2017 Weighted Graph Coloring Based Pilot Decontamination For Multi Cell Massive MIMO System

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2016.2572203, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Weighted Graph Coloring Based Pilot Decontamination for Multi-Cell

Massive MIMO Systems
Xudong Zhu, Linglong Dai, Zhaocheng Wang, and Xiaodong Wang
Abstract—A multi-cell massive multiple-input multiple-output between data and pilot. A smart pilot assignment scheme is
(MIMO) system, which utilizes a large number of base station proposed in [8] to optimize the pilot assignment for each
(BS) antennas to simultaneously serve a set of users, suffers from cell in a sequential way, however the convergence can not
pilot contamination (PC) due to unavoidable reuse of pilots in
adjacent cells. In this paper, a weighted graph coloring based be guaranteed. Pilot contamination precoding [9] can mitigate
pilot decontamination (WGC-PD) scheme is proposed to mitigate the inter-cell interference by multi-cell joint processing at cost
PC for multi-cell massive MIMO systems. Specifically, based on of a loss of spectral efficiency due to high overhead required
limited cooperation among cells, an edge-weighted interference by information exchange. The angle-of-arrival (AOA) based
graph (EWIG) is firstly constructed to depict the potential PC methods [10], [11] show that geographically separated users
relationship among users, whereby two users in different cells
are connected by a weighted edge indicating the strength of with non-overlapping AOAs do not contaminate each other
potential PC when they reuse the same pilot. Then, inspired even if they adopt the same pilot, but the assumption of small
by classical graph coloring algorithms, we develop the WGC-PD AOA spread of each user is not always true in practical wire-
scheme by denoting each color as a pilot and each vertex as less systems. In addition, a blind method based on subspace
an user in the EWIG, which is able to mitigate PC by assigning partitioning [12] is able to reduce inter-cell interference with a
different pilots to connected users with a large weight in a greedy
way with insufficient pilot resource. Compared with exhaustive heavy computational complexity. Moreover, all those existing
search among numerous pilot assignment solutions, the proposed solutions ignore the fact that PC severity (PCS) varies among
WGC-PD scheme is able to mitigate PC with significantly reduced users and try to mitigate PC for all users equally, which leads
complexity, which is verified by numerical results. to a significant efficiency loss since only a part of users suffer
Index Terms—Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MI- from severe PC while others may enjoy negligible PC indeed.
MO), pilot contamination (PC), edge-weighted interference graph In this paper, by exploiting different PCSs for different
(EWIG), graph coloring problem. users, a weighted graph coloring based pilot decontamination
(WGC-PD) scheme is proposed to mitigate PC for multi-
I. I NTRODUCTION cell multi-user massive MIMO systems. Firstly, the pilot as-
signment issue is formulated as a combinational optimization
Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) has been
problem to maximize users’ average uplink achievable rate.
investigated to meet the exponential increase of mobile traffic
Then, based on limited cooperation among cells, an edge-
in future 5G wireless systems [1]–[4], whereby a base station
weighted interference graph (EWIG) is constructed to depict
(BS) equipped with a large number of antennas serves multiple
the potential PC relationship among users, whereby every
users simultaneously. When the number of BS antennas goes
weighted edge indicates the PC strength introduced between
to infinity while the number of users is kept fixed, intra-cell in-
the connected users when they are assigned with the same
terference and uncorrelated noise can be significantly reduced
pilot. After that, by denoting each color as a pilot and each
[1], [2]. In addition, massive MIMO systems is also beneficial
vertex as an user in the EWIG, the proposed WGC-PD scheme,
in the context of detection and estimation problems via sensor
which is developed from the classical Dsatur algorithm [15],
networks [5], [6]. However, pilot contamination (PC) caused
greedily assigns different pilots to the connected users with a
by the reuse of pilots in adjacent cells due to limited pilot
large weight with insufficient pilot resource. Compared with
resource, does not vanish with the increased number of BS
the exhaustive search to obtain the optimal pilot assignment
antennas, so PC is recognized as the performance bottleneck
pattern, the proposed WGC-PD scheme is able to mitigate PC
of multi-cell massive MIMO systems [2].
with significantly reduced complexity under the constraint of
Great efforts have been endeavored to solve this challeng-
insufficient pilot resource. Simulation results verify that the
ing problem of PC [7]–[12]. The time-shifted pilot scheme
proposed WGC-PD scheme outperforms the classical random
is an effective solution by using asynchronous transmission
scheme [1] and the smart pilot assignment scheme [8], and the
among adjacent cells [7], but it leads to mutual interferences
performance gap to the optimal solutions is also quite small.
Copyright ⃝2015
c IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. How-
ever, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained II. S YSTEM M ODEL
from the IEEE by sending a request to pubs-permissions@ieee.org.
X. Zhu, L. Dai, and Z. Wang are with Tsinghua National Laboratory As shown in Fig. 1 (a), we consider a multi-cell multi-
for Information Science and Technology (TNList) as well as Department of
Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China (E-mails: user massive MIMO system composed of L hexagonal cells,
zhuxd12@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn). and each cell is consisted of a BS with M antennas and K
X. Wang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia Uni- (K ≪ M ) single-antenna users [1], [2]. The channel vector
versity, New York, NY 10027-6902, USA (E-mail: wangx@ee.columbia.edu).
This work was supported by the National High Technology Research and h⟨j,k⟩,i ∈ C M ×1 from the k-th user in the j-th cell to the BS
Development Program of China (Grant No. 2014AA01A704), the National of the i-th cell can be modelled as [3]
Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61271266, 61329101, and √
61571270), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 4142027), and h⟨j,k⟩,i = g⟨j,k⟩,i β⟨j,k⟩,i , (1)
the Foundation of Shenzhen government.

