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(Practical Eschatology)


And, behold, I
Be thou
come quickly;
and my reward faithful unto
is with me to death, and I
give every man will give thee a
according as his crown of life.
work shall be
(Rev. 22.12).
(Rev. 2.10).

Produced by the Holy Spirit, through the Ministry of Education of the Baptist
Church Nova Peniel; 27 Rego Lopes street- Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro RJ, zip code
20520-040 Brazil. Email of reporter page 04, Teacher and Deacon José Pereira
" " Course Sit . Also access the
SEC Course = Salvation and Construction in Christ, Sit " .
(This course contains 50 files eschatology practice in 70 pages.)


Cover or cover sheet....................................................................................................... p. 01
Summary PRES COURSE ............................................................................................ p. 02
Index of pages ................................................................................................................ p. 03
Authors, Aknowledgements suggestions ....................................................................... p. 04
Recomendation Letter .................................................................................................... p. 05
Preface .............................................................................................................................. p. 06
Outline and summary of the Apocalypse................................................................... p. 07
Panoramic view of the Apocalypse................................................................................. p. 08
Letters to 7 churchers and some more sets of 7 in the book of Apocalypse............... p. 09
Bibliography .................................................................................................................... p. 70


Study 01 The History and Beginning of the nation of Israel.......................... p. 10 e 11
Study 02 Israel's dispersions and return.......................................................... p. 13 e 14
Study 03 The 70 weeks of Daniel......................................................................... p. 16 e 17
Study 04 The last week of Daniel........................................................................ p. 19 e 20
Study 05 The characters of the past week.......................................................... p. 22 e 23
Study 06 The events of last week........................................................................ p. 25 e 26
Study 07 Signs for the rapture ............................................................................ p. 28 e 29
Study 08 Resurrection and rapture ................................................................... p. 31 e 32
Study 09 When will happen the rapture............................................................ p. 34 e 35
Study 10 Rapture's Scene...................................................................................... p. 37 e 38
Study 11 Revelation's Chronology........................................................................ p. 40 e 41
Study 12 The 7 seals of the Great Tibulation....................................................... p. 43 e 44
Study 13 The seven trumpets of the Great Tribulation ...................................... p. 46 e 47
Study 14 The 7 bowls of the Great Tribulation................................................... p. 49 e 50
Study 15 God's wrath against Babylon................................................................. p. 52 e 53
Study 16 The war of Armageddon........................................................................ p. 55 e 56
Study 17 The Apocalyptical Millennium.............................................................. p. 58 e 59
Study 18 Scatological Schools and Rewards........................................................ p. 61 e 62
Study 19 Jesus' Mission in hell.............................................................................. p. 64 e 65
Study 20 God's Judgement From beginning to end............................................. p. 67 e 68


Answers 01 The History and Beginning of the nation of Israel................................ p. 12
Answers 02 Israel's dispersions and return.................................................................. p. 15
Answers 03 The 70 weeks of Daniel................................................................................. p. 18
Answers 04 The last week of Daniel................................................................................ p. 21
Answers 05 The characters of the past week ............................................................... p. 24
Answers 06 The events of last week................................................................................. p. 27
Answers 07 Signs for the rapture..................................................................................... p. 30
Answers 08 Resurrection and rapture............................................................................ p. 33
Answers 09 When will happen the rapture................................................................... p. 36
Answers 10 Rapture's Scene............................................................................................... p. 39
Answers 11 Revelation's Chronology................................................................................ p. 42
Answers 12 The 7 seals of the Great Tibulation.............................................................. p. 45
Answers 13 The seven trumpets of the Great Tribulation............................................. p. 48
Answers 14 The 7 bowls of the Great Tribulation.......................................................... p. 51
Answers 15 God's wrath against Babylon......................................................................... p. 54
Answers 16 The war of Armageddon................................................................................ p. 57
Answers 17 The Apocalyptical Millennium..................................................................... p. 60
Answers 18 Scatological Schools and Rewards.................................................................. p. 63
Answers 19 Jesus' Mission in hell........................................................................................ p. 66
Answers 20 God's Judgement - From Beginning to end................................................... p. 69
(Practical eschatology) Sit . Also access the SEC Course, Sit " .
(This course contains 50 files Practical Eschatology in 70 pages)

PRES COURSE – Cover or cover sheet.......................................................................................... 01
PRES COURSE – Summary PRES COURSE ................................................................................ 02
PRES COURSE – Index of pages .................................................................................................... 03
PRES COURSE – Authors– Acknowledgements – Suggestions................................................... 04
PRES COURSE – Recomendation Letter ...................................................................................... 05
PRES COURSE – Preface ................................................................................................................ 06
PRES COURSE – Outline and summary of the Apocalypse......................................................... 07
PRES COURSE – Panoramic view of the Apocalypse................................................................... 08
PRES COURSE – Letters to 7 Churchers and some more sets of 7 in the book of Revelation... 09
PRES COURSE – Study.... 01 The History and Beginning of the nation of Israel............ 10 e 11
PRES COURSE – Answers 01 The History and Beginning of the nation of Israel.................... 12
PRES COURSE – Study.... 02 Israel's dispersions and return .......................................... 13 e 14
PRES COURSE – Answers 02 Israel's dispersions and return ................................................. 15
PRES COURSE – Study.... 03 The 70 weeks of Daniel ....................................................... 16 e 17
PRES COURSE – Answers 03 The 70 weeks of Daniel................................................................. 18
PRES COURSE – Study.... 04 The last week of Daniel........................................................ 19 e 20
PRES COURSE – Answers 04 The last week of Daniel................................................................ 21
PRES COURSE – Study.... 05 The characters of the past week.......................................... 22 e 23
PRES COURSE – Answers 05 The characters of the past week................................................. 24
PRES COURSE – Study.... 06 The events of last week ....................................................... 25 e 26
PRES COURSE – Answers 06 The events of last week................................................................ 27
PRES COURSE – Study.... 07 Signs for the rapture............................................................ 28 e 29
PRES COURSE – Answers 07 Signs for the rapture.................................................................... 30
PRES COURSE – Study.... 08 Resurrection and rapture................................................... 31 e 32
PRES COURSE – Answers 08 Resurrection and rapture………................................................ 33
PRES COURSE – Study.... 09 When will happen the rapture ........................................ 34 e 35
PRES COURSE – Answers 09 When will happen the rapture.................................................... 36
PRES COURSE – Study.... 10 Rapture's Scene.................................................................... 37 e 38
PRES COURSE – Answers 10 Rapture's Scene............................................................................ 39
PRES COURSE – Study.... 11 Revelation's Chronology..................................................... 40 e 41
PRES COURSE – Answers 11 Revelation's Chronology.............................................................. 42
PRES COURSE – Study.... 12 The 7 seals of the Great Tibulation.................................... 43 e 44
PRES COURSE – Answers 12 The 7 seals of the Great Tibulation ............................................ 45
PRES COURSE – Study.... 13 The seven trumpets of the Great Tribulation.................... 46 e 47
PRES COURSE – Answers 13 The seven trumpets of the Great Tribulation............................ 48
PRES COURSE – Study.... 14 The 7 bowls of the Great Tribulation................................. 49 e 50
PRES COURSE – Answers 14 The 7 bowls of the Great Tribulation......................................... 51
PRES COURSE – Study.... 15 God's wrath against Babylon.............................................. 52 e 53
PRES COURSE – Answers 15 God's wrath against Babylon...................................................... 54
PRES COURSE – Study.... 16 The war of Armageddon...................................................... 55 e 56
PRES COURSE – Answers 16 The war of Armageddon.............................................................. 57
PRES COURSE – Study.... 17 The Apocalyptical Millennium............................................ 58 e 59
PRES COURSE – Answers 17 The Apocalyptical Millennium.................................................... 60
PRES COURSE – Study.... 18 Scatological Schools and Rewards...................................... 61 e 62
PRES COURSE – Answers 18 Scatological Schools and Rewards.............................................. 63
PRES COURSE – Study.... 19 Jesus' Mission in hell............................................................ 64 e 65
PRES COURSE – Answers 19 Jesus' Mission in hell.................................................................... 66
PRES COURSE – Study.... 20 God's Judgement From beginning to end.......................... 67 e 68
PRES COURSE – Answers 20 God's Judgement From beginning to end.................................. 69
PRES COURSE – Bibliography ...................................................................................................... 70

(Practical eschatology) Sit . Also access the SEC Course, Sit " .
P. 04
(Practical Eschatology)

AUTHORS: The authorship of this course is from Holy Spirit of God; who he
used the Education Ministry of New Peniel, Baptist church; composed by:

PRESIDENT: Pastor Fernando Thomaz, church's president.

VICE-PRESIDENT: Pastor Rivelino Aquino.
SECRETARY: Pastor Eber Jamil.
REPORTER: Teacher and Deacon José Pereira.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We are grateful to God, who inspired us.

He revealed to us and moved us to do this work. we appreciate to all who
helped us in prayer. We thank to the Pastor and Teacher Daniel Fidelis
Barcellos, by help with scatological material. We thank the reviewer of
Portuguese, Teacher Dr. Antonio Tosta Filho, who did the review of COURSE.
SUGGESTIONS: Suggestions and comments are welcome and can be sent
to the Baptist Church New Peniel, Rego Lopes Street, 27, Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro
RJ, Brazil, ZIP CODE 20520-040, Email the reporter up: “ ”.

Note: This study was prepared in the patterns of homiletics and her-
menêutica, with introduction, body or development; with a beginning, mid-
dle and end, and conclusion; in a logical sequence and growing each theme
Studied; and with the doctrine of good biblical exegesis, which we sup-
ported in various Biblical texts. Sit .

The 2 Courses are available for free. They are excellent for Theology
Seminars, Church-wide Pulpit Preaching, Sunday Bible School Class
Study, Baptismal Preparation Class, Discipleship, and / or distribution to
others. And even translations into other languages, Publishing in
journals for Sunday Bible School, Urdu books, and/or any or-tar form
of disclosure whose purpose is the edification of the Church of Cris-
to the Earth; in Portuguese and in any other language in the world.

All scripture quotations are from the translation of the Bible of Almeida, "Bible", the Publisher
Life, edition revised and corrected. See also Course SEC, Sit .
P. 05-A


Dear ministry colleagues
Grace be unto you, and peace, from the Lord Jesus Christ.
I’m very pleased to come to my brothers presenting the PRES
COURSE – PRACTICAL ESCHATOLOGY. It is a set of studies and ex-
ercises, all about the Scriptures, created by the Department of Education
of the New Peniel Baptist Church.
The course, which I present and recomend, is a work of the Holy
Ghost, using the Department of Education of the New Peniel Baptist
Church. There are complete studies, full of teachings,that can be used at
Sunday School, for new and old believers, and also to studies or preaching
to the whole church.
The course, as the name says, covers topics like: The Church’s rap-
ture, The Great Tribulation, The Millennium’s Time, The Last Judge-
ment, The doom of Heaven and Earth, the creation of a new Heaven, new
Earth and new Jerusalem = Eternity. The proposed exercises are intend-
ed to keep in mind the topic information, and it should be corrected by the
speaker, with subsequent review for the class.
In times like this that the church lives, it has become truly necessary
to study the Eschatology, which means “Study of the last things”. People
who are fully trained will be able to distinguish and avoid heresies and
mistakes that are widely preached nowadays. This is a statement that I do
without fear of being wrong, after years teaching about the Scriptures,
first as a teacher of Sunday School, and after as a Minister of God's Word.
Thus, it should be said that this course was made, objectively, to be
a service to God, provided through the ministry of each church that we
May God bless the pastorate of each of our colleagues and bless the
flock entrusted to them.
In Christ
Pr. Fernando Thomaz

Pr. Rivelino de Aquino Pr. Eber Jamil

Church Baptista Nova Peniel’s Pastors, Rêgo Lopes Street, 27,
Tijuca Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brazil. zip code: 20520-040.
P. 06


I understand eschatology as a fundamental part of biblical theology or, to be

more specific, systematic theology. This material is a synthesis that will help from
the layman to the most demanding reader and student of the Scriptures. The De-
partment of Education of the New Peniel Baptist Church in Tijuca offers us an ex-
cellent tool developed within the principles of exegesis and biblical hermeneutics
without hurting any Christian Denomination. There was great care with what must
be interpreted literally and that concerns an allegorical and spiritual vision of the
We live in a time in which eschatology has suffered a lot in two terms: in the
hands of bad interpreters and over the theology of the here and now prejudice,
that has been growing by our tents. In this work we can see very clearly the bibli-
cal prophecies that have been fulfilled and therefore, we can expect those will still
be fulfilled for sure.
We are mindful that 21st century, the twenty-first century of the Christian era,
has been marked by the incursion of theological liberalism, which has invaded our
churches weakening the foundation of the believer's hope in the afterlife. We have
suffered all sorts of attacks, coming from all parts of natural science to humanities
and somehow we have to strengthen our foundations of faith and hope. We live
extremely difficult days of huge theological disorder. The churches pulpits, unfor-
tunately, announce more earthly things than heavenly. On these facts, this mate-
rial become essential to pastors, teachers and leaders. This material is more than
a simple eschatological study, is a call to awakening until the coming glory. I con-
clude with the words of Paul, the Apostle: “If in this life only we have hope in Christ,
we are of all men most miserable” (1st Corithians 15.19).

Marcos Sucupira dos Santos

Pastor of Peniel Baptist Church in Estacio
Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil.
P. 07
(Practical Eschatology)
1st MEANING OF THE WORD APOCALYPSE: The common dictionaries says the word Revela-
tion has an obscure meaning or is difficult to interpret. The term used in the Bible in our lan-
guage is almost equal to the original Greek "APOKALYPSIS", meaning revelation of what was
hidden or was unknown; thing hidden. The key to this book is the opening verse: "REVELATION
OF JESUS CHRIST" and we can give to Revelation the theme of: "CONSUMMATION".

doubts as to the Apostle John to be the author, it's because the Greek style used is quite dif-
ferent from what John used to write the Gospel. There are also doubts as to the date it was
written. But most theologians, as we also believe that Revelation was written by the Apostle
John, in about 95 A. D.
3rd DESCRIPTION OF APOCALYPSE'S HISTORY: In Chapters 4 and 5 of John, he beholds the
throne of God and sees all the preparations in heaven. In chapter 6, John tells all scourges that oc-
cur over the earth. And in the last four chapters, John tells the complete victory of Christ and the
consummation of all things. The Revelation gave us an account as a story of war, in which the
historian will reporting the events on the battlefield, but occasionally he opens a parenthesis, to
report what is happening in the headquarters, where war is commanded. Thus we see brackets, for
example, between the 6th and 7th stamp; between the 6th and 7th trumpet etc. The flagella are not
interrupted to occur parentheses, but these occur in parallel form.

4th DIVISION OF THE BOOK OF THE REVELATION: In Revelation 1.19, we have the division
of the book into three parts: The things that you saw - glorified Christ; things that are - the
seven Churches of Asia (Chapters 2 and 3); and the things which shall be hereafter happen
(From Chapter 4, until the end of the book).
A) THE THINGS THAT YOU SAW: The Christ which is, and which was, and which is to come,
Never more humiliation of the cross, but the triumphant Christ and glorified, alive and
Almighty forever.
B) THINGS THAT ARE: To the 7 Churches of Asia, and the letters sent to them with praise,
with rebukes, exhortations and promises.
C) THE THINGS WHICH SHALL BE HEREAFTER HAPPEN: This third part, will of chapter
4 until to the end of the book. It reveals Jesus triumphant and victorious, the Ruler of the
kings of the earth, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the world's Redeemer and conqueror
of evil; and displays, in a symbolic way, the program through which it will continue its
work, and consummate all things. The main events are: the manifestation of antichrist ,
Rapture of the Church and the Lamb, the outpouring of God's anger with the 7 stamps, 7
trumpets, the 7 bowls and 7 thunders with the Great Tribulation, the war of Armageddon
the fall of Babylon, different visions of things of heaven and of glory of God.
The Parousia; - The return of Jesus; when He will release the two beasts in the Lake of Fire,
He will end the Great Tribulation, He will give total victory to Israel, and He will implement the
Millennium of peace, and He will reign for a thousand years. The devil will be imprisoned in the
abyss for a thousand years, then released for a short time, and finally arrested and thrown in the
lake of fire forever. The Last Judgment, the destruction of the heavens and the earth, creating
new heaven, new earth and new heavenly Jerusalem; all pure, holy and sinless; all the glory of
God, where God will dwell forever with all his redeemed; Amen, Amen, e Amen.
P. 08
(Practical Eschatology)
In Gen 1.1; 2.1 we see the earth created. In Rev 20.11; 21.1 we see the Earth that has passed.
In Gen 1.14-17 it shows up the Sun and Moon. In Rev 21.23; 22.5 there aren't necessity them.
In Gen 2.8 there is a garden that is home's man. In Rev 21.1 a 22.14 there is a city that is home of Nations.
In Gen 2.21-25 there is the marriage of the first Adam. In Rev 19.7-9 there is the marriage of the second Adam.
In Gen 3.1-5 we see the hideous arrive of the Devil. In Rev 20.10 We see the condemnation of the devil forever.
In Gen 3.6-7 The sin begins is bringing pain and suffering. In Rev 21. 4 there isn't more sin, neither pain, neither suffering.
In Gen 3.17 we see the damn on the land. In Rev 22.3 we see that there isn't more damn.
In Gen 3.22-24 the man is expelled from the garden and also of tree of life. In Rev 2.7; 22.1-2 the man is welcome to paradise and also at the tree of life.


I Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which
are written in it, because the time is near (Rev 1.3).
II Blessed the dead which die in the Lord. Thus says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and
their works do follow them (Rev 14.13).
III Blessed he who stays awake and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame (Rev
IV Blessed those who are called to the supper of the Lamb. And he said me, These are true words of
God (Rev 19.9).
V Blessed It is holy whom that hath part in the first resurrection; over these don't have power the sec-
ond death; but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with Him one thousand
years (Rev 20.6).
VI Blessed he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book (Rev 22.7).
VII Blessed those who wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb, that they may have right to the tree of
life, and may enter the city through the gates (Rev 22.14).

3rd THE 144,000 THOUSAND TWICE: Some theologians believe, that this group 144.000 of Rev. 7.1-8 are
the same of Revelation 14.1-5. However, I don't believe so. The 144.000 Ap 7.1-8 are 12.000 from each
tribe of Israel; on earth, are still deadly, they are mentioned before the Great Tribulation and were sealed to
be protected. They are separated by God for a specific work, it wasn't uncovered yet. These there aren't to
do with the 144.000 of Revelation 14.1-5, which are mentioned near the end of the Great Tribulation, they
come from all the nations of the Gentiles (v. 3: bought from the earth), they have passed through death, they
already resurrected. They have on their foreheads the name of Christ and God, and they are on mount
Zion in heaven before the throne; they have learned and sing a new song in front of the throne, the four
living creatures and before the elders 24. They keep up Christ, wherever He goes. Probably they will be on
his return (the parousia) to Mount Zion on earth, in Jerusalem. And they will be there, to reign on Earth
with Christ during the Millennium in a special ministry. About the people are virgins, we believe that has
spiritual meaning; in other words, they didn't stain with the idolatry, heresy, false doctrine, etc...

4th THE 24 ELDERS: Who are the 24 elders of Rev 4.4, 10; 5.5, 14? We see some details: The 24 elders were
crowned and they are seated on 24 thrones, they worshiped God and cast their crowns before the throne (this
indicates that are men, because none of angel was crowned). There are many the opinions of theologians.
However, we believe that they are the heads of the 12 Tribes of Israel, and the 12 apostles of the Lamb. And
this agrees with (Revelation 21.12-14) when he says that the new heavenly Jerusalem had written the names of
the 12 tribes of Israel in their 12 ports and the names of the 12 apostles of the Lamb in their 12 fundamentals.

5th THE 4 THE LIVING CREATURES: Who are the four animals or living creatures of Revelation 4.6-8? We
know that they are angelic beings. There are several opinions. Some think it may be the heads of the four
hierarchies of angels who know the Bible, Angels, Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim. Others believe like
this: the first, like a lion, can refer to Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah; the second, like a calf or an ox, more
slavish animal, can point to Jesus, who came as a servant to save us; the third with a face like a man, can point
to Jesus as a man and Lord; the fourth like a flying eagle, can be figure of the Gospel reaching around the
world. But, we believe that these four beasts represent all the work of God's creation. Thus: The first like a
lion, symbolizes the wild animals; the second like a calf or ox symbolizes the domestic animals; the third with a
face like a man, symbolizing men; and the fourth like a flying eagle symbolizes the birds and the Angels.
P. 09
(Practical eschatology)

1ST To 7 LETTERS: The letters to the seven churches in the province of Asia, who there were that peri-
od, and in wich reigned the conditions described there in, also refer to the conditions that occur at any
time in church history, for what they are universally oriented. These letters show the mistakes, the tri-
umphs and the moral conditions that characterize the Church in any time, in their local assemblies. In-
structions are disconnected from the passage of time. Such statements are both ecclesiastical (applicable
to the local Church, meeting their needs and conditions), and personal (as it applies to the needs of individ-
ual believers). These cards are prophetic as the seven stages of Church history. So these prefigure letters,
eschatologically, the Churches of all time. In these letters Jesus expresses his praise and criticism, ending
with a warning and a promise. We believe that it should arrange as follows:

First letter: The Church in Ephesus - Apostolic Era.

Second letter: The Church in Smyrna - Era of Persecution , Until 316 A.D.
Third letter: The Church in Pergamum - Era of favor imperial, 316 a 500 A.D.
Fourth letter: The Church in Thyatira - Age of Darkness, 500 a 1500 A.D.
Fifth letter: The Church in Sardis - Protestant Reformation and rebirth of the true church, 1500 a 1700 A.D.
Sixth letter: The Church in Philadelphia - Era of Modern Missions, 1700 a 1900 A.D.
Seventh letter: The Church in Laodicea - Era of End Times. The true Church Mixed with the Apos-
tate Church and Warm Church, From 1900 A.D.


1st vision: 1-3 – John's Vision of the Glorified Christ and the messages to seven churches of Asia Minor.
2nd vision: 4-6 – Vision of God in his throne, presiding over the universe destinations and worshiped by all
creation. The sealed book and the Judgment of the Seven Seals.
3rd vision: 7.1-11.19 – The 144.000 sealed of Israel, martyrs in glory, the seven angels with seven trumpets
and his judgments, the seven thunders, and the two Witnesses.
4th vision: 12 – Church of the Rapture vision in the figure of a woman (verse 6, 14). The Devil's fight to prevent
the Rapture, but he is overcome by Christ's hosts in the clouds (verse. 7-10; 1Ts 4.13-17; and Rev 13).
5th vision: 14-16 – The next 144.000, three angels preach the Gospel, the judgment of the two sickles and 7 goblet.
6th vision: 17-20 – The fall of Babylon, the Second Coming of Christ (Parousia), the two beasts thrown into the lake
of fire, the Binding of Satan, one thousand year, Satan condemned to the Lake of Fire forever, and the Last Judgment.
7th vision: 21-22 – Vision of the ideal Church, the Bride of Christ, or the new Jerusalem and the description of her final glory.


I The Parousia with the destruction of the antichrist's armies (Rev 19.11-21).
II Both the false prophet and antichrist condemned to the Lake of Fire (Rev 19.20).
III Satan bound into the abyss for a thousand years (Rev 20.1-3).
IV Jesus gives victory to Israel and begins the golden age of the triumph of good with the Millennium (Rev 20.4-6).
V The Gog-Magog's final rebellion and their defeat and condemnation of the devil into the lake of fire (Rev 20.7-10).
VI Disappearance of the old order (the heavens and the earth) and final judgement (Rev 20.11-15).
VII The New Creation and the Age Eternal (Rev 21.1-27; 22.1-5).

4th The seven items that will be never seen again:

I There will be no more tears (Rev 21.4).
II There will be no more mourning or sadness (Rev 21.4).
III There will be no more clamour or pain (Rev 21.4).
IV There will be no more death (Rev 20.14; 21.4).
V There will be no more curse (Rev 22.3).
VI There will be no more night (Rev 22.5).
VII There will be no more this sky or earth, neither the sea (Rev 20.11; 21.1).
P. 10
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 1/20.
INTRODUCTION: Eschatology means the study of the end times. If everyone had already read the whole
Bible, they would understand better what Will go to happen until the end of the world. We discuss the facts,
during this course, in chronological order as we understood and received from God. We Will study today:
the beginning of history, the beginning of the nation of Israel and who they are the Israelites, the hatred
the Arabs toward the Jews, God had separated and promised to bless Israel, we should love Israel.

1st THE BEGINNING OF HISTORY: In the time it 1/234 part of the earth's surface. But in this small
is from Adam and Eve until Enoch, period of the rectangle of West Asia, unfolded successes related to
first seven generations, there were many believers in the chosen people. This has been the country of the
God as Abel, Seth, Enos, Enoch and others (Genesis Bible and the Savior of the World. The future of Is-
4.4, 26; 5.22-24). Enoch was the seventh from Ad- rael is carefully planned in the Old and New Testa-
am. He walked with God in a way that pleased God, ment. The proof of the precision and truth of the Bi-
therefore God had taken him. And he was removed ble finds itself intertwined with the final destination
from earth to heaven, soul and body (Hebrews 11.5), of the Nation of Israel, and the prophecies contain the
meaning the Church's Rapture. After the seventh answers to important questions about this near fu-
generation, the people turned away from God's ture. How many eternal mysteries this land ends!
ways. In the time of Noah, God declares that every-
3rd WHO ARE THE ISRAELITES: Abraham begat
one was corrupt, and only Noah and his family
Ishmael. He was Hagar's son, the Egyptian, hand-
found favor with God (Genesis 6.5-12). So it pleased
maid of Sarah, and begat Isaac, Sarah’s son (by mir-
God to destroy the entire human race by the waters
acle of God). Sarah was his real wife. Isaac begat
of the Flood. God made a covenant with Noah and Esau and Jacob. God chose Jacob and then revealed
his family and saved them by an ark. Meaning also to him. God changed Jacob's name to Israel, because
the Church's Rapture (Genesis 6.13-18). God ex- Jacob struggled/wrestled with God. Which means
pected that the Noah's descendants generations be- "prince" of God or "set apart" for God or fighting
lieve in Him and walk in His ways; But the people with God (Genesis 32.22-30). Jacob had 12 sons.
continued moving away from God. Note: from Ad- The 12 sons of Jacob are the patriarchs of the 12
am and Eve until the Flood we have 10 generations Tribes of Israel. Thus the Israelites are descendents
(Genesis 5.1-29), After the Flood until Abraham we of Abraham - Isaac - Jacob (= Israel) - Israelites.
have more 10 generations (Genesis 11.10-26), thus Ishmael - Arabs (Genesis 16.15).
adding, from Adam until Abraham 20 generations, ABRAHAM ➔ Isaac ➔ Jacob - Israel - Israelites.
comprising a period of about two thousand years. Esau - Arabs.
The history of Israel started when God called one A) Ishmael is brave man and dwell in front of the
man, Abram. it pleased God create a nation, and a Jews (Gen 16.11-12; 25.12 and 18). The hatred be-
chosen people and separated for himself. God called gan when Ishmael, son of the slave Hagar and Abra-
ham, began to make fun of Isaac, the son of Abraham
Abraham, took him from his land and his kindred
and Sarah his legitimate wife (Gen 21.1-14). Isaac is
and brought him to Canaan (Land of Israel). God
the son of God's promise to Abraham, and is a figure
made a promise to Abraham and that through his of Christ, for it was born by a miracle of God, be-
descendants, would be a blessing to all people, and cause Sara had always been barren and was too old.
God would be known in all nations of the Earth
(Gen 12.1-3; Exo. 19.6; Psalms 96.3; 1 Kings 8.60). B) Jacob and Esau were twin brothers, sons of Isaac.
Abraham begat Isaac, and Isaac begat Jacob, and Esau was the firstborn. The birthright represented
Jacob begat 12 sons who are listed herein in subse- God's blessing. But Esau despised the birthright and
quent sections. The 12 sons of Jacob are the patri- sold it to Jacob for a bowl of lentils (Genesis 25.29-34).
archs of the 12 Tribes of Israel. Every study of es- Later, Esau tried to recover the blessing lost wtih the
chatology begins with the nation of Israel. This Sub- tears, but it was too late, for not found no place of re-
pentance (Genesis 27.38; Hebrew 12.16-17). Therefore
ject is the most importance for us to understand the
Esau hated Jacob. Esau = Edom (Gen 27.41; 36.1).
whole course. The land of Israel has been the scene See Obadiah and pay attention in verses 8 until 10.
of some of the most exciting events in the history of
mankind. Deserves our exquisite attention the fact C) They always wished to eliminate the Jews (Ps 83.4-7).
that the Lord highlight with such depth, so small D) God will punish them (Genesis 12.3; Jeremiah
geographic cell, which did not represent more than 49.7-8; Isaiah 54.15; Ezekiel 36.5-7).
(Practical Eschatology) - See the next page ►
Continuation of 1st Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 11
BLESSINGS FOR ISRAEL: (Genesis 18.18; 26.3-4;
28.13-14; Deut 7.6-15; 11.11-12; 28.1-13; 2 Sam 7.23- A) God promise to bless us, if we to bless
24). P.s.: As repeatedly violated the Sinai Covenant them (Genesis 12.3).
and the admonitions of the Lord, the weight of God's
hand was felt (Jeremiah 16.10-13). But the Lord loves B) We pray for peace of Israel and we will
this Jewish people, although they had left him. They be blessed (Psalms 122.6).
had disobeyed his statutes, to have delivered to idolatry
etc. All divine plans will be fulfilled, and Israel will be C) God looks at this land (Deuter 11.11-12).
the final stage of the whole history of mankind. Keep
studying about the fulfillment of biblical prophecies D) Because it is the Lord's abode (Psalms
and about the clock of God to humanity that is Israel. 132.13-14; 1 Kings 11.36; 2 Kings 21.4).
CONCLUSÃO: There were many believers in God at the first 7 generations, but the next generations went away
from God; the Flood came, and only Noah was saved with his family. Noah's descendants generations also turned
away from God. Then the Lord called Abraham and created through him the nation of Israel. Came the hatred be-
tween Arabs and Jews. But God loves the Jews above other peoples, promised many blessings to the Nation of Israel
and will fulfill them all. God commands us to love the Jews and pray for them, and thus we will be blessed. Amen.
Answer the evaluation below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on every item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker who, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The next study will


NAME: _________________________________________SPEAKER _____________________

1st THE BEGINNING OF HISTORY: After the seventh generation the people turned away
from_________ ways. So it pleased God to destroy the entire human ___________ by the waters
of the Flood. God made a covenant with Noah and his family and saved them by an __________.
God expected that the Noah's descendants generations ____________________ in Him and walk
in His ____________________; But the people continued moving away from _______________.

2nd THE BEGINNING OF THE NATION OF ISRAEL: God called Abraham, he pulled it out of
his land and his brought kinsfolk and brought to _____________(land of Israel). He made a cov-
enant with Abraham and promised to raise a _____________of his descendants, to be the people
of __________, through which God would be ___________in all the nations of the Earth. Abra-
ham begat Isaac and __________begat Jacob. And Jacob begat _______sons that gave rise to the
12 tribes which formed the nation of ____________. All the study of Eschatology begins with the
nation of__________. This has been the country of the ____________and the Savior of the world.

3rd WHO ARE THE ISRAELITES: God _______ Jacob's name to Israel, because Jacob struggled/wrestled
with God. Thus, the Israelites are descendants of___________- Isaac -__________ (= Israel) - Israelites.

