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A. Mukherjee et al.

Journal of Network and Computer Applications 148 (2019) 102461

1.1. Motivation followed by the current limitations of UAVs in agriculture in Section-7

and the future scope under Section-8. Finally, we conclude our survey
The established trend of using satellite-based remote-sensing and with Section-9.
imagery for the detection of various earth-based parameters in riverine,
forest, desert, agricultural, glacial, and volcanic ecosystems is valid to 2. A Sketch of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
a specific range of resolution. The temporal sensitivity of this method
is very low due to the large return-time of a satellite above the same The importance of UAVs in various domains is highlighted by divid-
zone of observation. Additional factors such as the presence of vol- ing this section into three broad categories – Types, Sensors and Research
canic ash and plumes during eruptions, smoke, bad-weather, and oth- Domains. Section 2.1 on UAV types categorize UAVs based on their struc-
ers hinder the proper visualization of the ground conditions. More- ture and functionality. Section 2.2 on UAV Sensors highlights the vari-
over, satellite-based systems are highly periodic, with a long waiting ous sensors needed for the operation of UAVs and the use of these UAVs
time for a repeat fly-by over the monitored zone, resulting in hin- in agriculture. Depending on the criticality of usage, the UAV sensors
dered operations, which need real-time monitoring. The integration are further divided into – primary sensors and secondary sensors. Section
of satellite-based systems with specialty and spatiotemporally precise 2.3 outlines the various challenges and their solutions in applications
applications such as disaster monitoring and management, precision of UAVs for various tasks.
agriculture, and tracking do not promise and deliver satisfactory results
as compared to systems such as UAVs and ground-based WSNs. In 2.1. UAV types
agriculture, there is a need for quick monitoring and sensing systems,
which can remotely monitor and sense large swathes of land daily. The Fig. 1 shows the broad division of Unmanned Aerial Platforms as
UAV-based remote-sensing solutions are actively challenging satellite- of present, for a plethora of applications in various domains and fields
based remote-sensing applications. As there is no comprehensive sur- such as recreation, scientific surveys, and military applications. Table 1
vey on the use of UAV-based remote sensing in precision agriculture, compares the various UAV types and their usefulness in agricultural
we try to summarize the UAV types and their capabilities for real- applications. We compare the utility of these platforms against the fol-
time monitoring problems in various sub-domains of precision agricul- lowing five parameters:
1. Payload: Typical UAVs in agriculture have a payload capacity of
1–10 Kgs (Sankaran et al. (2015)). We categorize this parameter
1.2. Contributions
into three groups – High (>7 Kgs.), Medium (2–7 Kgs.), and Low
(<2 Kgs.).
In this manuscript, we highlight the important features and require-
2. Cost: We consider the base UAV platform, without additional sen-
ments for UAS in precision agriculture. We observe a rising trend in the
sorial attachments, while evaluating this parameter. We catego-
use of unmanned and autonomous aerial sensing solutions in domains
rize this parameter into three groups – Low (<USD150), Medium
such as precision agriculture. The emergence of near-to-earth UAV-
(USD150 − 2000), and High (>USD2000).
based remote sensing solutions such as thermal, multispectral, hyper-
3. Ease of Control: This parameter categorizes the flight control of each
spectral, and visual imaging is being popularly incorporated in agricul-
UAV type based on its response to winds, response to its human
ture and are rapidly acting as a common replacement for satellite-based
operator (in case of manual control), positional errors, and ground
solutions. The various contributions of this survey can be summarized
radio controls. Similar to the previous parameters, we again divide
as follows.
this parameter into three categories – High, Medium, and Low.
1. A comparison between various UAV types concerning agricultural 4. Maneuverability: This parameter categorizes the ease of handling
applications is tabulated. UAV flight-based tasks such as altitude control, the flight turns,
2. An overview of UAVs is provided with insights into various UAV close-to-ground flights, collision avoidance, and others.
types and the sensors used. The sensors are further categorized for 5. Agricultural Significance: This parameter categorizes the utility of the
their degree of usefulness to the UAV’s flight operations. outlined UAV types based on their significance in agricultural tasks
3. The broad research domains of UAVs which are being extensively such as remote monitoring of plots, geo-referenced flight patterns
worked upon, and the use of UAVs in agriculture is discussed. over plots, provision for integration of various sensors (thermal,
4. A comparison between the feasibility of agricultural usage among multispectral, hyperspectral, and visual sensors), and others. We
UAV-based remote sensing, WSN-based sensing, and satellite-based divide this parameter into three categories – High (ability to simulta-
remote sensing is provided. neously integrate three or more imaging sensors/devices), Medium
5. A brief overview of plant stress is given, which is followed by a (ability to simultaneously integrate two imaging sensors/devices),
tabulation of various spectral indices for remotely detecting these and Low (only able to integrate one imaging sensor/device at a
plant stresses. time).
6. Various UAV deployment techniques for precision agriculture and
Based on their structures, we broadly classify the UAVs into three
their corresponding architectures are summarized. A comparison
parts – winged, wing-less, and ones based on bio-mimicry. Fixed wing
between these architectures is also provided.
UAVs (Sankaran et al. (2015)) can be further classified as ones requir-
ing a runway or clearing for take-off and landing, or ones which can be
1.3. Paper organization launched as projectiles by humans or mechanical contraptions designed
for the same. The wingless UAVs can be classified, as shown in Fig. 1.
The subsequent sections of this survey are organized as follows. The balloon types are the ones dependent on gas-filled balloons for
Section-2 provides a sketch of UAVs, with its sub-divisions providing lift-off and altitude control (e.g., Blimps) (Ponti et al. (2016)). Bi-rotor
an overview of UAV types, sensors, research domains, and application UAVs have two rotors, one controlling the thrust and lift-off, and the
areas. This section is followed by an overview of the possibilities for other controlling the direction of the vehicle (Huang et al. (2013)).
UAVs in agriculture in Section-3. Section-4 outlines the requirements, Multi-rotor UAVs are named based on the number of motors present.
challenges, and requirements for architecting UAVS for precision agri- Generally, this class of UAVs is the more widely used due to their
culture. This is followed by the various UAV deployment strategies fol- low cost, versatility, and maneuverability (Sankaran et al. (2015)).
lowed for precision agriculture in Section-5. Section-6 deals with the Parachute-based UAVs are either dropped from a high altitude (gen-
utility of networked UAVs and their automation in agriculture. This is erally from an airplane), or they require a motorized ground vehi-

