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paêdziernik/listopad NR 5/6 (3) 2002

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INDEKS 374385

Dodatek specjalny
My w Unii Europejskiej
Specjalnie dla nas:
Danuta Hübner
W∏odzimierz Cimoszewicz

ELT Concerto:
James Bond
Kasia Kowalska
Andrzej Kwiatkowski

Witamy w Europie! The Teacher

nr 7 (4)
grudzieƒ 2002

W chwili, gdy Irlandczycy ∏amià sobie g∏owy nad dopusz- W kolejnym numerze Teachera
czeniem Polski do Wspólnoty, w chwili, gdy Holendrzy nie zamieÊcimy artyku∏ Michaela Rundella
„Conceptual metaphor and its value
mogà dojÊç do porozumienia mi´dzy stanowiskiem rzàdu for language learners”, na zimowe ch∏ody
a parlamentu w sprawie naszej akcesji, my pierwsi robimy zaproponujemy tekst o najprawdziwszej
krok naprzód. Odwa˝ny, Êmia∏y i pozbawiony kompleksów. angielskiej herbatce, a ze wzgl´du
Stale rosnàce grono naszych czytelników udowadnia Êwiatu, ˝e na kolejnà rocznic´ Êmierci Johna
Lennona przeÊledzimy histori´
w naszym kraju nie brak osób wykszta∏conych, Êwietnie mó- najs∏ynniejszego zespo∏u Êwiata
wiàcych po angielsku (a zatem pos∏ugujàcych si´ najbardziej – The Beatles. B´dà kolejne çwiczenia,
rozpowszechnionym i uniwersalnym j´zykiem Unii), Êmia∏o sta∏e dzia∏y powrócà do swych
patrzàcych w przysz∏oÊç spod znaku dwunastu gwiazdek. normalnych rozmiarów. Z okazji Âwiàt
postaramy si´ równie˝ o nowe, nieobecne
Dla wszystkich tych, którzy jednak nie czujà si´ tak pewnie, dotàd na naszych ∏amach, materia∏y.
dla wszystkich tych, którzy wcià˝ majà wàtpliwoÊci, spoglàda- Zapraszamy do numeru grudniowego,
jà na unijne zagadnienia z nieufnoÊcià, przygotowaliÊmy ofer- od którego The Teacher b´dzie si´
t´ specjalnà. W tym numerze Teachera znajdziecie Paƒstwo ukazywa∏ co miesiàc!
przygotowany we wspó∏pracy z Urz´dem Komisji Integracji
Europejskiej specjalny dodatek „My w Unii Europejskiej”.
WÊród zawartych w nim materia∏ów sà mi´dzy innymi: raport
o zmianach, jakie czekajà nauczycieli wraz z przystàpieniem
Polski do UE, wywiady z czo∏owymi osobistoÊciami politycz- Redaktor Naczelny
Artur Wàsowski
nymi zwiàzanymi bezpoÊrednio z polskimi negocjacjami ak- tel. (22) 622 10 70 wew. 102
cesyjnymi, podr´czny s∏owniczek terminów unijnych i kilka e-mail:
Sekretarz redakcji
dodatkowych drobiazgów. Konrad Baƒkowski
tel. (22) 622 10 70 wew. 113
Drugim eksploatowanym przez nas tematem jest Internet e-mail:
i mo˝liwoÊci jego zastosowania w nauczaniu j´zyka angiel- Redakcja
Piotr Czarnyszewicz
skiego. Wszystkim, dla których Sieç jest w dalszym ciàgu tel. (22) 622 10 70 wew. 112
swoistà terra incognita, pomocny mo˝e si´ okazaç artyku∏ o j´- Pawe∏ Gadaczek
tel. (22) 622 10 70 wew. 113
zyku, jakim Internet si´ pos∏uguje. Zdradzamy te˝ ogromne e-mail:
J´drzej Markiewicz
iloÊci adresów WWW, które wià˝à si´ z tym zagadnieniem e-mail:
i posiadajà spore wartoÊci naukowe. Takie czasy – dziÊ zwy- Piotr Krasnowolski
k∏y, papierowy podr´cznik nie jest ju˝ alfà i omegà, jedynym Korekta cz´Êci polskiej:
Pawe∏ Gadaczek
êród∏em wiedzy wszelakiej. Marcin Szczepaƒski
Ze wzgl´du na zamieszczenie opisanego wy˝ej dodatku Stale wspó∏pracuje
Pawe∏ Rabiej
zdecydowaliÊmy si´ ograniczyç cz´Êç magazynowà trzeciego e-mail:
Teachera. Mimo wszystko wielu entuzjastów gatunku znaj- Dzia∏ Reklamy
Dorota Krassowska
dzie tam smakowity materia∏ zwiàzany z pewnym jubile- tel. (22) 622 10 70 wew. 105
uszem. Prawdopodobnie wielu naszych czytelników jest Katarzyna Kawecka
tel. (22) 622 10 70 wew. 111
znacznie m∏odszych, ni˝ bohater rubryki Made in England. e-mail:
Oddajemy ten numer do druku w chwili, kiedy wyniki po- Prenumerata
Beata Rudzka
wtórnego referendum w Irlandii nie sà jeszcze znane. Miej- tel. (22) 622 10 70
my nadziej´, ˝e mieszkaƒcy Zielonej Wyspy odwdzi´czà nam Monta˝ elektroniczno-graficzny:
si´ za fascynacj´, jakà Irlandia budzi w nas od dawna. W koƒ- Page Graph
Wydawca: ELT Sp. z o.o.
cu Dzieƒ Âwi´tego Patryka, po Irlandii i USA najhuczniej
obchodzony jest chyba w∏aÊnie u nas... ul. Fabryczna 16/22 lok. 23
00-446 Warszawa
tel. (22) 622 10 70
Konrad Baƒkowski.

fot. Imperial Entertainment s. 57 Fot. P. Czarnyszewicz s. 55


4 Recenzje 32 Education training 48 The Polish capital market
5 Publishers recommend and the youth 49 Netspeek...
6 Web watch J´drzej Markiewicz Jakub Suder,
8 Books Review 35 Konkurs na esej Piotr Krasnowolski
o Unii Europejskiej
ELT 36 Wywiad z ministrem LUDZIE
10 ELT Concerto: S∏awomirem Wiatrem 54 Rzetelna debata,
Transforming Teachers A. Braumberger a nie reklamówki – wywiad
Luke Prodromou 37 Europejska Interkl@sa z Andrzejem Kwiatkowskim
17 ELT professional Ewa Kadys Piotr Czarnyszewicz
18 Fumbling for words 38 Perspektywy polskiej
Piotr Steinbrich m∏odzie˝y po przystàpieniu MAGAZYN
20 Teaching English Polski do UE – wypowiedê 55 Kasia
with the Internet ministra W∏odzimierza Piotr Czarnyszewicz
Jaros∏aw Krajka Cimoszewicza 57 Made in England
25 Grammar Class Day One: 40 European School Clubs – James Bond
Attitudes and Teaching Piotr Czarnyszewicz, Konrad Baƒkowski
Ideas J´drzej Markiewicz
Irene E. Schoenberg 41 Kim b´dziemy w Unii? MO˝LIWOÊCI
28 åwiczenia – odpowiada minister 60 Pitman, Longman, ATAS
30 ELT around the world Danuta Hübner 61 Macmillan Polska
42 S∏ownik unijny 62 Macmillan Conference 2002
44 Quiz o UE ELT Myth and Philosophy
Pawe∏ Gadaczek

Fot. TAP s. 54 Fot. Forum s. 38 Fot. Forum s. 41

The Teacher TRENDY

Muzyka Ksià˝ka Jej wyjàtkowoÊç polega równie˝ na tym, ˝e Paul

McCartney, Ringo Starr i George Harrison zgodzi-
n Manu Chao „Radio Memba Sound n The Beatles – Antologia li si´ opowiedzieç wiele, nieznanych dotàd, histo-
System” Wydawca: Hachette Livre (2002) rii specjalnie na jej potrzeby. Wraz z Yoko Ono
Pomaton EMI Lennon udost´pnili równie˝ archiwa zespo∏u
(w tym tak˝e swoje prywatne), dzi´ki którym po
raz pierwszy Êwiat∏o dzienne ujrza∏o wiele niepu-
blikowanych dotàd zdj´ç oraz dokumentów.
Polska wersja ksià˝ki „Antologia The Beatles”
dost´pna jest od 25 wrzeÊnia.
[Hachette Livre]


n „Gwiezdne Wojny. Atak Klonów”

(Star Wars. Attack of the Clones)
re˝. George Lucas
obsada: Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman,
Manu Chao nie jest w Polsce tak znany i lu- Christopher Lee
biany, jak na to zas∏uguje. Ten hiszpaƒskoj´- prod. USA (2002)
zyczny Francuz zyska∏ sobie w naszym kraju Dystrybucja VHS i DVD: Imperial Entertainment
wiernà grup´ fanów (wcale nie ma∏à, jak so- Nowa ksià˝ka „Antologia The Beatles” nie jest,
bie przypomn´ warszawski koncert Manu) jak inne tego typu pozycje, ksià˝kà napisanà
g∏ównie za sprawà wielkiego hitu „Bongo przez kogoÊ o Beatlesach. Jest za to imponujà-
Bong” ze swej pierwszej solowej p∏yty cym zbiorem wspomnieƒ i wypowiedzi samych
„Clandestino”. Nie napisa∏em debiutanckiej, Beatlesów, którzy opowiadajà o sobie, o swoim
gdy˝ Manu Chao da∏ si´ poznaç ju˝ w latach dzieciƒstwie, marzeniach, fascynacji muzykà,
80. jako lider grupy Mano Negra, ∏àczàcej wreszcie o klimacie powojennego Liverpoolu.
w swej muzyce tradycyjne rytmy latynoskie, Przede wszystkim jednak o tym, jak tworzyli ze-
reggae, francuski alternatywny rock i przede spó∏, który na trwa∏e sta∏ si´ jednym z najwa˝-
wszystkim punk rock. Grupy dziÊ kultowej we niejszych elementów kultury popularnej. Na
Francji i krajach latynoskich (zresztà kilka lat czym jednak polega∏ ten fenomen?
temu T. Love nagra∏ „Syna miasta” – w∏asnà The Beatles to bardzo ró˝ne osobowoÊci, mie-
wersj´ utworu Mano Negry „Out of Time szanka temperamentów i specyficzne poczucie
Man”). humoru. Ka˝dy z nich by∏ indywidualnoÊcià, ra-
„Radio Memba Sound System” to zapis pa- zem jednak doskonale si´ uzupe∏niali. Tak bar-
ryskiego koncertu z ostatniej trasy koncerto- dzo ró˝ni z osobna, razem byli znakomicie
wej – od razu pragn´ zaznaczyç, ˝e wszyscy zgranym zespo∏em. Nieustannie poszukiwali
ci, którzy znajà zaledwie ostatnie dokonania nowego – brzmienia, wyrazu, image’u, inspira- Ciàg dalszy przygód m∏odego Anakina Sky-
Manu i nie widzieli go na ˝ywo, mogà byç cji. Nietrudno wi´c zrozumieç, co mia∏ na my- walkera na jego drodze ku przejÊciu na ciem-
lekko zaskoczeni... ˝ywio∏owoÊcià nagraƒ! Êli Ringo Starr, kiedy mówi∏ o „niesamowitej nà stron´ Mocy. Twórcy filmu zmienili dotych-
O ile ostatni album „Proxima Estacion: Espe- wi´zi czterech facetów”, którzy nawet gdy mie- czasowà konwencj´ i po raz pierwszy
ranza” jest chyba najspokojniejszy w dorob- li najwi´ksze apartamenty w hotelu, siedzieli w Gwiezdnej Sadze na tak wyraêne miejsce
ku Manu, to na koncercie wyraênie daje znaç we czterech w jednej ∏azience, by móc spokoj- wysunà∏ si´ wàtek romansowy. Pojawiajà si´
o sobie jego latynoska krew. Wi´kszoÊç nie pogadaç. równie˝ wàtki znane ze „starych” Gwiezdnych
utworów – a jest ich 29 – zosta∏o zarejestro- „Antologia The Beatles” to ksià˝ka ciep∏a, Wojen, poznajemy zr´by póêniejszego Impe-
wanych w szybszych wersjach, dodatkowo szczera i zabawna. Opowiada o muzycznym rium, na czele którego stanà Imperator i Darth
jeszcze bardziej „podlanych” sosem latyno- rozwoju i o przemianach, jakie przeszli muzy- Vader. Film zosta∏ zrealizowany z charaktery-
sko-jamajskim. Obok dobrze znanych utwo- cy z Liverpoolu na drodze do Êwiatowej s∏awy. stycznym dla Lucasa barokowym przepychem.
rów, np. „Clandestino”, „Mala Vida”, na p∏y- Pozwala te˝ poznaç ich wczesne lata, zanim Zdecydowanie jest to najbardziej „komikso-
cie znalaz∏y si´ tak˝e niepublikowane wcze- stali si´ idolami m∏odych ludzi na ca∏ym wa” cz´Êç Sagi, wi´kszoÊç kadrów pora˝a na-
Êniej kompozycje (w wersjach koncertowych Êwiecie. gromadzeniem efektów wizualnych. Co do
oczywiÊcie): „Bienvenido a Tijuana”, „Rum- Mimo 30 lat, które up∏yn´∏y od rozpadu grupy, scenariusza – zdania sà podzielone, choç za-
ba de Barcelona”, „Blood and Fire”. fenomen The Beatles zdaje si´ nie gasnàç. gorzali mi∏oÊnicy GW nie powinni byç zawie-
Na zakoƒczenie musz´ jednak dodaç, ˝e Âwiadczy o tym równie˝ fakt, ˝e „Antologia The dzeni. Tym bardziej, ˝e du˝à rol´ w „Ataku
„Radio Memba...” to znakomity album kon- Beatles” zosta∏a ju˝ przet∏umaczona na j´zyki: Klonów” odgrywa jedna z kultowych postaci
certowy, ale... warszawski koncert by∏ jesz- niemiecki, francuski, norweski, holenderski, Sagi – Boba Fett (a raczej jego genetyczny
cze lepszy! w∏oski, japoƒski, a teraz równie˝ polski. Do dziÊ „ojciec” Jango Fett).
[pg] przeczyta∏o jà oko∏o 3 mln osób! [kb]

TRENDY The Teacher

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The Teacher TRENDY

Przydatne dla nauczycieli mogà byç tak˝e kategorie:

Web watch Dictionaries, ELT Magazines, Encyclopedias, Grammar,
Slang, jak równie˝ materia∏y dotyczàce TOEFL, TOEIC.
Ponadto wyró˝nione sà kategorie: Games, Poetry, Drama,
Music, Movies and Screenplays, które – na pierwszy rzut
oka – nie wydajà si´ specjalnie pomocne przy nauczaniu j´-
n zyka angielskiego.
Macmillan jest jednym z najwi´kszych wydawnictw
zwiàzanych z nauczaniem j´zyka angielskiego na polskim n
rynku. G∏ównà witrynà Macmillana w naszym kraju jest ELT Forum to strona skierowana dla ka˝dego, kto jest za-, przy czym jest to strona angloj´zycz- interesowany tematykà ELT, niezale˝nie od tego, czy jest
na. Skupia si´ ona na prezentacji firmy, pracowników nauczycielem, trainerem czy material developerem. ELT
i celów dzia∏ania, tj. jak najlepszego nauczania j´zyka an- Forum to przede wszystkim êród∏o forów dyskusyjnych,
gielskiego. Znajdziemy na niej tak˝e list´ konferencji ogromnych zasobów bibliograficznych, daje tak˝e mo˝li-
i eventów dotyczàcych nauczania j´zyka angielskiego woÊç Êciàgni´cia ze stron „packów” zawierajàcych artyku∏y,
w Polsce. Jest tu równie˝ oferta wydawnicza, cennik, fragmenty ksià˝ek itd.
a tak˝e lista adresów hurtowni patronackich. Mo˝na tak˝e zakupiç online opracowania metodologiczne.
Inne adresy zwiàzane z Macmillanem to Dla niezorientowanych przygotowano specjalnà stron´ – oficjalna strona wydawnictwa, z FAQ. – informacje na temat ksià˝ek dystry- Je˝eli ktoÊ potrzebuje pomocy metodycznej, mo˝e zajrzeç
buowanych w Polsce, a tak˝e wiele adresów stron Macmillana na podstron´ The Library i tam skorzystaç z dzia∏ów:
w innych krajach. Ze stron niezwiàzanych z wydawnictwem Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary a tak˝e The Teacher
godny polecenia jest: (chodzi o „nauczyciela”, nie o nas :-).
– tutaj znaleêç mo˝na akty prawne na temat Karty Nauczy- Cz´Êç serwisu dost´pna jest tylko dla zarejestrowanych
ciela i systemu oÊwiaty. u˝ytkowników. Jest tak˝e opcja korzystania z message – to bardzo ∏adnie przygotowana boardu, lecz najpierw trzeba si´ zalogowaç.
strona dotyczàca kursu L!VE, przeznaczona dla nauczycie-
li gimnazjalnych. Na stronie mo˝emy poznaç sylwetki auto- n
rów kursu L!VE, jak równie˝ sam kurs i odpowiednie pod- dedicate.htm
r´czniki. Znajduje si´ tam tak˝e test gimnazjalny wraz Wpisujàc do wyszukiwarki ten adres, trafimy na stron´, na
z punktacjà oraz kilka gier, które mogà byç pomocne w na- której znajdujà si´ adresy ró˝nych online’owych magazynów
uce angielskiego (nie zapominajàc o rozrywce...). poÊwi´conych g∏ównie problemom zwiàzanym z szeroko ro- – to strona poÊwi´cona innemu zumianym nauczaniem j´zyka angielskiego. Stàd mo˝emy
kursowi j´zyka angielskiego, tym razem skierowanemu do si´ „przelinkowaç” na strony: – inter-
uczniów liceum. Podobnie jak w przypadku L!VE i tutaj netowy magazyn s∏u˝àcy pomocà zagranicznym studentom
mo˝emy poznaç autorów kursu. W Sample Issue pokazano uczàcym si´ j´zyka angielskiego (EFL) w Wielkiej Brytanii.
przyk∏adowe materia∏y, zaÊ w Resources umieszczono pliki Na stronie mo˝na znaleêç informacje o szko∏ach oraz
do pobrania – çwiczenia wraz z answer keys. o tym jak p∏aciç za kursy nawet do 30 procent taniej;
Ciekawà podstronà jest Problem Corner, na której znajdujà si´ to kolejny magazyn online, tym razem dla
odpowiedzi na pytania zwiàzane z zawi∏oÊciami j´zyka angiel- studentów i nauczycieli, w którym obok wyst´pujàcych
skiego; pytania mo˝na wys∏aç ze strony Problem Corner. w wi´kszoÊci serwisów dzia∏ów jak Praca, Adresy szkó∏, – ta strona jest poÊwi´cona znajdujà si´ dzia∏y z legalnym oprogramowaniem do eduka-
najnowszemu i najnowoczeÊniejszemu s∏ownikowi j´zyka cji i narz´dziami do komunikacji voice-to-voice. n
angielskiego Macmillan English Dictionary. Warto zazna-
czyç, ˝e do s∏ownika do∏àczony jest CD-ROM, na którym
znajduje si´... s∏ownik oczywiÊcie, ale w wersji cyfrowej
(wszystkie has∏a z wymowà!).

Strona, czyli Index of English Laguage
Resources mo˝e okazaç si´ ostatnià deskà ratunku, gdy ktoÊ
szuka informacji na dany temat, jednak nie zna ˝adnego
przydatnego adresu internetowego.
W serwisie znajduje si´ 65 kategorii. Ró˝norodnoÊç tema-
tyczna sprawi, ˝e nie powinno byç osoby, która nie znalaz∏a-
by tu potrzebnych jej informacji.
Najwi´cej linków znajduje si´ w dzia∏ach: Schools (przede
wszystkim USA, Wielka Brytania, Kanada, Australia),
Teachers Training, Business English (g∏ównie kursy),
Commercial Products, Language Travel Agents, Jobs.

TRENDY The Teacher

2000 egzemplarzy i sà bezp∏atnie przekazywane do Sejmu,

n Senatu, urz´dów administracji publicznej, bibliotek woje-
Jest to serwis internetowy Sekretariatu Europejskiego, do- wódzkich, bibliotek uczelni wy˝szych, bibliotek pedagogicz-
st´pny po polsku i angielsku; mo˝na w nim znaleêç potrzeb- nych, oÊrodków Euro-Info, Centrów Dokumentacji Europej-
ne informacje o integracji europejskiej oraz Urz´dzie Komi- skiej oraz Regionalnych Centrów Informacji Europejskiej.
tetu Integracji Europejskiej, który prowadzi t´ stron´. Strona Polecane Strony to linkownia – zbiór adresów stron interne-
jest podzielona na odr´bne tematycznie podstrony: Aktualno- towych dotyczàcych nie tylko Unii Europejskiej, lecz tak˝e
Êci, Urzàd, Centrum Informacji Europejskiej, Dokumenty, polskiego rzàdu, edukacji czy te˝ problemów zwiàzanych
Publikacje, Biblioteka itd. z rolnictwem, rybo∏ówstwem, ˝ywnoÊcià.
W AktualnoÊciach znajdujà si´ informacje o bie˝àcym sta- Warto te˝ zajrzeç do Dokumentów, gdzie mo˝emy si´ zapo-
nie negocjacji, o ich harmonogramie oraz stan obecny roz- znaç z treÊcià ustaw, rozporzàdzeƒ i zarzàdzeƒ Rady
mów, zaj´ç, debat, a tak˝e konferencji urz´dów oraz urz´d- Ministrów, a tak˝e Dzienników Urz´dowych KIE.
ników odpowiedzialnych za negocjacje i rozszerzenie UE, Wa˝nà podstronà sà informacje o Bibliotece Depozytowej
ze strony polskiej i unijnej. WczeÊniejsze dane sà ∏atwo do- Wspólnot Europejskich. Mo˝na z niej pobraç alfabetyczny
st´pne – wystarczy „kliknàç” w link pod ostatnià aktualnà katalog zbiorów biblioteki, jak równie˝ zapoznaç si´ z katalo-
wiadomoÊcià. giem ksià˝ek (ponad siedem tysi´cy rekordów) i katalogiem
Na kolejnej podstronie zamieszczone sà informacje o pracach czasopism online. Na stronie znajduje si´ oczywiÊcie adres
Danuty Hübner, minister ds. europejskich; przede wszyst- Biblioteki oraz jej regulamin. Z jej zbiorów mogà korzystaç
kim jest tam tygodniowe kalendarium zaj´ç pani minister: wszyscy zainteresowani.
spotkaƒ, rozmów, wizyt itp. Podobnie jak w AktualnoÊciach, Z serwisu mo˝na tak˝e pobraç publikacje Urz´du oraz ró˝ne
i tutaj zosta∏o do∏àczone archiwum wczeÊniejszych wydarzeƒ. dokumenty (zapisane g∏ównie w formacie pdf, do odczytania
Na oddzielnej podstronie Urz´du mo˝emy znaleêç informa- którego niezb´dny jest darmowy program Acrobat Reader®).
cje o osobach kierujàcych Urz´dem Komitetu Integracji Eu- Osobom, które pragnà poszerzyç swà wiedz´ w kontekÊcie
ropejskiej: o minister Danucie Hübner, o ministrze Jaros∏a- dyskusji o przystàpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej, mo˝na
wie Pietrasie i minister Krystynie Gurbiel, podsekretarzach poleciç lektur´ artyku∏u „14 powodów...”. n
stanu w UKIE, a tak˝e wykaz wszystkich departamentów
i zakres spraw, jakimi si´ zajmujà, oraz informacje o pracy
i praktykach w Urz´dzie. – adres e-mail redaktora serwisu internetowego UKIE
W Serwisach znaleêç mo˝na materia∏y informacyjne i do-
kumenty dotyczàce zakresu dzia∏alnoÊci Urz´du Komitetu
Integracji Europejskiej zwiàzanej z przygotowaniem i ko-
ordynowaniem polityki w sprawach dotyczàcych integracji
Polski z Unià Europejskà. Serwisy sà podzielone na pod-
strony poÊwi´cone odr´bnym zagadnieniom, poczàwszy
od Edukacji europejskiej i Konwentu M∏odych czy Opinii
publicznej – comiesi´cznych opracowaƒ dotyczàcych po-
staw spo∏ecznych wobec integracji Polski z UE – poprzez
Programy pomocowe, a˝ do informacji o T∏umaczeniach
aktów prawnych Wspólnoty Europejskiej. Zainteresowani
pracà w instytucjach Unii znajdà tutaj niezb´dne informa-
cje na ten temat. Wchodzàc do tego dzia∏u mo˝na si´ rów-
nie˝ dowiedzieç, co to jest Konwent M∏odych, Narodowa
Rada Integracji Europejskiej czy Êrodowiskowe rady kon-
Osobom, które pragnà poszerzyç swà wiedz´ w zakresie inte-
gracji europejskiej, polecam studium internetowe – Integra-
cja Europejska ( Zamieszczono tu
równie˝ Informator o studiach europejskich w Polsce.
Centrum Informacji Europejskiej – na tej podstronie znajdu-
jà si´ dane o dzia∏alnoÊci Centrum Informacji Europejskiej
UKIE oraz trzydziestu pi´ciu Regionalnych Centrów Infor-
macji Europejskiej (RCIE) powo∏anych przez UKIE. Znaj-
dziemy tu te˝ list´ z ich adresami i numerami telefonów. Na-
uczyciele i uczniowie zainteresowani tematykà integracyjnà
znajdà materia∏y o szkolnych klubach europejskich. Mogà
równie˝ korzystaç z gier edukacyjnych.
Publikacje to dzia∏ poÊwi´cony wydawnictwom UKIE.
Przede wszystkim sà to dokumenty, opracowania, analizy itp.
dotyczàce szeroko poj´tej problematyki integracji europej-
skiej. Publikacje te ukazujà si´ – zazwyczaj – w nak∏adzie