0018-9545 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2016.2572203, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Fig. 1. Edge-weighted interference graph (EWIG) construction: (a) Classical random pilot assignment scheme: the pilots are randomly assigned to the users
in each cell, which may cause severe PC among users in adjacent cells, e.g., users in the shadow area; (b) Pilot contamination severity (PCS): the ratio
between the interference channel strength and the effective channel strength; (c) Construction of the EWIG: an edge-weighted graph can be constructed to
describe the potential PC relationship among all users based on the PCS.

where β⟨j,k⟩,i denotes the large-scale fading coefficient, and III. P ROPOSED WGC-PD S CHEME
g⟨j,k⟩,i with distribution CN (0, IM ) denotes the small-scale A. Problem Formulation
fading vector.
The number of different kinds of pilot assignments for
We adopt the widely used block fading channel model,
K users and S pilots in the j-th cell is AK S!
S = (S−K)! .
whereby channel vector h⟨j,k⟩,i remains unchanged during K
the coherence time [1]–[3]. We assume that totally available It is apparent that all AS kinds of pilot assignments make
S (S ≥ K) pilots φi ∈ C τ ×1 (1 ≤ i ≤ S) of length no difference when only one cell is considered. However,
τ used in one cell are orthogonal to each other, i.e., Φ = considering a practical system with L hexagonal cells, the
[φ1 , φ2 , · · · , φS ]T ∈ C S×τ , ΦΦH = IS , and the same pilot total number of essentially different pilot assignments is as
group Φ is reused in other cells due to limited pilot resource huge as (AK S)
[3], [14]. It should be pointed out that there has been some In contrast to classical pilot assignment scheme which
work discussing pilot reuse technology within one cell by allocates pilot φp⟨j,k⟩ to user ⟨j, k⟩ randomly [1]–[3], we aim
exploiting spatially correlated Rayleigh fading channels [13]. to maximize the total uplink throughput of all KL users in
The classical pilot assignment scheme assigns pilot φp⟨j,k⟩ L hexagonal cells, which can be formulated as the following
to user ⟨j, k⟩ randomly, i.e., p⟨j,k⟩ ∈ {1, 2, · · · , S}, and optimization problem P1
{∑ ∥hH }
⟨j,k⟩,j ∥
guarantees that no pilots will be reused within one cell, i.e.,
p⟨j,k⟩ ̸= p⟨j,k′ ⟩ , ∀k ̸= k ′ [7]. By adopting matched filter max log2 (1 + ∑ ) ,
p⟨j,k⟩ ∥hH
⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩,j ∥ + σ⟨j,k⟩ /ρ
4 2 2
(MF) receiver at BS [1], the uplink signal-to-interference-plus- ⟨j,k⟩
⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩∈I⟨j,k⟩
noise ratio (SINR) of user ⟨j, k⟩ can be calculated after pilot (4)
assignment as
where {p⟨j,k⟩ } denotes all kinds of pilot assignments, and
⟨j,k⟩,j ∥
{⟨j, k⟩} denotes all KL users. However, it is impossible to
⟨j,k⟩ = ∑
SINRUL solve this optimization problem P1 due to the fact that BS
⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩∈I⟨j,k⟩ ∥h⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩,j ∥ + σ⟨j,k⟩ /ρ
H 4 2 2
cannot obtain accurate channel information if PC exists, i.e.,
b ⟨j,k⟩,j = ∑
β⟨j,k⟩,j h
≈ ∑ , M →∞ (2) p⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ =p⟨j,k⟩ h⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩,j [1]. Fortunately, the limit
⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩∈I⟨j,k⟩ β⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩,j of total uplink throughput can be represented by the large-
scale fading coefficients β⟨j,k⟩ as shown in Eqs. (2) and (3).
where I⟨j,k⟩ = {⟨j ′ , k ′ ⟩ : p⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ = p⟨j,k⟩ } \ {⟨j, k⟩} denotes
Thus, optimization problem P1 can be approached by P2
the set of users with the same pilot as user ⟨j, k⟩, σ⟨j,k⟩ 2