A. Mukherjee et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 148 (2019) 102461

Fig. 1. Categorization of UAVs based on their structure and functionality.

Table 1
Comparison between UAV types based on their regular application in agriculture.
Type Payload Cost Ease of Control Maneuverability Agricultural Significance
Fixed Wing High High Low Medium Medium
Bio-mimiked Low High Medium Medium Low
Balloon Low Low Low Low Low
Parachute Low Low Low Low Low
Helicopter Medium Medium Medium Low High
Quadcopter Medium Medium High High High
Hexacopter Medium Medium High High High
Octacopter Medium Medium High High High

cle tethered to the parachute (Sankaran et al. (2015)). The horizontal Table 2
motion of the vehicle causes the parachute to lift-off, which, in turn, Selected manufacturers and models of various classes of UAV.
lifts-off the vehicle from the ground. Additional fans fitted on the vehi-
Type Manufacturer Model
cle helps in direction and altitude control. Bio-mimicry based UAVs are
Fixed Wing 558 ARP GRIF-1
typically equipped with a bio-inspired air-frame, functionality, or capa-
AAI Corp. Aerosonde MK4.7
bilities (Terutsuki et al. (2015)). UAVs with flapping wings for better AAI Corp. RQ-2 Pioneer
maneuverability and a bird-like structure for lower wind resistance and Adcom Systems YABHON United 40
stability are among some of the bio-inspired UAVs. This class of UAVs Aerial Monioring Solutions Eagle-Owl
DRDO Nishant, Kapothaka, Lakshya
is still under development and are yet to gain popular market accep-
Bio-mimiked DARPA Goshawk
tance. Some manufacturers and models of these UAV types are given in Blue Bear iMorph
Table 2. Helicopter Aerodreams Chi-7
CybAero APID-60
Quadrotor 3D Robotics IRIS+, 3DR Solo
2.2. UAV sensors Parrot Bebop
Aerialtronics Altura Zenith ATX-4
The main functions for the unmanned capabilities of the UAVs DJI Phantom
Aeryonlabs SkyRanger
are accredited to various sensors responsible for the perception of Hexarotor Aibotix Aibot-XU, Aibot-X6
UAV’s location to the Earth’s frame of reference, and sensors respon- Octarotor Draganfly Draganflyer-X8
sible for keeping the UAVs airborne. The various sensors gener-
ally integrated with UAVs can be divided into two broad groups
based on the criticality and role of the sensor in the functioning
of these aerial platforms (Fig. 2). These sensor groups are divided 2.2.1. Primary sensors
as: The primary sensors of a UAV include the inertial, navigational,
and the positioning sensors. These sensors are directly integrated into
1. Primary – Necessary for operating and controlling the UAV.
the UAV and affect the functioning and flight of the UAV. These
2. Secondary – Externally mounted on the UAV, which may or may not
sensors – voltage sensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetome-
be directly associated with its functioning.
ters, Global Positioning System (GPS), rotary encoders, temperature

A. Mukherjee et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 148 (2019) 102461

Fig. 2. A broad outline of UAV sensor types based on its functional importance to a UAV.

