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1. GASTROCNEMIUS- The chief muscle of the calf of the leg, which

flexes the knee and foot

Muscle workout stretch body part

2. QUADRICEPS- Is one of the largest muscles in your body. It

includes the lour prevailing muscles on the front of the thigh. It
helps you extend your leg at the knee joint and to flex the thigh
at the hip joint.
Muscle workout stretch body part

3. HAMSTRINGS- Is one of the largest muscles in your body. Is one

of three posterior thigh muscles.

Muscle Workout Stretch Body part

4. DELTOID- Is the muscle forming the rounded contour of the

human shoulders.

Muscle Workout stretch Body part

5. TRICEPS- Is the largest muscle on the back of the upper arms. Is
the muscle principally responsible for extension for the elbow.

Muscle Workout Stretch Body part

6. TRAPEZIUS- Is large paired

Muscle Workout Stretch Body part

7. GASTRONEMIUS- The chief muscle of the calf of the leg which

flexes the knee and foot.

Muscle Workout Stretch Body part

8. QUADRICEPS- Is one of the largest muscles in your body
includes the for prevailing muscles of the front of the thigh it
helps you extend your leg Anthony joint and to flex the thigh at
the hip joint.

Muscle Workout Stretch Body part

9. HAMSTRINGS- Is one of the largest musclesNew body is one of

those three Posterior thigh muscles in between the hip and the

Muscle Workout Stretch Body part

10. DELTOID- Is the muscle forming the rounded center of the

human shoulder it helps you move your shoulders.
11. TRICEPS- Is a large muscle on the back of the upper arms is
the muscle principally responsible for extension.
12. BICEPS-Large muscle in the upper arms which turn hard to
face poem uppermost and flexes the arms and forearm.

Muscle Workout Stretch Body part

13. TRAPEZUIS- Is there a large surface muscle Extenze

14. PECTORAUS MAJOR- A thick fan-shaped muscle is situated
in the chest it lies under the breast The main function as a whole
and turn or rotation of the arm joint.

Muscle Workout Stretch Body part

15. GLUTEUS MAXIMUS- Luke gluteus maximus is the Largest
muscle in our body it is the largest and out ordering most of the
three gluteal muscles.

Muscle/ workout/ stretch body part

16. RECTUS ABDOMINIS- Also known as The Abdominal will

muscle repair d was running 53 on each side of the abdomen

Muscle Workout Stretch body part

17. OBLIQUE- Two Abdominal muscles to external internal

oblique These provide trunk

Muscles workout stretch Body part

18. GROIN- This area between the abdomen and the thigh on either
side of the body.

Muscle workout stretch body part

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