4th ARABS HATE JEWS: A) The hatred began when Ishmael, son of the slave Hagar and Abra-
ham, began to make fun of Isaac, the ______________of Abraham and Sarah his legitimate wife.
B) But Esau despised the birthright and sold it to Jacob for ________________ bowl of lentils.
C) They always wished _________________ the Jews. D) God will ___________________ them.

this _________ people, although they had _______________him. All divine plans will be fulfilled,
and _____________will be the __________stage of the whole history of ____________________.

6th WE SHOULD LOVE ISRAEL: A) God _____________________to bless us, if we to bless.

B) We pray for peace of Israel and we will be ____________________________. C) God looks
at this ______________________. D) Because it is the Lord's ___________________________.
P. 12
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 1/20.





1st THE BEGINNING OF HISTORY: After the seventh generation the people turned away
from God's ways. So it pleased God to destroy the entire human race by the
waters of the Flood. God made a covenant with Noah and his family and saved them by
an ark . God expected that the Noah's descendants generations believe in Him
and walk in His ways; But the people continued moving away from God .

2nd THE BEGINNING OF THE NATION OF ISRAEL: God called Abraham, he pulled it out of
his land and his brought kinsfolk and brought to Canaan (land of Israel). He made a cov-
enant with Abraham and promised to raise a nation of his descendants, to be the people
of God , through which God would be known in all the nations of the Earth. Abra-
ham begat Isaac and Isaac begat Jacob. And Jacob begat 12 sons that gave rise to the
12 tribes which formed the nation of Israel . All the study of Eschatology begins with the
nation of Israel . This has been the country of the Bible and the Savior of the world.

3rd WHO ARE THE ISRAELITES: God changed Jacob's name to Israel, because Jacob struggled/wres-
tled with God. Thus, the Israelites are descendents of Abraham -Isaac –Jacob (=Israel)-Israelites.

4th ARABS HATE JEWS: A) The hatred began when Ishmael, son of the slave Hagar and
Abraham, began to make fun of Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah his legitimate wife.
B) But Esau despised the birthright and sold it to Jacob for one bowl of lentils.
C) They always wished to eliminate the Jews. D) God will punish them.

this Jewish people, although they had left him. All divine plans will be ful-
filled, and Israel will be the final stage of the whole history of mankind .

6th WE SHOULD LOVE ISRAEL: A) God promise to bless us, if we to bless.

B) We pray for peace of Israel and we will be blessed .
C) God looks at this land . D) Because it is the Lord's abode .

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 2/20.
INTRODUCTION: In the previous study, we observed how God had created the nation of Israel, divided the
Jewish people and promised him many blessings. But as they did not obey and repeatedly they violated the Cove-
nant of Sinai, the weight of God's hand was felt by the dispersions. We Will study: Because the Jews were dis-
persed, the three dispersions, the return from Babylon, and the return of all the nations on earth.

A) Because they have forsaken the Lord (Judges 3.7; termined that would be outcasts, and this happened 3
times, also promised would bring them back and, indeed,
16.10-13). B) Because they have became idolatrous
this happened. Those who went to the Assyrian captivity
(Jeremiah 22.8-9; Deuteronomy 31.16-18). in the first dispersion, hardly anyone returned; there is no
C) Because they did not obey the statutes (Jeremiah return record these. But those who went to Babylon, in
32.22-23). D) Because they rejected Jesus (Matthew the second dispersion, they returned in large numbers.
27.22-25). That was the third and final dispersion. (Read at home, Ezra and Nehemiah). After seventy years
E) They chose evil rather than good (Deut 30.15-20). are accomplished for Babylon (Jeremiah 29.10), in the
year 536 B.C., King Cyrus received divine order to return
the Jews to Jerusalem. Then It was announced: The Jews
returned to their homeland and rebuild the Temple of the
A) THE FIRST DISPERSION: After the reign of Sol- Living God. The Kingdom of Judah was restoured in its
omon, the Nation of Israel was divided into two king- entirety by the year 70 of our age. In three group they re-
doms: the Northern Kingdom, with its capital in Sa- turned to Canaan. Under the leadership of three leaders
maria, and the Southern Kingdom (called Judah), with and three different tasks.
its capital in Jerusalem. The great suffering of the
northern kingdom of Israel began between 725 and 722 A) FIRST GROUP: In the 536 B. C., under the leader-
B.C., when all the people were taken captive by the ship of Zerubbabel, the first exiles came back to build
Imperio of Assyrian, and disappeared almost all (1 Kgs the new temple. After many struggles and a period of
11.11-13; 12.19-20; 2 Kgs 17.12-23 e vs. 5 e 6). interruption, was completed after 20 years, in 516 B. C.
(Ezra 1.1-6; 2.1-2; 4.23-24; 6.1-3, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16).
B) THE SECOND DISPERSION: From 605 to 586 B) SECOND GROUP: In the 458 B. C., under the
B.C., the Southern Kingdom of Israel suffered re- leadership of Ezra; skilled priest and a scribe of the
peated invasions of the Babylonians. In each inva- law of the God who took care of the spiritual resto-
sion, many were killed and many taken captive to ration of the people (Ezra 7.6-10; 8.1).
Babylon. The greatest suffering occurred in 586 B.C
C) THIRD GROUP: In 445 B. C., Under the direc-
when the Temple was destroyed, the city of Jerusalem
tion of Nehemiah, who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem
burned with fire, and the people taken into captivity.
and took care of the safety of the people and the
The 70 years in Babylonian captivity prophesied by
building of the city. After this return in 3 groups,
Jeremiah (Jr 29.10) are counted since the destruction
Israel was restored in government, by the year 70 A.
of Solomon's Temple by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C.,
D., when again they were dispersed by the four cor-
until the reconstruction of the new temple in 516 A.C.
ners of the world (as we saw above), because they re-
This exile was softer than the Assyrian captivity.
jected the Lord Jesus (Nehemiah 1.1; 2.4-11).
Many people returned and the Kingdom of Judah
was restored so there it appeared the Savior (Deut 4th THE RETURN OF ALL THE NATIONS: After the
29.24-28; Is 39.6; Jer 22.25-26; 25.6-11). second world war, in which about 6 million Jews perished
(the so called Holocaust), God moved the leaders of
C) THE THIRD DISPERSION: This was the last and Earth's major nations to set up the "United Nations'
long-suffering. All the people of Israel were exiled and (UN). The hand of God has moved in favor of the Jews,
scattered to the four corners of the earth. Israel was and the leaders of "UN" approved in 1947, to partition
Palestine into two parts: one part for the Jews and the
under the yoke of the Roman Empire. In 70 A.D., the
other party to the Palestinians. From May 1948, the Jews
Roman army, under the command of General Tito,
scattered in all nations were allowed to return to their
burned, destroyed and razed Jerusalem completely, land and establish the nation of Israel. Thus, it began in
they killing millions of Jews, and many of them 1948 the return of the Jews from the four corners of the
spreaded at the four corners of the earth. The "disper- earth, when it was reorganized the State of Israel. The re-
sions" were the means used by God to correct Israel of turn will only be completed after the Battle of Armaged-
their idolatry, and punish him mainly by the rejection don and the Great Tribulation, so that, in the Millennium,
to Lord Jesus. That third dispersion, which began in all Jews will be in Israel to worship the King Jesus. you
70 A.D., only ended in 1948 when the Jews began to re- should Pay attention at this prophecies that follow and ob-
turn (Deut 28.64-68; Jer 24.9-10; Luke 21.20-24). serving when the things should begin to be fulfilled.
(Practical Eschatology) - See the next page ►
Continuation of 2nd Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 14
A) The Jews already have their flag (nation). They current restoration of the State of Israel is one of the most ex-
are coming from the East and West. They are restor- traordinary power of affirmations of God's Word. The ful-
ing the waste places (Isaiah 11.12; 43.5-6; 61.4). fillment of the historic promise that announced the return of
the Jewish people to the land of their fathers, can be consid-
B) The Jews returned in large numbers and are very ered as the countdown to the rapture of the Church, for the
rich. They will possess the borders of the land and it war of Armageddon, the Great Tribulation and the second
will never be uprooted (Jer 23.3; 24.6; 31.17; 32.37). coming of Christ with his Millennial Reign. Just as the ad-
vent of the Savior signaled the dawn of the most holy and pro-
C) The Lord has already brought them back making found reform that human history records, so the return of the
fulfill all His Word (Ezekiel 36.22-24; 37.21; Dan 10.14; Jews to Israel has marked the alert tone for the Lord's people
Jeremiah 30.24; Isaiah 34.16-17). Note: Note that the to be vigilant, to Rapture doors. (Maranatha). Amen.
CONCLUSION: The Jews were dispersed because they did not obey the statutes. The 1st dispersion it were taken cap-
tive to the Assyrian; The 2nd dispersion it were taken captive Babylonian; The 3rd dispersion it were taken to the four
corners of the earth. Of those who went to Assyria almost no one returned. But God promised to bring back those who
went to Babylon and also those who went to all the nations of the earth and faithfully fulfilled His Word.
Answer the evaluation below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on every item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker who, after checking, will return it to you with your grade.
The next study will be 3nd about: THE SEVENTY WEEKS OF DANIEL. DO NOT MISS.

NAME: _________________________________________SPEAKER ___________________________________

1st BECAUSE THE JEWS WERE DISPERSED: A) Because they have forsaken to the ____________.
B) Because they have became ____________________. C) Because they did not obey to the __________________.
D) Because they rejected __________________________. E) They chose ______________________ rather than good.

ing of the _______________________kingdom of Israel began between 725 and 722 B.C., when all the people
were taken __________________by the Empire of_____________________, and disappeared almost all ______________.
B) THE SECOND DISPERSION: From 605 to 586 B.C., the Southern Kingdom of Israel_________________
repeated invasions of the Babylonians. The greatest suffering occurred in 586 B.C when the Temple
was destroyed, the city of Jerusalem_________________with fire, and the people taken into____________________.
Many returned and the Kingdom of Judah was restored for the ________________________________ to arise.

C) THE THIRD DISPERSION: In 70 A. D., the Roman army, under the command of General
Tito, burned, _____________________________________ and razed Jerusalem completely, they killing millions of
________________________________ , and many of them spreader at the four ___________________________ of the earth.

3rd THE RETURN FROM BALYLON: As the Lord determined that __________________________ outcasts,
and this happened 3 times, also promised _________________________________ them back and, indeed, this
happened. The Kingdom of Judah was _________________________________________ in its entirety by the year
70 of _______________________ age. In three group they __________________________________________ to Canaan.
A) FIRST GROUP: In the 536 B. C., under the leadership of ______________________________________, the
first ______________________________________ came back to build the new __________________________________________.
B) SECOND GROUP: In the 458 B. C., under the leadership of _____________________; skilled priest and a
scribe of the _______________ of the God who took care of the ________________________restoration of the people.
C) THIRD GROUP: In 445 BC., Under the direction of _____________________________ who rebuilt the
_____________of Jerusalem and took care of the safety of the _____________________ and the building of the city.

4th THE RETURN OF ALL THE NATIONS: The hand of God has moved ________favor of the Jews,
and the leaders of "UN" approved in 1947, to partition Palestine into ____________parts: one part for the
__________and the other party to the _____________________, from_________, 1948. The Jews scattered in all na-
tions were allowed to return to their land and establish the nation of Israel. Thus, it began in __________ the _

return of the Jews from the four______________of the earth, when it was reorganized the State of _________.
P. 15
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 2/20.




1st BECAUSE THE JEWS WERE DISPERSED: A Because they have forsaken the Lord .
B) Because they have became idolatrous . C) Because they did not obey the statutes .
D) Because they rejected Jesus . E) They chose evil rather than good .
ing of the northern kingdom of Israel began between 725 and 722 B.C., when all the people
were taken captive by the Empire of Assyrian , and disappeared almost all .

B) THE SECOND DISPERSION: From 605 to 586 B.C., the Southern Kingdom of Israel suffered
repeated invasions of the Babylonians. The greatest suffering occurred in 586 B.C when the Temple
was destroyed, the city of Jerusalem burned with fire, and the people taken into captivity.
Many returned and the Kingdom of Judah was restored for the Savior to arise.
C) THE THIRD DISPERSION: In 70 A.D., the Roman army, under the command of General
Tito, burned, destroyed and razed Jerusalem completely, they killing millions of
Jews , and many of them spreader at the four corners of the earth.

3rd THE RETURN FROM BALYLON: As the Lord determined that would be outcasts,
and this happened 3 times, also promised would bring them back and, indeed, this
happened. The Kingdom of Judah was retoured in its entirety by the year
70 of our age. In three group they returned to Canaan.

A) FIRST GROUP: In the 536 B. C., under the leadership of Zerubbabel , the
first exiles came back to build the new Temple .

B) SECOND GROUP: In the 458 B. C., under the leadership of Ezra ; skilled priest and a
scribe of the law of the God who took care of the spiritual restoration of the people.

C) THIRD GROUP: In 445 B. C., Under the direction of Nehemiah who rebuilt the
walls of Jerusalem and took care of the safety of the people and the building of the city.
4th THE RETURN OF ALL THE NATIONS: The hand of God has moved in favor of the Jews,
and the leaders of "UN" approved in 1947, to partition Palestine into two parts: one part for the
Jews and the other party to the Palestinians , from May 1948. The Jews scattered in all na-
tions were allowed to return to their land and establish the nation of Israel. Thus, it began in 1948 the
return of the Jews from the four corners of the earth, when it was reorganized the State of Srael .
P. 16
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 03/20.
INTRODUCTION: The seventy weeks of Daniel are the revelation God has given us, for the purpose of
understand how is the clock of God to humanity and the fulfillment of God's plan throughout the ages, as
the biblical prophecies. We will study today: the characteristics and interpretation of the seventy weeks of
Daniel; the three periods that divide; the first two periods that have already been fulfilled; the third period
that was not yet fulfilled; and how this involves the Church of Jesus Christ.

1st THE FEATURES OF THE 70 WEEKS: Let's long-suffering of God's time to reach all the Earth na-
read Daniel's book 9.23-27. The 70 weeks of Daniel are tions with salvation in Jesus Christ. Exactly there are
interpreted as prophetic weeks. These are days of 2.000 years since the birth of Jesus Christ (Luke
years. Each day = one year (Lev 25.8; Numbers 21.20-24; Acts 10.45; Romans 11.25; Ephesians 3.6).
14.34; Ezekiel 4.6-7). One week = 7 days = 7 years x So, we are in the interregnum or time of the fullness
70 = 490 years. So, the 70 weeks corresponds to 490 of grace, the interval from the fulfillment of the sixty-
years. They have been calculated for the fulfillment of ninth week (69th) and the beginning of the seventieth
the events and they are divided into three periods: week (70th). However, the beginning of the seventieth
A) 1st period = 7 weeks x 7 days of years = 49 years.
week of Daniel, the last of the seventy = 7 years, will
start soon (Dan 9.27; 7.7; Rev 17.12). It will begin
B) 2nd period = 62 weeks x 7 days of years = 434 years. with the antichrist making a covenant with ten na-
C) 3rd period = 1 week x 7 days of years = 7 years. tions. These are the seven years of the Great Tribula-
tion, when it will comply with the Rapture of the
2nd THE FIRST PERIOD WAS ALREADY FULFILLED: Church and all the plagues recorded in Revelation.
The 1st period of 7 weeks = 49 years. He began This it will be the subject of our next study.
with the issuing of the decree to restore and build Je- The interpretation of the 70 weeks of Daniel. Espe-
rusalem. This order was given in the twentieth year cially the last week, it is the starting point for what we
of Artaxerxes the king who reigned in Babylon in 465 understand when is the Rapture of the Church, the
B.C. So, this order was given by King Artaxerxes in Great Tribulation, and other things that it will hap-
445 B.C. This first period of 7 weeks = 49 years, pen until the end of the world. According to order
which began in 445 B.C., it was fulfilled with the that we have listed in the following section.
completion of the restoration and building of Jerusa-
lem in 396 B.C. Thus, the first period "began in 445 5th THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS:
B.C. and finished in the 396 B.C. "For the 445 B.C. The Eschatological events must happen in the or-
less 49 years = 396 B.C. (Nehemiah 2.1-8; Dan 9.25). der of the next seven points:
3rd THE SECOND PERIOD WAS ALREADY FULFILLED: I – Signing of the treaty or alliance of antichrist
The 2nd period of 62 weeks = 434 years. He began with 10 nations. Starting the last week that are 7
in 396 B.C. and finished in 33 A. D. it is counted from years called "The Great Tribulation".
the end of the restoration and building the city of Jeru-
II – The Full manifestation of the antichrist through
salem in 396 B.C., until the Ascension of Jesus to Heav-
en in 33 A. D. It is Adding: 396 B. C. more 33 A. D. = the 7 years, and the Rapture of the Church.
429 years. The 2nd period has 434 years. It is Missing III – The judgments of the Great Tribulation with the
here 4 to 5 years to complete. This difference arose be- seals, the trumpets, the bowls, the war of Armaged-
cause of changes made in the Christian calendar by the don etc.. In the second year, of the three a half years.
Roman Empire, when they accepted Christianity as the It is the wrath of God against all unbelief of men.
official religion of the Empire. By calculating the
years, also 62 weeks = 434 years it have been fulfilled IV – the second coming of Christ is called Revela-
(Dan 9.25-26). The total of the two periods, which have tion, and it will be to defeat the antichrist and all
already been fulfilled, complete 483 years. 49 + 434 = their armies, to arrest Satan in the Abyss for a
483 years, and that means 69 weeks. thousand years, and finish the Great Tribulation
also. Jesus will came back to give victory to the
4th THE THIRD PERIOD WASN'T FULFILLED: Nation of Israel, carry out judgment on the nations
The 3rd period of one week = 7 years is not fulfilled and implement the Millennium of peace.
yet. In Daniel 9.26-27 we observe a gap between the
two verses. It is the time of the fullness of grace and V – The period of Millennium (a thousand years), it
the dispensation of the Church (John 1.16), also it will be when we will reign with Christ on earth.
called "the times of the Gentiles", that is, the And we will be glorified bodies, equal to the Angels.
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 03rd Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 17
VI – The liberation of Satan after the millennium, and Earth, the creation of new heavens and new earth
raising the nations at war against Israel. But all without sin, the new heavenly Jerusalem pure and ho-
these armies will be destroyed with fire from heaven. ly where we will inhabits, and endless eternity.
Amen. All these issues will be studied with details
VII – The Last Judgment, the destruction of Heaven during this course.
CONCLUSION: The seventy weeks of Daniel are prophetic. Each day = one year. One week = 7 days = 7
years X 70 = 490 years. They are divided into three periods: 1st period = 7 weeks X 7 days of years = 49 years,
that was fulfilled with the completion of the restoration and building of Jerusalem in 396 B. C. 2nd period = 62
weeks X 7 days of years = 434 years; also it is already fulfilled with the Lord's Ascension into heaven in 33 A.D.
The 3rd period = 7 years which is the last of the seventy weeks of Daniel, it wasn't fulfilled yet, but should begin
soon, with the antichrist is making alliance with 10 nations. Because we are still in the time fullness of Grace.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence
order. Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The
next study will be 04th on: THE LAST WEEK OF DANIEL. DO NOT MISS IT.

NAME: _________________________________________SPEAKER ____________________
1st THE FEATURES OF THE 70 WEEKS: The 70 weeks of Daniel are interpreted as ___________.
weeks. These are days of years. Each day = one ______________. One week = 7 days = 7 years x
70 = 490 ______________. So, the 70 weeks corresponds to ______________ years. A) 1st period
= 7 weeks x 7 days of years = __________________ years. B) 2nd period = 62 weeks x 7 days of
years = _______________years. C) 3rd period = 1 week x 7 days of years = 7 __________________.

2nd THE FIRST PERIOD WAS ALREADY FULFILLED: The 1st period of 7 weeks = 49 _________.
He began with the ________________of the decree to restore and _________________ Jerusalem.
So, this order was ________________ by King Artaxerxes in ___________ B.C. This first period
of 7 weeks = 49 _______________, which began in 445 B.C., it was fulfilled with the
_______________ of the restoration and _________________ of Jerusalem in_____________ B.C.
3rd THE SECOND PERIOD WAS ALREADY FULFILLED: The 2nd period of 62 weeks =
_________years. He began in __________B. C. and finished in ________ A. D. it is counted from
the end of the ____________________and building the _____________of Jerusalem in _________
B.C., until the Ascension of the Lord _____________________to Heaven in _____________ A. D..
4th THE THIRD PERIOD WASN'T FULFILLED: The 3rd period of one week = 7 years is not
__________________ yet. However, the beginning of the seventieth week of Daniel, the last of the
seventy = 7 years, will start soon. It will begin with the antichrist making a covenant with
_________nations. These are the seven years of the Great ______________________, when it will
comply with the Rapture of the ______________and all the plagues recorded_________ Revelation.
5th THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: The Eschatological events must happen in the order of the next
seven points: I Signing of the treaty or ________________of antichrist with 10 nations. II The Full
manifestation of the _________________through the 7 years, and the Rapture of the Church. III The
judgments of the Great Tribulation with the ______________the trumpets, the bowls, the war of Armaged-
don etc., in seconds 3 and a half years. IV the second coming of Christ is called __________________,
and it will be to defeat the antichrist and all their armies. V The period of Millennium (a thousand
years), it will be when we will reign with Christ _________earth. VI The liberation of Satan after the
millennium, raising the ______________at war against Israel. VII The Last Judgment, the destruction
_______Heaven and Earth, the creation of new _________________and new earth without _______, the
new heavenly Jerusalem pure and ________where we will inhabits, and _____________eternity. Amen.
P. 18
(Practical Eschatology)

3rd STUDY ---

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 3/20.




1st THE FEATURES OF THE 70 WEEKS: The 70 weeks of Daniel are interpreted as
prophetic weeks. These are days of years. Each day = one year . One week = 7 days
= 7 years x 70 = 490 years . So, the 70 weeks corresponds to 490 years.
A) 1 period = 7 weeks x 7 days of years =
49 years. B) 2 period = 62 weeks x 7 days

of years = 434 years. C) 3 period = 1 week x 7 days of years = 7

years .

2nd THE FIRST PERIOD WAS ALREADY FULFILLED: The 1st period of 7 weeks = 49
years . He began with the issuing of the decree to restore and build
Jerusalem. So, this order was given by King Artaxerxes in 445 B.C. This
first period of 7 weeks = 49 years , which began in 445 B. C., it was fulfilled with
the completion of the restoration and building of Jerusalem in 396 B. C. .

3rd THE SECOND PERIOD WAS ALREADY FULFILLED: The 2nd period of 62 weeks
= 434 years. He began in 396 B.C. and finished in 33 A. D. it is
counted from the end of the restoration and building the city of Jerusalem
in 396 B. C., until the Ascension of the Lord Jesus to Heaven in 33 A. D..

4th THE THIRD PERIOD WASN'T FULFILLED: The 3rd period of one week = 7 years is not
fulfilled yet. However, the beginning of the seventieth week of Daniel, the last of the seven-
ty = 7 years, will start soon. It will begin with the antichrist making a covenant with ten
nations. These are the seven years of the Great Tribulation , when it will comply with
the Rapture of the Church and all the plagues recorded in Revelation.

5th THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: The Eschatological events must happen in the order of the
next seven points: I Signing of the treaty or alliance of antichrist with 10 nations.
II The Full manifestation of the antichrist through the 7 years, and the Rapture of
the Church. III The judgments of the Great Tribulation with the seals , the trumpets, the
bowls, the war of Armageddon etc., in seconds 3 and a half years. IV the second coming of Christ
is called Revelation , and it will be to defeat the antichrist and all their armies. V The
period of Millennium (a thousand years), it will be when we will reign with Christ on
earth. VI The liberation of Satan after the millennium, raising the nations at war
against Israel. VII The Last Judgment, the destruction of Heaven and Earth, the creation
of new heavens and new earth without sin , the new heavenly Jerusalem
pure and holy where we will inhabits, and endless eternity. Amen.
P. 19
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 4/20.
INTRODUCTION: We will study: The beginning of the last week and how it will start, signing of the treaty, identifying
the fourth animal, identifying the Babylon, the origin of the antichrist, and the origin of the false prophet.

1st THE BEGINNING OF THE LAST WEEK: In the When the Roman Empire has been undone , it will
previous study we learned that the 69 weeks of Daniel give rise to ten nations. However, until now there was
that have already been fulfilled began in 445 B.C., and no alliance between 10 nations or a single World rul-
they finished 33 A.D., and that the last week, is the 3rd er, not even to be fulfilled anything like what is
period, it has not been fulfilled yet. But this last week throughout the Revelation and Daniel 9.27; 7.16-24;
of Daniel = 7 years will start soon, with an alliance of Rev 17.12-13; 13.1-8 etc. Thus, this wasn't fulfilled
10 nations. This is the period called the Great Tribula- yet. The angel explains to Daniel about the fourth
tion, when it will fulfill the Rapture of the Church, and animal (Dan 2.41; 7.23-24). And it is clear that the
then all the scourges recorded in Revelation. This last fourth animal is the Roman Empire, but how it was
week is divided into two periods of three and a half divided into two kingdoms, and that would come in
each, described in the Bible as 1260 days or 42 months two different times. The second kingdom of this
(Rev 12.6; 13.5). Each half of this week is also repre- fourth animal (the Roman Empire) will be the sum of
sented by a time = one year, two times = two years and the ferocity of the previous 3 animals together (Dan
half a time = six months, that increasing everything 7.2-7; Rev 13.2), and will leave the roots of the ancient
have as result, three and half years (Rev 12.14; Dan Roman Empire. As v. 23 e 24 it says: “The ten
7.25). So, we are still in the time of the fullness of horns are ten kings Who Will rule that empire”.
grace, which began with the coming of Jesus, and will
end when Jesus returns to the Rapture of the Church, 4th IDENTIFYING THE BABYLON: The name Bab-
to the period of 7 years (Jn 1.16). Let us pay attention ylon comes from "Babel" and means rebellion against
the meetings of the G7, how this group should increase God. false religion, idolatry, witchcraft, astrology etc.
to 10 nations, soon and then will be signed the treaty. (Genesis 10.8-10; 11.4-9; Isaiah 47.8-15: Revelation
Observe their decisions and the group's influence in 18.1-8). Although Babylon O. T. was the capital of
the world, and especially over the city of Jerusalem. Iraq, the chapters 17 and 18 of Revelation refers to
Rome as Babylon of the end of time (Rev 17.3-5, 18).
2nd THE TREATY SIGNING: This treaty or alliance We observe that the whole chapter 17 of Revelation
will be signed by the antichrist, which is the "prince" presents the figure of a woman (religion-city), which is
of (Dan 9:27; 7.7-8), and will be signed between the called Whore = Satanic doctrine, and Babylon = confu-
Antichrist and 10 nations a false peace pact. Ps .: sion, was identified with Rome, as well as other reli-
heads, horns, spikes or diadems are kings nations (Rev gions contrary to the Bible around the world. In Rev
17.12; Dan 7.24). A little horn will appear a among 17.3, 7 says this woman is seated on a beast (Antichrist-
the 10 nations, and will bring down 3 of them of this Devil) that leads her. “In Rev 17.11 says: And the
alliance. They will elect a world ruler, who is the Anti- beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth,
christ (1 John 2.18-22; 4.3; 2 John 7), a man in whom it and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.”.
will be incarnated the Satan himself. he will make all This gives us the idea of a great religious and political
the people will marvel and he will deceive all people power, which has influenced all nations of the earth; It
with signs and lying wonders, in the first three and a is as a nation within another, but that is no nation in
half years (Rev 13.3, 7, 8, 14). With the support of the
terms of independent territory. He says it's the eighth
seven nations, the Antichrist will conquer and rule all and at the same time is 7. However, it isn't added to
the nations of the earth for seven years, submitting the seven that will govern, and not any of the 3 leaving
them to the macabre domain of the devil. He will be a the group because she herself is rising to expel 3 na-
World Dictator. His power will be totally evil through tions of the alliance. This Babylon must fulfill the little
the dragon who is Satan (Rev 13.2, 4; 2 Thes 2.9).
horn (Daniel 7.7-8, 11, 20, 23, 24), when the horn away
3 nations alliance (Ap 13.1; 17.3, 7, 12, 18).
amining Daniel 2.27-45; 7.1-28, we see that the four
kings and four animals, are the same four empires
who oppose the nation of Israel. The 1st (as gold and christ expression means one who is against Christ. The
Lion) it was the Babylonian Empire; The 2nd (as sil- antichrist is the first beast that rises from the sea
ver and bear) it was the Medo-Persian Empire; The (meaning the crowds of agitated nations). Therefore, it
3rd (as copper and Leopard) it was the Greek Empire; will come of religious and political manifestation of
and the fourth animal (as iron and clay, dreadful and crowds of people, and the roots of the ancient Roman
terrible with 10 horns) it is the Roman Empire. Empire. And with spiritual power that rises from the
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 4th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 20
"abyss-Hell" (Rev. 11.7). In Revelation 13.3, 12 says 6th AND THE ORIGIN OF THE FALSE PROPHET:
that one of his heads was mortally wounded, but his The false prophet is the second beast rising from the
deadly wound was healed. Many opinions have earth, which must be "deep-Hell" (Rev. 11.7). And
emerged about who will be. We believe it is not a per- at the same time will leave strong religion that exerts
son, but the Roman Empire it was over, but that will great control both religious and political over the
rise completely different, because its spiritual and po- nations. The false prophet will be a religious leader
litical influence in the world remain and will continue and a political leader the Antichrist; They should be
through Babylon Roman, until that it finished the 7 both Jews of any nation, and the two will come out
years and the Great Tribulation (Rev 17.1-3, 18). The the same medium; this is, of the Babylon, Rev. 17.
roots of the Roman Empire are with the Babylon, and The Devil will rise the false prophet, who will de-
it will make to raise the Roman Empire with alliance of ceive the crowds with false miracles. Forcing them
10 nations, it is raising the antichrist, and soon she will to worship to the Antichrist as God (Revelation
split 3 nations of the alliance, as explained in the fourth 13.11-18; 17.1-6). P.s.: We respect all those
item on (Rev. 17:11), and we deduce from all chapter who believe differently from us.
17 in Revelation and Daniel 7.7-8, 11, 20, 24.
CONCLUSION: We still live in the fullness of grace, that will end with the Rapture of the Church. The last week of
Daniel will start soon, with an alliance of 10 nations and is divided it into two periods of three and a half years each.
Then, it will fulfill the second kingdom of fourth animal, which is the antichrist-Roman Empire; as well as what is said
about Babylon in Revelation. The Antichrist will apear before manifestation of religious and crowds of policy, and will
be helped by the false prophet this strong religion. The Antichrist will rule the world for 7 years. Read the Bible. Amen.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The next study will be

NAME: _________________________________________SPEAKER ____________________
1st THE BEGINNING OF THE LAST WEEK: But this last week of Daniel = 7 years will start soon,
with an0 ___________________of 10 nations. This last week is divided into two periods of three and a
______________each, described in the Bible as 1260 ______________ or 42 months. Each half of this
week is also represented by _________________time = one year, two times = two years and half a time
= six months, that increasing _________________have as result, three and half years. So, we are still
in the time of the fullness of _________________, which began with the coming of Jesus, and will end
when Jesus returns ___________________________ the Rapture of the Church, to the period of 7 years.
2nd THE TREATY SIGNING: They will elect a world ruler, who is the _______________, a man in
whom it will be incarnated the Satan______________ he will make all the people will marvel and he
will deceive all people with____________and lying wonders, in the first three and a__________ years.
3rd IDENTIFYING THE FOURTH ANIMAL: And it is clear that the fourth animal is the Roman
Empire, but_______________ it was divided into two kingdoms, and that would come in two different
___________. The second kingdom of this fourth animal (the Roman Empire) will be the __________ of
the ferocity of the previous 3 animals_________, and will leave the roots of the________ Roman Empire.

