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My Play

Man comes in scene

Man: Mom I’m home
Mom: Have you brought some money. We need food for your brothers.
Man: Ok tomorrow I will try to bring
Boss: Hey work harder.
Everyone: Yes
Man: Sir I need money my family is passing hunger.
Boss: Hey be quiet and go back to work.
Man: But boss I really need money for my family.
Boss: Be quiet and go back to work if you don’t want to get fired.
Man: Yes.
Later at night
Man think:
What should I do man I need money.
Tring! Tring!
Man: hello
Friend: Hey it’s me
Man: oh hi how are you?
Friend: I ‘m fine but Jonny I have a work on steeling the bank this Saturday at three in the
morning do you want to do it together
Now asking to the people who is watching
Accept or reject?
If accepts:
Man: Sure I will be there.
Next day
Man I ‘m here.
Friend: Yo! It’s been a long time.
Man: Yeah.
Friend: Ok now let’s start ok do I have a group of 2 more friends. They will help me so if we
make it you will get 25% of it okay?
Man: Sure
Narrator: Days of planning the day had come.
At night
Man: Guys where are you guys?
Friend: We’re here
Man: Let’s go in
Narrator: They went in and started to get the money after some time when they were finally
Man: Let’s go
Friend: Alright
Narrator: When they were almost all out.
Rango! Rango!
Man: Let’s go
Narrator: They immediately went in the car and drove.
Man: We were almost caught.
Friend: Okay now we are okay now we have millions of dollars let’s get our money each.
Narrator: Okay they all separated the money and went home. The man was nervous but feeling
proud to have gotten money. The next day and the day after no one came so he became calmer.
On the third day they came problem.
Ding dong
Mom : Who is it
Policeman: Hello we are from the police and just came to check something
Mom: I am opening
Policeman: Hello we came to see your oldest sun.
At that moment the man came out of the room.
Policeman: Excuse me sir where were you three days ago?
Man: I was at work.
Policeman: We heard that you were fired. Take him.
Man: It wasn’t me
Narrator: The man cried out saying he didn’t do anything he understood when he arrived. When
he got there he found his partners who helped him.
Policeman: Was it you?
Man: No
Narrator: After hours of conversation he admitted and went to prison he was sent for 10 years.
Narrator: As you saw in life you may have difficulties and you will have. On these problems you
should work for the good that will be hard but choosing the wrong way will be easier but it will
have a bad consequence. As you saw in these bad situations you should ask for help to God,
Bible, and other people.
If he chose not to help.
Man: Hey I am alright I don’t want to.
Friend: Ahh! Come on come with us.
Man: Nah I am okay
Narrator: The man went and worked again hard. He worked on a coffee shop but for working
well he eventually got the shop for him. As I have shown it doesn’t mean that if you didn’t
commit a crime you become rich. What I tried to show is that when you go on the wrong path
you will loose but if you follow the harder path but correct you will have a better consequence.

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