Physical-Layer Security of SIMO Communication

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1, JANUARY-MARCH 2021 105

Physical-Layer Security of SIMO Communication

Systems over Multipath Fading Conditions
Jules M. Moualeu , Senior Member, IEEE, Paschalis C. Sofotasios , Senior Member, IEEE,
Daniel B. da Costa , Senior Member, IEEE, Sami Muhaidat , Senior Member, IEEE,
Walaa Hamouda , Senior Member, IEEE, and Ugo S. Dias , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The present work investigates the physical layer security of wireless communication systems over non-homogeneous
fading environments, i.e., h-m and -m fading models, which are typically encountered in realistic wireless transmission scenarios in the
context of conventional and emerging communication systems. This study considers a single-input multiple-output system that consists
of a single-antenna transmitter, a multi-antenna legitimate receiver, and an active multi-antenna eavesdropper. To this end, novel exact
analytical expressions are derived for the corresponding average secrecy capacity and secrecy outage probability, which are
corroborated by respective results from computer simulations. Capitalizing on the offered results, the physical layer security is
quantified in terms of different parameters, which leads to useful insights on the impact of non-homogeneous fading environment and
the number of employed antennas on the achieved physical layer security levels of the underlying system configuration. The offered
results and insights are useful for the design of such systems as well as for the computational requirements and sustainability relating
to such systems, since emerging communications are largely characterized by stringent quality of service and complexity

Index Terms—Multipath fading, secrecy capacity, secrecy outage probability, physical layer security, multi-antenna communications,
computational complexity


P HYSICAL layer (PHY) security has received a great deal of

attention in the past few years since it can address the
issues of privacy and security in wireless communication
types that are experienced in practical communication sce-
narios. This also concerns the effects of non-homogeneous
fading environments such as a-m [7], and k-m and h-m [8],
networks, without necessarily relying on encryption techni- which although they are encountered in realistic communi-
ques. Owing to this fact, several reported contributions have cation scenarios, they are typically neglected for the sake of
investigated the secrecy performance over small-scale fading complexity reduction. As a result, several simplistic assump-
channels and large-scale fading channels ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], tions have led to results that are largely inaccurate, which is
[6] and references therein). However, the aforementioned a critical issue in the context of secure communications since
fading conditions do not typically encompass various fading the reliability of modeling effects is of paramount impor-
tance. To this end, recent emphasis on generalized fading
 J.M. Moualeu is with the School of Electrical and Information Engineer- distributions that do not necessarily assume homogeneous
ing, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2000, South Africa. fading environments has generated a considerable interest
E-mail: in analyses relating to PHY security, which constitutes a criti-
 P.C. Sofotasios is with the Center for Cyber-Physical Systems, Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi cal topic of interest in emerging communication technologies
127788, United Arab Emirates, and also with the Department of Electrical (see for instance [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17],
Engineering, Tampere University, Tampere 33101, Finland. [18], and references therein). Specifically, the authors in[9]
E-mail: derived analytical expressions for the lower bound of the
 D.B. da Costa is with the Department of Computer Engineering, Federal
University of Cear a, Sobral, CE, Brazil. E-mail: secrecy outage probability (SOP) and the probability of
 S. Muhaidat is with the Center for Cyber-Physical Systems, Department of strictly positive secrecy capacity (SPSC) over generalized
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi Gamma fading channels. Likewise, the secrecy performance
127788, United Arab Emirates, and also with the Institute for Communica-
tion Systems, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, United Kingdom.
analysis over generalized-K fading channels was investi-
E-mail: gated in [10], while the effects of k-m and a-m fading condi-
 W. Hamouda is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- tions were investigated in [11] and in [12], respectively.
neering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC H3G 1M8, Canada. Considering a different configuration from the above studies
 U.S. Dias with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of [9], [10], [11], [12], the authors in [13], [14], [15], [16] investi-
Brasılia, Brasilia 70910-900, Brazil. E-mail: gated the PHY security problem in a single-input multiple-
Manuscript received 18 June 2018; revised 30 Nov. 2018; accepted 9 Mar. output (SIMO) system over the generalized-K, k-m, k-m shad-
2019. Date of publication 9 May 2019; date of current version 5 Mar. 2021. owed and a-m fading channels, respectively. In [17], the
(Corresponding author: Jules M. Moualeu.) secrecy performance of stochastic MIMO wireless networks
Recommended for acceptance by P. Yoo and Z. Tari.
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TSUSC.2019.2915547 over a-m fading channels was studied in terms of the

2377-3782 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See ht_tps:// for more information.

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-m fading models remains vastly unexplored. Motivated

by the above, the present work conducts an investigation
into the physical layer security of SIMO systems under gen-
eralized multipath fading conditions characterized by h-m
and -m distributed fading conditions. The main contribu-
tions of this work are as follows:

 Novel analytical expressions for ASC and the secrecy

outage probability of the considered setup are
derived. These expressions are given in terms of infi-
nite series representations, which are fully conver-
gent and involve elementary and known special
functions. Also, a small number of terms is required
to ensure a sufficiently low truncation error.
 Simple closed-form upper bounds for the trunca-
Fig. 1. Illustration of a SIMO wiretap channel, where a single-antenna trans-
mitter (Alice) communicates with a multi-antenna legitimate receiver (Bob) tion errors of the involved infinite series are also
in the presence of an active multi-antenna eavesdropper (Eve). derived in order to enable precise determination
of the number of truncation terms required to
connection outage probability (COP), the probability of non- achieve certain accuracies. The derived analytical
zero secrecy capacity (PNZ) and ergodic secrecy capacity. expressions are subsequently employed to quan-
Most recently, a comprehensive and unifying fading model tify the ASC and the SOP under the considered
introduced in [19], i.e., the a-h-k-m distribution, was investi- fading conditions.
gated in the context of secure wireless communication sys-  Simple and explicit expressions of the asymptotic
tems (e.g., [18]). In [18], the authors obtained novel and exact SOP in the high-SNR regime are obtained under
expressions for the secrecy performance metrics of the classic both the h-m and -m fading models.
Wyner’s wiretap model.  The validity of the offered results is verified through
Other types of versatile fading distributions are the so- extensive comparisons with respective results from
called h-m and -m fading models [8], [20], which can accu- computer simulations. It is shown that the number
rately model the small-scale variations of the wireless sig- of antennas is critical to the level of achieved security
nal under non-line-of-sight conditions. The generality of as it improves the performance when they increase
these models is also evident by the fact that they include at the legitimate user, and they degrade it as their
as special cases well-known multipath fading models number increases at the eavesdropper. Also, it is
such as Rayleigh, Nakagami-m and Nakagami-q i.e., Hoyt shown that the effects of non-homogeneous fading
distributions. Because of their wide applicability and ver- have a non-negligible effect on the ASC and SOP per-
satility [8], their consideration in the context of PHY secu- formance. However, the effect of fading conditions
rity arises as an interesting issue to be investigated. in both cases is, as expected, smaller when the num-
However, none of the above-cited works (i.e., [9], [10], ber of antennas at the legitimate and at eaves-
[11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18]) has studied the dropper’s links is not small.
performance analysis of secure wireless communication in The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:
either h-m or -m fading conditions. Importantly, it is Section 2 describes the considered system and channel
expected that the proposed investigations will be also models, while Section 3 focuses on the analysis of the ASC
insightful in terms of the computational complexity and over generalized multipath fading channels characterized
sustainability associated with the determination of secure by h-m and -m fading models. Likewise, the correspond-
communications in the context of emerging communica- ing exact and asymptotic SOP under these fading condi-
tion systems. Besides the traditional communication- tions are analyzed in Section 4, followed by corresponding
based perspective, such insights on the related computa- numerical results, and insightful discussions are provided
tions are of paramount importance since modern commu- in Section 5. Finally, concluding remarks are provided in
nication systems and networks are typically characterized Section 6.
by stringent quality of service requirements and increased
computational complexity and costs, which render their
sustainability a challenging task. Thus, the core aim of the 2 SYSTEM AND CHANNEL MODELS
present analysis is to provide the necessary tools for an in- As shown in Fig. 1, we consider a SIMO wiretap channel in
depth quantification of the computational sustainability which the transmitter (Alice) sends confidential messages to
associated with physical layer security in emerging com- the legitimate receiver (Bob) with a transmit power denoted
munications in realistic propagation media, which will be by P , while the eavesdropper (Eve) overhears the transmis-
useful in the effective and sustainable deployment and sion through the eavesdropper channel. In this context, it is
operation of future communication systems, both inde- assumed that Alice is equipped with a single antenna
pendently and as part of the generic Internet of Things whereas Bob and Eve are equipped with multiple antennas,
(IoT) paradigm. denoted as LB and LE , respectively. Also, both the legiti-
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the secrecy perfor- mate (Alice-Bob) channel and the eavesdropper (Alice-Eve)
mance of wireless communication systems over h-m and channel are assumed to undergo independent and