The Teacher TRENDY

mieÊcie i okolicy w j´zyku angielskim. Wszystko to

Books review znajdziemy w Follow Me 1.
Follow Me Ma∏gorzata Dyszlewska,
SZKO¸Y PODSTAWOWEJ Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 2002 n
Follow Me to nowa propozycja WSiP SA dla uczniów
w klasie czwartej szko∏y podstawowej. Na pierwszy rzut n BOOMERANG – ELEMENTARY
oka widaç, ˝e autorki majà du˝e doÊwiadczenie w na-
uczaniu tej grupy wiekowej. Odpowiednio dobrane
przyk∏ady, przemawiajàce do wyobraêni dziesi´ciolatka
teksty o domu, rodzinie i szkole na pewno pomogà
dziecku odnaleêç si´ w nowym Êwiecie, jakim jest j´zyk
obcy. Pierwsze strony Follow Me majà za zadanie poka-
zaç uczniowi, ˝e ten nowy przedmiot wcale nie musi
byç taki straszny.
Zadanie to spe∏nia znakomicie cz´Êç „Starter”. Typy
çwiczeƒ tam zawartych nie sà nowe, ale doskonale wpi-
sujà si´ w koncepcj´ pokazania uczniowi, ile ju˝ „umie”
(zapo˝yczenia u˝ywane w j´zyku polskim, skróty i skró-
towce pochodzàce z angielskiego itd.).
Tak˝e w kolejnych rozdzia∏ach podr´cznik sprawia wra˝e-
nie przyjaznego uczniowi i nauczycielowi. Materia∏ jest
wprowadzany stopniowo, çwiczenia pozwalajà na rozwija-
Odwieczne dylematy osób uczàcych si´ angielskiego: nie wszystkich sprawnoÊci j´zykowych, szczególny na-
„make coffee” czy „do coffee”? „suggest to go” czy cisk po∏o˝ony jest na s∏uchanie i mówienie. Dodatkowo
„suggest going”? Nauczyciele bez wahania podadzà na p∏ycie CD do∏àczanej do ksià˝ki nauczyciela jest spo-
wiele takich uczniowskich problemów. Na te i wiele in- ro dialogów, rymowanek i piosenek skomponowanych
nych pytaƒ znajdziemy odpowiedê w podr´czniku specjalnie na potrzeby tego podr´cznika. BOOMERANG Elementary przeznaczony jest dla
Grammar and Vocabulary for FCE. Jest on niezb´dny na uczniów gimnazjum, którzy rozpoczynajà nauk´ j´zyka
biurku ka˝dego, kogo uczniowie przygotowujà si´ do angielskiego i majà za sobà pewne kontakty z j´zykiem,
egzaminu First Certificate. W poszczególnych rozdzia- bàdê te˝ dla uczniów klas II, którzy kontynuujà nauk´
∏ach powtarzamy zagadnienia gramatyczne, poprzedzo- rozpocz´tà w klasie I.
ne testem sprawdzajàcym – mo˝e ten materia∏ nasi s∏u- Podobnie jak w wi´kszoÊci podr´czników dla tej grupy
chacze opanowali tak dobrze, ˝e nie trzeba niczego po- wiekowej, w BOOMERANG Elementary autorzy postara-
wtarzaç? Zakres materia∏u w podr´czniku pokrywa si´ li si´ o to, aby zarówno format, jak i treÊç podr´cznika
z zagadnieniami wymaganymi na FCE w „Paper 3”, dostosowane by∏y do potrzeb, oczekiwaƒ i zaintereso-
a jest to cz´Êç First Certificate, której uczniowie bojà si´ waƒ odbiorcy. Mo˝emy tu wi´c znaleêç tematyk´ skie-
najbardziej. rowanà do ucznia gimnazjum: szko∏a, komputery/Inter-
Jest to te˝ ksià˝ka bardzo polecana maturzystom i ich na- net, rodzina/przyjaciele, muzyka, moda, przysz∏a praca,
uczycielom; pracujàc z nià, z powodzeniem powtarzamy dieta. Sà te˝ teksty powa˝niejsze, odnoszàce si´ do in-
materia∏ wymagany na maturze, i pisemnej, i ustnej. nych przedmiotów czy te˝ kultur.
Na poziomie zaawansowanym uczniowi wydaje si´, ˝e Przeglàdajàc podr´cznik mo˝na zauwa˝yç, ˝e zarówno je-
wszystko wie. I w du˝ym stopniu ma racj´; zna ró˝ne, go zawartoÊç, jak i struktura s∏u˝à opanowaniu j´zyka
tak˝e skomplikowane, struktury gramatyczne, ma boga- w stopniu umo˝liwiajàcym w miar´ sprawnà komunika-
te s∏ownictwo, rozwiàzuje çwiczenia gramatyczne cj´. Materia∏ j´zykowy podzielony zosta∏ na sekcje:
i s∏ownikowe, a jednak czuje, ˝e to jeszcze nie wszyst- Grammar, Functions, Vocabulary, Cross-curricu-
ko... RzeczywiÊcie, mo˝e wiedzieç wi´cej, jeÊli zajrzy lum/across cultures, Project work oraz Pronunciation.
do ksià˝ki Grammar and Vocabulary for CAE & CPE. Sekcje te çwiczà j´zyk oraz sprawnoÊci poprzez ca∏à ga-
Ten podr´cznik zawiera to, co obiecuje tytu∏ – s∏ownic- Dwaj przyjaciele: Smarty i Moody, którzy pojawiajà si´ m´ ró˝norodnych, atrakcyjnych zadaƒ aktywizujàcych
two i gramatyk´ na poziomie zaawansowanym. Nawet niemal na co drugiej stronie, wyjaÊniajà i demonstrujà ucznia. Przy wprowadzaniu materia∏u gramatycznego wy-
znane od lat, pozornie banalne zagadnienia, jak Passive w sposób prosty i przyst´pny zasady j´zyka angielskiego. korzystywane sà m. in. procedury samodzielnego odkry-
Voice czy Conditionals, nie sà tak proste, jak si´ wydaje. W podr´czniku znajdziemy polecenia do çwiczeƒ w j´- wania regu∏ przez ucznia, który nast´pnie mo˝e sprawdziç
Konstrukcja ksià˝ki umo˝liwia wiele sposobów pracy zyku angielskim i polskim – takie podejÊcie sta∏o si´ trafnoÊç swoich spostrze˝eƒ w wykonywanych çwicze-
z nià. Ksià˝ka ta, jako g∏ówny podr´cznik kursu przygoto- ju˝ standardem w podr´cznikach przeznaczonych dla niach, odpowiedziach umieszczonych na dole strony
wujàcego do CAE czy CPE to nieco za ma∏o, natomiast ja- dzieci. Ciekawe jest natomiast podejÊcie do przedsta- lub/i w cz´Êci Grammar reference. W podr´czniku za-
ko êród∏o materia∏ów dodatkowych jest doskona∏a. wienia realiów kulturowych. Uczeƒ w czwartej klasie mieszczone zosta∏y liczne przyk∏ady ilustrujàce regu∏y
Grammar and Vocabulary for FCE, Luke Prodromou, nie b´dzie zainteresowany tym, kto mieszka na gramatyczne, tabelki oraz wyjaÊnienia, które z pewnoÊcià
Grammar and Vocabulary for CAE & CPE Downing Street 10, ale zaciekawi go zestawienie zwy- u∏atwià zrozumienie funkcjonowania systemu j´zyka.
Richard Side, Guy Wellman n czajów i zasad szkolnych w Wielkiej Brytanii i w Pol- BOOMERANG – Elementary Katarzyna Torr,
Ewa Spirydowicz sce. Chcia∏by te˝ pewnie umieç opowiedzieç o swoim Guy Russell Torr, Wydawnictwo Szkolne PWN, 2002 n

The Teacher ELT

ELT Concerto:
Transforming Teachers
Luke Prodromou

his article is an approach to teacher development
through the transformative power of art. It also Luke Prodromou
attempts to relate teacher development through art
directly to classroom practice. The title of the article,
‘transforming teachers’ has two meanings: (1) teachers who
engage in a process of transformation of their own potential as
L uke Prodromou is a teacher and teacher trainer as well as author of FCE
coursebooks and materials. He drifted into ELT after failing to become
an actor! He has an MA in Shakespeare Studies from the University of
classroom practioners and (2) teachers who transform their Birmingham and a Postgraduate Diploma in ELT from the University of Leeds.
learners language ability to bring it closer to the desired He was an RSA Diploma Course Tutor for many years and has also been
outcome. The basic assumption behind the ideas involved in the DOTE and CTEFLA training schemes. His most recent
I express here is that teachers need to grow and continue to see textbooks include FCE Star and Rising Star published by Macmillan Education.
their job with fresh eyes if they are to continue to bring about
change in their learners’ language ability. I see the teaching of
English as a foreign language not only as a technical process of of experiences, mostly drawn from the world of art, but
making grammar and vocabulary available to learners but as an he included other experiences that seem to give people
educational practice which draws on and has an impact on the particular pleasure, like eating and dancing. Students were
learners’ way of looking at the world. asked to complete the following questionnaire:
The process I describe involves looking at four art forms
to see what we can learn from them as teachers. The four art In your opinion, what should a good English class be like?
forms are sculpture, painting, poetry and music. On another (Choose one of the following)
level, I use the same art forms as metaphors for what a good Like:
lesson may consist of: in what way is a good lesson like a) a story; b) a symphony; c) a film; d) a meal; e) a song;
sculpture, painting, poetry or music? f) a poem; g) a football/tennis/basketball match etc.;
Thus, I use art on two levels in this paper – on one level, h) a dance; i) a play; j) a sonata; or...?
it can provide a different point of view of the teaching
process which may help the teacher see her job in ways Students chose their preferred metaphors for the good
previously unimagined. Learning from the way art works lesson and also added comments explaining why they had
is just one way into the process of continuing development chosen that particular metaphor. The comments students
and growth. Metaphors are particularly useful in the make about the similarities between the various metaphors
process of teacher development in that they bring together are as insightful as the actual statistical result. In my own
different ideas, experiences and events, and they bring out teaching context, I replicated Thornbury’s research with
unsuspected similarities between them. In teacher 100 adolescent learners. I will not focus on the results of
development, they can be a means of seeing teaching these surveys as what I am more interested in here is the
as a process of transformation of the teachers’ awareness process of going to the learners and listening to what they
of classroom processes and, potentially, of her capacity have to say. This process, based as it is on metaphors drawn
to bring about change in the classroom. I will explore from other forms of communication and human motivation,
the power of art not only to transform the way we see throws light on teaching from all kinds of unexpected
the structure of a good lesson but also our capacity directions. The familiar object, teaching, is thrown into new,
to modify existing lesson structures into more effective ones. and often surprising, relief.
On the classroom level, the metaphors I draw on suggest In this article, the aspect of aesthetic experience that I find
classroom techniques whose aim is to transform the learners relevant to the work of the teacher is the transformative
into more successful participants in the process of acquiring power of art and in particular I will draw on the way artists
the language. transform their raw material and the way art can transform
the reader or spectator.
Dialogue with a teacher trainer I argue for a parallel process to art in the teaching of
English as a foreign language. I will exemplify the following
I have chosen to make use of the four metaphors drawn aspects of good teaching:
from the world of art, prompted by the work of Thornbury nThe transformative power of teaching
on aesthetic metaphors as a tool in teacher development nThe way good teaching transforms its raw material
(Thornbury, 1999). In his research, Thornbury asked his (textbook language or learner language)
learners to compare the good language lesson to a number nThe way good teaching can transform the learner

ELT The Teacher

From allegro to adagio As We’d Like It (Transforming teachers)

Let us take music as an example of how art can help the Every class is a stage
teacher see her work in a fresh light. And the teachers and learners merely players
They have their failures and their successes
The first movement of Rodrigo’s Concierto de Aranjuez And the teacher in her time plays many parts
is in a fast tempo or ‘allegro’. The feelings aroused by the In lessons of many stages. At first, the ice-breaker
music are feelings of joy and optimism. In other words, Breaking down the barriers between teacher and learner
the ‘allegro’ suggests ‘alegria’. This first movement of the And then the presenter of target language, with clarity
concerto can thus act as a metaphor for the sense of joy with And care to capture the attention of students
Who crawl unwillingly to school. And then the friend
which the good teacher approaches her job. The teacher’s Smiling and supportive, with encouraging words
enthusiasm, her sense of pleasure in the process of teaching Making learners’ syntax grow.. Then the tester
is something students detect immediately. From the first Full of forms and index numbers, armed with marks
words the teacher speaks, from the way the teacher moves, Grading and ranking, quick in discrimination
from the way she looks at them, the students sense her Seeking the carrot – extrinsic motivation
But bursting the bubble, learner transformation.
commitment to and pleasure in teaching... The words we And then the judge, sitting at home with piles of papers
use and our body language can raise positive expectations in With eyes severe and endless cups of coffee
the learner. Research into the good language teacher Full of corrections in red and underlinings
confirms that a sense of joy would seem to be useful, if not And so she plays her part. The sixth stage shifts
essential, for motivating learners. Into the classroom manager, master-mistress
Of time and space, facilitator of classroom
Many teachers do indeed embark on their careers with Interaction and monitor of learners’ progress
a sense of commitment and excitement, which quickly fades. A model of language and correctness, using her voice
A new course is also often approached with a freshness which To keep up the pace and keep down the noise.
rapidly goes stale as familiarity sets in and problems arise. Even Last role of all, that ends a good teacher’s history
a new sixty minute lesson will be planned with care and The magic of transformation, teaching with artistry
With music, sculpture, painting and with poetry.
approached with energy only to fall apart in the classroom.
There is thus a whole range of obstacles to good teaching;
problems arise which bring disappointment to many teachers Thus, we teachers play diverse roles – from the practical
and even a sense of hopelessness. The ‘allegro’ is followed by skills of the classroom manager to the high order skills of
‘adagio’, the ‘alegria’ by ‘tristeza’ friend and social worker. How do we begin to fulfill the
‘Eight out of ten teachers identify psychological problems enormous range and potential we have as teachers? In this
as the main risk in their work... tiredness and the loss article, I will be focusing on the role of teacher
of authority leads many of them to seek psychiatric help’ as artist, the teacher as transformer. Before I explore the
(El Pais – November 5th 2000: 31) power of art to transform the teacher and to transform the
Failure in the classroom has many and varied causes. But learner, I would first like to refer to some of the
let us begin from the more obvious obstacles to success pedagogic problems teachers face, particularly with large
in teaching. Good teaching depends not only on enthusiasm classes of adolescents of mixed ability. In order
but also on little things like the management of classroom to do this, I will move on from the first movement
furniture and the appropriate use of classroom equipment. of Rodrigo’s concerto – the allegro – to the second move-
A good teacher knows how to use the classroom space to the ment, which is a slow, sad adagio. This music may stand as
best effect, overcoming any obstacles in the way of motivation a metaphor for the following problems teachers often face:
and positive expectations. More specifically, nothing will 1 the bad learner or slow learner
happen in class if the students can’t see the board, if they can’t 2 errors and what to do with them – how to avoid error
hear the teacher or each other. What makes things becoming ‘terror’ and to see learner error as an opportunity
happen in class is often the human voice, its tone, its rather than a problem.
expressivities, its almost musical modulation. Already, we can 3 discipline problems – the great challenge with young
see that the roles we are called upon to play go way beyond the learners in particular: how to get their attention and then
role of conveying information and testing the understanding of how to keep it
that information. Let me now take another metaphor from art 4 self-esteem – the engine which drives learning forward;
to highlight the multifarious roles teachers are called upon without self-esteem nothing will happen in class or inside
to perform. Poetry, like painting, is one of the highest the learner.
achievements of language use. It would be reasonable to Later in this article, I will describe four techniques which
assume that language teachers have something to learn from tackle each of these ‘problems’ in what I consider to be
the process of poetic creation, as both teachers and poets are a simple and effective manner.
involved in the use of language as a means of transforming the
reader or in our case the learner. What is ‘metaphor’?
If Shakespeare, the greatest poet in the English language,
had been a teacher of English as a foreign language, This article then, is about what we can learn from the
he might have expressed, more powerfully than any applied great communicators.
linguist, the roles teachers are called upon to perform – he As ‘metaphor’ is a fundamental concept in what follows,
might have put it like this: I would like to offer the following definition of the term,

The Teacher ELT

drawn from the novel El Cartero de Pablo Neruda by Well, that’s just the mild version of the expression. In fact, the
Antonio Skarmeta. In the following extract, the Chilean other is a little stronger, more... spicy!
poet explains ‘metaphor’ to the would-be lover, Mario: I’m sending you a brief summary of my favourite ‘rules’:
Dialogue with a poet: 1 There is only one teacher in the classroom and not only does she
A: I’m talking about metaphors. know what she’s doing but she is also always right.
B: What’s that supposed to mean? 2 When the teacher speaks, the little devils, or in other words
A: To make it clearer for you, more or less, roughly speaking, they the... learners shut up and listen carefully. They can’t interrupt
are ways of saying something by comparing it to something else. and they can’t intervene.
B: Give me and example. As far as rule 2 is concerned, one should make clear that silence
A: OK, when you say the sky is weeping, what do you want to say? in class is vital. Whoever wants to practise their English can
B: That’s easy. That it’s raining, that’s all. do it at home. Who cares? I mustn’t do what I think but what
A: Good. Well, that’s a metaphor. I’m told.
B: Do you believe that the whole world, and I mean In any case, I’ll let you know how I get on with this new,
the whole world, the wind, the oceans, the trees, the moun- revolutionary method of handling a class of monsters or little,
tains, fire, animals, houses, deserts, the rain... undisciplined despots!
A: Now you can say etc
B ...the you believe that the whole world The metaphor the writer uses for the teacher is that of
is a metaphor? a ‘dictator’, who controls the whole process of learning, from
(El Cartero, Skarmeta) beginning to end; the learners are, metaphorically, ‘little
devils’ ‘monsters’ and ‘despots’. The teacher thus sees the
From this extract, we see that two apparently different lesson as a conflict, as a struggle for power, a struggle
experiences, that of the poet (Neruda) and the lover (Mario, between good and evil. This feeling of anger or helplessness
the postman) have something in common – their way is very common amongst teachers and wholly understandable.
of looking at the world can be expressed in metaphoric Any suggestions we make as teacher educators must address
language – by comparing one thing with another. Indeed, the issues in all their seriousness. Many progressive
everything, ‘the whole world’, can be seen as a ‘metaphor’ methods of language teaching fail because they do not
for something else; the poet, through his or her imagination address the fundamental issue of discipline in classes of
can see connections where they apparently do not exist and young learners and adolescents. It is futile going into class
thus make his or her poetic message powerful and memorable. armed with learner-centred, humanistic or even mainstream
The lover, Mario, like the poet, can express his feelings communicative methods if we are to be ‘disarmed’ by a total
through metaphor not only to make them powerful and lack of motivation and if all the learners want to do is ‘play
memorable but also, as we see in the novel, this poetic around’ or have fun at the teacher’s expense. The conflicts
transformation of his feelings can also transform the feelings that arise can lead to stress and deep depression. My
of the person he loves. Let this transformative power of intention in putting forward these ideas is not to make
metaphor be our guide in the journey that follows. matters worse for the teacher but to suggest ways out of the
Dialogue with a Spanish teacher The metaphors used by the teacher in the letter above
are clearly negative. While one must respect the feelings
I would now like to apply the principle of metaphor they express arising as they do from the experience of the
to a letter written by a Spanish teacher of young learners. classroom as a small-scale jungle, it would on the other
The letter is a response to a workshop the teacher had hand be defeatist not to go beyond them. How can we
attended on humanistic, learner-centred methodology, given break the grip of these fatalistic metaphors? I suggest one
by the present writer. In the workshop, I had tackled the way of breaking the hold of the pessimistic feelings
problem of lack of student motivation by suggesting the contained in these metaphors by drawing on different
strategy of learner-input, i.e. the occasional use of texts metaphors.
produced by the learners themselves as the basis for some of
the lessons we teach. I had suggested that the judicious use Metaphor 1 – Sculpture
of learner-generated texts might increase the learners’
motivation. The teacher felt my suggestions were unhelpful Shakespeare’s favourite book, apart from the Bible was
and suggested her own alternative approach to the problem Ovid’s Metamorphosis, a book full of stories about
of discipline. As you read the text, try and identify transformations. A story from this great book will provide
the metaphors the writer uses for (a) the teacher (b) the our first metaphor: English language teaching as sculpture.
learners. As you read the story, try and identify metaphors for the
Dialogue with a teacher: good teacher and the good language lesson.
Today, I’ve decided to introduce a few changes into my English The story of Pygmalion:
classes and the way I teach the lesson. For a start, I’ll give the Once upon a time, there was a king of Cyprus called Pygmalion.
learners less of a role and as the teacher-dictator will impose the rules, This king was also an artist, a sculptor. One day, Pygmalion had
mark the exercises, choose the topics etc a strong desire to create a statue of a beautiful woman. So he took
Why? Well, it’s very simple. I don’t know if you are aware his pieces of precious ivory and sculpted them into the statue of the
of the expression: “I’ve had it up to... here!” most beautiful woman anyone had ever seen. Then Pygmalion fell

The Teacher ELT

in love with the statue. This presented him with problems and on the class than the conventional dictation. It ‘brought out
great pain. But Aphrodite the goddess of love felt pity for the best rather than the beast in them’
Pygmalion and decided to breathe life into the statue. The statue The procedure is as follows:
became delightful flesh and blood and her name was Galatea. Pygmalion in the classroom
Pygmalion made Galatea his queen. And Pygmalion and Galatea Ask students to write two different sentences about a topic
lived happily ever after... you are going to present in the textbook. For example, I was
The moral of the story about to present a reading text on Leisure Time. Students
The metaphors for teaching buried in this metaphor are were given the following stems to complete:
the following: I like watching TV because..............
1 the strong desire to create something beautiful – They produced sentences like this:
Pygmalion’s passion finds its echo in the good teacher’s
desire to teach well, to teach with enthusiasm and I like watching TV because it is interesting for me.
2 The creation of something whole and beautiful from the When the students had completed their sentences
fragments of ivory – the raw material is transformed into I collected the slips of paper and then gave them a dictation
a beautiful work of art. In the case of the teacher of based on their own sentences. They ended up with a text in
English, the fragments are our students’ errors; their two paragraphs, one about TV and the other about the
broken syntax and incomplete knowledge of vocabulary. cinema. As I dictated their sentences back to them
We, as teachers, are called upon to take this raw material I performed the following transformations on the texts:
and recycle it into something which brings the students n I corrected the errors
closer to communicative competence. We make their n I connected the fragments into paragraphs
fragments whole. n I added words and grammar to raise the level of the text
3 Pygmalion’s love for his own creation in the good teacher’s n I added the occasional idea of my own
case corresponds to the affection he or she feels for her The students then read through the finished text to find
students. We may not be able to express love for each and (a) their original sentence (b) underline expressions they
every one of them but caring for them is essential – liked. For homework, I asked them to add a third paragraph
whether it is caring whether they pass their exams, learn of their own beginning: “Other ways in which I like to
English or go out into the big wide world as confident and spend my free time are…”
democratic. There is no teaching without care, if not love. This technique tackles the four problems I referred to
4 Aphrodite breathed life into the inert material of the above in relation to Rodrigo’s adagio:
statue and made it into warm flesh and blood. We are 1 the slow or ‘bad’ learner is transformed into an integral
called upon to breathe life in to textbook material or any part of the class – everyone’s sentence, however
text in English whether ready made or learner made. We inadequate in terms of language or ideas, becomes an
have to bring to life to what goes on in the classroom – to essential part of the finished text
connect the life of the classroom with the life outside the 2 students’ errors – in this task the ‘problem’ of error
window; to connect the little world of classroom culture becomes an opportunity for further learning; errors are
with the culture outside the classroom. transformed into steps.
In the classroom 3 discipline problems – the dictation has a tranquilizing
How does one implement the ‘pygmalion’ principle in the effect on the class as they have to listen carefully to get the
classroom? I will now go on to describe one way in which text written down; the fact that it is based on their own
I ‘do a pygmalion’ with my classes. texts is an added motive for paying attention;
I had a class recently at intermediate level. They were it appeals to their vanity or intrinsic interest in seeing their
adolescents, noisy and restless. They would talk constantly own work taken as the basis for classroom activity
during the lesson and pester each other just for the sheer fun 4 self-esteem – the activity gives value to their work, even
of it. Occasionally, they would listen to me. This usually when it is full of errors; instead of giving the texts back to
happened when I told them a good story or a joke or gave them underlined in red and with a low – humiliating –
them a test. mark, we bring out the best in the individual texts and in
I began to realise that there were certain techniques I used the class as a whole. We do not metaphorically
in class which were ‘discipline-friendly’ and others which or literally treat their work as ‘rubbish’ or if we do it is
were ‘discipline-unfriendly’. I discovered that, for example, ‘rubbish’ which is recycled to give it new life.
dictations were in general more conducive to good discipline
than pair work interaction or milling around the class Metaphor 2 – Painting
in order to complete a ‘Find Someone Who...’
questionnaire. There is something about dictation – and My second example of metaphors for teacher development
writing in general – that ‘calms the beast’ in restless draws on a great painting – Goya’s ‘Third of May 1808
adolescents. On the other and, there is something in pair (the firing squad)’
and group work that ‘stirs the beast’ in them. In this painting, Goya shows Napoleon’s troops executing
The dictation I describe below was based on fragments some of the citizens of Madrid who had put up resistance to
of texts produced by the learners themselves and I found the French invasion of Spain. The central figure in this painting
that this kind of dictation had an even more calming effect is a young man in a white shirt, kneeling down. There are two

ELT The Teacher

‘odd’ details about this painting that I would like to focus on. at the crowds in the square. The following night, they (6) _____
The first is the fact that the man about to be executed is much up a firing squad and shot anyone who happened to be within easy
larger than he would be in real life. Although he reach.
is kneeling he is taller than everyone else, including the
members of the firing squad. If this Madrileno stood up, he This technique, like the ‘pygmalion effect’, addresses the
would be gigantic. Is this an error on Goya’s part? Secondly, four ‘problems’ with which I began this article in the
the man’s shirt is brilliantly white, much whiter and brighter following ways:
than it would be in real life, especially in the darkness which 1 The slow or bad learner is encouraged by seeing her text
surrounds the whole scene. Is Goya not aware of the recycled and used by the rest of the class as a learning device.
artificiality of this strange use of colour? 2 Errors: the enhanced text makes any negative features in
Of course, Goya’s raw material as a painter is line and the text positive – the errors are corrected, and the notes
colour. He deliberately distorts – or transforms – ‘reality’ to connected into complete sentences. Thus, apparent
convey a particular message, to create a special effect. In this weakness is transformed into strengths.
case, he is saying the victim is really the victor; the young 3 Discipline. Students seem to have a tendency to express
man being executed for fighting for his country’s freedom solidarity with one of their own kind. So there is less noise
is much greater than the aggressors. Although he will die and during the students’ oral presentation. Writing of any kind
the French will – at least for a while – prevail, in the long run, is, as I have indicated above, ‘discipline-friendly’;
history will vindicate the people of Madrid who fought for in the written phase of the Goya procedure there is more
freedom and will condemn the brutality and injustice of motivation as the text is one generated in part by one of the
Napoleon’s troops. The white shirt symbolizes the innocence learners. Its test-like qualities also have a tranquilizing effect
of this man in particular but also the innocence of the victims on restless adolescents. I deliberately call activities a ‘test’
as a whole. In short, Goya transforms the bare facts by his use even when they are really teaching devices.
of line and colour, making the weaker party the stronger one, 4 Self-esteem: the student’s sense of her own potential
converting defeat into victory. is increased by the value the teacher gives both to her choice
In the classroom of topic and the language in which it is expressed. The
How does one implement the Goya principle in the positive use to which her notes, even her linguistic errors are
classroom? I will describe a simple procedure which put and the fact that the student’s peers learn from her
transformed learners’ weaknesses into strengths, their efforts is added fuel to the individual’s self-esteem.
relative failure into success. The procedure was as follows.
In the textbook, the class had been practicing describing Metaphor 3 – Poetry
pictures. The pictures provided by the textbook did not
inspire the students much, so I asked them to choose In A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare explains
a picture of their own and prepare to talk about it to the rest what it means to be a poet in a way which echoes the process
of the class. One student chose Goya’s Third of May of transformation which we have already seen in the
to present to the rest of the class. The student had prepared description of sculpture and painting above.
notes on the painting as a prompt to help her while she was Shakespeare, too, sees the creative process in terms
speaking. Here is an extract from her notes: of transforming his raw material into ‘something rich and
strange’. He compares the poet to a ‘lunatic’ and a ‘lover’
Student Notes: because they all share the ability to make something out
1808 Napoleon he occupied Madrid – Spanish resist – Puerta of nothing, to see things which are not there, or to distort
del Sol – French shot them but French officer – said to cavalry reality in exciting ways. To do this, all three – the lunatic,
to charge – Square crowded – they shot everybody – Goya knew the lover and the poet – use their imagination. Here is the
army of occupation what it means. speech, with a few pedagogic interpolations:

When the student had finished her presentation, I asked The lunatic, the lover, and the teacher
for a copy of the notes and carried out a few changes: Are of imagination all compact:
I corrected the errors, expanded the notes into full sentences One sees more devils than vast hell can hold
and connected them to form a complete text. I added That is, the madman; the lover, all as frantic
language of a slightly higher level than that used by the Sees Helen’s beauty in a brow of Egypt:
student. I gapped the resulting text and in a later lesson The teacher’s eye, in a fine frenzy rolling,
presented it to the whole class as a test. It looked something Doth glance from grammar to vocabulary, from error to error;
like this: And, as imagination gives life to
The forms of things unknown, the teacher’s pen
1 Student-centred test: Changes them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing
When Napoleon’s army occupied Madrid in 1808, Goya soon A correct expression and a name
discovered (1) ______ an army of occupation means. On the Such tricks hath a good teacher
second of May, the Spaniards tried to (2) _______ up some That if she would but teach with joy
resistance and there was a riot in Puerta del Sol. Some French The student is the bringer of that joy
officers (3) ____ a few shots from a hill above the city. While in a test, the fear of failure
The officer in (4) _____ then ordered the cavalry to (5) ____ Can make the right word an error.

The Teacher ELT

In the classroom class. I wanted to motivate him by making his text a learning
How can the teacher give shape to learners’ errors? How vehicle for others; an opportunity for others to learn;
can learner’s imperfect attempts to communicate in English ‘perfecting his imperfections’ with the teacher’s ‘imagination’.
be transformed into a model of correct English and at the At home, I corrected extracts from a dozen or so student texts
same time boost the learner’s confidence and self-esteem? about famous people and put them onto slips of paper.
The technique I describe below is simplicity itself: one takes In class, I asked students to write the names of the famous
the worst piece of writing produced by the class and makes people they had written about down the margin on a piece
it into the best – simply by dictating it to the whole class, of paper, starting with Maria Callas. I gave out the slips of
correcting all the errors as one dictates. Thus, the text comes paper at random; the students read out the information
out perfect. One gives an airy nothing ‘correct expression’ while the rest of the class wrote what they heard next to the
and at the same time demonstrates the value that even the name of the famous person described in the text. After they
weakest learners’ work can have for the whole class. For had compared texts and helped each other, the final text
example: looked something like this:
Maria Callas: She was born in New York in 1923.
Dear Luke. She was a very great opera singer.
She fell in love with Aristotle Onassis.
I feel happy because first I do not have to go to my work for five She died in 1977.
days and second the Christmas are coming. Fleming: He discovered an important antibiotic in 1928.
I will spent My free days round the center of the city He won the Nobel Prize in 1945.
looking inside the shops. Nobel: He was born in 1833 in Sweden. He invented dynamite.
The weather suits perfectaly with the Christmas spirit. He was very rich.
Columbus: He was born in 1451 in Genoa. He landed in the
becomes: Bahamas in 1492.
Marie Curie: She was born in 1857. She investigated
Dear Luke, radioactivity.