denotes the power of uncorrelated interference and noise which {∑ 2

β⟨j,k⟩,j }
max log2 (1 + ∑ ) . (5)
can be substantially
∑ reduced by increasing the number of BS p⟨j,k⟩ 2
⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩∈I⟨j,k⟩ β⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩,j
2 ⟨j,k⟩
antennas M [1], ′ ′ β
⟨j ,k ⟩∈I⟨j,k⟩ ⟨j ,k ⟩,j′ ′ denotes PC caused
by pilot reuse, and ρ denotes the transmit power. Thus, the Hence, this simplified combinatorial optimization problem P2
corresponding average uplink achievable rate of user ⟨j, k⟩ can be solved by exhaustive search among (AK S)
kinds of
can be calculated as pilot assignments. However, for a typical multi-cell massive
{ } MIMO system with L = 7 and S = K = 8 as an example,
⟨j,k⟩ = (1 − µS )E log2 (1 + SINR⟨j,k⟩ ) ,
(3) the search complexity is (AK L−1
= (K!)L−1 = (8!)6 ≈
where µS evaluates the loss of spectral efficiency caused by 4.3 × 1027 , which is infeasible in practice.
uplink pilot transmission, which is actually the ratio of pilot
length τ and channel coherence time l [2], i.e., µS = τl . B. EWIG Construction
From Eq. (2) and (3), it is clear that thermal noise and small- By considering two users in different cells with the same
scaling fading effects could be averaged out as M grows to pilot, i.e., ⟨j, k⟩, ⟨j ′ , k ′ ⟩, j ̸= j ′ , p⟨j,k⟩ = p⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ , we can
infinity, while the average uplink achievable rate is limited by rewrite the corresponding average uplink achievable rate of
PC. For example, as shown in Fig. 1 (a), users in the shadow user ⟨j, k⟩ as
area suffer from severe PC due to the classical random pilot ( 2
β⟨j,k⟩,j )
assignment scheme, and the uplink SINR cannot be improved ⟨j,k⟩ ∝ log2 1 +
CUL 2 , (6)
β⟨j ′ ,k ′ ⟩,j ′ + εj,k,j ′ ,k′
by increasing the number of BS antennas [2].

0018-9545 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2016.2572203, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology

∑ 2
where εj,k,j ′ ,k′ = ⟨j0 ,k0 ⟩∈I⟨j,k⟩ ,j0 ̸=j ′ β⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩,j denotes the Mathematically, the pseudocode of the proposed WGC-
PC caused by other users with the same pilot, and CUL PD scheme is provided in Algorithm 1, which is mainly
⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩
could be represented similarly. It is clear that different pilot comprised of the following three parts:
assignments leads to different εj,k,j ′ ,k′ of user ⟨j, k⟩, which is
difficult to be accurately measured. However, the PCs between Algorithm 1 Proposed WGC-PD Scheme
user ⟨j ′ , k ′ ⟩ and user ⟨j, k⟩ with the same pilot are closely Input:
2 2
β⟨j,k⟩,j β⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩,j ′ System Parameters: K, L, and S;
related to the ratios 2
and 2
. Hence, we define a
′ ,k′ ⟩,j ′ The constructed EWIG: G = (V, E).
metric ζ⟨j,k⟩,⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ as PCS to measure the strength of potential Output:
PC between any two users in different cells, i.e., ⟨j, k⟩ and Pilot allocation: {p⟨j,k⟩ }, for 1 ≤ j ≤ L, 1 ≤ k ≤ K.
⟨j ′ , k ′ ⟩, j ̸= j ′ , which is represented as 1: Initialization:
ζ⟨j,k⟩,⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ = β⟨j 2 2 2
′ ,k ′ ⟩,j /β⟨j,k⟩,j + β⟨j,k⟩,j ′ /β⟨j ′ ,k ′ ⟩,j ′ . (7) 2: {j1 , k1 , j2 , k2 } = arg max{j,k,j ′ ,k′ ,j̸=j ′ } ζ⟨j,k⟩,⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ .
3: {p⟨j,k⟩ } = 0, p⟨j1 ,k1 ⟩ = 1, p⟨j2 ,k2 ⟩ = 2.
Specifically, ζ⟨j,k⟩,⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ is the ratio between interference chan-
4: Ω = {⟨j1 , k1 ⟩, ⟨j2 , k2 ⟩}.
nel strength and effective channel strength, and its intuitive
5: while ∃p⟨j,k⟩ = 0 do
illustration is shown in Fig. 1 (b). Larger ζ⟨j,k⟩,⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ indicates ∑
6: δ⟨j,k⟩ = ⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩∈Ω, j̸=j ′ ζ⟨j,k⟩,⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ .
more severe PC will be introduced between user ⟨j, k⟩ and user
7: ⟨j0 , k0 ⟩ = arg max⟨j,k⟩ {δ⟨j,k⟩ : ⟨j, k⟩ ∈ / Ω}.
⟨j ′ , k ′ ⟩ when the same pilot is allocated to them. Moreover,
8: Λ = {s ∑ : ∀k, p ⟨j0 ,k⟩ ̸
= s, 1 ≤ s ≤ S}.
it is clear that this PCS metric has symmetrical property, i.e.,
9: ηs = ⟨j,k⟩∈Ω, p⟨j,k⟩ =s ζ⟨j0 ,k0 ⟩,⟨j,k⟩ .
ζ⟨j,k⟩,⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ = ζ⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩,⟨j,k⟩ , ∀j ̸= j ′ .
10: p⟨j0 ,k0 ⟩ = arg mins {ηs : s ∈ Λ}.
Mathematically, the EWIG can be interpreted as a undi-
11: Ω = Ω ∩ {⟨j0 , k0 ⟩}.
rected weighted graph G = { (V, E), where vertexes in set }
12: end while
denote all users, i.e., V = ⟨j, k⟩ : 1 ≤ j ≤ L, 1 ≤ k ≤ K ,
13: return {p⟨j,k⟩ }.
and edges{ in set E denote} potential PC among users, i.e.,
E = ζ⟨j,k⟩,⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ : j ̸= j ′ . An example of EWIG is illus-
trated in Fig. 1 (c), where the edges with negligible weights 1) Initialization (step 2-4): Firstly, two users in different
between users in different cells are omitted for simplicity. cells with the largest weighted-edge in the EWIG are selected
in step 2, i.e., the user ⟨j1 , k1 ⟩ and the user ⟨j2 , k2 ⟩. In
C. Proposed WGC-PD Scheme step 3, these two users are assigned with pilots φ1 and φ2 ,
For two users in different cells in the constructed EWIG, respectively, and then they are added to the assigned set Ω as
