Transcend Chorus For Packet SR10.0 Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

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Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

1900-001657 Revision 002

October 9, 2019
Document Information

Revision History

Document No. Date Description of Changes

1900-001657 October 9, SR10.0–SP1: New network elements added.
Revision 002 2019
1900-001657 August Document number changed.
Revision 001 29, 2019

© 2019 Infinera. All rights reserved.

This manual is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws, conventions and treaties. Your right to use this manual is
subject to limitations and restrictions imposed by applicable licenses and copyright laws. Unauthorized reproduction, modification,
distribution, display or other use of this manual may result in criminal and civil penalties.

The specifications and information regarding the products in this manual are subject to change without notice. All statements,
information, and recommendations in this manual are believed to be accurate but are presented without warranty of any kind,
express or implied. Users must take full responsibility for their application of any products.

Adobe ® Reader ® are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

Document Information

Terms and Conventions

Term Explanation
CPU Central Processing Unit
DCN Data Control Network
DNS Domain Name Service
IP Internet Protocol
LAN Local Area Network
NMRS Network Management Resilience Service
NTP Network Time Protocol
NTU Network Terminating Unit
PMS Performance Management System
RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAM Random Access Memory
SSC Single Server Configuration
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
WINS Windows Internet Naming Service

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002
Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About the Manual .............................................................................................................. 7

Objectives....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Audience......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Document Conventions .................................................................................................................................................. 7

1 General ......................................................................................................................... 8

2 Transcend Chorus for Packet System Configurations ............................................ 10

2.1 Transcend Chorus for Packet Workstation .......................................................................................................... 12

2.2 Database Server ................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 Separate Performance Database with Partitioning .............................................................................. 12
2.3 Communication Server ........................................................................................................................................ 13
2.4 Management Server............................................................................................................................................. 15
2.5 DXX Server (8100 Adapter)................................................................................................................................ 15
2.6 Recovery Server .................................................................................................................................................. 15
2.7 8100 Service Computer ....................................................................................................................................... 16
2.8 Single Server Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 16
2.9 Transcend Chorus for Packet ThinClient Solution.............................................................................................. 17
2.10 Transcend Chorus for Packet High Availability Solution ................................................................................... 17

3 DCN, LAN and LAN-IC Requirements........................................................................ 18

3.1 DCN..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 LAN Configuration.............................................................................................................................................. 19
3.3 LAN and LAN-IC................................................................................................................................................ 20
3.4 Networking Configuration................................................................................................................................... 21

4 Database Protection Levels ....................................................................................... 22

5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus for Packet Solution .................... 25

5.1 RAM and CPU Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 25

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

Table of Contents

5.1.1 Notes on Virtualized Environments..................................................................................................... 26

5.1.2 Single Server Configuration ................................................................................................................ 26
5.1.3 Multi-server Configuration Requirements........................................................................................... 26
5.1.4 Multi-server Configuration Recommendations .................................................................................. 27
5.2 Disk Requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 28
5.2.1 Disk Requirements for Workstations................................................................................................... 28
5.2.2 Disk Requirements for Servers............................................................................................................ 28
5.3 Accessories Needed for Servers .......................................................................................................................... 30
5.3.1 Accessories for Database Servers........................................................................................................ 30
5.3.2 Accessories for Transcend Chorus for Packet Servers ........................................................................ 31
5.4 Minimum Requirements for Service Computers................................................................................................. 31
5.5 Minimum Requirements for Workstations .......................................................................................................... 31
5.6 Software Sets ....................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.6.1 Workstation Software .......................................................................................................................... 32
5.6.2 Server Software – Management Server and Communication Server .................................................. 33
5.6.3 Database Server Software — Open Database ..................................................................................... 33
5.6.4 Database Server Software — Sybase .................................................................................................. 33
5.6.5 ThinClient Server Software ................................................................................................................. 34
5.6.6 Replication Server Software................................................................................................................ 34
5.6.7 VMware ............................................................................................................................................... 34
5.7 Displays ............................................................................................................................................................... 34

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

About the Manual

About the Manual


This manual describes all the needed third party software components and versions (operating
systems and software versions) in the Transcend Chorus for Packet system. It also describes the
relevant requirements and recommendations of the Transcend Chorus for Packet system.


This manual is intended for system administrators and system specialists.

Document Conventions

This is a note symbol. It emphasizes or supplements information in the document.

This is a caution symbol. It indicates that damage to equipment is possible if the instructions
are not followed.