I feel happy today because, firstly, I don’t have to go to work for This technique makes use not only of learner language
five days! Secondly, Christmas is coming. I am going to spend five but learner knowledge, too. The starting point for moving
days walking round the city centre, shopping. to the ‘other’ tongue is knowledge they have in their
The weather is perfect for Christmas: the snow and the cold is ‘mother tongue’. When the time comes to check the
ideal for days like this. correctness of the language, of course, the teacher has an
important role, having transformed their linguistic
Metaphor 4 – Music imperfections into perfect English. However, when they
come to check the content of this collective dictation, they
My last metaphor, music, focuses on the way Rodrigo are the ‘experts’.They have the power of ‘knowing’ and the
in his Concierto de Aranjuez transforms the sad second glory of successfully communicating what they know to
movement, the adagio, into a joyful allegro. Moreover, their fellow students.
I’d like to focus also on the way he gives the guitar the role As far as the ‘weak’ or ‘slow’ learner is concerned, we have
of protagonist and integrates it perfectly with the orchestra. helped them to move from adagio to allegro, from lack of
The Concierto de Aranujuez is a remarkable – amongst confidence to self-esteem, from failure to success.
other things – for the way it takes a popular instrument
such as the guitar and integrates it powerfully with the Conclusion
classical orchestra. The regular instruments of the classical This article has explored four metaphors for the good
orchestra follow the lead given by the guitar. On lesson and for each one I have given an example of how it
a metaphorical level: has affected my classroom practice. If we are to continue to
Let the guitar be our weak learner grow as teachers it is important to be able to see the work we
Let the orchestra be the class do in a fresh light and with renewed interest. I have found
Let the teacher be the conductor that carrying out classroom research with students is one
Let the composer be the teacher and the learners way in which this renewal can be achieved. The research
In the classroom referred to at the beginning of this article – comparing the
The class had been asked to write about a famous person good lesson to various other pleasurable activities – helped
they admired. My weakest student produced this text about me not only to see my teaching from many different angles,
Maria Callas: but it also led to an actual change in my teaching practice.
‘Maria Kalas it’s a very big sink. She sink it’s a big opere in The underlying and most important benefit of this process
Europe. Heer husbant it’s a Aristotelis Onasis it’s a strong man of exploring principles and practice, I hope, is that learners
have very many and very ships. Maria kalas died from carkins will find what happens in the classroom more enjoyable and
Millions of people came for her funeral’ memorable. n

In attempting to transform this text I wanted not only to

correct the errors but to integrate this ‘weak’ learner with the Thornbury, S. (1999) Lesson Art and Design (ELT Journal, 53 / 1: 4-11)

ELT The Teacher

ELT professional

An interview with Luke Prodromou assumed the English and Anglo-American cul-
ture went hand-in-hand and that the ideal
model for learners is the native speaker; that
ARTUR WÑSOWSKI: ultimately, the only correct forms of English are
How did you get into ELT? Standard British or American English. This
LUKE PRODROMOU: model – centred as it is on the target

Fot. Macmillan Polska

Like most people, it seems, I drifted into culture – is increasingly being challenged by
language teaching, having failed to do voices from the ELT periphery and language
something more exciting for a living. learning is seen more and more as a cross-
I originally wanted to be an actor; it was the -cultural or multi-cultural activity and I agree
thing I loved most of all, being part of a team, with this. It is profoundly learner-centred, for
preparing for the performance and the unique
thrill of the show itself. But it wasn’t to be... the
Luke Prodromou me, to activate and foreground the learners’ own
culture when they are encountering
only ‘to be’ was to be teaching the twelve parts a foreign language and a foreign culture. This
of the verb ‘to be’ to ‘be’-ginners in Greece. I was curious to encounter of cultures is enriching and makes for greater
discover my Greek roots and had never been to the cradle of awareness and tolerance, if it is done sensitively.
civilization so when I had got my BA from Bristol University Writing FCE textbooks is a good test case for what I’ve just
and was at a loose end, I replied to an advertisement for said. It’s a British examination scheme but it is designed for
teaching jobs in Greece and the rest is history. Well, my the international ‘market’; the contents of the exam reflect
personal history, at least. That was 1973. I made one more the British background but not exclusively – there is room
attempt to do something else, Shakespeare Studies and for a multi-cultural approach, even within the confines of
teaching the Bard to Armenians, but fate had decided I was to the examination requirements but more importantly I think
devote my life to ELT in Greece. And the eyes of a fair maid. you learn better and are better prepared for the exam if you
Are you in favour of any specific approach to are exposed to stimulating, educationally sound material.
teaching? So, in short, yes, I did try to include a fairly varied cultural
Yes and no. I think all methods, all techniques, should be input in FCE Star, both from the Anglo-American
drawn upon to help us survive the rough and tumble of perspective and also from a more global perspective.
teaching little devils – and big devils for that matter. There How do you think modern ELT methodology will
is no evidence that one method is more effective than another evolve?
and I don’t think there ever will be; the human factor in I am no prophet but if I had to make any predictions, I’d
learning is so predominant and so resistant to empirical put my money on the role of the teacher and face-to-face
research. For all I know, grammar-translation is the ideal contact in the classroom. I don’t think this is ever going to
method – and some people have taught and learnt from disappear. It’s been with us since Socrates and the cradle of
grammar-translation for centuries now. But I’m sure there civilization and I think it will be there till the end of time.
were other motivating factors. One of the most important of I also think computers and multi-media are here to stay and
these factors, I think, is the teacher’s presence and above all what we’ll get is hybrid and lots of variety to meet the
enthusiasm. My own preference is for a methodology that diverse needs of learners. More and more techniques will
foregrounds the learner but also gives scope for the teacher’s evolve to teach face-to-face interaction effectively because
imagination and creativity. Humanistic approaches fit the bill people are always going to engage in such in the flesh
better than most, and I like learner input approaches, so what interaction; but there is also a need for distanced, displaced
is nowadays often referred to as ‘dogme’, I find congenial. But learning and technology can help there. Perhaps there will
in terms of philosophy of education – though that’s a grand be an integration of CALL and humanistic approaches
term – I like the idea that language teaching is a small part because they are both necessary.
of education and education is a social and political act and You were a speaker and a trainer at this year’s
ultimately should help people lead a fuller, freer life, with Macmillan Myth and Philosophy Conference in
a greater appreciation of the delicate balance and harmony Warsaw. How did you find Polish teachers as trainees?
of natural life. I told you it sounded a bit grand. Great, warm and hard-working. A pretty Mediterranean
You are a prolific writer of ELT publications, bunch (a pretty, Mediterranean bunch – it’s interesting how
among others the very successful FCE Star. Did much difference a comma can make).
you encounter any problems connected with e.g. Is there anything that the editors of The Teacher
cultural differences when working on the book? magazine could wish you?
The cultural factors in language teaching and writing Health, happiness, lots of space and fresh air (and fresh
textbooks are uppermost in my mind. It relates to what we were ‘hair’ – these things matter at my age).
just saying about education. English as an International Thank you for the interview.
language raises a lot of cultural issues. Until recently, we My pleasure. n

The Teacher ELT

Fumbling for words*

Piotr Steinbrich

eemingly, it is a truism that learning a foreign
language invariably amounts to the learning of the Piotr Steinbrich
words of that language. Only seemingly, because
words do not stand on their own – instead, they stand
in relationships and it is those relationships that pose P iotr is a Macmillan Polska teacher trainer and author of ELT materials.
While with Macmillan Polska he contributed to courses such as L!VE
and Inside Out. He is one of the Polish Consultants on the Macmillan English
problems to learners. Dictionary for Advanced Learners. Piotr also works at the Catholic University
When exposed to a text, learners tend to focus on words of Lublin and is involved in INSETT teacher training courses.
with which they are unfamiliar, a decision which Piotr can be contacted at
is often based on the erroneous assumption that enlarging
one’s lexical stock will lead to a higher level of proficiency.
As a result, the approach learners take is a quantitative one: clearly belong to their passive lexicon. Fabric and seemingly are
the more words one knows, the better their L2 is. Very often, much more frequent than factotum, therefore looking them up
the qualitative aspect of vocabulary learning is lost, as learners with a view to remembering and using them actively is justified.
do not pay attention to information that is beyond the The quantitative, or the breadth of knowledge, approach
definition. To illustrate this point, let us assume that the suggests that these items be treated equally. Furthermore, much
following words have been selected as new in a text: factotum, of the information given in the entry tends to be ignored. This
fabric and seemingly, and looked up in a dictionary. The learners information, however, adds an indication of the qualitative, or the
would find the following information: depth of knowledge, value to the words chosen. Let us have
a look at how Macmillan English Dictionary (MED), from
factotum noun [count] FORMAL which the three entries have been taken, helps learners in dealing
someone whose job is to do many different jobs for with quality in vocabulary learning. Firstly, there is colour
someone else coding: words in red should be given more attention as they
belong to the active lexicon. Secondly, the red words are rated:
fabric noun HH the number of stars signifies how frequently-used a word is,
1 [count or uncount] cloth, especially when it is used with tree-star words belonging to the top band of those most
for making things such as clothes or curtains: frequently used. Thirdly, the red words occupy more space,
MATERIAL: as more information is necessary to produce them.
plain/patterned/floral fabric This information includes collocational possibilities (plain/
a wide range of furnishing fabrics patterned/floral fabric, the fabric of), grammatical information
2 [singular] the basic structure of a society or an (fabric vs. fabrics), or semantic prosody (seemingly, in its second
organization sense, used at the beginning of a sentence), the aspects usually
fabric of: Small shops help to maintain the fabric of overlooked when words are being looked up.
neighbourhood life. Mastering collocations, from the perspective of language
the fabric of society: Drug abuse poses a major production, appears to be one of the most challenging tasks.
threat to the fabric of society. Some phrases are transparent and learners do not notice them
3 [singular] the roof and walls of a building: as collocations (eg. bring chaos (to), under attack) but rather as
fabric of: The fabric of the building has deteriorated individual words whose meaning is familiar. Others, due to the
badly. low ‘meaning value’ of one of the components (e.g. adverbial
collocations such as argue forcefully) may be noticed as
seemingly adverb HH collocations, but when it comes to production, the adverb
1 in a way that appears to have a particular quality, even is usually left out as it adds little to the meaning of an utterance.
though this is probably not true: APPARENTLY: The collocations that are likely to be noticed and remembered
Heidi was seemingly calm when she left to take the test. are those whose meaning cannot be derived from their parts.
2 according to what you know or how something This group usually comprises prepositional phrases (e.g. strive
appears: for), and semi- and pure idioms (e.g. blow a fuse, going strong).
Seemingly, the cats had been living on their own for two The case of transparent collocations, which are not seen as
months. collocations at all, seems a pivotal issue in language production.
Learners, not being able to retrieve them from their lexicons,
The first item, factotum, is an extremely infrequent word, attempt to coin collocations, often resulting in lexical error with
and as such it might best be ignored as learners would have its roots either in L1 interference (*declare help – offer help),
a pleasantly plump chance, to use Ron Carter’s words, of using it. negative selection (*immoral habits – bad habits), or miss-hits
If, however, students decide to learn the word, it should (*make harm – do harm). The action of observing collocations

ELT The Teacher

appears to play a vital role in FL learning, and in learners’ its meaning is very close to that of the base verb bring), bring
vocabulary development in particular. The transition from results under the heading cautious, or bring the best (in something)
quantity to quality fosters learners’ observation skills. The word under the heading comedy. It is possible to create one’s own
transition implies a process which means that learners need to lexical categories, this time using the Edit option, and, with
be constantly trained to be able to see the collocations of the the use of the View option, create tests or exercises either for
bring chaos (to) type by, for example drawing their attention to the purposes of self-study or as classroom tasks tailored
the multitude of phrases the verb bring appears in: for learners’ needs.
In its definition of the word dictionary, Macmillan
English Dictionary states that it is a book that gives a list
of words in alphabetical order and explains what they mean.
Obviously, apart from that, modern ELT dictionaries give all
the necessary information to make learning and learners’
outcome more predictable in accurate and appropriate
contexts. In the entry for conversation we find the following:

Fot. Macmillan Polska (3)

Macmillan English Dictionary (3)

In the case of the MED CD-ROM, the use of a more

advanced option, Smart Search, allows the user to focus on
phrases, definitions or examples. Its obvious advantage
is that virtually any part of the dictionary is accessed
in a split-second. The Examples section in the Smart Search
option lists all the instances of the word in question in every
entry in the dictionary. Let us have a look at bring again: The phrases given in the entry include: conversation
with/between, have a conversation, subject/topic of conversation,
snatches of conversation, get into conversation and make conversation.
Lexical redundancy, a feature typical of most ELT learners,
makes this list futile: it is more than likely that most of the
phrases given will be substituted by learners with the verb
talk with two prepositions: to or about. Conversation, however,
is one of the forty-one entries which is accompanied by
a metaphor box in which we learn that we can go back to
what we were saying earlier or return to the previous point to
make it clear where we’re heading. Obviously, the
conversation may take an unexpected turn and although
you’ve covered a lot of ground, some may still be on the
wrong track, or wandering off the topic, not arriving at
any conclusions and making the conversation drift rather
aimlessly with speakers going round and round in circles.
And it is just a roundabout way of saying that conversation
is like a journey with speakers going from one place to another.
Apart from giving learners a handful of phrases, learners are
The words listed under the heading Search Results are the given a pattern, which may serve as a springboard for creating
headwords under which the word bring occurs in the examples. the phrases within the framework given, thus slightly
Many of them contain transparent collocations in the detection changing the role of a dictionary from a reference book to
of which learners need training in order to improve their a reference book that allows for lexical creativity. n
collocational competence and overall language production,
and to minimize the possibility of lexical error. Some
examples of such collocations are: bring (lasting) benefit (to) * This paper is a shortened version of the talk Maximizing
under the headword benefit, bring along under the headword learning with a CD-ROM dictionary given at 36th Annual
all the better (although bring along is a phrasal verb, IATEFL Conference in York. n

The Teacher ELT

Teaching English
with the Internet
dr Jaros∏aw Krajka
Zak∏ad Lingwistyki Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sk∏odowskiej, Lublin

he Internet is a great invention, revolutionising the
way people work, live and study. The impact of the Dr Jaros∏aw Krajka
Net, and specifically the wide accessibility and
enormous amount of information available on the Web, has
been visible in all spheres of life, including education. English
teachers might have seen this powerful influence in their
J aros∏aw Krajka works at the Applied Linguistics Department of Marie
Curie-Sk∏odowska University, Lublin, Poland, where he conducts classes
in ELT methodology and Computer-Assisted Language Learning. He also
teaches English at a secondary school in Lublin, where he experiments with
profession, for instance, many coursebooks feature units supplementing the coursebook with Internet lessons. He has recently
devoted to the Internet, cyberspace, or websites. However, it defended a Ph.D. thesis entitled “The Internet as a Coursebook in EFL”
might be seen as artificial and having little sense to use the at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznaƒ, Poland. The author is a teacher
trainer running ICT courses for The British Council Poland and the
Internet only as a topic of study without reference to the editor-in-chief of Teaching English with Technology, the electronic journal
Web as such – what is the sense of teaching students how to published by IATEFL Poland Computer Special Interest Group
designe an Internet website without actually doing so? (
Thus, the purpose of the present paper is to encourage
teachers to go one step further – not only to use the Internet
and computers as powerful motivating topics for students, their learner autonomy. Among the materials that can be
but to actually make the Web the teaching medium instead used are online newspapers, Web versions of traditional
of, or together with the coursebook. papers, which can be found at
In general, it can be said that the Internet can be used in The teacher can use them in some of the following ways:
teaching in the following ways: nreading about current events and reporting them to the class;
1. as an infinite library of interconnected texts, recordings, nreading about the same events in different sources to
pictures and films on any topic, so that the materials observe different viewpoints;
found in this way may constitute the basis for classroom ngathering information on the development of a particular
instruction; event using the newspaper archives;
2. a channel of communication, with its many tools (email, ndoing research on specific names, places or topics.1
chat, audioconferencing, discussion groups), enabling Other reading activities, using any Internet website,
students to communicate with their peers in other countries providing it is interesting to students, its content is
and participate in collaborative online projects; appropriate and the language level is compatible with the
3. a rich resource for self-study work, with a number of students’, are:
grammar and vocabulary quizzes with automatic scoring nreading the contents of a given website and doing
and feedback systems accessible free of charge; a comprehension quiz;
4. a reference library, providing sources for study, with online nreading instructions found on the Web and executing them
dictionaries facilitating the comprehension of texts and in the classroom;
encyclopedias giving full context of the topic wanted; nbrowsing different websites on a common theme, finding
5. a way of bringing the world to the classroom, when by detailed information, completing a table with it, and
creating a class website students may proudly present comparing different websites.2
their work in English to others from all over the world, In order to spice up the classroom with new interactive
while at the same time developing their creativity, fluency tasks, the teacher might encourage students to participate in
and accuracy in English. online quizzes and games, which will obviously demand reading
instructions, reading the content, etc. (,
Reading comprehension,, or make them
create quizzes for other students on the basis of some texts
The Internet, as a mainly text-based medium, is naturally to be read (,,
conducive to teaching receptive skills, such as reading and In order to make the
listening. In the case of developing reading skills, there are classroom up-to-date, and to exploit the powerful motivation
great opportunities mainly because of the fact that Internet of reading about films, students might work on film reviews
websites are authentic and recent materials, and students in order to recommend one to the class (,
have a variety of texts to choose from, which largely influences,

The Teacher ELT

Another way of using the Internet to develop students’ information about students, their holiday stories, film or
reading comprehension skills is to guide them to websites computer game reviews. When making such a page,
with ready-made reading quizzes, which usually comprise it is important that students should take responsibility for it,
a text to be read, questions or tasks to do while reading, and with the teacher dividing tasks among them,
a built-in dictionary to provide instant lookup of new words. responsible for checking grammar, spelling and content
Thus, students can work out-of-class and free-of-charge on accuracy of the texts.
interesting reading materials (, The Web also comprises websites where students can get,, step-by-step instruction on how to learn to write a particular; writing genre, with models, useful tips, necessary phrases, and plans (see Flo-Joe,, preparing
studyzone/index.htm) as well as practice the specific reading students for FCE examination). The advantage of such sites
skills necessary to pass Cambridge exams ( is that students are encouraged not only to write but also to
Reading skills are also developed when students need to send the works to be corrected.
understand the instructions on a website in order to achieve Finally, it must be remembered most Web-based lessons
some goal, such as writing and sending animated electronic will have a writing component as a follow-up to some other
postcards (, subscribing to receive online activities, and students use the information found on
a new word a day by mail ( or getting the Web to write an essay, a story or a review. Here the
a free email account (, teacher must make sure that students do not automatically
The teacher could enhance students’ reading skills by using copy and paste relevant parts of websites, but make
articles from online newspapers (see the address above) a conscious effort to analyse the content, synthethise ideas
as well as online literature sites (, and put them into their own words., to create various
reading comprehension tasks (matching paragraphs, Listening comprehension
multiple-choice, gapped text), which can be done by copying
the article to a word-processor, using “Cut”, “Copy” and Listening comprehension in the classroom is made
“Paste” commands, supplying the text word for word. These possible once the Internet connection is fast enough to download
activities can be done quickly, stored electronically and audio files, and the computers in the lab have the necessary audio
reproduced a number of times. Of course, it needs to be players, sound cards, and headphones installed. The advantage,
remembered that Internet materials are copyrighted and just as with reading comprehension, is that students can choose
permission to change or use materials must be obtained by which authentic and recent materials to work on.
the teacher before any use is made.4 There are two basic types of audio materials that can be
found on the Web: either authentic recordings, coming
Writing from radio programmes, the news or some other sources, or
ready-made listening quizzes for learners of English.
The Internet creates favourable conditions for enhancing When using authentic materials in the classroom, the
the instructions of writing skills by providing cheap and teacher must prelisten them, to make sure students can
easy communication tools (email, discussion groups) and understand them, and create additional materials to be used
webpublishing opportunities (creating a class webpage). while listening (tables to complete, sentences to correct or
With these means, students can collaborate with their peers questions to answer). Websites that can be used are the
from all over the world, the class is not limited, but open to following:6
the world coming in to the classroom. nScience: Earth & Sky (, The Discovery
Writing email letters is a dynamic and stimulating way of Channel (;
communication, letting students interact in writing with other nNews: NPR (, The BBC Online
students, where writing in English has a real purpose in (, The Osgood
exchanging ideas, getting new information or sharing one’s Files (;
feelings. To make full use of email, the teacher could set up nSports: Yahoo Broadcast Sports (,
a keypal exchange, either by finding a partner teacher ESPN Sports Zone (;
willing to work with the whole class, or enabling students to nThe Bible: Bible (, The Online Book
find individual partners (,, Page (;,,, nRadio: Yahoo Broadcast News (, The exchange should be carefully planned World Radio Network (
and closely coordinated by both teachers, giving students Some of the activities that can be used, according to Tuzi
precise tasks to carry out when writing to their keypals.5 (1998), are the following:
Another way of using the Web to enhance teaching nlistening and writing a summary;
English is making a class website in English. In such nlistening, taking down new words and guessing their
cases, students are extremely motivated to write, paying more meaning;
attention to the form, layout and content of their nlistening for details and choosing the correct answers;
writing, knowing everyone will be able to access the website. nlistening and identifying or drawing maps and pictures;
The sample website (British Council Rome Students’ nlistening and completing a text;
Metro Pages, contains nlistening and judging statements as true or false;

ELT The Teacher

n listening and answering general or detailed questions; accessible portal (,,
n listening and discussion with the class., encourage students to go to an EFL/ESL
On the other hand, the teacher can guide students to use portal site to chat (,,
ready-made listening quizzes, equipped with exercises to be, or install the software allowing chat on all
done while listening, additional vocabulary tasks, tapescripts computers in the lab (such as mIRC,
and sometimes even a built-in dictionary. The greatest Finally, teachers should remember that speaking skills are
advantage of such sites is that the student can work in also developed during Web-based lessons when students use
self-study mode out of class, and the teacher is not ideas from the Internet to talk in pairs or in whole-class
necessary to administer or facilitate learning. It is advisable discussions. The communicative focus should be especially
that the teacher show students example sites, explaining prominent in the pre- and post-stages, in order to balance the
how to make the most of them and encouraging them largely receptive middle-stage. Thus, teachers ought to exploit
to work in their own free time, either at home or in the school the information gap arising from variety and choice, and
computer lab. Some example resources here are encourage students to share the ideas from their Internet
Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab,, searches.,,, Grammar
Finally, when talking about listening in the Internet In traditional grammar instruction, there are three main
classroom, it must be remembered that as the main phases: presentation, practice and production of a given
assumption underlying any online task is the variety and structure. The Internet can be used in all of these, however,
choice given to students. Each student will be working on with a different degree of effectiveness.
different materials, and will get different ideas or results. As Authentic and interesting websites can be a great source
a result of this information gap, when exchanging ideas in of materials for the presentation of new grammatical
the stage following online reading or writing, students will be structures, properly contextualized and used in a variety
strongly motivated to listen to their peers talking about the of ways. For example, the teacher can use the attractive content
results of their online endeavours in English. In this way, of The Guinness World Records Book (guinness-
listening comprehension will be furtherly developed in the to present the comparison of adjectives or
classroom in the situation of an authentic meaning exchange. Dumb Laws ( to introduce modal verbs.
There are some websites where students could find
Speaking and read grammar rules (,,,
When considering using the Internet to develop speaking,
skills, one should mention above all the communication, with explanations of
channels enabled by the Web. Thus, when a successful class form, meaning and use of grammatical structures. Of
partnership has been established (see the section on Writing course, it is not suggested that the teacher should use these
for more details), two classes may take part in an websites instead of their own explanation, but it seems that
audioconferencing session, using one of the widely available a good idea would be to make students familiar with these
tools (one example here being Microsoft NetMeeting grammar resources, and to use the class website to include
program, supplied together with Internet Explorer). Easy to useful explanations, so that learners could find help when
use interface should allow students to participate in the needed, also out of class.
discussion, and the technical requirements are not as high as The Internet, with its multitude of sites with ESL/EFL
in the case of videoconferencing. The latter form of information self-study quizzes, is useful for the practice phase of grammar
exchange, though closer to traditional discussion, demands instruction, and students could do a number of tasks to
a very good Internet connection, which may be an attain mastery in the use of structures. The sites to use here
insurmountable obstacle in Poland at the moment. may be, for instance,,,
Another way of developing speaking skills might be using,,
chat, that is conducting discussions with one or more people or, all equipped
by typing messages using the keyboard. Although chat is with automatic scoring and feedback. Another idea is to
not speaking in the traditional sense, more and more include such exercises, created by the teacher or students
services have the voicechat function, enabling the user themselves in a simple authoring program, such as Hot
to use the microphone instead of the keyboard, it is Potatoes (, and uploaded to the
still synchronous communication (in real time), thus it class website for students to use in their free time.
resembles traditional communication to some extent. Finally, the phase of production of grammatical structures
Chat can be used to hold a discussion with a partner class, will take place during Web-based activities focusing on reading
to hold an in-class discussion to free students from the or writing, and the teacher should find authentic sites rich in
psychological barriers of speaking to the teacher and being a given structure. The tasks students engage in should demand
assessed, and finally, students can have chat discussions with its production, such as, when practicing modal verbs, students
their keypals or other learners of English in their free time. go to, are asked to find ten the most
The teacher can create a chat room on the class website severe and the most lenient laws, and then come up with ten
(, using a widely dumb laws for their school.

The Teacher ELT

Vocabulary practice a given range of vocabulary. In class the teacher might

guide students to create vocabulary puzzles for other students,
As with grammar, vocabulary instruction can also be either using Web-based services ( or
included in the major phases of presentation, practice and or simple authoring programs
production. Internet websites can serve as sources of materials (such as Hot Potatoes, The
for well-contextualised vocabulary, and most Web-based important thing here would be to build the inventory of such
activities will encompass learning vocabulary. However, the vocabulary tasks on the class website, so that students could
teacher should keep in mind that the websites have not been revise vocabulary again in the future.
produced especially for a particular language level or group
of learners, and as such, the level of materials may be too high. Conclusion
Thus, students should learn to deduce new words from the
context or use online dictionaries (, The purpose of the present paper was to show how great the,, potential of the Internet for teaching and learning English is. It
dictionary, to get help. is hoped that teachers will be encouraged by the above ideas to
Teaching vocabulary can also focus on doing tasks start implementing the elements of Web-based teaching, either
demanding knowledge of words in particular lexical areas, by conducting Internet-assisted lessons, by introducing
such as using the website of Amnesty International a keypal exchange, or by making a class website in English.
( to write a letter of appeal to help free More ideas on using the Web in English instruction
a prisoner of conscience. The teacher’s role here is to use can be found in a number of sources, mainly electronic
ready-made websites and create tasks demanding getting to journals Teaching English with Technology,
know and remembering new words (e.g., “treasure hunts”,; The Internet TESL Journal,
when students need to find answers to specific questions).8; or TESL-EJ,
Finally, using the Internet to help students remember new tesl-ej/. It is often said that computers will not replace teachers,
words could be done by using computer-assisted practice, but teachers using technology will replace those who do not. It
with students getting practice in using words in ready-made is only hoped that the readers of The Teacher will acknowledge
quizzes, crosswords and puzzles (, this, inspired by the ideas presented above. n,, which give the opportunity to

For more ideas, see J. Krajka, Some Possibilities for Using 2001,
On-Line Newspapers in the ESL Classroom, The Internet TESL 6
After F. Tuzi, Real Audio to Augment Real Listening in the ESL
Journal, Vol. VI, No. 4, April 2000, Classroom, The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. IV, No. 3, March 1998,
See S. Windeatt, D. Hardisty, D. Eastment, The Internet. Oxford 7
Detailed step-by-step instruction on how to incorporate chat in
University Press, Oxford 2000. the language classroom can be found in J. Krajka, Making Chat
Based on G. Dudeney, The Internet and the Language Classroom. Work in the Classroom, Teaching English with Technology, vol. I, no. 4,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000. July 2001,
For details on obtaining copyright permission, see J. Krajka, Some 8
See I. Brown, Internet Treasure Hunts – A Treasure of Activity for
Possibilities for Using On-Line Newspapers in the ESL Classroom, The Students Learning English, The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. V, No. 3,
Internet TESL Journal, Vol. VI, No. 4, April 2000, March 1999, TreasureHunts.html.
More on email exchanges can be found in J. Krajka, School
Partnerships on the Web – Using the Internet to Facilitate School
Collaboration, Teaching English with Technology, vol. I, no. 1, January

Brown, I. (1999) Internet Treasure Hunts – A Treasure of Activity Krajka, J. (2001) School Partnerships on the Web – Using the
for Students Learning English, The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. V, Internet to Facilitate School Collaboration, Teaching English with
No. 3, March 1999, Technology, vol. I, no. 1, January 2001,
Dudeney, G. (2000) The Internet and the Language Classroom. Tuzi, F. (1998) Real Audio to Augment Real Listening in the ESL
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Classroom, The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. IV, No. 3, March
Krajka, J. (2000) Some Possibilities for Using On-Line 1998,
Newspapers in the ESL Classroom, The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. Windeatt, S., Hardisty, D., Eastment, D. (2000)
VI, No. 4, April 2000, The Internet. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Krajka, J. (2001) Making Chat Work in the Classroom,
Teaching English with Technology, vol. I, no. 4, July 2001.