4th IDENTIFYING THE BABYLON: The name Babylon comes from _______________ and means
rebellion against __________________. Although Babylon O. T. was the capital of Iraq, the chapters
17 and 18 of Revelation refers to _________________ as Babylon of the ___________________ of time.

5th THE ORIGIN OF THE ANTICHRIST: Therefore, it will come of religious and political manifes-
tation of crowds of _________________, and the roots of the ______________________Roman Empire.

6th AND THE ORIGIN OF THE FALSE PROPHET: And at the same time _____________ strong
religion that exerts great control both ________________ and political over the nations. The Devil
will rise the false _______________, who will deceive the crowds with ________________ miracles.
P. 21
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 4/20.





1st THE BEGINNING OF THE LAST WEEK: But this last week of Daniel = 7 years will start
soon, with an alliance of 10 nations. This last week is divided into two periods of three
and a half each, described in the Bible as 1260 days or 42 months. Each half
of this week is also represented by a time = one year, two times = two years and half a time
= six months, that increasing everything have as result, three and half years. So,
we are still in the time of the fullness of grace , which began with the coming of Jesus,
and will end when Jesus return to the Rapture of the Church, to the period of 7 years.

2nd THE TREATY SIGNING: They will elect a world ruler, who is the Antichrist , a man in
whom it will be incarnated the Satan himself . he will make all the people will marvel and he
will deceive all people with signs and lying wonders, in the first three and a half years.

3rd IDENTIFYING THE FOURTH ANIMAL: And it is clear that the fourth animal is the Roman Em-
pire, but how it was divided into two kingdoms, and that would come in two different times.
The second kingdom of this fourth animal (the Roman Empire) will be the sum of the ferocity of
the previous 3 animals together , and will leave the roots of the ancient Roman Empire.

4th IDENTIFYING THE BABYLON: The name Babylon comes from "Babel" and
means rebellion against God . Although Babylon O. T. was the capital of Iraq, the chapters
17 and 18 of Revelation refers to Rome as Babylon of the end of time.

5th THE ORIGIN OF THE ANTICHRIST: Therefore, it will come of religious and political manifes-
tation of crowds of people , and the roots of the ancient Roman Empire.

6th AND THE ORIGIN OF THE FALSE PROPHET: And at the same time will leave
strong religion that exerts great control both religious and political over the nations. The
Devil will rise the false prophet, who will deceive the crowds with false miracles.
P. 22
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 5/20.
INTRODUCTION: We have seen in previous studies, that the last week of Daniel are the seven years
of the Great Tribulation, and it will start soon with the signing of a treaty or covenant between the
Antichrist and 10 nations. We will study: The three characters of the last week, the Devil characteris-
tics, antichrist characteristics, and characteristics of the false prophet.

1st THE CHARACTERS OF THE PAST WEEK: sin and with the lying. Thus, the devil deceives the
We remember that we are still in the time of the whole world when speaketh a lie, he speaketh of
fullness of grace, which began with the end of the 69 his own: for he is a liar, and the father of lies (John
weeks, when Jesus ascended to heaven (John 1.16; 8.44; Revelation 12.9; 13.14; 19.20; 20.3, 8, 10).
Daniel 9.25-26), and it will end when Jesus returns
to the Rapture of the Church. The characters of the 3rd THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ANTI-
past week are three: The Devil, the Antichrist who CHRIST: The antichrist is the first beast that ris-
is the first beast; and the false prophet who is the es from the sea (Revelation 13.1; Daniel 7.3). It
second beast (Rev 13.1-18). The Devil wished and is the destroyer of Daniel 9:27; It is the abomina-
tried to sit on the throne of God in heaven, and so tion of desolation in Matthew 24:15; He is the
was thrown out of his duties. But in the Great man of sin, the son of perdition and the unright-
Tribulation period he will sit on the Temple of God eous 2 Thessalonians 2.3-10. After the signing of
on earth, in Jerusalem. The Devil wants is God and the Treaty, the Antichrist will rule the world with
tries to imitate Him; the Antichrist will try to imi- a powerful government, miraculous, but with ly-
tate Christ, and the false prophet will try to imitate ing wonders (2 Thessalonians 2.9, 4). The whole
the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 14.13-14; Ezekiel 28.2; earth marveled at it until the middle of the week,
2 Thessalonians 2.3-4). It is the trio of evil wanting which are the first 3 years and a half (Revelation
to imitate the Trinity of God. All this it will achieve 13.3, 7, 8). Satan will give you all the power, who
the greatest climax, after the second of three years he offered to Christ (Matthew 4.8-11; Rev 13.2,
and a half, then 7 years of the Great Tribulation. 4; 2 Thessalonians 2.9). He will gatherall the fe-
rocity of the beasts seen by Daniel (Daniel 7.4-7;
2nd THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DEVIL: Rev 13.2). It will be helped by the second beast,
In Ezekiel 28.13-15 talks about the primitive con- who is the false prophet (Revelation 13.11-18).
dition of the devil, whose name was Lucifer, which The Antichrist will be a World Dictator (Revela-
means "the enlightened". The book explains that tion 13.7-8, 12). His strength and farce are repre-
he was an anointed Cherub, perfect and into him sented by the white horse (Revelation 6.1-2), try-
had the music (before the rebellion). However, it is ing to imitate the Knight (Revelation 19.11-16),
examining Ezekiel 28.15-19; vs. 2 a 10; Isaiah which is Jesus. We observe that the opening of
14.11-20; Luke 10.18; 2 Thessalonians 2.3-4; the seals, in the chapter 6 of Revelation, which is
Revelation 12.3-4, we see that Lucifer wanted to be made by Christ. And the same thing happens to
equal with God (take the place of God), rebelled the opening of the first 4 seals, it will be God's
against Him, and, in heaven, he attracted to his re- permission releasing the satanic forces that were
bellion a third of the angels of God. We believe prey to punish the whole human race because
that this rebellion occurred before Foundation of they were rebellious toward the Gospel of Jesus
World and the Human creation (Ephesians 1.4; Christ (Jude 6). In Revelation 6.2 only says, that
Rev 13.8). So, Lucifer and the angels who followed the Knight of the white horse emerged victorious
him were all cursed by God and expelled from his and to win; that is, for a short time, Satan will do
duties in heaven. They became bad, taking pleas- only what God will allow him do. Already in
ure only to do badness against men and against Revelation 19.11-16 identifies perfectly, the rider
God. Under Lucifer's command came all to act of the white horse is the Lord Jesus when he says:
against the men on the face of the whole earth. He He is Faithful and True, judges and makes war
deceived Eve and led Adam to sin against God, with justice, he wore a robe dipped in blood, and
causing so much misery in the whole human race, is called to the Word of God. And out of his
in all time, and until to the end of the world. Luci- mouth goeth a sharp sword to strike down the na-
fer came to be called Devil, Satan, dragon, old ser- tions, and He will rule them with an iron rod.
pent, adversary, enemy, accuser, misleading etc. And He will tread the winepress of the fierceness
The angels, who followed him are called demons. and wine of Almighty God's wrath. He is the
The main one weapon is to seduce people into to King of kings and Lord of lords.
(Practical Eschatology) - See the next page ►
Continuation of 5th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 23
4thTHE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FALSE He will Exert a hellish policy; will act in the world
PROPHET: The false prophet is the second beast ris- economic power; he will produce the greatest hunger
ing from the earth (Revelation 13.11-18). He will in all the earth; he will force humanity to have a
have a beastly brute force, and he will receive abso- mark on their right hand or forehead: the name or
lute power of first beast, v.12. It will be simulated, a the number the beast that is 666. And that means
beast with two horns up a lamb; It seems to be tame, blasphemy, and that he is God. So that no man
but it is a beast. it will have a dominant voice and will might buy or sell, save he that have the mark of the
deceive the nations. With false mystically supernatu- beast. He should create a single currency and a single
ral signs. Exercise religious interference; it will do a bank in the world (Rev. 13.16-18; 6.5-8). Require to-
image the first beast putting it a spirit (demon) who tal submission to the first beast. he will have power
will speak how he was the image; he will deceive all over the believers who is staying here and those who
people, forcing them worship the Antichrist and his was converted during the Great Tribulation (Revela-
image, and will kill those who do not did (v. 11-15). tion 6.9-11; 7.9, 13, 14, 15; 13.7, 15; 2 Thes 2.4, 8).
CONCLUSION: We are still in the time of Grace fullness. The characters of the last week will be the devil,
the antichrist and the false prophet. The devil rebelled against God, and attracted to his rebellion a third of
God's angels, they are demons. Were all cursed and driven out of their duties. The Devil will imitate God.
The Antichrist will imitate Christ and the false prophet will imitate the Holy Spirit. It is the trio of evil. The
Antichrist will be a World Dictator will be very fierce and will be helped by the false prophet who will be a
simulated misleading. Have supernatural satanic mystical powers, political, economic and religious. he will
Produce the greatest hunger throughout the land. he will Force all people to submit to the antichrist, have
their sign and worship him. He will Persecute and kill Christians. All this by the power of the devil.
Note: Don't worry about what just study because we, at this time, we'll be in heaven.
Answer the evaluation below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on every item in the sequence
order. Return this sheet to your speaker who, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. Make
your notes behind. The next study will be 06th on: THE EVENTS OF LAST WEEK. DO NOT MISS IT.

NAME: _________________________________________SPEAKER ____________________
1st CHARACTERS OF THE LAST WEEK: Now, the devil wished and ___________to sit on the
throne of God in heaven, and so he was expelled from __________duties. But in the period of the
Great tribulation he ___________settle down in the Temple of God on ________________in Jerusalem.
The devil _____________to look like God and will try to ________________God; The Antichrist will
try to _______________ Christ, and the false prophet will try to __________________the Holy Spirit.
2nd THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DEVIL: So, Lucifer and the angels ______________ followed
him were all cursed by God and expelled from ______________________ duties in heaven. They became
bad, taking pleasure only to do _________________________against men and against God. Under Lucifer's
command came all _______________________ against the men on the face of the ______________________ earth.
The main one ________________________ is to seduce people into ________________________ and with the lying.
3rd THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ANTICHRIST: The antichrist is the first beast
_______________________ rises from the sea. After the signing of the Treaty, the Antichrist will rule the
__________________with a powerful government, ___________________, but with __________________wonders.
The whole earth marveled at it until the ____________________________ of the week, which are the first 3
____________________ and a half. Satan _____________________ you all the power, who he ____________________ to
Christ. He will gather _________________________the ferocity of the beasts seen by _________________________.
4th THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FALSE PROPHET: The false prophet is the second beast
rising from the ________________________. He will have a beastly brute force, and he will receive absolute
________________________of first beast. It will be simulated, a beast with two ________________________ a lamb;
It seems to be tame, but it is a_______________________. it will have a dominant voice and will deceive the
________________. He will Exert a ____________________policy; will act in the _________________ economic power;
he will produce the greatest hunger in all the ___________________; he will force humanity to have a mark
on their ______________________ hand or forehead: the name or the number the ___________________that is 666.
So that no man might buy or ______________________, save he that ____________________ the mark of the beast.
P. 24
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 5/20.





1st CHARACTERS OF THE LAST WEEK: Now, the devil wished and tried to sit on the
throne of God in heaven, and so he was expelled from his duties. But in the period of the
Great tribulation he will settle down in the Temple of God on Earth in Jerusalem.
The devil wants to look like God and will try to imitate God; The Antichrist will
try to imitate Christ, and the false prophet will try to imitate the Holy Spirit.

2nd THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DEVIL: So, Lucifer and the angels who followed
him were all cursed by God and expelled from his duties in heaven. They became bad,
taking pleasure only to do badness against men and against God. Under Lucifer's
command came all to act against the men on the face of the whole earth.
The main one weapon is to seduce people into to sin and with the lying.

3rd THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ANTICHRIST: The antichrist is the first beast that
rises from the sea After the signing of the Treaty, the Antichrist will rule the world with
a powerful government, miraculous , but with lying wonders. The
whole earth marveled at it until the middle of the week, which are the first 3
years and a half. Satan will give you all the power, who he offered to
Christ. He will gather all the ferocity of the beasts seen by Daniel .

4th THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FALSE PROPHET: The false prophet is the second beast
rising from the earth . He will have a beastly brute force, and he will receive absolute
power of first beast. It will be simulated, a beast with two horns up a lamb;
It seems to be tame, but it is a beast. it will have a dominant voice and will deceive the
nations . He will Exert a hellish policy; will act in the world economic
power; he will produce the greatest hunger in all the earth ; he will force humanity to have
a mark on their right hand or forehead: the name or the number the beast that is 666.
So that no man might buy or sell , save he that have th e mark of the beast.
P. 25
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 6/20.
INTRODUCTION: what it will happen in the first half of the 7 years: Alliance of 10 nations, building the
Temple of God, and the preaching of the two witnesses. What will happen in the second half of the seven
years: The Rapture of the Church, three Angels preach the Gospel, and other events.

1st WHAT IT WILL HAPPEN IN THE FIRST HALF two religions: the Babylonian and Jewish worship; and
OF THE 7 YEARS: We know that the last week of will chase all others. So, it will be difficult to preach the
Daniel was not yet fulfilled, but it will soon, and which Gospel. At this point, God will raise the two witnesses
are the seven years of the Great Tribulation. After the with special powers, and all the world's people will
signing of the treaty, the Antichrist will establish his hear the Gospel of Christ (believe it or not), so that the
throne in Rome and take the World power. Will tell judgment of God is manifest on Earth (Rev 11.1-10).
the world that he is the Christ of God, and that he The two witnesses will prophesy (will preach the Gos-
came back, and that will solve all the problems of men. pel) for 1260 days, starting just after being restored the
The antichrist will surprise and deceive the whole Jewish Worship, during the 1st, of three and half years
world with his prodigious domain, and almost all will and is ending after the 1260 days, when to start the
believe in him. It will make a covenant of peace (false) second year. They will Warning to the Jews that the
between Jews and all his enemies, and restore the Jew- Messiah of Israel is the Lord Jesus; and in whom they
ish Worship. The Antichrist will deceive even the Jews are believing, is the Devil (Rev. 11.3). They will tell,
themselves with a false peace. Then, during the first 3 that the Jews are being deceived, because of the false
and a half years, the Jews will believe that the Anti- covenant of peace that the antichrist conducted with
christ is the Messiah promised in O.T.. The Antichrist them at the building of the Temple. The two witnesses
would be a Jew of any nation on earth, therefore the will also preach from Jerusalem to all the nations of the
Jews will believe it. The Lord Jesus said about it: earth, announcing that the Antichrist is deceiving all
“I have come in my Father's name, and you do not re- peoples of the world (Rev. 11.7-10; Matt 24:15). So,
ceive me. If another comes in his own name, you will the Antichrist will raise his cruel persecution against
receive him. (John 5.43; 2 Thes 2.9; Matthew 24.24)”. these two preachers for 1260 days; but they will resist
with God's power. They will have power similar to that
2nd BUILDING THE TEMPLE OF GOD: The Temple of Elijah and Moses (Rev 11.5-6; 1 Kings 17.1; Ex
of God will be built in Zion, on Mount Moriah in Jeru- 7.19-21). They are normal people, and will be killed af-
salem, in the same place where once stood the Temple ter the 1260 days (Rev 11.7-10). And after three days
of Solomon, the new Temple exceed in glory Solomon's and a half, will rise and will go up to heaven in a cloud
(Haggai 2.7-9). We heard that the Jews of Israel al- (Rev 11.11-13). After that, already in the 2nd, of three
ready have the project ready, and the rich Jews around and half years, no one it will be able to preach the Gos-
the world will send a lot of money to build the temple. pel on earth. So, God will send three angels to do it.
With new construction techniques, the temple can be We believe that they will preach the Gospel of Christ to
built in any time. But who will build? No one surprise all nations, until almost the end of the plagues of the
it. The Temple of God, in Jerusalem may be built by Apocalypse. it will Giving further opportunity for sal-
the antichrist, shortly after signing the treaty, at the vation to all who believe. God will never leave nobody
beginning of the 7 years. And in this temple he will sit, without the testimony of His Word (Rev 14.6-13).
in two, of three and a half years, to be worshiped as
God, It is desecrating the Temple of God (2 Thessalo- 4th WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN THE SECOND HALF OF
nians 2.3-4; Matthew 24:15). Please note the detail: THE SEVEN YEARS: At the beginning of the 2nd, of the
Note the detail: the Sin profaned our hearts, but Jesus three and half years, the Antichrist boasteth his have de-
cleansed us and made us temple of the Holy Spirit. So, ceived the world. He takes the deceptive mask, it breaks
too, the Temple of God in Jerusalem will be desecrated the covenant of peace he had made with the Jews, it is
by the antichrist, but Jesus will defeat him at His sec- stated as it really is (Devil), prohibits Jewish worship and
ond coming (Rev 19:20). Then, Jesus will cleanse and all religions of the earth. He attempts to change the times
sanctify the Temple of Jerusalem to him to be wor- and the law and the Bible of Jews. He sits on the Temple
of God in Jerusalem to reign there, he requires all the
shiped, and that Temple will establish your throne.
worship and adoration for himself, and persecutes the
And there, Jesus will reign over all the nations of the
Church. Then, Jesus comes and snatches the Church (the
earth for a thousand years (Matthew 19:28; Rev 20.6).
saved), at the beginning of second, of three and half years.
3rd THE PREACHING OF THE TWO WITNESSES: The Jews that said, we now have peace and security; will
see, fall upon them sudden destruction (1 Thess 5.1-3; 2
In the begin of three and half years, the Church will
Thess 2.1-4, 8, 9; Daniel 7.25; 9.27; Rev 13.6-7,13-18). At
still be on earth. After the Antichrist organize their
this moment, the Jews disbelieve the antichrist and will
government and build the Temple; He will allow only resist his, with their declaration of war. They begin the
Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 4th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 26
plagues of the Apocalypse and the Armageddon of World antichrist declares that it is the Devil vs. 6-8 and perse-
War, it was initiated by Russia and its allies (Northern cutes the Church. It is the birth pains (Rev. 12.2). The
peoples), is fulfilling, what says in Ezekiel, chapters 38 and Church claims: Maranatha, come Lord Jesus. And Jesus
39. God intervenes from heaven, with nature and will de- comes, snatches the Church and works the resurrection of
feat the enemy; Afterwards, it will come all the nations of the saved (1 Thessalonians 4.13-18; 1 Corinth 15.50-55).
the earth against Israel. But Jesus, in His second coming, This will be during the seven years, in the begining at the
he will defeat all together, with the Antichrist and he will second year. The Holy Spirit will rise with the Church,
end the Great Tribulation and the Millennium, after then but his action will bring people to Christ by salvation. He
deploy peace (Zecha 12.9; Rev 16.12-16; 19.20; 20.6). will continue on the earth during the Great Tribulation.
5th THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH: In 2 Thessalo- 6th OTHER EVENTS: Hecatombs of the Great Tribu-
nians 2.1-4 it is clear that the Church will rise only after lation with all the plagues of the Apocalypse, the Ar-
the Antichrist to be revealed. In 2 Thess 2.6-10 says that mageddon War that we have already commented etc.
the Antichrist will be revealed in due time, when the pow- And the triumphant return of Jesus to the Millennium.
er redeemer it removed. We believe that this power hold- Note: "The Armageddon War, item 4, more details
er is of the Holy Spirit, through the Church (the saved). about the Rapture of the Church, and many other
In the right time God withdraws the power holder; the things it will be studied late".
CONCLUSION: In the first 3 years and half the Antichrist will deceive the world. It will make a covenant of peace and de-
ceive the Jews. They will believe in him as the promised Messiah. The Temple of Jerusalem will be built at the beginning of
the 7 years. The two witnesses will preach the Gospel of Jerusalem for all people, warning of the deceit of antichrist. At the
beginning of the second year, of the three years and half, the antichrist declares that it is the Devil, breaks the covenant of
peace with the Jews, prohibits all religions, demands to be worshiped as God and persecutes the Church. So, Jesus snatches
the Church. God will send 3 Angels to preach the Gospel. The War of Armageddon and the plagues of the Apocalypse. Jesus
returns and finishs the Great Tribulation. He sits on the throne of Jerusalem and deploys the Millennium of peace.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The next study will

NAME: _________________________________________SPEAKER ____________________
ceive even the _________________________________themselves with a false peace. The Antichrist would be a
______________________of any _______________________on earth, therefore the Jews will _____________________________ it.

2nd BUILDING THE TEMPLE OF GOD: The Temple of God, in Jerusalem may __________built by the
antichrist, shortly after signing the treaty, at the ___________ of the 7 years. Then, Jesus will cleanse and
sanctify the Temple of Jerusalem ____________him to be worshiped, and that Temple will establish your
throne. And there, Jesus will reign _____________ all the nations of the ______________ for a thousand years.
3rd THE PREACHING OF THE TWO WITNESSES: The two witnesses will prophesy (will preach
the Gospel) ____________1260 days, starting just after ______________restored the Jewish Worship, during the
1st, of three and half years and is ending after ___________1260 days, when to start the second year. They
will Warning to the Jews _________________the Messiah of Israel is the Lord Jesus; and ________________whom
they are believing, is the Devil. The two witnesses will also preach from Jerusalem ______________all the
nations of the earth, announcing _______________________the Antichrist is deceiving all peoples of the world.
the 2nd, of the three and half years, the Antichrist _______________________have deceived the_____________________.
He takes the deceptive mask, it breaks the covenant of peace he had made with the__________________________,
it is stated as it really is (Devil), prohibits Jewish worship and all __________________________________of the earth.
5th THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH: In 2 Thes 2.1-4 it is clear __________the Church will rise only after the
Antichrist to be revealed. In the right time God withdraws the__________________ holder; the antichrist declares
that it is the Devil and____________________________ the Church. And Jesus comes, snatches the Church and works
the resurrection of the______________. This will be during the seven years, in__________begining at the second year.

6th OTHER EVENTS: Hecatombs _________________ the Great Tribulation ________________________all the
plagues of the Apocalypse, the __________________________ , War that we have already commented etc.
P. 27
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 6/20.





ceive even the Jews themselves with a false peace. The Antichrist would be a
Jew of any nation on earth, therefore the Jews will believe it.

2nd BUILDING THE TEMPLE OF GOD: The Temple of God, in Jerusalem may be built by the
antichrist, shortly after signing the treaty, at the beginning of the 7 years. Then, Jesus will
cleanse and sanctify the Temple of Jerusalem to him to be worshiped, and that Temple will estab-
lish your throne. And there, Jesus will reign over all the nations of the earth for a thousand years.

3rd THE PREACHING OF THE TWO WITNESSES: The two witnesses will prophesy (will preach
the Gospel) for 1260 days, starting just after being restored the Jewish Worship, during
the 1st, of three and half years and is ending after the 1260 days, when to start the second year.
They will Warning to the Jews that the Messiah of Israel is the Lord Jesus; and in whom
they are believing, is the Devil. The two witnesses will also preach from Jerusalem to all the
nations of the earth, announcing that the Antichrist is deceiving all peoples of the world.

of the 2nd, of the three and half years, the Antichrist boasteth his have deceived the world.
He takes the deceptive mask, it breaks the covenant of peace he had made with the Jews ,
it is stated as it really is (Devil), prohibits Jewish worship and all religions of the earth.

5th THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH: In 2 Thes 2.1-4 it is clear that the Church will rise only after the
Antichrist to be revealed. In the right time God withdraws the power holder; the antichrist declares that
it is the Devil and persecutes the Church. And Jesus comes, snatches the Church and works the
resurrection of the saved . This will be during the seven years, in the begining at the second year.

6th OTHER EVENTS: Hecatombs of the Great Tribulation with all the plagues
of the Apocalypse, the Armageddon , War that we have already commented etc.
P. 28
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 7/20.
INTRODUCTION: The Lord Jesus has left us many signs for the Rapture and also for Israel in order we wil be
prepared. We will study the signals that precede the Rapture: Signs in nature, science, social and moral life, pol-
itics and economics, in the spiritual realm and in the Church, Israel as the great sign, and the last signs.

1st SIGNS IN NATURE: Constantly we hear of hurri- with a single currency, taking block decisions, and other
canes, volcanoes and tornadoes occur in various places. continents (such as Mercosur) trying to do the same thing
Recently the violent tornado devastated the US city of etc. it will can be established a single bank and a single
New Orleans. And at the same time, in the space of a currency in the world. Anguish and perplexity among the
month, more than 30 tornadoes were registered in Sev- nations (Luke 21.25). The desire for a strongman in the
eral countries. In Luke 21.25-26 speaks from the sea international media. The words of Henri Spaak, one of
and the waves roaring; it reminds us of the tsunami in the founders of C E E, asking a man to solve the world's
problems, it has came from God or the devil.
Asia in December 2004, it was called Tsunami, when
the sea receded and then returned quite fast, but far 5th SIGNS IN SPIRITUAL REALM AND IN THE CHUR-
above its normal level, killing more than 250.000 peo- CH: In Rev 3.14-22 we have the 7th letter to the Church
ple. See how has grown the earthquake's numbers:
in Laodicea, the warm Church, and Jesus Said: “I am
XV Century, 125 hurricanes; XVI Century, 253; going to spit you out of my mouth”. The spirit of anti-
XVII Century, 378; XVIII Century, 640; XIX Centu- christ is working so that the churches become it spirit-
ry, 2119; XX Century, 6500. Fulfilling Matt 24.7. ually lukewarm. Other signs: The release of New Age
concepts. Apostasy (1 Timothy 4.1-2; 2 Thess 2.3).
2nd SIGNS IN SCIENCE: In Dan 12.4 speaks of the
Many false Christs and false prophets, the hatred is in-
multiplication of science at the end of time. Let's see: creasing against the Church. The Gospel being
The great advance of medical science, computer sci- preached worldwide (Matthew 24.5, 11, 24 e vs. 9, 14).
ence, Internet, credit cards, arms factory, etc... Media
(Rev 11.7-9); nuclear power and underwater weapons 6th ISRAEL AS THE GREAT SIGN: In the year 70 A.D.,
(Luke 21.25-26); transport means (Nah 2.4); the airplanes, The Roman Empire destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple,
ease of long trips (Is 60.8). In the last 100 years science killed many Jews, and drove the rest to all the nations of
has multiplied more than in the previous 6000 years. the earth, where they lived until around 1948. This was
because they rejected Jesus (Matthew 27.24-26; Luke
21.20-24). These almost 2000 years they have suffered
came television, novels, the Internet etc. The society many wars, and in the second world war killed about 6
has undergone a radical change both social and moral. million Jews (Daniel 9.26). God intervened and moved the
The values and standards of families are increasingly politicians of the world to create the United Nations, and
affected. What was right has become wrong or ig- to give back to the Jews to their land, which recreated the
nored, and what was wrong came to be accepted as nation of Israel in 1948, with the capital in Tel Aviv. In
true. Watch out: The exploration of the nude by the Luke 21.29-33 Jesus speaks of the fig tree is a symbol of
media and sexual profligacy, scandals and betraytions, the Nation of Israel; and Jesus said that when it would
the multiplication of iniquity and the unloving (Mat- have burgeoned (and has burgeoned), do not pass this
thew 24.36-39 e vs 10 e 12). Children getting up and generation until him come. We believe that Jesus spoke of
killing their parents (Matt 10.21). Gluttony, drunken- the generation that had to see the Nation of Israel and re-
ness, and worry about this life (Luke 21.34-36). The stored with its capital in Jerusalem. This was fulfilled in
growth of the union of persons of the same-sex (Ro- 1967, in the war of six days. This is the great sign for
mans 1.18-32; 1 Corinth 6.9-10). The delinquency, the Rapture of the Church. Up to now, all these signs
drug abuse, trafficking and gangs (2 Timothy 3.1-4). have already been fulfilled. In Jerusalem, Jesus will es-
Never the crime and the violence have grown so much, tablish his throne, where will reign with us over all the na-
beyound disregard for human life as in recent years. tions of the earth for a thousand years. Jesus is coming
very soon to snatch us. Amen.
In Daniel 9.27 is written that on the wings of abomina-
tions he shall make it desolate, that is the Antichrist. 7th THE LAST SIGNS: These signals which are three it
4th SIGNS IN POLITICS AND ECONOMICS: In Mat- will happen already in the next 7 years; I Signing of the
thew 24.6-7 Matthew speaks of wars and rumors of wars; treaty of the 10 nations, electing a single world ruler (the
It is nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom. Antichrist), with the expulsion of 3 nations of the alliance,
About 40 wars happening in the world. There are very and the antichrist is ruling with seven; II The rebuilding
hungry and pestilences in various places. The monetary of the Jerusalem Temple, reestablishing the Jewish Wor-
centralization is weakened with globalization. If there is a ship; III The whole of antichrist manifestation as it really
problem in the Stock Exchange of China's or Japan (for is, Satan, through the seven years, is forbidding the Jewish
example), knock over stock exchanges around the world, worship and he is sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem as
changing the whole economy. The European community God; requiring all worship and adoration for himself;
(Practical Eschatology) - See the next page ►
Continuation of 7th Study - ((Practical Eschatology) P. 29
banning all religions and beginning to cruel persecution seven years, and delivers us from the future wrath (Rom
against the Church. Then it will happen the Rapture 5.9; 1 Thes 1.10; 5.9). In Mat 24.36-44 It says that day
(Daniel 9.27; 2 Thes 2.3-4). We can consider these three and hour no one knows. However, 1 Thes 5.1-5 It says
signals as the countdown to the rapture. NOTE: In the that day will not surprise us, cause we are in the light.
first three and a half years there will be tribulation; but And which moment, im 2 Thes 2.1-4 makes it clear that
not the great one. The Great Tribulation will only occur the Rapture will happen only when the Antichrist will be
in the half of second of three years, with the seals, the revealed; because, in the first 3 and a half years, he will
trumpets and the bowls. Jesus comes snatch us in the the be deceiving all the world (2 Thes 2.8-10; Rev 13.14; 19.20).

CONCLUSION: These are the signs: Volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, earthquakes, and the advance-
ment of science in all areas. The standards of families are so affecteds; exploitation of nudity, sexual profligacy, mar-
riage of same sex, drugs, scandals and betrayals, multiplication of iniquity, disaffection, crime and violence. Wars, fam-
ines, pestilences, monetary centralization. Lukewarm Church, false Christs, and false prophets, apostasy, hatred against
the Church, the proclamation of the Gospel throughout the world, Israel as a nation and with its capital in Jerusalem.
All these signs have already been fulfilled. The 3 signs in the item 7th it will be held in the seven years; 1) The treaty
signing, 2) The rebuilding of the Temple, 3) The antichrist Manifestation. And then, Jesus comes snatch us. Amen.
Answer the evaluation below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on every item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker who, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The next study will
be 8th about: RESURRECTION AND RAPTURE. Do not Miss it.

NAME: _________________________________________SPEAKER ____________________
1st SIGNS IN NATURE: Recently the violent tornado_____________________ the US city of New Orleans.
See how has grown the earthquake's numbers: XV Century, 125 hurricanes; XVI Century, ____________;
XVII Century 378; XVIII Century, _______________; XIX Century, 2119; XX Century, __________________.