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identically distributed (i.i.d.) quasi-static generalized h-m and

and -m fading conditions. In this context, an active eaves- 1 pffiffiffi
ð1Þm2 2 pmmþ2 xm2
1 1
dropping scenario is considered, in which the channel state fg ðxÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffipffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi m1 mþ1
information (CSI) of both the main and wiretap links are GðmÞ 1   1 þ  2 g 2 (2)
known at Alice. Also, a maximal-ratio combining (MRC)  2mx 2mx
 e ð12 Þ Im1 ;
scheme is employed at the involved receivers in order to 2 ð þ 1Þð  1Þg
exploit the antenna diversity and to maximize the probabili-
ties of secure transmission and successful eavesdropping. where GðÞ and In ðÞ denote the Euler Gamma function and
The latter probability represents the worst-case scenario in the modified Bessel function of the first kind, respectively
the context of physical layer security, and it is paramount to and g ¼ Efgg represents the average SNR, with Efg denot-
investigate wireless communication system under such ing statistical expectation. Based on the above representa-
circumstances. tions and with the aid of [23, Eq. (8.445.1)] and [24], the
The encountered fading conditions in the underlying corresponding PDFs of the SNR g i , i 2 fB; Eg,1 at the
setup are assumed to be h-m and -m distributed with receiver’s combiner output for each case are given by
arbitrary values of fading parameters. These two models
X1 12Li mi 4k
2L m þ2k
ðhi þ 1Þ2Li mi ð1  hi Þ2k mi i i
represent physical measures and have been distinct for fg i ðxÞ ¼  
L m þ2k
their generality since they have been shown extensively, k¼0 k!hi i i GðLi mi ÞG Li mi þ k þ 12
both theoretically and experimentally, capable of provid- pffiffiffi 2L m þ2k1 2m ðh þ1Þ2 x (3)
px i i  i 4hi g
ing accurate characterization of versatile multipath fad-  2Li mi þ2k
e i i ;
ing channels [8], [20], [21], [22], and the references gi
therein. Specifically, these fading models consider that and
the signals are composed of clusters of multipath waves
propagating in a non-homogeneous environment. Within X
1 pffiffiffi 2Li mi þ2k
2 p2k i mi
any one cluster, the phases of the scattered waves are ran- fg i ðxÞ ¼ L m þ2k  
k¼0 k!ð1   Þ GðLi mi ÞG Li mi þ k þ 12
2 i i
dom and have similar delay times with delay-time (4)
spreads of different clusters being relatively large. Fur- x2Li mi þ2k1 
2mi x
 2L m þ2k
e ð1Þ2 g i ;
thermore, the in-phase and quadrature components of g i i i
wireless signals within each cluster are assumed to: i) be
independent to each other and have different powers, in respectively. Based on (3) and (4), the corresponding cumu-
the h-m fading model; ii) have zero mean and identical lative distribution functions (CDF) are expressed as follows:
power but they are correlated, in the -m fading model. In pffiffiffi Li mi X
this context, m represents the number of multipath clus- phi 1
Fg i ðxÞ ¼ 2Li mi
2j G L m þ j þ 1
ters, in both fading models, h denotes the power ratio of 2GðLi mi Þðhi þ 1Þ j¼0 j!2 i i 2
the in-phase and quadrature components of the wireless   !
1  hi 2j mi ð1 þ hi Þ2 x
signal within each cluster and  denotes the correlation  g inc 2Li mi þ 2j; ;
coefficient between the scattered-wave in-phase and 1 þ hi 2hi g i
quadrature components in each multipath cluster [8], (5)
[20]. Different from the h-m and -m fading models, the
a-m fading model accounts for the nonlinearity and clus- and
tering of a propagation channel, while the k-m fading dis- pffiffiffi
pð1  2i ÞLi mi X 1
tribution is better suited for line-of-sight (LOS) Fg i ðxÞ ¼  i 
applications. In the former model, the nonlinearity is 22Li mi 1 GðLi mi Þ j¼0 j!22j G Li mi þ j þ 12
described in terms of a power parameter, so that the 2mi x
resulting signal intensity is obtained in two ways: (a)  g inc 2Li mi þ 2j; ;
ð1  2i Þ
modulus of the sum of the multipath components, (b)
modulus to a certain given exponent. In the latter model, respectively, where g inc ða; xÞ denotes the lower incomplete
each cluster of multipath waves is assumed to have scat- Gamma function2 [23, Eq. (8.350.1)].
tered waves with identical powers and a dominant com-
ponent found within. 3 AVERAGE SECRECY CAPACITY
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) probability density func-
In this section, the scenario wherein the CSI of the eavesdrop-
tions (PDF) of the h-m and -m fading distributions are
per channel is available at Alice is considered. This scenario
obtained using [22, Eq. (1)] and [22, Eq. (2)], respectively
is applicable to wireless networks where Eve is active and
and setting a ¼ 1, and are expressed as
Alice has access to her CSI [25]. In this case, a fundamental
performance metric used to evaluate the secrecy perfor-
1 pffiffiffi mance is the ASC, which is defined as the instantaneous
ðh þ 1Þmþ2 pmmþ2 xm2
1 1

fg ðxÞ ¼ pffiffiffi 1
secrecy capacity CS averaged over the instantaneous SNRs
GðmÞ hðh  1Þm2 g mþ2

 2  (1)

ð1þhÞ2 mx ðh  1Þmx 1. Henceforth, the subscript B is associated with Bob’s measures,
 e 2hg Im1 ; while the subscript E refers to Eve’s measures.
2 2hg 2. The subscript “inc” is used in order to differentiate the instanta-
neous SNR g i from the lower incomplete Gamma function g inc ð; Þ.

