Need For Psychosocial Interventions: From Resistance To Therapeutic Alliance

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Need for psychosocial interventions: From resistance to therapeutic alliance

Rakesh K Chadda, Biswadeep Chatterjee
Department of Psychiatry, National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS),
New Delhi, India


Addictive disorders have a strong psychosocial component in their etiogenesis, and hence psychosocial approaches
form a significant part of management planning with a role in prevention, treatment, relapse prevention and long
term rehabilitation. Due to a number of myths and misconceptions associated with addictive disorders, there is
often strong resistance from the patients as well as the families towards treatment. The disorder is often perceived
as a bad habit and hence not requiring treatment. It is very important to break this barrier to bring the patient
and the family in treatment engagement. This article summarizes the need for psychosocial management of the
addictive disorders, dealing with treatment resistance building therapeutic alliance, and improving the long term

Key words: Psychosocial interventions, therapeutic factors, resistance

INTRODUCTION illness and non‑availability or lack of awareness about the

treatment facilities available in the community.
Addictive disorders are often seen as an evil/immoral act, and
the user as an immoral person. Sometimes it is considered Addictive disorders like any other medical disorder have a
as merely a social problem and the user as an anti‑social biological, social and psychological component, and thus
element. In line with these myths and pre‑conceived require a multi‑pronged and comprehensive approach to
notions, often people consider “solutions” which are not their management. Treatment of these disorders includes
only unscientific and irrelevant, but sometimes potentially both pharmacological and psychosocial interventions, and
harmful and injurious to the person. Social and familial both play an important role in improvement and recovery.
pressure and even ostracization are considered as means Pharmacological interventions take care predominantly
to “force” the person to stop an addictive substance, which of the physiological dependence aspect of the illness like
on the contrary further complicates the problem, as the withdrawal, tolerance and to an extent, of the craving
user becomes resistant to any kind of treatment‑seeking, in some substances. On the other hand, psychosocial
and/or left with no psychosocial support. Most of these are interventions have a role to play in almost every domain
due to lack of understanding of the medical model of the and every step of the treatment. At the outset, these help
in changing the outlook towards the disorders, creating
Address for correspondence: Rakesh K Chadda, awareness, improving the outlook towards the illness
Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry and Chief, among the substance user and the caregiver, and improving
National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India
motivation of the substance user. This may be considered
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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Website: For reprints contact:

How to cite this article: Chadda RK, Chatterjee B. Need for
psychosocial interventions: From resistance to therapeutic
alliance. Indian J Psychiatry 2018;60:440-3.

S440 © 2018 Indian Journal of Psychiatry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

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Chadda and Chatterjee: Need for psychosocial interventions

