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Washington State educator Professional Growth Plan (PGP) template

for educator preparation program completion

Educator information
First name: Katelin Last name: Lacoste
Preparation program: School Counseling Academic year: 2021

For information regarding Washington state educator certification, please consult the OSPI Certification
Office website at, email, or call (360) 725-6400.

Needs assessment and goal selection

1. Self-assessment. Use a self-assessment to identify an area of focus that will lead to your
professional growth. You might choose to use one of the self-assessments based on the certificate
standards for your role:
educators/pgp/pgp-forms-and-support-materials/. You might also choose to use another self-
assessment. Identify the self-assessment and area of focus you selected:
When assessing school wide needs, developing a process to monitor student needs data was an
area of focus from the School Counselor PGP Self-assessment that I focused on my capstone paper
2. Standards. The area of focus for your professional growth goal needs to align to the certificate
standards. You may find the certificate standards for your role here:
standards-and-benchmarks/. Note the standard you have selected for your area of focus for
professional growth.

This professional growth goal aligns with Standard 5BA, Career level, utilize a broad array of
assessment strategies, to consult, plan, and advocate effectively with and for students.
3. Professional growth goal(s). What is your goal for this professional growth plan? Describe how this
goal relates to your self-assessment and focus area identified in question one.

My professional growth goal is to utilize assessments for every group or class taught and every
intervention given to students to better monitor student needs and program effectiveness.
4. Intended outcomes. What will you and/or your students be able to do as a result of your
professional growth that you and/or they are not able to do now?
As a result of utilizing assessments for every group or class taught and every intervention given to
students, I will be able to work with students to advocate for their direct needs through their
assessments and their point of view, as well as being able to paint a more clear picture of how
effective the groups, classes, and intervention are and what needs to be done to improve them.
Professional growth action plan

Professional Growth Plan template for program completion, revised 2019.07.02

Professional Educator Standards Board |

5. Activities. Describe the specific growth activities you will engage in to obtain the identified new
learning. How will these activities positively impact student learning?

I will go to the ASCA and WASCA conventions, stay up to date on current research and data
collection methods, as well as take continuing education around the best ways to collect follow up
data and effectively improve interventions for the students.
6. Proposed evidence. Describe the evidence you plan to collect to support your goals. Evidence may
include areas beyond test scores such as attendance rates, discipline referrals, programs
implemented, student work, videos of lessons, and other student or adult data.

The evidence I plan to collect to support this goal is to create the follow up surveys for feedback after
an every intervention, and then to effectively analize the data, and then to implement necessary
changes to the interventions. I will also share relevant data with stakeholders to create school wide or
district wide changes.
Candidate signature
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Program signature
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Professional Growth Plan template for program completion, revised 2019.07.02

Professional Educator Standards Board |

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