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g B and g E , where CS ¼ maxfCB  CE ; 0g with CB ¼ log 2 ð1þ Z 1

g B Þ and CE ¼ log 2 ð1 þ g E Þ denoting the capacities of the I h1 ¼ ð2LE mE þ 2j  1Þ!
2L mB þ2k1
lnð1 þ g B Þg B B
main and eavesdropper channels, respectively. In what fol- 0
lows, we will determine the ASC for the case of h  m and 2LE mX
E þ2j1
1 n
  m fading conditions, which are encountered in practical  eAB g B dg B  A (12)
n! E
communication scenarios. )
Z 1
lnð1 þ g B Þ AB g B þAE g B
3.1 Exact ASC over h-m Fading Channels  12LB mB 2kn
e dg B :
0 gB
It is recalled that the ASC can be formulated as follows:
R 1is noticed a that both integrals in (12) have the form:
Z 1 Z 1 bx
lnð1 þ xÞx e dx, where a > 0 and b > 0. To this effect
CS ¼ CS fg B ðg B Þfg E ðg E Þdg B dg E (7) 0
and using [26, Eq. (78)], the first integral of (12), denoted by
0 0
I h11 , can be derived as
Z 1
1 Gð2LB mB þ 2kÞ
¼ lnð1 þ g B Þfg B ðg B ÞFg E ðg B Þdg B I h11 ¼
lnð2Þ 0 eAB
mB þ2k (13)
Z Gðm  2LB mB  2k; AB Þ
1 1  :
þ lnð1 þ g E Þfg E ðg E ÞFg B ðg E Þdg E m¼1
lnð2Þ 0 (8)
Similarly, the second integral in (12) can be derived so that
Z 1 I h1 can be expressed as in closed-form as follows:
 lnð1 þ g E Þfg E ðg E Þdg E :
lnð2Þ 0
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} I h1 ¼ Gð2LE mE þ 2jÞ Gð2LB mB þ 2kÞeAB
mB þ2k
Gðm  2LB mB  2k; AB Þ (14)

Based on this, the ASC in the considered set up for the case m¼1
of h-m fading conditions can be derived with the aid of the 2LE mX
E þ2j1 2LB mX
B þ2kþn
PDF and CDF representations in (3) and (5), respectively. Gð2LB mB þ 2k þ nÞ

To this end, it is evident that the ASC for the considered n¼0 i¼1
case can be obtained by deriving analytical expressions for


the J h1 , J h2 and J h3 terms3 Therefore, by substituting appro-  Gði  2LB mB  2k  n; AB þ AE Þ :
ðAB þ AE Þi
priately (3) and (5) into (8), the J h1 term can be expressed as
2LB mB
212LB mB þ2LE mE pðhB þ 1Þ Then, by replacing (15) into (9), an analytical expression for
J h1 ¼ L m 2L m J h1 can be obtained as (16), shown at the top of the next page
lnð2ÞhBB B GðLB mB ÞGðLE mE Þ gB B B
 2k (see p. 5), where Gð; Þ denotes the upper incomplete Gamma
X1 X 1 L m 2j
hEE E ð1  h2E Þ2j 1  h2B function [23, Eq. (8.350.2)]. Likewise, an expression for J h2
 2LE mE þ4j 2k
k¼0 j¼0 k!j!ððhE þ 1Þ gB 4hB can also be attained from (16) after replacing LB by LE , mB by
2L m þ2k mE , HB by HE , hB by hE , and g B by g E , and vice-versa.
mB B B 212LE mE 2j
 Next, by substituting appropriately (3) into the expres-
GðLB mB þ k þ 0:5ÞGðLE mE þ 2j þ 0:5Þ sion of J h3 in (8), and using [26, Eq. (78)] along with some
Z 1
lnð1 þ g B Þg inc ð2LE mE þ 2j; AE g B Þ algebraic manipulations, J h3 can be derived as
 12LB mB 2k A g
dg B ;
0 gB e B B pffiffiffi !LE mE
2 p ðhE þ 1Þ2
(9) J h3 ¼
where lnð2ÞGðLE mE Þ 4hE
m ðh þ 1Þ2 X1 2L m þ2k
mE E E Gð2LE mE þ 2kÞ ðhE þ 1Þ2
AB ¼ B B ; (10)  (17)
2hB g B k¼0
k!GðLE mE þ k þ 0:5Þ 4hE
mE þ2k
Gð2LE mE  2k þ m; AE Þ
and  eA E 2LE mE þ2km
E :
m¼1 ð2mE Þm gE
mE ðhE þ 1Þ2
AE ¼ : (11) Therefore, by substituting (16) and (17) into (8) leads to the
2hE gE
corresponding analytical expression for the CS for the case
By denoting the integral in (9) as I h1 , making use of [23, Eq. of h-m fading channels.
(8.352.4)], and carrying out after some algebraic manipula- It is evident that the derived analytical expression for the
tions, it follows that CS is expressed in terms of an infinite series representation.
However, this is not a detrimental issue in practice since
this series is fully convergent and it requires few terms to
3. The J hn and I hn terms account for J n and I n for the case of h-m
fading channels, whereas the J n and I n terms account for J n and I n achieve sufficient levels of accuracy. In fact, fairly accurate
for the case of -m fading channels. results can be obtained by truncating the series after 50

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!LB mB
2p ðhB þ 1Þ2
J h1 ¼
lnð2ÞGðLB mB ÞGðLE mE Þ 4hB
 2k  2j !LE mE þ2j
1 X
X 1 2L m þ2k
mB B B ð2LE mE þ 2j  1Þ! 1  h2B 1  h2E 4hE

k¼0 j¼0
k!j!22LE mE þ2j1 GðLB mB þ k þ 0:5ÞGðLE mE þ j þ 0:5Þ 4hB 4hE ðhE þ 1Þ2 (16)
" 2LBX 2LE mX
mB þ2k E þ2j1 2LB mX
B þ2kþn
 ð2LB mB þ 2k  1Þ!eAB Am
B Gðm  2LB mB  2k; AB Þ 
m¼1 n¼0 i¼1

 Gð2LB mB þ 2k þ nÞAnE ðAB þ AE Þi eAB þAE Gð2LB mB  2k  n þ i; AB þ AE Þ :

terms, which yields a relative error due to truncation [27] of To this effect and after some long but basic algebraic
less than 0.002 percent. Also, the algebraic representation of manipulations, one obtains (21), at the top of the next page
the derived series is tractable since it consists of well-known (see p. 6).Likewise, an expression for J 2 can be deduced from
elementary and special functions, which render it conve- (21) after replacing LB by LE , mB by mE , HB by HE , hB by hE ,
nient to handle both analytically and numerically. and gB by gE , and vice-versa, whereas J 3 can be expressed as
3.2 Exact ASC over -m Fading Channels 2 p
J 3 ¼
Capitalizing on the derived analytical expression for the ASC lnð2ÞGðLE mE Þð1  2 ÞLE mE
over h-m fading channels, we can also derive a similar
1 2LE mE þ2k
expression for the ASC for the case of -m fading channels. E mE
2k Gð2LE mE þ 2kÞ

2 2km GðL m þ k þ 0:5Þ
To this end, by substituting (4) and (6) into (8) and following k¼0 k!ð1  E Þ E E
the same process as in the previous section, it follows that  
2p mE þ2k G m  2LE mE  2k; g ð12 Þ
J 1 ¼ E E
lnð2Þð1  2B ÞLB mB GðLB mB ÞGðLE mE Þ  2m : (22)
2L m þ2km gE ð12 Þ
X1 X 1
2k 2j 2 LE mE
B E ð1  E Þ
g E E E e E

