Formal Report On Partial Molar Volume Experiment

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K.A. Cruz, D.L.C. Fernando, R.A.

Soriano, Partial Molar Volume of a Substance, 2014

Partial Molar Volume of a Substance

K.A. Cruz, D.L.C. Fernando, R.A. Soriano
Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman
28 January 2014

Usage of simple mixing rules for non-ideal solution results to a high error, hence, an understanding of
partial molar properties is of utmost importance to be able to predict what changes occur upon
changing the composition of a solution. The experiment aims to establish a method to determine the
partial molar volume of ethanol and water in a solution with each other by measuring the volume of
mixtures with different composition. An expression of volume as a function of composition is
established to be able to determine its derivative which will be used in partial molar volume
calculations. Experimental values of partial molar volume of ethanol had a maximum deviation of
1.295% while that of water had 3.536%. Measured molar volume of the ethanol-water solution
reached a deviation of 0.982%.

Keywords: partial properties, solution, composition, molecular interaction, summability relation, Gibbs-
Duhem equation

1. Introduction pressure will result to a total property

change represented by ΔnM and the
Some properties of a pure chemical corresponding partial molar volume of
species change when it is in a solution with species i is Ḿ i .
other species. These properties that are
affected by solution composition are called The molar property of the solution in
partial molar properties. The definition of a terms of the partial molar properties of all
partial molar property of species i in a the species in it are expressed in the
solution is: summability relations:

∂ ( nM ) M =∑ x i Ḿ i
Ḿ i=
[ ∂ ni ] P , T , nj

The symbol Ḿ i stands for any nM =∑ ni Ḿ i , xi =
i n
property dependent on composition such as
enthalpy and volume. It is a response
function; it represents the change of total Partial molar properties are
property nM because of the addition of a important because they can denote the
differential number of moles of species i, ni, degree of non-ideality of a system. In a
to a solution at constant pressure and solution, the constituents are intimately
temperature. As such, partial molar mixed. Due to molecular interactions
properties are intensive variables. between the species in the solution, their
Conventions state that Mi is the molar individual properties are modified to some
property of pure species i and M is the degree. This implies that substances in a
molar property of the solution[1][2]. solution cannot have private properties, or
ones that remain truly unaffected despite
If we apply this to volume, addition being in the presence of another material[1].
of Δni of species i to a solution with total
property nM at constant temperature and

K.A. Cruz, D.L.C. Fernando, R.A. Soriano, Partial Molar Volume of a Substance, 2014