2nd THE SIGNS IN SCIENCE: The great advance of _____________________science , science

of ________________________, Internet , ______________cards, _______________science, etc.

3rd SIGNS IN SOCIAL AND MORAL LIFE: The values and standards of families are increasingly
____________________. Watch out: The exploration of the nude by the ________________ and sexual profligacy,
scandals and ____________________________, the multiplication of iniquity and the unloving ___________________.

4th SIGNS IN POLITICS AND ECONOMICS: About __________ wars happening in the world. There
are very hungry and pestilences_______ various places. The monetary centralization is _________weakened
with globalization. it will can be established a___________________bank and a single currency in the world.

5th SIGNS IN SPIRITUAL REALM AND IN THE CHURCH: The spirit of antichrist is __________
so that the churches become it spiritually __________________. Many _____________ Christs and
false ____________________, the hatred is increasing __________________________the Church.

6th ISRAEL AS THE GREAT SIGN: God intervened and moved the politicians of the world to
create the United Nations, and to give back to the _____________to their land, which ______________________
the nation of Israel in 1948, with the capital_____________ Tel Aviv. We believe that Jesus spoke of the
generation____________ had to see the Nation of Israel and restored with its capital___________ Jerusalem.

7th THE LAST SIGNS: These signals ___________are three it will happen already____________next 7 years:
I Signing of the treaty___________________10 nations, electing ________________ single world ruler (the Anti-
christ), with the expulsion of 3 nations _________________ alliance, and the antichrist is ruling with seven;
II The rebuilding ___________________ the Jerusalem Temple, reestablishing the Jewish ____________________;
III The whole of antichrist manifestation as it really is, Satan, through ___________________ seven years,
is forbidding the Jewish worship and he is sitting in the Temple __________________ Jerusalem as God;
requiring ___________________ worship and adoration for himself; banning ____________________religions and
beginning to_______________persecution against the Church. Then it will______________________the Rapture.
P. 30
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 7/20.




1st SIGNS IN NATURE: Recently the violent tornado devastated he US city of New Orleans.
See how has grown the earthquake's numbers: XV Century, 125 hurricanes; XVI Century, 253;
XVII Century, 378; XVIII Century, 640 ; XIX Century, 2119; XX Century, 6500 .

2nd THE SIGNS IN SCIENCE: The great advance of medical science, science
of com-computer , Internet , credit cards, military science , etc.

3rd SIGNS IN SOCIAL AND MORAL LIFE: The values and standards of families are increasingly
affected . Watch out: The exploration of the nude by the media and sexual profligacy,
scandals and betraytions , the multiplication of iniquity and the unloving .

4th SIGNS IN POLITICS AND ECONOMICS: About 40 wars happening in the world. There
are very hungry and pestilences in various places. The monetary centralization is too weakened
with globalization. It will can be established a single bank and a single currency in the world.

5th SIGNS IN SPIRITUAL REALM AND IN THE CHURCH: The spirit of antichrist is working
so that the churches become it spiritually lukewarm . Many false Christs
and false prophets , the hatred is increasing against the Church.

6th ISRAEL AS THE GREAT SIGN: God intervened and moved the politicians of the world to cre-
ate the United Nations, and to give back to the Jews to their land, which recreated
the nation of Israel in 1948, with the capital in Tel Aviv. We believe that Jesus spoke of the
generation that had to see the Nation of Israel and restored with its capital in Jerusalem.

7th THE LAST SIGNS: These signals which are three it will happen already in the
next 7 years: I Signing of the treaty of the 10 nations, electing a single world
ruler (the Antichrist), with the expulsion of 3 nations of the alliance, and the antichrist is
ruling with seven; II The rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple, reestablishing the Jewish
Worship ; III The whole of antichrist manifestation as it really is, Satan, through the
seven years, is forbidding the Jewish worship and he is sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem as
God; requiring all worship and adoration for himself; banning all religions and begin-
ning to cruel persecution against the Church. Then it will happen the Rapture.
P. 31
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 8/20.
INTRODUCTION: We will study: Definition of resurrection, where are the deads, the first resurrection in 4 phases,
the second resurrection, the resurrection at the rapture, those who will be raptured and those who will not be raptured.

1st DEFINITION OF RESURRECTION: God cre- body, evil and eternal torment. And they will be cast
ated us to live forever. The sin brought death as sala- into the lake of fire; together with the Devil, demons,
ry (Romans 6.23). However God created the resur- hell and death. This is worse than hell, and is called
rection and every man must live eternally as God had the second death and reward of iniquity (Revelation
determined. Death means the absence of life. Resur- 20.5-6; 20.10-15; John 5.28-29; Daniel 12.2).
rection is returning to live after death. The Bible
speaks of two kinds of resurrection: material for the 5st RESURRECTION IN RAPTURE: Jesus will came
material and material to the spiritual. The resurrec- down out of heaven with a procession of angels in glory
tion to material life as happeed with Lazarus (John and power. The Heaven will bring all people who have
11.38-45), then back to die. But the resurrection of died already saved up to that point, and they will stop in
the material to the spiritual life, as did the Lord Jesus, the clouds (1 Thes 3.13; Matt 16.27). Jesus will give the
never die, but they live forever (Romans 6.9; 1 Corin- order, of the clouds, to all bodies of the saved who were
thians 15.20, 23; Rev 1.10-18). The salvation of body buried around the world or the people who finish just
is the resurrection in spirit body, holy and glorious, died. The Holy Spirit then operates the resurrection,
also called the Bible of redemption, or the blessed transforming what was material body in spiritual , holy
hope, but we will only to receive in the Church's Rap- and glorious, uniting with the spirit of man in the
ture day (Luke 21.28; Romans 8.22-23; Titus 2.13). clouds, becoming the man in a whole person spiritual (1
Thes 4.14 e 16; 2 Thes 1.7-10). Then the people saved
2nd WHERE ARE THE DEADS: The spirit and soul will be transformed and raptured around the world.
of all the people who died saved are in Heaven. This The living who will be raptured won't know the death,
is; in the sky with Christ; and the people who died lost, but their bodies will be transformed into spiritual bod-
in Hell (Matthew 23.33; Luke 16.19-31; 23.39-43; ies, holy and glorious. It Will be in the twinkling of an
Jonh 14.3; 17.24; 2 Corinthians 5.1, 2, 6, 8; Psalms eye, in a split second, and the will rise to meet Jesus
9.17). The bodies of all, both saved and lost are in the in the clouds (1 Thes 4.15 e 17). In the clouds we will go
dust, in the form of sugar, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, up in party and glory for the Wedding of the Lamb in
grease, potassium, lime etc. (Gen 3.19; Eccl 3.20; 12.7). heaven. This is the final stage that complete salvation
with the resurrection of our bodies in glory (1 Corinthi-
ans 15.42-44 e vs. 50 a 55). We passed the Judgment
All the human person will rise. The first resurrection Seat of Christ, where the work we did to God with the
is of the saved person and it will occurs in 4 gifts we have received will be evaluated: in service to
phases: first phase of the first resurrection, it went of God and man, in worship, evangelism, conduct, charac-
the Christ and those with Him resurrected (Mt 28.5-7; ter, loyalty etc., to receive good or evil. The evil in the
27.51-53). 2nd phase of the first resurrection is the sense of useless works; and well as the usable works;
Rapture (Jn 5:25; 1 Cor 15.52-54; 1 Thes 4.13-17). 3rd define our reward and our spiritual position in the
phase at the 1st resurrection, it will be the resurrection eternal state, and be filled with the fullness of Christ
of the martyrs of the Great Tribulation in the return of (Rom 14.10-12; 1 Corinth 3.11-14; 2 Cor 5.10; Hebre
Jesus for the Millennium (Rev 20.4). 4th phase at the 1st 6.10; 1 Peter 1.17; Rev 22.12; Ephe 3.19; 4.13). In
resurrection, it will be the of the peoples saved of Mil- this judgment, the salvation is not considered. We must
lennium (Jonh 5.28-29; Daniel 12.2). The saved people not confuse this judgment with others, the Bible, as the
will be raised in a spiritual body, holy, glorious, eternal judgment of Israel (Ezekiel 20.33-38), the judgment at
joy, equal to the Angels, (Matt 22.30), and similar as the the beginning of the millennium, it will be the living
current and glorious body of Christ, and shall dwell people on earth (Matt 25.31-46), After then, the wiked's
forever in the glory of heaven (Phil 3.20-21; 1st John 3.2). judgment of , after the Millennium, in the great white
throne, and that will be the Last Judgment (Rev 20.11-
15). We will study these judgments with further details.
calls second resurrection all the lost people. The ex-
pression: first and second is to show the large differ- 6th THOSE WHO WILL BE RAPTURED: All those
ence of the resurrection of the saved to the lost people. who died saved (1 Thes 4.14-17); those who live in holi-
No one it will raise twice. The lost people, who are ness (Hebr 12:14); those who are praying, are faithful
already in Hell, just they will rise at the Last Judg- servants and they are full with the Holy Spirit (Matthew
ment, when the heavens and earth are destroyed and 24.40-47; 25.4-13); those who are aware and are watch-
created new heavens and new earth without sin (Rev ing over (Mark 13.32-33; Rev 19.7-9); whom is fighting
21.1). The Lost people will rise in ghoulish spiritual and win the power of sin in the flesh (Luke 21.34-36).
(Practical Eschatology) - See the next page ►
Continuation of 8th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 32
7th THOSE WHO WON’T BE RAPTURED: of sin (Luke 21.34-36); the chosen - "Jews" that they
The wicked servants, empty of the Holy Spirit and will convert in the acute point of the Great Tribula-
useless (Matthew 24.48-51; 25.8, 30) that are not tion and especially in the Millennium (Isaiah 10.21-
praying, watching over, and live under the dominion 22, Matt 24.21-22; Rom 9:27; 11.2-5, 25, 26, 27).
CONCLUSION: The salvation of body is the resurrection in the holy spiritual body and of glory, never to die.
Jesus will come down out of heaven with a procession of angels in glory and power, bringing with him all those
who died saved and they will stop in the clouds. In the clouds, Jesus will give the order of the resurrection to all
bodies of the saved who are buried around the world or just died. The Holy Spirit will operate the resurrection,
transforming what it was material, in spiritual body, holy and glorious, uniting with the spirit of man in the clouds,
making the man a spiritual whole. The following is the transformation and rapture of the saved alive worldwide,
and will rise to meet Jesus in the clouds. From the clouds we will go up to the Wedding of the Lamb in heaven.
They will be caught up those who are filled with the Holy Spirit, they live in holiness and are faithful servants.
Answer the evaluation below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on every item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker who, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The next study will
be 09th about: WHEN WILL HAPPEN THE RAPTURE. Do not Miss it.

NAME: _________________________________________SPEAKER ____________________
1st DEFINITION OF RESURRECTION: However God created the resurrection and_________________
man must live eternally as__________________ had determined. The salvation of body is the resurrection
in spirit body, ________________________________ and glorious, also called the Bible of redemption, or the
blessed___________________, but we will only to receive_______________________________ Church's Rapture day.

2nd WHERE ARE THE DEADS: The spirit and soul of all the people ________________________ died saved
are in Heaven. This is; in the sky with Christ; and the people _________________________ died lost, in Hell.

3rd THE FIRST RESURRECTION IN 4 PHASES: All the human person will rise. The first resurrection is
___________saved person and it will occurs in 4 phases: first phase ______________first resurrection, it went of the
Christ and_____________with Him resurrected. 2nd phase of the first resurrection is__________Rapture. 3rd phase
_________first resurrection, it will be the resurrection of the martyrs of the Great Tribulation in the return of Jesus
_________the Millennium. 4th phase at the 1st resurrection, it will be the____________peoples saved of Millennium.

4th THE SECOND RESURRECTION: The Bible calls second resurrection all ______________lost people.
The Lost people will rise___________________ ghoulish spiritual body, evil and eternal torment. And they
will be cast into __________ lake of fire; together____________________ the Devil, demons, hell and death.

5th RESURRECTION IN RAPTURE: Jesus will came down out of__________________with a procession
of angels in _____________________and power. The Heaven will bring _______________people who have died
already saved up to that point, and they will stop in the clouds. Jesus will give the_________________, of
the clouds, to all bodies of the _________________who were buried around the _______________or the people
who finish just____________________. The Holy Spirit then operates the _______________________________, trans-
forming what was_______________________ body in spiritual, _________________and glorious, uniting with the
spirit of man ____________________clouds, becoming the man in _____________________ whole person spiritual.
Then the people ______________________will be transformed and raptured around the world. In the clouds
we will_______________________in party and glory for the_____________________________of the Lamb in heaven.

6th THOSE WHO WILL BE RAPTURED: All those who died_____________; those who liv_______ holi-
ness; those who are praying, are faithful servants and they are full with__________ Holy Spirit; those
___________ are aware and are watching over; whom is fighting and win the power_______ sin in the flesh.

7th THOSE WHO WON’T BE RAPTURED: The wicked servants, empty _______________Holy Spirit and
useless that are not praying, watching over , and live under the dominion ________sin; the chosen - "Jews"
that they will converte in the acute point_______________Great Tribulation and especially in the Millennium.
P. 33
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 8/20.



1st DEFINITION OF RESURRECTION: However God created the resurrection and every
man must live eternally as God had determined. The salvation of body is the resur-
rection in spirit body, holy and glorious, also called the Bible of redemption, or the
blessed hope , but we will only to receive in the Church's Rapture day.
2nd WHERE ARE THE DEADS: The spirit and soul of all the people who died saved are
in Heaven. This is; in the sky with Christ; and the people who died lost, in Hell.
3rd THE FIRST RESURRECTION IN 4 PHASES: All the human person will rise. The first resurrection is
of the saved person and it will occurs in 4 phases: first phase of the first resurrection, it went of the
Christ and those nd
with Him resurrected. 2 phase of the first resurrection is the Rapture. 3rd phase
at the first resurrection, it will be the resurrection of the martyrs of the Great Tribulation in the return of Jesus
for the Millennium. 4th phase at the 1st resurrection, it will be the of the peoples saved of Millennium.

4th THE SECOND RESURRECTION: The Bible calls second resurrection all the lost people.
The Lost people will rise in ghoulish spiritual body, evil and eternal torment. And they will
be cast into the lake of fire; together with the Devil, demons, hell and death.
5th RESURRECTION IN RAPTURE: Jesus will came down out of heaven with a proces-
sion of angels in glory and power. The Heaven will bring all people who have died
already saved up to that point, and they will stop in the clouds. Jesus will give the order , of
the clouds, to all bodies of the saved who were buried around the world or
the people who finish just died . The Holy Spirit then operates the resurrection,
transforming what was material body in spiritual, holy and glorious, uniting
with the spirit of man in the clouds, becoming the man in a whole person spiritual. Then
the people saved will be transformed and raptured around the world. In the clouds
we will go up in party and glory for the Wedding of the Lamb in heaven.
6th THOSE WHO WILL BE RAPTURED: All those who died saved ; those who live in
holiness; those who are praying, are faithful servants and they are full with the Holy Spirit; those
who are aware and are watching over; whom is fighting and win the power of sin in the flesh.
7th THOSE WHO WON’T BE RAPTURED: The wicked servants, empty of the Holy Spirit and
useless that are not praying, watching over; and live under the dominion of sin; the chosen - "Jews"
that they will converte in the acute point of the Great Tribulation and especially in the Millennium.
P. 34
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 9/20.
INTRODUCTION: We will study: Tribulation and Great Tribulation, purpose of the rapture, the
meaning of the word “rapture”, Rapture figures, the rapture will be in the middle of the seven years,
the rapture will be partial, the non raptured and the saved on the Great Tribulation.
1st TRIBULATION AND GREAT TRIBULATION: our meeting with him (the rapture), and tells us at v. 3
We usually call the Great Tribulation period of seven and 4 that this will only appen after the Antichrist is
years, but it will only occur in the 2nd three and a half; revealed, sit in the Temple of God to be worshiped as
with the seals, trumpets and bowls. The word "great God, prohibit and prosecute all religions (Revelation
distress" appears in N.T. once in Luke 21.20-24 refer- 13.4, 8, 12, 15). Jesus linked the Rapture of the Church
ring to the destruction of Jerusalem, which is fulfilled and the Great Tribulation in Matt 24:15, 21, the abom-
in AD 70. And the word "Great Tribulation" ap- ination of desolation in Daniel 11:31; 12:11 stand in the
pears in Matthew 24:21, referring to the plagues of holy place, the Temple of Jerusalem. In Daniel 7:25;
the Apocalypse in the 2nd three and a half. In Rev Rev 13.5-7 says that the Antichrist was given power
7:14 it appears, referring to those who were martyred over the saints (saved not caught up) for 42 months,
during this period, and referring to other things in which are the 2nd three and half years. Thus, we be-
Acts 7:11; Rev. 2.20-23. The word tribulation or dis- lieve that the rapture will be through the seven years.
tress appears in many other places in the Bible.
2nd PURPOSE OF THE RAPTURE: The rapture will thew 24 Jesus speaks in many ways about his coming
happen to save us from the plagues of the Apocalypse to the Rapture of the Church, and also for the Millen-
and the Great Tribulation, which will be the 2nd three nium, which is about 3 and a half years after the Rap-
and a half, allowing us to participate in the Wedding of ture. Matt 25.1-13, in the parable of the 10 virgins,
the Lamb in heaven. Christ is the groom and the Jesus keeps talking about the day of the Rapture. P.S.:
Church is the bride (Rev 19.7-9). The sanctified and At that time the leading figure in a marriage was the
filled with the Holy Spirit saved, do not go through the groom, not the bride, as in our culture. Jesus used to
Great Tribulation because Jesus delivered us from the teach us that custom serious things about the Rapture.
wrath (Romans 5.9; 1st Thessalonians 1:10; 5.9). Thus, the 10 virgins represent the saved ones. The 5
A) - THE WORD RAPTURE MEANS: Bring suddenly, wise (with oil in their vessels) are the saved, sanctified
taking with violence, rid of great danger etc. In He- and filled with the Holy Spirit, who joined the Jubilee,
brew and Greek is Netsal is arpadzo, respectively. and were raptured (Matt 25.4, 10). The 5 crazy or
B) - RAPTURE FIGURES: Rapture of Enoch and Elijah foolish (without oil in their vessels) are the saved who
(Genesis. 5.22-24; 2 Kings 2:11). Noah's Ark (Gen 7.7- lives a lukewarm spiritual life, even involved with any
24; Heb 11.7). Deliverance of Lot (Gen 19.15-30). sin, and these could not get at the wedding, and were
not raptured. Matt 25.11-12 says, "I know you not".
3rd THE RAPTURE WILL BE IN THE MIDDLE OF We believe that Jesus meant: "I have spiritual intima-
THE SEVEN YEARS: The Rapture is imminent; no cy with you". Christ is the groom and the Church is
one knows the day or hour (Matthew 24.36-42). Jesus the bride. Marriage is the figure of the relationship
said it will be like the days of Noah Understand:. between us and Christ. See about "knowing" (Matt
Those who died in the Flood knew nothing, but Noah 1.24-25; Genesis 4.1). Matt 25.13 it is clear that Jesus
and his family knew that the Flood would come at was speaking of the Rapture. Thus, only half of the
some of those days. Thus, those who will stay for the saved will be raptured because others will not be pre-
Great Tribulation know nothing; however, that will be pared for the Lamb. The many recommendations of
raptured will know who will be in some of those days, Jesus on the "watch" for his coming in Matt 24.36-44;
in the midst of seven years (Daniel 9:27; 2nd Thess 2.1- Mark 13.32-37; Luek 21.34-36 give us the same idea.
8; 1st Thess 5.1-6). Matthew 25.6 teaches that the rap-
ture will be midnight of the times, the highest point of 5th THE NON RAPTURED AND THE SAVED ON THE
spiritual darkness, that is, when the Antichrist will be GREAT TRIBULATION: Jesus said that in the world we
revealed. In Revelation 12.6, 14 says that the woman would have tribulation (John 16:33). During those 2000
(here is the Church being raptured) fled into the wil- years there was always distress or persecution against
believers. Many were thrown to the lions in the Roman
derness, a place prepared by God, out of sight of the
Coliseum; others died in the Inquisition and the Cru-
serpent (can only be in heaven), where she is nour-
sades; others have been arrested, tortured and killed in
ished for 1260 days which are the 2nd three and half some countries. So we go through afflictions and death by
years. In Daniel 9:27; 7:25 says that only in the mid- the name of Jesus (Hebrews 11.36-38; 12.3-7; Revelation
dle of the seven years is that the Antichrist will reveal 2:10). We believe that the 1st three and half years, perse-
who is the devil; and shall cause to cease the sacrifice cution and tribulation will increase; will in all countries,
(prohibit the Jewish Cult), try to change times and the and many saved will be sanctified in those days. But this
law. 2nd Thes 2.1-4 speaks of the coming of Jesus and is not the Great Tribulation of Matthew 24:21, which will
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 9th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 35
be only the 2 three years and a half, with the seals, are in Christ Jesus (the saved ones). BE LEFT BEHIND IN
trumpets and bowls. P.S.: all previous martyrs of the Great THE RAPTURE IS NOT CONDEMNATION (when die,
Tribulation, as well as all those who had died saved, resur- will go to heaven), but lose the prize or reward to be
rected at the Rapture; and, during the Great Tribulation, caught, to not participate of the Lamb, to escape the per-
will be at the wedding feast of the Lamb in Heaven. In this secution of the Devil's anger and this death so cruel. It's
case, who are the martyrs of Rev 6.9-11; 7.9-14 and rise the price of a lukewarm spiritual life (Rev 14.12-13).
after the Great Tribulation in Rev 20.4, to reign with Christ NOTE: In those days the Devil's anger reach to all; but the
in the Millennium? We believe that are the non-raptured, wrath of God, only the unbelievers with the mark of the
and those who will believe in Jesus during the Great Tribu- beast (John 3:36; Eph 5.6, Rev 6.16-17; 14.9-10). God
lation and be saved. Certainly, all these will be martyred by destroyed Egypt with 10 plagues, some similar to those of
the Antichrist in the 2nd three and half years. He says it was Revelation, and kept them all the people of Israel in Egypt.
a crowd so large that no one could count; from every nation, Thus, God will keep your anger saved not raptured and
tribe, people and language. We respect all the different in- those who are being saved during the Great Tribulation
terpretations. But those who believe that all the saved will (Rom 5.9; 1 Thes 1:10; 5: 9), since all the saved already
be raptured, because the word "Church" does not appear in have the seal of God (2 Cor 1:22; Eph 1:13, Rev 9.1-4;
Revelation ch. 4.1 to 22:16, remember that the Church ap- 16.2). The purpose of God's wrath is that many will repent
pears with the word "Saints" in Rev 13.7, 10; 14.12-13; and be saved, even during the Great Tribulation, exercising
16.6; 17.6; 18:24; 6.9-11; 7.9-14. Romans 8.1 says: judgment on the unbelievers and destroy the government of
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which the devil (Rev 9.20-21; 11.11-13; 14.6-13; 16.8-11).
CONCLUSION: The purpose of the Rapture is to rid us of the Great Tribulation and the Antichrist's wrath, and
participate in the Wedding of the Lamb in heaven. The Great Tribulation will only occur in the 2nd three and half
years. The Rapture will be through the seven years after the Antichrist is revealed, sitteth in the temple of God, de-
manding to be worshiped and persecute the Church. The saved ones with a sanctified life and filled with the Holy
Spirit will be raptured. Saved that are not caught will suffer the wrath of the devil to death, and then go to Heaven.
They will lose the prize of being caught, to participate of the Lamb, to escape the suffering and this so cruel death.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence
order. Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The
next study will be 10th on: THE RAPTURE’S SCENE. DO NOT MISS IT.

NAME: _________________________________________SPEAKER______________________
1st TRIBULATION AND GREAT TRIBULATION: We usually call the Great Tribulation period of
seven __________________, but it will only occur in the 2nd three and a ___________________; with seals, trumpets
and ____________________. And the word “Great Tribulation” ________________________in Matthew 24.21, refer-
ring to the ____________________________ of the Apocalypse at the 2nd __________________________________ and a half.
2nd PURPOSE OF THE RAPTURE: The rapture will happen to _____________us from the plagues of the
Apocalypse and the Great Tribulation, which will be in the 2nd______________ and a half years, so we can
participate of the Wedding of__________ in Heaven. Christ is the groom and the Church is the____________.
that the rapture will be midnight of _____________________________, the highest point of spiritual darkness,
that is, when the Antichrist will be _______________________________. In 2nd Thessalonians 2.1-4 speaks of
the coming of Jesus our _________________________ with him (the Rapture), and tells us vs. 3 and 4 that
this will only happen after the ___________________________ is revealed, sit in the ____________________________
of God to be worshiped as _________________________, prohibit and prosecute all _____________________________.
4th THE RAPTURE WILL BE PARTIAL: Thus, the 10 virgins represent the _______________________. The
5 wise (with oil in their vessels) are the ________________________, sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit,
who joined ________________________________, and were raptured. The 5 crazy or foolish (without oil in their
vessels) are the saved who live a _____________________________________ spiritual life, even involved with any
__________________________, and these could not get at the _________________________________, and weren’t raptured.

___________ in the rapture is not condemnation (when die, will go toheaven), _________lose the prize

or reward to be caught, to not participate ________________of the Lamb, to escape the persecution of
the Devil's anger and this___________so cruel. It's the price of a___________________spiritual life.
P. 36
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 9/20.





1st TRIBULATION AND GREAT TRIBULATION: We usually call the Great Tribulation period of
seven years , but it will only occur in the 2nd three and a half ; with seals,
trumpets and bowls . And the word “Great Tribulation” appears in Matt 24.21,
referring to the plagues of the Apocalypse at the 2 nd
three and a half.

2nd PURPOSE OF THE RAPTURE: The rapture will happen to save us from the plagues of the
Apocalypse and the Great Tribulation, which will be in the 2nd three and a half years, so we can
participate of the Wedding of Lamb in Heaven. Christ is the groom and the Church is the bride .

that the rapture will be midnight of the times , the highest point of spiritual darkness,
that is, when the Antichrist will be revealed . 2nd Thes 2.1-4 speaks of the coming of
Jesus and our meeting with him (the Rapture), and tells us at v. 3 and 4 that this will
only happen after the Antichrist is revealed, sit in the Temple of God
to be worshiped as God , prohibit and prosecute all religions .

4th THE RAPTURE WILL BE PARTIAL: Thus, the 10 virgins represent the saved ones .
The 5 wise (with oil in their vessels) are the saved , sanctified and filled with the Holy
Spirit, who joined Jubilee , and were raptured. The 5 crazy or foolish (without oil
in their vessels) are the saved who live a lukewarm spiritual life, even involved with
any sin , and these could not get at the Lamb , and weren’t raptured.

behind in the rapture is not condemnation (when die, will go to heaven), but lose the prize
or reward to be caught, to not participate marriage of the Lamb, to escape the persecution of
the Devil's anger and this death so cruel. It's the price of a lukewarm spiritual life.
P. 37
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 10/20.
INTRODUCTION: Let's study today: The second coming of Christ in 2 phases, the Trumpet of the Rapture
and other trumpets, the rapture seen by John in Revelation 12 with interpretation verse by verse.
1st THE TWO STAGES OF PAROUSIA: The "Parousia" V. 2 “And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and
or second coming of Christ will be in two phases. pained to be delivered”. It refers to the persecution of the
A) first phase will be the Rapture in the middle of the Antichrist against the Church in the 1st three and half
seven years. At this stage, Jesus comes to the clouds and years. The Church claims that Jesus will snatch it, to
raptures us. And the only ones that will see Jesus will be the get out of suffering and enter the light of the glory of
resurrected and those who were raptured (1st Thes 4.13-17). Heaven. The birth pains means it.
B) second phase, called the revelation which will be at
V. 3 “And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and
the end of seven years, every eye will see Him in all the behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten
earth. Then Jesus will descend on the Mount of Olives horns, and seven crowns upon his heads”. The dragon is
and will reign on earth for a thousand years (Acts 1.9- the devil, the 10 horns (= power) are the 10 countries
12; Revelation 1.7; Zechariah 14.1-5). that will make the alliance, the seven heads (authority),
2nd TRUMPET OF THE RAPTURE: In 1 Corinthians with seven crowns (royal crowns) are the seven nations
15:52 says that Jesus will come when the last trumpet, and with which the Antichrist will rule 7 years.
1 Thessalonians 4:16 says, just, trumpet, not using the V. 4 “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,
word "last". Over the centuries the Gospel is announced and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the
(like trumpet) and many do not believe. We believe that woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child
this is the last trumpet of probation, announcing that the as soon as it was born". The Spirit of God teaches us that,
time of grace is over; the Church is raptured, and God's early on, when the Devil proved against God, attracted to
wrath begins with the judgments of the Great Tribulation. his rebellion a third of God's angels (stars), and cast them
We must not confuse this "last" trumpet with the seventh to the earth with him. The woman, who the dragon stood
trumpet of Revelation 11.15-19 because it deals with the in front, is the nation of Israel; the Son is the Lord Jesus;
wrath of God, and the Church will be raptured before. devour the Son was the persecution of Herod killing many
We should not confuse the trumpet of the Rapture with children, trying to kill the baby Jesus; and, in sequence, it
the trump of Jesus' return to end the Great Tribulation is the persecution of the Church of Christ at all times.
and the government of the Devil, trapping him in the
V. 5 "and gave birth to a son, a man who was to rule all
Abyss for a thousand years, and begin the Millennium nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to
(Matthew 24.29-31; 25.31-46, Rev. 19.11-21; 20.1-3). God and to his throne." The woman is the nation of Israel;
The Son is Jesus, who will govern the nations during the mil-
3rd RAPTURE’S SCENE: In Revelation 12 we have a
lennium, and that, after the resurrection, ascended to Heaven.
number of lessons, and the scene of the Rapture seen by
John. We respect contrary opinions. Below, the interpre- V. 6 “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath
tation of this whole chapter, verse by verse, as we have a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thou-
understood and received from God: sand two hundred and three score days”. See the v. 14 togeth-
er. This is the Rapture scene seen by John. The wom-
(Rev 12.1) “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; an is the Church being raptured with great eagle wings
a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, (power of Jesus). This desert is not on earth but in heav-
and upon her head a crown of twelve stars”. This sign in en, a place prepared by God for the Lamb, where Satan
heaven (v. 1) is the Church being raptured, and the sig- can no longer reach (out of sight of the snake v. 14).
nal (v. 3) is the devil trying to stop the Rapture. Check Because if it was on earth, Satan could get. The 1260 days
vs. 7, 8, 9, 15 and 16 together. The sun dressed woman are the 2nd three and half years. It is the time of the wed-
is, first, the Nation of Israel and, in sequence, the Church ding. Obs.: The v. 6 and 14 does not refer to the Nation of
of Christ and the Nation of Israel, that was the one who Israel as some must think; because during those seven years,
received the light of God's Word on the O.T. Christ Israel needs to be in the land, for the fulfillment of Israel all
came from Israel, bringing a far greater light (the full- that is prophesied to that time. Examples: covenant of peace
ness of grace); and, through the Church, the new light of (false) that the Antichrist will do to the Jews, deceiving them;
the Word spread over all nations. The sun is a picture of the construction of the Temple of Jerusalem and the Jewish
Christ. Jesus is the sun of justice and is the Word of worship; breaking the alliance through the seven years; Anti-
God. "And the moon under her feet". Just as the moon christ sat in the temple, demanding to be worshiped as God and
has no light itself, but receives from the sun, so the peo- banning all religions; anguish of Jacob and the Great Tribula-
ple have lost the spiritual light of Jesus, but receive it, tion as there has never been before and never will be; the war of
through the Church, when they accept the Gospel of Armageddon in the 2nd three and a half etc. See (Jer 30.7; Dan
Christ. "and upon her head a crown of twelve stars" 9:27; 12.1; Zech 13.8-10; 14.1-5; Mt 24:21; 2 Thes 2.3-4).
Identifies, first, the 12 tribes of Israel and, in sequence, V. 7 “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels
the 12 Apostles of Christ. In Rev 21.12-14 says the new fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his an-
Heavenly Jerusalem had the names of the 12 tribes of gels”. Check vs. 8, 9, 15 and 16 together. At the time of
Israel on 12 doors, and the names of the 12 Apostles of the Rapture of the Church will be a battle in the sky, in
Christ in 12 foundations; confirming this interpretation. the clouds (1 Thess 4:17): on one side the heavenly army
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 10th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 38
of Christ, led by the Archangel Michael against the Devil V. 11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and
with his demons. The Devil tries to prevent the Rapture by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives
of the Church, but they are all defeated and cast down to unto the death”. There has always been and will be until Je-
earth. Then the devil launches water like a river to pre- sus returns for the Millennium, those who are martyred for
vent the Church up (some spiritual pressure), but the their faith in Christ. This will occur in greater numbers dur-
earth swallowed up the flood which the devil launched. ing the Great Tribulation (Rev 6.9-11, 7.9-14).
V. 12 “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in
V. 8 “And prevailed not; neither was their place found any
them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for
more in heaven”. See v. 9 together. Until that time the dev-
the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, be-
il still had a place in heaven. The rebellion of the devil
cause he knoweth that he hath but a short time”. Heaven
against God began in heaven, and involved men and the celebrates the overthrow of the devil, but regrets the great
earth. But the devil was defeated by the death and resur- suffering that it will bring the world's inhabitants, in the
rection of Jesus. His power is controlled by Christ. From Great Tribulation.
the Rapture, He will be forbidden to get to Heaven. At the
V. 13 “And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the
coming of Christ for the Millennium, he will be stuck in
earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the
the abyss for a thousand years. And only at the Last
man child”. He pursued the nation of Israel. This in-
Judgment, it is going to end the spiritual struggle between cludes the war of Armageddon.
God and the devil, when Jesus will cast it with all the de-
V. 14 “And to the woman were given two wings of a great ea-
mons in the Fire Lake forever (Rev 20:10).
gle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where
V.9 “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the
called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole face of the serpent” (Already seen at v. 6).
world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were V. 15 “And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a
cast out with him” (Already seen at v. 8). flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried
V.10 “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is away of the flood”. (Already seen at v. 7).
come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, V. 16 “And the earth helped the woman, and the earth
and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the
is cast down, which accused them before our God day and dragon cast out of his mouth”. (Already seen at v. 7).
night”. This accusation against believers seems to be V. 17 “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to
when someone falls into sin. Heaven is free of the un- make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the com-
comfortable presence of the devil, and should also refer mandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ”.
to the Millennium period, when the devil will be bound Very angry, the devil persecutes the Church that was not rap-
and Jesus will reign with all power over all nations. tured and those who are converted during the Great Tribulation.
CONCLUSION: The Rapture will be the first phase of the Second Coming of Jesus. The horn warns, the time of
grace is over; the Church is raptured; and now is the time of God's anger with the judgments of the Great Tribula-
tion. In Rev 12 vs. 6-14 we have the scene of the Rapture seen by John. Maranatha; Lord Jesus is coming. Amen.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence
order. Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The
next study will be 11th on: REVELATION'S CHRONOLOGY. DO NOT MISS IT.