i.e., ⟨j, k⟩, ⟨j ′ , k ′ ⟩, j ′ ̸= j, it is clear that the larger PCS initialization of Ω in step 4. After that, the rest users will be
ζ⟨j,k⟩,⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ indicates that more serious PC will be introduced selected and assigned with a pilot in a sequential way until all
when the same pilot is assigned to them. That is to say, users are assigned with pilots, i.e., @p⟨j,k⟩ = 0.
two users in different cells may reuse the same pilot with 2) User Selection (step 6-7): To select users in order of
negligible performance loss only if their PCS ζ⟨j,k⟩,⟨j ′ ,k′ ⟩ importance, a priority parameter δ⟨j,k⟩ is introduced, which is
is small enough. Thus, we can find that the EWIG is a defined as the weight sum of the edges connecting the user
powerful tool to realize the efficient pilot assignment with ⟨j, k⟩ and the users in other cells within Ω in step 6. Then,
significantly reduced PC by greedily assigning different pilots the user ⟨j0 , k0 ⟩ with the largest potential PC strength out
to the connected users with a large weight [16], [17]. The pilot of the assigned set Ω will be selected in step 7, whose pilot
resource is usually limited in practice, e.g., only K ≪ KL assignment should be considered preferentially.
orthogonal pilots are available in typical multi-cell massive 3) Pilot Assignment (step 8-11): After the user ⟨j0 , k0 ⟩ has
MIMO systems [2]. been selected, the proposed WGC-PD scheme aims to select
To obtain a trade-off between pilot overhead and the reduc- the pilot causing the smallest potential PC to this user from
tion of PC, the WGC-PD scheme is proposed to significantly the available pilot resource. Specifically, the optional pilot set
reduce PC under the constraint of limited pilot resource. Λ is firstly constructed in step 8, which includes the pilots
Inspired by the classical Dsatur algorithm [15], which sorts unused in the j0 -th cell to ensure that no pilots are reused
vertices according to their degrees in descending order and within the same cell, i.e., p⟨j,k⟩ ̸= p⟨j,k′ ⟩ , k ̸= k ′ . After that,
colors them in a sequential way with reused colors as far we define ηs in step 9 to describe the potential PC strength
as possible, the proposed WGC-PD scheme greedily assigns between the users with pilot s in Ω and the user ⟨j0 , k0 ⟩ by
different pilots to connected users with a large weight in the assuming the user ⟨j0 , k0 ⟩ is assigned with pilot s. Finally, the
EWIG. However, unlike the Dsatur algorithm which ensures pilot having the smallest potential PC strength ηs is selected
that no connected vertices are assigned with the same color, to be assigned to the user ⟨j0 , k0 ⟩ in step 10, and the user
two users in different cells with a small weight in the EWIG ⟨j0 , k0 ⟩ will be added into the assigned set Ω in step 11. This
may be assigned with the same pilot due to the additional loop will be carried out in a sequential way until all users are
constraint of limited pilot resource in practical massive MIMO assigned with their corresponding pilots.
systems. Thus, the proposed WGC-PD scheme can be regarded The proposed WGC-PD scheme is able to mitigate PC under
as a specific variant of the classical Dsatur algorithm for edge- the constraint of limited pilot resource by greedily assigning
weighted graphs under the constraint of insufficient colors. different pilots to the connected users with a large weight in