For a binary system, it is found that temperature of the tap water baths, ice for
the partial molar volumes and solution lowering the temperature of the water
molar volume are: baths, an alcohol thermometer for
measuring the wet bulb temperature, a
dV dV piece of cloth for drying the pycnometer, a
V́ 1=V + x 2 =V + ( 1−x 1 ) [1 ] paper tong for handling the pycnometer, a
dx 1 dx 1
stopwatch for measuring time intervals, and
dV masking tape for making flask labels. The
V́ 2=V −x 1 [2 ] reagents that were used in this experiment
dx 1 were distilled water and ethanol. The
apparatus that were used for this
V =x 1 V́ 1+ x 2 V́ 2 [ 3 ] experiment were the analytical balance and
the hot plate.
This provides us with a method to
determine the partial molar properties of 2 First, the room temperature and
chemical species when mixed with each pressure were recorded. The wet bulb
other. This is done by preparing mixtures temperature was also determined. This was
with different composition and measuring done by wrapping a small piece of cotton
the resulting mass of a known volume. An around the bulb of an alcohol thermometer
expression for V as a function of xi will be and securing it in place with a rubber band.
obtained here and its derivative will provide The cotton was dipped in water afterwards
the second term of the right hand side of and the thermometer was rapidly, but
the equation. cautiously, swung in a circular manner for
30 seconds. The alcohol thermometer
This experiment aims to determine reading was recorded and 2 more trials
the partial molar volumes of ethanol and were done.
water in solutions of varying concentrations.
This will be done through the use of a The empty volumetric flasks were
pycnometer, which consists of a small glass labeled using pieces of masking tape and
flask and a glass stopper with a capillary were covered. They were weighed using
hole running through the center. Excess the analytical balance and their masses
liquid is ejected from the pycnometer were recorded. The ethanol solutions were
through this capillary hole in order to obtain then prepared according to the following
the specified solution volume with a very table:
high accuracy.The experimentally obtained
values for the volume of the solutions will Table 1
also be plotted against the ethanol mole Ethanol Mole Fractions
fractions. The generated curve will be Solutio
Mole Fraction Ethanol
compared to the theoretical one. n
A 0
2. Material & Methods B 0.2
C 0.4
The materials for this experiment D 0.6
were a pycnometer for accurately E 0.8
measuring 10 mL of the sample solutions, 6 F 1
50-mL volumetric flasks to hold the ethanol
solutions, a 10-mL pipette for transferring The corresponding ethanol volume for each
the ethanol into the volumetric flasks, a 10- solution was calculated through the
mL graduated cylinder and a 1-mL pipette following equation:
for transferring the solutions into the nethanol
pycnometer, 3 1000-mL beakers for the x ethanol=
nethanol + nwater
water baths of the ethanol solutions and the
pycnometer, a 2000-mL beaker for
temporarily holding the waste solutions, a
thermocouple for measuring the

K.A. Cruz, D.L.C. Fernando, R.A. Soriano, Partial Molar Volume of a Substance, 2014

ρethanol Figure 1
V ethanol The 6 Sample Solutions in the Water Baths
M ethanol
ρ ethanol ρ Following this, the empty
V ethanol + ( 50−V ethanol ) water
M ethanol M water pycnometer was washed and dried. It was
weighed thrice with the analytical balance
Isolating Vethanol on one side of the equation and the mass for each trial was recorded.
through algebraic manipulation will yield an The volumetric flask with solution A was
expression on the other side in terms of the then removed from the tap water bath and
desired ethanol mole fraction, the densities 10 mL of the solution was transferred to the
of water and ethanol, and the molar masses pycnometer using a graduated cylinder. The
of water and ethanol. The ethanol volumes capillary stopper was then slowly inserted
for each solution are then obtained: into the pycnometer opening, making sure
that there were no spaces or trapped
Table 2 bubbles within the capillary space.
Correct Ethanol Volume for Each Solution
Solutio For the times when the space wasn’t
Ethanol Volume
n completely filled with the solution, the
A 0.0000 stopper was removed and a small amount
B 22.4176 of the solution was placed into the
C 34.2139 pycnometer via the 1-mL pipette. The
D 41.4916 capillary stopper was then cautiously
E 46.4296 replaced back onto the pycnometer. On the
F 50.0000 other hand, for times when the solution
overflowed from the top of the capillary
The solutions were all prepared in their space, a piece of cloth was used to dry the
corresponding volumetric flasks. Ethanol pycnometer and the stopper, and remove
was transferred into the flasks via the 10- some of the solution that stayed on the top
mL pipette and after the correct amount had of the stopper but outside of the capillary
been transferred, the flasks were filled to space as a bead of liquid.
the mark with distilled water. The flasks
were then covered afterwards and were The pycnometer was then placed in
weighed once again. The masses were the water bath for five minutes in order for
recorded. The flasks were placed in a 2 tap the solution inside to reach the temperature
water baths afterwards. Using a of the bath. Afterwards, the pycnometer
thermocouple, the temperature of the baths was carefully removed from the bath by
was monitored and was kept at room handling it by the neck. The pycnometer
temperature by the use of a hot plate, when was dried with a piece of cloth and was
the temperature had dropped below 26.5OC, transferred to the analytical balance through
and ice, when the temperature had risen the use of a paper tong. The mass of the
above 26.5OC. The mole fraction of ethanol pycnometer with the solution was recorded.
in each flask was recalculated using the The solution in the pycnometer was then
respective masses of ethanol and water. placed in the 2000-mL waste beaker. Two
more trials with the pycnometer and
solution A were done to ensure the
consistency of the experimental data. The
pycnometer, graduated cylinder, and the 1-
mL pipette were then cleaned afterwards.