This is a warning symbol. It indicates that bodily injury is possible if the instructions are not

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

1 General

1 General
Transcend Chorus for Packet (Transcend Chorus) has been designed for x86 based platform running
Microsoft Windows and Red Hat Enterprise Linux compatible operating systems using MariaDB
and SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise relational database options. All the Transcend Chorus Servers
are supported also in a virtualized environments, eg. VMWare, AWS, Openstack (except 8100 DXX
Server). With this design it is possible to build a flexible system that easily adapts to changes in a
managed network and to changes in the organization of network management tasks.

The supported system configurations are listed in the following.

• Single Server Configuration (SSC)

• Small and medium-sized networks with a limited number of users and network elements
• Multi-server Configuration
• Scalable configuration to meet various network and operation requirements
For more detailed information on the different supported configurations, refer to Transcend Chorus
for Packet Software Installation Manual.

Transcend Chorus solution can adapt to centralized or distributed management schemes, and can
grow when the needs of an operator develop. An operator can minimize startup costs in a smaller
network by managing their entire network with a single server system configuration. When the
needs of an operator and their network grow, new management workstations and servers can be
added at any time to build up to a multi-server Transcend Chorus system configuration.

Transcend Chorus for Packet may work on other types of machine configurations than the
specified ones, but it cannot be guaranteed.
The requirements in this document apply to new purchases only. Infinera also requires
existing customers to follow up with this document. When planning to change some part of
the Transcend Chorus system configuration, it is to be done according to the requirements of
this document.
Check that you always use the most recent version of this document.

It is recommended to use the latest version of the Norton (Symantec) antivirus program in
your workstations and servers. Norton may affect the performance of servers.

Transcend Chorus for Packet has been designed and tested to be the only application running
on the computers. Running other applications on the same computers is not supported
and Infinera strongly recommends against it.

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

1 General

A support agreement for the third party hardware and software components is highly

It is the responsibility of the end customer to ensure their compliance to the third party
licensing terms and conditions.

It is advised to encrypt the network connection between the servers and/or Workstations, and
the built-in IPSec functionality of the operating system is recommended to be used.

Windows XP has not been supported for Workstations since Transcend Chorus SR6.0.
Windows XP does not work at all with Transcend Chorus SR7.0 or SR8.0 since Java 8 has
been taken into use.

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

2 Transcend Chorus for Packet System Configurations

2 Transcend Chorus for Packet System

In the Transcend Chorus for Packet system configurations, the network manager components are
distributed over several computers (some optional).

• Workstation
• Database Server
• Management Server
• Communication Server
• DXX Server(s)
• Recovery Server(s)
• 8100 Service Computer
Transcend Chorus can be configured depending on the size of the network, the number of concurrent
users and the type of nodes used. The different supported configurations are described in Transcend
Chorus for Packet Software Installation Manual. As an example the Transcend Chorus components
in a multi-user environment is shown in the figure below.

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

2 Transcend Chorus for Packet System Configurations

Fig. 1 Example of Multi-user Transcend Chorus Configuration

It is recommended that all the Transcend Chorus for Packet computers are located in the same
LAN segment to provide a more reliable operation. However, Workstations can be distributed
to different locations using routers.

The recommendation of the maximum number of workstations is based on the Infinera evaluation of
the Transcend Chorus system performance. Configuration of the servers and workstations and the
DCN network is required to fulfill at least the minimum requirements of the large networks described
in chapters 3 DCN, LAN and LAN-IC Requirements and 5.1 RAM and CPU Requirements. Several
internal and external factors such as the functions utilized for provisioning and the amount of
collected PMS data set memory and CPU capacity requirements for the system. Additionally, the
quality of DCN and the number of managed nodes may affect the overall performance of the system
and the total maximum number of workstations can vary.

The tables below show the recommendations for the maximum number of workstations and the
maximum number of workstations per server.

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

2 Transcend Chorus for Packet System Configurations

Recommendation for Maximum Number of Workstations

Maximum Number of Workstations
Workstation 1501

Recommendation for Maximum Number of Workstations per Server

Type of Server Maximum Number of Workstations
Management Server 50
ThinClient Server 20
Single Server Configuration 50

A maximum of 30 000 Infinera network elements are supported.

When calculating the number of network elements in the system, the number of other objects may
also have an impact on the required hardware. For example, it is supposed that there are on average
5 Network Terminating Units (NTUs) per node. If you have more than 5 NTUs per node, use the
following formula: number of NTUs/5 = number of nodes. For example, if you have a network with
1 000 nodes and there are 10 000 NTUs, the requirements will be as for a network with 2 000 nodes.