ELT The Teacher

Grammar Class Day One:

Attitudes and Teaching Ideas
Irene E. Schoenberg

ost of us, no matter how
many years we’ve taught, Irene E. Schoenberg
feel a certain apprehension
when we face a new group of students.
After all, they don’t know us, and the
first day of class sets the tone for the
I rene has taught ESL for over twenty-five years at Hunter College’s
International English Language Institute and for eighteen years at
Columbia University’s American Language program. She has trained
ESL and EFL teachers at Columbia University’s Teacher’s College and
rest of the term. We need to convince the New School for Social Research. She has lectured at conferences,
the students that we can help them English Language schools, and universities in Brazil, Dubai, El Salvador,
achieve what they want, and that we Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Taiwan, Thailand, and
throughout the United States. She is the author of Talk about Trivia, Talk
can do it in a non-threatening, and about Values, Focus on Grammar: A Basic Course for Reference and
even enjoyable way. Practice, and the co-author with Jay Maurer of the True Colors series
For many English language teachers, the first day and Focus on Grammar: An Introductory Course for Reference and
in a grammar class includes the following aims: Practice. Ms. Schoenberg holds an M.A. in TESOL from Columbia

A. Get to know the students

B. Assess the students’ grammar knowledge
C. Motivate the students: get them to like you, trust
you, work hard for you, and most important, return to B. Assess students’ grammar knowledge
your next class
Make sure your assessment corresponds to your teaching
If your goals match these, you might want to consider the philosophy. If you believe, as I do, that a grammar class means
following suggestions. more than understanding a grammar rule, and filling in the
correct answer to an objective test, give a test with some
A. Get to know students open-ended questions.
For example, to test modals, you may want to have
Students don’t want to be a number. Time spent getting to students use a modal and write a sentence that logically
know their names, their backgrounds, and their purpose follows one such as this.
in studying English is invaluable.
1. I’m not sure what I’ll do this weekend. _________.

There are many possible correct answers, including,

I may go to a movie. I might go to a movie. or I could go
to a movie. But you will find that students also come up with
many incorrect answers. As I explain why their answer
is incorrect, they often get a much better understanding
of the meaning and use of that modal structure.
Give a test that challenges, but doesn’t overwhelm. Some
students think that because they know the form of grammar
patterns in their textbook, they belong in a higher level.
Since I believe the real aim of a grammar lesson is to bridge
the gap between understanding a form and using it in
authentic, open-ended situations, I include some questions
that get students to show their ability to use the grammar
pattern correctly.
Rys. Marianna Sztyma

For example, give students a problem with an unpleasant

outcome. Ask what the person involved could have
or should have done to avoid that outcome.
This type of problem really demonstrates a student’s
ability to use past modals and past unreal conditions.

The Teacher ELT

The man should’ve have quit his job. Speaking and Rules
The woman might have borrowed money from the bank. She Most students agree that when they speak, they don’t
shouldn’t have stolen the money. think about grammar rules. Indeed, people could never
or speak fluently if they had to think of every rule before they
If I had been that doctor, I would have treated the patient opened their mouths. But I point out to students that
for free. knowledge of a grammar rule sometimes allows them to
correct themselves while speaking. And research has
indicated that the mark of a good language learner is the
I believe this shows a greater understanding of the ability to self-correct.
grammar patterns than do the more traditional fill-in
sentences such as, “I didn’t buy that house, but if I ____ S: How much costs it?
(buy) it, I ____ (make) a fortune.” T: Excuse me?
S: How much does it cost?
C. Motivate students
When a student can correct an error, he or she is less likely
You can usually motivate students by meeting their to repeat it.
interests and needs. Begin by inquiring about their Grammar awareness gives a learner confidence since the
attitudes. These days I start my intermediate grammar learner is not forced to rely on his or her ear for what is
classes by giving out the handout below. We read the correct. This may mislead a person in a second language. For
sentences and go over the meaning of any unfamiliar example, a student may incorrectly ask, Where you going? This
words or concepts. After students have completed the student is probably saying what he has heard. In the
handout, and discussed their attitudes in small groups, we question, Where are you going, a native speaker stresses the
talk about the ideas as a class. words where, you, and going. The word are is not stressed.
However, a student who has studied grammar may remember
that questions with where are followed by question word order.
Attitudes about Grammar This may lead her to correct the error herself.
Or a student who talks or writes of a “restaurant good”
Do you agree or disagree? may remember that in English, unlike many other
________ 1. When I speak, I don’t think about languages, the adjective precedes the noun. Furthermore,
grammar rules. there are times when what you say differs from what you
________ 2. Students can learn to speak well without write. “You are older than he is,” may be preferable for
studying grammar rules. a written piece, whereas “You are older than him,” may be
________ 3. I can’t possibly remember all the more appropriate for oral communication. Furthermore,
grammar rules and exceptions. “Any news from Dan?” is perfectly acceptable in spoken
________ 4. I want the teacher to correct all my English, but incorrect for more formal written communication.
mistakes. Some students fear that there are too many complicated
________ 5. Context is not so important when rules and that they won’t be able to either learn or apply them.
practicing grammar. I explain to my students that understanding a rule is only
________ 6. Communicative activities are not a small part of succeeding in an English class. Using a few
so important when learning grammar. rules successfully may be more useful for some than having an
________ 7. Grammar is boring. intellectual grasp of many. So in my classes, we spend more
________ 8. Grammar is judgmental. time practicing language than we do reviewing all the rules
and exercises in a grammar book. Exercises can be done at
home. And understanding a grammar rule and using it to get
the correct answer on a test often precedes being able to use
Discussing students’ perceptions of grammar gets them the rule outside of class. Students need to hear or see a lot of
to consider the purpose of a grammar course and allows me language with the applied rule before they naturally come
to explain some of my own notions, notions which are up with the correct usage. But when they finally do apply it,
popular among teachers today. they will know that what they’re saying is correct.

1. Grammar should be taught through a context. Error Correction

2. Fill-ins and objective short answers are a step toward
open-ended real communication. Most confident and enthusiastic learners want to be
3. Personalizing the material makes it real. corrected by their teachers. In class, I draw their attention
4. The grammar of written and spoken English is to two types of grammar mistakes: the ones the students
different. should be able to correct by themselves, and the ones that
While many teachers today have accepted these ideas, cause a problem of communication. I indicate the former
many students are unaware of them. Let’s examine these type error by saying, “What was that?” or “Excuse me,”
ideas in more detail. or by uttering some sound that indicates there’s an error.

ELT The Teacher

For instance if a student says, “She live in Vienna,” and

I say, “Excuse me?” the student usually will correct the
However, if a student mistakenly says, “I slept when she
came to my house,” when she means, “I was sleeping when
she came to my house,” I generally stop and explain
the use of the past progressive for interrupted action and the
difference between the simple past and the past progressive
in such a sentence. On the other hand, when a student
is making a thoughtful comment which happens to have
a grammar mistake, I ignore the mistake, since I don’t want
the student to feel his desire to communicate is less important
than his grammar usage. I may take note of the error and
bring it up at some other time.

Grammar in Context
I believe that grammar should be taught in a context.
It makes the lesson more interesting and meaningful. Students
may learn all sorts of incidental language from the context.
And most significantly, teaching in context gives students the
important message that grammar is a means to more effective
communication and not an end in itself.
Rys. Marianna Sztyma

Communicative Activities
Exercises that involve students in life-like situations and
which require the use of the grammar point just taught are
the best way to complete a lesson. These can be oral
activities with group or pair work or written assignments.
They can include values clarification exercises, games, Before students leave on the first day of class, I give
puzzles, reactions to articles or editorials, comparisons them another handout. I ask them to fill out a form like
of pictures, or descriptions. The correct answer in a guided this for every structure we study. I hope to leave them with
practice activity is much less indicative of mastery than the message that they have not really learned a grammar
the use of the same structure in a creative open-ended structure until they can use it in their own writing and
discussion or written piece. speaking.

Grammar Is Boring / Grammar Is Judgmental

When students say that they believe grammar is boring, Structure: __________________
I try to prove them wrong. It is my challenge to make the
class interesting by helping them use the grammar 1. I know the form.
structure with content and in contexts that are interesting 2. I understand the grammar notes in the book.
and relevant to them. If students say that grammar 3. I can give my own example.
is judgmental, I agree. When people say such things 4. I can use this structure when I speak and write.
as “between you and I,” or “I and my sister,” or “He don’t
do nothing,” it may hurt them in the opinion of others.
However, I tell them that if they learn what By involving the students in a discussion of the aims and
is considered grammatically correct and appropriate, they objectives of the class, I help them to become much more
will gain confidence and feel empowered. I tell them motivated and enthusiastic learners. By giving them
to consider grammar a tool, which anyone can learn to use the form above, I send the message that a grammar lesson
to his or her advantage. is not complete until they can use the structures taught
I explain that knowledge of grammar helps students to edit appropriately and meaningfully, and in an open-ended
their writing. It gives them control over what they are context.
saying. Recent research by cognitive psychologists points So on the first day of your next grammar class, you may
out that for learning to take place efficiently, the learner want to give your class these handouts, discuss some of
must notice and pay attention to the objective. Then the these ideas, and find out what your students think about
learner must practice the objective, in this case a grammar grammar. The result may be that students, who previously
point, so that it changes from part of a controlled process did activities in a perfunctory manner, will do them with
to part of an automatic one. much more understanding and enthusiasm. n

The Teacher ELT

Words often confused

Teacher’s notes
Aim To look at pairs of words that students often mix up, such as continual/continuous,
lend/borrow, etc.
Preparation Copy the handout on the next page – one copy per student.

Introduction (5 minutes) 5. When you wink you deliberately close then

open just one eye. When you blink, you close
Write the following on the board: then open both eyes – often mechanically.
My brother is an electric/electrical engineer. 6. Continuous describes things that go on without
I’ve just bought a new electric/electrical kettle. a break (e.g. continuous/non-stop performances).
Ask the students to choose the correct words for the Continual describes separate, often annoying,
above (electrical engineer, electric kettle) and to try actions which are repeated over a period
to explain the difference. For example: of time (e.g. continual interruptions) or
If your brother was an electric engineer, he’d be live continuing for a long time without stopping
– you’d get a shock when you touched him. (e.g. continual rain).
Electric is used of things that produce electricity or 7. Space here means empty space between two
are worked by electricity. Electrical is used of people things. Room means enough space for
and their work or in such phrases as: a particular purpose (room in the car, fridge,
There’s an electrical fault in the system. etc.).
Ask for more examples using electric or electrical 8. Certainly means “definitely”, Surely not here
(electric train, shaver, drill, lawn mower, light, is used to show that you can’t believe that
blanket; electrical engineering, apparatus, fault). something is true – in this case that she’s going
Tell the students that in this lesson you are going to wear such a dress in public.
to be looking at pairs of words like this that can be 9. If something fits it is the right size. If something
confusing. sults you it looks good on you.
10. Your shadow is the dark shape that appears
behind you (or tress, buildings, etc.) when the
sun is shining. Shade is the opposite of direct
Presentation (25 minutes) sunlight.
11. Beside means “next to”. Besides means “apart
Let the students work in pairs. Give everyone a copy from”.
of the handout. Do the first example with the whole 12. To discover something is to find something that
class, then let them complete the others. Check already exists but is not known before
orally, giving explanations as required: (e.g. a planet, river). To invent something is to
1. To Lend is to give something to someone else for make up or produce something for the first
a short time. To borrow is to get something from time (e.g. a light bulb).
someone else for a short time.
2. To rise means to go up or move upwards (prices,
the sun in the sky, etc.) It has no direct object. Key
If you raise something, you make it higher. It has
a direct object. 1a lend 1b borrow 2a raise 2b rise 3a steal
3. To rob is to steal from a house, shop, bank, etc. 3b rob 4a lie 4b lay 5a winked 5b blinked
To steal is a general word which means to take 6a continual 6b continuous 7a room 7b space
something that doesn’t belong to you. 8a surely 8b certainly 9a suit 9b fit 10a shadow
4. To lie means, in this context, to be situated – 10b shade 1a beside 11b besides 12a invented
Swansea is situated to the west of Cardiff. To 12b discovered 13a remember 13b Remind
lay the table means to prepare it for eating by 14a alone 14b lonely 15a economical
placing a tablecloth, knives and forks, etc. on it. 15b economic

Hand in Hand with Teachers

ELT The Teacher

Words often confused

Here are fifteen pairs of words. Fill in the missing word in each sentence. (Make any verb
tense changes that may be necessary.)

1. lend–borrow b I’m ______ not inviting Carol and David to

a I haven’t got any money. Could you ______ my party. Not after the way they behaved last
me £10, please? time.
b I often ______ books from the library.
9. fit–suit
2. rise–raise a Red doesn’t really ______ me. I look much
a Anyone who needs a lift home, please ______ better in blue or yellow.
your hand. b These shoes don’t ______ – they’re much too
b Do you think house prices will ______ soon? big.

3. rob–steal 10. shadow–shade

a Pickpockets usually find it easy to ______ a The building cast a long, dark ______
from tourists – especially in large crowds. b It’s hot. Let’s go and sit in the ______ for
b Two masked men tried to ______ a bank this a while.
11. beside–besides
4. lie–lay a He sat down in the park ______ an old
a Does Swansea ______ to the east or the west woman.
of Cardiff? b Who else was at the meeting ______ Ken and
b She asked her daughter to ______ the table. Dave?

5. wink–blink 12 discover–invent
a He ______ and smiled at the attractive a Thomas Edison ______ the light bulb.
woman sitting alone at the bar. b Do you know who ______ the planet Pluto?
b The child ______ when a bird suddenly flew
close to his face. 13. remember–remind
a Did you ______ that it was Mandy’s bithday
6. continuous–continual today?
a She found it hard to work because of the b ______ me to send Mandy a birthday card,
______ hammering from the workmen doing will you?
repairs to the building opposite.
b The brain needs a ______ supply of blood. 14. alone–lonely
a Mrs Brown is a widow and lives ______ .
7. space–room b People who feel ______ often get a dog
a Their new flat was very small and there just or a cat to keep them company.
wasn’t enough ______ for all their furniture.
b Leave lots of ______ between these shrubs 15. economic–economical
when you plant them. a Small cars are usually more ______ than
large ones.
8. certainly–surely b The ______ situation in the country has
a You’re ______ not going to wear that dress, improved in the last few months.
are you? Not in public anyway!

From Instant Lessons 2 Intermediate edited by Peter Watcyn-Jones © Penguin Books 2000

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City & Guilds Pitman Qualifications

– Internationally recognised
English exams “on demand”

ity & Guilds is one of the world’s leading and most body, and are mapped against the Council of Europe’s
respected vocational awarding bodies. It received Common European Framework. They are valued by students
its Royal Charter in 1900 and, since its formation and teachers alike; approximately 100 000 exams are taken
125 years ago, it has led the way in vocational education and worldwide each year.
training. Today, it offers more than 500 awards in over 100 nFlexibility and “on demand” exams
countries ranging from Information Technology and Our English exams are “on demand”, which means that our
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Qualifications is part of City & Guilds and specialises to suit their students, while many other examination boards
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exams. nExternal assessment
We are inviting schools to apply to join our expanding All our English exams are externally assessed in the UK
network of Approved Examination Centres, which already by experienced examiners. The spoken exam is recorded onto
stretches across Poland. This network will make it easier and a tape cassette, which is sent to the UK for marking. This
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internationally recognised English language exam (currently, nAccessibility and equal opportunities
Polish students are constrained by the choice of foreign City & Guilds Pitman Qualifications is committed
English language exams on offer, by the prescribed dates given to encouraging wider access in Poland to internationally
to take them, by the limited number of cities and venues where recognised English exams. Our network of Approved
the exams can be taken and, most importantly, by the high costs Examination Centres across Poland enables students to take
often involved in paying for them). the exams wherever they live without having to travel long
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We offer the following exams: Our exams are competency based. They focus on candidates’
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We are currently engaged in developing an exciting range introduced an initial teaching qualification – the Access
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What makes City & Guilds Pitman Qualifications special Email:
Direct Line: (UK +44) (0)20 7294 2782
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Our exams are accredited by the Qualifications and Post: City & Guilds,
Curriculum Authority (QCA), the UK’s educational regulatory 1 Giltspur Street, London EC1A 9DD.



Fot. P. Rabiej


Education training and the youth

J´drzej Markiewicz

n the eve of the enlargement Detailed information concerning -sections: Lingua 1 and Lingua 2.
of the European Union the above listed activities is available at Lingua is intended to promote
education remains a primary language learning throughout the
concern of all governments of united In this presentation we will outline Union, to develop and to improve
Europe. Although education systems programmes directed at students in teaching techniques. The target groups
of individual countries differ higher education. of the programme are the general
considerably in their structure, public and education professionals.
teaching content and methods, one Students in higher education may Language teaching covers teaching
of the goals of the EU is to provide apply for a scholarship within the and learning of all of the
for a free exchange of experiences Socrates-Erasmus programme. It is official Community Languages as well
among the youth of Europe, as well open to all types of higher education as Irish and Luxemburgish. Lingua
as to provide for the possibility of and offers students a study period is a project-based programme and
lifelong learning to non-students. of 3 to 12 months in one of the gives priority to projects related to
Today, thousands of high school and participating countries. In general, devising, development or production
university students participate in students receive a grant to cover the of materials and techniques for
exchange programmes outside their mobility costs of studying in another language learning and teaching.
countries, and professionals from country, such as travel, the costs
different fields upgrade their of living, language courses etc. As How to apply?
vocational qualifications within EU different credit systems are used
funded training schemes. throughout the schools in the EU, the Students wishing to apply for
Erasmus students must make sure a Socrates scholarship should enquire
European Union Programmes that they will receive full credit at the Office for International
for education training and the youth recognition for the study period Cooperation of their mother university.
abroad before departure. The Every university faculty has a Socrates-
There are three European Union recognition is granted on the basis of -Erasmus coordinator responsible
programmes related to education, the European Credit Transfer System for arranging students’ individual
training and the youth. The most Learning Agreement. Socrates- curricula and for making necessary
popular among students is Socrates, -Erasmus provides financial support arrangements related to the credit
which supports training and education to teaching staff, who may spend transfer system (within the Learning
of students and teachers. It covers a short period of time on teaching Agreement), and establishing
a wide range of activities: it provides assignments in partner universities. cooperation with a Socrates
intensive programmes, supports joint Students and university staff may also coordinator in the respective Office
development of curriculum, as well as sign up for intensive programmes for International Cooperation abroad.
provides a simplified credit system (10 days to 3 months), and participate The basic criterion for receiving
within the European Credit Transfer in the scheme for joint development a scholarship is knowledge of
System (ECTS). The Socrates of curriculum. Within this area, the language of a given country
programme is divided into eight Erasmus supports projects for the joint of the Community. However, most
subschemes, each dealing with a different development of study programmes at Community universities provide for
scope of activities: any level, from undergraduate to the possibility of studying and
1. Comenius: school education intermediate and advanced, projects completing tests in English. Students
2. Erasmus: higher education for the joint development of European may also receive a grant to study
3. Gruntvig: adult education modules, which include courses on a given language in the course of
4. Lingua: learning and teaching history, society, culture, the politics of the exchange programme, or make
of European languages other European countries, aspects individual arrangements with the
5. Minerva: information and of European integration etc., and university staff concerning the
communication technologies in projects for the implementation possibility of completing their studies
education and dissemination of curricular in English.
6. Observation and innovation of development projects which have
education systems and policies completed their development phase. MAGDA CICHOWSKA from
7. Joint actions with other European Another important education Uniwersytet Warmiƒsko-Ma-
programmes related programme within Socrates is zurski in Olsztyn spent a six-
8. Accompanying measures LINGUA. It consists of two sub- -month study period at the


Catholic University of Lisbon in public and private organizations 4. Study visits

Portugal in 2002. and institutions. In other words, They provide an opportunity to
individuals need to submit their learn about youth work provisions in
Getting an Erasmus grant is not projects through one of the other countries.
an easy thing. The coordinator is institutions recognized by the 5. Seminars
there to help you, however, most programme. They are ways to exchange
of the things you have to take care experience and good practice,
of yourself. Before you apply, Financing consultations or policy development
you must make sure that your etc. with regard to the youth
university has a Learning Leonardo da Vinci programme programme and youth policy.
Agreement with the host university. finances exchange and internship 6. Training courses
Generally, there is a lot of paper- projects with 85% of their total cost. They help those involved in youth
work involved, but at the end of Projects realized by schools and public work and non-formal education to
the day it is worth the effort. Once institutions may be financed up to acquire advanced skills and knowledge
you’re on, you get the unique 90%. Detailed information is available of their activities.
opportunity to live in another at 7. Youth information
country, blend in with its citizens, The Youth programme is the EU’s This activity supports the production
get to know their culture and mobility programme intended for and dissemination of information and
language, and of course, the young people. It is available to the training material relating to the youth
education system. The courses youth in 30 European countries, programme.
you take are more or less consistent including Poland. The programme 8. Transnational partnerships and
with similar subjects at your own gives young people an opportunity to networks
university, so there is no problem. explore the cultures of other Their objective is to create new
The real barrier is the European countries through education networks under the youth
language, if you don’t know it. in one of the participating countries programme.
Portuguese is a difficult one to in the form of group exchanges, 9. Support for quality and innovation
learn, but I took a three month voluntary work and support activities. This activity aims at involving
language course. If you add to Voluntary work allows young people young people who lack opportunities
that, the time I spent living to work as volunteers in one of in the youth programme at national,
among the Portuguese, I picked it the programme countries. Volunteers regional and local levels.
up really fast. I was surprised by are sent to do service in the field
the number of students that came of environment, arts and culture, For detailed information visit
to Portugal on the Socrates- activities with children, or helping
-Erasmus programme from all the elderly. The voluntary service
over Europe. is non-profit and the programme How to apply
covers all costs related to the service.
Leonardo da Vinci is another All volunteers who have completed The Youth Programme operates
European Union education programme their service project are awarded through National Agencies in each
supporting the Union’s policy for a certificate signed by the Member participating country responsible for
learning and vocational training. The of the European Commission in disseminating general information
programme was founded by virtue of charge of the YOUTH programme. about the youth programme, as well as
the European Commission Council Support activities are also non- for the selection of projects according
decision in 1994. Poland joined the -profit and include nine types of to criteria set by the European
programme in 1998. Leonardo da activity: Commission. Students interested in
Vinci provides for the possibility of participation in the programme should
realization of six types of projects: 1. Practical training experience (job enquire at the national Agency in their
nexchanges and internships shadowing) country for detailed information.
npilot projects This activity allows youth workers National Agency for Poland:
nlanguage projects to acquire the skills for organising
ninternational networks of institutions a transnational project by working Foundation for the Development
nresearch and analysis in a partner organisation for a limited of the Education System
njoint actions period of time. Youth Programme
2. Feasibility visits ul. Mokotowska 43
Exchanges and internships within They allow project managers to PL – 00 551 Warsaw
Leonardo da Vinci last from 3 weeks discuss a project idea before Tel: (48 22) 622 37 06 / 628 60 14
to 12 months for students in higher submitting an application under Fax: (48 22) 622 37 08
education, and from 2 to 12 months Actions 1 or 2. E-mail:
for young workers and graduates. 3. Contact-making seminars Website:
Projects encompass a period of three They bring together potential
years. Projects may be submitted by partners for youth projects.


MAIN CENTRES FOR qualifications has been introduced (see basic requirements in the case of
EUROPEAN INFORMATION IP/01/253). It covers all professions pursuing a teaching job in a host
requiring qualifications and applies country is knowledge of its official
across a wide range of professions language. Pursuant to Regulation
1. Centre for European following varying levels of education No. 1612/68 of the Council of
Information in Poland and training. The general system 15 October 1968 on freedom of
operates within Przedstawi- of recognition does not apply to movement for workers within the
cielstwo Komisji Europejskiej professions which are already regulated Community, any discrimination
w Polsce, and provides by another system for the recognition within the area of employment
information on the EU, its of qualifications. of citizens of member states is
institutions, policies and Anyone seeking employment in prohibited. However, this regulation
programmes, including educa- one of the Union member states may does not apply to requirements
tion programmes, located in want to visit the website of European relating to the knowledge of
Warszawskie Centrum Network of Information Centres a language of the host country,
Finansowe (ENIC), which provides detailed essential for the performance of
ul. Emilii Plater 53 information on the policy and a given job.
00-113 Warszawa practice for the recognition of In some cases the competent
e-mail: qualifications. The network authority may require you either to
comprises national information undergo an adaptation period or to
2. There are 35 Regional European centres of the states party to the take an aptitude test (at your choice) if
Information Centres nationwide European Cultural Convention or there are substantial differences
providing information on the the UNESCO Europe region. They between your training and that
process of European integration, generally provide information on the required in the host Member State.
documents, publications and recognition of foreign diplomas, These requirements may also be
other materials. The full list is degrees and other qualifications, applied if you are not qualified in the
available at education systems, and opportunities Member State from which you come
for studying abroad. The ENIC to teach all the subjects that you are
network cooperates with the NARIC required to teach in the host Member
RECOGNITION newtork (National Academic State (e.g. you are a maths teacher and
OF QUALIFICATIONS Recognition Information Centres), are required to teach maths and physics
and job opportunities established by the Ministries of in the host Member State). Such
Education of member states, and differences justify these additional
Polish professionals have great provides information on foreign requirements but do not constitute
expectations concerning the enlargement education systems and qualifications. grounds for refusal to recognize
of the European Union. They are The Polish NARIC network centre is qualifications (assuming that the other
hoping that once Poland joins the Biuro UznawalnoÊci Wykszta∏cenia conditions are met). If, however, your
Community they will get an opportunity i Wymiany Mi´dzynarodowej profession is not regulated in the host
to pursue their professions outside their ul. Smolna 13, 00-375 Warszawa Member State, you do not need to
homeland without any restrictions. Sekretariat: tel. 22 826-74-34 apply for recognition of your
One of the primary goals of the Union e-mail: qualifications. You can begin practicing
is to create favourable rules regulating in the host Member State, subject to
the mobility of workers throughout the same conditions as nationals, i.e.
the Union. The nature of our magazine with the same rights and obligations.
The rights of EU citizens to establish obliges us to take a closer look Polish teachers of English can
themselves or to provide services at the recognition of qualifications sleep soundly, as the threat of native
anywhere in the EU are the fundamental in teaching professions speakers invading our country to take
principles of European Community law. teaching jobs away from them is
The EU has established laws regulating The teaching profession is covered rather overexaggerated. Native
the recognition of qualifications among by the general system for the recognition speakers have been present in Poland
its member states thus enabling their of professional qualifications as there since the beginning of the 1990s;
citizens to pursue their professions in the are no other common regulations many of them qualified teachers, yet
country of their choice without having that would harmonize the level of the demand for Polish professionals
to overcome additional bureaucratic education and qualifications. They are in this field is growing. Taking into
obstacles. The existing Directives on the regulated by 89/48/EEC: Council account the fact that the same
mutual recognition of qualifications allow Directive of 21 December 1988 in teaching jobs are less well paid in
European citizens who are qualified a general system for the recognition Poland than in any of the EU
professionals in one Member State to of higher-education diplomas countries, it is highly unlikely that
practice their profession in other awarded on completion of professional large number of qualified native
Member States. More recently, education and training of minimum speakers will come to Poland to
a general system for the recognition of three years duration. One of the pursue their careers here. n


„My w Unii Europejskiej”

Jak odnajdziesz si´ w Unii?

Konkurs redakcji „The Teacher” oraz Urz´du Komitetu Integracji Europejskiej

dla uczàcych si´ j´zyka angielskiego

Napisz jak wyobra˝asz sobie cz∏onkostwo Polski w Unii. Autorzy pozosta∏ych wyró˝nionych prac otrzymajà nagro-
Czego oczekujesz i czego si´ obawiasz? Czy Unia zmieni dy rzeczowe. Nagrodzone prace b´dà publikowane na ∏a-
Twoje ˝ycie, a Polakom da wi´ksze szanse? Jak chcesz sko- mach magazynu „The Teacher”.*
rzystaç na wejÊciu Polski do UE?

Eseje w j´zyku angielskim, o obj´toÊci nie przekraczajàcej Uwaga! Eseje muszà byç zweryfikowane przez nauczy-
1800 znaków, nale˝y przes∏aç pocztà na adres redakcji ciela j´zyka angielskiego. Poka˝ napisany esej swojemu na-
„The Teacher”: uczycielowi, który powinien podpisaç go imieniem i nazwi-
ul. Fabryczna 16/22, lok. 23 skiem. Prace bez rekomendacji nie b´dà bra∏y udzia∏u
00-446 Warszawa w konkursie!
w nieprzekraczalnym terminie do 30 listopada 2002 r.
(decyduje data stempla pocztowego). Nauczyciel autora najlepszego eseju otrzyma nagrod´
rzeczowà – komputer osobisty!
Jury, w sk∏ad którego wchodzà nauczyciele i metodycy j´-
zyka angielskiego oraz przedstawiciel Urz´du Komitetu In- Konkurs zosta∏ zorganizowany i przeprowadzony dzi´ki
tegracji Europejskiej wybierze najciekawsze prace. dotacji Urz´du Komitetu Integracji Europejskiej, który
dofinansowa∏ projekt w ramach Konkursu otwartego media
Autor najlepszego eseju pojedzie w nagrod´ na kurs j´zy- – 2002.
ka angielskiego do Wielkiej Brytanii.