2 2k  2LB mB þ2k
k¼0 j¼0 k!j!ð1  B Þ g B
2L m þ2k
212LE mE 2j mB B B Therefore, by substituting (21) and (22) into (8) and after
GðLB mB þ k þ 0:5ÞGðLE mE þ 2j þ 0:5Þ some algebraic manipulations, the corresponding analytical
Z 1 2mB g B expression for the CS over   m fading channels is deduced.
2L m þ2k1 gB ð12 Þ
 lnð1 þ g B Þg B B B e B
  3.3 Upper Bounds for the Truncation Errors
2mE g B As already mentioned, the derived expression for the ASC is
 g inc 2LE mE þ 2j; dg B ;
ð1  2E Þ
gE given in terms of infinite series. Depending on the value of
(Z the involved parameters, this series requires different num-
1 2mB g B
lnð1 þ g B Þ 
g B ð12B Þ ber of terms to ensure acceptable truncation that leads to
I 1 ¼ Gð2LE mE þ 2jÞ 12L m 2k
e dg B
0 gB B B accurate results. Unlike error rate measures that typically
2LE mX
E þ2j1
 n require several decimal digits accuracy, the derived ASC
1 2mE
 (19) measure only requires, at most, a two-decimal digit accu-
n! g E ð1  E Þ
) racy. Nevertheless, even though the involved series achieves
Z 1 2mB g B 2mE g B
lnð1 þ g B Þ  
g B ð12 Þ g E ð12 Þ
a sufficient accuracy for a relatively low number of terms,
 12LB mB 2kn
e B E dg B ; deriving a tight closed-form upper bound for the exact trun-
0 gB
cation error of this series will allow the determination of the
which yields exact accuracy for a specific number of terms at given scenar-
" ios. Based on this, we derive a tight and tractable closed-
form upper bound for the truncation error of the derived
¼ Gð2LE mE þ 2jÞ ð2LB mB þ 2k  1Þ!egB ð1B Þ
I 1
series representation in (8). In this case, the truncation error
mB þ2k
2LBX m of (8) can be bounded by deriving closed-form bounds for
g B ð1  2B Þ J h1 , J h2 and J h3 , for the case of h-m fading.

2mB To this end, the truncation of J h1 after p  1 terms results to
2mB the truncation error in (23), at the top of the next page, i.e.,
 G m  2LB mB  2k;
gB ð1  2B Þ p. 6. It is evident that (23) can be upper bounded by (24),
2mB (20) shown at the top of the next page (see p. 6).To this effect, we
E þ2j1 2LB mX
2LE mX B þ2kþn
Gð2LB mB þ 2k þ nÞ egB ð1B Þ

 use the Pochhammer symbol identities in [28] and after some

n!  algebraic manipulations, the resulting expression with the
e gE ð1E Þ 
n¼0 2

 two infinite series can be expressed in terms of the hypergeo-

2mB 2mE
 G 2LB mB  2k  n þ i; þ metric function [23], which yields a closed-form upper bound
g B ð1  2B Þ gE ð1  2E Þ
 n  i
for J h1 . By following the same methodology, it follows that

2mE 2mB
: the upper bound of J h2 can be also obtained in closed-form.
g E ð1  2E Þ gB ð1  2B Þ g E ð1  2E Þ The aforementioned two representations can be expressed in

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2pð1  2E ÞLE mE X1 X 1

2L m þ2k
212LE mE 2j Gð2LE mE þ 2jÞ
E B mB
2k B B
J 1 ¼
lnð2ÞGðLB mB ÞGðLE mE Þ k¼0 j¼0 k!j!ð1  2B ÞLB mB þ2k GðLB mB þ k þ 0:5ÞGðLE mE þ j þ 0:5Þ
" 2mB mB þ2k
2LBX m  
gB ð1  2B Þ 2mB
 Gð2LB mB þ 2kÞegB ð1B Þ
G m  2LB mB  2k;
2mB gB ð1  2B Þ
 n  i (21)
2LE mX E þ2j1 2LB mX B þ2kþn
1 2mE 2mB 2mE
 Gð2LB mB þ 2k þ nÞ þ
n¼0 i¼1
n! gð1  2E Þ gð1  2B Þ g ð1  2E Þ
2mB 2mE  #
gð12 Þ gð12 Þ 2mB 2mE
e B e E G i  2LB m
B  2k  n; þ :
gð1  2B Þ g ð1  2E Þ

1 X
X 1 2j  2k
B ð2LE mE þ 2j  1Þ!ð1  hE Þ 1  h2B
J h1 ¼
k¼p j¼p k!j!22j GðLB mB þ k þ 12ÞGðLE mE þ j þ 12Þð1 þ hE Þ2j 4hB
" 2LBX
mB þ2k
Gð2LB mB  2k þ m; AB Þ
 ð2LB mB þ 2k  1Þ!eAB (23)
2LE mX
E þ2j1 2LB mX
B þ2kþn
Gð2LB mB þ 2k þ nÞAnE
 Gð2LB mB  2k  n þ i; AB þ AE Þ :
n¼0 i¼1 n!ðAB þ AE Þi eAB AE

1 X 1
B mB
2k E Gð2LE mE þ 2jÞ
J 1 < 2k 2j GðL m þ j þ 1Þ
k¼0 k!ð1  B Þ GðLB mB þ k þ 2Þ j¼0
1 j!2 E E 2
" 2mB 2LBXmB þ2p m  
g B ð1  B Þ 2
 Gð2LB mB þ 2pÞegB ð1B Þ
G m  2LB mB  2p;
2mB g B ð1  2B Þ
 n 2mB (24)
2LE mXE þ2j1 2LB mX
B þ2pþn 2mE
Gð2LB mB þ 2p þ nÞ 2mE þ
gB ð12 Þ gE ð12 Þ
 e B E

n¼0 i¼1
n! gE ð1  2E Þ
 i  #
2mB 2mE 2mB 2mE
 þ G 2LB mB  2p  n þ i; þ :
gB ð1  2B Þ g E ð1  2E Þ gB ð1  2B Þ gE ð1  2E Þ

n o 0 8 91
o 1 > >
L m 2 2
n oh k = j = p G 2 LEB mBE n < 1h B m2B = n o n o
    B LB mB 4hB C L m ð1h Þ2 =ð1þh Þ2
J2 < F
0 1 @ ; LE mE þ ; A 1 F0 LEB mBE ; ; ð1hE Þ2 =ð1þhE Þ2
Tr G LB mB þ 2 G LE mE þ 2
1 1 2 >: 1hE m2 >
2 2
; B B
4hE E
2 n o
n o2 LB mB
þ2p  m n
6 n o AB LE mE
X o n o
6 L m AE A1 L m A
 6 2 LBE mBE þ 2p  1 !e B
G 2 LBE mBE  2p þ m; 2 ABE
4 m¼1 E (25)

n o n o 3
L m
2 LE mE
L m
þ2j1 2 LB mB þ2pþn
n o
X Gð2 LE mE þ 2p þ nÞ An eAB þAE n o 7
L m 7
G 2 LBE mBE  2p  n þ i; AB þ AE 7:
n¼0 i¼1
n! ðAB þ AE Þi 5

a more compact form as in (25), at the top of the page Having derived closed-form upper bounds for the
(see p. 6), where the superscript “Tr” denotes truncate. truncation error of the infinite series representation
Similarly, a closed-form upper bound for the truncation for the ASC over h-m fading channels, we can readily
error of J h3 can be derived as deduce a similar expression for the truncation error of
 2 ! the ASC for the case of -m fading channels. To this
2Lm 1h2E
mE E Gð2LmE Þ 1 F0 LmE ; ; 2mE 4h end, by following the same procedure and after long but
J Tr;h <   basic algebraic manipulations, the closed-form bounds
G LmE þ 12 g2LmE þ2p eAE (26) in (27) (top of the next page, i.e., p.7) and (28) are
2LmE þ2p
X g m hE
2 deduced
 Gð2LmE  2p þ m; AE Þ:
m¼1 mm
E ðhE þ 1Þ2