2.1 Transcend Chorus for Packet Workstation

Transcend Chorus for Packet Workstation functions as an access point to an Transcend Chorus
system network and its elements for a remote operator through a graphical user interface.
Workstation software can be run also in Management Server computer. Note that the Workstation
can only be run on the Management Server with Windows as the operating system and thus,
Workstation is not supported on Linux.

2.2 Database Server

The database hardware requirements vary according to the actual size of the network. MariaDB
database is supported on Linux servers. Sybase database is supported on Windows and Linux servers.

2.2.1 Separate Performance Database with Partitioning

Separate performance database (PM DB) with partitioning is a scalability enhancement to the
Transcend Chorus for Packet system. It increases the efficiency of the PM application and the
Transcend Chorus High Availability Solution. Furthermore, as a result of separation, it protects the
Transcend Chorus configuration database from filling up due to high amount of PMS data.

It is recommended to consider taking separate PM DB with partitioning into use, if the daily
collected amount of PM data exceeds 10 million rows. Furthermore, if some of the following
conditions are met in a customer network, it is strongly recommended that separate PM DB with
partitioning is taken into use.

1 In case of pure 8100 network, the maximum number of workstations is 800.

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

2 Transcend Chorus for Packet System Configurations

1. The performance data deletion time exceeds two hours.

2. Administrative burden is introduced by:
• Database size being too large for efficiently taking database backups.
• Database size constantly approaching its limits and introducing need for DB size increments
or size monitoring.
• Replication latency is over the desired switch over time period.
3. Customer perceives PM reports being too slow.
These conditions are meant to act as guidelines and their applicability towards an individual customer
network might vary. The guidelines have been established based on customer cases and testing.

Note that a separate performance database may require an additional Sybase partitioning license
per Database Server.

2.3 Communication Server

Communication Server is used for managing network elements or underlying controllers/NMS/EMS.

It provides the southbound adapter logic. Communication Server is supported on Windows and

Linux is not supported for 8100 EFM and 6300.

The number of required Communication Servers depends on the size of the network. A
recommendation for a maximum number of nodes per a single Communication Server is presented
in the table below. Each server takes care of one or several areas in a network and can run several
parallel adapters, but it is recommended to run the adapters in separate Communication Servers
for load balancing and redundancy.

Recommendation for Maximum Number of Nodes per Communication Server

Node Type Number of Nodes per Communication Server
6300 nodes2, or 500
7090 nodes, or 500
7100 Nano, or 300
7100 OTS, or 100
G30, or 500
mTera UTP, or 300
8115 NTU, or 5000
8155 Access Switch, or 500
8602 Smart Router, or 6500
8603 Smart Router, or 3500
8605 Smart Router, or 6500
8606 Ethernet Aggregator, or 2500

2 Each 6300 ETEX counts as one node.

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

2 Transcend Chorus for Packet System Configurations

Node Type Number of Nodes per Communication Server

8607 Smart Router, or 4500
8609 Smart Router, or 4500
8611 Smart Router, or 3500
8615 Smart Router, or 3500
8615 Smart Router stacked, or 1750
8620 Smart Router, or 4500
8625 Smart Router, or 600
8630 Smart Router, or 700
8660 Smart Router, or 200
8665 Smart Router, or 200
8800 Smart Routers, or 100
Intracom OmniBAS, or 500
Cisco 1900 ISR / 2900 ISR, or 1000
Cisco ASR 903, or 500
DRX-30, or 500
DRX-90, or 200
ECS4100–26TX-ME, or 2500
EdgeCore AS5912-54X, or 500
Cisco ASR 9001, or 200
Huawei ATN 9xx, or 500
Huawei CX600, or 200
Huawei NE40, or 200
Huawei PTN6900 200
Juniper MX240, or 200
Juniper MX480 200
Juniper MX960 200
Nokia 7750 SR 200

These recommendations are general guidelines for dimensioning the Transcend Chorus for Packet
system. The optimum number of Communication Servers needed for a network depends on the
number of nodes, the node inventories (the number and type of physical and logical interfaces), the
set of PMS counters monitored, the overall system activity (operations per second in the network),
the fault and performance polling targets etc.

For guidelines concerning other network elements or recommendations for cases where device
integration has been done through a 3 rd party Controller or NMS, please contact Infinera Customer

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

2 Transcend Chorus for Packet System Configurations

2.4 Management Server

The Management Server functions as a framework for different Transcend Chorus for Packet
application logic divided into services each running processes of its own.

The installation of the different service types is done by selecting the appropriate service for
Management Server in Transcend Chorus for Packet Setup Wizard.

Management Server is supported on Windows and Linux. Linux is not supported for 8100 and 6300.

