Undécimo P1 Guía de Aprendizaje 1

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Área: Inglés Grado: Undécimo

Asignatura: Inglés Periodo: 1
✓ Escribir textos cortos a través
de los cuales explica sus
preferencias decisiones o
Do you speak English? ✓ Narrar de manera oral o
Tema: Objetivo(s): escrita experiencias
personales o historias
✓ Reconocer la diferencia entre
los tiempos verbales presente
y progresivo.

Docente (s) Correo electrónico WhatsApp Cursos Jornada

Sandra Domínguez sdominguezangarita@gmail.com 3005656482 11-01, 11-02, 11- Mañana
Angarita 03, 11-04

Indicaciones Generales

1. Leer la guía, estudiarla y resolverla.

2. Enviar la solución de la guía especificando el nombre completo y grado al correo electrónico, WhatsApp,
o medio tecnológico que el docente correspondiente esté utilizando. Puede hacerlo por medio de fotos,
archivos en pdf, archivos en word o cualquier otro medio según su disposición de recursos informáticos.
3. La fecha máxima para entregar la guía resuelta es el 12-03-21.
4. Las asesorías se realizarán conforme al horario establecido por la institución.
5. Recuerda cuidarte y cumplir con todas las recomendaciones de bioseguridad para que tú y tu familia no
sean afectados por el Covid-19.

1. Introducción
The present tense is the base form of the verb: I work in London.
But with the third person singular (she/he/it), we add an –s: She works in London.

Look at these questions:

Do you play the piano?
Where do you live?
Does _________ play football?
Where does he come from?

Does ___________ live in Valledupar?

Where do they study?
Where do they live?
What does ________ do?

When does ________ usually get up?

We use do and does to make questions with the present simple. We use does for the third person singular
(she/he/it) and do for the others.

But questions with who often don't use do or does:

Who lives in San Martin neighborhood?
Who plays football at the weekend?
Who studies at the Eloy high school?

Here are some useful questions. Try to remember them:

Where do you come from?
Do you come from …?
Where do you live?

Do you live in...?

What do you do?
Do you like…?

Do you know…?

Look at these sentences:

I like tennis but I don't like football. (don't = do not)

I don't live in London now.
I don't play the piano but I play the guitar.
They don't work at the weekend.

__________ doesn't live in Bogotá. (doesn't = does not)

__________ doesn't drive to work. She goes by cycle.
We use do and does to make negatives with the present simple. We use doesn't for the third person singular
(she/he/it) and don't for the others.

We use the present simple to talk about:

- something that is true in the present:
I'm sixteen years old.
I'm a student.

- something that happens regularly in the present:

I play football every weekend.
- something that is always true:
The human body contains 206 bones.

We often use adverbs of frequency like sometimes, always and never with the present simple:
I sometimes go to the cinema.
She never plays football.

What are you doing?

The present continuous is made from the present tense of the verb be and the –ing form of a verb:

I am working

You are playing

He is talking

She is living

It is eating

We are staying

They are sleeping

We use the present continuous to talk about:

• activities at the moment of speaking:

I'm just leaving work. I'll be home in an hour.

Please be quiet. The children are sleeping.

• future plans or arrangements:

Mary is going to a new school next term.

What are you doing next week?

Present continuous questions

We make questions by putting am, is or are in front of the subject:

Are you listening?
Are they coming to your party?
When is she going home?
What am I doing here?

Present continuous negatives

We make negatives by putting not (or n't) after am, is or are:

I'm not doing that.

You aren't listening. (or You're not listening.)
They aren't coming to the party. (or They're not coming to the party.)
She isn't going home until Monday. (or She's not going home until Monday.)

2. Desarrollo

Exercise 1
Write about your daily routine. *Ten activities.

Some ideas: what time do you get up/have breakfast/take a shower/watch television/prepare lunch, etc.

Exercise 2
Complete these sentences so that they are true about a friend.
Her/His name is …
She's/He's … years old.

She/He comes from …

She/He lives in …
She's/He's a(n) …
She/He … at the weekend.

She/He often …
She/He never …

Exercise 3
Say what these people are doing.

Exercise 4
Simple present or Present Progressive?

1. I _____________ with my friends right now.
2. Cats _____________ mice.
3. Patrice sometimes _____________ soap operas.
4. They often _____________ the breakfast at 8 am.
5. Look! The boys _____________ home.
6. We always _____________ TV at nights.
7. Listen! Charlie _____________ in the living room.
8. My brother usually _____________ in the backyard.
9. My mother _____________ lunch now.
10. Every day my uncle _____________ for a walk.

3. Actividad Complementaria

Expo about your daily routine. 1 minute. No support needed.

*Your teacher will help you with the pronunciation.

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