* Organizatorzy zastrzegajà sobie prawo oceny znajomoÊci j´zyka angielskiego uczestnika konkursu

Fot. P. Rabiej


Czas na sprawy kontrowersyjne,

budzàce obawy
Z pe∏nomocnikiem rzàdu nych przez OBOP da- ∏oszaƒski objaÊnia ele-
ds. informacji europejskiej nych wynika, ˝e 43 mentarne poj´cia zwià-
ministrem proc. osób czuje si´ wy- zane z Unià Europej-
S∏awomirem Wiatrem starczajàco dobrze po- skà. Nie mo˝na jednak
rozmawia informowanych o inte- powiedzieç, ˝e nasza
Arkadiusz Braumberger gracji. W ciàgu ostat- dzia∏alnoÊç ogranicza si´
nich trzech i pó∏ roku tylko i wy∏àcznie do pu-
od grudnia 1998 roku blikowania spotów tele-
do maja 2002 roku licz- wizyjnych. Je˝eli a˝ 95

Fot. Forum
ARKADIUSZ BRAUMBERGER: ba osób, które uznajà, proc. badanych przy-
Z sierpniowego sonda˝u OÊrod- ˝e sà dobrze poinfor- znaje, ˝e zetkn´∏o si´
ka Badania Opinii Publicznej mowane wzros∏a o 15 z informacjà o Unii Eu-
wynika, ˝e poparcie dla integra- proc., podczas gdy tylko S∏awomir ropejskiej, to znaczy, ˝e
cji europejskiej w naszym kraju w ciàgu ostatnich kilku- widzieli nasze plakaty,
wzros∏o a˝ o 7 proc. Co Pana nastu tygodni ich liczba
Wiatr korzystali z naszej info-
zdaniem zadecydowa∏o o tak wzros∏a o 10 proc. My- linii, widzieli strony tele-
du˝ym wzroÊcie zwolenników Êl´, ˝e mo˝na to uznaç za sukces. gazety, czy te˝ trafi∏a do nich jedna
integracji? z naszych broszur. Uczniowie i studen-
S¸AWOMIR WIATR: No tak, ale z drugiej strony 53 ci wyrywajà je sobie z ràk. Jak widaç,
Na∏o˝y∏o si´ na to kilka czynników. proc. badanych wcià˝ daje do staramy si´ rozpowszechniaç wiedz´
Decydujàcym by∏a na pewno wizyta zrozumienia, ˝e mogliby jednak o Unii ró˝nymi drogami, podobnie jak
Ojca Âwi´tego, szczególnie s∏owa, któ- wiedzieç wi´cej... promowaç êród∏a pog∏´bionej informa-
rymi po˝egna∏ rodaków. To jedno z ta- To prawda; najwi´kszy odsetek ba- cji na ten temat. Dzi´ki temu w∏aÊnie,
kich wydarzeƒ, które decydujà o du- danych wcià˝ utrzymuje, ˝e na temat poczucie poinformowania w spo∏eczeƒ-
˝ym wzroÊcie zainteresowania integra- Unii Europejskiej wie za ma∏o. JeÊli stwie wzros∏o a˝ o 10 punktów.
cjà europejskà i przysparzajà tej idei jednak przyjrzymy si´, w jaki sposób
zwolenników. Zdajà si´ to potwierdzaç i jak zmieniajà si´ w ostatnim czasie Ta sprawa ∏àczy si´ bezpoÊrednio
wydarzenia z wiosny tego roku. Po wyniki sonda˝y, to oka˝e si´, ˝e z tym, co ostatnio na ten temat
9. maja, obchodach Dni Europejskich wszystko idzie we w∏aÊciwym kie- mówi∏ prezydent Aleksander
i inauguracji kampanii informacyjnej runku. Nie da si´ zaprzeczyç, ˝e KwaÊniewski. Zgadza si´ Pan
równie˝ odnotowaliÊmy du˝y wzrost wcià˝ jest spora grupa osób, która z tym, ˝e przyszed∏ czas na to, by
zainteresowania sprawami Unii Euro- twierdzi, ˝e nie otrzyma∏a odpowie- zaczàç mówiç o konkretach?
pejskiej, jak równie˝ wzrost poparcia dzi na nurtujàce jà pytania. Prze- W zupe∏noÊci si´ z tym zgadzam i do-
dla integracji. Êledêmy jednak zmiany, które zasz∏y dam, ˝e taki rozwój kampanii mieliÊmy
ostatnio w wynikach badaƒ. W maju w planach. W drugim etapie wraz z po-
Wydaje si´, ˝e sam fakt kilku- niedoinformowanych by∏o 62 proc., st´pem negocjacji, a tak˝e wzrostem za-
procentowego wzrostu popar- dzisiaj jest ich 53 proc. Trudno za- interesowania Unià kampania b´dzie
cia dla integracji europejskiej przeczyç, ˝e i tu widaç post´p. nabieraç coraz wi´kszego tempa. Nasze
odwróci∏ nieco uwag´ od in- Chcia∏bym tylko dodaç, ˝e w ciàgu informacje przekazywane dotychczaso-
nych danych, które poda∏ ostatnich czterech lat ich liczba spa- wymi kana∏ami stajà si´ coraz bardziej
OBOP. Wyniki badania, doty- d∏a o tyle samo, co w ciàgu ostatnich konkretne, gdy˝ odpowiadajà na pyta-
czàcego stopnia poinformowa- czterech miesi´cy. nia, które docierajà do nas przez infoli-
nia o Unii Europejskiej by∏y tak ni´ czy dzi´ki Eurobusowi, który w cià-
samo dobre, jeÊli nie lepsze. Czy osoby, które twierdzà, ˝e gu sierpnia i wrzeÊnia odwiedzi∏ prawie
Wyniki sonda˝u dla wielu osób mogà wiedzà o Unii Europejskiej i roz- 50 miejscowoÊci. W naszych przeka-
byç zaskakujàce. JeÊli jednak weêmie- szerzeniu wystarczajàco du˝o, zach coraz cz´Êciej b´dziemy poruszaç
my pod uwag´ wszystkie okolicznoÊci, czerpa∏y swojà wiedz´ tylko i wy- sprawy kontrowersyjne, budzàce obawy.
to oka˝e si´, ˝e nie powinny byç one a˝ ∏àcznie ze spotów z Bogus∏awem Chodzi nam o rozwianie wàtpliwoÊci
tak wielkà niespodziankà. W ostatnim Wo∏oszaƒskim? To musi byç doÊç zw∏aszcza tej cz´Êci obywateli naszego
czasie odnotowano najwi´kszy jedno- uboga wiedza... kraju, którzy sà niezdecydowani.
razowy wzrost liczby osób, które twier- Statystyczny telewidz – jak wynika
dzà, ˝e sà dobrze poinformowane o in- z badaƒ OBOP – widzia∏ 33 filmy Dzi´kuj´ za rozmow´. n
tegracji europejskiej. Z opublikowa- edukacyjne, w których Bogus∏aw Wo- (PAI)


Europejska Interkl@sa
Ewa Kadys

29 sierpnia odby∏o si´ w Warszawie Spotkanie Partnerów Interkl@sy. Inicjatywa,

której celem jest upowszechnianie Internetu w szko∏ach, doczeka∏a si´ poparcia samej Komisji
Europejskiej. Honorowy patronat nad uroczystoÊcià objà∏ jej przewodniczàcy – Romano Prodi.
Obj´cie spotkania honorowym patronatem przez przewodniczàcego Komisji Europejskiej
to olbrzymie wyró˝nienie dla pierwszej tego typu inicjatywy w naszym kraju, ale Êwiadczy to te˝ o tym,
jak wiele uwagi poÊwi´ca si´ w Brukseli kwestiom edukacji informatycznej.

Interkl@sa po europejsku i najbardziej konkurencyjnà na Êwie- czwartek sierpnia, stanowià zazwy-

cie. Jednà z dróg, która ma doprowa- czaj okazj´ do podsumowania dzia-
Tematem tegorocznego Spotkania dziç do tego, ˝e Unia Europejska sta- ∏alnoÊci Programu Interkl@sa oraz
Partnerów Interkl@sy by∏a rola eduka- nie si´ gospodarczym mocarstwem przedstawienia planów na najbli˝szy
cji w tworzeniu spo∏eczeƒstwa informa- i wydrze palm´ pierwszeƒstwa Sta- rok. Programem kieruje Zespó∏ Za-
cyjnego – w kontekÊcie przyj´cia Polski nom Zjednoczonym, jest dynamiczny daniowy pod kierownictwem senator
do Unii Europejskiej. W tym roku na rozwój technologiczny, a przede Gra˝yny Staniszewskiej. W jego
Spotkaniu Partnerów Interkl@sy poza wszystkim upowszechnienie Interne- sk∏ad wchodzà koordynatorzy eduka-
Brunonem Dethomasem, reprezentu- tu i nowoczesnych technik telekomu- cji informatycznej, samorzàdowcy
jàcym Przewodniczàcego Komisji nikacyjnych. Czy to oznacza, ˝e w ten oraz przedstawiciele multimedial-
Europejskiej, wzi´∏y udzia∏ osoby sposób Intarkl@sa aktywnie w∏àczy- nych wydawnictw i firm informatycz-
kierujàce programem, eksperci, ∏a si´ w realizacj´ tzw. strategii li- nych, ekspertami programu sà wybit-
przedstawiciele wspó∏pracujàcych zboƒskiej? ni polscy naukowcy.
z programem instytucji, organizacji
i firm. Zaproszenie na uroczystoÊç Ponad podzia∏ami Wszystko dla szkó∏
przyjà∏ równie˝ prof. Micha∏ Kleiber,
minister Nauki, odpowiadajàcy Decyzj´ o utworzeniu programu In- Twórcom programu uda∏o si´ prze-
w Radzie Ministrów mi´dzy innymi terkl@sa podj´to w roku 1998 z ini- konaç do Interkl@sy najwi´ksze za-
za sprawy zwiàzane z budowaniem cjatywy Senator Gra˝yny Staniszew- chodnie koncerny. Wraz z Intelem
w Polsce spo∏eczeƒstwa informacyj- skiej, ówczesnej przewodniczàcej Sej- i Microsoftem wdro˝ono w Polsce
nego. W marcu tego roku na szczycie mowej Komisji Edukacji, Nauki program szkoleniowy dla nauczycieli.
UE w Brukseli Polska zobowiàza∏a i M∏odzie˝y. Projekt uzyska∏ poparcie Do koƒca 2002 roku mo˝e zostaç ob-
si´, ˝e razem z cz∏onkami Unii, jak Ministerstwa Edukacji, organizacji j´tych nim 80 tys. osób. W ciàgu ko-
i innymi kandydatami podejmie rzàdowych i pozarzàdowych, wszyst- lejnego roku ta liczba ma wzrosnàç
wszelkie kroki, by w 2010 gospodar- kich bez wyjàtku opcji politycznych do 120 tys. Z kolei na podstawie po-
ka Unii Europejskiej – a wtedy ju˝ oraz wielu firm prywatnych. Program rozumienia podpisanego ze Zwiàz-
i nasza – sta∏a si´ najbardziej pr´˝nà Interkl@sa zmierza do przygotowa- kiem Powiatów Polskich i polskim
nia m∏odego pokolenia Polaków do oddzia∏em Cisco Systems podj´to de-
zbli˝ajàcej si´ wielkimi krokami epoki, cyzje o utworzeniu przy szko∏ach
w której umiej´tnoÊç szybkiego dotar- Êrednich 300 Lokalnych Akademii
cia do odpowiedniej informacji decy- Informatycznych. Majà one oferowaç
dowaç b´dzie o sukcesie. Dzi´ki tej kursy w najbardziej poszukiwanych
inicjatywie do polskich szkó∏ trafi∏o zawodach informatycznych. Ukoƒ-
w ciàgu ostatnich 3 lat ok. 70 tys. czenie kursu b´dzie równoznaczne
komputerów. Zak∏adamy, ˝e do koƒca z uzyskaniem certyfikatu, który
2003 roku w komputery zostanà wy- uznawany jest na ca∏ym Êwiecie. Pro-
posa˝one wszystkie szko∏y Êrednie, gram zajmuje si´ równie˝ promocjà
szko∏y podstawowe do koƒca 2005 – szkó∏, które jego zdaniem najlepiej
Rys. Marianna Sztyma

czytamy na stronach stworzonego przygotowujà uczniów do funkcjono-

w ramach programu Polskiego Porta- wania w spo∏eczeƒstwie informacyj-
lu Edukacyjnego. nym, przyznajàc presti˝owe wyró˝-
Spotkania Partnerów Interkl@sy, nienia – Znak JakoÊci Interkl@sa. n
odbywajàce si´ tradycyjnie w ostatni (PAI)


Perspektywy polskiej m∏odzie˝y

po przystàpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej
Wypowiedê mi, które w niewielkim moÊcià b´dziemy mogli
Ministra stopniu mogà pokryç wybraç najbardziej
Spraw Zagranicznych stypendia. Wiele osób nam odpowiadajàcà
W∏odzimierza nie mo˝e sobie na takie uczelni´, a jedynà ba-
Cimoszewicza wydatki pozwoliç. Jako rierà pozostanie znajo-
dla magazynu obywatele Unii Euro- moÊç j´zyków obcych.
„The Teacher” pejskiej b´dziemy mo- Dlatego jest tak wa˝ne,
gli studiowaç na do- aby j´zyki Unii Euro-
wolnie wybranym uni- pejskiej by∏y jak najsze-

Fot. Forum (3)

wersytecie i korzystaç rzej rozpowszechnione
Przystàpienie Polski do Unii Euro- z tych samych praw co wÊród polskiej m∏o-
pejskiej przyniesie bezpoÊrednie ko- studenci kraju przyj- dzie˝y. Cieszy fakt, ˝e
rzyÊci nie tylko przedsi´biorcom, czy mujàcego, w tym z pra- znakomita wi´kszoÊç
rolnikom, ale zwyk∏ym obywatelom, wa do przyznawanych W∏odzimierz gimnazjalistów, liceali-
w tym tak˝e m∏odzie˝y. Otworzà si´ tam stypendiów nauko- Cimoszewicz stów i studentów zna,
dla nas rynki, urz´dy i firmy, ale te˝ wych i socjalnych. czy uczy si´ przynaj-
szko∏y i uniwersytety. Stworzenie no- W dodatku uproszcze- mniej jednego j´zyka
wych, dodatkowych mo˝liwoÊci nie procedur uznawania dyplomów obcego. Warto tu dodaç, ˝e upo-
kszta∏cenia jest niezwykle wa˝ne dla i kwalifikacji uzyskanych w jednym wszechnianie j´zyków paƒstw cz∏on-
ka˝dego m∏odego cz∏owieka i stwarza kraju cz∏onkowskim, umo˝liwi nam kowskich UE jest jednym z celów po-
wi´ksze szanse na osiàgni´cie sukcesu podj´cie pracy w zawodzie w ka˝dym lityki unijnej w zakresie spraw m∏o-
zawodowego. Obecnie studiowanie za paƒstwie Unii Europejskiej. Dzi´ki dzie˝y i edukacji, zapisanym ju˝
granicà wià˝e si´ w wysokimi koszta- tym mo˝liwoÊciom, z pe∏nà Êwiado- w Traktacie z Maastricht.


Paƒstwa Unii Europejskiej dà˝à do

stworzenia otwartego europejskiego
systemu edukacyjnego. Celowi temu
s∏u˝y wspomniane ju˝ uznawanie
wzajemne dyplomów a tak˝e tzw. Eu-
ropejski System Transferu Punktów
(ECTS: the European Credit Trans-
fer System). Zosta∏ on stworzony na
potrzeby programu ERASMUS,
który ma za zadanie promowanie
mi´dzyuczelnianego uznawania stu-
diów zagranicznych. IloÊç punktów,
przyznawanych w ramach tego syste-
mu, zale˝y od iloÊci wysi∏ku w∏o˝one-
go w zaliczenie danego przedmiotu.
JeÊli zakoƒczy∏ si´ on si´ egzaminem,
nie zaÊ tylko zaliczeniem, czy napisa-
niem eseju, oznaczony jest wi´kszà
iloÊcià punktów ECTS. Pozwala to
uczelniom na uznawanie zaliczonych
na zagranicznej uczelni zaj´ç w ra-
mach w∏asnego systemu kszta∏cenia,
a studentom na racjonalne i twórcze
planowanie w∏asnej Êcie˝ki studiów
poprzez korzystanie z oferty eduka-
cyjnej innych szkó∏. System punkto-
wy byç mo˝e poznali ju˝ ci z was,
którzy mieli szans´ skorzystaç ze
stypendium unijnego programu
jest obecny w ponad siedemdziesi´ciu
wy˝szych uczelniach w Polsce po-
czàwszy od roku akademickiego
1997/98. Program ten zapewnia bez-
p∏atne studia na zachodnich uczel-
niach wraz ze stypendium, pokrywa-
jàcym cz´Êç kosztów utrzymania.
Z pewnoÊcià nikogo nie trzeba prze-
konywaç, jak cenna jest to szansa dla
ka˝dego ambitnego studenta.

W latach 50. w Europie Zachodniej

powsta∏ pomys∏ stworzenia nowego
kierunku uniwersyteckiego – studiów
europejskich. Z czasem zacz´∏y po-
wstawaç osobne katedry, a nawet
osobne uczelnie o tym profilu, takie
jak s∏ynny College d’Europe w Bru-
gii, majàcy swojà fili´ w warszawskim Polska m∏odzie˝, jako obywatele Unii staç si´ nieznajomoÊç j´zyków obcych,
Natolinie. Równie˝ polskie uczelnie Europejskiej, zyska du˝o wi´ksze którà ju˝ teraz nale˝y zaczàç prze∏a-
majà w swojej ofercie edukacyjnej kie- szanse osobistego rozwoju, tak pod mywaç oraz nasza w∏asna motywacja
runki zwiàzane z integracjà europej- wzgl´dem wykszta∏cenia, jak i kariery i ambicje. W moim przekonaniu, nie
skà. Przed ich absolwentami otwiera zawodowej. Mo˝liwe b´dzie kszta∏ce- ma powodu, dla którego plany na
si´ szansa na prac´ w strukturach ad- nie si´ w najlepszych oÊrodkach na- przysz∏oÊç polskiej m∏odzie˝y mia∏yby
ministracji paƒstwowej zajmujàcej si´ ukowych paƒstw cz∏onkowskich na byç mniej ambitne ni˝ ich rówieÊni-
tymi kwestiami, a po wejÊciu Polski równych prawach ze studentami in- ków z Francji, czy Anglii. Mamy
do Unii Europejskiej, nic nie b´dzie nych krajów cz∏onkowskich, a póêniej wszelkie dane po temu, aby ju˝ nieba-
sta∏o na przeszkodzie, aby nasi absol- podj´cie pracy w dowolnym kraju wem w pe∏ni korzystaç z szerokich
wenci podj´li prac´ w strukturach Unii Europejskiej. Jak ju˝ wspo- mo˝liwoÊci, które stwarza nam cz∏on-
unijnych. mnia∏em, jedynà przeszkodà mo˝e kostwo w Unii Europejskiej. n


European School Clubs

Piotr Czarnyszewicz, J´drzej Markiewicz

faculties. However, not all of them

dream of becoming lawyers, politicians
or political analysts. Patrycja wants to go
to a school that will enable her to explore
the culture and languages of the EU
states. She believes that language
studies, European Education or tourism
meet that criterion. Other freshmen
quoted sociology, social rehabilitation,
and political sciences as prospective
faculties. Interestingly, they were quite
unanimous in saying that the professions

Fot. P. Czarnyszewicz (2)

of a parliamentary deputy or a lawyer are
today the most profitable ones. On the
other hand, becoming a deputy or
a lawyer is not so easy: “You need to be
determined, and of course, to have
money. As I have got none of it,
I don’t stand great chances. But I’d love

n several hundred primary and always ready to participate in conferences to work with children and the youth,
secondary schools throughout organized by the clubs. Marta, Ola, so I will probably choose social
Poland young people have the Patrycja, Dorota, and Piotr are members rehabilitation or pedagogy” says Piotr.
opportunity to participate in the activities of the European School Club at KK Despite their young age, these
of EUROPEAN SCHOOL Baczyƒski secondary school in Warsaw. students display a very mature attitude
CLUBS. The primary objective of They are very enthusiastic about the to their education and future
European Clubs is to familiarize young Union, but on the other hand, they are professional careers. They are very
people with the cultural heritage of not sure of how their situation will ambitious and look forward to taking
Europe, but also to instil in them the change upon Poland’s entry to the advantage of every opportunity that
responsibility for peace, human rights, Community. We, therefore, encouraged may improve their education and
and European security. The Clubs also them to ask Minister Danuta Hübner professional qualifications as the
encourage different institutions to any questions related to the EU future EU citizens. n
promote information about Europe, enlargement.
European institutions, European Marta, Ola, Patrycja, Dorota, and
integration, and about the member Piotr, along with several other teenagers
states of the Community. The clubs are are freshmen in the newly formed
supervised by school teachers, however class of the European profile at
all students take active roles in organizing K.K. Baczyƒski secondary school. The
meetings, quizzes on the EU, exchang- leading subjects in this special class are:
ing experiences and knowledge with knowledge of the European Union, its
other European clubs in Poland and history and government, European
abroad, gathering information about culture, and in the third grade the
Poland and the world, preparing train- obligatory subject will be elements of the
ing materials, bulletins, school gazettes international law. When asked why they
etc. Today, there are approximately 1100 chose this class, most students answered
clubs and their number is still growing that it might provide them with a sound
(the full list is available on UKIE web knowledge of the European Union,
page All clubs operate prepare them to pass university level
under UKIE’s patronage and receive entry exams, and most importantly, it
aid in the form of brochures, leaflets, might increase their chances of getting
and other materials published by the accepted in Law and International
Centre for European Information. Relations faculties; in their opinion, the
Moreover, UKIE representatives are most prestigious and prospective


Kim b´dziemy w Unii?

Danuta Hübner Czy gospodarka na- kie informacje znaj-
odpowiada na pytania uczniów szego kraju ma dziecie w Centrum In-
z I klasy liceum szans´ w najbli˝- formacji Europejskiej
K.K. Baczyƒskiego w Warszawie szym czasie si´ po- na ul. Kruczej 38/42,
prawiç? tel. (0 pref. 22) 455 54 54.
Wszyscy na to liczymy.
Rzàd przedstawi∏ ju˝ Czy bezrobocie
UCZNIOWIE: konkretne propozycje zmaleje?
Czy system naszej edukacji si´ rozwiàzania najbardziej To bardzo trudne pyta-
poprawi? palàcych problemów. nie. Na pewno nie ma

Fot. Forum
DANUTA HÜBNER: Wierzymy, ˝e po przy- jednej recepty na
OczywiÊcie wszystkim nam zale˝y, ˝e- stàpieniu naszego kraju zmniejszenie bezrobo-
by nasze szkolnictwo sta∏o na jak naj- do wspólnoty europej- Danuta cia. OczywiÊcie ju˝ te-
wy˝szym poziomie. Zale˝y to przede skiej wszystkim nam si´ raz rzàd podejmuje
wszystkim od nas samych, gdy˝ Unia b´dzie ˝y∏o lepiej. Kraje Hübner dzia∏ania w celu zapew-
Europejska nikomu nie narzuca jed- UE tworzà Jednolity Minister ds. Europejskich nienia wszystkim oby-
nolitych systemów edukacyjnych. Ist- Rynek na którym towa- watelom dost´pu do
nieje natomiast mnóstwo programów ry i pracownicy mogà si´ przemiesz- pracy. Po przystàpieniu do Unii mo˝-
skierowanych do m∏odzie˝y i studen- czaç bez przeszkód. Oznacza to, ˝e liwoÊci b´dà jeszcze wi´ksze.
tów, które majà na celu zapewnienie gdy staniemy si´ pe∏noprawnym
wszystkim równych szans edukacyj- cz∏onkiem UE, b´dziemy mogli pod- Czy na Zachodzie nas nie wyko-
nych i u∏atwienie m∏odym ludziom jàç prac´ w ka˝dym kraju cz∏onkow- rzystajà?
startu w ˝yciu. skim. Jako cz∏onkowie Unii Europejskiej
b´dziemy mieç takie same prawa, jak
Czy system rekrutacji na studia Czy mamy szans´ na wyjazdy za inni. Nie ma mowy o dyskryminacji
si´ poprawi? granic´ w celu zdobycia do- Polaków legalnie przebywajàcych za
W Europie istniejà ró˝ne systemy Êwiadczenia? granicà. Bezpieczeƒstwo pracy zale˝y
przyj´ç na studia. We Francji wystar- OczywiÊcie, ju˝ teraz mo˝ecie ubiegaç od umowy, którà si´ podpisuje z pra-
czy si´ zapisaç, w innych krajach trze- si´ o stypendia w ramach unijnych codawcà.
ba zdawaç bardzo trudne egzaminy. programów edukacyjnych np. LE-
Wybór formy rekrutacji kandydatów ONARDO, SOCRATES, ERA- A jeÊli okaza∏oby si´, ˝e nie je-
zale˝y od uczelni. Zawsze b´dzie tak, SMUS, M¸ODZIE˚ i wiele innych. steÊmy traktowani na równi
˝e lepsze uczelnie b´dà bardziej oble- Bardzo was zach´cam do zaintereso- z innymi obywatelami UE?
gane, a w innych b´dà miejsca. wania si´ tymi mo˝liwoÊciami. Wszel- W wypadku dyskryminacji, osoby
legalnie przebywajàce w paƒstwach
UE mogà zawsze szukaç sprawiedli-
woÊci w miejscowych sàdach. Te
z kolei mogà zwróciç si´ do Trybu-
na∏u Europejskiego w Luksembur-
gu, by wyjaÊni∏ w jaki sposób dzia∏a
prawo europejskie w danym przy-

Czy po wejÊciu do Unii Euro-

pejskiej zmieni si´ sytuacja
materialna polskiego szkolnic-
Rzàd nie ustaje w dzia∏aniach, które po-
zwolà poprawiç sytuacj´ materialnà pol-
skich szkó∏ i nauczycieli. Sprawy szkol-
Fot. P. Czarnyszewicz

nictwa pozostajà w Unii w gestii paƒstw

cz∏onkowskich. Niewàtpliwie musimy
dowartoÊciowaç naszà nauk´ i szkolnic-
two, by staç si´ konkurencyjnà gospo-
darkà w Europie i w Êwiecie. n


n Europejski Bank Centralny

S∏ownik unijny Powsta∏ w 1998 roku na bazie Europej-
skiego Instytutu Walutowego. Posiada
osobowoÊç prawnà, celem jego dzia∏ania
jest prowadzenie i okreÊlanie polityki
n Akcesja gospodarczej oraz doprowadzenie do pieni´˝nej Unii Europejskiej, prowa-
Czyli Przystàpienie. Jest to kulminacja wzrostu produkcji i pe∏nego zatrudnie- dzenie polityki kursowej wobec walut
procesu, w którym kolejne paƒstwa nia w paƒstwach cz∏onkowskich, jak paƒstw trzecich, administrowanie rezer-
przy∏àczajà si´ do Unii Europejskiej. równie˝ zapewnienie uczciwej konku- wami krajów cz∏onkowskich, kontrolo-
Proces ten rozpoczyna si´ wraz ze z∏o- rencji i rozwoju handlu Êwiatowego. wanie emisji euro, z wy∏àcznym prawem
˝eniem wniosku o przystàpienie do do emisji banknotów euro w Unii.
UE na r´ce przedstawiciela prezyden- n Erasmus
cji Rady Unii Europejskiej. Po tym Jest to program mobilnoÊci studentów n EOG – Europejski Obszar
nast´pujà negocjacje akcesyjne pomi´- uniwersyteckich Europejskiej Wspólno- Gospodarczy
dzy paƒstwami cz∏onkowskimi a paƒ- ty Gospodarczej dzia∏ajàcy od 1987 ro- Jest to forma partnerstwa pomi´dzy
stwem kandydujàcym. ku, który mia∏ za zadanie wspieranie wy- paƒstwami cz∏onkowskimi Unii Euro-
miany studenckiej i kadr nauczyciel- pejskiej a cz∏onkami EFTA (obecnie
n Celex skich oraz wspó∏pracy mi´dzy uniwersy- Austria, Finlandia, Liechtenstein,
Jest to systematycznie uaktualniana tetami w paƒstwach cz∏onkowskich Norwegia i Szwecja). Umow´ o utwo-
wieloj´zyczna baza danych Unii Eu- EWG, a póêniej UE. Zosta∏ wch∏oni´ty rzeniu EOG podpisano w 1992 roku.
ropejskiej. Znajduje si´ w niej dorobek przez program Socrates.
prawny Unii, dokumenty Komisji Eu- n Europejski Trybuna∏
ropejskiej, interpelacje parlamentarzy- n Euro SprawiedliwoÊci
stów europejskich oraz opinie Trybu- Euro to wspólna waluta paƒstw cz∏onkow- Jest to jedna z g∏ównych instytucji
na∏u Obrachunkowego. Obecnie za- skich wchodzàcych w sk∏ad Unii Gospo- Unii Europejskiej. Powsta∏ jako Try-
wiera od 50 000 do 60 000 stron darczej i Walutowej w ramach UE. Od buna∏ SprawiedliwoÊci Wspólnot Eu-
(w zale˝noÊci od j´zyka). lipca 2002 euro jest jedynym Êrodkiem ropejskich 25 marca 1957 roku. Zaj-
p∏atniczym w wi´kszoÊci paƒstw UE. muje si´ przestrzeganiem prawa przez
n Centra Euro-Info stosowanie postanowieƒ i interpretacj´
Sà to centra ustanowione w celu udzie- n Eurobarometr traktatów UE. Ma kompetencje sàdu
lania informacji firmom i podmiotom Jest to nazwa prowadzonych od 1973 roku konstytucyjnego: rozstrzyga sprawy
gospodarczym o funkcjonowaniu jed- na zlecenie Komisji Europejskiej badaƒ dotyczàce organów UE, stosunków
nolitego rynku unijnego, wspólnoto- opinii publicznej przeprowadzanych regu- mi´dzy Wspólnotami a paƒstwami
wych programach badawczych i rozwo- larnie we wszystkich paƒstwach cz∏onkow- cz∏onkowskimi, czuwa nad zgodno-
jowych, instrumentach strukturalnych, skich UE. Eurobarometr prowadzi tak˝e Êcià unijnego prawa wtórnego z trak-
stosunkach zagranicznych Unii oraz badania poza granicami Unii. tatowym prawem pierwotnym i ogól-
o zasadach przyznawania kontraktów nymi zasadami prawa. Dzia∏a tak˝e ja-
publicznych w Unii Europejskiej. n ESA – European Space ko sàd administracyjny, przyjmujàc
Agency skargi od osób fizycznych i prawnych
n Deklaracja Stuttgarcka Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna jest od- przeciw postanowieniom Wspólnot,
Jest to deklaracja wydana przez rad´ Eu- powiednikiem Amerykaƒskiej Agencji oraz jako sàd cywilny, rozjemczy na
ropejskà w Stuttgarcie w czerwcu 1983 Kosmicznej NASA. Powsta∏a w 1975 mocy porozumienia stron. Trybuna∏
roku, w której szefowie rzàdów paƒstw roku i jej celem sà badania technologii pe∏ni tak˝e funkcje kontrolne – mo˝e
wchodzàcych w sk∏ad Europejskiej oraz przestrzeni kosmicznej. Posiada oceniaç zgodnoÊç planowanych umów
Wspólnoty Gospodarczej wyra˝ajà po- w∏asny system satelitarny, w jej sk∏ad pomi´dzy Wspólnotami Europejskimi
trzeb´ pog∏´bienia wspó∏pracy w ramach wchodzi 14 paƒstw. a paƒstwami trzecimi oraz organiza-
wspólnej polityki zagranicznej. Jest jed- cjami mi´dzynarodowymi z przepisa-
nym z pierwszych kroków prowadzàcych n EWG – Europejska mi traktatowymi.
do powstania Unii Europejskiej. Wspólnota Gospodarcza
Patrz EWWIS n Europol
n EFTA – European Free Europejski Urzàd Policyjny, którego
Trade Association n EWWIS – Europejska Wspól- celem jest u∏atwianie wspó∏pracy mi´-
Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Wolnego nota W´gla i Stali dzy urz´dami policyjnymi paƒstw
Handlu, które skupi∏o siedem paƒstw Powsta∏a 23 lipca 1952 roku na mocy cz∏onkowskich w sprawach zwiàza-
zachodnioeuropejskich spoza EWG: Traktatu Paryskiego. By∏a to pierwsza nych z terroryzmem, przemytem nar-
Austri´, Dani´, Norwegi´, Portugali´, organizacja integracyjna o charakterze kotyków, nielegalnym handlem mate-
Szwajcari´, Szwecj´ i Wielkà Brytani´. federacyjnym. Da∏a poczàtek Euro- ria∏ami rozszczepialnymi, przerzutem
Powsta∏a na mocy Konwencji Sztok- pejskiej Wspólnocie Gospodarczej, osób i samochodów, praniem brud-
holmskiej z 1960 roku. Innymi celami powsta∏ej 1 stycznia 1958 roku na mo- nych pieni´dzy oraz innymi formami
EFTA by∏o rozszerzenie dzia∏alnoÊci cy Traktatów Rzymskich. przest´pczoÊci zorganizowanej.


