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UNIT CLASS NAME OF THE INSTRUCTIONS Feedback/ comments /suggestions /further writing Teacher´s name and date

UNIT CLASS BIOGRAPHY Write a short biography of any

1 6 family member. Remember to use
vocabulary and grammar you learned
in units 1 and 2

UNIT CLASS COMPARING Some people say Justo y Bueno is

3 12 PRICES the best. Others say D1. which one
do you prefer? Select 5 products
and write a short paragraph
comparing them.
UNIT CLASS AN EMAIL Write an email to a friend about
5 20 ABOUT YOUR your family. Look at the example
FAMILY from page 55.Remember to use

UNIT CLASS IN THE EVENING Write about your favorite activities.

6 24 Include one activity that is false.
Look the example from page 67.

Unit CLASS A ROOMATE a. Read the advertisement.

8 34 WANTED AD b. Write a roommate ad.Use
real name but false
contact information
Look the example in page
UNIT Class WRITING AN Imagine a friend from
9 38 EMAIL Canada is coming to visit
DESCRIBING you for the first time. You
PEOPLE and your best friend are
meeting him/her at the
airport. Write and email
describing yourself and
your friend. Use
vocabulary from page 100.

Unit Class AN EMAIL TO Write an email to someone

10 42 AN OLD FRIEND you haven’t seen for a long
time. Include three things
you have done since you
last saw this person .
Unit Class A RESTAURANT Answer the questions in
13 57 REVIEW page 152 about a
restaurant .Write a review
following the example.

UNIT CLASS AN ARTICLE Write an article to promote ONE

14 60 place in your country. Describe a
place in the list :
An island
A beach
A mountain
A lake
A river
A volcano
A desert
UNIT CLASS UNUSUAL Think unusual messages for three
15 65 FAVORS people in your class, write a note to
your partner ask him him/her to
pass on the message. Refer to page

UNIT CLASS PARTY PLANS Write about your plans for a class
16 69 party in Smart. Look the example
in page 185.
Assessment conventions for corrections in written texts

Please make sure to put the following conventions when correcting and assessing your student’s written production to provide effective feedback:

C: Capital letter WCo:Wrong connector

LC:Lower-case letter WO: Wrong order
P:Punctuation PL:Plural form
SP: Spelling SVA: Subject-Verb Agreement
WT:Wrong Tense Cross: Not needed
WW:Wrong word WPr:Wrong Pronoun
ʎ:Missing idea or word WPP:Wrong Preposition
/:Separate words
→ : Begin a new paragraph
??:Unclear idea or construction
WV:Wrong verb
WF:Wrong form in the word
WAr:Wrong article
WAu: Wrong auxiliary

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