K.A. Cruz, D.L.C. Fernando, R.A. Soriano, Partial Molar Volume of a Substance, 2014

D 0.7108 0.5135 0.5806

E 0.7938 0.2153 0.7866
F 0.8505 0.0000 1.0000

Similarly, the masses of the solution

that were placed within the pycnometer
were determined by same procedure that
was employed for table 2:

Table 5
Masses of the Pycnometer Solutions
Solution Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
A 9.9874 10.0005 10.0326
B 9.1903 9.2158 9.2297
C 8.8044 8.8122 8.8363
Figure 2 D 8.4235 8.4368 8.4612
Pycnometer in the Water Bath E 8.1118 8.1305 8.1289
F 7.8738 7.8642 7.8823
The same procedure was repeated
for solutions B to F. Upon finishing, all the The average was taken and by dividing
used glass wares were washed, and the these by the volume of the solution inside
contents of the waster beaker and the the pycnometer, the densities of the 6
leftover solutions were disposed in the sample solutions were obtained.
designated waste jar.
Table 6
3. Results & Discussion Densities of the 6 Sample Solutions
Solution Average mass, g Density, g/mL
The mole fractions of the solutions A 10.0068 1.00068
were recalculated by solving for the actual B 9.2119 0.92119
masses of ethanol and water inside the C 8.8176 0.88176
flasks. The ethanol masses were obtained D 8.4405 0.84405
by subtracting the mass of the empty flasks E 8.1237 0.81237
from the recorded masses with the ethanol. F 7.8734 0.78734
The water masses were obtained similarly:
Since the mass of the sample
Table 3 solutions are known, as outlined in table 2,
Ethanol and Water Masses in each Solution their molar volumes can be calculated as
Solution Ethanol mass, g Water mass, g well. This was done by taking the quotient
A 0.0000 49.7933 of the solution masses and their respective
B 20.3565 25.2183 density, which was then subsequently
C 26.9526 16.9129 divided by the total number of moles in the
D 32.7548 9.2531 parent solution:
E 36.5771 3.8803
F 39.1921 0.0000 Table 7
Molar Volume of the 6 Sample Solutions
These values were converted to moles by Solution Molar volume, mL/mol
dividing the masses in the previous table A 18.0077
with the appropriate molar mass, 46.08 B 26.8700
g/mol for ethanol and 18.02 g/mol for water: C 32.6540
D 40.6508
Table 4 E 49.3520
Moles of Ethanol and Water in each Solution F 58.5259
Ethanol Water Ethanol mole
moles moles fraction Plotting the molar volumes, as the
A 0.0000 2.7632 0.0000 ordinate, against the mole fraction of
B 0.4418 1.3995 0.2399
C 0.5849 0.9386 0.3839

K.A. Cruz, D.L.C. Fernando, R.A. Soriano, Partial Molar Volume of a Substance, 2014

ethanol, as the abscissa, yields the 59

Partial Molar Volume of Ethanol (mL/mol)

following graph:
70 57
Molar Volume of Solution (mL/mol)

60 56
f(x) = 3.8 x² + 36.84 x + 17.94
50 R² = 1 55
40 54
30 53
20 52
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Ethanol mole fraction
Figure 4
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Ethanol Partial Molar Volume vs xEthanol
Ethanol Mole Fraction
Figure 3 19
Partial Molar Volume of Water (mL/mol)
Solution Molar Volume versus Ethanol Mole
Using the equation for best fit curve,
the derivative at the solution mole fractions 17
can be determined and through equations 1
and 2, the partial molar volumes at those
points can be determined: 16