NAME:___________________________________________ SPEAKER:__________________
1st THE TWO STAGES OF PAROUSIA: A) first phase will be the Rapture in the _______________ of
the seven years. At this stage, Jesus comes to the clouds and raptures us. B) second phase, called
the revelation which will be at the end of seven years, every _____________will see Him in all the earth.
2nd TRUMPET OF THE RAPTURE: We believe that this is the last trumpet of probation, announc-
ing that the time ________________________ of grace is over; the Church is ___________________________________, and
___________________________ wrath begins with the judgments of the __________________________________Tribulation.

3rd RAPTURE’S SCENE: (Rev 12.1) “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with
the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars”. This_____________ in heaven (v. 1)
is the Church_________________ raptured, and the signal (v. 3) is the devil trying to stop the Rapture. The
__________ dressed woman is, first, the Nation of Israel and, __________ sequence, the Church of Christ and
the Nation of Israel, that was the one who received the light of God's Word on the O.T. V. 6 “And the
woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two
hundred and three score days”. The woman is the Church being raptured with great eagle __________________
(power of Jesus). This desert is not on earth but in _________________________, a place prepared by God for
the _______________________, where Satan can ___________________________ longer reach (out of sight of the snake).
P. 39
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 10/20.





1st THE TWO STAGES OF PAROUSIA: A) first phase will be the Rapture in the middle of
the seven years. At this stage, Jesus comes to the clouds and raptures us. B) second phase, called
the revelation which will be at the end of seven years, every eye will see Him in all the earth.

2nd TRUMPET OF THE RAPTURE: We believe that this is the last trumpet of probation, announc-
ing that the time of grace is over; the Church is raptured , and
God’s wrath begins with the judgments of the Great Tribulation.

3rd RAPTURE’S SCENE: (Rev 12.1) “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with
the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars”. This sign in heaven
(v. 1) is the Church being raptured, and the signal (v. 3) is the devil trying to stop the Rapture.
The sun dressed woman is, first, the Nation of Israel and, at sequence, the Church
of Christ and the Nation of Israel, that was the one who received the light of God's Word on the O.T.
V. 6 “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there
a thousand two hundred and three score days”. The woman is the Church being raptured with great eagle
wings (power of Jesus). This desert is not on earth but in Heaven , a place prepared
by God for the Lamb , where Satan can no longer reach (out of sight of the snake).
P. 40
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 11/20.
INTRODUCTION: We always think that the fulfillment of Revelation should not occur in the order they are
written. We consulted several authors and percebmos they also think the same way, but there is no clear opinion.
One day, thinking about it and connected with God began to flow within us new knowledge. And then we record-
ed everything. Here then, below, the chronology of chapters and the chronology of plagues.

1st THE CHAPTERS' CHRONOLOGY: In chapter 1:19 we 4th THE PLAGUES’ CHRONOLOGY: The seals contain
have the Apocalypse split into 3 parts: I) what you have the trumpets and the bowls, and most of them occur
seen; Christ glorified (ch. 1). II) The things that are; the simultaneously and not in the order they are written.
seven Churches of Asia (ch. 2 and 3). III) The things The pests are increasing in intensity, because God wants
which shall be hereafter happen. The cap. 4.1-2 John is many to repent and be saved. Is fullfiled only the 2nd
raptured in the Spirit and reports the scenes he saw in three years and a half, and parallel to the war of Arma-
heaven in caps. 4 and 5. Then, John is transported in the geddon. We can divide them into three phases:
time to see and record the things that shall come to pass
after many centuries, beginning with 7, and extending to
Starts the 2nd three and half years. The Antichrist has
the end of everything and start the Eternal State. P.S.:
shown himself. Now steals all the wealth of Babylon and
We believe that the order of events will be as follows: burns the headquarters, prohibits all religions so that he
2nd THE FIRST THREE YEARS AND A HALF: The ch. 13 would be worshiped alone (Rev 17.16-18. See study 15
of Rev. covers the 7 years, starting with the alliance of 10 item 5). Then Jesus opens the 1st four seals (Rev ch. 6.1-8),
nations. See Dan 9:27a. Soon the Antichrist announces releases the forces of evil, sends the plagues of God's
that he is the Christ who has come back, deceived the en- wrath, begins hunger, epidemics, war in the world, and
tire world with false miracles (Matt 24:24; 2 Thes 2.9-10; especially the war of Armageddon in Israel. After the
Rev. 13:14). A few days after started 7 years, the crowds seventh seal initiating the trumpets, opening the first four
are already believing in antichrist. Then (in the 1st three (Rev ch. 8.1-13), damaging one third of the earth, sea,
years and a half) God raises the Ministry of 2 Witnesses springs, rivers, sun, moon and stars (see study in 13, items
who will announce to all people who are being deceived. 1-4). At the same time there is a fraction of the sixth bowl
Will act for 1260 days or 3 years and a half, and end a few (Rev. 16:12) drying the river Euphrates, to behold the
days after iniciated the 2nd three years and a half. Meets kings of the East: Gog and its allies, fulfilling Ez caps. 38
up the cap. 11.1-13. In v. 13 seem to be many conversions. and 39. Obs.: This is the first part of the war of Armaged-
Among the seven years the Antichrist is revealed as Satan don that will be in this first phase, but those armies will be
himself, requires all worship for you, persecutes the destroyed by divine operation (See study on 16, second item).
Church and Jesus comes in snatch. Are fulfilled Rev ch. (Everything here is at the same time).
12; 19.7-9; 2 Thes 2.1-4, 8; Matt 25.6; Dan 9:27b. Obs.:
The power of evil at 2 Thes 2.6-7 rises with the Church. The
FILED: God increases the suffering to repent and be
Antichrist kills the two witnesses. And after three days and
a half, God will resurrect and deliver to Heaven. saved. It is the 5th trumpet (Rev 9.1-12). Locust plague
for 5 months the lost ones who are not allowed to die (v.
3rd THE SECOND THREE YEARS AND A HALF: The 6). Increases more suffering with the bowls (Rev 16.1-11).
second three and a half years begins when the Antichrist 1st bowl, a charge bad and evil (cf. v. 2); 2nd bowl, all
is revealed and the people begin to worship him (ch. the sea becomes blood (v. 3); 3rd bowl, all the rivers and
13.4, 8, 12). Meets up the ch. 7.1-8, sealing the 144,000 of springs become blood (v. 4-7); 4th bowl, the sun scorches
Israel, and the ch. 14.6-13, when God sent three angels to men with fire (v. 8-9); 5th bowl, darkness surrounds the
announce the pests before they begin; preach the Gospel throne of the beast (v.10-11). After the death stop for five
and warn the torment that will receive those who wor- months, it returns to action. Are fulfilled, in sequence the
ship the beast. Then, start the seals, trumpets and bowls 6th trumpet (Rev 9.13-21), and the rest of the 6th bowl (Rev
(chs. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16). Meets up the war of Arma- 16.13-16), extending by the 2nd and 3rd phases of the
geddon (chs. 16.12-16; 14.14-20). Meet up the chs. 17, judgement. In the 6th trumpet, satanic armies work together
18 and 19.1-6 with the destruction of Babylon. Towards with human armies of the 6th bowl, killing 1/3 of men. It is
the end of the Great Tribulation in the ch. 14.1-5, the the 2nd part of the war of Armageddon that continues here
144,000 elect of the Gentiles, in the ch. 6.9-11; 7.9-17, the and runs until the end of the 3rd phase of judgments. From
martyrs of the Great Tribulation: these are the same of the three woes of Rev 8.13, here is fullfiled the first and sec-
the ch. 20.4. In following, Jesus returns, ends the ond ones (Rev 9.12; 11.14). The 3rd one fullfils only on the 3rd
Great Tribulation and the seven years are gone (ch. phase. And still do not repent (Rev 9.20-21). b (See study 14,
19.11-21). Is fulfilled the Millennium and then the Last item 6 and compare with the study 13, 6th item, and study 16,
Judgment (ch. 20.1-15). Destruction of Heaven and items 2 and 3). P.S.: all previous martyrs to the Rapture has
Earth, creating new heavens and new earth and begins already been raised and are in the Lamb. Jesus opens the 5th
the Eternal State (chs. 21 and 22). P.S.: At this chronol- seal shows and in heaven the martyrs of the 1st and 2nd phases
ogy we have several interludes showing what's going on in (Rev 6.9-11.) And completed in the 3rd phase (Rev 7.9-17); and
heaven at the same time. they are all cited for resurrection on the Rev 20.4.
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 11th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 41
lake of fire, giving Israel a great victory, and the Millenni-
The judgment of Babylon (Rev 18.7, 8, 21, see study 15, um starts (Rev 19.11-21; 20.1-6; see study 16, 3rd, 4th and
6th item), the secrets of the seven thunders not revealed 5th items). Note: Compare the 4th trumpet, when 1/3 of the
(Rev 10.1-7), and the seventh trumpet (Rev 11.15-19) sun, moon and stars dims (Rev. 8:12) with the 6th seal, when it
where: first the vs. 18 and 19; and towards the end the vs. seems all dark (Rev 6.12-17). So the 6th seal should occur in
15-17, because herald the end of these things (see study 13, this 3rd phase, along with the 7th bowl and the 7th trumpet
7th item). In this 3rd phase is fullfiled the 2nd Christ’s Ad- (See study 13, 4th item and compare with the study 12, 6th
vent (Matt 24.29-30), in addition to compliance of the 6th item). Do not forget that the 6th trumpet (Rev 9.13-21), and
seal (Rev 6.12-17) and the 7th bowl (Rev 16.17-21), because the rest of the 6th bowl (Rev 16.13-16), remain here until the
the calamities in the three texts are much more intense. end of the judgments. The Euphrates River is dried at the
Jesus come back, destroys the armies of all nations 6th bowl (Rev 16:12) in the first phase, and will be dry by the
fighting against Israel in the war of Armageddon, hold Sa- end of the judgment, it is quoted in the 6th trumpet (Rev
tan and the demons into the abyss for a thousand years, 9.13-21), which occurs in the second and third stages, and is
throws the antichrist and the false prophet alive into the the place where it began the sin of Adam and Eve.
CONCLUSION: The ch. 13 covers seven years. In 1st three years and a half is fulfilled the ministry of the two witnesses. The Anti-
christ will deceive almost the whole world. Then he declares that it is the Devil, requires all worship for you, persecutes the Church and
Jesus comes in Snatch. They start the 2nd three years and a half with the wrath of God; the seals and the trumpets, and bowls in three
phases. The pests are increasing in intensity. Jesus returns, ends the Great Tribulation and begins the Millennium. After the final
judgment, the destruction of Heaven and Earth, the creation of new heavens and new earth. Begins the Eternal State. Thank God. Amen.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The next study will

NAME: _________________________________________ SPEAKER:_____________________
1st THE CHAPTERS' CHRONOLOGY: Then, John is transported in the __________________________, in
vision, to see and record the _____________________________ that shall come to pass after many centuries,
beginning with the 7 years, to the end of _______________________________________ and start the Eternal State.
2nd THE FIRST THREE YEARS AND A HALF: A few days after started 7 years, the crowds are al-
ready believing _______________________ antichrist. Then (in the 1st three years and a half) God raises the
Ministry of ______________________ Witnesses who will announce to __________________________ people who are
being deceived. Among the seven years the Antichrist is revealed ______________________ Satan himself,
requires all worship________________ him, persecutes the Church and Jesus comes to rapture _________________.
3rd THE SECOND THREE YEARS AND A HALF: The second three and a half years begins
___________________ the Antichrist is revealed and people begin to worship him. Then, start the seals,
trumpets and ______________________. In following, Jesus returns, ______________________ the Great Tribulation
and the seven years are gone. Is fulfilled the Millennium and then the __________________________Judgement.
4th THE PLAGUES’ CHRONOLOGY: Is fullfiled only the 2nd three _______________ and a half, and
parallel to the _____________________ of Armageddon. We can divide them into ___________________phases.
5th THE FIRST PHASE OF PLAGUES WERE FULLFILED: The Antichrist has shown himself.
Now steals all _________________________ of Babylon and burns the headquarters, prohibits all religions
so that __________________ would be worshiped alone. Then Jesus opens the 1st four seals (ch. 6.1-8),
releases the forces of evil, sends the ___________________________ of God's wrath, begins hunger, epi-
demics, war in the _____________________, and especially the ____________________ of Armageddon in Israel.
6th THE SECOND PHASE OF PLAGUES WERE FULLFILED: Locust plague for 5 months the
lost ones who are__________________ allowed to die. In the 6th trumpet, satanic ___________________________
work together with___________________________________________ armies of the 6th bowl, killing 1/3 of men.
7th THE THIRD PHASE OF PLAGUES WERE FULLFILED: Jesus come back, destroys the armies
of all ___________________ fighting against Israel in the __________________ of Armageddon, hold Satan and
the demons into the abyss for a _____________________ years, throws the antichrist and the false prophet
alive into the lake of ______________, giving Israel a great ____________________, and the Millennium starts.
P. 42
(Practical Eschatology)


PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL - - Study of the last events, 11/20.



1st THE CHAPTERS' CHRONOLOGY: Then, John is transported in the time , in
vision, to see and record the things that shall come to pass after many centuries,
beginning with the 7 years, to the end of everything and start the Eternal State.

2nd THE FIRST THREE YEARS AND A HALF: A few days after started 7 years, the crowds are
already believing in antichrist. Then (in the 1st three years and a half) God raises the
Ministry of the two Witnesses who will announce to all people who are being
deceived. Among the seven years the Antichrist is revealed as Satan himself, requires
all worship for him, persecutes the Church and Jesus comes to rapture us .

3rd THE SECOND THREE YEARS AND A HALF: The second three and a half years begins
when the Antichrist is revealed and people begin to worship him. Then, start the seals,
trumpets and bowls . In following, Jesus returns, ends the Great Tribulation
and the seven years are gone. Is fulfilled the Millennium and then the Last Judgement.

4th THE PLAGUES’ CHRONOLOGY: Is fullfiled only the 2nd three years and a half,
and parallel to the war of Armageddon. We can divide them into 3 phases.

5th THE FIRST PHASE OF PLAGUES WERE FULLFILED: The Antichrist has shown himself.
Now steals all wealth of Babylon and burns the headquarters, prohibits all religions
so that he would be worshiped alone. Then Jesus opens the 1st four seals (ch. 6.1-8),
releases the forces of evil, sends the plagues of God's wrath, begins hunger, epidemics,
war in the world , and especially the war of Armageddon in Israel.

6th THE SECOND PHASE OF PLAGUES WERE FULLFILED: Locust plague for 5 months the
lost ones who are not allowed to die. In the 6th trumpet, satanic armies
work to gether with human th
armies of the 6 bowl, killing 1/3 of men.

7th THE THIRD PHASE OF PLAGUES WERE FULLFILED: Jesus come back, destroys the ar-
mies of all nations fighting against Israel in the war of Armageddon, hold Satan and
the demons into the abyss for a thousand years, throws the antichrist and the false prophet
alive into the lake of fire , giving Israel a great victory , and the Millennium starts.
P. 43
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 12/20.
INTRODUCTION: In the first 3½ years, the Antichrist will conquer the world by cheating with fake miracles.
In the middle of the seven years, it declares that it is the Devil, demands to be worshiped, and go out to win the
world war. The lost multitudes accept the mark of the beast and worship. So Jesus raptures the Church, opens
the seals and sends the wrath of God upon the worshipers of the beast. Releases the forces of evil and begins in
the World war, famine, death, and much trembling amending Heaven and Earth.

1st THE FIRST SEAL: (Rev 6.1-2). When opened the first During the Great Tribulation, this should happen on a large
seal, came out a white horse; and his rider commands the scale and in all nations of the earth. The third seal will happen
following 3. Horse means strength or power, and white to awake in men the worst aspects of their character. They will
means purity or holiness; but this is false because it is the see what is the real hunger, and that they are without God.
Antichrist coming out to conquer the world by war. He
4th THE FOURTH SEAL: (Rev 6.7-8). When opened the
will try to imitate the white horse rider of Rev 19 which is
fourth seal, it left a pale horse (body color), and its rider
Jesus (Matt 24.4-5, 24; 2 Thes 2.9). Now it is the Lord Je-
had the name Death; and Hell followed with him; and he
sus who opens the seals and controls everything; releases
was given power to kill a fourth part of the earth, with
the satanic forces that were attached to punish the human
sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the
race because they were rebellious toward the Gospel of
beasts of the earth. Now, the first seal is the Antichrist
Jesus Christ. In Rev 6.2 only says that the rider emerged
coming to win. The second seal, it is winning the war,
victorious and win; that is, briefly, it will do only what God
allows him. Already in Rev 19.11-16, identifies that the rider which produces hunger and all sorts of sufferings arising
of the white horse is the Lord Jesus when he says: He is Faith- therefrom. The third stamp shows hunger killing at un-
ful and True, and he judges and makes war with justice, he imaginable dimensions. The fourth seal shows a war even
wore a robe dipped in blood, and is called the Word of God. larger, killing the fourth part of the earth with 4 main
weapons: sword, famine, pestilence and wild beasts. It
2nd THE SECOND SEAL: (Rev 6.3-4). When opened the produces epidemics, strange diseases and plagues, which
second seal, it left a red horse, which means war, lack of kill many people. In addition, there will be even imagina-
peace. Its rider was given to take peace from the earth, ble pests. With this, nature will be destroyed and pollut-
that they should kill one another. And it was given unto ed, and there will be food for humans and animals. Wild
him a great sword. War between peoples, nations and beasts, without food, will become stronger; invade streets and
families. In the first world war, there were 20 million cities and many people will be victims. Die billion. The name
deaths. In the second world war, there were 80 million "Great Tribulation" will have a new meaning these days.
deaths. In apocalyptic war how many deaths will there
be? There will be cruel persecution of believers and a lot 5th THE FIFTH SEAL: (Rev 6.9-11). When opened the
of betrayal. Total lack of peace and days really terrible fifth seal, we have a call for justice, which is made by the
(Matt 10.17-22, 35, 36; 24.7-10; Luke 21.16-19; Micah 7.5-7). martyrs of the first and second phases of the plagues of
the Great Tribulation. These are supplemented by the
3rd THE THIRD SEAL: (Rev 6.5-6). When opened the third phase of the ch. 7.9-17. The text says it was a multi-
third seal, left a black horse, and he that sat on him had a tude that no one could count. From every nation, tribe,
balance in his hand; and was told: A measure of wheat for people and language. All appear in Rev 20.4 to resurrect
a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny. Some and reign with Christ in the Millennium (Dan 7:25; Rev
say that this measure was 450 grams, and others, of a liter. 13.5, 7, 14, 15). P.S.: These are those who were not raptured
A cash or penny was the salary of a working day, which and those who converted during the Great Tribulation. Pay
buy enough food for a family, for 12-15 days. But in those attention: all previous martyrs of the Great Tribulation already
days only buy the food for one day, and their families will resurrected at the Rapture and are with the lamb in heaven.
starve. The basic food is sold by the gold price. This
means: economic disorder, hungry and inflation, severe 6th THE SIXTH SEAL: (Rev 6.12-17). When opened
shortage and reduction of varieties of food with strict ra- the sixth seal, it is described inconceivable cosmic ca-
tioning. It will be the biggest hunger and famine of all time tastrophe the human mind. This great earthquake
and all over the world. Note: In Deut 28.52-58 it is written causes disturbances in the cosmos outside the earth as
that parents ate their own children because of famine that never seen anything like it, and changes the whole
would come as a result of disobedience to God. This happened earth. Seven of creating structures are affected: I -
when the Assyrian empire besieged Samaria, at 722 BC (2
The tremor alters the entire cosmos; It seems to start in
Kings 6.24-29; 17.1-18); and when Jerusalem was surrounded
by the Babylonian empire, 586 BC (Jeremiah 19.9; Lam 4:10; the heavenly area; II - The sun turns into darkness;
Ezekiel 5.7-10). Eschatological jewish books have predicted III – The moon turns into blood; IV - The stars of the
serious food shortages before the Advent of the Messiah. The sky fell to the earth, but we do not know what would be
inhabitants of Jerusalem, after suffering siege for a long time the damage; V - The heavens receded like a scroll be-
before the city's destruction in 70 AD, when all food is over and ing rolled up, and we can not imagine how it will look
they were starving, parents came to eat their own children.
Roman soldiers, while destroying the city, found little children
like; VI - The earthquake shakes the earth to its foun-
corpses, yet not entirely consumed, but saved for this purpose. dations (Isaiah 24.17-22); VII - Mountain and island
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 12th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 44
are removed from their places. This catastrophe will darkness indefinitely, and no one can leave the place
produce changes in coastlines. Islands sink, new hills (Exodus 10.21-23). This great quake amending the
and mountains will form, and the ancient mountains Heavens and the Earth must destroy many bridges on the
disappear. This should change the poles. The nature roads, air traffic control towers, power plants and power
manifests against sin with na incredible strength (He- transmission networks, etc. telephony centers. So,
brews 12.26-27). All men are affected in 7 classes: I – should lack food, water, electricity, telephone, transporta-
The kings; II – The big; III – The rich; IV – The judg- tion... Can we imagine the living conditions of those days?
es; V – The powerful; VI – The servants; VII – The 7th THE SEVENTH SEAL: (Rev 8.1-5). The seventh
free (Isaiah 34.1-4). It will be a telluric catastrophe: seal contains the seven trumpets, subject of the next
calamity, grief, terror, thick darkness, fear, despair study. In the seventh seal are: voices, thunder,
and great distress on all people. It is the wrath of God lightning and earthquakes, we do not know how
upon the whole earth (Matt 24.21, 29; Joel 2.10-11). many deaths there will happen. P.S.: The plagues of
The kings and all the people hide themselves in caves the God’s wrath occour only on the second three years
and in the rocks of the mountains, asking for help to and a half, splitted into 3 phases: 1st phase, the seals
nature rather than the Creator. Note: In those days, from 1 to 4 and the 7th; The 5th seal, on the 2nd and 3rd
both the rich, powerful and the poor, all suffer the same phases, and the 6th seal on the 3rd phase. See study 11,
things. No sun, no moon and no stars, there will be total items 5, 6 and 7.

CONCLUSION: Jesus opens the seals and releases the forces of evil. Comes the war, famine, pestilence, wild beasts,
and billions of people die. Peace in the world extinguishes completely. The celestial cosmos is changed; darkens the
sun, the moon becomes as blood, the stars fall to Earth and the Heaven retires. The world is in darkness. The moun-
tains and islands come out of their places, and all who are living try to hide from the wrath of God. We see also those
who were killed for their faith in Christ, but were faithful and are in the happiness and joy of heaven. Amen.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The next study will

NAME: _________________________________SPEAKER:_____________________________
1st THE FIRST SEAL: Horse means strength ____________________________, and white means purity or
but this is false because it is the Antichrist coming out to conquer the_______________
by war. He will try to ____________________________________the white horse rider of Rev 19 which is Jesus.

2nd THE SECOND SEAL: Its rider was given to take _________________of the Earth, that they should kill
one _____________________. There will be cruel ________________________________ of believers and a lot of betrayal.

3rd THE THIRD SEAL: This means: economic disorder, _________________________and inflation, severe
shortage and reduction of varieties of food with _______________________________ rationing. It will be the
biggest hunger and ______________________________ of all time and______________________________ over the world.
4th THE FOURTH SEAL: The fourth seal shows a war __________________larger, killing the fourth part
of the earth with 4 main ________________________: sword, famine, ____________________________ and wild beasts.
5th THE FIFTH SEAL: When opened the fifth seal, we have a __________ for justice, which is made by the
martyrs of the first and second phases of the plagues of the ___________Tribulation. These are supple-
mented by the third phase of the ch. 7.9-17. The text says it was a multitude that no one_________count.

6th THE SIXTH SEAL: Seven of creating structures are affected: I - The tremor alters the entire
cosmos; It seems to start_________ the heavenly area; II - The sun turns into darkness; III - The moon
__________ into blood; IV - The stars of the sky fell to the _____________, but we do not know what would
__________ the damage; V - The heavens receded like a _______________ being rolled up, and we can not
imagine how it will _______________like; VI - The earthquake shakes the earth to its_______________________;
VII - Mountain and island__________ removed from their places. It will be a telluric_______________________
calamity, grief, terror, thick darkness, ________________, despair and great distress on _______________people.
7th THE SEVENTH SEAL: The seventh seal contains the seven trumpets, subject of the next study. In the
seventh seal are: voices,_________, lightning and earthquakes, we do not know how many________will happen.
P. 45
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 12/20.





1st THE FIRST SEAL: Horse means strength or power , and white means purity
or holiness ; but this is false because it is the Antichrist coming out to conquer the
world by war. He will try to imitate the white horse rider of Rev 19 which is Jesus.

2nd THE SECOND SEAL: Its rider was given to take peace from the earth, that they should
kill one outros . There will be cruel persecutio of believers and a lot of betrayal.

3rd THE THIRD SEAL: This means: economic disorder, hungry and inflation, severe
shortage and reduction of varieties of food with strict rationing. It will be the
biggest hunger and famine of all time and all over the world.

4th THE FOURTH SEAL: The fourth seal shows a war even larger, killing the fourth part
of the earth with 4 main weapons : sword, famine, pestilence and wild beasts.

5th THE FIFTH SEAL: When opened the fifth seal, we have a call for justice, which is made by the
martyrs of the first and second phases of the plagues of the Great Tribulation. These are supple-
mented by the third phase of the ch. 7.9-17. The text says it was a multitude that no one could count.

6th THE SIXTH SEAL: Seven of creating structures are affected: I - The tremor alters the entire
cosmos; It seems to start in the heavenly area; II - The sun turns into darkness; III - The moon
turns into blood; IV - The stars of the sky fell to the earth , but we do not know what would
be the damage; V - The heavens receded like a . scroll being rolled up, and we can not
imagine how it will look like; VI - The earthquake shakes the earth to its foundations;
VII - Mountain and island are removed from their places. It will be a telluric catastrophe:
calamity, grief, terror, thick darkness, fear , despair and great distress on all people.

7th THE SEVENTH SEAL: The seventh seal contains the seven trumpets, subject of the next study. In the sev-
enth seal are: voices, thunder , lightning and earthquakes, we do not know how many deaths will happen.
P. 46
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 13/20.
INTRODUCTION: The 7 trumpets came out of the 7th seal, as well as the 7 bowls came out of the 7th
trumpet. The first four trumpets affect the natural world, reaching all people. The last three trumpets
affect only unredeemed. So we will study the seven trumpets one by one.

