June - First Chronicles

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June 20212020


First Chronicles
The Newsletter of the First Congregational Church of Evanston UCC

Fromthe theMinister’s
Minister’sDesk Desk Sarah Petersen (whose meetings,
children’s we messages
will be are so elegantly
The month
Exciting news! of JulyWe’llhasbe certainly
coming together flown by. as I’ve been busy
a congre- done), and Miko Fentanes the airplane while we
(who weaves all are
the video
gation for with committees
in-person worship andonindividual
July 11! The members
Churchon flying.” It’s
pieces together so beautifully). a potentially
And to all the volunteers
Council orhasby phone.
approved It’sthat
been great
date. Wetonow meetarefolks
busy and ominous metaphor,
who have stepped in to read scripture, share butannounce-
an apt
making about many
all the aspectsarrangements.
necessary of First Congregational Church. one. I am confident
ments, and sing for us. You may know that liturgy that we will
Covid-19 has kept figure things out together as we
I’m impressed by all theusworkapart that’s
for nearly
by so “the work of the people.” What is true during normal
That’s a really long time! The experience of necessary offer one another grace.
many dedicated people to further the work of the church times is even truer in these times of pandemic. If you
isolation hasone beenanother
challenging—even painful—for You will also see elsewhere
and care for in these difficult times. Imanyhave have ideas or feedbackinyou thiswould like to
newsletter share,
that we are please
of us. It is not surprising that we have
a strong sense that we are pulling together as a church. all missed being feel free to do so. We are all learning as we go forward.
together for worship and fellowship. I am especially planning two fellowship
Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find informa- I would like to extend an invitation
opportunities before to July
11. to
eager to see you all and to meet some of you face-to-
tion about some of the things we are undertaking as a join me in a “Coffee Klatch” Join us on for Thursday, August 6, at
outdoor gatherings
face for the first time.
TheI’m excited about
Re-Gathering the new
Collective hasAnti-Racism
put togetherTask 2 p.m. This will be anon informal
Sunday,time Juneto13,check in with
at 3 p.m.
Force that will be working
guidelines for worship that you will find to help us better understand
elsewhere in one another and engage andis Saturday,
casual conversation.
June 26, at noon.Join
issues of race in this time, to identify
this issue of First Chronicles. We have been following ways we as a the Zoom gathering atRight now, we are planning to
closely can address systemic
the guidelines of the CDC racism, andandIDPH.to take action
As you 82227173405; the meeting ID gather in the triangular
is 822 space
2717 3405.
that will join with others to seek
know, the recommendations are evolving as more and justice in our world. behind (to the east of) the sanctuary. We’ll
Everyone will need to bring their own coffee! Sorry provide more
peopletask force vaccinated.
are being is looking ahead As weto getplan for us to
closer details
I can’tasprovide
we get closer
that. to those dates. In the meantime,
to July 11, we will be updating the congregation on we might
I am always to
all want think
eager to about
connect baking
If you
re-gather as a church community. The term re-gathering,
the most to share. I like chocolate chip, in case you’re wondering.
rather thanrecent developments.
reopening, has beenOur chosenaim isdeliberately,
to ensure that are in need of pastoral care or just someone to talk to,
Finally, I plan to start keeping office hours at the
because First Congregational has never beensafe
we are gathering in a way that is healthy and closed. This please House
Church feel freeontoJune
15.me or call.
If you’d likeI’mto happy
drop bytojustspeak
for everyone.
group is looking at policies and procedures that will tobychat
or toorhave
to set up a serious
a more Zoom conversation,
chat. please
allowInusthe and midst of our excitement over returning to the
our guest organizations to make use of the Blessings and Peace,
feel free to come by. My plan is to be there Tuesdays
sanctuary for worship, we want to make sure that no
buildings in a way that is responsible and safe. We are Tim Fridays from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. If you
one is left out. Inclusion is a high priority for our
all looking
church. Weforward to a day
shall continue to when