Table 8 15
Partial Molar Volume of Ethanol and Water in Experimental
the 6 Sample Solutions
Solution 14
V́Ethanol V́Water
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
A 54.7841 17.9442 Ethanol mole fraction
B 56.3876 17.7256
C 57.1401 17.3844 Figure 5
D 57.9133 16.6642 Water Partial Molar Volume vs xEthanol
E 58.4084 15.5946
F 58.5813 14.1470 Theoretical values were obtained by
digitizing the points in the following figure:
Plotting the partial molar volumes of
the two species against the ethanol mole
fraction separately:

Figure 6
Theoretical Partial Molar Volume versus Ethanol
Mole Fraction[3]

K.A. Cruz, D.L.C. Fernando, R.A. Soriano, Partial Molar Volume of a Substance, 2014

It can be seen from the plots that the

It should be noted that as the mole fraction experimental data is generally in good
of ethanol in the solution increases, the agreement with the theoretical values. The
partial molar volume of ethanol approaches partial molar volume of ethanol consistently
the molar volume for the pure liquid, which displays positive errors with respect to the
is approximately 58.700 mL/mol. The same theoretical curve. On the other hand, the
can be said for water; as the ethanol mole partial molar volume for water was coherent
fraction approaches zero, the molar volume with the theoretical values. Most of the
of the solution approaches the molar experimental data points coincided with the
volume of water, which is 18.056 mL/mol at curve produced from literature values.
room temperature. Outside of these two Deviations noticeably increased with the
extremes, the molar volumes of the two mole fractions and the error peaked at the
species possess different values. This is a 5th data point. Finally, minute deviations
result of the molecular interactions between were only observed with the experimental
the ethanol and water. Their volumes are and theoretical molar volume of the
no longer private properties; their volumes solutions. Looking at figure 7, the 6 data
are modified as they exist in a solution[7]. points all fall on the curve that was
generated using equation 3. Quantitatively,
Another quantity that can be the ethanol and water partial volume, and
observed from the plots above is the infinite solution volume percent errors for each
dilution molar volume of water and ethanol. data point are as follows:
These are the values of their partial molar
volume at a very minute concentration. For Table 9
water, this is approximately 13.93 mL/mol. Percent Error for each Data Point
For ethanol, this is approximately 54.31 Solution V́Ethanol V́Water V
mL/mol[6]. A 0.879 0.812 0.461
B 1.295 0.049 0.119
The theoretical values for the molar C 1.053 0.353 0.477
volume of the solution were obtained from D 1.055 1.637 0.734
this plot as well by using equation 3. E 1.000 3.536 0.982
Superimposing this with the experimental F 1.002 1.532 0.907
Reasons for these deviations are
f(x) =70
0 mainly due to equipment limitations. The
R² = 0 loose, damaged or unfit rubber stoppers of
the volumetric flasks could’ve allowed some
Molar Volume of Solution (mL/mol)

of the alcohol to escape via volatilization.
50 Some of the stoppers were too loose and
left small gaps along the brim of the flasks.
40 Damaged ones had small holes in certain
Difference in the water bath
temperatures and room temperature
10 Polynomial could’ve also caused the errors for the
(Experimental) density measurement via the pycnometer.
0 The volume of the solutions were very
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 sensitive to temperature, such that 10 mL
Ethanol Mole Fraction measured at 26.5OC would become
significantly less at a lower temperature and
Figure 7
greater at a higher one. As such, it is
Solution Molar Volume versus Ethanol Mole
Fraction with Theoretical Data possible to obtain erroneous density values
if the temperature of the room and the tap
water baths were not equal. This could
have been remedied by using a single