mocy rozporzàdzenia Rady Unii Eu- sj´ i by∏e republiki ZSRR.

n G∏ówny Negocjator ropejskiej. Wszystkie z nich posiadajà n Rada Unii Europejskiej
Pe∏nomocnik Rzàdu do Spraw Nego- równy status. Sà to: duƒski, holender- Jest obecnie najwa˝niejszym organem
cjacji o cz∏onkostwo Rzeczypospolitej ski, angielski, fiƒski, francuski, nie- decyzyjnym UE reprezentujàcym inte-
Polskiej w Unii Europejskiej. Jego miecki, grecki, w∏oski, portugalski, resy narodowe paƒstw cz∏onkowskich.
stanowisko zosta∏o ustanowione na hiszpaƒski i szwedzki. Zasiadajà w niej ministrowie paƒstw
mocy Rozporzàdzenia Rady Mini- cz∏onkowskich UE odpowiedzialni za
strów z dnia 24 marca 1998 roku. Do n Parlament Europejski konkretny zakres dzia∏aƒ, stàd Rada
jego zadaƒ nale˝y przygotowywanie Jest to organ UE reprezentujàcy inte- obraduje w 14 ró˝nych sk∏adach. Po-
strategiczne i koordynowanie procesu resy wspólnotowe i pe∏niàcy g∏ówne siada kompetencje ustawodawcze,
negocjacyjnego o cz∏onkostwo Polski funkcje kontrolne. Powsta∏ w 1957 ro- sprawuje funkcj´ kontrolnà, szczegól-
w UE oraz przygotowanie i negocjo- ku w wyniku scalenia Zgromadzeƒ nie w odniesieniu do bud˝etu UE.
wanie Traktatu Akcesyjnego. Parlamentarnych EWG i EURATO- Podpisuje umowy mi´dzynarodowe
MU ze wspólnym zgromadzeniem oraz zatwierdza Traktat Akcesyjny.
n Grupa Helsiƒska EWWIS.
SzeÊç paƒstw negocjujàcych cz∏onko- n Socrates
stwo w Unii Europejskiej w drugiej n PHARE Jest to program Unii Europejskiej utwo-
turze w wyniku decyzji Rady Europej- Program pomocy paƒstw Wspólnoty rzony w 1995 roku przez po∏àczenie
skiej obradujàcej na szczycie w Hel- Europejskiej, EFTA, USA, Kanady, wczeÊniejszych programów Erasmus
sinkach w grudniu 1999 roku. Nale˝à Australii, Turcji, Nowej Zelandii i Lingua oraz innych programów i Êrod-
do niej: Bu∏garia, Litwa, ¸otwa, Ru- i Japonii przeznaczony na gospodar- ków szkoleniowych skupiajàcych si´ na
munia, S∏owacja i Malta. czà restrukturyzacj´ Europy Ârod- trzech g∏ównych dziedzinach: szkolnic-
kowej i Wschodniej, wystosowany two wy˝sze, nauka przedszkolna oraz
n Grupa Luksemburska najpierw w stosunku do Polski i W´- szkolna, przedsi´wzi´cia ogólne.
(równie˝ Grupa 5+1) gier, a nast´pnie do pozosta∏ych
Grupa szeÊciu paƒstw negocjujàcych paƒstw regionu. n Tempus
cz∏onkostwo w Unii Europejskiej Program mobilnoÊci studentów uni-
w pierwszej kolejnoÊci w wyniku decy- n Plan Schumana wersyteckich w Europie, który zosta∏
zji Rady Europejskiej obradujàcej na Jest to plan og∏oszony 9 maja 1950 ro- utworzony w odpowiedzi na otwarcie
szczycie w Luksemburgu w grudniu ku przez francuskiego ministra spraw si´ Europy Ârodkowej i Wschodniej.
1997 roku. W jej sk∏ad wchodzà: zagranicznych Roberta Schumana, W ramach programu udzielana jest
Cypr, Czechy, Estonia, S∏owenia, Pol- który zapoczàtkowa∏ proces integracyj- pomoc finansowa dla wspólnych pro-
ska i W´gry. OkreÊlenie 5+1 stosowa- ny w Europie Zachodniej. Jego skut- jektów z paƒstw cz∏onkowskich oraz
ne jest dla odró˝nienia piàtki paƒstw kiem by∏o stworzenie federalnej struk- Europy Ârodkowej i Wschodniej
postkomunistycznych i Cypru. tury Europejskiej Wspólnoty W´gla w obszarze programów nauczania oraz
i Stali w 1952 roku. By upami´tniç to szkolenia zawodowego.
n Komisja Europejska wydarzenie dzieƒ 9 maja jest Dniem
Jest to organ Unii Europejskiej reprezen- Europy. n Traktat o Unii Europejskiej
tujàcy interesy wspólnotowe, posiadajàcy (Traktat z Maastricht)
inicjatyw´ legislacyjnà i pe∏niàcy funkcje n Rada Europejska Zawarty i podpisany na posiedzeniu
wykonawcze. W procesie rozszerzenia Jej dzia∏alnoÊç polega na regularnych Rady Europejskiej w Maastricht
Unii Europejskiej Komisja pe∏ni bardzo spotkaniach szefów rzàdów paƒstw w dniach 9-10 grudnia 1991 roku.
wa˝nà rol´. Mi´dzy innymi przedstawia cz∏onkowskich UE. G∏ównym jej za- Wszed∏ w ˝ycie z dniem 1 listopada
listy przeglàdu prawa, reprezentuje UE daniem jest okreÊlanie politycznych 1993 roku i ustanowi∏ powstanie Unii
w trakcie przeglàdu prawa, przygotowuje ram rozwoju UE. Podejmuje te˝ osta- Europejskiej.
projekty wspólnych stanowisk Unii Eu- tecznà decyzj´ w sprawie propozycji
ropejskiej oraz przedstawia coroczne Ra- rozszerzenia Unii. n Uk∏ad z Schengen
porty Okresowe z post´pów dostosowaw- Jest to uk∏ad zawarty w lukseburskiej
czych paƒstw kandydujàcych. n Rada Europy miejscowoÊci Schengen w 1985 roku,
Zosta∏a powo∏ana do ˝ycia w wyniku w którym sygnatariusze zobowiàzujà
n Leonardo da Vinci Kongresu Haskiego 5 maja 1949 roku si´ do stopniowej likwidacji kontroli
Jest to progrm szkolenia zawodowego jako pierwsza organizacja europejska granic mi´dzy paƒstwami cz∏onkow-
dzia∏ajàcy od 1995 roku, b´dàcy po∏à- b´dàca próbà stworzenia zinstytucjo- skimi. W 1995 roku na zniesienie
czeniem, przed∏u˝eniem i pog∏´bie- nalizowanej integracji europejskiej. granic zdecydowa∏y si´ nast´pujàce
niem dotychczasowych inicjatyw UE Przyj´∏a charakter wspó∏pracy mi´dzy- paƒstwa: Niemcy, Francja, Hiszpa-
w tej dziedzinie. rzàdowej, koncentrujàcej si´ na spra- nia, Portugalia, Belgia, Holandia
wach natury politycznej, gospodarczej i Lukseburg. Z czasem do∏àczy∏y do
n Oficjalne j´zyki i kulturalnej oraz na ochronie praw nich: W∏ochy, Austria i Grecja. Do
Unii Europejskiej cz∏owieka i obywatela. Obecnie zrze- dziÊ Uk∏adu nie podpisa∏y: Wielka
Sà to j´zyki obowiàzujàce w Unii na sza 41 paƒstw europejskich w tym Ro- Brytania, Irlandia, Dania, Szwecja


Quiz o UE
Pawe∏ Gadaczek

1. Które z poni˝szych paƒstw b) Monachium a) 40 paƒstw

nie kandyduje do UE? c) Bonn b) 15 paƒstw
a) Cypr d) Amsterdam c) 12 paƒstw
b) Turcja d) 27 paƒstw
c) S∏owenia 8. Kiedy w obiegu pojawi∏y si´
d) Norwegia banknoty i monety euro? 15. Czy warunkiem cz∏onko-
a) 1 stycznia 2001 stwa w UE jest przynale˝-
2. Paƒstwami za∏o˝ycielskimi b) 1 stycznia 2002 noÊç do NATO?
Unii Europejskiej by∏y: c) 31 grudnia 2001 a) nie
a) Belgia, Francja, Holandia, Luk- d) 31 grudnia 2000 b) tak
semburg, RFN, W∏ochy c) trzeba byç cz∏onkiem NATO mini-
b) Belgia, Francja, Holandia, Luk- 9. Hymnem UE jest: mum 5 lat
semburg, Wielka Brytania, W∏ochy a) „Marsylianka” d) trzeba byç cz∏onkiem NATO mini-
c) Szwecja, Francja, Holandia, Luk- b) „Oda do radoÊci” Ludwika mum 1 rok
semburg, RFN, Grecja van Beethovena
d) Belgia, Francja, Dania, Luksem- c) „Rendez-vous” Jean Michael 16. Które z paƒstw UE majà ko-
burg, Irlandia, W∏ochy Jarre’a lejno najwi´cej i najmniej
d) UE nie ma hymnu ludnoÊci?
3. Ile j´zyków paƒstw cz∏on- a) Niemcy i Luksemburg
kowskich to j´zyki urz´dowe 10. Ilu cz∏onków ma UE? b) Niemcy i Holandia
UE? a) 15 c) Francja i Dania
a) 3 b) 14 d) Francja i Luksemburg
b) 5 c) 17
c) 11 d) 10 17. Polska sta∏a si´ cz∏onkiem
d) 15 Rady Europy w:
11. Parlament Europejski ma a) 1991 roku
4. Jaka organizacja da∏a poczà- swojà siedzib´ w: b) 1994 roku
tek UE? a) Brukseli c) 1996 roku
a) Europejska Wspólnota W´gla b) Luksemburgu d) 1998 roku
i Stali c) Sztrasburgu
b) Europejska Wspólnota Energii d) Lizbonie 18. Które paƒstwa zosta∏y przyj´te
Atomowej (EURATOM) do UE najpóêniej (1995)?
c) Europejska Wspólnota Gospodar- 12. Kiedy i gdzie podpisano a) Szwecja, Finlandia, Austria
cza (EWG) traktat o powo∏aniu Euro- b) ˝adne
d) Nie by∏o takiej pejskiej Wspólnoty W´gla c) Finlandia, Austria, Grecja
i Stali (EWWIS)? d) Finlandia, Austria, Portugalia,
5. Euro to wspólna waluta UE, a) 18 kwietnia 1951 roku w Pary˝u Hiszpania
na 1 euro sk∏ada si´: b) 18 kwietnia 1957 roku w Bonn
a) 100 centów c) 18 kwietnia 1957 roku w Londynie 19. Jaki jest najwi´kszy nomina∏
b) 100 centimów d) 18 kwietnia 1951 roku w Brukseli euro?
c) 100 pensów a) 100 euro
d) 100 denarów 13. Czy j´zyk polski po wejÊciu b) 200 euro
Polski do UE stanie si´ j´zy- c) 500 euro
6. W sk∏ad Wspólnot Europej- kiem urz´dowym UE? d) 2000 euro
skich (EW) wchodzà: a) tak
a) EWWiS, EWG, EURATOM b) nie 20. UKIE to:
b) EWWiS, EFTA, EWG c) po czterech latach cz∏onkostwa a) Urzàd Komitetu Integracji Euro-
c) EWWiS, WPR, EFTA d) jeÊli inne kraje cz∏onkowskie wyra˝à pejskiej
d) EWWiS, EFTA, EWG zgod´ b) Urzàd Komisji Integracji Europej-
7. Stolicà UE jest: 14. Obecnie Rada Europy zrze- c) Urzàd Komitetu Informacji Euro-
a) Bruksela sza: pejskiej


d) Urzàd Komunikacji I Energetyki 28. Jakie paƒstwa wchodzà c) Uk∏ad z Schengen jest cz´Êcià Trak-
w sk∏ad tzw. grupy luksem- tatu z Maastricht dotyczàcà polityki
21. Jakie paƒstwa podpisa∏y burskiej? monetarnej
Traktat o powo∏aniu Euro- a) Cypr, Estonia, Republika Czeska, d) Uk∏ad z Schengen jest cz´Êcià
pejskiej Wspólnoty W´gla Polska, S∏owenia, W´gry Traktatu z Maastricht dotyczàcà
i Stali (EWWIS)? b) Republika Czeska, Polska, S∏owe- granic UE
a) Belgia, Francja, Holandia, Luk- nia, W´gry
semburg, Niemcy i W∏ochy c) Polska, Litwa, ¸otwa, Estonia 35. W którym roku Polska z∏o-
b) Belgia, Francja, Niemcy i W∏ochy d) W´gry, Polska, Republika Czeska ˝y∏a oficjalny wniosek
c) Holandia, Luksemburg, Niemcy o cz∏onkostwo w UE?
i W∏ochy 29. Jakie paƒstwa wchodzà a) w 1989 roku
d) Belgia, Francja, Wielka Brytania w sk∏ad tzw. grupy helsiƒ- b) w 1990 roku
skiej? c) w 1994 roku
22. Europejski Trybuna∏ Praw a) Bu∏garia, Litwa, ¸otwa, Malta, Ru- d) w 1995 roku
Cz∏owieka ma swojà siedzi- munia, S∏owacja
b´ w: b) Bu∏garia, Litwa, ¸otwa, Polska 36. W którym roku rozpocz´∏y
a) Genewie c) Malta, Rumunia, S∏owacja, Polska, si´ negocjacje o cz∏onko-
b) Strasburgu ¸otwa stwo Polski w UE?
c) Hadze d) S∏owacja, Polska, ¸otwa, Litwa, a) w 1989 roku
d) Bonn W´gry b) w 1995 roku
c) w 1998 roku
23. Minister do spraw europej- 30. W jakich latach nast´powa∏y d) w 2000 roku
skich to: kolejne rozszerzenia UE?
a) Danuta Waniek a) 1973, 1981, 1986, 1995 37. Które z paƒstw UE to mo-
b) Jerzy Oleksy b) 1973, 1995 narchie?
c) W∏odzimierz Cimoszewicz c) 1981, 1986, 1995 a) Szwecja, Wielka Brytania, Luksem-
d) Danuta Hübner d) 1973, 1985, 2000 burg, Holandia, Hiszpania, Dania,
24. RCIE to: 31. W którym roku UE b´dzie b) Szwecja, Wielka Brytania, Francja,
a) Regionalne centrum informacji gotowa na kolejne rozsze- Szwajcaria
europejskiej rzenie (zgodnie z decyzjà c) Francja, Luksemburg, Holandia,
b) Rejonowe centrum integracji podj´tà na szczycie Rady Hiszpania, Portugalia
europejskiej Europejskiej w Nicei d) Finlandia, Wielka Brytania, Luk-
c) Rejonowe centrum informacji w grudniu 2000)? semburg, Dania, Belgia
europejskiej a) ju˝ jest gotowa
d) Regionalne centrum integracji b) od 1 stycznia 2003 roku 38. Ile paƒstw nale˝y do strefy
europejskiej c) od 1 stycznia 2004 roku euro?
d) od 1 stycznia 2005 roku a) 15
25. G∏ówny Negocjator Polski b) 12
z UE to: 32. Czy Polska po przystàpieniu c) 10
a) Jan Truszczyƒski do UE b´dzie równoprawnym d) 14
b) Andrzej Olechowski cz∏onkiem tej organizacji?
c) Hanna Suchocka a) tak 39. Jednolity Rynek Europejski
d) W∏adys∏aw Bartoszewski b) dopiero pó∏ roku po przystàpieniu zaczà∏ funkcjonowaç w ro-
c) rok po przystàpieniu ku:
26. Europejska konwencja o eg- d) od razu, ale nie b´dzie mia∏a prawa a) 1980
zekwowaniu praw dziecka g∏osu we wszystkich decyzjach UE b) 1990
zosta∏a podpisana przez c) 1993
Polsk´ w roku: 33. Która z poni˝szych Rad nie d) jeszcze nie zosta∏ utworzony
a) 1997 jest organizacjà UE?
b) 1995 a) Rada Europy 40. Inna nazwa Traktatu
c) 1998 b) Rada Europejska z Maastricht to:
d) 1989 c) Rada Unii Europejskiej a) Traktat o Unii Europejskiej
d) Rada do Spraw Ogólnych b) Traktat o ustanowieniu Wspólnoty
27. Komisarzem UE do Spraw Europejskiej
Rozszerzenia jest: 34. Czy Traktat z Maastricht c) Traktat Akcesyjny
a) Helmut Koll i Uk∏ad z Schengen to ten d) Traktat Za∏o˝ycielski
b) Günter Verheugen sam dokument?
c) Tony Blair a) tak
d) Fran˜oise Gaudenzi b) nie



1. d 21. a
2. a 22. b
3. c 23. d
4. a 24. a
5. a 25. a
6. a 26. a
7. a 27. b
8. b 28. a
9. b 29. a
10. a 30. a
11. b 31. b
12. a 32. a
13. a 33. a
14. a 34. b
15. a 35. c
16. a 36. c
17. a 37. a
18. a 38. b
19. c 39. c
20. a 40. a

0–10 na razie bez szans
11–20 powtarzamy negocjacje
21–30 negocjuj dalej
31–35 wystarczy do akcesji
36–40 negocjator

Quiz dost´pny równie˝ w wersji

Fot. P. Rabiej

angielskiej na stronie internetowej:

Dodatek specjalny „My w Unii Europejskiej” na ∏amach magazynu „The Teacher”

jest projektem wydawniczym zrealizowanym przy wspó∏pracy z Urz´dem Komitetu
Integracji Europejskiej w ramach Konkursu otwartego dla mediów – 2002.

Urzàd Komitetu Integracji Departament Dokumentacji

Europejskiej Europejskiej
Aleje Ujazdowskie 9 tel.: 0 (prefiks) 22 455 53 65
00-918 Warszawa fax: 0 (prefiks) 22 455 53 73

Dyrektor Generalny Urz´du Departament Kszta∏cenia

Komitetu Integracji Europejskiej Europejskiego
tel.: 0 (prefiks) 22 455 53 49 tel.: 0 (prefiks) 22 455 52 65 fax: 0 (prefiks) 22 455 53 48 fax: 0 (prefiks) 22 455 52 69

The Teacher METODY

The Polish capital market

he main institutions of the Polish determines the principles and scope determines the conditions which
capital market are the WSE, of operations of such capital market a brokerage house must meet in order
which organises both cash and institutions as the PSEC, stock to obtain membership status. As far as
derivatives markets and the National exchanges, the National Depository their operations on the Exchange are
Depository for Securities, which handles for Securities and brokerage houses. concerned, Exchange members are
clearing and settlement on the regulated Additional laws, including the subject to the Exchange’s supervision.
market and maintains securities in the Investment Funds Act of August 28, One of the conditions for acquiring
form of computer records. Since 1999, 1997, as amended, and the Bond Act Exchange membership is a declaration
the Depository has made its settlements of June 29, 1995, as amended, regulate of observance of Exchange Rules.
using the National Bank of Poland other aspects of market activities. Only an Exchange shareholder
(NBP) as its clearing bank. engaged in brokerage activities may
A regulated off-Exchange market, The PSEC is a state administration become a WSE member. Activities in
organised by a company called CeTO, agency supervising the activities of capital breach of the Rules are subject to
encompasses a small number of securities, market institutions, including exchanges, a reprimand or fine. The Exchange
mainly shares in smaller companies, brokerage houses, investment funds, Court settles disputes between the
along with municipal bonds. CeTO brokers, investment advisors and Exchange and its members. In special
became a member of the capital group clearing institutions, as well as publicly- cases, an Exchange member may be
of the WSE when the Exchange bought -traded companies. This supervision is punished by being suspended or even
a strategic stake in this company in 2000. intended to ensure universal access to excluded from operation on the
The capital market is supervised by reliable information on the securities Exchange.
the Polish Securities and Exchange market, and observance of fair-trading
Commission. and competition rules by entities The Exchange also supervises
operating on the market. The PSEC issuers of listed securities. Improper
Central Table of Offers (CeTO) works with other government bodies and discharge of disclosure obligations
with the NBP, as well as with institutions resulting from the Exchange Rules by
Since January 16, 2001, following the and entities participating in public an issuer is punishable by reprimand
amendment to the Act on Public trading. The Commission’s tasks also or fine. In special cases, the issuer may
Trading in Securities, CeTO has been include drafting new market regulations be punished by suspension of its
a regulated off-the-Exchange market. and undertaking educational activities. securities quotations or even delisting.
It is easily accessible to issuers of stocks The rules concerning organisation
and bonds due to the manner of their Regulatory powers of the Exchange of trading, order placement and
introduction to trading. CeTO rules conclusion of transactions are contained
do not require a Polish Securities Only Exchange members may operate in the WSE Rules and Detailed
and Exchange Commission (PSEC) on the Exchange. The Exchange Exchange Trading Rules. n
permit and call for limited reporting
requirements. The CeTO admission
procedure requires that a candidate
is a joint-stock company with an audited
financial report for at least the last quarter,
and that it is not subject to liquidation
or bankruptcy proceedings. In April
2002, CeTO launched an Electronic
Treasury Securities Market (ETSM)
– a trading platform servicing the whole-
sale government securities market.

Legal regulations
The basic legal act regulating capital
market activities in Poland is the Law
on Public Trading in Securities of
August 21, 1997, as amended. It

48 Photocopiable
METODY The Teacher

Co msz nauczyciel
jo ma wiedzieç o netspeeku? :-{)
Jakub Suder, Piotr Krasnowolski

vitoycie! 8-{))) ;-{)))

Homo sapiens ma to do siebie, ˝e trudno mu zwykle – im osobnik starszy – przystosowaç si´
do nowych warunków. Jest spora szansa, ˝e w porównaniu ze swoimi uczniami (lub przynajmniej
niektórymi z nich) dopiero zaczynasz poruszaç si´ po Sieci (wchodzisz w cyberprzestrzeƒ).
Czytanie stron WWW czy poczty elektronicznej jest mniejszym wyzwaniem ni˝ szybka rozmowa
np. na czacie. Zw∏aszcza jeÊli nie wiesz, ˝e s∏ownictwo specjalistyczne znajdziesz w s∏owniczkach,
których w Sieci pe∏no. Wystarczy troch´ cierpliwoÊci; im wi´cej przebywasz w necie,
tym lepiej go znasz, a dziwne symbole i skróty nied∏ugo przestanà byç czarnà magià.
Cz´Êç z nich ju˝ po przeczytaniu tego artyku∏u.

yberj´zyk istnieje od lat 70. Pierwsi tworzyli go ci, prowadzimy kilka rozmów równolegle, a to wymusza jesz-
którzy ju˝ wtedy korzystali z komputerów – a wi´c cze szybszy przekaz.
studenci, naukowcy, specjaliÊci od ró˝nego rodza- Jak zatem wyglàda taki j´zyk? Przypomina potoczny/mó-
ju sieci. Dopiero póêniej, w latach 90., Sieç sta∏a si´ do- wiony – tyle, ˝e doÊç specyficznie utrwalony na piÊmie.
st´pna tak˝e dla ludzi niezwiàzanych z bran˝à komputero- G∏ówne cechy to prostota i zwi´z∏oÊç stylu. Zdania proste
wà. Przej´li oni jednak od „pionierów” sporo elementów sk∏adniowo, maksymalnie skrócone (cz´sto dwu-trzy wyra-
ich szeroko poj´tego j´zyka. W zale˝noÊci od sytuacji mo- zowe). Sk∏adajà si´ z niezb´dnych wyrazów. Bez Êrodków
˝emy si´ pos∏ugiwaç ró˝nymi stylami, odmianami j´zyka: stylistycznych. Cz´ste równowa˝niki zdaƒ. Jeszcze cz´stsze
jest j´zyk mówiony i pisany, potoczny, styl retoryczny czy skróty myÊlowe. Dok∏adnie takie jak ten akapit.
artystyczny. Bogactwo to trzeba by∏o przenieÊç w Êwiat Do tego dochodzi masa (s∏owo o wiele krótsze ni˝
wirtualny – dla doÊwiadczonego internauty j´zyk netu jest „mnóstwo”) wyrazów potocznych i Êrodowiskowych. Tak-
bardzo zró˝nicowany. Wystarczy rzut oka i ju˝ wiem, ˝e ˝e slang m∏odzie˝owy – internauci to zwykle ludzie mi´-
jestem na stronie firmy komercyjnej lub organizacji rzàdo- dzy 15 a 30 rokiem ˝ycia. Modne sà te˝ Êwiadome i nie-
wej (jej j´zyk podobny jest do tego, z jakim spotykam si´ Êwiadome zapo˝yczenia z angielskiego. Cz´Êciej ni˝ zwy-
np. w gazetach). Za to na stronach prywatnych u˝ytkowni- kle pojawiajà si´ wulgaryzmy, choç u˝ywanie wyra˝eƒ or-
ków oczekuj´ innego s∏ownictwa. Najcz´Êciej tworzàcy dynarnych publicznie wzbudza zwykle dezaprobat´ in-
stron´ internetowà poÊwi´cajà du˝o pracy i czasu na to, by nych u˝ytkowników – osoby takie upomina si´, prosi
by∏a poprawna pod ka˝dym wzgl´dem. Podobnie, piszàc o wyjÊcie, lub wr´cz kickuje, a nawet banuje.
wiadomoÊç e-mailowà mamy, a przynajmniej powinniÊmy Wulgaryzm nie zrobi∏ takiej kariery w j´zyku cyberprze-
mieç, wystarczajàco du˝o czasu, by zastanowiç si´ nad wy- strzeni jak skróty i akronimy. Akronim to zbitek pierw-
sy∏anym tekstem. szych liter wyra˝enia, na tyle cz´sto wpisywanego, ˝e op∏a-
Najbardziej niezrozumia∏y dla laików jest j´zyk, który ca si´ nauczyç skrótu zamiast wpisywaç zawsze pe∏nà for-
wyst´puje w bezpoÊredniej komunikacji na ˝ywo – np. na m´. Wyra˝enia te pochodzà zwykle z j´zyka angielskiego,
czacie. I to w∏aÊnie czat, do niedawna jeszcze zwany ircem, dlatego przyj´∏y si´ w mi´dzynarodowym u˝ytku i znane
i szybkie emaile sà tym, co najbardziej charakterystyczne sà na ca∏ym Êwiecie (przyk∏ad na nast´pnej stronie).
dla j´zyka netu. Drugim bardzo wa˝nym elementem cyberj´zyka sà spo-
J´zyk ten musi byç zwi´z∏y, skrótowy. Po cz´Êci dlatego, soby wyra˝ania emocji i nastroju. Internet wcià˝ jeszcze nie
˝e kiedy ten j´zyk powstawa∏, szybkoÊç przekazu by∏a bar- pozwala na komunikacj´ poprzez gestykulacj´, mimik´ twa-
dzo ma∏a. Z oszcz´dnoÊci starano si´ wi´c maksymalnie rzy, intonacj´ g∏osu, które odpowiadajà za przesz∏o 90% in-
skracaç form´, zachowujàc przy tym istotnà treÊç. Choç formacji, którà przekazujemy. Na szcz´Êcie w Sieci ju˝ daw-
dziÊ nie ma ju˝ problemów z przesy∏aniem czystego textu, no z tym problemem daliÊmy sobie rad´. Na samym poczàt-
tendencja pozosta∏a. Mo˝e dlatego, ˝e cz∏owiek wcià˝ ku stosowano odpowiednio oznaczone skróty (najcz´Êciej
szybciej myÊli i mówi, ni˝ klika. Dlatego pos∏ugiwanie si´ jednoliterowe), które zastàpi∏y gesty, mimik´ np. <g> (grin)
w necie barokowymi wypowiedziami niecierpliwi∏oby – szeroki uÊmiech, <s> (smile) – uÊmiech, <eg> (evil grin)
i nas, i naszego rozmówc´. Na czacie cz´sto zdarza si´, ˝e – z∏oÊliwy uÊmieszek, <k> (kiss) – buziak.