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n o
n o G 2
LE mE  n o 1 2 m2 =ð12 Þ2  n o 2 
J1 k¼j¼p LB mB LB mB LE mE
J2 <     F
0 1 ; LE mE þ ; B B B
1 0 LB mB ; ; 2
Tr G LB mB þ 12 G LE mE þ 12 2 2E m2E =ð12E Þ2 B
2   nL m o
2 2 LB mB þ2p m  n  
6 n o 2mB =ðg B ð1B2 ÞÞ X
E E o
6 L m 2m g
=ð ð1 ÞÞ g B ð12B Þ=ð2mB Þ LB mB g B ð12B ÞÞ
mB =ð
 6G 2 LBE mBE þ 2p e E E E G 2 LE mE  2p þ m; 2
4 m¼1
g E ð1E Þ=ð2mE Þ
2 g E ð1E ÞÞ
mE =ð 2

n o n o
þ2j1 2
n o
þ 2p þ nÞ 
n  i
2 LB mB
X Gð2 LE mE
2mE 2mB 2mE
n¼0 i¼1
n! gE ð1  2E Þ gB ð1  2B Þ gE ð1  2E Þ
2mB 2mE  n o #
þ LB mB 2mE 2mE
g B ð12 Þ gE ð12 Þ
e B E G 2
LE mE  2p  n þ i; þ :
gB ð1  2B Þ gE ð1  2E Þ

a target rate denoted by RS . This can be mathematically for-

2mE ! mulated as
2Lm g E ð12E Þ
mE E Gð2LmE Þe 4m2E 2E
J Tr; <   1 F0 LmE ; ; Z
G LmE þ 12 g2LmE þ2p ð1  2E Þ2 1  
2LmE þ2p   Pout ðRS Þ ¼ fg E ðg E ÞFg B 2RS ð1 þ g E Þ  1 dg E : (29)
X gm ð1  2E Þm 2mE 0
 m G m  2LmE  2p; :
ð2mE Þ g E ð1  2E Þ
Therefore, by substituting (3) and (5) in (29), and with the
aid of [23, Eq. (8.352.4)] and [23, Eq. (3.351.3)], the bin-
The derived bounds for the considered ASC cases are tight omial expansion ðy  1Þa ¼ ax¼0 xa ð1Þax yx , and [23, Eq.
and can be readily computed in popular software packages
(9.211.1)], an exact SOP is derived in (30), shown at the
(such as MATHEMATICA and MATLAB) that include the
bottom of this page. In this expression, Cð; ; Þ denotes the
involved elementary and special functions as built-in func-
confluent hypergeometric function of the second kind
tions. Thus, the accuracy of the derived series can be deter-
defined by [23, Eq. (9.211.1)]. It is also worth noting that
mined precisely at any given case.
although (30) is expressed in terms of infinite series, this
converges rapidly and steadily with only a few terms.
4.1 Exact SOP over h-m Fading Channels 4.2 Exact SOP over -m Fading Channels
Having determined the ASC over h-m and -m fading chan- Having derived an explicit expression for the outage exact
nels, it is next assumed that Eve acts in a passive manner SOP over h-m fading channels can lead to the derivation of a
and therefore the CSI of the eavesdropper channel is not similar analytical expression for the SOP over -m fading
available at Alice. The secrecy outage probability arises as channels. To this end, by performing the necessary variable
an important performance metric to evaluate the security transformation in (4) and (6) and substituting into (29) along
performance in this scenario, and it is defined as the proba- with some algebraic manipulations yields the explicit ana-
bility that the instantaneous secrecy capacity remains below lytical representation in (31), at the bottom of this page.

L m X 1 X 1 L m þ2j 2L m þ2k  2k  2j

h 4phEE E 22j hBB B mE E E 1  h2E 1  h2B Gð2LB mB þ 2jÞGð2LE mE þ 2kÞ
Pout ðRS Þ ¼ 2LB mB þ4j 2L m þ2k
GðLE mE ÞGðLB mB Þ k¼0 j¼0 k!j!24k h2k E ðhB þ 1Þ GðLE mE þ k þ 0:5ÞGðLB mB þ j þ 0:5ÞgE E E
" #
ð1Þmi 2RS i m m
2LB mXB þ2j1 Xm
2LE mE 2k ð12RS ÞAB
 AE e AB Cð2LE mE þ 2k; i þ 2LE mE þ 2k þ 1; AE þ AB Þ :
m¼0 i¼0
m! i


Pout ðRS Þ ¼
GðLE mE ÞGðLB mB Þð1  2E ÞLE mE
X1 X 1 12LB mB 2j 2LE mE þ2k 2j  2k
2 mE B ð1  2B ÞLB mB Gð2LB mB þ 2jÞGð2LE mE þ 2kÞ E
 2L m þ2k
k¼0 j¼0 k!j!GðLE mE þ k þ 0:5ÞGðLB mB þ j þ 0:5Þ gE E E 1  2E
" 2LE mE þ2k (31)
ð1Þmi 2RS i m
2mB 2LB mXB þ2j1 Xm
g E ð1  2E Þ ð12RS Þ
gB ð12 Þ
 e B
2mE m¼0 i¼0
m! i

2mB 2mE 2mB

 C 2L m
E E þ 2k; i þ 2L m
E E þ 2k þ 1; þ :
gB ð1  2B Þ g E ð1  2E Þ g B ð1  2B Þ

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2L m 2L m 2L m 1 2L m þL m
g E B B g B B B Gð2LB mB þ 2LE mE þ 2mÞmB B B ðhB þ 1Þ2LB mB 22LB mB RS 2mþ1 hE B B E E
Pout ðRS Þ ¼     L m 2L m
: (37)
m¼0 m!LB GðLB mB ÞGðLE mE ÞG LB mB þ 12 G LE mE þ m þ 12 hBB B mE B B ðhE þ 1Þ4LB mB þ2LE mE

