Conical OH Water Tank

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Radius of conical shape water at top =3.0m
at bottom=1.0m
Height of tank=2.0m
Thickness of side wall of tank =200mm
Height of shaft from GL =12.0m
Alround shaft and circular Beam size = 250 x 250 mm
Concrete grade M30
Steel Fe 415 grade
Tank model:

1.Creation of Geometry :
File  New Project  Select  Space Unit : Length =meters;
Force=KN; File Name=Conical shaped water tank  Next 
Select  Open Structure Wizard  Finish.
Change to Surface Plate Model from Truss models  Select Cylindrical surface and
double click on it.

Fig. 1 Showing select Parameter of reverese cyclindrical frame

Length = 2m Division along length =2
Start radius= 3m Division along periphery =18
End Radius =1m
Surface Angle =360º
Axis X Y Z
Start 0 0 0
End 0 -2 0  Apply  Transfer model  Y= 12 m . Click Yes 

Go to Geometry Structure Wizard Select Frame Model Select Reverse
Cylinder frame and double click on it.
Length =18m Radius =1m Angle =360º
No. of bays along length =5
No. of Bays along Periphery = 18 Apply  Transfer model Origion X=0 Y=0
 Ok.
Duplicate nodes ignored Ok.

Fig. 2 Select Parameter of reverese cyclindrical frame

Fig. 3 Showing reverse cyclindrical Model

Select surface meshing icon and select the bottom portion of circular tank and
start connecting any of the nodes till the end of nodes along periphery of circle
using surface meshing.
Fig. 4 Surface meshing connection bottom of circular tank portion
A meshing screen will appear. Changed division column as 1 in all column in the
table and press Ok.

Fig. 5 defining meshing division of bottom cyclindrical frame

2. Member Properties :
Click General  Define  Rectangle YD=0.25m ZD=0.25m (Cylindrical shaft
portion) Add. Thickness Node 1 to 4 =0.20mAddClose.
High light Beam 0.25 x 0.25 and assign the cyclindrical portion by selecting
 Assign to view  Assign  Yes.

Fig. 6 Showing assigning Property for Beam portion

High light thickness 0.20m and assign to conical portion of water tank side wall by 
Assign to view  Assign Yes  Close. De select the member.
Fig. 7 Assigning Property for side wall of tank portion
3.Supports :
Front view  Select the bottom most support beam portion and click delete key.
18 Nos. of beams are deleted. Ok.

Fig. 8 Removing bottom beam.

Click SupportCreate Pinned Add Click support 2 and select bottom support
  Assign to selected node AssignYes  Close.
De select the nodes and change to beam cursor.

Fig. 8 Assigning bottom support as Pinned.

4. Loading :
Click Load & Definitions  DefinitionsSeismic load (OR)
Main menu Commands  Loading  Definitions Seismic load IS 1893-2002.
Seismic Parameters appear. Select IS1893-2002. Click Generate .
Fig. 9 Selecting seismic parameters

Fig. 10 Generated seismic parameters

IS1893 seismic parameters screen will appear.
Select Zone =III. Z=0.16
Response Reduction Facto (RF) : (For Special RC MRF) = 5
Importance factor (I) =1.5
Rock/soil type (SS) : (For Medium soil)=2
Structure Type (ST) : (For RC Frame Building)=1
Damping Ratio (DM) = 0.05%
Generate  Add  Close.
Click Zone 0.16 RF 5 I 1.5 SS 2 ST 1 DM 0.05  Add 
Seismic Definition screen will appear.
Click Self weight Selfweight 1  Add.
Highlight selfweight  Select to view Assign.
Click load case details on data area Add.
Number 1 Loading type: Seismic
Title: EQ in X +ve Add Close.
Click Load case details Add.
Number 2 Loading type: Seismic
Title: EQ in X -ve Add Close.
Click Load case details Add.
Number 3 Loading type: DL
Title: Dead load  Add Close.
Click Load case details Add.
Number 4 Loading type: None
Title: : Modal shape  Add Close
Highlight Load case1 Add.
Seismic load X direction Factor: 1Add.
Highlight Load case 2Add.
Seismic load X direction Factor :-1Add Close.

Fig. 11 Assigning Load case 1 EQ in X+ ve

Fig. 12 Assigning Load case 1 EQ in X- ve

Highlight Load case 3 Add.
Selfweight Selfweight Y Factor:-1  Add.
Side wall of tank:
Click plate loads  Hydrostatic Select plates  Select top portion of conical tank
side wall except bottom portion Done. W1= 20 W2= 0.001  Y  Local Z 
Add  Close.