provide weonline
can resume
servicesin- would like to see me, have a phone chat, or meet over
person worship. The task force is
for those who are not yet ready to return to in-person looking at a myriad of Zoom, before or after June 15, please let me know. I’m
worship or thatwho willaregonot
into ablea sensible
to do so.and Thewell-thought-
Church always eager to visit with you.
out plan.has
Council Theapproved
foremostthe concern
purchase is our responsibility
of equipment that to As I said, these are exciting times. Let’s enjoy
will for
allowoneusanother, especially
to live-stream those among
our services over the us who are together the adventure of being the church.
most vulnerable.
internet. There are lots of details to be worked out, but Blessings and peace,
we Under
expect the to beleadership
ready as quickly as possible to
of the Fellowship share our
Committee, Tim
Rev. Timothy S. Stevens, Interim Senior Minister
group is“live.”
looking In the
to Rallywe Daywilloncontinue
offer pre-recorded services as
September 13. We are looking for creative ideas we have done throughout
for this
the pandemic. We believe that a robust online presence Upcoming Events
opportunity to celebrate our life together as a church Sunday, June 13, 3 p.m.
will enhance our outreach beyond the walls of the
and kick off the new church year. Rally Sunday can Fellowship Gathering, east of Sanctuary
offer us a time to renew our commitments and perhaps Saturday, June 26, noon
We ask your patience as we prepare for regathering
and as we involved
proceedinwith newin-person
ways. worship. There are Fellowship Gathering and Evanston Pride Parade Route
It looks like online
many moving parts. We are bound worship willtocontinue
make some for the Decorating, Sanctuary grounds
missteps. The future. I am very
guidelines grateful tosuggested
and protocols everyonebywho Sunday, July 11, 10 a.m.
works so hard to make our virtual
health officials are constantly being revised. We worship a meaningful
shall In-Person Worship resumes, Sanctuary
and inspiring
do our best toexperience.
keep up. And It’s we’ll
surprising how from
be learning much extra Summer Spirit begins
effort is requiredAs
our experience. toLindsey
put together Siemans a weekly
said in streaming
one of our
broadcast. Many thanks to David Lornson (for provid-
ing and coordinating the music that is so uplifting), Our new church sign!
Good News from the Regathering Collective Toiletries and Cleaning Supplies Drive
Our first regathering for worship inside the Sanctuary The Mission Board of First Congregational Church
will be at 10 a.m. on Sunday, July 11! We are both invites you to help provide toiletries for clients of
excited about worshiping inside the sanctuary and Connections for the Homeless and toiletries and
precautious for those who may not be ready or able to household cleaning products for the YWCA shelter
gather. After great discernment and with tremendous program, which supports women and children. Drop-
care in mind for the most vulnerable among us, along off times are Saturday mornings through June 19,
with those who may not be ready or able to gather in from 10 a.m. to noon in the church Narthex.
person, we have set our plan of care in action. While shopping this week at your
While we hope and expect that public health local grocery, convenience, warehouse,
guidelines will continue to loosen over time, our church or department store or pharmacy,
commits to follow these guidelines as a matter of please consider picking up some
putting compassion in action as a demonstration of regular or travel-sized toiletries and
our love and mission here at First Congregational. personal products (such as razors,
If you don’t want to wait to get together as church deodorant, body wash, shampoo,
family and visit in person, take advantage of two lotion, and sunscreen) as well as
outdoor gathering opportunities (weather permitting) on household cleaning products, which
Sunday, June 13 and June 27, at 3 p.m. The church is YWCA clients need as they move to
invited to meet in Congregational Park behind the transitional apartment settings.
Sanctuary building, a lovely place for us to gather in Please mark your calendars and
summer spirit to catch up and visit in person. Please shopping lists. We’re just 9 percent of
observe our protocols of mask wearing and social the way towards our goal of 500 items.
distancing. What a joy to be together outside in the We can do it together! Thank you for supporting our
park—and outside a zoom meeting! community in this unique way.