1st THE FIRST TRUMPET: (Rev 8.7). Falls on A) IDENTIFYING THE LOCUSTS: Its opinion
Earth hail and fire mixed with blood. It burned all was similar to horses prepared to war with 7 out-
the green grass and the third part of the trees. It standing features:
seems that prodigious electrical nature storms will I - They had on their heads crowns like gold;
sweep the entire globe. This hail and fire mingled II – Their faces look like men faces;
with blood will be a tremendous destructive force to III – They had hair like women hairs;
transform many areas in ashes. Men will be per- IV – They had teeth like lions to cripple their victims;
plexed and astonished because all forecasts and me-
V - They had very strong iron breastplates;
teorological explanations will be challenged. See
Exodus 9.23-25; Joel 2.30-31; Acts 2.19-20). VI - They had wings, whose sound looks like chari-
ots of many horses running to the battle, hearing
2nd THE SECOND TRUMPET: (Rev 8.8-9). Some- even from far away;
thing like a great mountain burning with fire falls VII - They had tails like to scorpions. Were stings in
on the sea. And it became blood in the third part of their tails to injure the lost men for 5 months (v. 7-
the sea, died the third part of the creatures which 10). In Proverbs 30.27 it is stated that the locusts
had life in the sea and was lost in the third part of have no king, however, these are demons, so have
the ships. It seems that this fire and blood will poi- king over them (v. 11), the Devil himself (the abyss
son and coagulate 1/3 sea, killing fish 1/3, 1/3 of Angel), whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in
people at sea, and destroys 1/3 of the ships; see the Greek, Apollyon, which means destruction.
parallel in Exodus 7.19-21.
B) THE LOCUST’S MISSION: Now the natural lo-
3rd THE THIRD TRUMPET: (Rev 8.10-11). The great custs are nothing similar to scorpions. Eat green grass,
star called Wormwood, burning like a torch, fell up- greenery and trees, as happened in Egypt (Exodus
on the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains 10.12-15); and they have stings in their tails. Here we
of waters. The third part of the waters became have a mixture of locust with scorpion, forbidden to
wormwood; and many men died from the bitter wa- eat grass, greenery and trees; things that normal lo-
ters. Absinthe is the most bitter bush known. Vari- custs feed (v. 3-4). They are a type of winged horses
ous types of absinthe are found in the East, in Syria that come out of Hell. It is a satanic army of war,
and Palestine. The reference here must be to the whose mission is to torment the lost for 5 months. Be-
Jewish Artemisia, one of the most bitter and poison- cause, he says he did not kill them, but for five months
ous, which was used by the prophets to show God's to torment them; and their torment was as the torment
wrath against the disobedient to His Word. In Jere- of a scorpion when it strikes a man. This torment is so
miah 9.14-15; 23.13-15 is used the word wormwood terrible that men will seek death and not find it; and
and gall, referring to the same thing. So, Absinthe is desire to die, and death shall flee from them (vs. 4-6).
something toxic and poisonous. Since no one can live P.S.: If, during this torment, any of these people repent
without water, death by poisoning is inevitable. and believe in Jesus, they will be saved.

4th THE FOURTH TRUMPET: (Rev 8.12-13). It 6th THE SIXTH TRUMPET: (Rev 9.13-21). He or-
was wounded the third part of the sun, and the third dered the Angel to release the four angels who are
part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so bound at the great river Euphrates. Some say that
that the third part of them was darkened, and the these four angels are saints and others who are de-
third part of the day and night did not shine. Here we mons. We believe they are demons, because they are
have ecological disasters, and we do not know for how trapped, and can only act on time, day, month and
long. Something similar is in Amos 8.9; Exodus 10.21- year given by God (vs. 13-15; 2 Peter 2.4; Jude 6).
23; Matt 24.29. And the number of armies of the horsemen was two
hundred million. And the knights who rode on horses
5th THE FIFTH TRUMPET: (Rev 9.1-12). Some had fire-colored breastplates (fiery red), and hyacinth
feel that this fallen star from Heaven (v. 1) is the (dark blue steaming), and sulfur (yellow sulfur); and
devil, who was given the key to open the bottomless the heads of the horses were as heads of lions; and
pit that is in hell, from which rises smoke darkening their mouths issued fire and smoke and sulfur. With
the sun and air (v. 2). And the locusts came from these three plagues was slain the third part of men.
the smoke (v. 3). That is, by fire, smoke, and sulfur. (We note that the
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 13th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 47
damage is done by horses and not their riders, but His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever. This
both are satanic). Because their power is in their annoucement is revealed sooner Thant the expected,
mouths and in their tails; because their tails were like because the 7th trumpet covers events that extend to
unto serpents, and their heads can cause damage (vs. the return of Christ for the Millennium, "the Parou-
16-19). This is a real satanic cavalry (200 million), sia", including the seven bowls of the ch. 16 and other
which is released from Hell, when released the four events. In v. 19 we have lightning, voices, thunder,
angels, and spread evil by the 4 corners of the earth, earthquake, and great hail. We cannot be sure about
leading men almost to madness, agony and self- the damage caused, but we can imagine that will be
annihilation. P.S.: In vs.20-21 is said that men who great calamities with death and suffering. P.S.: The
escaped did not repent. Then we deduce that the saved church has already been raptured before the
before the Great Tribulation will not suffer this evil. seals. The wrath of God is only in the second three and
And along with the anger it is God's mercy, giving op- a half years after the Antichrist is revealed, and in 3
portunity to the 2/3 who escaped, to repent and be saved. phases. The first 4 trumpets occours in the first phase;
5th and 6th in the second stage; but the sixth trumpet
7th THE SEVENTH TRUMPET: (Rev 11.15-19). The
continues in the third phase with the seventh trumpet;
sounding of the seventh trumpet announces that the
(See study 11 items 5, 6 and 7).
kingdoms of the world came to be of our Lord and of
CONCLUSION: Hail with fire and blood burn the third part of the trees and all the green grass, and 1/3 of the sea
becomes blood and dies 1/3 of life at sea; 1/3 of the rivers and springs become wormwood (poisonous) and kill many.
It hurt 1/3 of the sun, moon and stars and darkens third of the day and night. The bottomless pit rise locusts and
torment the lost for five months. The Satanic armies came out of the (Euphrates) Hell and kills 1/3 of men by fire,
smoke and sulfur. And the seventh trumpet reveals: lightning, voices, thunder, earthquake, and great hail.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence
order. Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The
next study will be 14th on: THE 7 BOWLS OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION. DO NOT MISS IT.

NAME: __________________________________________SPEAKER:____________________
1st THE FIRST TRUMPET: Falls on Earth hail and fire mixed _______________________blood. It burned
all the green ________________________________ and the third part of the__________________________________. It
seems that prodigious ______________________________________ nature storms will sweep the entire globe.
2nd THE SECOND TRUMPET: And it became blood the _____________ part of the sea, died the third
part of the creatures which had _____________ in the sea and was lost in the third part of the _____________.
3rd THE THIRD TRUMPET: So, Absinthe is something toxic and _____________________________. Since
no one can live without ________________________, death by poisoning ___________________________ inevitable.
4th THE FOURTH TRUMPET: It was wounded the third part of the sun, and the third part of the
_____________________ and the third part of the stars; so that the___________________ part of
them was darkened, and the third part of the________________________ and night did not shine.
crowns like___________________; II Their faces look like _____________________ faces; III They had hair like
___________________________ hairs; IV They had teeth like lions to cripple their _____________________________;
V They had very __________________________ iron breastplates; VI They had wings, whose sound looks
like _______________________ of many horses running to the battle, hearing even from ______________________
away; VII They had tails like ________________________________________. B) THE LOCUSTS’ MISSION:
It is a satanic army of war, whose ____________________________________ is to torment the lost for 5 months.

6th THE SIXTH TRUMPET: With these three plagues was slain the third part of __________________.
That is, by fire, __________________________and sulfur. This is a real ________________________________ cavalry.
7th THE SEVENTH TRUMPET: In v. 19 we have lightning, voices, ___________________________, earth-
quake, and great hail. We cannot be sure about the _____________________________________ caused, but we can
imagine that will be great____________________________________with ___________________________________ and suffering.
P. 48
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 13/20.





1st THE FIRST TRUMPET: Falls on Earth hail and fire mixed with blood. It burned
all the green grass and the third part of the trees . It
seems that prodigious electrical nature storms will sweep the entire globe.

2nd THE SECOND TRUMPET: And it became blood the third part of the sea, died the third
part of the creatures which had life in the sea and was lost in the third part of the ships.

3rd THE THIRD TRUMPET: So, Absinthe is something toxic and poisonous . Since
no one can live without water , death by poisoning will be inevitable.

4th THE FOURTH TRUMPET: It was wounded the third part of the sun, and the third part of the
moon , and the third part of the stars; so that the third part
of them was darkened, and the third part of the day and night did not shine.

crowns like gold ; II Their faces look like men faces; III They had hair like
women hairs; IV They had teeth like lions to cripple their victims ;
V They had very strong iron breastplates; VI They had wings, whose sound looks
like chariots of many horses running to the battle, hearing even from far
away; VII They had tails like scorpions . B) THE LOCUST’S MISSION:
It is a satanic army of war, whose mission is to torment the lost for 5 months.

6th THE SIXTH TRUMPET: With these three plagues was slain the third part of men .
That is, by fire, smoke and sulfur. This is a real satanic cavalry.

7th THE SEVENTH TRUMPET: In v. 19 we have lightning, voices, thunder ,

earthquake, and great hail. We cannot be sure about the damage caused, but we can
imagine that will be great calamities with death and suffering.
P. 49
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 14/20.
INTRODUCTION: Remember the church was raptured in the middle of the seven years, before the plagues
begin. The bowls are more intense than the trumpets, and some of them happen together. The first four
bowls hit hardly the environment. The last three, the antichrist domain. Lets study them:

1st THE FIRST BOWL: Revelation 16.2: And the first 5th THE FIFTH BOWL: Revelation 16.10-11: And
went, and poured his vial upon in October the earth; the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the
and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and
men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them they gnawed their tongues for pain. The beast's
which worshiped his image. Those who worship the throne will be in Rome, but the judgments of God
beast and his image will have to drink the bowl of will reach all the antichrist empire around the
God's wrath. This is the punishment for those who world. Should be here total darkness, thick palpable
believed the lie. This first bowl will cause tremen- darkness as there was in Egypt (Exodus 10.21-23),
dous outbreak of sores or bad and malignant ulcers and no one can leave the house. They prefer spiritu-
in men, perhaps cancerous and very painful, for al darkness, but will also receive the material dark-
which there will be no remedy that can cure. Some- ness. Men will be covered with the plagues of the
thing similar occurred in Egypt (Exodus 9.8-11). first bowl, many diseases, scorched by the sun, and
now on total darkness. They will be so intensely
2nd THE SECOND BOWL: Revelation 16.3: And the distressed that bite their own tongues so strong that
second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it the pain will be.
became as the blood of a dead man: and every living
soul died in the sea. Something similar occurred in 6th THE SIXTH BOWL: (Revelation 16.12-16). Now
Egypt, killing the fish in the Nile (Exodus 7.14-25). the judgment of the sixth trumpet (Rev. 9.13-19) in-
In the second trumpet (Rev 8.8-9), one third of the volves the river Euphrates, when 1/3 of men die by fire,
sea became blood, and 1/3 of life at sea died. But smoke and sulfur. Again in v. 12, the Euphrates is in-
here the effects are far more vast. The sea covers volved. God has dried up the Red Sea and the Jordan
most of the earth's surface, and God, who created it, River so Israel would cross, and now dries up the Eu-
turns it around in the blood of a dead, unclean and phrates to make His judgments. Before the Euphrates
clotted, and dies everything that has life at sea. How River was a natural border protection against their
many industries and as of men's lives depend on the enemies; now becomes a road facilitating the passage
sea! This will be a very severe judgment against of the troops coming from the East, to attack Israel in
humanity. Men can reach the mental despair. the war of Armageddon. This is a battle against the
people of God and against God. In vs. 13-14, demons
3rd THE THIRD BOWL: Revelation 16.4-7: And the will go to the kings of the whole world, and shall show
third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and great signs, so all the kings come in hot anger, hatred
fountains of waters; and they became blood. Now, in and death against Israel. In v. 16, speaks of Armaged-
the third trumpet (Rev 8.10-11), 1/3 of the waters of don, which is a great plain in northern Israel, where,
rivers and fountains became wormwood (poisonous), over the millennia, there were great wars. Very great
and many died of the waters. Here, however, it slaughter will be in those days. This war will be in Is-
seems that all the rivers and springs of water be- rael, the 2nd three years and a half, and parallel to all
come blood, and the death will be much wider. pests. Involve the world, and will end when Christ
Fresh currents of life become deadly. Men have returns to destroy the Antichrist and his armies; give
shed the blood of the martyrs (Rev 17.6). God now victory to Israel and implement the Millennium. The
gives them blood to drink. A just retribution (v. 6). battle of Armageddon will end the satanic system of
The man will reap what he has sown. How someone government throughout World. Note: We believe that
can survive all this? this war will start with the northern nations (East), ful-
filling Ezekiel caps. 38 and 39, and, below, will all the
4th THE FOURTH BOWL: Revelation 16.8-9: And nations of the earth against Israel (Zech 14.1-9; 12.1-4,
the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; 9). Later we will have a single study on the war of Ar-
and power was given unto him to scorch men with mageddon, which will give many other important details.
fire. The sun greatly increases its heat and scorches
men with fire and they blaspheme God. The Sun is 7O THE SEVENTH BOWL: (Revelation 16.17-21). In
our benefactor; no sun there could be no life on vs. 17 and 18, we have voices, thunder, lightning and
Earth. But now it produces in men burns and terri- the biggest earthquake of all time. In v. 19, the great
ble tortures. The environment rebels against the city (Jerusalem) split into 3 parts, and the cities of the
iniquity of men. And rebels against the damage they nations fell. The wrath of God falls on the great Baby-
caused to the environment. lon (Rome). See study 15. In v. 20, every island fled
(Practical Eschatology) - See the next page ►
Continuation of 14th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 50
away, and the mountains were not found. There seems the same time; according to experts, 66 to 110 lbs each;
to be here a new cataclysm like that of Noah's time. and certainly die all who are reached (v. 21). All this will
There may be the earth's crust slide to change the produce very many deaths and unimaginable evils. P.S.:
Earth's poles. Some continents will sink in the ocean, The wrath of God only occurs in the 2nd three and a half
and others will emerge in what is now the sea. We years after the Antichrist is revealed, and in 3 phases. The
have something similar in the 6th seal, which seems to first 5 cups occur in the second phase. A fraction of the 6th
be added here (Rev 6.12-17); here, however, it is much bowl occurs in the first phase (Rev. 16:12); and the rest of it
more intense. While the earth staggers, falls on men a (Rev 16.13-16) in the 2nd and 3rd stages. The 7th bowl only in
great hail, weight of the stones of a talent, all falling at the third stage; see study 11 items 5, 6 and 7.

CONCLUSION: In the first bowl sores torment those who have the mark of the beast; in the second bowl the sea
becomes blood and dies at sea everything that has life; in the third, the rivers and the fountains of waters become
blood, and all will have to drink blood; in the fourth, all will be scorched with fire; in the fifth, the beast's throne
is in darkness, and because of the darkness and the wounds, bite their own tongues because of pain; in the sixth,
the river Euphrates is dried so the Eastern armies may come to the war of Armageddon; in the seventh, voices,
thunder, lightning and the biggest earthquake of all time. Jerusalem was split into 3 parts, and the cities of the
nations fell; every island fled away; and the mountains were not found; large hail falls on men, and many will die.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence
order. Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The
next study will be 15th on: GOD’S WRATH AGAINST BABYLON. DO NOT MISS IT.

NAME: ______________________________________________SPEAKER:________________
1st THE FIRST BOWL: This first bowl will cause ___________________________________ outbreak of sores
or bad and _____________________________________ ulcers in men, ___________________________________ cancerous
and very painful, for which there will be no ________________________________________________ that can cure.

2nd THE SECOND BOWL: The sea covers most of the earth's surface, and God, who created it,
turns it around in ________________________________ of a dead, unclean and clotted, and dies everything that
has_______________________ at sea. This will be a very severe judgment ____________________________ humanity.

3rd THE THIRD BOWL: Here, however, it seems that all the ___________________ and springs of water
become______________________, and the death _____________________________ much wider. Men have shed the
blood of the ________________________________. God now gives them _________________________________to drink.

4th THE FOURTH BOWL: The sun greatly increases its______________________ and scorches men with
fire and they blaspheme God. The environment rebels against the ____________________________of men.

5th THE FIFTH BOWL: The beast's throne will be in _____________________, but the judgments of God
will reach all the antichrist empire ___________________________the world. Men will be covered with the
__________________________ of the first bowl, many diseases, scorched by the _____________________, and now
on total ________________________________. They will be so intensely ____________________________________, that
bite their own ________________________________ so strong that the _____________________________________ will be.

6th THE SIXTH BOWL: God has dried up the Red Sea and the _______________________ River so Israel
would cross, and now dries up the ________________________ River to make His ________________________. In
vs. 13-14, demons will go to the kings _____________________ of the whole world, and shall show great
signs, so all the kings come in hot _________________ hatred and death ___________________Israel. This war
will be in Israel, the 2nd three years and a _____________________, and parallel to____________________all pests.

7th THE SEVENTH BOWL: In vs. 17 and 18, we have voices, thunder, lightning and the
of all time. In v. 19, the great __________________(Jerusalem) split into 3 parts,
and the cities of the nations_______________. In v. 20, every island fled away, and the mountains were
not __________________. There seems to be here a new ____________________________ like that of Noah's time.
P. 51
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 14/20.




1st THE FIRST BOWL: This first bowl will cause tremendous outbreak of
sores or bad and malignant ulcers in men, perhaps can-
cerous and very painful, for which there will be no remedy that can cure.

2nd THE SECOND BOWL: The sea covers most of the earth's surface, and God, who created it,
turns it around in blood of a dead, unclean and clotted, and dies everything that
has life at sea. This will be a very severe judgment against humanity.

3rd THE THIRD BOWL: Here, however, it seems that all the rivers and springs of
water become blood , and the death will be much wider. Men have
shed the blood of the martyrs . God now gives them blood to drink.

4th THE FOURTH BOWL: The sun greatly increases its heat and scorches men with
fire and they blaspheme God. The environment rebels against the iniquity of men.

5th THE FIFTH BOWL: The beast's throne will be in Rome , but the judgments
of God will reach all the antichrist empire around the world. Men will be covered
with the plagues of the first bowl, many diseases, scorched by the Sun , and
now on total darkness . They will be so intensely distressed , that
bite their own tongues so strong that the pain will be.

6th THE SIXTH BOWL: God has dried up the Red Sea and the Jordan river so Israel
would cross, and now dries up the Euphrates River to make His judgments .
In vs. 13-14, demons will go to the kings of the whole world, and shall show great
signs, so all the kings come in hot anger , hatred and death against Israel.
This war will be in Israel, the 2nd three years and a half , and parallel to all pests.

7th THE SEVENTH BOWL: In vs. 17 and 18, we have voices, thunder, lightning and the
earthquake of all time. In v. 19, the great city (Jerusalem) split into 3 parts, and
the cities of the nations fell . In v. 20, every island fled away, and the mountains were
not found . There seems to be here a new cataclysm like that of Noah's time.
P. 52
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 15/20.
INTRODUCTION: We will study: the name "Babylon"; more Babylon details; the crime of Babylon; Babylon
generates the 7 years; the Antichrist destroys Babylon; God’s wrath against Babylon; the great joy in Heaven.

1st THE NAME "BABYLON": It has been identified in Empire ended politically, the religious Babylon continued
the 4th study, 4th item, but you should remember it. over the centuries dominating the kings; persecuting and
The name “Babylon” comes from "Babel" and means killing Christians and Jews in the Crusades and in the
rebellion against God, false religion, idolatry, witch- Holy Inquisition. The Bible says it was drunk with the
craft, astrology or confusion (Genesis 10.8-10; 11.4-9; blood of the saints, and this is the great and terrible crime
Isaiah 47.1-15; Revelation 18.1-8). Babylon in the Old of the Roman Babylon before God (Rev 17.6; 18:24;
Testament, was the capital of Iraq. The Babylon in 19.2; 13.7, 15; 7.9, 14; 6.9). Note: In Rev 18.1-24 both
Revelation, is Rome, and appears under condemnation Babylons acted together. Historically speaking of the great
in Rev 14.8; 16:19; 17.1, 5; 18.1-10, 21. Note: Baby- trade led by Roma with all nations, enriching them. Propheti-
lon has two forms intertwined with each other: the eccle- cally speaking for all ages and to the present day. Places before
siastical Babylon that appears in the women-religious depopulated in various nations are now rich cities with the trade
figure, and political Babylon that is contained in ecclesi-
of faith in idolatry (Rev 18.11-19).
astical Babylon and bring the kingdom of the Antichrist;
they are mixed (Rev. 17.1-18; 18.1-24; 13.1-18). Baby- 4th BABYLON GENERATES THE 7 YEARS: The crises,
lon sits on seven hills, the city of Rome (Rev. 17.9, 18). problems and all sorts of difficulties should greatly in-
crease worldwide. Then, at the appointed time, Babylon
2nd MORE BABYLON DETAILS: John used the name
must stand up and suggest an alliance among the 10 most
Babylon as a code to identify Rome, so that the persecu-
important nations of the earth, to elect a single world rul-
tion of the Church does not increase. In Rev 17.1 the
er who can solve all the difficulties of the world. And
word harlot or prostitute has spiritual meaning and
through the media, convince the world to adopt such ide-
means satanic doctrine. In Rev 17.3, 12, we see the 10-
as. It must have two men: one to reign in the world of
nation alliance and 7 that will reign, fulfilling the little
politics (the Antichrist), and others to help in religion (the
horn of Daniel 7.7-8, 24, 25, along with Rev 17:11, where
false prophet), leaving both its means and being Jews (Rev
religious Babylon is called the beast, is the eighth, and is of
13). All this will be approved and start the seven years
the seven, and goes into perdition (See study 4, 4th item).
(Dn 9:27). Then Babylon must get up and put away 3
Note: Some feel that the seven kings of Rev 17:10 were seven
nations of the alliance; and the Antichrist reigns seven.
Romans emperors, but the Roman Empire had 10 emperors in
They are the 7 heads and 10 horns (Rev 17.3, 7, 11, 12;
a single empire. We believe the 7 empires who opposed the
Dani 7.7-8, 24, 25). So the antichrist declares to the world
nation of Israel are: 1 - Pharaoh's empire in Egypt; 2 -The
that he is the Christ of God who has returned, the Messi-
Assyrian; 3 -The Babylonian; 4 -The Medo-Persian; and 5 -
ah of Israel. Performs a covenant of peace (false) to the
The Greek. These five are fallen. The sixth is the Roman Em-
Jews and their enemies, who will believe in him. Promotes
pire that reigned in the time of John. And the seventh to come
the construction of the Temple of God in Jerusalem and re-
is the Antichrist. In Rev 17.8, 11 says: The beast you saw was,
store the Jewish worship. Begins to solve the serious prob-
and is not, but is about to come. The Devil was free before
lems of the world by the power of the Devil (all fake), and
Christ., now is not, but will incarnate the Antichrist, with God's
almost fool the entire world. Note: In the first 3 and a half
permission, for the judgments of the Great Tribulation.
years, only two faiths are allowed: the Jewish and of Babylon,
3rd THE CRIME OF BABYLON: The Babylonian Empire
and all others will suffer persecution. Must adhere to Babylon
was mortally wounded in the 4th century (Rev 13.3, 12), all the apostate Christendom and other non-Christian religions.
but continued to reign in world politics by religious Baby- 5th THE ANTICHRIST DESTROYS BABYLON: Through
lon. In Rev 17.1-2, 15 says she has dominion over the na- the seven years the Antichrist takes his deceptive mask.
tions, contaminated the kings of the earth and with them, And it is revealed as it really is, Satan. Use the false
all peoples. V 5 It says that Babylon is the mother of apos- prophet to show himself, placing them in all religious and
tate religions. In Rev 17.3, 7 is said that Babylon sits on a public places of the world, including in the Jerusalem
beast (the devil) that leads. Thus, it uses the name of Temple. Put a devil on each image to get it talking and
Christ and his Gospel; what it does appear to be God, but deceiving. Break the covenant of peace he had made with
is not, deceiving the world. It will reach the religious and the Jews; try to change the time, the Law and the Bible.
political peak in the first part of seven years. Now, in the Prohibits the Jewish worship and all religions of the
early centuries of the Church, the Roman emperors de- world, including Babylon that elected him. Forces all the
clared themselves gods, established the cult of the emper- world to receive the beast's mark in hand or forehead.
or, made images of themselves, spreading them around Based on the Temple of Jerusalem, it demands to be wor-
the world, and demanded worship of all people. They shiped as God by the Jews and all the peoples of the
persecuted and killed the believers in Jesus, sending many world, both personally and his image, and kills those who
to the lions in the Roman Coliseum. When the Roman fail to do so (2 Thess 2.1-4; Daniel 9:27; 7:7-8, 24, 25;
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 15th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 53
Rev 13.13-18). Destroy this Babylon, robs all its wealth, involved the whole world. (In Rev 18.21-24 is said that a
ignites and burns its headquarters, using for it the 10 na- strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast
tion alliance, so that the Antichrist is the only object of it into the sea, saying, Thus with equal momentum will be
worship (Rev 17:16). Note: After the Antichrist is revealed, launched Babylon, that great city). And will never be
the Church is persecuted cruelly, and Jesus comes to rap- found v. 21. (Probably God does here as he did with Sodom
ture us. Jews resist the antichrist; begins the war of Arma- and Gomorrah). But the antichrist and the false prophet
geddon and the plagues of the Apocalypse. escaped. In those days, they will be in Jerusalem; the first
to be worshiped and the second to help him. The full
6th GOD’S WRATH AGAINST BABYLON: The fifth bowl judgment of the Antichrist and the false prophet will be at
falls upon the throne of the beast (Revelation 16.10-11). the end of the war of Armageddon, when they will be de-
The high point of God's wrath on Babylon should occur feated by Christ in His second coming; They will be ar-
towards the end of the 2nd three and half years, and must rested and cast alive into the lake of fire (Rev 19.19-21).
be parallel to the second part of the war of Armageddon.
Now the two Babylons (the political and ecclesiastical) are 7th THE GREAT JOY IN HEAVEN: In Revelation
burned with fire that certainly will come from heaven 18:20; 19.1-6 see big party in heaven great multitude
(Rev 18.1-10, 18). P.S.: Pharaoh and his army sank in the of angels and saved proclaim: Hallelujah, Salvation
waters of the Red Sea (Exodus 14.15-31). It was said of and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our
Tyre that would sink in the sea (Ezekiel 27.27-36). In God. Because true and righteous are His judgments,
Genesis 19.24-29, Sodom and Gomorrah were burned because He judged the great whore. She did corrupt
with fire and brimstone which came from heaven, because the earth with her fornication, and by her hands
of sexual immorality. But the Bible does not say that sank avenged the blood of His servants. Great will be the
into the Dead Sea, though science has proved it. The more praise, gratitude and worship to God in heaven. Amen.
serious is the sin of spiritual fornication of Rome, which Amen. And Amen.

CONCLUSION: The name Babylon means rebellion against God. Babylon generates 7 years with the alliance of 10
nations. Raises the antichrist and the false prophet. And through the seven years it will be destroyed by the anti-
christ. The Antichrist demands to be worshiped as God and kill those who do not, persecutes the Church, and Jesus
comes to rapture His church. Babylon will be burned with fire by the wrath of God, for deceive nations and killed
the believers. And we participate in the festivities in heaven at God's judgment on Babylon. Amen.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The next study will

NAME: __________________________________________SPEAKER:___________________
1st THE NAME "BABYLON": The name “Babylon” comes from _____________________ means rebellion
against God _________________________religion, idolatry, witchcraft, _______________________________, or confusion.
2nd MORE BABYLON DETAILS: In Rev 17.1 the word __________________________________ or prostitute
has spiritual ______________________________________ and means satanic _________________________________________.
3rd THE CRIME OF BABYLON: When the Roman Empire ended politically, the religious Babylon
continued over the centuries dominating the kings; persecuting and_______________________ Christians and
Jews in the Crusades and in the __________________Inquisition. The Bible says it was drunk with the blood
of the saints, and this is the great and terrible __________________________ of the Roman Babylon before God.
4th BABYLON GENERATES THE 7 YEARS: So the antichrist declares to the world that he is the
Christ of God who has ____________________, the Messiah of Israel. Begins to solve the serious problems
of the world by the_____________________ of the Devil (all fake), and almost fool the____________________ world.
5th THE ANTICHRIST DESTROYS BABYLON: Through the ____________ years the Antichrist takes
his deceptive mask. Destroy this Babylon, robs all its _______________ ignites and burns its headquarters.
6th GOD’S WRATH AGAINST BABYLON: Now the ___________ Babylons (the political and ecclesias-
tical) are burned with fire, that____________________will come from heaven. And will______________be found.
7th THE GREAT JOY IN HEAVEN: Because true and _____________________ are His judgments, because
He judged the great whore. Great will be the_________________, gratitude and worship to God in heaven.
P. 54
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 15/20.





1st THE NAME "BABYLON": The name “Babylon” comes from “Babel” and means rebel-
lion against God, false religion, idolatry, witchcraft, astrology or confusion.

2nd MORE BABYLON DETAILS: In Rev 17.1 the word harlot or prostitute
has spiritual meaning and means satanic doctrine .

3rd THE CRIME OF BABYLON: When the Roman Empire ended politically, the religious Babylon
continued over the centuries dominating the kings; persecuting and killing Christians and
Jews in the Crusades and in the Holy Inquisition. The Bible says it was drunk with the
blood of the saints, and this is the great and terrible crime of the Roman Babylon before God.

4th BABYLON GENERATES THE 7 YEARS: So the antichrist declares to the world that he is the
Christ of God who has returned , the Messiah of Israel. Begins to solve the serious problems
of the world by the power of the Devil (all fake), and almost fool the entire world.

5th THE ANTICHRIST DESTROYS BABYLON: Through the seven years the Antichrist takes
his deceptive mask. Destroy this Babylon, robs all its wealth , ignites and burns its headquarters.

6th GOD’S WRATH AGAINST BABYLON: Now the two Babylons (the political and ecclesias-
tical) are burned with fire, that certainly will come from heaven. And will never be found.

7th THE GREAT JOY IN HEAVEN: Because true and righteous are His judgments, because
He judged the great whore. Great will be the praise , gratitude and worship to God in heaven.
P. 55
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 16/20.
INTRODUCTION: We will study today: where and when will the war of Armageddon. The first and second part
of the war. Israel suffers a lot, but Jesus returns and gives victory to Israel. And all the Jews convert to Jesus.