4.3 Upper Bounds for the Truncation Errors where Pout ðRS Þ will be determined subsequently for both
In the previous section, we derived closed-form upper h-m and -m fading conditions. First, note that (29) can be
bounds for the truncation error of the infinite series repre- approximated using the expression of the lower bound5
sentations for the ASC over h-m and -m fading channels. Z 1
These bounds are tractable and they can determine the 1
Pout ðRS Þ ¼ fg E ðg E ÞFg B ð2RS g E Þdg E : (35)
required number of terms for certain target accuracy. Based 0
on this, similar closed-form upper bounds can be also
Next, an approximation for the CDF Fg B ðg E Þ will be
derived for the truncation error of the derived SOP infinite
derived since it is dependent on g B . To this end, as the PDF
series representations for the case of h-m and -m fading
in (3) is dominated by the term corresponding to k ¼ 0 in
conditions. To this end and given that the algebraic repre-
the summation, for gB ! 1, such expression can be used to
sentation of the series representations for the considered
obtain the corresponding CDF, i.e.,
ASC and SOP scenarios are algebraically similar, we follow
the same procedure in bounding the series which ultimately pffiffiffi 2LB mB 1 2L m
pm B ð1 þ hB Þ2LB mB g E B B
leads to the following simple upper bound Fg B ðg E Þ  2L mB
: (36)
LB GðLB mB ÞGðLB mB þ 0:5Þð4hB ÞLB mB g B B
Gð2LB mB ÞGð2LE mE Þ
Pout <     Finally, substituting (3) and (36) into the aforementioned
G LB mB þ 12 G LE mE þ 12 approximated SOP expression and using [23, (Eq. 3.381.4)]
ð1  hE Þ2 m2E along with some algebraic manipulations, the asymptotic
 1F0 LE mE ; ; (32) SOP can be derived in (37), at the top of this page. It is evi-
g2E h2E
! dent that the secrecy diversity gain is given by Gd ¼ 2LB mB ,
ð1  hB Þ2 which provides useful insights on the effect of the involved
 1F0 LB mB ; ; ;
ð1 þ hB Þ2 key parameter on the overall system performance. To this
effect and recalling the Pochhammer symbol identities and
for the truncation error of the SOP over h-m fading channels. the properties of the hypergeometric functions as well as
Based on this, a similar closed-form upper bounds can be carrying out some algebraic manipulations, the following
deduced for the truncation error of the SOP under -m fad- compact closed-form asymptotic expression can be deduced
ing conditions. Hence, by performing the necessary change for the SOP over h-m fading channels at the high SNR
of variables and after some algebraic manipulations, the fol- regime:
lowing inequality is deduced
2L m þL m
1;h pGð2LB mB þ 2LE mE ÞhE B B E E
Gð2LB mB ÞGð2LE mE Þ   Pout ðRS Þ ¼   L m
Pout <     F LB mB ; ; 2B G LE mE þ 12 ð1 þ hE Þ4LB mB þ2LE mE hBB B
1 1 0
G LB mB þ 2 G LE mE þ 2
2L m 2L m 1
! (33) gE B B mB B B 21þ2LB mB RS 2LE mE ð1 þ hB Þ2LB mB (38)
ð2E mE Þ2  2L m 2L m  
 1F0 LE mE ; ; 2 : LB g B B B mE B B GðLB mB ÞGðLE mE ÞG LB mB þ 12
g E ð1  2E Þ2
 2F1 ðLB mB þ LE mE ; LB mB þ C1 ; C1 ; C2 Þ;
It is evident that the derived closed-form upper bounds in
where C1 and C2 are constant values given by
(32) and (33) are rather compact and tractable.
4.4 Simple Asymptotic SOP Representations C1 ¼ LE mE þ ; (39)
Capitalizing on the exact derived expressions for the SOP and
over h-m and -m fading channels, we can investigate their
ð1  hE Þ2
behavior at the high SNR regime in order to develop useful C2 ¼ : (40)
insights on the role of the involved parameters on the sys- ð1 þ hE Þ2
tem performance. To this end, assuming g B ! 1 and fixed
The above expression provides useful insights on the
g E ,4 our aim is to find an approximate expression of
1 G impact of the involved parameters on the overall system
Pout ðRS Þ in the form[29] Pout ðRS Þ  Gc g B d , where Gc repre-
performance. Furthermore, it can be used to derive a similar
sents the secrecy array gain and Gd denotes the secrecy
expression for the SOP over -m fading channels. Thus, by
diversity gain. The secrecy diversity gain is defined as[30]
performing the necessary variable transformation and after
 1  some algebraic manipulations, the following closed-form
: log Pout ðRS Þ
Gd ¼  lim ; (34) expression is deduced
g B !1 log ð
5. It has generally been shown that the lower bound of the SOP is in
close agreement with the exact SOP over the entire SNR regime (see
4. Intuitively, due to the high probability of successful eavesdrop- [11], [14] and the references therein). Since finding a solution for the
ping, the diversity gain associated with the case wherein gE ! 1, is lower bound of the SOP is easier than the exact SOP one, we use the for-
zero. mer to derive our asymptotic expressions of the SOP at high SNR.

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Fig. 3. Exact average secrecy capacity versus gB for different number of
antennas and B ¼ 0:4, mB ¼ 0:5, E ¼ 0:1, mE ¼ 1:5 at g E ¼ 10 dB.
Fig. 2. Exact average secrecy capacity versus gB for different number of
antennas and hB ¼ 1:6, mB ¼ 2:5, hE ¼ 0:7, mE ¼ 0:5 at gE ¼ 10 dB.

1; Gð2LB mB þ 2LE mE Þð1  2E Þ2LB mB þLE mE

Pout ðRS Þ ¼  
G LE mE þ 12 ð1  2B ÞLB mB
2L m 2L m 1
g E B B mB B B 212LB mB ð1RS Þ2LE mE
 2LB mB 2LB mB  
LB gB mE GðLB mB ÞGðLE mE ÞG LB mB þ 12
 2F1 LB mB þ LE mE ; LB mB þ LE mE þ ; C1 ; 2E :
To the best of the authors knowledge, the above analytical
expressions have not been previously reported in the open
technical literature.
Fig. 4. Exact average secrecy capacity versus gB for different fading
5 NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS conditions and LB ¼ 4, LE ¼ 4 at g E ¼ 10 dB.

In this section, representative numerical examples are plotted The ASC corresponding to hB ¼ 1:6; mB ¼ 3 and hE ¼ 0:7;
along with Monte Carlo simulations to assess the accuracy of mE ¼ 0:5 outperforms the other ASC performances corre-
the derived mathematical results. Without loss of generality, sponding to other fading parameters. This observation shows
it is assumed that RS ¼ 1 bit/s/Hz throughout the paper, that the fading parameters affect the overall security perfor-
unless otherwise stated. In this section, we present the ASC mance of the underlying system. In the same context, Fig. 3
and SOP performance metrics for various values of the fading illustrates the achieved ASC for different antennas values
parameters h,  and m. It is worthwhile to recall that h repre- under -m fading conditions. It is shown that the number of
sents the scattered-wave power ratio between the in-phase antennas is critical also in this case as the achieved ASC dou-
and quadrature components of the wireless signal within any bles in the moderate and high SNR regimes when LB ¼ 2 is
one cluster and has real positive values, i.e., 0 < h < 1. On changed to LB ¼ 8 for fixed fading conditions and LE ¼ 2.
the other hand, 1 <  < 1 represents the correlation coeffi- Fig. 4 illustrates the impact of h and m fading parameters
cient between the scattered-wave in-phase and quadrature on the achieved ASC. It is evident that the power ratio of
components of any multipath cluster, while m > 0 is the the in-phase and quadrature components of the wireless
number of multipath clusters in both fading models. signal in the two paths affects the overall system perfor-
Fig. 2 shows the average secrecy capacity for various num- mance even for a fixed number of used antennas. Particu-
ber of antennas at Bob and Eve, and different fading parame- larly in the case of considerably higher hE compared to hB , a
ters. It can be seen that the analytical results are in good non-negligible ASC degradation occurs across all SNR
agreement with the Monte-Carlo simulations across all the regimes. Likewise, this is also the trend regarding the effects
scenarios, which verifies the validity of the derived expres- of the correlation between the scattered-wave in-phase and
sions. Although the fading parameters for the main and quadrature components in Fig. 5. It is noticed that changes
eavesdropper links vary, we note that as the number of anten- of over 20 percent for fixed number of antennas. Therefore,
nas at Eve increases, the ASC decreases. This is expected since the variations of the number of antennas along with the
a high number of antennas at Eve yields some antenna diver- fading parameters h,  and m affect the achieved ASC levels
sity and therefore a secure eavesdropping which can be detri- significantly. Moreover, a performance comparison between
mental to the security performance of the system. the underlying system over h-m, -m and the one over
In addition, different combinations of the fading parame- Rayleigh fading channels is provided. It can be seen that
ters for the main and eavesdropper channels are considered. there is a performance improvement or deterioration of the

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Fig. 7. Exact average secrecy capacity versus gB for different gE values
Fig. 5. Exact average secrecy capacity versus gB for different fading and number of antennas for B ¼ 0:1, mB ¼ 2:5, E ¼ 0:1, mE ¼ 1:5.
conditions and LB ¼ 4, LE ¼ 4 at gE ¼ 10 dB.