Only one workstation can be run on the Windows Management Server.

For more information related to different services, refer to Transcend Chorus for Packet Installation
and Configuration Guide for Management Server and Recovery Server.

2.5 DXX Server (8100 Adapter)

DXX Server is used for managing 8100 network elements. However, note that Communication
Server is used for managing the 8100 EFM network elements. Refer to 2.3 Communication Server.
The number of required DXX Servers depends on the size of the network. Each server takes care
of one or several areas in the network. Increasing the number of DXX Servers also increases the
reliability of network management.

In a DXX Server one X.25 port is required per 250 subracks. A DXX Server can have a maximum
of four X.25 ports (using dual port X.25 cards), i.e. a total of 1000 subracks. Normally this means
700-800 nodes, depending on the number of 8170 Cluster Nodes. When using asynchronous links
you can have two links with a maximum of approximately 50 subracks per link, i.e. a total of 100
subracks. With four X.25 ports and two asynchronous links the total is 1100 subracks in a DXX
Server. When using IP links you can have 250 subracks per IP link. A single DXX Server can
handle up to 1500 subracks.

If you have several NTUs (more than five) per node, take into account that it can slow down fault
polling if there are numerous faults in the NTUs.

DXX Server with the X.25 card is not supported in a virtualized server environment.

DXX Server is only supported in Windows.

2.6 Recovery Server

The Recovery Server component is used for circuit and trunk protection. It is possible to have a
second Recovery Server for backup purposes.

The DXX Server and Recovery Server can be run in a common machine if the network size is up to
approximately 350 nodes and there are no other DXX Servers in the network.

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

2 Transcend Chorus for Packet System Configurations

The Recovery Server is only supported in Windows.

2.7 8100 Service Computer

8100 Service Computer (SC) is used for monitoring and controlling the operation of a single 8100
system node. The only Transcend Chorus for Packet user interface component installed on SC is
Node Manager for the 8100 nodes.

You can install the 6300 Craft Terminal which is used for controlling network elements of the 6300
system, in the same computer as the SC. If you use the serial port for communication, only one of
the programs can be run at a time. If you use the IP link for the SC communication, Craft Terminal
(using the serial port) can be run at the same time.

2.8 Single Server Configuration

Single Server Configuration (SSC) for small and medium-sized networks is a system in which the
Management Server, Communication Server and the database are all located in one physical entity.

In case of SSC - Medium, only the Linux operating system is supported. The management system
configuration supports the same number of users as one Management Server. The maximum
number of supported network elements is the same as for a single Communication Server (refer to
chapter 2.3 Communication Server).

In case of SSC - Small, both Linux and Windows operating systems are supported. The maximum
number of supported network elements is 30 per cent compared to a single Communication Server,
and the maximum number of users is 10.

However, running a Workstation on the server itself is only supported in Windows.

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

2 Transcend Chorus for Packet System Configurations

Fig. 2 Example of Single Server Configuration

See the hardware and software requirements in chapter 5.1 RAM and CPU Requirements.

The 8100 networks are not supported in SSC, and the 6300 networks are not supported in SSC
using the Linux operating system.

2.9 Transcend Chorus for Packet ThinClient Solution

Transcend Chorus for Packet ThinClient is a solution that replaces the Transcend Chorus workstation
with a client/server application which saves bandwidth, simplifies upgrades and maintenance and
provides flexible remote access. The ThinClient solution is based on Citrix XenApp. ThinClient
solution is not supported in Linux.

2.10 Transcend Chorus for Packet High Availability Solution

Transcend Chorus for Packet High Availability Solution (Transcend Chorus HA) is an integrated
database resiliency solution to provide protection for database site failure. The solution is available
in Cold, Warm and Hot Standby options.

• Primary and Standby Server configuration are identical.

• In HA Standby database server and Replication Server are installed in same computer.
Replication Server handles the replication from primary to standby database in the Transcend
Chorus High Availability Solution Warm or Hot Standby options. More information about the
solution in4 Database Protection Levels

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

3 DCN, LAN and LAN-IC Requirements

3 DCN, LAN and LAN-IC Requirements

3.1 DCN

An inband or outband Data Control Network (DCN) can be used between Transcend Chorus
for Packet and network elements. In the figure below a reference mobile transmission network
is described for DCN dimensioning. For a typical network (as shown in the figure below), the
recommended DCN bandwidths are at least as follows.

• 10 Mbps to core nodes,

• 1 Mbps to hub nodes (aggregating up to ten cell sites), and
• 256 kbps to cell site nodes (128 kbps without PMS).