1st WHERE AND WHEN WILL BE THE WAR: It will hatred and death against Israel. Then the Antichrist will
be in northern Israel, in the great valley of Armaged- bring Israel against the armies of all nations of the earth.
don or Jehoshaphat, and it will happen in the end Including other armies of the nations of the North, to re-
times, in the 2nd three and half years, during the seven place those destroyed. In Zech 12.3, 9; 14.2 says: I will
years period (Ezek 38.8, 16). This valley measures 22 x gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it. Now
32 km, and is next to Mount Megiddo (Rev 16:12, 16). the focus of the war is Jerusalem and the valley of Arma-
In this valley there were major wars against Israel over geddon, but there are so many enemies that the battle will
cover the entire nation. Now, in the first part of the war,
the centuries. In the middle of the seven years, the An-
God exercised judgment on the nations of the North, and
tichrist declares to the world that he is Satan himself.
Israel did not have to fight. But now, God exercises
Prohibits all religions, sits in the Temple of Jerusalem, judgment on Israel, and will allow great fight of their ar-
and demands to be worshiped as God by all people. Jews my against the armies of the Antichrist. For some time Je-
resist and begins the war of Armageddon (Dan 9:27; 7.7- rusalem will be taken, the houses looted, the shared spoils, the
8, 24, 25; 2 Thess 2.1-9). Note: This war is not yet fulfilled. women ravished, and half of the people shall go into captivity
The war is not against the walled cities of Israel, without (Zech 14.1-2, 14), fulfilling Jacob's Trouble, as never seen be-
doors or locks. And even many centuries AD all the cities fore (Jere 30.7-9; Dan 9:27; 12.1; Zech 13.8-9; 14.1-2; Matt
were walled. War is against the people of Israel gathered 24:21; 1 Thess 5.1, 3). P.S.: In those days the Jews recognize
from the nations, and this began in 1948 (Ezek 38.11-12). that only God can free them from total destruction. In this way,
the people are prepared to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, and
2nd THE FIRST PART OF WAR: The war begins with all be saved when Christ come down from heaven. In Zech
Russia commanding the armies of all the nations of the 13.8-9 is said that two thirds of people will die. And God will
North against Israel. Will come in crowds, like a purify the fire one-third to stay, as silver and gold are refined.
storm, and like a cloud, so that in addition to Arma- This should refer to all the nations of the earth in the period of
geddon Valley, still cover the mountains and the whole the Great Tribulation, but here will be stronger on Israel.
nation of Israel. Come riding on horses, all of them 4th SECOND COMING OF JESUS: Fulfils the parousia.
handling sword, shield and helmet (Ezek 38.3-9, 15, 16; Now, the Rapture has already occurred in the middle of
39.1-5). God destroys them with environment weapons: seven years; and only saw Jesus those who were raptured.
great earthquakes; pests, blood, overflowing rain, and But now, every eye will see Him at the same time and all
great hailstones of fire and sulfur, and terrestrial phe- over the world, from heaven with power and great glory.
nomena. The enemy will kill each other. All of this will Before the end of the war, Jesus comes down from heaven
fall on those armies and will all be destroyed. It is the day with the angels and with us, already glorified spiritual
of God's judgment (Ezek 38.18-23; Zech 14.12-13). Note: bodies (Matt 24.29-30, 27; 25:31; Acts 1.8-12; 1 Thess
The Antichrist will first against Israel the Northern people 3:13; Jude 14, 15, Rev 1.7). Jesus descends upon the
(Eze 38.1-6). We (and most researchers) believe the follow- Mount of Olives from which He ascended into heaven.
ing interpretation: Gog means chief, president or king. Magog Now the Mount of Olives is before Jerusalem, and is 61
is Russia. Meshech is Moscow. Tubal tribe is always associat- meters higher than the highest part of the temple. When
ed with Meshech. Togarmah is Armenia. Gomer is Eastern Jesus' feet touch the Mount of Olives, the lot will be
Europe, Germany and the Slavic countries. Phut is Libya. Per-
sians and Ethiopians are the Arab and African countries. All
split in two, and half of the mountain shall remove to-
are descendants of Noah (Gen 10.1-6) and are allies of Russia. ward the north, and the other half to the south, and
This war takes place in the first stage of the pests serving up there will be a very great valley through. So the Jews
a fraction of the sixth bowl (Rev 16:12, 16), which dried up who are being defeated, flee by this great valley opened by
the water of the great river Euphrates, preparing the way of Jesus on the Mount of Olives (Zech 14.3-5). P.S.: The na-
the Eastern kings (see study 11 item 5). We believe that this ture manifests with great phenomenon as when Jesus
war will not be used atomic weapons or other to destroy the was on the Cross. It will not be day or night (Zech 14.6-
richness of the soil. The report of Ez 38.13, soon to be dis- 7; Matt 27.45, 54). There will be topographical changes,
covered in Israel great mineral wealth, such as gold, silver cosmic and cataclysmic (Ezek 38.19-20; Zech 14:10).
etc. Some believe that the Dead Sea hides great riches, and
will soon be discovered. This will awaken the greed of the
nations to come in droves to take wealth. christ hangs war against the Lord Jesus. Then Jesus will
destroy the enemies, from Jerusalem, and drawing them
3rd THE SECOND PART OF WAR: Now serving up the into the valley of Armageddon, which is the highest point
rest of the sixth bowl (Rev 16.13-16), on the 2nd and 3rd of the war, is the winepress of the wrath of God, and that
phases of the plagues (see study 11, items 6 and 7). De- is out of town. In Revelation 14.14-16 spoken to reap the
mons go out to the kings of the whole world, and shall harvest of the earth with the first sickle. We believe that
show great signs that all kings will come in fierce anger, they are two-thirds of people who died in the world with
(Practical Eschatology) - See the next page ►
Continuation of 16th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 56
the plagues of the Apocalypse. But the second sickle (Rev. and tongue will rot them. God calls the birds and the wild ani-
14.17-20) speaks to reap the grapes. Now, the natural mals to eat the flesh of kings and mighty of the earth. The Jews
grapes are thrown a stone mill, where they are crushed to take back everything we lost and all the riches of the enemy;
extract the wine. So Jesus will do it here. We believe gold, silver, clothes etc. Israel will use the weapons of the ene-
that the bunches of grapes are the antichrist's armies my to fire in place of wood for 7 years (Ezekiel 39.9-10; 39.17-
of all nations. They were trampled in the winepress of
20; (Zechariah 12.1-4; 14.12-15, 3; Rev 19.17-18).
the wrath (Armageddon) by the Lord Jesus. And there
6th JEWS TURN TO JESUS: God pours out on all the
came out blood from the winepress, even unto the horse
bridles, by the space of 186 miles; a human blood river. Jews throughout the world the spirit of grace and of
And the rest of these armies were killed by the sword supplications, and opens up the spiritual eyes (they
which proceeded from the mouth of Jesus (Rev 19.11-16, shall look upon me whom they have pierced). Seeing
19, 21; 17.11-14; 14.19-20; Zechariah 12.9). So Jesus the Jews the great victory and glory of Jesus, they truly
holds the antichrist and the false prophet and cast them believe that Jesus is the Messiah they once rejected,
alive into the fiery lake of fire and sulfur. It also holds Sa- and on deep regret, with weeping and wailing, turn to
tan and the demons, bind them for a thousand years and Jesus (Zechariah 12.10-14). God then purifies the Jews
cast them into the abyss (Rev 19:20; 20.1-3). Thus, Jesus (Zechariah 13.1-2; 14.8, 11). Jesus sits on His throne
is glorified by giving Israel a great victory. P.S.: Jerusa- in Jerusalem, performs the judgment of the living na-
lem will be a weight, a glass of tremor, a heavy stone. The meat tions on Earth and begins the Millennium (Matthew
of the enemies will be consumed; while they are standing, eyes 25.31-46).

CONCLUSION: The war of Armageddon will be at Armageddon Valley in Israel, the 2nd three and half years,
and parallel to the plagues of Revelation. Begin with the armies of the northern nations, Russia and its allies,
and then the armies of all nations of the earth. Israel suffers a lot, but Jesus come back, crushing the enemies in
the winepress of the wrath of God, giving Israel a great victory. So all Jews convert to Jesus. Hallelujah. Amen.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence
order. Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The

NAME: _________________________________________SPEAKER:____________________
1st WHERE AND WHEN WILL BE THE WAR: It will be in northern Israel, in the great val-
ley of _________________________________or Jehoshaphat, and it will happen in the end
times, in the 2nd three and half years, during the ____________________________ years period.

2nd THE FIRST PART OF THE WAR: The war will begin with Russia commanding the army of
all the nations of the __________________against Israel. God destroys them with the weapons
of nature: great _______________________and earthquakes; _____________, san-gue, flooding

rain, large ____________________________, fire and _________________, telluric phenomena.

3rd THE SECOND PART OF WAR: Then the Antichrist will bring Israel _______________the ar-
mies of all nations of the earth. For some time Jerusalem will be _______________, the houses loot-
ed, the shared spoils, the women ravished, and____________ of the people shall go into captivity, ful-
filling the time of _________anguish of Jacob, as there never was and nor will ___________ ever be. _

4th SECOND COMING OF JESUS: Before the end of the war, Jesus _______________down from
heaven with the angels and with us, already glorified spiritual _______________. Jesus descends
upon the Mount of Olives from which He __________________into heaven. So the Jews who are
being defeated_________ by this great valley_______________by Jesus, on the Mount of Olives.

5th JESUS GIVES VICTORY TO ISRAEL: We believe that the bunches of grapes are the antichrist's
armies of all nations. They were trampled in the ___________________of the wrath (Armageddon) by
the Lord Jesus. So Jesus holds the antichrist and the false______________and cast them alive into the
fiery lake of_________and sulfur. It also holds Satan and the demons, ___________them for a thousand
years and cast them into the abyss. Thus, Jesus is glorified by giving Israel a ______________victory.
6th JEWS TURN TO JESUS: Seeing the Jews the great ________________and glory of Jesus, they believe that
Jesus is the ____________they once rejected, and on deep__________, with weeping and wailing, turn to Jesus.
P. 57
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 16/20.





1st WHERE AND WHEN WILL BE THE WAR: It will be in northern Israel, in the great
valley of Armageddon or Jehoshaphat, and it will happen in the end
times, in the 2nd three and half years, during the seven years period.

2nd THE FIRST PART OF THE WAR: The war will begin with Russia commanding the army of
all the nations of the North against Israel. God destroys them with the weapons
of nature: great earthquake and earthquakes; pests , san-gue, flooding
rain, large hail stones , fire and sulfur , telluric phenomena.

3rd THE SECOND PART OF WAR: Then the Antichrist will bring Israel against the ar-
mies of all nations of the earth. For some time Jerusalem will be taken , the houses loot-
ed, the shared spoils, the women ravished, and half of the people shall go into captivity, ful-
filling the time of the anguish of Jacob, as there never was and nor will there ever be.

4th SECOND COMING OF JESUS: Before the end of the war, Jesus comes down from
heaven with the angels and with us, already glorified spiritual bodies . Jesus descends
upon the Mount of Olives from which He ascended into heaven. So the Jews who are
being defeated, flee by this great valley opened by Jesus, on the Mount of Olives.

5th JESUS GIVES VICTORY TO ISRAEL: We believe that the bunches of grapes are the antichrist's
armies of all nations. They were trampled in the winepress of the wrath (Armageddon) by the
Lord Jesus. So Jesus holds the antichrist and the false prophet and cast them alive into the
fiery lake of fire and sulfur. It also holds Satan and the demons, bind them for a thousand
years and cast them into the abyss. Thus, Jesus is glorified by giving Israel a great victory.

6th JEWS TURN TO JESUS: Seeing the Jews the great victory and glory of Jesus, they believe that
Jesus is the Messiah they once rejected, and on deep regret , with weeping and wailing, turn to Jesus.
P. 58
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 17/20.
INTRODUCTION: We will study: The purposes of the Millennium and how it will start, judgment of nations, government in
the Millennium and who will reign with Christ, the Jews and all nations worship Christ, and the Millennium characteristics.

1st PURPOSE OF THE MILLENNIUM: There are prophe- tribes of Israel; will rule the people of Israel to occupy the
cies and biblical promises that can only be fulfilled by the highest positions in the kingdom (Mt 19:28; Malachi 4.2-
Kingdom of Christ on earth, such as: Fulfilling God's 3; Daniel 2:44; 7:18, 22, 27); and the resurrected saints
covenant with Abraham and David (Gen. 22.15-18; 2 will reign; we will be kings and priests (Rev 20.4-6; 5.9-
Sam 7.12-17; 23.1-5; Jerem 23.5- 6). Comply with words 10; 1.6; Coloss 3.4). P.S.: The World Constitution is the
such as Kingdom of Heaven, your kingdom come and Bible, and almost everyone will obey Christ. However, there
regeneration (Matt 4:17; 6:10; 19:28). Consolation and will be some rebellion spots, but will soon be crushed with an
redemption of Israel (Luke 2:25, 38). Refreshment and Res- iron rod (Psalms 2.6-12; 149.5-9; Rev 2.26-27; 12.5; 19:15).
toration (Acts 3.18-21). P.S.: The Millennium appears 6 times
5th THE JEWS WORSHIP CHRIST: God pours out on all
in Rev 20.2-7. It is the seventh dispensation with the fullness of
time (Eph 1:10). In Dan 2:34, 44; 7.13-14 speak of a 5th king- the Jews in the world the spirit of grace and of supplica-
dom and Luke 1.31-33 speaks of Christ reigning in Israel. tions, and opens up the spiritual eyes (they shall look upon
me whom they have pierced). Seeing the Jews the great
2nd BEGINNING OF THE MILLENNIUM: Jesus came victory that Israel received from Christ and His glory, all
down from heaven bringing the saints and angels. It is the believe that Jesus is the Messiah they once rejected, and
second revelation of Jesus when every eye shall see Him. deep regret, with weeping and wailing, all turn to Jesus.
It is "Parousia" which means presence or arrival (Matt And are purified around the world (Rev 1.7; Zech 12.10-
24.29-30, 27; 25:31; Acts 1.7-11; 1 Thess 3:13; Rev 1.7). 14; 13.1-2; Jere 31.33-34; 24.6-7; Isaiah 11.9). P.S.: is
The Millennium begins with Christ's victory over the ar- fulfilled then Isaiah 10.21-22; Zech 13.8-9; Romans 9:27;
mies of all nations, about Babylon, about the antichrist 11.5 only a third of which is the remnant would be saved. So
and the false prophet of Satan and the demons; ending the the Jews leave the countries they inhabit, and will all inhabit
war of Armageddon and the Great Tribulation. Jesus Israel, in the Millennium, to personally worship the King Jesus
gives Israel a great victory (Rev 19.11-16, 19, 20, 21; 18.2, (Is 11.11-12; 27.12-13; Ezek 39.27-29). Jesus ends with all
8, 21; Zech 14.3-5, 9; 12.9). P.S.: The Millennium is a literal idolatry, heresies and false prophets in the world, beginning
thousand-year period. Satan and the demons will be impris- with the Jews (Ezek 37.23-24; Micah 5.12-13; Zech 13.1-6).
oned (Rev 20.1-3). Jesus established His throne in Jerusalem, 6th THE NATIONS WORSHIP CHRIST: The fullness of
which is the seat of His Millennial Kingdom, and reign over all
the Holy Spirit is upon all people as the waters cover the
nations of the earth for a thousand years (Zech 14.9; 2.10).
sea. There will be preaching the Gospel and a lot of salva-
3rd JUDGMENT OF NATIONS: Jesus sat on His throne tions. Everyone understands the Word of God, turns to
and judges 3 types of living people of all nations. It will be Jesus and worships Him all over the world (Matth 24:14;
in Jerusalem at the beginning of the Millennium. The Hebrews 10.16-17; Habakkuk 2:14; Jeremiah 31.34;
sheep are the saved, the goats are the lost, and my broth- Isaiah 45.8; 33.6). The Jews will guide people of all na-
ers are the Jews (Matt 24.31; 25.31-33, 40). The judg- tions who come year after year to worship the King Jesus
ment of the saved will be to determine the functions and in Jerusalem. And celebrate the Feast of Booths, seeking
positions in the Millennial Kingdom (Matt 25.33-34; Luke God's blessing. The nation that does not come will be
19.16-19). The judgment of the lost will take into account the punished (Zech 14.16-21; 8.20-23; Micah 4.1-2; Is 66.23;
treatment given to Jews and Christians, especially during the 19.21-23; 11:10). P.S.: There will be a kind of sacrifice,
Great Tribulation (Matt 25.40, 45, 46). THIS JUDGMENT IS whose goal is to keep alive in the minds of the world the sacri-
DISTINGUISHED FROM: A) The judgment of the Nation of fice of Jesus as the only way of salvation, like we do in the
Israel. Judged for rejecting Christ, from the year AD 70, spread Lord's Supper (Is 56.7).
over all nations, and was completed in the war of Armageddon
(Luke 19.41-44; 21.20-24; Mat 27.22-25; Eze 20.33-38; Zech
13.8-9; 14.1-2). B) The Church's judgment that was raptured reigns in all the earth, which will be almost a paradise.
and has passed the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Cor 5:10) (see End hunger, poverty, unemployment, disease, war...
study 8, 5th item). C) The judgment of the Great White Throne The main characteristics of these thousand years are:
will be the final judgment after the Millennium (Rev 20.11-15). A) TIME OF GOD’S GLORY: The Glory of God will be
4th GOVERNMENT IN THE MILLENNIUM: Jesus is King fully manifest over Jerusalem and over the whole nation
of kings and Lord of lords, exerting all his power and au- of Israel, and from there to all the Earth nations. Jerusa-
thority in the earth. Jesus ends the satanic government in lem will be the capital of Israel Nations and the glory of
the world and sets the Theocracy. (Teo, means God, and the world. Nations will bring their wealth to Israel, and
cracy = government, priestly reign of God's government). It will serve Israel and God (Isaiah 40.5; 46.13; 60.1-5;
will be unlike anything we know (Isaiah 9.6-7; Jere 23.5; 60.10-16; 62.2-3, 7; 66.11-12, 18; Jeremiah 33.9; Ezek
33.14-16; Micah 4.6-7; Zec 14.9; Luke 1.32-33; Rev 39.21; Habakkuk 2:14; Sf 3.9). P.S.: The Jews have dou-
19:16). IT WILL REIGN WITH CHRIST: Angels (Matt ble honor and will be much loved, loved and respected by all
people, and possess all the land promised to Abraham (Isaiah
25:31; 2 Thess 1.7); the Apostles will rule over the 12
61.3-7; Genesis 15.18-21; Exodus 23:31; Numbers 34.1-12).
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 17th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 59
guage must be unified on Earth. There will be full world. Peace between us and the wildlife. The war
knowledge, education, good health, and many families will stop for a thousand years (Isaiah 9.6-7; 11.6-9;
who come to have a thousand children. People will live 32.17-18; 54.13; 55.12; Micah 4.3-4).
to 900 years, as it was in the beginning. Die a hundred
years is to die in their youth (Genesis 11.1; Isaiah 11.9; D) TIME OF FULL JUSTICE AND JOY: God in Je-
33.6, 24; 60.22; 65.20). The earth will be densely popu- sus Christ shows that He alone is the solution to all the
lated as never been before. The light of the sun and problems of men. There will be full justice (Isaiah 9.7;
moon rise over 7 times. The earth will produce plenty of 28.16-17; 32.1, 17; 45.8; 51.5). There will be great joy
food for all; and all will be successful (Isaiah 30.26; 35.5- with perfect communion with God, obedience, holiness
7; 41.18-20; 51.3; 60.17; 65.21-24; Ezekiel 47.7, 12). and truth (Isaiah 51.11; 55.12; 65.18-19).
CONCLUSION: The Millennium begins with the second coming of Jesus when every eye will see Him. Many
prophecies are fulfilled. Jesus gives Israel a great victory and judges the nations. Christ will be the King of this
world for a thousand years. Reign with Christ, the angels, the Apostles, the people of Israel and the saved ones.
Jesus will be worshiped by all people on Earth. It is the glory of God's time for Jerusalem and from Jerusalem to
the world. Time of longevity, prosperity, true peace, health, full justice and great joy.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. The next study will

NAME: __________________________________________SPEAKER:___________________
1st PURPOSE OF THE MILLENNIUM: Fulfilling God's covenant with ____________and ______.
2nd BEGINNING OF THE MILLENNIUM: The Millennium begins with Christ's _____________
over the armies of ________nations, about Babylon, about the antichrist and the false ____________,
of Satan and the _______________________; ending the _________________ of Armageddon and
the Great _________________________. Jesus gives Israel a _______________________ victory.
3rd JUDGMENT OF NATIONS: It will be in Jerusalem at the ________________of the Millen-
nium. The sheep are the saved, the goats are the _________ , and my brothers are the _________.
4th GOVERNMENT IN THE MILLENNIUM: Jesus ends the ______________government in the
world and _______________the Theocracy. IT WILL REIGN WITH CHRIST: Angels; the Apostles
will rule over the _____tribes of Israel; will rule the ______________of Israel to occupy the high-
est positions in the kingdom; and the resurrected saints will reign; we will ___________and priests.
5th THE JEWS WORSHIP CHRIST: Seeing the Jews the great victory that Israel received
from Christ and His glory, all believe that Jesus is the _____________________ they once
rejected, and deep regret, with ________________________ and wailing, all turn to Jesus.
6th THE NATIONS WORSHIP CHRIST: Everyone understands the Word of God, turns to Jesus
and worships Him all over the _______________. The Jews will guide _________________of all
nations who come year after _____________to worship the King ________________in Jerusalem.
A) TIME OF GOD’S GLORY: The Glory of God will be fully manifest over Jerusalem and over the
_________________nation of Israel, and from there to _____________the Earth nations. Nations
will ____________________their wealth to Israel, and will ____________________Israel and God.
B) TIME OF LONGEVITY AND PROSPERITY: There will be full knowledge, education,
_____________health and many families who come to have a _____________________children.
The earth will produce _____________of food for all; and everyone will be __________________.
C) TIME OF TRUE PEACE: Peace for Israel and the __________________. Peace between us
and the ______________________. The war will stop for a ________________________years.
D) TIME OF FULL JUSTICE AND JOY: There will be full justice. There will be great joy with
_____________________communion with God, obedience, _______________________and truth.
P. 60
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 17/20.




1st PURPOSE OF THE MILLENNIUM: Fulfilling God's covenant with Abraham and David.
2nd BEGINNING OF THE MILLENNIUM: The Millennium begins with Christ's victory
over the armies of all nations, about Babylon, about the antichrist and the false prophet ,
of Satan and the demons ; ending the war of Armageddon and
the Great Tribulation . Jesus gives Israel a great victory.
3rd JUDGMENT OF NATIONS: It will be in Jerusalem at the beginning of the Millen-
nium. The sheep are the saved, the goats are the lost , and my brothers are the Jews .

4th GOVERNMENT IN THE MILLENNIUM: Jesus ends the satanic government in the
world and establishes the Theocracy. IT WILL REIGN WITH CHRIST: Angels; the Apostles
will rule over the 12 tribes of Israel; will rule the people of Israel to occupy the high-
est positions in the kingdom; and the resurrected saints will reign; we will kings and priests.

5th THE JEWS WORSHIP CHRIST: Seeing the Jews the great victory that Israel received
from Christ and His glory, all believe that Jesus is the Messiah they once
rejected, and deep regret, with weeping and wailing, all turn to Jesus.
6th THE NATIONS WORSHIP CHRIST: Everyone understands the Word of God, turns to Jesus
and worships Him all over the world . The Jews will guide people of all
nations who come year after year to worship the King Jesus in Jerusalem.
A) TIME OF GOD’S GLORY: The Glory of God will be fully manifest over Jerusalem and over the
whole nation of Israel, and from there to all the Earth nations. Nations
will bring their wealth to Israel, and will serve Israel and God.
B) TIME OF LONGEVITY AND PROSPERITY: There will be full knowledge, education,
good health and many families who come to have a thousand children.
The earth will produce plenty of food for all; and everyone will be successful .
C) TIME OF TRUE PEACE: Peace for Israel and the world . Peace between us
and the wildlife . The war will stop for a thousand years.
D) TIME OF FULL JUSTICE AND JOY: There will be full justice. There will be great joy with
perfect communion with God, obedience, holiness and truth.
P. 61
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 18/20.
INTRODUCTION: We will study: The 5 eschatological schools with their theories about the Rapture in relation to the Great
Tribulation; the 4 theories of the Millennium; a summary of this course to remember what we believe; the rewards and crowns.

1st 5 THEORIES OF THE RAPTURE: C) POST-MILLENNIALISTS: They argue that there will
A) Pre-tribulation rapture; B) Post-tribulation rap- be a millennium, but without the presence of Christ on
ture; C) Partial rapture; D) Mid-tribulation rap- earth. The Millennium is the Church was the time charac-
ture; E) Mid rapture without the Great Tribulation. terized by revival (Golden Age), when most of the world
will become. And Jesus will return only after the millen-
A) PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE: They say the church nium to start the Eternal State.
will be raptured before the seventh year, and will not ex-
perience any tribulation. The Church is not mentioned in D) PRE-MILLENNIALISTS: They argue that Christ will re-
Rev 4 onwards because it was raptured with John (Rev. turn to the World, literal and bodily, towards the end of seven
4.1). That the Rapture and the 2nd Coming are two sepa- years. Hold Satan for a thousand years, will establish the mil-
rate events. P.S.: But John was caught only in spirit. lennium and reign for a thousand literal years on Earth. And
comply with all alliances of Israel. Note: We accept this posi-
tion and we believe it is the right one; although there is disa-
that the Church will continue on earth until the Second Com- greement between them, as at the time of the Rapture in relation
ing of Christ to the Millennium, and will be taken to the to the Great Tribulation. Within the above theories fall still
clouds to meet the Lord in the air: who will come from heav- others, such as: preterist, historicist, futuristic, dispensational,
en in the second Advent, to return immediately with him. spiritualists and idealists with many differences between them.
They make the Rapture and the Second Advent at the same
time. Thus the Church would go through all the Great Trib- 3rd SUMMARY: Do not be surprised with what you just
ulation. They deny the fulfillment of Dan. 9.24-27 and many read above. We present in this course we have understood
other texts, involving the Church in Jacob's Trouble (Jer 30.7). and received from God. We now show a summary in 7
C) PARTIAL RAPTURE: These defend the doctrine of par- points to remember. We believe that the order of es-
tial rapture, without relating it to the tribulation period. Be- chatological events should look like this:
lieve that not all believers will be raptured, but only those I - The last week of Dan 9:27 (7 years) begin with alliance
who "wait" and "love His appearing". (Mt 24.40-42; Mt 25.
of 10 nations, electing the antichrist, with the false prophet
1-13; Luke 21.36; Phil 3.20; 2 Tim 4.8; Tit 2.12-13; Heb 9.28).
arising soon. Three nations are apart of the alliance and
D) MID-TRIB RAPTURE: They claim that the seals and the the Antichrist rules with seven (Rev. 13).
trumpets of Rev is not the wrath of God. They will be poured
in the 1st three and a half, and the Church will support. They II - At the beginning of the seven years, the Antichrist will
see the prophecy of the two witnesses of Revelation 11 the build the Temple of God in Jerusalem and reestablish the
Rapture of the Church, and to be in the middle of the Great Jewish worship. Perform false miracles and a false peace
Tribulation through the 7 years. That the wrath of God is treaty. Announce that he is the Messiah, and be able to de-
poured in only seven bowls in 2nd three and half years and in ceive the Jews and nearly everyone. It allows only the Jewish
this case the pests will involve seven years; that the Church religion and of Babylon, and pursue the other. Is the ministry
will rise at the play of the last trumpet of Rev 11.15-19. of the two witnesses warned Jews and the world are being de-
ceived (Rev 11.1-13; 2 Thes 2.1-10). See study 6, items 1, 2 and 3.
We respect, but we reject the theories 4 above. We believe in III - Among the seven years the Antichrist glory to have de-
the following theory: The seals, trumpets and bowls contain ceived the whole world, he declares that he is the Devil him-
all the wrath of God, and everything is contained in the sealed self, prohibits the Jewish religion and of Babylon destroys
book of Revelation 6. This wrath (seals, trumpets and bowls) Babylon and robs you of all wealth. Based on the Temple of
all will be poured only in the 2nd three years and a half after Jerusalem, demands to be worshiped as God throughout the
the Antichrist is revealed and after the Church being rap- world and persecutes the Church. Jesus comes snatch in
tured through the seven years, because God delivers us from the middle of seven years; before starting the wrath of God
His wrath (Rom 5.9; 1 Thes 1.10; 5.9; 2 Thes 2.1-4; Dan 9.27). with seals, trumpets and bowls; it will be only the 2nd three
2nd FOUR THEORIES OF THE MILLENNIUM: and half years (Dan 9:27; 2 Thess 2.1-10; Rev 17:16).
The four theories below deal with the second advent of IV - Jews resist the Antichrist and not worship. The War
Christ in relation to the Millennium: of Armageddon against Israel. Meets up with the Great
A) NON-LITERAL POSITION OR SPIRITUALIZED: Tribulation God's wrath: the seals, trumpets and bowls.
They deny that there will be a literal, bodily and personal V - Near the end of seven years is fulfilled the second ad-
return of Christ to earth. See the second advent fulfilled vent. Jesus comes down from Heaven with us and with the
on the day of Pentecost, or the destruction of Jerusalem in Angels, destroys all enemy armies, holds the antichrist and
A D 70, or the death of the believers. the false prophet and cast them alive into the fiery lake of
B) AMILLENNIALISTS: They say that Satan was arrested burning sulfur. Also holds Satan and the demons into the
in the first coming of Christ, and that Revelation is a collec- abyss for a thousand years, gives victory to Israel and be-
tion of spiritual experiences of the past. The Millennium is gins the Millennium. Christ judges the living nations in Je-
fulfilled in the Church age from Pentecost. The thousand rusalem, and reign in person in the world for a thousand
years are a symbol of a much larger period. The Millennium years. And us, the Apostles, the people of Israel and the
ends with the coming of Christ to start the Eternal State. Angels will reign with Christ (Zec 14.4-9; Rev 20.1-3).
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 18th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 62
VI - After the Millennium, Satan will be loosed for a little strive to win and not lose our crown (2 John 8; Rev 3:11; 4:10).
while, it will gather the armies of all nations at war with Isra- A) REWARD: We received for help those who serve God
el, but down fire from heaven and destroyed them all. Satan (Matt 10:42); for helping the poor and to love even our
and demons are cast into the lake of fire forever (Rev 20.7-10). enemies (Luke 6:35); by obedience to the whole Word
(Colossians 3.18-24); by entirely trust the promises (He-
VII - Jesus seated on white throne and begins the final judg- brews 10:35). Jesus said he would give the reward to each
ment. Death and Hell, and all the lost are cast into the lake of one according to his work (1 Corinthians 3.8; Rev. 22:12.
fire forever (Rev 20.11-15). God destroys the Heaven and
B) GLORY CROWN: The pastors who faithfully shepherd
Earth; and creates new heaven, new earth and new Jerusa-
lem. All pure and holy, and begins the eternal state. We the church will receive it (1 Thessalo 2:19; 1 Peter 5.2-4).
dwell saved forever in the New Jerusalem in Heaven, wor- C) JUSTICE CROWN: Will receive it those who love the
shiping God forever, Amen (Rev. ch. 21-22). That's how we Jesus coming. (2 Timothy 4.8).
believe that the eschatological things be fulfilled. Amen. D) INCORRUPTIBLE CROWN: Will receive it those who
4th REWARDS AND CROWNS: Reward and crown is not stand the flesh and live in the Spirit (1 Corinthians 9.25).
salvation, but it is reward for the work carried out by obedi- E) LIFE CROWN: Will receive it those who beared out
ence to every word and faithfulness in serving God. Let us the trial and the martyrs (James 1:12; Rev 2:10).
CONCULSION: From the 5 rapture theories we believe at E (mid rapture without the Great Tribulation). From the 4 Mille-
nium theories we accept the D (premillennialists), abandoning their disagreements on the Rapture. The synthesis of this
course clarifies about what we truly believe. We must strive to win awards and mentioned crowns. Amen.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade.
The next study will be 19th on: JESUS’ MISSION IN HELL. DO NOT MISS IT.

NAME: _____________________________________________________SPEAKER:________________________
will be____________before the______________year, and will not experience any_______________.
They make the Rapture and the Second Advent at the
same time. Thus the Church would go through all the _______________________ Tribulation.
C) PARTIAL RAPTURE: Believe that not all believers will be ________________________, but
only those who _____________________and ____________________________ His appearing”.
D) MID-TRIBULATION RAPTURE: They claim that the seals and the trumpets of Revelation is not
the wrath of God. They will be______________in the 1st three and a half, and the Church will support.
E) MID RAPTURE WITHOUT THE GREAT TRIBULATION: This wrath (seals, trumpets and bowls) all
will be poured only in the ___________three years and a half after the Antichrist is revealed and after
the Church being____________through the seven years, because God delivers us from His ________.
They _______that there will be a_____________, bodily and personal return of___________to Earth.
B) AMILLENNIALISTS: They say that Satan was _____________________in the first coming
of Christ, and that Revelation is a collection of spiritual ________________________ of the past.
C) POSTMILLENNIALISTS: And Jesus will return only after the________________to start the Eternal State.
D) PREMILLENNIALISTS: They argue that Christ will return to the World, _______________bodily, to-
wards the end of the _______________years. Hold Satan for a thousand years, will establish the millenni-
um and reign for a ________________literal years on Earth. And comply with all alliances of __________.
3rd SUMMARY: This item has no rating. It's just to remember how we believe.
4th REWARDS AND CROWNS: A) REWARD: We received for___________ those who serve God; for helping
the poor and to love even our enemies; by obedience to the whole Word; by entirely trust the_______________.
B) GLORY CROWN: The pastors who faithfully ____________________the church will receive it.
C) JUSTICE CROWN: Will receive it those who ____________the _________________coming.
D) INCORRUPTIBLE CROWN: Receives who ______________sin and live by the Spirit of Santo.
E) THE CROWN OF LIFE: Receives who _______________the suffering and the _____________.
P. 63
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 18/20.




will be raptured before the seventh year, and will not experience any tribulation.