Fig.13 Load for hydrostatic pressure

Fig.14 Assigning hydrostatic pressure for side wall

For Bottom portion of tank:
Click plate loads  Pressure on full plate Pressure W=-20 Local Z  GYSelect

Bottom portion of tank using plate cursor   Assign to selected plates

AssignYes .

Fig.15 Applying Load on Pressure on bottom portion of tank

Fig.16 Selection of for bottom portion of tank for applying Load

Fig.14 Assigning Pressure on full plates

Highlight Selfweight Y -1   Assign to view  Assign  Yes.
Highlight Load case 4  Add.
Self weight Direction X Factor 1  Add.
Self weight Direction Y Factor 1  Add.
Self weight Direction Z Factor 1  Add.
Frequency –Model calculation Add.
Highlight self weight X  Assign to view Assign Yes.
Highlight self weight Y  Assign to view Assign Yes.
Highlight self weight Z   Assign to view Assign Yes.
Go to Command menu Miscellaneous Cut off mode shapes.
Enter Max. number of Mode shapes=20.

Fig. 15 Adding Cut off Mode shape command

Fig.16 Assigning Modal frequency

Load Combination: Commands  Loading  Edit Auto loads Select Indian code

Select: New category ; Category name: say EQ No. of Rule:4

Rule No. Dead Live seismic

1 1.5 1.5 --
2 1.5 --- 1.5
3 1.2 1.2 1.2
4 0.9 --- 1.5
Click update Table Close.
Click Load case details  Auto Load comb select Indian Code category : EQ
Generate Loads  Add  Close.
Main menu Commands  Loading Load List (Select Load comb
7 to 19 )  Load list OKClose.
5. Design:
Click DesignConcrete Current code IS 456Define Parameters
Fc=30,000KN/m2 Add. Fymain=415,000KN/m2 Add.
Fysec=415,000KN/m2 Add.
Click CommandDesign slab elements  Add. Design Beams Add.
Design columns Add. Take offAddClose.
Click Fck=30,000KN/m2 and select the entire structure  Assign to
selected beam Assign Yes. Click Fymain=415000KN/m2 and select
the entire structure  Assign to selected beam Assign Yes. Click
Fysec=415000KN/m2 and select the entire structure  Assign to
selected beam Assign Yes.
Highlight slab design and select the top portion of side wall of tank using
plate cursor   Assign to selected plate  Assign Yes.

Fig.17 Assigning side wall of tank (slab elements design)

Highlight Design beam Select the beam portion in the tank shaft 
 Assign to selected beam  Assign Yes .
Fig.18 Assigning Beams design

Highlight Design Column and select the entire column of tank 

 Assign to selected beam Assign Yes.

Fig.19 Assigning columns design

Highlight Take off and select the entire structure  Assign to view 
Assign Yes
Note: Save the File and Run the Program.
6. Analysis Type:
Page control Analysis/Print   No print  Add.
Click post printDefine Commandsclick Perform Analysis Add.
Fig.20. Adding Perform analysis

Click Load list. Select the Load combination required on selected side Add.

Fig. 21 Adding Load list command

Click Joint Displacement Add.

Fig. 22 Adding Joint Displacement command

Click Member Forces Add.

Fig. 23 Adding Member Forces command

Click Mode Shape Add.

Fig. 24 Adding Mode shape command

Fig. 25 Adding Mode shape command

7.Perform Analysis:
From Main Menu  Commands  Run Analysis  Go to post processing mode 
8. Results:
 Go to post processing mode.
Click deflection and see the deflection Diagram.
ResultsPlate Stress contour Loads & Results Load case: Load case 1
Stress type: Mx (local) Ok.
ResultsPlate Stress contour Loads & Results Load case: Load case 1
Stress type: My(local) Ok.
ResultsPlate Stress contour Loads & Results Load case: Load case 1
Stress type: Max. Von Mis.Ok.
ResultsPlate Stress contour Loads & Results Load case: Load case 1
Stress type: Max. Absolute Ok.
Maximum BMD Right click Plate stress contour Table.

Fig. 26 Eigen value for 20 Modes

Fig. 27 Mass participation factor more than 90%

Fig. 28 Selecting load case and Mode No. for max. bending moment.

Fig. 29 Max. Bending moment on side wall

Fig. 30 Deflected shape for Mode no.

Fig. 31 Deflected shape for Mode no.

Fig. 32 Deflected shape for Mode no.

Fig. 33 Animation for particular mode shape

Fig. 34 Animation for particular mode shape

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