Fig. 8. Exact secrecy outage probability versus g B for different gE values
Fig. 6. Exact average secrecy capacity versus gB for different g E values and hB ¼ 0:5, mB ¼ 0:5, hE ¼ 1:5, mE ¼ 2, and system parameters
and number of antennas for hB ¼ 2:5, mB ¼ 3:5, hE ¼ 0:85, mE ¼ 0:5. LB ¼ 2, and LE ¼ 4.

h-m or -m over the Rayleigh depending on the values the values can ensure acceptable SOP levels even at moderate
fading parameters of the generalized fading. For example, to high g E values. Conversely, low gB values lead to dra-
the ASC with hB ¼ 1, mB ¼ 1:5 and hE ¼ 3, mE ¼ 0:5 outper- matically poor performance even for low g E values since
forms the ASC corresponding to the Rayleigh from medium the achieved SOP is shown to lie around unity. Therefore,
to high-SNR regimes, while the ASC corresponding to besides ensuring that g B must be considerably greater than
hB ¼ 4, mB ¼ 0:5 and hE ¼ 2, mE ¼ 1:5 is outperformed by gE , it must be also ensured that the value of gB is not low
the one in the Rayleigh case. From these observations, one since the corresponding SOP will be rather poor regardless
can infer the scenarios under which the generalized h-m pro- of the value of g E and the number of antennas. These figures
vides a better security performance with respect to the well- also exhibit the accuracy of the derived closed-form asymp-
known fading models. totic expressions for the SOP, which exhibit a tight match
Figs. 6 and 7 demonstrate the effect of g E on the corre- with the respective exact results in both moderate and high
sponding ASC performance for fixed fading conditions and gB regimes.
two different antenna combinations. It is evident that the The behavior of the SOP over h-m and -m fading condi-
values of g E is, as expected, rather critical on the achieved tions is also illustrated in Figs. 10 and 11. It is evident that
ASC levels. For example, an over 20 percent ASC enhance- the derived secrecy diversity gain is confirmed, i.e.,
ment or degradation is observed when the value of g E Gd ¼ 2LB mB . Moreover, it is verified, as in the ASC case,
decreases or increases, respectively at both severe and light that for a fixed number of antennas at Bob, an increasing
fading conditions. Furthermore, it becomes evident that the number of antennas at Eve reduces considerably the overall
value of g E is comparably crucial to the number of selected security performance, whereas an increasing number of
antennas at Bob and Eve. antennas at Bob (for a fixed number of antennas at Eve),
The above behavior is also observed in Figs. 8 and 9, improves the overall system performance. Furthermore,
which demonstrate the SOP for the considered fading con- since it has been shown that the diversity gain is a function
ditions. It is noticed that changing the value of gE typically of mB , an increasing value of mB yields a performance
leads to SOP variations of about an order of magnitude improvement. Fig. 12 shows the SOP performance for vari-
across all g B values. In addition, it is shown that high gB ous target secrecy rates RS in h-m conditions. It can be noted

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Fig. 9. Exact secrecy outage probability versus g B for different g E values

and B ¼ 0:2, mB ¼ 0:5, E ¼ 0:1, mE ¼ 2, and system parameters Fig. 11. Exact secrecy outage probability versus gB for different LE
LB ¼ 2, and LE ¼ 2. values and B ¼ 0:8, mB ¼ 1:5, E ¼ 0:5, mE ¼ 2:5, and LB ¼ 1 at
gE ¼ 10 dB.

Fig. 10. Exact secrecy outage probability versus gB for different LE
values and hB ¼ 0:8, mB ¼ 1:5, hE ¼ 0:5, mE ¼ 2:5, and LB ¼ 1 at
gE ¼ 10 dB.
Fig. 12. Exact secrecy outage probability versus gB for various secrecy
that as RS increases, the SOP increases due to the fact that target rates RS . LE values and B ¼ 0:8, mB ¼ 1:5, E ¼ 0:5, mE ¼ 2:5,
and LB ¼ 1 at gE ¼ 10 dB.
the outage event is likely to occur. It is worth noting that the
aforementioned behavior can also be seen for different fad-
ing parameters and number of antennas.
Fig. 13 shows the SOP versus gB for different values
of the target secrecy rates RS for some well-known fading dis-
tributions, i.e., One-sided Gaussian, Rayleigh and Nakagami-
m. In this scenario, LB ¼ 4, LE ¼ 2, and g E ¼ 10 dB and it can
be seen that under the Rayleigh distribution (hi ! 1,
mi ¼ 0:5), the results coincide with the ones in [31, Fig. 3].
Moreover, this figure depicts the SOP performance under the
one-sided Gaussian and Nakagami-m with m ¼ 2. It is noted
that as RS decreases, the SOP performance improves in all sce-
narios, which corroborates the results in Fig. 12.
Finally, the overall impact of the involved different
parameters on the overall performance under the effects of
h-m and -m fading is demonstrated in Table 1, which
Fig. 13. Exact secrecy outage probability versus gB for various well-
depicts the corresponding ASC and the SOP for different known fading distributions. LB ¼ 4, LE ¼ 2 at gE ¼ 10 dB. Solid lines
values of hB , hE , mB , mE against LB , LE , gB and g E values. correspond to RS ¼ 0:1 and dashed lines correspond to RS ¼ 1.
The two considered cases are analyzed for the following real-
istic scenarios: (a) severe hB and mB with favorable hE and fading. In addition, we assume g E ¼ 0 dB for the case of ASC
mE ; (b) favorable hB and mB with severe hE and mE ; (c) severe and g E ¼ 15 dB for the case of SOP. In this context, it is first
B and mB with favorable E and mE ; and (d) favorable B verified that the ASC performance is affected by the different
and mB with severe E and mE . Without loss of generality, the values of the fading parameters hi , i and mi . For example, in
following parameters are used: gB ¼ f15 dB; 25 dBg and the h-m case, it can be noted that for various number of anten-
hi ¼ 4; mi ¼ 2 (severe), hi ¼ 1; mi ¼ 5 (light or favorable) for nas or main link SNR values, the ASC under severe hB ; mB
the case of h-m fading, where i ¼ fB; Eg, and i ¼ 0:9; mi ¼ 2 and light hE ; mE outperforms the one with favorable hB ; mB
(severe) and i ¼ 0:1; mi ¼ 5 (favorable) for the case of -m and severe hE ; mE . Similar observations are made for the case

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Effects of Fading Parameters on the SOP and ASC for Different System Parameters

Fading System Parameters g B (dB) ASC (bits/s/Hz) SOP

15 3.81980 0.893285
LB ¼ 1, LE ¼ 1 25 7.08452 0.021604
severe hB -mB , light hE -mE 15 4.31824 0.950617
h  m Fading Conditions

LB ¼ 2, LE ¼ 2 25 7.61596 0.001489
15 4.51655 0.976031
LB ¼ 3, LE ¼ 3 25 7.82320 0.000115
15 4.01385 0.815588
LB ¼ 1, LE ¼ 1 25 7.29112 0.003253
light hB -mB , severe hE -mE 15 4.43691 0.909554
LB ¼ 2, LE ¼ 2 25 7.73743 0.000073
15 4.60384 0.952317
LB ¼ 3, LE ¼ 3 25 7.91168 1.8091e-6

15 3.35750 0.864553
LB ¼ 1, LE ¼ 1 25 6.41581 0.047707
severe B -mB , light E -mE 15 1.16424 0.692372
  m Fading Conditions