B) POST-TRIBULATION RAPTURE: They make the Rapture and the Second Advent at the
same time. Thus the Church would go through all the Great Tribulation.
C) PARTIAL RAPTURE: Believe that not all believers will be raptured , but
only those who wait and love His appearing”.
D) MID-TRIBULATION RAPTURE: They claim that the seals and the trumpets of Revelation is not
the wrath of God. They will be poured in the 1st three and a half, and the Church will support.
E) MID RAPTURE WITHOUT THE GREAT TRIBULATION: This wrath (seals, trumpets and bowls) all
will be poured only in the second three years and a half after the Antichrist is revealed and after
the Church being raptured through the seven years, because God delivers us from His wrath.
They deny that there will be a literal , bodily and personal return of Christ to Earth.
B) AMILLENNIALISTS: They say that Satan was arrested in the first coming
of Christ, and that Revelation is a collection of spiritual experiences of the past.
C) POSTMILLENNIALISTS: And Jesus will return only after the Millenium to start the Eternal State.
D) PREMILLENNIALISTS: They argue that Christ will return to the World, literal bodily,
towards the end of the seven years. Hold Satan for a thousand years, will establish the millen-
nium and reign for a thousand literal years on Earth. And comply with all alliances of Israel.
3rd SUMMARY: This item has no rating. It's just to remember how we believe.
4th REWARDS AND CROWNS: A) REWARD: We received for help those who serve God; for helping
the poor and to love even our enemies; by obedience to the whole Word; by entirely trust the promises .

B) GLORY CROWN: The pastors who faithfully shepherd the church will receive it.
C) JUSTICE CROWN: Will receive it those who love the Jesus coming.
D) INCORRUPTIBLE CROWN: Receives who conquers sin and live by the Spirit of Santo.
E) THE CROWN OF LIFE: Receives who supports the suffering and the martyrs .
P. 64
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 19/20.
INTRODUCTION: Let us study: the details of Hell, the Paradise of Eden and the Underground, the need for Jesus to descend into Hell
and the three missions He performed in the depths of the earth, the Holy Spirit residing in the saved and the first Man to enter Heaven.

1st THE HELL CHARACTERISTICS: The word "Hell" is original Greek is not "to save", but to administer, manage
a translation of the original three words: Sheol, Hades and and definitive give a solution to all things until the end of the
Gehenna. Hell means underground, underworld, deep world; enforce all that is in the Bible, put an end to all rebel-
place. In Proverbs 9.18; 15.24 says: The path of life leads lion against God, carry out the judgment of God, and put
upward, but the Sheol is below. In Isaiah 14.14-15, speak- them under your feet forever (1 Cor 15.24-26; Heb 1.13;
ing about the devil, says: And yet, it will be taken to hell, to 10.13). Later, some of these fathers have abandoned these
the sides of the pit. Hell is so deep in the earth, and the heresies, and some do not. However, there are other fathers
abyss is beneath him. Hell is a place of weeping and gnash- of the Church, and in greater numbers, who always believed
ing of teeth; fiery furnace of place, condemnation and eter- like us: they are: Márciom, Tertullian, Zwingli, Flacius,
nal torment; where the fire is not quenched and the worm Calov, Wolf, Buddeus, Aretius, Athanasius, Ambrose, Eras-
does not die. Place of tragic memories and prayers rejected, mus, Calvin and others. Now, we believe that Jesus descend-
in full consciousness where one's senses are more acute than ed into Hell, but did not take any benefit or salvation to the lost.
when he lived on earth. It was prepared for the devil and In His work, Jesus was to perform the following three missions:
demons, but also will go there all the lost people. Hell and
destruction are never satisfied (Matthew 8.12; 13.41-42, 49, 4th THE FIRST MISSION: About the devil and his angels.
50; 23.33; 25.41, 46; Mark 9.43-48; Luke 16.19-31; After his resurrection, Jesus entered the Hell, proclaimed the
Psalms 9.17; Prover 27.20). Jesus has the keys of death and victory of the cross over death, hell and on about sin; He took
hell. On the Last Judgement, death and hell will be com- the keys and the power of hell and death (1 Cor 15.54-55;
pletely thrown into the lake of fire, and there will be varying Heb 2.14; Rev 1.18; 20.14). Imprisoned some more rebel-
degrees of conviction. (Rev 1.18; 20.10-15; Matt 11.21-24). lious demons into the abyss (2 Peter 2.4; Jude 6; Rev 9.1-6,
14). Announced the future eternal damnation for the devil
2nd THE GARDEN OF EDEN: The Garden of Eden (Para- and the demons in Fire Lake (John 12.31; 16.11; Rev 20.10).
dise), where Adam and Eve were expelled, was on the out- It announced that it now has all power in heaven and on
skirts of Mesopotamia, Armenia and Iraq, but was never earth (Mat 28:18). Jesus stripped and publicly exposed to ever-
found (Genesis 2.8-17; 3.22-24). It is quite possible that God lasting contempt Satan and the demons and triumphed over
has removed into the depths of the earth. In the apocryphal them in Himself. Note: It was the custom of the Roman army,
Jewish literature is very strong the idea of divisions within the when they won the war against another nation, taking up arms and
"Sheol or Hades," deep in the earth. One side of suffering for clothing of prisoners, tying them with chains to each other, and get
the lost, that is Hell; and the other side of enjoyment for the them naked into captivity, in mockery of public courtship, humiliat-
saved, that is the "Paradise". Jews distinguished between ing them. So the winner was exalted and glorified in triumph. Paul
upper Paradise in heaven and nether Paradise in the depths uses this military language, and says that's what Jesus did with
of the earth, for the souls of the saved at the O.T. The expres- Satan and the demons (Col. 2.14-15; Phil. 2.10-11; Is 45.23).
sion: died and was "gathered" or "collected" to his people,
5th THE SECOND MISSION: Jesus did not preach salvation
referring to Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 15.15; 25.8;
35.29, must refer to that. And Luke 16.19-31 seems to con- to the lost in hell, and did not bring them any benefit. The
firm it, where the place of the saved is called "Abraham's word "preaching" in the original, it makes sense to announce
bosom." We believe that this worked well in relation to the an event, one prophesied fact that is fulfilled. Thus, we be-
O. T. saved only until the death and resurrection of Jesus. lieve that Jesus announced in Hell for all lost at the O.T.,
But now, when one saved die, goes straight to Paradise in especially those of Noah's day, the preaching that they had
Heaven, like Paul was caught up into the third heaven and heard in the land, about God's promise Savior who was to
Paradise (2 Corinthians 12.2-4). In Revelation 22.14, 2; 2.7, come (Jesus), and they rejected, is fulfilled. It's all they need-
Jesus promised to those who believe, eat of the tree of life ed to hear, even in Hell, to know that their condemnation is
which is in the midst of the Paradise of God, in heaven. just. God did not forgive the ancient world, and Noah con-
demned the world by the ark. Noah was a preacher of right-
3rd JESUS NEEDS TO DESCEND INTO HELL: An exege- eousness, as were all the prophets of the O.T. We believe in
sis made in the texts: Ps 16.8-10; Acts 2.25-27; Eph 4:8-10; 1 that (1 Peter 3.18-20; 2 Peter 2.4-6; Hebrews 11.7.)
Peter 3.18-20; 4.6, leaves no doubt that, after His Resurrec-
tion, Jesus descended into Hell. But what Jesus was doing in 6th THE THIRD MISSION: Jesus enters the underground
Hell? Some church fathers such as Justin, the martyr, Pan- Paradise, which was in the depths of the Earth, called Abra-
taeno, Clement of Alexandria, Origen and others, in the early ham's Bosom. Announces to all who died saved from Adam
centuries of the Church, established doctrines like this: Jesus to the Resurrection of Christ, that the Savior God promise
descended into Hell and reduced the suffering of all lost, es- that was to come (Jesus), in which they believed, is fulfilled.
pecially those of Noah's day; or granted them a level lower Jesus breathe on them all the Holy Ghost and perfect them as
than the salvation of the saved on the N.T.; or saved them on ourselves at N. T. (the new birth), and takes them with Him to
a par with us. Some believed that this continues until the 2nd Heaven. 1 Peter 4.6 teach us about it; Heb 11.39-40; 12.22-
coming of Christ, and that in the end, even the Devil and the 24, referring to the improvement of the saved at the O. T.,
demons will be saved. With that, they accepted the doctrine and never benefit the lost ones. Fulfilled Psalm 24.7-10, they
of purgatory and universalism. They created these heresies opened up the everlasting doors and entered the King of glory. So
based on 1 Peter 3.18-20; 4.6, and the written: gather or con- Jesus had to descend to Hell and Paradise underground and car-
verge in Christ all things (Eph 1:10), which meaning in the ry out 3 missions, concluding His prophesied work for those days.
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 19th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 65
7th THE FIRST MAN THAT ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN: 9.13-14, 27, 28; 1 John 3.5; John 1:29). None of the saved at
Theologians and we believe also that the Holy Spirit was not the O.T., when died, could come into the presence of God in heav-
resident in the lives of saved the O. T. It used the prophets en, while the Temple veil was not torn, because the way to God was
and then withdrew them. They had not been born again yet. not yet discovered. Hence being taken to the underground paradise
Even with the disciples of Christ seems to be so until the res- (Hebrews 9.6-9; John 3:13). When Jesus died on the cross, our
urrection of Jesus. John 7.37-39 says: the Holy Ghost was not sins tore his body (veil figure), and the veil of the temple was torn in
yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified. But after two from top to bottom, paving the way straight to the presence God
His Resurrection, Jesus was glorified, and breathed on the in Heaven, by the death of Jesus (Isaiah 53.4-5; Matthew 27.50-51;
disciples the Holy Ghost, now residing in them forever as we Hebrews 10.19-25). Jesus is the only begotten before death, but
after He rises, He is the Firstborn (1st one) among many brothers.
also (John 14.16-17; 20.19-22). This has not been the bap-
He is 100% God and 100% man forever (John 1:14, 18; 3.16-18;
tism in the Holy Ghost, which occurred only 10 days after Romans 8:29; Colossians 1.15-18; Hebrews 1.6; Rev 1.5). Thus,
Jesus ascension to heaven (Luke 24.49-51; Acts 1.4-5, 8, 9; it was necessary for Jesus to die, rise again and be glorified, and
2.1-13). Note: During the O.T., the blood of animals only cov- was the first man (the first fruits) to enter the Holy of Holies in
ered the sins of the saved of God's presence; until Jesus was heaven in the presence of God, where we now get along with God.
glorified (Leviticus 4:20, 31; Psalmes 32.1; Hebrews 10.1-4, Since then, when one dies saved goes straight to the presence of
11; Romans 11.27). But in the New Testament, the blood of God in heaven (1 Corinthians 15:20; Philippians 1.21-23; Colos-
Jesus takes away the sins of those who believe in Him (Hebrews sians 3.3; Hebrews 9.19-24; 10.11-14; 12.2; 12.22-24, 28).
CONCLUSION: Hell is a place of damnation and torment for the lost and forever. Heaven is a place of joy and happi-
ness for the saved forever. Jesus descended into Hell, exposed Satan and the demons to everlasting contempt, tri-
umphed against them and condemned them forever to the lake of fire. Jesus upheld the conviction of the losts at the O.
T., because the promise they not believed is now fulfilled. Jesus entered the underground Paradise, and took all the
saved of the O. T. to heaven. Jesus was the first man to enter the Holy of Holies in the presence of God in heaven. Amen.
Answer the assessment below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on each item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker, that, after checking, will return it to you with your grade.
The next study will be 20th on: GOD'S JUDGEMENT: FROM BEGINNING TO END. DO NOT MISS IT.

1st THE HELL CHARACTERISTICS: Hell is a place of weeping and ______________________of
teeth; fiery furnace of place, condemnation and ___________________________torment; where the
fire is not quenched and the ________________________does not die. It was prepared for the devil
and ________________________, but also will go there all the lost __________________________.
2nd THE GARDEN OF EDEN: In the apocryphal Jewish literature is very________________the idea
of divisions within the "Sheol or Hades," deep in the earth One side of suffering for the __________,
that is Hell; and the other side of enjoyment for the ______________________, that is the "Paradise”.
3rd JESUS NEEDS TO DESCEND INTO HELL: Now, we believe that ______________descended
into Hell, ________________did not take any benefit _____________________salvation to the lost.
In _______________work, Jesus was to _________________________the following three missions.
4th THE FIRST MISSION: After his resurrection, Jesus entered the Hell, proclaimed the victory
of the cross over__________________, hell and on about _________________; He took the keys
and the power of hell and death. Jesus stripped and ________________________exposed to ever-
lasting contempt Satan and the demons and __________________________over them in Himself.
5th THE SECOND MISSION: Jesus did not preach salvation to the _______________in hell, and
did not bring them any _____________________. The word "preaching" in the original, it makes
sense to announce an event, one prophesied ____________________that is fulfilled. God did not
forgive the ancient __________________and Noah condemned the world by the ______________ .
6th THE THIRD MISSION: Jesus enters the underground Paradise, _______________was in the
depths of the Earth, called Abraham's Bosom. Announces to ___________died saved from Adam
to the Resurrection of Christ, _________the Savior God promise that was to come ____________
in which they believed, is fulfilled. Jesus breathe on them all the Holy ______________and per-
fect them as ourselves at N. T. (the new birth), and takes them with Him to _________________.
7th THE FIRST MAN TO GET INTO HEAVEN: thus, it was necessary that __________died, rose again,
and was glorified, and was the first _______(as Primacies), to enter into the holy of holies in Heaven
in the presence of God. And now, through Jesus, we have _______________into the presence of God.
P. 66
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL -- Study of the last events, 19/20.




1st THE HELL CHARACTERISTICS: Hell is a place of weeping and gnashing of
teeth; fiery furnace of place, condemnation and eternal torment; where the
fire is not quenched and the worm does not die. It was prepared for the devil
and demons , but also will go there all the lost people .

2nd THE GARDEN OF EDEN: In the apocryphal Jewish literature is very strong the idea
of divisions within the "Sheol or Hades," deep in the earth One side of suffering for the lost ,
that is Hell; and the other side of enjoyment for the saved , that is the "Paradise”.

3rd JESUS NEEDS TO DESCEND INTO HELL: Now, we believe that Jesus descended
into Hell, but did not take any benefit nor salvation to the lost.
In His work, Jesus was to perform the following three missions.

4th THE FIRST MISSION: After his resurrection, Jesus entered the Hell, proclaimed the victory
of the cross over death , hell and on about sin ; He took the keys
and the power of hell and death. Jesus stripped and publicly exposed to ever-
lasting contempt Satan and the demons and triumphed over them in Himself.

5th THE SECOND MISSION: Jesus did not preach salvation to the lost in hell, and
did not bring them any benefit . The word "preaching" in the original, it makes
sense to announce an event, one prophesied fact that is fulfilled. God did not
forgive the ancient world and Noah condemned the world by the ark .

6th THE THIRD MISSION: Jesus enters the underground Paradise, which was in the
depths of the Earth, called Abraham's Bosom. Announces to all died saved from Adam
to the Resurrection of Christ, that the Savior God promise that was to come (Jesus)
in which they believed, is fulfilled. Jesus breathe on them all the Holy Ghost and per-
fect them as ourselves at N. T. (the new birth), and takes them with Him to Heaven .
7th THE FIRST MAN TO GET INTO HEAVEN: thus, it was necessary that Jesus died, rose again,
and was glorified, and was the first man (as Primacies), to enter into the holy of holies in Heaven
in the presence of God. And now, through Jesus, we have access into the presence of God.
P. 67
PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 20/20.
INTRODUCTION: We will study: The beginning of sin and judge in the heaven and earth, the judge from Cain to Sodom, the
judge from Moses to Christ, judgement of the sin of the saved, judgement from Christ to the end of Millennium, the Last
Judgment and Destruction of the Heavens and Earth, the Creation of New Heavens, New Earth, New Jerusalem = Eternity.
1st THE FIRST SIN AND JUDGEMENT IN THE HEAVEN 28.63-68; Isaiah 11.12; 43.5-6; 61.4). Soon will be complied
AND EARTH: Lucifer was the first to sin in Heaven, when the judgments of the Great Tribulation and the war of Ar-
desired to be like God, and 1/3 of God's angels followed him. mageddon on the unbelievers. The seals, trumpets and bowls
They didn't regret, were cursed and expelled from their func- of Revelation. And the Jacob's trouble will be fulfilled (Jer
tions (Isaiah 14.13-15; Ezekiel 28.13-16; Rev 12.3-4). As soon 30.7). So Jesus returns, destroys the armies of all nations who
as God created Adam and Eve; Satan used the serpent and try to destroy Israel (Zech 12.9). Launches the antichrist and
deluded Eve; she seduced Adam and both sinned against God the false prophet alive in the fiery lake of fire. Holds Satan
(Gensis 3.1-8). Questioned by God, Adam put the blame on and the demons into the abyss for a thousand years, gives to-
Eve and Eve put it on the serpent (Genesis 3.9-13). God curs- tal victory to Israel and begins the Millennium (Rev 17.12-14;
ed the serpent, taking of its legs, so it needs to crawl (Genesis 19.11-21; 20.1-3). Jesus will judge the nations living in Jeru-
3.14-15). God cursed the Earth, but did not Adam. The salem, and crush with an iron rod the entire rebellion in the
judge became at them. The woman would have children with Millennium (Matthew 25.31-46; Rev 2.25-27; Psalms 2.6-9).
pain. The man would have to work hard to bring food, and P.S.: Even during the wrath of God in the Great Tribulation,
would eat it with pain (Genesis 3.16-19). God promised that a His grace and mercy will be there to save those who believe.
Savior would come, to be punished for our sins. God created
the death as the wages of sin, and expelled Adam and Eve
AND EARTH: At the end of the Millennium, the Devil will be
from Paradise (Genesis 3.15 vs. 19-24; Romans 6.23).
released, will go out to deceive all nations, gathering them in
2nd JUDGEMENT FROM CAIN TO SODOM: The death war to destroy the nation of Israel, but fire came down from
became with Cain killing Abel. And God judge Cain (Gen- heaven, and devoured them. Jesus on the White Throne per-
esis 4.3-15). Seth's descendants followed God's path (Gene- forms the final judgment. The Devil and demons are cast into
sis 4.25-26). After many generations, they were again apart the lake of fire and sulfur, and will be tormented forever and
of God. And God has seen that in entire Earth only Noah ever (Rev 20.7-10). Jesus destroys the Heavens and the Earth
and his family were believers in God. So God sent the flood, to completely do away with sin; that began in heaven, defiled
saving only Noah and his family with the ark (Genesis 6.1- it, and came contaminate the Earth (Rev 20.11; 21.1; 2 Peter
22; 7.1-24). Further, God burned Sodom and Gomorrah 3.5-14; Matt 24.35; Is 51.6). At the same time, Jesus perfor-
with fire from heaven, because of its sexual immorality, but ms the fourth phase of the first resurrection in glory, which is
saved Lot and his family (Genesis 19.15-16 vs. 24-30). the people saved during the Millennium; and performs the
second resurrection, which is to all lost to suffering; see study
3rd JUDGEMENT FROM MOSES TO CHRIST: God judged at 8, items 3, 4 and 5 (Rev 20.5-6; 22.12; John 5.28-29; Dan
all the Egyptian gods (Ex 12.12), and Pharaoh because they 12.2). Jesus defeated the last enemy which is death (1 Corin-
enslaved Israel. God teared down the Egypt with the ten thian 15.26, 55); and hell, and whosoever was not found writ-
plagues, but in Goshen, where the sons of Israel were, there ten in the book of life (lost people) were cast into the lake of
was no plague. God opened the Red Sea so the Israelites fire. So, the death and sin will be extinguished (Rev 20.12-15).
could walk on dry ground, but Pharaoh and his army were P.S.: Remember that the final judgment will not be to decide
drowned (Ex. chapter 7 to 14). God also destroyed the Ca- who will or will not saved; because the punishment of the sins
naanite Nations since their many sins. After Solomon, Israel of those who believe, was consummated on the cross of Jesus.
became very rebel against God, worshiping other gods. God
used many prophets to admonish Israel, asking for their re- 7th CREATION OF THE NEW HEAVEN, NEW EARTH AND
gret, but they didn't listen. God judged Israel: the Northern NEW JERUSALEM = ETERNITY: Now Jesus creates new
Kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire; and the heaven, new earth and new Heavenly Jerusalem. All pure
Southern Kingdom (Judah) has been taken into captivity for 70 and holy, where justice dwells (Isaiah 65.17; 66.22; 2 Peter
years to Babylonia. Then, God brought them back to their land 3.13-14; Rev 21.1). The new Jerusalem built in Heaven is the
(2 Kgs 17.5-23; 25.5-11; Jer 29.10)..PS: Beside the corrective seat of government of God, the eternal Tabernacle of God
punishment, God gives His Grace to bring through their people. with men, and have the glory of God. Will be the capital of
the new creation and will connect the new earth with new
4th JUDGEMENT OF THE SIN OF THE SAVED: God heavens directly (Revel 21.2-5, 10, 11). The city is square and
judged all the sins from believers, and they are saved, (by form a cube: length, width and height are equal. It has 1500
the grace) in all the time, throwing their punishment to Je- miles in all directions, and its wall is 72 yards meters thick.
sus at the Calvary Cross. Jesus paid it all before God The city has twelve gates, each gate with one pearl, where are
(Isaiah 53.4-12; John 3.16-18; 5.24; 19.30; 1 John 1.7-10). written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. It has twelve
foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of
the Lamb (Rev 21.12-17, 21). The City has no Temple; his
LENIUM: Jesus prophesied judgment upon Israel for reject- temple is God Himself and Jesus receiving worship. There's
ing his redemptive work. This judgment began in the year 70 not sun or moon; the lighting comes from the glory of God
A. D. with the destruction of Jerusalem, when thousands of and of Christ; there is no night and the gates shall not be shut
Jews were killed and the rest spread throughout the world; (Rev 21.22-27; 22.5). The City and its square are made of
and ended in 1948, when God brought them back, returning pure gold; the wall is adorned with jasper foundations of eve-
them to their land. Then reorganized the Nation of Israel ry precious stone. It has the pure river of water of life coming
(Matthew 23.37-38; 24.2; Luke 19.41-44; 21.20-24; Deut out of the God's throne, and in the middle of the square the
(Practical Eschatology) – See the next page ►
Continuation of 20th Study - (Practical Eschatology) P. 68
Tree of Life. (It is the richness and beauty that awaits us Christ, but also the new Jerusalem (Revelat 19.7-9; 21.2, 9, 10).
in our eternal home). There we see the face of God and on At Genesis 3.22-24, God cast Adam out of Paradise so hedoes
our foreheads will be your name (Rev 21.18-21; 22.1-5). We not eat of the Tree of Life; but now, the saved will eat at the
will dwell in the new heavenly Jerusalem; worshiping, serv- Tree of Life in Heaven. New Jerusalem is also a new Eden; we
ing, and reigning with Christ and God, the Eternal State and believe much beyond that which Adam knew (Rev 2. 7; 22.2).
for evermore, Amen. P.S.: Not only the church is the bride of Prophetic texts: Hebrews 11.10, 16; 13.14; John 14.2-3.
CONCLUSION: God exercised judgment on the devil, Adam, Cain, the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Egypt, and on
the two kingdoms of Israel. He punished our sins on Jesus. Destroyed Jerusalem in the year 70 A.D. His wrath will
come in the Great Tribulation about unbelievers, armies, the antichrist and the false prophet. In the final judgment,
when the Devil and demons, hell, death and all the lost are cast into the lake of fire. Destruction of Heaven and Earth,
creating new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem. Finish sin and death forever. We dwell in the new heavenly Jeru-
salem; worshiping, serving, and reigning with Christ and God, the Eternal State and for evermore, Amen, and Amen.
Answer the evaluation below. Fill in the blanks with the words that you find on every item in the sequence order.
Return this sheet to your speaker who, after checking, will return it to you with your grade. Make your notes behind.

NAME: _________________________________________SPEAKER ____________________
Adam and Eve; Satan ___________the serpent and deluded Eve; she seduced Adam and both sin-
ned against _______. The judge became at them. The woman __________________children with
pain. The man would have to ___________hard to bring food, and would eat it ___________pain.
2nd JUDGEMENT FROM CAIN TO SODOM: The death became ________________Cain killing
Abel. And God has seen that in ______________Earth only Noah and his family __________be-
lievers in God. So God sent the flood, saving _______________Noah and his family with the ark.
3rd JUDGEMENT FROM MOSES TO CHRIST: God teared down the Egypt ______________the
ten plagues, but in Goshen, where the sons of Israel were, there was no ____________. God jud-
ged Israel: the Northern Kingdom was destroyed ________the Assyrian Empire; and the Southern
Kingdom (Judah) ________________________into captivity for 70 years ___________Babylonia.
4th JUDGEMENT OF THE SIN OF THE SAVED: God __________________all the __________
from believers, and they are saved, (by the grace) in all the _____________________, throwing
their ______________________________to Jesus at the Calvary ________________________.
judgments of the ___________Tribulation and the war of Armageddon on the unbelievers. So Je-
sus returns, destroys the armies of all nations who try to ____________Israel. Launches the anti-
christ and the false prophet __________in the fiery lake of fire. Holds Satan and the demons into
the abyss _______a thousand years, gives total victory to Israel and ____________the Millennium.
cast into the lake of fire and ______________ , and will be tormented ___________________and
ever. Jesus destroys the Heavens and the Earth to ___________________________do away with
sin; that began in heaven, defiled it, and came to ________________________________the Earth.
Now Jesus creates new heaven, ___________earth and new Heavenly Jerusalem. The City and its
square are made of __________gold; the wall is adorned ___________jasper foundations of every
precious stone. We will dwell in the new heavenly Jerusalem; _____________________, serving,
and reigning with Christ ________God, the Eternal State and _______________________, Amen.
P.S: Finishing this course, make your appointments about it. Write about what impacted and blessed your
life at all. Please, give your testimony. If couldn't fit in, use another page. ___________________________
P. 69
(Practical Eschatology)

PRES COURSE = ESCHATOLOGY PRACTICAL --- Study of the last events, 20/20.




Adam and Eve; Satan used the serpent and deluded Eve; she seduced Adam and both sin-
ned against God . The judge became at them. The woman would have children with
pain. The man would have to work hard to bring food, and would eat it with pain.

2nd JUDGEMENT FROM CAIN TO SODOM: The death became with Cain killing
Abel. And God has seen that in entire Earth only Noah and his family were be-
lievers in God. So God sent the flood, saving only Noah and his family with the ark.

3rd JUDGEMENT FROM MOSES TO CHRIST: God teared down the Egypt with the
ten plagues, but in Goshen, where the sons of Israel were, there was no plague . God jud-
ged Israel: the Northern Kingdom was destroyed by the Assirian Empire; and the Southern
Kingdom (Judah) has been taken into captivity for 70 years to Babylonia.

4th JUDGEMENT OF THE SIN OF THE SAVED: God judged all the sins
from believers, and they are saved, (by the grace) in all the time , throwing
their punishment to Jesus at the Calvary Cross .

judgments of the Great Tribulation and the war of Armageddon on the unbelievers. So Je-
sus returns, destroys the armies of all nations who try to destroy Israel. Launches the anti-
christ and the false prophet alive in the fiery lake of fire. Holds Satan and the demons into
the abyss for a thousand years, gives total victory to Israel and begins the Millennium.

cast into the lake of fire and sulfur , and will be tormented for-ever and
ever. Jesus destroys the Heavens and the Earth to completely do away with
sin; that began in heaven, defiled it, and came to contaminate the Earth.

Now Jesus creates new heaven, new earth and new Heavenly Jerusalem. The City and its
square are made of pure gold; the wall is adorned with jasper foundations of every
precious stone. We will dwell in the new heavenly Jerusalem; worshiping , serving,
and reigning with Christ and God, the Eternal State and for evermore , Amen.


(Practical eschatology)
Champlin, Russell Norman. The New Testament Interpreted verse by verse, Melenium Distribuidora
Cultural LTDA 1980.
J. Dwight Pentecost. Manual of Eschatology Bible, Life Publishing 2002.
Langston, A. B. Sketch of Systematic Theology, Juerp Publishing 1977.
Pearlman, Myer. Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible, Editora Vida 1978.
Joseph Angus. History, Doctrine and Interpretation of the Bible, Hagnos Publishing House, São Paulo 2003.
Halley Henry Hampton. Halley's Biblical Handbook, Life Publishing, São Paulo 2010.
David S. Dockery. Manual Nova Vida, Editora Vida Nova, São Paulo 2001.
O. S. BOYER. Cutting Sword, 4th Edition, O.S. Boyer Press, São Paulo 1973.
Aeneas Tognini. The Rapture of the Church, Industria Graphic Bentivegna Editora LTDA, São Paulo1970.
Rosivaldo de Araújo. The Great Jury, Lerban, Print edition 1996.
Rosivaldo de Araújo. The Supreme Target of Christianity, Holy Works Publisher, Salvador, BA, 2011.
W. KELY, Studies on the Word of God - The APOCALYPSE, Minerva Publishing House, Lisbon, 1989.
Davidson, F. M. A. New Bible Commentary, New Life Editions 1979.
Brown, Jamieson Fausset. Exegetical and Explanatory Commentary of the Bible, Casa Baptist Publishing House 1979.
Xavier Leon-dufour S. J. Vocabulary of Biblical Theology, Vozes Publishing House, Petrópolis 1987.
Luiz Sayão. The Study Bible, New International Version, Life Publishing, São Paulo 2003.
Luiz Sayão. Route 66, Audio and Book Commentary, Interpretation of the Bible, Radio Trans Mundial Publisher P. P. 2010.

New Scofield Reference Bible. Footnotes Bible of Scofield, Bible Society of Brazil 1987.
Russell P. Shedd. Footnotes Shedd Bible, New Life Editions, Bible Society of Brazil 2005.
Tim Lahaye. Prophetic Study Bible, Hagnos Publishing House 2005.
A. Van Den Born. Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Bible, Editora Vozes, Petrópolis 1987.
J.D. Douglas. The New Bible Dictionary, New Life Editions 1979.
Davis, John D. Dictionary of the Bible, Baptist Publishing House 1978.
Biblical Concordance. Biblical Society of Brazil, Graphic and Publishing Primor S. A. 1975.
Online Bible. Computer program, Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil 1997.
Self help through the Bible. Computer program. Ismael A. R. Vieira 1996.
Ferreira, Aurelio Buarque de Holanda. New Aurelian Dictionary of the Portuguese Language, New Frontier Publishing House 1985.

Lello, José and Edgar. Illustrated Practical Dictionary and Encyclopedic of Portuguese. Editora Lello & Irmão Editores, Porto 1973.

The globe. Dictionary of Portuguese, Editora Globo S.A, 1993.

Daniel Fidelis Barcelos. Eschatological studies for several years.
Sunday School Magazines, old. (Several, by several authors).

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