as the first step in management of addictive disorders. reflective listening is used, and the basic aim is to help the
These interventions work on the principle that appropriate client gain an insight into any given problem and to make the
and timely help without “pressurizing” the user to stop client come up with a solution, which can further lead to a
substance use has a potential to bring about a positive desired behavioural change. However, counselling skills are
change in an individual by improving the motivation for important for an effective psychosocial intervention which
treatment and thus, creating a strong and lasting therapeutic in turn determines adherence to treatment and follow‑up,
alliance. Most of these interventions (described below) are as well as the outcome.
well‑proven, short, easy‑to‑administer and require minimal
training, and can be applied in any setting. Before starting an individualized psychosocial intervention,
a thorough clinical assessment including preferably
Even after initiation of the treatment, multiple complications by objective instruments is necessary. This would also
which have accumulated and increased during the drug use help in selecting the specific interventions, formulating
career, affect the life situation like the family, finances, treatment programme, and setting an appropriate, realistic
social life, education or job, and legal complications. treatment goal (e.g. reduction of psychosocial or physical
These complications need to be resolved since these complications associated with the target problem, reduction
are not adequately addressed by the pharmacological of risky behaviours, attaining controlled or non‑dependent
interventions. Psychosocial interventions, along with use of the substance or reducing the addictive behaviours
appropriate pharmacological intervention, not only help or complete abstinence from the problem drug or attaining
in controlling the substance use problem, but also help in abstinence from all drugs or control of all target behaviour
improving functioning by lifestyle modification and learning problems).
of alternative ways of coping and pleasure seeking, and thus
facilitating reintegration into the society. Psychosocial intervention – from initiation to
Even after maintaining adequately on treatment for Psychosocial interventions can be categorized on the basis
considerable period of time, many of them relapse. of – philosophy (cognitive ‑behavioral, motivational or
This is because like most of the mental illness, addictive social, family, peer support), type of drugs or behaviours
disorders are also chronic, relapsing illnesses. Psychosocial on which efficacy is proven, length of sessions (brief
interventions also play an important role in preventing intervention vs extended intervention), modality of therapy
relapse by helping the subjects identify various triggers of application (by therapist, self‑help or by peers), type of
relapse, cognitive distortions behind them, and teaching population (community reinforcement approach and
various skills to deal with them. Psychosocial interventions multi‑systemic therapy is effective in adolescents, family
are also useful when focus is needed on the family, social therapy in adolescents and women), applied individually or
surroundings like peers etc., which may be responsible to in group setting, etc.
trigger relapse.
As noted in the previous section, psychosocial interventions,
Despite the proven efficacy of the psychosocial interventions as a group are generally recognized as having value
in general, it is often believed that psychosocial interventions throughout the treatment process – from bringing the
are time consuming and require specialized training. patient into treatment to reintegration in the society.
However, many of the interventions are brief, can be easily Therefore, from the clinical perspective, the interventions
learnt, delivered effectively in a short time, and improve can be categorized depending on the stage of treatment,
outcome. Thus, psychosocial interventions play an integral it is being applied: interventions to recognize the problem,
role in managing various aspects and stages of the course treat the problem and to maintain and retain in treatment1.
of addictive disorder and complement pharmacological Some basic principles of the psychosocial interventions are
interventions, and have a potential to improve the overall discussed as below:
treatment outcome. 1. Psychosocial interventions that help ‘recognize’
addiction problems –
Psychosocial interventions for Addictive a. Brief interventions – Time‑limited intervention for
Disorders – clinical application hazardous or harmful pattern of substance users or
Psychosocial interventions include a range of psychological addictive behaviour:
or social interventions (with an overlap or different levels Aim is to achieve a specific short term goal like
of combinations), used to address substance‑related or facilitating referral to a specialized treatment
addictive behaviour problems. The interventions need setting, reducing frequency and quantity (extent)
to be systematic, directive, definite in terms of content, of substance use (behaviour), and reducing risk
duration and goal i.e. aimed at bringing about a specific associated with addictive behaviour, Advantage
targeted change in the client’s behaviour. This is in contrast is that these can be applied by non‑specialists
to general counselling, where non‑directive methods like like lay physician, nurses or health workers, need

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Chadda and Chatterjee: Need for psychosocial interventions

sessions of short duration (each session can last settings of substance use or addictive behaviours. It
for 5‑20 mins), with limited number (1‑4 sessions), can be applied in multiple settings like community,
and can be applied in various non‑specialized in‑patient and residential.
setting (emergency department, community, etc.). b. Self‑help group – Self‑help groups are peer‑led,
b. Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) – voluntary, not‑for‑profit organizations where
MET is aimed at increasing motivation by resolving people meet to discuss and address shared
ambivalence about engaging in treatment and addiction problems and provide support for each
commitment to stop drug use by going through other. The groups are usually led by former drug
various stages of change. The therapy involves users wherein the senior members often mentor the
recognizing a problem, searching for a way new ones. The basic principle is the social networks
to change, and then acting and maintaining approach. The groups aim to create a drug‑free
the change. MET is a therapist‑mediated, supportive network around the individual during
patient‑centred collaborative style of intervention. the recovery process and provide opportunities to
There is definite evidence of efficacy in alcohol and share experiences and feelings. Some of the popular
cannabis dependence. self‑help groups include Alcoholic Anonymous (AA),
2. Psychosocial interventions that help during treatment– Narcotic Anonymous (NA). AA is based on 12‑step
a. Relapse prevention (RP) – RP is designed as model and has been shown to be reasonable
abstinence‑maintenance programme following efficacy in reducing alcohol use.
cessation of drug use. It involves specific techniques
of exploring the positive and negative consequences Principles for effective psychosocial intervention
of continued use, self‑monitoring to recognize drug Although the effectiveness of treatment in addictive
cravings and identifying high‑risk situations for disorders depends on multiple factors, certain principles
use, and developing strategies for coping with and which can be universally applied to increase the efficacy
avoiding high‑risk situations and handling desire are2:‑
to use. Strategies include coping skills training, 1. Addictive disorders are potentially chronic disorders
handling difficult life situations, analyzing the with high relapse rate. It is useful to remember that the
cause of relapse, learning skills to overcome such risk of relapse will always be there even after prolonged
situations and lifestyle modifications to minimize period of abstinence. This does not necessary mean the
exposure to high‑risk situations, and fill the void failure of treatment.
created due to cessation of drug use. 2. No single treatment is appropriate for every individual.
b. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) – CBT helps The treatment needs to be individualized based on the
the clients to address the thoughts, believed to nature of addiction, personality characteristics, risk
underlie the drug problems or addictive behaviour, factors, support available and others.
and learn to recognize and handle what triggers 3. Treatment must be readily available. Engaging clients
them. CBT is administered by a person trained in it in treatment process as early as possible and as soon
c. Family‑based interventions – In family based as they are ready, is critical. In most cases, this is
interventions, the underlying premise is that more critical than the highly specialized but delayed
treating an individual in isolation would not solve treatment.
the problems in the family system. The therapy 4. Psychological interventions including counselling are the
involves negotiating with the clients, establishing most commonly used psychosocial method of treatment
the context for a drug free life, ceasing substance employed for addictive disorders. These are also one of
abuse, managing the crisis and stabilizing the the most important treatment modalities for addictive
family, and family reorganization and recovery. disorders as these address multiple issues related
Family based interventions are important in all to treatment like patient’s motivation, incentivizing
cases of addictive disorders in our settings, where and maintaining abstinence, imparting skills to resist
family can play an important role in acute as well as drug use or addictive behaviour, providing alternate
long term treatment pleasurable activities, improving problem‑solving skills
3. Psychosocial interventions that help to maintain and and facilitating better interpersonal relationships.
retain in treatment – 5. Psychosocial intervention in order to be effective
a. Contingency management‑ Contingency should address to the multiple needs of the patient and
management is a behavioural management not only the addiction problem. The other issues may
technique based on the principle of reward include medical, psychological, social, vocational, and
reinforcement. Aim is to reinforce positive legal problems.
behaviours. The therapy is usually applied in 6. Pharmacological interventions when combined with
abstinent individuals to maintain pro‑social psychosocial intervention have proved to be more
behaviours which remove the person from, the efficacious than either of the intervention alone.