K.A. Cruz, D.L.C. Fernando, R.A. Soriano, Partial Molar Volume of a Substance, 2014

water bath for all of the flasks and volumes of the 6 parent solutions incorrect
pycnometer, with a built-in heat source in to some degree.
order to keep the temperature of the system
constant and close to the room 4. Conclusions & Recommendations
The procedure was able to generate
experimental data for the partial molar
volumes of ethanol and water and the molar
volume of ethanol-water solution at different
ethanol mole fractions that is consistent
with the theoretical values obtained from
literature. Minimum error was observed with
the solution molar volumes, while the
ethanol partial molar volumes exhibited
constant deviations, ranging from 0.879% to
1.295%. The partial molar volumes of water
were in good agreement with the theoretical
values, except for a few data points; the
error range was 0.049% to 3.536%. The
gathered data deviated from the expected
Figure 8 values for a number of reasons.
Recommended Experimental Set-up[8]
Procedural mistakes are deduced to
Furthermore, adhesion of material to be the primary reason for these deviations.
the external and internal surface of the Improper handling of the pycnometer prior
pycnometer would alter the measured to weighing, and failure to completely dry
masses and, as a result, the solution the said glass ware after sample solution
densities as well. This could take place at disposals and even during the initial
several instances in the procedure, such as weighing could all lead to errors in the
during the removal of the pycnometer from calculated volumes of the 6 ethanol-water
the water bath for weighing due to improper solutions. Difficulties were also introduced
handling. Failure to sufficiently clean and by problems with the equipment, such as
dry the pycnometer before being placed in the unsuitable covers for the volumetric
the analytical balance would cause positive flasks. Uncertainties were brought about by
errors for the mass of the sample and the the precision of the instruments, such as
density of the solution, and negative errors the 10-mL pipette and the thermocouple.
for the volume of the parent solutions. Also,
it is possible for water vapor to condense on Nevertheless, the procedure proved
the surface of the pycnometer if the to be a decent way of obtaining the partial
solutions had a sufficiently low temperature molar volumes of water and ethanol at a
and if the room had a high humidity, as specified ethanol mole fraction. Several
indicated by the wet bulb temperature. modifications can be made to the procedure
in order to obtain more accurate results.
After weighing, failure to completely
dry the pycnometer after solution disposal For future endeavors, it is
and cleaning would also consequently recommended that a larger container be
cause the calculated volumes of the parent made available for the water bath of the
solutions to increase, since water will make volumetric flasks and the pycnometer. This
the 10-mL sample solutions less dense. will keep the temperature of the flasks and
Finally, in line with the previous situation, the pycnometer at a constant value
this could also take place during the throughout the experiment and will minimize
measurement of the empty pycnometer any volume contractions and/or expansions
mass. This would render the calculated due to differences in the temperature of the
bath and the room. Furthermore, this
negates the necessity of repeatedly

K.A. Cruz, D.L.C. Fernando, R.A. Soriano, Partial Molar Volume of a Substance, 2014

removing the flasks and the pycnometer

from the bath for the transferring of the 10- 6. Appendix
mL aliquots. Doing so will also decrease the
waiting time between weighing trials since [D1] Derivation of partial molar volumes of
the temperature of the solutions are kept a binary system
nearly constant all throughout.
The summability relation for volume:
Furthermore, an additional facet can
be added to the experiment by performing V =∑ xi V́ i
trials involving electrolytes, such as salt. i
This will require modifications to the
equations that were used due to the For binary systems, expansion
increase in solution activity. Pertinent results to:
equations for this is the Debye-Huckle
equation and the like[5]. The results will also V =x 1 V́ 1+ x 2 V́ 2
be compared with values derived from dV =d x 1 V́ 1+ x 1 d V́ 1 + d x 2 V́ 2 + x 2 d V́ 2
theoretical models and literature.