The Teacher METODY

popularne akronimy internetowe:

skrót angielskie rozwini´cie polskie t∏umaczenie
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions najcz´Êciej zadawane pytania
BTW By The Way tak przy okazji
NP. No Problem ˝aden problem, nie ma sprawy
THX, TNX Thanks dzi´ki
LOL Laughs/Laughing Out Loud Êmiej´ si´ g∏oÊno / zrywam boki
RO(T)FL Rolling On (The) Floor Laughing turlam si´ ze Êmiechu po pod∏odze
AFK Away From Keyboard z dala od klawiatury
AKA Also Known As … znany(a) tak˝e jako...
RT(F)M Read The (F***[antastic]) Manual przeczytaj (t´ p***[o˝ytecznà]) instrukcj´
IMHO In My Humble Opinion moim skromnym zdaniem
ASAP As Soon As Possible tak szybko, jak to mo˝liwe
AFAIK As Far As I Know o ile mi wiadomo
FYI For Your Information dla twojej informacji
BRB Be Right Back zaraz wracam
JK Just Kidding ˝artowa∏em...

Te symbole nadal spotkasz w necie, ale sà to tzw. „rzadkie stron ustalonymi znakami. Mo˝e to byç _podkreÊlenie_
przypadki”. WymyÊlono bowiem znacznie ciekawszy system lub *gwiazdki* s∏u˝àce do zaakcentowania s∏owa/wyra-
oznaczeƒ. Mowa o tzw. uÊmieszkach albo emotikonkach ˝enia. To tak, jakbyÊmy wypowiedzieli je z naciskiem.
(rzadziej smiley’ach lub mordkogramach) – symbolach wy- Nacisk mo˝e byç mniejszy lub wi´kszy, ***rozu-
ra˝ajàcych emocje i nastroje. Tworzone sà poprzez z∏o˝enie miesz?*** Z kolei <klamry> mogà s∏u˝yç do opisania
kilku znaków interpunkcyjnych, liter bàdê cyfr, które razem gestów czy czynnoÊci, których nie da si´ wyraziç za po-
tworzà symboliczny rysunek, najcz´Êciej obrazujàcy twarz. mocà ikonek, np. <czerwieni´ si´>. Z kolei pisanie
Aby zobaczyç rysunek, wi´kszoÊç z nich nale˝y „odwróciç” WIELKIMI LITERAMI to wrzask lub przynajmniej g∏oÊne
o 90 stopni w prawo. mówienie, s∏u˝y zwróceniu uwagi na jakàÊ bardzo wa˝nà
Przyk∏ad: najpopularniejszà ikonkà jest uÊmiech podstawo- wiadomoÊç lub jej fragment. Nie zdziwcie si´ za to, gdy
wy :-) Postawienie na koƒcu wypowiedzi takiego znaku ozna- ktoÊ w ogóle nie u˝ywa wielkich liter. To stara tradycja
cza, ˝e piszàcy jest w dobrym humorze. Koƒczàc pierwszy aka- z czasów ma∏ej przepustowoÊci i... przydatna rzecz gdy
pit zaznaczyliÊmy, ˝e jesteÊmy w dobrym humorze, co wi´cej piszemy w poÊpiechu.
dodaliÊmy informacj´, ˝e jeden z nas ma okulary i wàsy, a dru- ;-{P ofiara pisania w pospiechu padly nie tylko wielkie
gi wàsy. Sà te˝ tzw. poziomeczki, czyli pyszczki „widziane po- ale tez i polskie litery – tzw. ogonki czyli polskie znaki
ziomo”, ale dajà mniejsze pole do manewru. Wersja podstawo- diakrytyczne. bardzo czesto, zwlaszcza w komunikacji
wa poziomeczki wyglàda tak: ^_^ w czasie rzeczywistym, nie uzywamy ich – zamiast
JeÊli ˝artujemy piszàc dany tekst lub gdy Êmieszy nas dany à jest a, zamiast ó – o itd. dokladnie tak jak w tym aka-
wàtek rozmowy, piszemy z „przymru˝eniem oka” ;-) Znak :-( picie. taki text nazywany jest zartobliwie „polskawym”.
popularnie zwany smutasem (lub z angielska sorkà) wskazuje, w „polskawym” pisze sie duzo szybciej, gdyz napisa-
˝e piszàcy jest smutny lub jest mu przykro z jakiegoÊ powodu. nie polskiej litery wymaga nacisniecia dwoch klawiszy
Nie ma sieci bez „uÊmieszków” – przydajà si´ bardzo. naraz (alt + literka). podobnie z wielkimi literami – uni-
¸agodzà wra˝enia, jakie dane zdanie mo˝e wywrzeç na od- kamy siegania do shifta.
biorcy; czasem tekst wypowiedziany na serio móg∏by dopro-
wadziç do nieporozumienia czy obraziç kogoÊ. Na szcz´Êcie sa i tacy, ktorzy za zabawne uznaja pisanie „angielska-
odczytany jako ˝art wywo∏a tylko uÊmiech, zdziwienie :-{0 we”. to jezyk polski zapisywany przy pomocy angiel-
czy rozbawienie. Smiley’e to te˝ forma ˝artu, zabawy, flirtu skich znakow. przyklad? vrooc do mnie; shchipiorek.
czy rozmowy towarzystkiej (np. ca∏us czy ró˝a) albo wyra- z zapisu tego zrobila uzytek firma lee (znasz lee ten
˝enia swojej indywidualnoÊci – jak np. konsekwentne doda- kraj, wroocilee ulani pod okienko). dzis angielskawy
wanie fryzurki ∫ la Irokez: =:-) o, sorki, raczej =:-( (true nie jest juz ani oryginalny ani ekstrawagancki. to raczej
punks never smile). poza stosowana przez 13-latkow, na ktora zwykle
Poza :-) czy (-: (tego drugiego u˝ywajà lewor´czni) in- przymyka sie oczy. zwykle, bo czasem sami zwracamy
nà formà wyra˝enia emocji jest oznaczenie textu z obu uwage ludkom, ktorzy uzywaja tej formy do przesady

METODY The Teacher

podstawowe mordki
:-) :-P pokazanie j´zyka
:-D uÊmiech
;-) ˝art, mrugni´cie okiem B-) uÊmiech okularnika
:-( smutek, niezadowolenie :-O zdziwienie / ziewanie / krzyk
:-/ :-[ wampir, szczerzenie z´bów, z∏oÊç,
:-\ niezdecydowanie, niewyraêna mina :-E wÊciek∏oÊç, zdenerwowanie
;-( :-*
:’-( p∏acz :-x ca∏us

:-{) wàsaty %-S o jeden Bols za daleko

tak, ze trudno ich zrozumiec. angielskawy pozwalal na robote. a on „tylko” opuscil jedna literke. :-{( w jez. an-
uzywanie wulgaryzmow na wielu listach dyskusyjnych gielskim tego typu wpadki sa czestsze. wielu internau-
i w czatach moderowanych przez boty (komputerowe tow zna klopoty z rodzina i policja czlowieka, ktory wy-
programy pilnujace, by uzytkownicy zachowywali sie slal do wielu firm maila o inwestowaniu (invest), ktory
jak trzeba). boty dysponujace listami slow „zlych” nie odczytano jako zachete do... kazirodztwa (incest).
pozwalaly uzywac np. slow ordynarnych, za to (do
czasu modyfikacji przez moderatora-czlowieka) bez Poniewa˝ jest to tekst gazetowy, a nie netowy, wracamy do
klopotow przepuszczaly zwroty typu coorva match! do liter wielkich i ogoniastych. Kolejnym istotnym elementem
rangi urban legend urosl przypadek jakiegos filozofa, jest s∏ownictwo specjalistyczne – niezb´dne dla nazwania
ktory zostal wyrzucony z branzowej listy dyskusyjnej nowych urzàdzeƒ, zjawisk, technologii. Nowe nazwy po-
za uzycie slowa „abstrahujac”. chodzà najcz´Êciej z j´zyka angielskiego. Jako ˝e Sieç stano-
wi spo∏ecznoÊç bez granic, ka˝da nowa technologia staje si´
zdarza sie, ze znikaja kropki na koncach poszczegol- momentalnie znana na ca∏ym Êwiecie. Spójne nazwy angiel-
nych partii textu. rzadko uzywamy przecinkow i sredni- skie sà ∏atwiejsze do zaakceptowania dla wi´kszoÊci u˝yt-
kow. wykosilismy przeciez zdania zlozone. na czacie kowników. W sieciowej polszczyênie niektóre z tych nazw
prosciej dlugie zdanie rozdzielic na dwa proste. potem pozostawiamy (notebook, modem, joystick), inne spolszcza-
posylamy je osobno jeden po drugim (wtedy tez nasz my, zapisujàc je w formie fonetycznej, chcàc, by ich pisowa-
rozmowca szybciej przeczyta cala wypowiedz). za to nia odpowiada∏a wymowie (np. chat to czat, computer to
czesciej zobaczysz tu ??? albo !!! no i... w ten sposob komputer, scanner to skaner, a joystick to czasem d˝ojstik).
wyrazamy emocje. np. zaskoczenie to kilka znakow za- Najcz´Êciej zapo˝yczone wyrazy zaczynamy odmieniaç we-
pytania na koncu linii. albo odpowiedni usmieszek :-0 d∏ug polskich regu∏ j´zykowych, np.: laptop – tego laptopa,
tym laptopem itd. Nie zawsze brzmi to ∏adnie i zdarzajà si´
osoby korzystajace z netu od dawna przywykly do czyta- ohydki w typie „Twoje zdj´cie stoi u mnie na widele”. Bywa
nia takiego tekstu – ubogiego w polskie znaki, interpunk- i tak, ˝e oryginalne wyrazy zosta∏y utworzone od innego,
cje, a nawet... z bledami. dla *niektorych* bledy te sa istniejàcego ju˝ wyrazu albo poprzez dodanie nowego zna-
oczywiste. usprawiedliwia je to, ze piszemy szybko, a za- czenia do istniejàcego ju˝ s∏owa (neosemantyzmy). Wów-
tem niedokladnie :-{( przy odrobinie wprawy czytanie ta- czas po polsku tworzy si´ analogiczne wyrazy. Przyk∏ady:
kich textow nie sprawia trudnosci, z czasem bledow po browse (przeglàdaç) stàd browser (przeglàdarka), frame
prostu sie nie zauwaza. inni natomiast uwazaja, ze po- (ramka), mouse (mysz).
prawnosc jest kwestia szacunku i powinno sie o nia Czasem jednak trudno utworzyç taki polski odpowiednik
dbac. jeszcze inni uznaja, ze poprawnosc zalezy od te- lub utworzenie go mog∏oby mieç nawet efekt komiczny. Nie
go, co robimy, i poprawiaja bledy w mailach, za to nie be- uda∏o si´ np. wymyÊliç ˝adnego rozsàdnego t∏umaczenia
da sobie nimi zaprzatac uwagi siedzac na czacie i klika- slowa „joystick”. Dlatego bezpieczniej jest pozostawiç na-
jac w czasie rzeczywistym. spotyka sie tez (ale coraz rza- zwy oryginalne. Wszystko jest lepsze od manipulatora drà˝-
dziej) ludzi, ktorzy uwazaja, ze „typo” czyli bledy zwiaza- kowo-wychy∏owego (joystick) i sto∏owo-kulotocznego
ne z trafeiniem w niewlaciwy klawisz lub ominieciem liter- (myszka). Chyba nawet „drà˝ek radoÊci” – okreÊlenie, któ-
ki (zesputy, marrkowi, frtki, [rzykro, alkoho;, naszebada- re widzia∏em wydrukowane na opakowaniu joysticka.
nia), sa dopuszczalne w przeciwienstwie do typowych WÊród s∏ownictwa specjalistycznego a˝ roi si´ od skrótów
bledow ortograficznych. i skrótowców. Przyczyna jest prosta: ∏atwiej tworzy si´ skrót od
!!! poprawnosc warto jednak *zawsze* sprawdzic, je- danego wyra˝enia i szybciej si´ go u˝ywa. Skróty te sà prawie
sli chcemy uniknac klopotow. znam czlowieka, ktory zawsze mi´dzynarodowe i pochodzà z angielskiego. WÊród
obrazil administratora serwera (roota) narzekajac na bardziej znanych skrótów sà: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) –

The Teacher METODY

protokó∏ do przesy∏ania plików, SMS (Short Message Service) wspomniane ju˝ „sorki” czy „sorry” zamiast „przepra-
– us∏uga przesy∏u krótkich wiadomoÊci, HTML (Hypertext szam”). WiadomoÊç „Nie idê do kina, chodêmy na browar”
Markup Language) – j´zyk znaczników hypertektsu. Nikt nie w wersji SMS-owej wyglàda raczej tak: „lej kino! piwo!”
b´dzie mówi∏: „wys∏aç program przez protokó∏ do przesy∏ania Mo˝e nies∏usznie, ale przypominajà si´ tu zawo∏ania szla-
plików” tylko „wys∏aç program przez ftp” /„przeef-te-powaç checkie, jak choçby „Na piwo!”, „Bijà w Uszy!” czy „Do
program”; stron nie pisze si´ w „j´zyku znaczników hipertek- Liwa!” (a „Na Soplic´!”? – przyp. red.)
stu”, tylko w „ha-te-em-elu”, i tak dalej. Temu samemu celowi, czyli szybszemu wstukaniu, s∏u˝à
Oprócz tego panuje obecnie moda na u˝ywanie wyrazów makaronizmy: „Dzis no car :(“ jest prawie o po∏ow´ krót-
zapo˝yczonych nawet tam, gdzie istniejà polskie odpowied- sze od „sorry, nie mam bryki na dzis”.
niki. Na przyk∏ad na stronach WWW popularne sà okre- Tym, którzy uwa˝ajà si´ za poczàtkujàcych, proponujemy
Êlenia „font” zamiast „czcionka”, „download” (znajdzie si´ poszukanie w Sieci s∏owa „netykieta” (tzn. etykieta panujà-
te˝ daunloudowanie) zamiast „Êciàganie” czy „zgrywanie”. ca w Sieci lub danej jej cz´Êci). Mo˝na si´ z niej dowiedzieç,
Na szcz´Êcie ostatnio rozpowszechniajà si´ dowcipne pol- czego nie wolno robiç, mówiç, jak interpretujemy pewne
skie odpowiedniki i coraz wi´cej stron zaprasza nas do „za- znaki, kto i komu ma prawo na co zwracaç uwag´... Nety-
ssania” tego czy innego elementu. Z kolei w sieci IRC nie kieta reguluje te˝ d∏ugoÊç siga (sygnaturki) dodawanego
„wykopuje si´” niepo˝àdanych goÊci z pokoju i nie „zapra- standardowo na koƒcu ka˝dego maila. Sigi zapychajà tylko
sza” znajomych, tylko si´ „kikuje”, „banuje” i „inwajtuje”. przestrzeƒ – wysy∏ajàc cz∏owiekowi korzystajàcemu z mo-
Przyczynà tego, i innych podobnych tendencji, jest najcz´- demu zaledwie 20 maili w tygodniu, przy 10-ciolinijkowym
Êciej korzystanie z angloj´zycznych programów i us∏ug. Je- sigu, dodajemy mu blisko 7 stron tekstu. Dlatego te˝ sygna-
˝eli u˝ytkownik jest przyzwyczajony, ˝e aby przes∏aç dalej turki nie powinny przekraczaç 5 linijek i nie powinny zawie-
otrzymanà wiadomoÊç innemu znajomemu, trzeba nacisnàç raç „ci´˝kich” grafik. Nietykiet´ warto znaç, zw∏aszcza jeÊli
przycisk „forward”, to nie zastanawia si´, co mo˝e to ozna- bierzemy udzia∏ w grupach i listach dyskusyjnych, poniewa˝
czaç po polsku, tylko mówi o tej czynnoÊci „forwardowa- niestosowanie si´ do niej mo˝e skoƒczyç si´ kickiem, a nawet
nie”. Najbardziej spolszczy∏o si´ slowo „link” (odnoÊnik np. banem. Czego nikomu nie ˝yczymy! n
do innej strony). Pojawi∏y si´ najpierw „linki”, a ostatnio
z linek zrobi∏y si´ sznurki. :-{) Jest to zresztà maniera mi´- Artyku∏ ten powsta∏ na bazie pracy maturalnej Jakuba
dzynarodowa; w j´zyku niemieckim na wielu stronach poja- „Thorana” Sudera, tegorocznego „nowego” maturzysty
wia si´ kompozycja: links und rechts („lewo i prawo”). Nato- z V LO im. Augusta Witkowskiego w Krakowie z bardzo
miast wydaje si´, ˝e nie znajduje uzasadnienia w polszczyê- niewielkimi wtr´tami Piotra Krasnowolskiego – belfra. n
nie zast´powanie na wzór amerykaƒski pewnych s∏ów lub
ich cz´Êci cyframi i literami, np. „4U” = „for you” (dla cie- S∏owniczek wyrazów trudnych
bie) albo „h8” = „hate” (nie znosz´). Po pierwsze dlatego, msz – moim skromnym zdaniem (ang. imho)
˝e nie ma u nas takiej tradycji (por. IOU = „jestem ci wi- jo – j´zyk obcy (to akurat skrót z curriculum) :)
nien” (I owe you), którego powstanie datuje si´ na XVIII 8-{))) – szeroko uÊmiechni´ty cz∏owiek w okularach
wiek), a po drugie, poniewa˝ niewiele polskich s∏ów da si´ ;-{))) – szeroko uÊmiechni´ty cz∏owiek z wàsami
zastàpiç w sposób czytelny. Naturalnie z rzadka takie na czacie – podczas pogaw´dki z innymi ludêmi przez Sieç
zabiegi prezentujà si´ nienajgorzej – myÊl´ o pewnej Ewce w czasie rzeczywistym
podpisujàcej si´ jako FK. Zainteresowanych mo˝liwoÊ- w Sieci / w necie – w Internecie
cià skrócenia s∏ów angielskich odsy∏am na stron´ ITRW – w Êwiecie rzeczywistym (tym mniej ciekawym, tj. poza – ma∏e, a mo˝e ucieszyç. siecià; ang. In The Real World)
O skracaniu mówilim ju˝ kilka razy. Nie wspomnielim lamer – ludê nie zaznajomiony z Internetem (czasem obraêliwe)
jednak o jednym ciekawym aspekcie skracania przekazu ja- ludê – cz∏owiek (oszcz´dzasz po∏ow´ znaków!)
kim jest archaizacja. Znajomy socjolingwista twierdzi, ˝e ircem – tak kiedyÊ nazywano czatowanie, od skrótu IRC
obecnoÊç form archaicznych pod dzisiejszà e-strzechà jest (Internet Relay Chat)
w du˝ej mierze zas∏ugà Andrzeja Sapkowskiego i jego emalie – ˝artobliwie przekr´cone e-maile
Wiedêmina. (Nota bene, im te˝ zawdzi´cza swój renesans klika – pisze na klawiaturze
rubaszna staropolska „rzyç” oraz „ch´do˝enie”, w tym wy- Internauci – ludzie Sieci
padku nie majàce nic wspólnego z porzàdkowaniem...) kickuje – wyrzuca si∏à z prawem powrotu
Mniej lub bardziej Êwiadoma archaizacja pojawia si´ naj- banuje – wyrzuca si∏à bez prawa powrotu
cz´Êciej w SMS-ach, bo oszcz´dza literki. Prym wodzi tu sorki / sorry – przepraszam
s∏owo „ki” du˝o krótsze od „co za”. Prosz´ popatrzyç na poradzilim – skrócenie oszcz´dzajàce czas wpisywania
pierwsze zdania tego akapitu: mówili(Ê)m(y), wspomnie- shifta, alta – tak piszemy i odmieniamy nazwy klawiszy
li(Ê)m(y). Zamiast „czy umy∏aÊ psa?” wol´ spytaç krócej funkcyjnych
„psa umy∏a?” (a potem za to musz´ zbieraç ci´gi w Scrab- boty – skrót od programy-roboty – wykonujà czarnà robot´
blach za prób´ u∏o˝enia s∏owa „kotaÊ” z „Ê” na potrójnej urban legend – „wieÊç gminna niesie” czyli coÊ, co wszyscy s∏yszeli
s∏ownej). Karier´ robi tu te˝ tryb rozkazujàcy i s∏owa typu od kuzyna siostry wujka dziadka, który zaklina∏ si´, ˝e to prawda,
„naƒ”, „zeƒ” oraz gwarowe „se”. Cz´sto dobieramy najkrót- a mimo to nie zosta∏o nigdy potwierdzone przez gazety, policj´, etc.
sze synonimy danego s∏owa, nawet jeÊli nie sà w powszech- dla *niektórych* – podkreÊlam, ˝e nie wszyscy si´ z tym zgadzamy
nym u˝yciu („wez” zamiast „przynies” czy „przyprowadz”, typo – literówka
„badz o” (+ godzina) zamiast „zapraszam na”, a tak˝e

The Teacher LUDZIE

Rzetelna debata, a nie reklamówki

Z Andrzejem No tak, ale do tej rzetelnej de-
Kwiatkowskim, baty majà dost´p wszyscy polity-
publicystà TVP, cy. W naszym polskim wydaniu
autorem programu to cz´sto politykierzy, próbujà-
„Tygodnik Polityczny cy wygrywaç ludzkie obawy
Jedynki” i bied´.
rozmawia Czy Paƒskim zdaniem ka˝dego
Piotr Czarnyszewicz mo˝na wpuÊciç do studia?
Jestem przeciwny cenzurowaniu po-
glàdów, ale jestem te˝ przeciwny lek-
cewa˝eniu g∏osów „politykierów –
PIOTR CZARNYSZEWICZ: eurosceptyków”. Nie podoba∏o mi
Czy rolà TVP powinno byç re- si´ na przyk∏ad, kiedy na demago-
klamowanie Unii Europej- giczne, g∏upie wypowiedzi jednego
skiej? z polityków LPR odpowiedzialny
ANDRZEJ KWIATKOWSKI: za „promocj´” minister S∏awomir

Fot. TAP
Nie wiem, czy rolà TVP powinno Wiatr uÊmiecha∏ si´ do telewidzów,
byç „reklamowanie” Unii. Rozu- dajàc im do zrozumienia, ˝e siedzi
miem, ˝e ma Pan na myÊli te krótkie obok oszo∏oma, który plecie g∏up- Andrzej
filmiki, w których o UE opowiada stwa. Moim zdaniem nie wystarczy Kwiatkowski
Bogus∏aw Wo∏oszaƒski? Mnie si´ dawaç do zrozumienia. Gdy ludzie
one raczej nie podobajà, a nawet ju˝ si´ bojà nowego, gdy sà niepewni,
nudzà. Taki by∏ widocznie pomys∏ bardzo ∏atwo ch∏onà pó∏prawdy i de- wspomnia∏em, nie muszà to byç „re-
ludzi odpowiedzialnych za przybli- magogiczne zakl´cia. Trzeba po pro- klamówki”, osobiÊcie wola∏bym do-
˝anie Polakom Unii Europejskiej, stu dyskutowaç i dawaç odpór g∏u- k∏adnà informacj´ o wszystkich bla-
jednak zaznaczam, ˝e pojawiajà si´ pocie. skach i cieniach naszej akcesji do Unii
one nie tylko w TVP. W stacjach ko- Europejskiej.
mercyjnych równie˝. Jednak nie A czy dziennikarz te˝ ma dawaç
mnie ten pomys∏ oceniaç, uwa˝am ten odpór? Jak przekonaç do Unii m∏o-
jednak, ˝e tego typu reklamówki Zdecydowanie powinien doprowadziç dzie˝?
mogà byç jedynie dodatkiem do rze- do koƒca konfrontacj´ poglàdów. JeÊli To akurat powinno byç naj∏atwiejsze.
telnej debaty. us∏yszy w studiu jakàÊ bzdur´, powi- M∏odzi ludzie b´dà g∏osowaç oby-
nien koniecznie zadaç pytanie: „co pan dwiema r´kami za przystàpieniem, po-
A jaki pomys∏ by∏by Pana zda- na to?”. Nie mo˝na pozostawiaç nie- niewa˝ jest to pokolenie bardzo g∏od-
niem dobry? domówieƒ. ne sukcesu. A Unia mo˝e im pomóc
Gdy podczas jednego z programów ten sukces osiàgnàç.
„Tygodnik Polityczny Jedynki” Czy dziennikarz mo˝e wyraziç
uruchomiliÊmy czat internetowy, swój w∏asny poglàd, czyli Ma Pan pomys∏, jaka ma byç
dostaliÊmy kilkaset pytaƒ. Nikt w pewnym sensie z∏amaç zasa- TVP po przystàpieniu Polski do
spoÊród zainteresowanych nie pyta∏ d´ bezstronnoÊci? Unii Europejskiej?
o Parlament Europejski, instytucje Dziennikarz ma prawo do w∏asnych Ma byç przede wszystkim telewizjà
UE czy o mo˝liwoÊç handlu na poglàdów. polskà. Ze wszystkimi konsekwen-
targowisku portowym w Helsin- cjami tego okreÊlenia. Telewizjà,
kach. Ludzie chcieli za to wie- Jaka wobec tego powinna byç która promuje naszà kultur´, naszà
dzieç, czy b´dà mogli przechodziç rola dziennikarzy? to˝samoÊç narodowà. Która pomaga
wczeÊniej na emerytury, czy stoma- Wydaje mi si´ to dosyç oczywiste. swoim obywatelom odnaleêç si´
tolog b´dzie mia∏ nadal tytu∏ leka- W interesie ka˝dego z nas jest rzetel- w nowej rzeczywistoÊci. Pami´tajmy,
rza czy tylko technika, czy b´dà na informacja o Unii Europejskiej. ˝e stoi za nià pi´çdziesiàt lat do-
emerytury mundurowe, co si´ sta- WczeÊniej czy póêniej Polska w Unii Êwiadczenia, tradycja, przywiàzanie
nie z kantorami walutowymi, ile si´ znajdzie i im lepiej b´dziemy do te- widzów – to ogromna wartoÊç, któ-
skorzystajà rolnicy, czy wzroÊnie go faktu przygotowani, tym ∏atwiej rej nie mo˝na straciç. Ale równie˝
p∏aca minimalna... Ludzi interesu- zniesiemy wià˝àce si´ z tym trudnoÊci. odpowiedzialnoÊç, o której nie mo˝-
je przede wszystkim to, co ich bez- To, co jest nam potrzebne w tej chwili, na zapominaç.
poÊrednio dotyczy, a nie biurokra- to rzetelna informacja o Unii, czyli
cja i unijne struktury. rzetelny rynek dziennikarski. Jak ju˝ Dzi´kuj´ za rozmow´. n

MAGAZYN The Teacher


Piotr Czarnyszewicz the premiere league of There’s no need to

wspó∏praca Polish female vocalists. rehearse the lyrics from
J´drzej Markiewicz It was the lyric and her the album KONCERT
interpretation that INACZEJ. As soon as
banged. It was obvious the song Heart of
from the very start that Green begins, the fans
Hold on for just one more minute!