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Chadda and Chatterjee: Need for psychosocial interventions

7. Adequate duration of treatment engagement. The and the client enter the treatment alliance with some
psychosocial intervention planned must be of adequate expectation from each other and also from the alliance.
duration so as to achieve its desired goals. Keeping Thus, the extent of the differences between what
a client in treatment for the necessary duration is a the patient expects and what they receive is likely to
challenge which must be considered while formulating interfere with progress or reduce treatment adherence.
a psychosocial intervention. Relapse and drop‑out Matching the patient with a specific addiction disorder
does not mean failure of the intervention but indicate with the right type of treatment programme is still an
that the intervention and the client requirement are elusive goal for addiction treatment providers.
not adequately matched and thus, requires further
modification. Summary and future directions
8. Continuous assessment of changing needs. Besides Psychosocial interventions play a significant role in the
the intervention for addictive disorder, the client treatment and rehabilitation of addictive disorders.
may have other needs and requirement which may be These play a complimentary role to the pharmacological
indirectly related to the outcome of substance use, interventions. In the addictive disorders, where there
e.g. vocational rehabilitation or medical services. These is no effective pharmacological treatment, psychosocial
must be assessed regularly and must be addressed. interventions are the mainstay treatment. The interventions
9. Assessment and treatment of co‑morbid conditions like are more directive and structured than general counselling
mental illness. Comorbid psychiatric illness results in but flexible enough to be applied in variety of setting,
poor outcome, both for the addictive disorder and the with varying client characteristics, and by therapists with
psychiatric illness. These must be diagnosed early and varying level of expertise. Clinically, each intervention
must be treatment effectively. serves different purpose, right from engaging in treatment
to maintaining of abstinent status and reintegration with
Challenges in delivery of psychosocial interventions the society. However, psychosocial interventions should
Poor treatment retention, i.e. dropout and high only be offered after a thorough assessment and must be
non‑compliance rates are common in addictive disorders. In individualized according the client needs. They require
some large‑scale studies, dropout has been reported to be as clearly defined treatment plans, measurable goals and a
high as 50% within first 3 months, minimum time considered review process. Both client and counsellor characteristics
to be required to assess effectiveness of treatment3. Thus, and adequate duration of engagement are important criteria
in many cases, the extent and duration of treatment actually for success. In general, no particular intervention has higher
received by clients is well below the desired intervention. efficacy than the other in general and treatment needs to be
The factors which must be considered are ‑ planned as per individual needs and options available.
1. Client characteristics: Client specific features are an
important determinant for treatment retention: Many Financial support and sponsorship
studies have found differences between the intake Nil.
characteristics of patients who do well or poorly
following treatment of various kinds. Most common Conflicts of interest
reasons related to treatment retention are those related There are no conflicts of interest.
to client rather than programme characteristics, like
severity of addiction, financial problems, motivation SELECT REFERENCES
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Indian Journal of Psychiatry Volume 60 (Supplement 4), February 2018 S443

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