A Fond Farwell to Kevin Siembor Come Play in the Park This Summer
On Sunday afternoon, May 16, the Board for Worship, When we return to in-person worship July 11, we’ll
Music, and Art hosted a farewell reception for Kevin begin offering Summer Spirit time at the park again for
Siembor. Members of the Chancel Choir and congre- children during the service. During Summer Spirit, we
gation gathered in front of the sanctuary to thank him let God speak to us through the breeze, running and
and offer best wishes before his move to Pennsylvania. laughing, deepening friendships, and time outside
An important part of our church family, Kevin had together. It’s time to play! Two adult leaders will take
provided leadership in the Chancel Choir since 2009 the children to Raymond Park following the Children’s
as tenor soloist and section leader, in addition to serving Message and
as a congregational vice moderator and performing then return to
recitals on the Robinson Recital Series. We will miss meet families at
Kevin’s beautiful voice, sense of humor, warmth, and the end of the
friendliness. service. Adult
volunteers and
Nursery Care for Little Ones children over 2
Beginning July 11, our nursery manager, Linnea Garcia, years old must
will be offering childcare to infants and toddlers under 3 be masked. On
years old in our nursery during in-person worship. Due rainy days,
to COVID safety precautions, only two children will be children will
allowed in the remain with their
nursery at a time. families in the
All adults and service.
children over 2 We invite
years old must wear parents, care-
a mask. Slots will be givers, and all
available for congregants
advanced sign-up to sign up to
or first arrivals volunteer for one
Sunday mornings. Infants, toddlers, and children are or more summer Sundays at
also always welcome to stay with their families in the https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f054ea4a92ba3f9
sanctuary during the service. Please sign up for nursery 4-summer4. New volunteers are welcome! We’ll ask you
slots at to complete a quick background check as part of our
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F054EA4A92B Safe Church Policy before you begin. Enjoy time
A3F94-summer5. Questions? Please email Sarah outside and a chance to get to know the awesome
Petersen at spetersen@firstchurchevanston.org. children in our church family. Email Sarah Petersen
at spetersen@firstchurchevanston.org with questions.
Celebrate Pride!
June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, and we want to
celebrate! Evanston has a creative solution to the
postponed Chicago Pride Parade this year. Evanston
Pride is inviting people to decorate their houses and
businesses to show our true rainbow colors along a
youth car parade route through town. We signed up
First Congregational Church to be on the parade route
Congratulations, Graduates! and need your help to decorate! All ages are welcome to
With our church family, we celebrate the graduations join us at noon on Saturday, June 26, as we decorate the
and milestone achievements along life’s journey. exterior of our Sanctuary building to be a stationary
Congratulations to our 2021 graduates: Messiah, “float” for the parade route. We’ll be hanging rainbows,
preschool; Matthew Tripp, elementary school (left); wrapping prideful colors around our pillars, and
Alexandra Vasquez, middle school (center); and chalking the sidewalk with affirming messages and
Owen DeStefano, high school (right). drawings. Email spetersen@firstchurchevanston.org to
sign up to help decorate. Learn more about Evanston
Congratulations to Confirmands Pride festivities by visiting www.evanstonpride.org.
Filled with the Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, Alexandra
Vasquez (left) and
Jazmyn Vasquez
(right) were con-
firmed and wel-
comed as new
members during
a live Zoom
Pentecost Service.
We’re so happy
you’ve chosen to
continue on your faith journeys with us at First
Congregational Church of Evanston. Your light truly
shines! June Birthdays
Anne Bauer
Laurie Brown
Mallen Clifton
Charlotte Cubbage
Laura Hamm
Eleanor Hardesty
Chris Krei
Betsy Lane
Roger Lehman
David Mansen
Joseph Page
Elizabeth “Betty” Phillips
Jeffrey Roseberry
Lindsey Siemens
Eliza Sprague
Cole Tucker
Kathy Vissman

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