0018-9545 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2016.2572203, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology

the EWIG. For instance as shown in Fig. 1 (c), the typical 1

pilot resource, i.e., S = K = 3, can be utilized to realize 0.9

pilot assignment with significantly reduced PC by the proposed 0.8

WGC-PD scheme. M=32

D. Further Discussion
As indicated in Section III-A, the EWIG is constructed ac- 0.4
cording to the large-scale fading coefficients β⟨j,k⟩,i , which de- Classical scheme [1]
0.3 Time−shifted pilot scheme [7]
notes the channel strength between users and BSs. Similar with Smart pilot assignment [8]
Optimal solution of P1
most existing works [8]–[12] which assume the large-scale 0.2
Optimal solution of P2
fading coefficients are known at BSs, the proposed WGC- 0.1
Proposed WIG−PD scheme
PD scheme also requires such prior information. Actually, the 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
large-scale fading coefficients change slowly and can be easily
tracked with low complexity in practical mobile systems [18]. Fig. 2. The CDF of the users’ uplink achievable rate, where the system
For example, in practical mobile cellular networks of the long parameters L = 3, S = K = 4, ρ = 10 dB, and M = 32 (M = 256) are
term evolution (LTE) systems [18], users firstly capture the considered.
cell-specific reference signal to measure the channel conditions where z⟨j,k⟩,i represents the shadow fading and typically
to available BSs, and then select the BS with the best channel possesses a log-normal distribution (i.e., 10 log10 (z⟨j,k⟩,i ) is
condition. After that, users will continue tracking the channel Gaussian distributed with zero mean and the standard deviation
conditions to available BSs to realize handover process among of σshadow ), r⟨j,k⟩,i is the distance between the k-th user in the
adjacent cells. j-th cell and the BS in the i-th cell, and R is the cell radius.
The computational complexity of exhaustive search solution
to combinatorial optimization problems is usually infeasible TABLE I
due to it exponential increasing property [16], [17]. The total S IMULATION PARAMETERS
computational complexity of the proposed WGC-PD scheme is
Number of cells L 3, 7
only O(S(KL)3 ) based on Algorithm 1, which is negligible Number of BS antennas M 8 ≤ M ≤ 256
compared with O((AK S)
) required by exhaustive search, Number of users in each cell K 4, 16
S(KL)3 −22 K ≤ S ≤ KL
e.g., (AK )L−1 = 3.3 × 10 with L = 7 and S = K = 8. The Number of orthogonal pilots S
S Cell radius R 500 m
time-shifted pilot scheme [7] suffers from the handover com- Transmit power ρ [5, 30] dB
plexity of users, since different signal demodulation orders are S
Loss of spectral efficiency µS = K µ0 µ0 = 0.05
designed in different cells due to asynchronous transmission. Path loss exponent α 3
The sequential optimization for each cell in the smart pilot Log normal shadowing fading σshadow 8 dB
assignment scheme [8] only require the computational com-
plexity of O(LK 2 ), but it leads to poor overall performance. Fig. 2 plots the cumulative distribution function (CDF)
Thus, the proposed WGC-PD scheme is able to achieve an curve of the users’ uplink achievable rate, where the system
efficient trade-off between system performance and computa- parameters L = 3, S = K = 4, ρ = 10 dB, and M = 32
tional complexity. Besides maximizing the total uplink rate, (M = 256) are considered. The proposed WGC-PD scheme
we can also formulate optimization problems to maximize the is compared with following existing solutions: The classical
minimum rate among all the users or the sum of minimal rates pilot assignment scheme randomly assigns pilots to users
within each cell. These combinatorial optimization problems without cooperation among cells [1]; The time-shifted pilot
could also been solved by similar heuristic methods. scheme cancels pilot contamination by using asynchronous
transmission among adjacent cells at cost of introducing
IV. N UMERICAL R ESULTS mutual interferences between data and pilots [7]; The smart
pilot assignment scheme optimizes pilot assignment for each
In this section, we investigate the performance of the pro-
cell in a sequential way [8]; The optimal solutions to P1 and
posed WGC-PD scheme through Monte-Carlo simulations. A
P2 are obtained through exhaustive search. As mentioned in
typical hexagonal cellular network with L cells is considered,
Section III-C, the optimal solution to P2 is able to approach
where each cell has K single-antenna users and a BS with M
the optimal solution to P1 when BS is equipped with a
antennas [1], [2]. The spectral efficiency loss with S = K is
large number of antennas, which is verified in Fig. 2 with
set as µ0 = 0.05 [8], and the corresponding µS is calculated
S two cases as M = 32 and M = 256. Moreover, we can
as µS = K µ0 . The system parameters are summarized in
find that the proposed WGC-PD scheme outperforms time-
Table I, e.g., the number of BS antennas ranging from 8
shifted pilot scheme and smart pilot assignment scheme, and
to 256 is considered. The locations of users are uniformly
the performance gap between the proposed scheme and the
randomly distributed in their corresponding cells in each trial.
optimal solution to P1 is about 0.3 bps/Hz.
As addressed in [2], the large-scale fading coefficient β⟨j,k⟩,i
can be modeled as Fig. 3 shows the average uplink achievable rate per user
against the number of pilot resource S, where the system
β⟨j,k⟩,i = z⟨j,k⟩,i /(r⟨j,k⟩,i /R)α , (8) parameters L = 7, K = 16, ρ = 10 dB, and M = 128 are

0018-9545 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TVT.2016.2572203, IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Average uplink achievable rate per user (bps/Hz)
2.4 In this paper, we have proposed a pilot assignment scheme
based on weighted graph coloring to mitigate pilot contamina-
tion for multi-cell massive MIMO systems. Firstly, an edge-
weighted interference graph (EWIG) is constructed to depict
1.8 the potential PC relationship among all users. After that,
inspired by classical graph coloring algorithms from graph the-
ory, the weighted graph coloring based pilot decontamination
(WGC-PD) scheme is proposed to mitigate PC by greedily
Classical scheme [1]
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Proposed WIG−PD scheme
proposed WGC-PD scheme outperforms the existing schemes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 by about 0.2 bps/Hz when a typical number of BS antennas
Pilot resource (S/K)
M = 128 is considered in a multi-cell massive MIMO system.
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0018-9545 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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