users 12.
Barriers to use of this system include scarce resources in terms of finance and lack of technical
support, uncertain quality and underutilization of data, lack of motivation and feedback at the level
of health managers.13

Despite the significant role of HMIS in improving healthcare efficiency, research is scarce regarding
information technology acceptance in a healthcare environment. Therefore, this is high time to
investigate the perceptions of healthcare providers towards the health information technology
applications. Objective of this study was to investigate usage perception of doctors towards HMIS.
This research is an attempt to understand the perceptions of healthcare providers towards health
information technology applications in Public sector hospitals of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. In addition,
the research will investigate the effect of demographics on the perceptions of the healthcare providers
towards the health information technology applications.

Dear Respondent,
We are students of MS (HCM) at Riphah International University Islamabad. Our research interest
primarily lies in studying usage perceptions of doctors towards the Hospital Management
Information System (HMIS). You can help us in pursuing this research by completing the attached
questionnaire. Let me assure you that, by strictly following the research ethics, your replies will be
kept highly confidential and the data acquired will only be used for academic research purposes.
Please note that your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Please feel free to decline if
you do not want to participate for any reason.
Read the instructions carefully and answer all the questions. There are no “trick” questions, so please
answer each item honestly. It is important that all the questions should be answered. We once again
thank you for your assistance and cooperation in this noble cause.
Maham, Samia, Saba
Students of Master of Science of Healthcare Management
Riphah International University.

Instructions: Please tick the following with appropriate answer.
1. Gender: Male Female
2. Which category below includes your age?
a. 25 or younger b. 26-35 c. 36-45 d. 46-55 e. 55 or above
Designation: __________________
3. Overall job experience:
a. Less than a year b. 1-2 years c. 3-5 years d. 5 years or more
4. Experience with current organization
a. Less than a year b. 1-2 years c. 3-5 years d. 5 years or more
5. Formal computer training
a. Yes b. No


Instructions: Using the scale provide, please tick the option that best describes how much you agree
with each statement.

1-Strongly 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly

Disagree agree

Perceived Usefulness
# 1 2 3 4 5

1 HMIS is integrated in the daily work

2 Information provided by HMIS makes my work easier
3 I have access to the information where I need it
4 I have access to the information when I need it
5 I can find all the information I need
6 The information is always updated
7 The data I register are important for the care of the patients
8 I am certain about the reliability of the data documented.

Instructions: Using the scale provide, please tick the option that best describes how much you agree
with each statement.

1-Highly 2-Unsatisfied 3-Neutral 4-Satisfied 5-Highly

unsatisfied satisfied

User Satisfaction
# 1 2 3 4 5
9 How satisfied are you with HMIS service quality
How satisfied are you with HMIS service personnel attitude
and performance
11 How satisfied are you with overall HMIS monetary cost
How do you feel about your overall experience of HMIS


Instructions: Using the scale provide, please tick the option that best describes how much you agree
with each statement.

1-Strongly 2-Disagree 3-Neutral 4-Agree 5-Strongly

Disagree agree

Doctor’s perception
# 1 2 3 4 5
13 I find it easier to work with electronic system than paper
14 I have confidence that information is more secure and
confidential in electronic compared to paper
15 I believe the computer system will save the hospital money
16 I believe the cost of learning new computer systems is not
worth the benefits
17 I prefer using a paper-based system
18 I would like to move to a paperless system as soon as

1. Castells, M., Lupiáñez, F., Saigí, F. and Sánchez, J. E-Health and Society: An Empirical Study
of Catalonia — Summary of the Final Research Report, Catalan Internet Project, UOC and
Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona. 2007
2. Jones, TM. National Infrastructure for e Health: Considerations for Decision Support. Studies in.
Health Technology and Informatics, 2004; 100: 28-34
3. Chaudhry B, Wang J, Wu S, Maglione M, Mojica W, Roth E, Morton S, Shekelle P. Systematic
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4. McCullough J, Casey M, Moscovice I, Prasad S. ―The Effect of Health Information Technology
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5. Hersh WR. Medical Informatics, ―Improving Healthcare through Information‖. Journal of the
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6. Burton LC, Anderson GF, Kues IW. ―Using Health Records to Help Coordinate Care‖. The
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7. Kaye R, Kokia E, Shalev V, darD I, Chinitz D, ―Barriers and success factors in health
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8. Johnson KB, Ravich WJ, Cowan JA Jr. ―Brainstorming about nextgeneration computer-based
documentation‖. International Journal of Medical Information. 2004; 73(9-10):665-674
9. Cline GB, Luiz JM. Information technology systems in public sector health facilities in
developing countries: the case of South Africa. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
2013, 13:13
10. Alanazy S. ―Factors Associated With Implementation of Electronic Health Records in Saudi
Arabia‖. Unpublished PhD dissertation submitted to the University of Medicine and Dentistry of
New Jersey.2006.
11. Shekelle PG, Morton SC, Keeler EB. ―Costs and Benefits of Health Information Technology‖.
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment No. 132. AHRQ Publication No.06-E006. Rockville,
MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. April 2006.
12. Morton ME. ―Use and Acceptance of an Electronic Health Record: Factors Affecting Physician
Attitudes‖. Unpublished dissertation, Drexel University. 2008
13. Qazi, Muhammad & Ali, Moazzam. (2009). Pakistan's health management information system:
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14. Al-Herbi A. Healthcare Providers’ Perceptions towards Health Information Applications at King
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