Fot. P. Czarnyszewicz (3)

she is a typical Gemini – know they will have
The guys need to tune up. They’d like a little bit of subversive a job to do. Only Kasia
to give a really good concert... aggression placing men appears somewhat more
where they belong. A little relaxed than seven years
KASIA KASIA KASIA! – the girls bit of lyrics displaying ago.
in the audience are chanting. the femininity of her
Come out on stage KaÊka – it’s the emotions, delicate, Smile – the most So, lets start with ladies.
boys shouting. almost porcelain yet valuable part of her The response is some-
tough. beauty what poor, Kasia grins as
Sometimes I’m in a bad shape and nicely as she can. OK, lets
I don’t feel like going out on the stage. But Hi, everyone – Kasia sweeps her eyes go to boys now. Oh my god, there are so many
whenever a young girl comes up to me across the audience. of you here guys, I think I’m gonna move
after a concert and says that she has TO CO MAM, TO CO MAM – is here.
dreamt of meeting and hugging me all her the unanimous demand.
life, I think to myself... God, maybe I’m I think you’re right. Some of my songs
really giving something to these people. My lyrics contain a large load of are about begging for love, but first of all,
emotions. I’d like to convey to people what I think that women should have more
I’m relieved to see that she is in a good I feel. Sometimes these are bitter feelings – respect for themselves, and secondly, I like
shape today. The black hair runs onto you can be rich and have good looks but to look at myself from a distance.
the stage. Sports shoes, jeans, a corduroy that doesn’t necessarily mean that you are
jacket... Shiny, smiling eyes. happy. You have to look for happiness And there is nothing that shows her
“And I will love again” inside yourself. demanding self than the way she holds
I’m holding my camera tight but my her grip on the band. The guys are
hand is shaking with excitement. I’m sure you know this one. I’ll sing for under permanent control and if
you and I want everyone to repeat after something goes wrong a thunderbolt
Released in 1994, her first album me. And just to remind you – this concert rolls from Kasia’s eyes.
“Gemini” immediately positioned her in is being taped so sing well.
Stop nagging about my hair. All right,
after all I’m a woman and I need to
experiment, make sure that’s it, that’s the
hairdo. And if someone notices a Polish
Winona Ryder in me – well I like that. That
girl and I seem to have a lot in common.

I take a closer look at the drummer...

and my mind flashes back to Stodo∏a
where Kasia sang on June 18. The
drummer wasn’t there that night. I’d
like to make this one unplugged – says
Kasia. They say you can tell a good
pilot by the way he manages a plane
on only one engine running.

Kasia is tired. She takes a sip of

water. Now I’m gonna sing my favorite
Alanis Morisette piece. She didn’t say
much about the song, but at times
she gets more personal: This one
always cheers me up whenever I feel

The Teacher MAGAZYN

depressed. She looks down, totally I don’t have the ambition to write still
focused. better music. I respect people who owe
everything to themselves, people who
I sing a lot in English. I used to think never got anything from anybody, except
that you can’t possibly sing well in Polish. for talent maybe, yet they really made it.
English simply sounds better, it has more
vowels. But people would like to understand Kasia’s about to finish the concert
what I’m singing. Now that everything – “I still have two optimistic songs
has changed they understand the English to go, though: She starts singing
lyrics as well (a smile – the most “Wyrzuç ten gniew”. Then she smiles
valuable part of her beauty). at the audience (with a little bit
of irony, embarrassment and charm).
Kasia puts her finger against
her lips, the audience get quiet. “Faster or slower, each step will bring us
She starts “Bezpowrotnie” – closer together, just give it all some time”.
a tribute to Aerton Senna.
I can’t hear the lyrics any more. 1995 brought Kasia’s second album
I know the piece by heart. I just called “Koncert inaczej”. Apart from
focus on the interpretation, a neat mix of hits from Gemini,
a volcano exploding with it featured a masterpiece – “A to co
emotions. Total silence. I can see mam”, an astounding lyric.
tears in her eyes, I decide not to
spoil that precious moment and The success of “koncert” was I didn’t get as lucky. I started learning
stop taking pictures. certainly one of the reasons why she English by translating songs of my
was sent to the Eurovision Festival favourite artist word for word. I couldn’t
I couldn’t get a grip myself after we’ve in Oslo in 1996. That decision proved afford any language courses.
shot the video for “Bezpowrotnie”, and on unfortunate, however. Someone had
top of everything, we were performing in decided to let a young and still The band begin “B´d´ jak”, Kasia
Mazury the next day. It was really innocent artist into the world she throws off her jacket, she’s now
painful to learn that such a great man would never fit in. wearing only a fluorescent tank top.
is gone forever. Why is it always so that She sang a charming lyrical song She is singing and dancing, and
it’s the best ones that go? It’s not like a guy “Chce znac swój grzech” that was playing with her hair.
dumping a girl for another one. It’s losing completely out of line with the “B´d´ jak” was one of her greatest
someone forever. festival’s catchy refrains. hits from the album “5”. Even though
she changed her image with the
I remember well that concert I don’t even feel like commenting on it. release of the album, it still features
in Mazury in May this year. I was The atmosphere around Eurovision has a lyrical song so typical of her.
standing right next to Kasia’s car. The always been terrible here in Poland. Some
audience were getting really impatient of the important guys from the show biz There are only as many encores as
and were calling on her to come out on just can’t help being envious and just love she decides. Then the audience start
stage. She finally appeared, literally it whenever someone fails. I really don’t queuing to get her autograph.
pushed by her manager Piotrek want to talk about it, or even remember it.
Boimski; sad with her head down. I’ve read all kinds of stuff about myself. I’m observing everything from
It’s all different now. Kasia’s smiling I don’t really care. a distance. Security guards, the band,
at the cameras, the audience. You can omnipresent Piotr – the manager
tell she is in control. The special edition of the album – has everything under control. The
“Pe∏na obaw” features a mummy’s black hair is signing her albums,
I’ve felt stage fright a lot of times, for lullaby dedicated to Ola. “You are this autograph cards for girls for whom she
example, when I was performing as tiny bit of happiness that turns each is everything she’s always wanted to be.
a supporting artist before Sting’s concert day into a holiday” she sang in 1998 A personification of success worked
in Warsaw. His shows usually gather for her then baby daughter, now out by herself, a quintessence of an
a very demanding audience, people that almost six. intriguing beauty she’s not afraid of.
are there to get something out of his music. She’s not trying to strike a pose, she’s
But it worked, I got applause from his I’ve moved to Warsaw mainly because definitely far from censoring herself.
band, and the master himself came up to I wanted to find a kindergarten where She’s her real self and that’s what they
me to shake my hand as if to show that they teach English. After a few weeks Ola all love about her. Subversive, sad and
he was impressed. could count in English, she was picking up smiling eyes. That often changes in
more and more words. Believe me, it did a matter of seconds – a Gemini,
Am I still searching? Oh, come on, the work. I’m pretty sure that in two years’ “Loving me you have to live with her”
fact that I respect Madonna does not mean time she will speak fluently. as she sang on her first album. n

MAGAZYN The Teacher

Made in England
– James Bond
Konrad Baƒkowski

„You can only live twice, Mister Bond.” ...mówi Ernst Stavro Blofeld w filmie
pod tym w∏aÊnie tytu∏em do najs∏ynniejszego agenta brytyjskiego wywiadu. DziÊ widzimy,
˝e ten najwytrwalszy ze wszystkich przeciwników 007 myli∏ si´ ca∏kowicie.

am Stavro, szef ogólnoÊwiatowe- wie dekad´ starsza. Jej autorem jest Wszystkie te doÊwiadczenia okaza∏y
go stowarzyszenia z∏oczyƒców brytyjski pisarz Ian Fleming. si´ niezwykle cenne, kiedy postanowi∏
dzia∏ajàcego pod nazwà „Wid- Fleming urodzi∏ si´ w roku 1908 ja- po wojnie znów zajàç si´ pisaniem,
mo” (SPECTRE), wykaza∏ si´ nie- ko wnuczek dobrze prosperujàcego tym razem ju˝ nie jako dziennikarz,
ma∏à ˝ywotnoÊcià. Wzià∏ udzia∏ w a˝ szkockiego bankiera. Jego biografia, lecz pisarz na pe∏en etat. Podobno je-
czterech filmach opowiadajàcych gdy zaczyna si´ mówiç o Bondzie, go literackie zdolnoÊci przejawia∏y si´
o przygodach superszpiega. Nie mo˝e w niektórych miejscach wydaje si´ klu- ju˝ podczas sporzàdzania raportów
jednak konkurowaç z samym Jamesem czowa. Cz´Êciowo wykszta∏cony w do- w poprzedniej pracy. Poniewa˝
Bondem, który pojawi∏ si´ ju˝ na ekra- brych szko∏ach (z Eton relegowano go Fleming dobrze zna∏ si´ tylko na
nach w ponad dwudziestu filmach za tajemniczà histori´, w którà wplàta- dwóch rzeczach: wydawaniu pieni´-
(wliczajàc produkcje nieoficjalne), na by∏a pewna m∏oda dama), uciekajàc dzy i pracy wywiadowczej, postanowi∏
w jego rol´ wcieli∏o si´ do dnia dzisiej- od ciàg∏ych porównaƒ do nie˝yjàcego po∏àczyç te dwie cechy w osobie swego
szego pi´ciu aktorów, a sam bohater ojca i statecznego starszego brata, schro- bohatera. Tak narodzi∏ si´ James
(w wydaniu filmowym) koƒczy w∏a- ni∏ si´ na kontynencie, gdzie z powodze- Bond, który swe imi´ i nazwisko
Ênie czterdzieÊci lat... niem wiód∏ ˝ycie playboya. Zawodowo odziedziczy∏ po ornitologu, autorze
próbowa∏ swych si∏ jako dziennikarz, ksià˝ki Birds of the West Indies. By∏a to
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service bankier, a w koƒcu, w latach trzydzie- ulubiona ksià˝ka ˝ony Fleminga, a sa-
stych ubieg∏ego wieku, podjà∏ wspó∏pra- mo nazwisko wyda∏o si´ pisarzowi nie-
W 1962 roku na ekrany kin wszed∏ c´ z brytyjskim wywiadem wojskowym. ciekawe i nijakie. W sam raz dla cz∏o-
pierwszy z oficjalnej serii filmów W trakcie II wojny Êwiatowej zorgani- wieka, który nie powinien wzbudzaç
o przygodach asa brytyjskiego wywia- zowa∏ i poprowadzi∏ wiele b∏yskotliwych sensacji tym, jak si´ nazywa. Jak wi´c
du, Jamesa Bonda – „Doktor No”. akcji. O ile wiadomo wszystkie (lub pra- widaç, Fleming nie mia∏ daru przewi-
Od tego momentu mo˝emy Êledziç wie wszystkie) zakoƒczy∏y si´ sukcesem, dywania, choç te˝ tylko cz´Êciowo.
sukcesy jednego z najwi´kszych boha- choç sam Fleming w trakcie ich trwania Wyzna∏ kiedyÊ w jednym z wywiadów,
terów popkultury oraz jednego z naj- nie odstàpi∏ ani na krok swojego szpie- ˝e postaç Bonda stworzy∏ tylko po to,
jaskrawszych wytworów epoki Zimnej gowskiego fotela w siedzibie MI-6 aby uczyni∏a go bogatym. W tym
Wojny. Sama postaç jest jednak o pra- w Londynie... przypadku nie pomyli∏ si´ ani na jot´.
Fot. Imperial (6)

Pi´ç twarzy Agenta

The Teacher MAGAZYN

dwaj pierwsi odtwórcy roli Double nie uchroniç Êwiat przed zag∏adà.
o’seven – Sean Connery i Roger Moore. Najwi´kszym z jego przeciwników
Pierwszy z silnym szkockim akcentem by∏ wspomniany ju˝ Ernst Stavro
(„Maj nejm isz Bond. D˝ejmsz Blofeld, w którego rol´ wcielili si´ ko-
Bond”), drugi z niemal˝e filuternà lejno Donald Pleasence („You Only
lekkoÊcià i elegancjà godnà ksi´cia. Live Twice”), Telly Savalas („On
Jak do tej pory nikt chyba jednak nie Her Majesty’s Secret Service”),
policzy∏, ile razy te s∏owa pad∏y na Charles Gray („Diamonds Are
ekranie. Wiadomo jednak, ˝e w sumie Forever” 1971) i Max von Sydow
wypowiedzia∏o je pi´ciu aktorów. War- (w nieoficjalnym „Never Say Never
to zaznaczyç, ˝e tylko jeden z nich – Again” 1983). Moim absolutnym
Roger Moore – jest rodowitym Angli- ulubieƒcem jest z kolei Francisco
kiem. Poza Connerym i Moorem Scaramanga, czyli „Cz∏owiek ze z∏o-
Bonda zagrali równie˝: George tym pistoletem” wspaniale wykreowa-
Lazenby (Australijczyk), Timothy ny przez mistrza brytyjskiego horro-
Dalton (Walijczyk) i Pierce Brosnan ru Christophera Lee („The Man
(Irlandczyk). W rankingu iloÊci na- With The Golden Gun” 1974). Jed-
granych „bondów” prowadzà oczywi- nak zarówno Blofeld, jak i Scaramanga
Roger Moore i Walther PPK
Êcie Connery i Moore. Obaj majà na czy wielu innych przeciwników
Pierwsza ksià˝ka opowiadajàca koncie po siedem filmów, Pierce Bonda z lat 60. i 70. reprezentujà sta-
o przygodach Jamesa Bonda (Casino Brosnan trzy (a ju˝ za chwil´ cztery), rà szko∏´ „geniuszy zbrodni” i wraz
Royale) wydana zosta∏a w roku 1953, w dwóch zagra∏ Dalton, a Lazenby, z nowymi czasami musieli ustàpiç zu-
zaÊ w sumie do swej Êmierci w 1964 najbardziej nieudany (co do tego zda- pe∏nie innemu gatunkowi szwarccha-
roku Fleming wyda∏ ponad dziesi´ç, nia sà doÊç jednoznaczne) w jednym. rakterów. Ju˝ w 1985 roku w „A View
przy czym nie wszystkie z nich zosta∏y Przez czterdzieÊci lat Bond by∏ dwu- To A Kill” przeciwnikiem Bonda
przeniesione na ekran. krotnie ˝onaty – raz z mi∏oÊci („On jest „poprawiony” genetycznie Max
Pierwsze ekranizacje zacz´∏y po- Her Majesty’s Secret Service” 1969) Zorin sugestywnie zagrany przez
wstawaç ju˝ w latach pi´çdziesiàtych. i raz podczas akcji, z pi´knà agentkà Christophera Walkena. W jednym
By∏y to zrealizowane w USA adaptacje japoƒskà („You Only Live Twice” z ostatnich „bondów” pojawia si´
telewizyjne, w których g∏ówny bohater 1967). Fachowcy obliczyli jednak, ˝e z kolei jeszcze bardziej wspó∏czesny
by∏ – rzecz jasna – agentem CIA. Mi- „kobiet Bonda” jak do tej pory by∏o typ z∏oczyƒcy – medialny magnat
∏oÊnicy Bonda spuszczajà mi∏osiernie w sumie 58 i to ze Êcis∏ym podzia∏em Elliot Carver (Jonathan Pryce
na nie zas∏on´ milczenia, na uwag´ za- na brunetki, blondynki oraz rude. w „Tommorow Never Dies” 1997).
s∏uguje jednak fakt, ˝e w jednej z ekra- Galeria przest´pców czyhajàcych na
nizacji w rol´ 007 wcieli∏ si´ legendar- Licence To Kill spokój i bezpieczeƒstwo tego Êwiata
ny David Niven. Jednak pierwszym zmienia si´ wi´c i dostosowuje do ak-
oficjalnym „bondem” (decydujà o tym Nie da si´ ukryç, ˝e agent 007, mi- tualnych problemów naszego globu.
kwestie producenckie) by∏ wspomnia- mo ujmujàcej aparycji klasycznego Mimo upadku ˚elaznej Kurtyny
ny ju˝ wy˝ej „Doktor No”, w którym angielskiego gentlemana, wyszuka- Êwiat nie mo˝e odetchnàç spokojnie,
g∏ównà rol´ zagra∏ nieznany jeszcze nych manier i uÊmiechu przyprawiajà- a 007 emerytura nie grozi.
Sean Connery. Jego kreacja wzbudzi∏a cego panie o mi´kkoÊç w kolanach,
wiele kontrowersji na Wyspach. Ze jest przede wszystkim stuprocento-
wzgl´du na atletycznà budow´ cia∏a wym profesjonalistà w wykonywaniu
przylgn´∏o do niego przezwisko „cu- swych obowiàzków wobec Królowej
kierek z bicepsami”, a niema∏e kontro- i Anglii. B´dàc amantem i playboyem,
wersje budzi∏ równie˝ fakt, ˝e Connery potrafi byç równie˝ bezwzgl´dnym,
jest Szkotem, czynnie dzia∏ajàcym na zimnym i wyrachowanym draniem,
rzecz autonomii. Jednak dzi´ki sukce- zw∏aszcza w kontaktach ze swymi
sowi, jaki film zyska∏ w USA, seria przeciwnikami. Jego wrogowie rów-
„zaskoczy∏a” i trwa do dziÊ. nie˝ nie kwalifikujà si´ do tytu∏u filate-
listy miesiàca. Nie brak wÊród nich
„My name is Bond. James Bond.” psychopatów, archetypowych wr´cz
szalonych naukowców a tak˝e – i to
Te s∏owa w 2001 roku zosta∏y og∏o- najbardziej bola∏o naszych cenzorów –
szone najs∏ynniejszà filmowà kwestià radzieckich agentów, genera∏ów i ofi-
w historii kinematografii. Sta∏y si´ wi- cjeli. To sprawi∏o, ˝e filmy z Bondem
zytówkà ca∏ej serii, a kolejni aktorzy trafi∏y do Polski na dobrà spraw´ do-
zmagajà si´ z nimi z nie mniejszym za- piero z pierwszymi magnetowidami.
anga˝owaniem ni˝ z „to be or not to W mi´dzyczasie Agent Jej Królew-
be”... OczywiÊcie kanon wyznaczajà skiej MoÊci zdà˝y∏ ju˝ kilkunastokrot- Timothy Dalton i Walther PPK

MAGAZYN The Teacher

ostatnich filmach jej rol´ przej´∏a

Samantha... Bond. Jednak mimo
zmian w obsadzie pewne elementy
wydajà si´ niezmienne. James Bond
w dalszym ciàgu ratuje Êwiat, jeêdzi
wspania∏ymi samochodami (w tym
miejscu historia zatacza kràg, w naj-
nowszym filmie „Die Another day”
007 znów zasiada za kierownicà
Aston Martina), wspomagajà go wy-
myÊlne gad˝ety (sched´ po Llewelynie
przejà∏ nie mniej przecie˝ utalento-
wany John Cleese, cz∏onek legendar-
nej grupy Monty Python), a pi´kne
kobiety nadal omdlewajà w ramio-
nach przystojnego jak diabli supera-
genta. I tylko M, w myÊl nowych
czasów i post´pujàcej poprawnoÊci
politycznej, sta∏a si´ kobietà. Para-
doksalnie, wp∏yn´∏o to nieco na
Sean Connery i Walther PPK och∏odzenie stosunków Bonda z sze-
fostwem, ale przecie˝ najd∏u˝szy ki-
Diamonds Are Forever filmach, za ka˝dym razem wyposa˝a- nowy serial Êwiata jeszcze si´ nie
jàc 007 w nieprawdopodobne gad˝ety koƒczy. Kolejne pokolenia majà dziÊ
Wyglàda na to, ˝e legenda otaczajà- i upraszajàc go cierpko o ich zwrot do szans´ poznaç nowe przygody stare-
ca Bonda równie˝. Od czterdziestu lat magazynu w jednym kawa∏ku. Nie- go agenta w nowych czasach, a dwu-
James Bond – mo˝na powiedzieç – nie odmiennie bezskutecznie... dziesty film z 007 w∏aÊnie goÊci na
zestarza∏ si´ ani troch´. Wprawdzie Niestety czas jest nieub∏agany. naszych ekranach... n
grali go ju˝ aktorzy po pi´çdziesiàtce, Llewelyn by∏ ostatnim aktorem, który
jednak z ka˝dà kolejnà zmianà obsady pojawia∏ si´ w „bondach” od poczàt-
007 na powrót m∏odnieje. Starzejà si´ ku (wystàpi∏ ju˝ w drugim filmie –
jedynie fani i aktorzy, którzy, jak nie- „From Russia With Love” 1963).
˝yjàcy ju˝ niestety Desmond Llewelyn, WczeÊniej odeszli Bernard Lee,
wspó∏tworzyli ca∏y filmowy Êwiat su- kreujàcy postaç pryncypa∏a 007 –
peragenta. Llewelyn by∏ zresztà akto- M oraz Lois Maxwell, która pozo-
rem, który wystàpi∏ w najwi´kszej ilo- stanie w pami´ci fanów jako niedoÊci-
Êci „bondów”. Jako Q (skrót od g∏a odtwórczyni roli sekretarki M,
quartermaster, czyli kwatermistrz, za- nieustannie flirtujàca z Bondem
opatrzeniowiec) zagra∏ w osiemnastu Moneypenny. Co ciekawe, w trzech Pierce Brosnan i Walther PPK

∏oÊników i kolekcjonerów). Oczywi-

CzterdzieÊci lat Êcie tak wyjàtkowy produkt nie poja-
wia si´ bez powodu. A sà dwa, nieba-
w jednym pude∏ku gatelne – po pierwsze obchodzimy
czterdziestà rocznic´ premiery pierw-
szego filmu z Jamesem Bondem („Dr
No” 1962), po drugie premiera zbiega
Dwudziestego listopada na naszym si´ z premierà jubileuszowego, dwu-
rynku pojawi si´ wyjàtkowa filmowa dziestego odcinka serii – „Âmierç na-
kolekcja. W jednej aluminiowej skrzy- dejdzie jutro”. Jest to wi´c wydawnic-
neczce znajdzie si´ dziewi´tnaÊcie fil- two wyjàtkowe, równie˝ ze wzgl´du na
mów z Jamesem Bondem. Wszystkie swój ekskluzywny charakter. Jako
na p∏ytach DVD. Jest to najpe∏niejsza, podsumowanie czterdziestoletniej ka-
jak dotàd, kolekcja przygód agenta riery Jamesa Bonda na ekranach kino-
007. Oprócz samych filmów zestaw wych ca∏ego Êwiata wydaje si´ nie-
zawiera ponad 76 godzin materia∏ów odzownym elementem kolekcji
dodatkowych (302 filmy dokumental- wszystkich mi∏oÊników agenta Jej
ne, wywiady, cenne informacje dla mi- Królewskiej MoÊci. n

The Teacher MO˝LIWOÊCI

Seminar: LONGMAN
Introduction to Pitman Qualifications English Exams Serdecznie zapraszamy na Targi Ksià˝ki w Krakowie
13 November, 12.00-14.00, Warsaw (24-27 paêdziernika) na nasze stoisko numer A32. B´dà
Sue Davies, Test Developer, will provide a full Paƒstwo mogli zapoznaç si´ z naszymi najnowszymi
introduction to our exams and how you can offer them podr´cznikami i s∏ownikami, zasi´gnàç rady u metodyków
at your school, university or institution. Free to attend. oraz zakupiç nasze publikacje z 20 proc. rabatem otrzymu-
jàc dodatkowe atrakcyjne prezenty.
To book a place please contact:
Katy Reeves, Regional Marketing Manager for Europe. LONGMAN
Email: W dniach 9-11 listopada zapraszamy nauczycieli j´zyka
Direct Line: (UK +44) (0)20 7294 2782 angielskiego na Konferencj´ IATEFL organizowanà
Fax: (UK +44) (0)20 7294 3506. w Poznaniu. Na naszym stoisku w sali 116 mo˝na b´dzie
Post: City & Guilds International, 1 Giltspur Street, spotkaç si´ z autorami naszych ksià˝ek, zapoznaç si´
London EC1A 9DD. z naszymi najnowszymi publikacjami oraz zakupiç je z 20
proc. rabatem i atrakcyjnymi nagrodami.

Warsztaty j´zykowe
w Londynie
ZnajomoÊç j´zyka angielskiego jest konieczna, aby poczuç Od 12 lat realizujemy wyjazdy j´zykowe dla szkó∏. W ciàgu
si´ równoprawnym cz∏onkiem spo∏ecznoÊci Êwiatowej – to roku szkolnego sà to „Warsztaty j´zykowe” po promocyj-
wiemy. Ale czy celem jest teoretyczna znajomoÊç j´zyka – nych cenach, tak by jak najwi´cej m∏odzie˝y mog∏o wyje-
NIE – najwa˝niejsza jest praktyczna umiej´tnoÊç komu- chaç. W czasie wakacji - „Obozy j´zykowe”.
nikacji. Tylko niewielki procent m∏odzie˝y b´dzie studiowa∏ W obu wersjach ∏àczymy bardzo intensywny program zwie-
anglistyk´. Wi´kszoÊç chce swobodnie porozumiewaç si´ na dzania Londynu z programem çwiczeƒ j´zykowych w ró˝-
ca∏ym Êwiecie. nych naturalnych sytuacjach.
Dlatego WARSZTATY J¢ZYKOWE sà tak wa˝nym ele- Codziennie m∏odzie˝ dostaje zadania: czegoÊ si´ dowiedzieç,
mentem programu nauczania j´zyka angielskiego. coÊ za∏atwiç, coÊ kupiç, tak by w sklepie, muzeum, na poczcie,
biurze podró˝y u˝ywaç j´zyka angielskiego. Nie sà to lekcje,
Cel wyjazdu ale „zabawa” z j´zykiem - cenna, gdy˝ daje pewnoÊç siebie
w pos∏ugiwaniu si´ j´zykiem oraz ochot´ do dalszej nauki.
Naszà ideà jest, by w ka˝dej szkole w Polsce daç mo˝liwoÊç
wyjazdu m∏odzie˝y do Anglii. Niech to b´dà grupy po 15, Wspó∏praca z nauczycielami
30 czy 45 osób, ale dajmy m∏odzie˝y mo˝liwoÊç poznania
kraju i jego kultury. Dajmy mo˝liwoÊç sprawdzenia naby- Wiele szkó∏ organizuje z nami regularnie co roku wyjazdy j´-
tych ju˝ umiej´tnoÊci w ró˝nych naturalnych sytuacjach. zykowe. Wielu anglistów wspó∏pracuje z nami stale z korzy-
Jest to naprawd´ fantastyczna motywacja do nauki zarówno Êcià dla obu stron. Zapraszamy wszystkich nauczycieli do
przed wyjazdem jak i po powrocie. Uczniowie b´dà wspó∏pracy zarówno przy organizacji „Warsztatów j´zyko-
wiedzieç czego i po co si´ uczà. wych” w ciàgu roku szkolnego, jak i „Obozów j´zykowych”
w wakacje gdzie zatrudniamy nauczycieli do ich realizacji.

BTM – Biuro Turystyki M∏odzie˝owej ATAS tel. 22-6251728

MO˝LIWOÊCI The Teacher

The Teacher MO˝LIWOÊCI

Macmillan Conference 2002

ELT Myth and Philosophy

n 21-23 August 2002, Macmillan Polska
organised its second ELT Conference. This year’s
conference, under the title ELT Myth and
Philosophy, was held at the premises of the Batory Liceum
in Warsaw, courtesy of Ma∏gorzata ˚uber-Zielicz, the
school headmistress. More than 350 participants including
teachers, trainers, methodology advisors, and textbook
authors attended the event. For three days they were able to
exchange views, ideas and experiences at a range of
workshops, plenary sessions, group seminars, discussion Fot. Macmillam Polska
panels and a variety of social events.

The conference opened officially on Wednesday 21st,

August with the welcome ceremony run by Magdalena
Wojdy∏o, Macmillan Teacher Training Co-ordinator, and
Dr Grzegorz Âpiewak, Macmillan Academic Projects
Manager. They introduced distinguished speakers, trainers,
and co-operating partners and presented the foreign speakers included the highly charismatic Luke
philosophy and the objectives of the ELT Myth and Prodromou, Vaughan Jones, Andrea Hodivoianu and Roy
Philosophy conference with its rich academic programme, Norris.
featuring 18 different seminars on a wide range of
topics on the most recent trends in ELT methodology. The very special character of the Macmillan conference
The title of the conference, ELT Myth and Philosophy, was also built through informal social events. On Thursday
reflected the conference major focus well this year – how 22nd, the Warsaw pub Harenda was taken over by three
to eliminate the stereotypes that still prevail in the ELT hundred English language teachers trying to wind down
classroom and provide alternative solutions. after the highly informative training sessions. It was
a perfect opportunity to make friends with other teachers
This year teachers could choose from several parallel and trainers, and talk to anyone in person.
training tracks relevant to the sector of their choice:
Primary, Gimnazjum, Secondary/Tertiary. Each session Apart from the rich academic programme, teachers could
consisted of approximately 20 hours of seminars and benefit from plenty of accompanying attractions. On
workshops run by the team of Macmillan trainers from Thursday 22nd, participants could meet with British Council
Poland and abroad (visit: This year the officers to learn more about UCLES examinations and get
sample tests.
There were also book and magazine stands where
teachers could browse through the latest ELT publications,
and buy them at a special discount. Media patrons were
also present, including The Teacher with its exclusive
subscription offer!
The lucky ones could also win some very attractive prizes
in two lotteries run at the closing ceremony on Friday,
23rd August.

With much positive feedback from the teachers, we think

that the Macmillan conference proved once more to be
Fot. Macmillam Polska

a great success.

Congratulations! n

Reported by Artur Wàsowski

ISSN 1644 - 2059
ISSN 1644 - 2059


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