LB ¼ 2, LE ¼ 2 25 4.55584 0.006152
15 0.214783 0.371675
LB ¼ 3, LE ¼ 3 25 1.441140 0.000886
15 3.84456 0.705777
LB ¼ 1, LE ¼ 1 25 6.92600 0.001010
light B -mB , severe E -mE 15 3.24434 0.565260
LB ¼ 2, LE ¼ 2 25 5.53814 5.7843e-8
15 1.86507 0.295097
LB ¼ 3, LE ¼ 3 25 3.09455 1.919e-13

of -m fading. Furthermore, as the number of antennas LB SOP, which have been validated through comparisons with
and LE increases, the ASC improves regardless of the sce- respective results from Monte-Carlo simulations. Also, the
nario and the values of the main link SNR (e.g., 15 dB, 25 dB). asymptotic analysis for the SOP has shown to approximate
More importantly, it is seen that in both cases and for any well the exact SOP at the high SNR regime. The offered analyt-
number of antennas, the ASC in scenario (b) outperforms the ical results were then used in quantifying the effects of the dif-
one in scenario (a). It is worth mentioning that, the perfor- ferent parameters on the achieved PHY layer security. It was
mance difference between the two scenarios increases with shown that PHY depends significantly on these parameters,
the number of antennas between the corresponding values of which verifies the need for accurate characterization and
the main link SNR. In the same context, the effects of the fad- modeling of multipath fading conditions. Also, the offered
ing parameters on the SOP are discussed. In the h-m case, it results are expected to provide insights on the involved
can be seen that as the number of antennas increases, the SOP computational complexity and sustainability, since emerging
performance slightly deteriorates for gB ¼ 15 dB. Intuitively, communication systems are largely characterized by stringent
this can be explained as follows: the wiretap SNR is set to 15 quality of service and computational complexity require-
dB, i.e., the eavesdropper channel has the same quality as the ments. Possible future extensions to this work involve multi-
main link. However, as the main link SNR improves (i.e., ple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wiretap channels with
g B ¼ 25 dB), a substantial performance improvement is noted transmit antenna selection. MIMO systems have emerged as
as the number of antennas increases in both scenarios. good candidates for current and future communication sys-
As aforementioned, it is seen that hi , i and mi have affect tems and therefore, its consideration in the context of physical
the PHY security of the underlying system. It is noted that later security is of paramount importance. Another direction
such effects can be detrimental or can improve the system of research could investigate the impact of outdated channel
performance depending on the values of hi and mi for the information in transmit antenna selection.
main and wiretap channels. The offered conclusions on the
effects of the fading parameters on the system performance
provide interesting insights that might be useful to future
designs since the issue of security is addressed in this work. The work of J. M. Moualeu was supported in part by the
NRF Funding Incentive for Rated Researchers. The work of
P. C. Sofotasios and S. Muhaidat was supported in part by
6 CONCLUSIONS Khalifa University under Grant No. KU/RC1-C2PS-T2/
This contribution addressed the secrecy performance of a 8474000137 and Grant No. KU/FSU-8474000122. This paper
wireless communication system over the generalized fading was presented in part at the IEEE International Conference
conditions characterized by the h-m and -m fading models. on Advanced Communication Technologies and Network-
Novel analytical expressions were derived for the ASC and ing (CommNet 2019).

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Daniel B. da Costa (S’04-M’08-SM’14) received Walaa Hamouda (S’97-M’02-SM’06) received

the BSc degree in telecommunications from the the MASc and PhD degrees in electrical and
Military Institute of Engineering (IME), Rio de computer engineering from Queen’s University,
Janeiro, Brazil, in 2003, and the MSc and PhD Kingston, ON, Canada, in 1998 and 2002,
degrees in electrical engineering, in the area of respectively. Since July 2002, he has been with
telecommunications, from the University of Cam- the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
pinas, SP, Brazil, in 2006 and 2008, respectively. neering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC,
His PhD thesis was awarded the Best PhD thesis Canada, where he is currently a professor. Since
in electrical engineering by the Brazilian Ministry June 2006, he has been a Concordia University
of Education (CAPES) at the 2009 CAPES The- research chair in communications and network-
sis Contest. From 2008 to 2009, he was a post- ing. His current research interests include single/
doctoral research fellow with INRS-EMT, University of Quebec, multiuser multiple-input-multiple-output communications, space-time
Montreal, QC, Canada. Since 2010, he has been with the Federal Uni- processing, cooperative communications, wireless networks, multiuser
versity of Ceara , where he is currently an associate professor. He is cur- communications, cross-layer design, and source and channel coding.
rently senior editor of the IEEE Communications Letters and an editor of He served as the technical, track co-chair, co-chair for numerous confer-
the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, the IEEE Transac- ences and symposiums. From September 2005 to November 2008, he
tions on Communications, the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technol- was the chair of the IEEE Montreal Chapter in Communications and
ogy, etc. He has been involved on the organizing committee of several Information Theory. He has received numerous awards, including the
conferences. He is currently the Latin American Chapters Coordinator of Best Paper Award at ICC 2009 and the IEEE Canada Certificate of
the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. Also, he acts as a scientific con- Appreciation in 2007 and 2008. He served as an associate editor for the
sultant of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Develop- IEEE Communications Letters and the IEEE Transactions on Signal
ment (CNPq), Brazil, and he is a productivity research fellow of CNPq. Processing. He currently serves as an associate editor for the IEEE
Currently, he is vice-chair of Americas of the IEEE Technical Committee Transactions on Vehicular Technology, an editor for the IEEE Communi-
of Cognitive Networks (TCCN), director of the TCCN Newsletter, and cations Surveys & Tutorials, and the IEEE Wireless Communications
chair of the Special Interest Group on Energy-Harvesting Cognitive Letters. He is a senior member of the IEEE.
Radio Networks in IEEE TCCN. He is the recipient of four conference
paper awards, two Exemplary Reviewer Certificates, the Certificate of
Appreciation of Top Associate Editor for outstanding contributions to Ugo S. Dias (S’04-M’08-SM’18) received the
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology in 2013, 2015 and 2016, BSc degree in electrical engineering from the
respectively, the Exemplary Editor Award of IEEE Communications Let- Federal University of Para  , Brazil, in 2004, and
ters in 2016, and the Outstanding Editor Award of the IEEE Access in the MSc and PhD degrees in electrical engineer-
2017. He is a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Vehicular Technology ing, in the area of telecommunications, from the
Society. He is a senior member of the IEEE, and member of IEEE Com- University of Campinas, Brazil, in 2006 and 2010,
munications Society and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. respectively. Since March 2010, he has been an
assistant professor with the University of Brasilia
(UnB), Brazil. He is a faculty member of the
Sami Muhaidat (S’01-M’08-SM’11) received the Department of Electrical Engineering, Latitude
PhD degree in electrical and computer engineer- and MWSL Labs. His main research interests
ing from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, include fading channels, field measurements, coexistence and quality of
ON, Canada, in 2006. From 2007 to 2008, he experience for future wireless networks, and wireless technologies in
was an NSERC post-doctoral fellow with the general. He is currently an editor of the the IET Electronics Letters and
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- the ACTA Press - Communications. He has been involved on the orga-
ing, University of Toronto, ON, Canada. From nizing committee of several conferences. He is the recipient of four con-
2008 to 2012, he was an assistant professor with ference paper awards and one award from IEEE R9 for “the First Place
the School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser in the IEEE R9 Success Story Contest - ComSoc Student Chapter 2017.
University, Burnaby, BC, Canada. He is currently Besides the academic experiences, he also worked in several compa-
an associate professor with Khalifa University, nies in the ICT industry. Currently, he serves as vice president of the
Abu Dhabi, UAE, and a visiting professor with the Department of Electri- Brazilian Telecommunications Society, chair of the IEEE ComSoc CN
cal and Computer Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London, Brazil Chapter, and advisor of the IEEE ComSoc UnB Student Branch
ON, Canada. He is also a visiting reader with the Faculty of Engineering, Chapter. He is a senior member of the IEEE and Brazilian Telecommuni-
University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom. He currently serves as cations Society, and member of IEEE Communications Society and
an area editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications, and he Brazilian Communications Committee.
was previously a senior editor of the IEEE Communications Letters and
an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications, the
IEEE Communications Letters and the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular " For more information on this or any other computing topic,
Technology. He was a recipient of several scholarships during his under- please visit our Digital Library at
graduate and graduate studies and the winner of the 2006 NSERC Post-
Doctoral Fellowship Competition. He is a senior member of the IEEE.

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