5. References If V́ i is a function of xi at constant T

and P, from Gibbs/Duhem,
Smith, J., et. al. (2004). Introduction to
Chemical Engineering x 1 d V́ 1 + x 2 d V́ 2=0
Thermodynamics, (7th ed.). United dV =d x 1 V́ 1+ d x 2 V́ 2
States: McGraw-Hill.
Chang, R. (2007). Physical Chemistry for x 1+ x2=1, d x2 =−d x1
the Biosciences. United States:
McGraw-Hill. dV =d x 1 V́ 1−d x1 V́ 2
=V́ 1−V́ 2
Atkins, P. & De Paula, J. (2006). Atkins’ d x1
Physical Chemistry, (8th ed.). Great dV dV
Britain: Oxford University Press. V́ 1=V́ 2 + , V́ 2=V́ 1 −
d x1 d x1
Petek, A., Pecar, D. & Dolecek, V. (2001).
Substituting these to the
Volumetric Properties of Ethanol-Water
summability relation,
Mixtures Under High Pressure. Acta
Chim. Slov., 48, 317-325.
Moučka, F. & Nezbeda, I. (2009). Partial (
V = ( 1−x 2 ) V́ 1 + x 2 V́ 1−
d x1 )
Molar Volume of Methanol in Water: dV
Effect of Polarizability. ResearchGate. V =V́ 1−x 2
d x1
dV dV
V́ 1=V + x 2 =V + ( 1−x 1 )
Armitage, D., et al. (1978). Partial Molar d x1 d x1
Volumes and Maximum Density Effects
in Alcohol–Water Mixtures. Nature, 219, dV
718-720. doi:10.1038/219718a0. (
V =x 1 V́ 2 +
d x1 )
+ ( 1−x1 ) V́ 2

Sakurai, M. (1988). Partial Molar Volumes dV
V =V́ 2+ x 1
in Aqueous Mixtures of Nonelectrolytes. d x1
II. Isopropyl Alcohol. Journal of Solution dV
V́ 2=V −x 1
Chemistry, 17(3), 267-275. d x1
PHYWE. (2014). Pycnometer Water-Bath Sample Calculations
Set-up [Image].

K.A. Cruz, D.L.C. Fernando, R.A. Soriano, Partial Molar Volume of a Substance, 2014

1.) m are in terms of g, ef: empty flask Table 11

Pcynometer Data
m ef +etOH =59.8610 ± 0.0001, mef =39.5045 ± 0.0001 Solution Trial 1, g Trial 2, g Trial 3, g
Empty 15.8457 15.8458 15.8456
A 25.8331 25.8463 25.8782
m etOH =m ef +etOH −mef
~ B 25.036 25.0616 25.0753
metOH =~m ef +etOH −~
m ef , Δ metOH = Δ mef +etOH + Δ mef C 24.6501 24.658 24.6819
m etOH =59.8610−39.5045 , Δm etOH =0.0001+ 0.0001 D 24.2692 24.2826 24.3068
metOH =20.3565 , Δm etOH =0.0002 E 23.9575 23.9763 23.9745
F 23.7195 23.71 23.7279
metOH =20 . 3565± 0 . 0002

2.) n are in terms of mol

n etOH =0.793774 ± 4 ×10−6 , nw =0.215332 ±11 × 10−6

x etOH =
netOH +nw
m 4 =7.5136 ±0.0004
x etOH = ~ etOH~ ,
netOH + n w
Δ n etOH ΔnetOH + Δ n w
Δ x etOH =~ (
x etOH ~
+ ~
netOH + ~
nw )
~ 0.793774
x4 N = ,
0.793774 +0.215332
4 ×10−6 4 ×10−6 +11× 10−6
Δ x4 N =x4N ( +
0.793774 0.793774 +0.215332 )
x 4 N =0.786610 , Δ x 4 N =0.000016

Raw Data Tables

Table 10
Mole Recalculation Data
Mass (g)
Empty +Ethanol +Water
A 36.1657 36.1657 85.959
B 39.5045 59.861 85.0793
C 36.2671 63.2197 80.1326
D 37.5238 70.2786 79.5317
E 36.7283 73.3054 77.1857
F 36.938 76.1301 76.1301

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