Fig. 3. Categorization of a UAV’s primary sensors based on its functionality.

sensors, proximity sensors, barometer, and radios – prove critical to 4. Radio: This category of sensors is responsible for maintaining two-
the flight of a UAV. Fig. 3 shows some of the primary sensors used way communication between a UAV and its controller. The con-
in UAVs. troller may be a human controller or automated algorithms on a
A typical UAV’s primary sensors can be broadly categorized into five remote processing machine. Nonetheless, various UAV parameters
groups, as shown in Fig. 3. (yaw, pitch, roll, thrust) and onboard status of the sensors are con-
tinuously communicated to the controller. Commands from the con-
1. Position: The onboard position sensors in a UAV primarily deals with
troller are communicated back to the UAV using this category of
the task of localization, concerning a remote control station and the
Earth’s frame of reference. Sensors such as GPS, Gyroscopes, and
5. Power: This category of sensors is responsible for monitoring and
Magnetometers fall into this category.
maintaining the proper power levels of a UAV, and generating alerts
2. Motion: The motion sensors on a UAV are tasked with measuring
upon detection of power anomalies. The sensors in this category
the velocity and acceleration of the UAV as a whole, as well as,
include current and voltage sensors.
keeping a check on the individual motor rotations. Sensors, such as
accelerometers deal with the motion of the UAV as a whole, while Some of the individual sensors, such as the voltage sensors primar-
rotary encoders deal with individual motor’s rotations. ily keep track of the UAV’s onboard power requirements and power
3. Environment: Environmental parameter monitoring using sensors consumption. Commonly, in the commercially available UAVs, the volt-
such as barometers and temperature sensors, ensure the proper age sensors decide the flight status of the UAV. In case a UAV’s power
working of UAVs at all times. In cases of over-heating or during requirements are not sufficient to complete a pre-assigned mission, the
extremely windy situations, these sensors alert the controller with- UAV may auto-land to avoid a crash. This auto-landing feature is com-
out fail. monly included in many modern-day multi-rotor UAVs. Accelerome-

A. Mukherjee et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 148 (2019) 102461

ters, gyroscopes, and magnetometers are termed as the IMU sensor. Scalar sensors such as gas, temperature, humidity, flux, and radia-
IMU stands for inertial measurement unit and calculates the orienta- tion, when attached to UAVs, quantify the environmental parameters
tion, bearing, and velocity of the UAV to the Earth’s inertial frame of in the vicinity of the UAV. The UAV needs to be manipulated in order
reference. The IMUs are also responsible for the stability and control of physically reposition it so that it can gather readings from various 3D
the UAV in the air. Barometric sensors provide altitude and air-speed spatial coordinates in its mission path. Non-scalar sensors such as cam-
information to the UAV. GPS is responsible for positioning and local- eras, LIDARS, and SONARS can be positioned or rotated towards any
ization of the UAV to the constellation of the GPS satellites rotating spatial coordinate in the 3D-space, it has to observe, without physi-
around the Earth. GPS is mainly used for automatic path planning and cally changing or repositioning the UAV. These can quantify the various
waypoint-based navigation in the UAV (Gross et al. (2015)). Proxim- environmental variables near, as well as far from the UAV. A UAV’s sec-
ity sensors are of two types – infra-red and ultrasonic. The ultrasonic ondary sensors can be broadly categorized into five groups, as shown
proximity sensors are highly directional, whereas the infra-red ones are in Fig. 4.
omnidirectional. These proximity sensors are used for avoiding obsta-
1. Visual: The visual sensors comprise of sensors or devices which
cles and ground detection when the UAV is air-borne. Rotary encoders
capture data in the form of light within the visible spec-
are mainly used for keeping track of the rotations a motor is undergo-
trum of light. These sensors include cameras, color sensors, and
ing. These encoders are used for very high precision applications, where
exact accuracy is required for controlling the UAV. The radios them-
2. Spectral: The spectral sensors capture data beyond the visible spec-
selves are sometimes used as passive sensors for estimating the distance
trum of light. It includes hyper-spectral imaging, multi-spectral
of the UAV from the controller or the surrounding environment (Gross
imaging, and thermal imaging. Most of the information contained
et al. (2015)). The sensed signal strength from the radios is also used for
in these spectra are not visible to the human eye and need to be
decision making – a UAV may be programmed to return to its starting
processed and converted to a form which is recognizable by humans.
point in the event of a feeble radio signal from the remote handler or
3. Stabilization: The sensors for stabilization are mainly responsible for
complete loss of signal.
the balance and counter-balance of sensors and external loads car-
ried by a UAV. For example, a gimbal-based stabilization unit is used
2.2.2. Secondary sensors with visual imaging devices in UAVs. This unit counter-balances
The secondary sensors are not linked directly to the functioning the tilt and turns of a UAV, allowing for a seamless, jitter-free, and
and controlling of the UAV and can be changed, based on the UAV’s smooth video recording during flight.
application. These sensors include – gas sensors, temperature sensors, 4. Environment: Sensing the environment around a UAV increases its
radiation sensor, humidity sensor, color sensor, RGB camera, hyper- functionality by allowing for a much more full range of parame-
spectral camera, multi-spectral camera, spectrometer, Light Detection ters and factors to be sensed. These environmental sensors include
and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor, flux sensor, thermal imaging camera, sound sensors, temperature sensors, barometers, flux detectors, and
Sound Navigation, and Ranging (SoNAR) sensor and gimbals-based sta- radiation sensors, among others.
bilization sensors. Fig. 4 shows some of the secondary sensors used 5. Proximity: The primary task of proximity sensors, if armed on a
in UAVs. UAV, is to detect obstacles around the UAV and continually mea-

Fig. 4. Categorization of a UAV’s secondary sensors based on its functionality.

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