Fig. 3 Mobile Transmission Network

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

3 DCN, LAN and LAN-IC Requirements

3.2 LAN Configuration

It is recommended that the LAN is dedicated to Transcend Chorus for Packet computers. When
building an Ethernet LAN for Transcend Chorus, special attention should be paid to the connections
between servers. A main management LAN interconnects the Database Server and various
Transcend Chorus servers.

Below is a figure of the main management LAN and some requirements for it.

• Ethernet bandwidth of at least 100 Mbps is required.

• Switch-based technology is required.
• The main management LAN should be dedicated for use with Transcend Chorus only.
• Tolerated maximum latency is 10 ms.
• If the database is replicated, the network speed requirements for the replication database equal to
the Transcend Chorus LAN.

Fig. 4 Transcend Chorus Main Management LAN

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

3 DCN, LAN and LAN-IC Requirements

There are some requirements for the LAN configuration.

• Workstation (previously satellite workstation) down-link

• Segment(s) of LAN that interconnect remote Workstation to the Management Server.
• Hubs and switches can be used.
• Every computer having a database connection (all servers) should have reliable and error free
network connection.
• Note that one such computer behind slow database connection will slow down the whole
network management system.
It is recommended not to use auto-negotiation for the speed and duplex settings in switch ports and
server NICs on the Transcend Chorus LAN.

3.3 LAN and LAN-IC

It is possible to connect Workstations to servers from remote locations using TCP/IP. In such a case
the communication link capacity between the locations should be as recommended in the following
table. These capacities guarantee a reasonable Workstation startup time, depending on the size of
the network. It is assumed that only one Workstation is started up at a time.

Recommendations for communication link capacity between Workstations and the main
management LAN, based on Workstation startup time
Maximum Number of Network Elements in Minimum Communication Link Capacity
the Network
1000 512 kbps
> 1000 1 Mbps
> 10000 2 Mbps
> 20000 4 Mbps

The capacity should be reserved as specified above even if there is only one Workstation in a remote
location. However, if there are several Workstations in a remote location, the link capacity must be
set at least to the values listed in the following table.

Recommendations for communication link capacity between Workstations and the main
management LAN, based on the number of Workstations in remote LAN
Number of Workstations in Remote Minimum Communication Link Capacity
1-3 512 kbps
4-10 2 Mbps
11-20 4 Mbps

The capacity must be selected as the maximum of the capacities based on the Workstation startup
time and number of Workstations in a remote location.

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

3 DCN, LAN and LAN-IC Requirements

The communication links between the locations must be reliable, as the quality of these links shall
be better than 99.99% in Error-Free Seconds. If the quality of communication links is worse than
required, Infinera cannot guarantee that Transcend Chorus for Packet or its parts work efficiently.

3.4 Networking Configuration

It is highly recommended to use the Windows domain network model.

For ease of administration of the computers, the servers and Workstations should be connected to
a domain if there are more than ten computers in the management LAN. This should be done,
especially, if users are using unique accounts to access the computers. In a Windows domain, the
user accounts are stored centrally in one computer that does the user authentication.

It is also recommended to have Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) and/or Domain Name
Service (DNS) servers running in the LAN. These servers provide name resolution services to other
computers in the network, so that they can resolve computer names into an IP address that enables
computers on a network to find one another and transfer information. The name resolution services
should not be running in any of the dedicated Transcend Chorus for Packet servers. Separate servers
are needed. All servers must have fixed IP addresses.

It is highly recommended to enable Network Time Protocol (NTP) client service on the Database
and Replication Servers as well as enable NTP in all Transcend Chorus network elements.

Management Servers and Communication Servers should use either NTP or Windows domain
time service to keep the clocks synchronized.

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

4 Database Protection Levels

4 Database Protection Levels

There are several ways of minimizing the data loss in case of Database Server failures.

• Scheduled database dumps. You always need to take scheduled dumps of the database. Frequency
of transaction dumps should be set according to the level of network activity. This also defines
the risk level in case of failures. Taking database dumps is the only way to restore the previous
database state e.g. in case of human errors.
• RAID disks. Disk system redundancy providing protection against hard disk failures.
• Power failure protection. Server computer running the Database Server software needs to be
equipped with two power supplies and a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). All write caches
should be backed up by a battery.
• Server Clustering. Clustering protects the database from any single point of failure in Database
Server. Clustering provides protection within one site. Note that this solution must be purchased
directly from the server supplier.
• Transcend Chorus High Availability solution. Available in Cold, Warm and Hot Standby options
• Cold Standby has database transaction dump replication between primary and standby Data-
base Server. Switchover between the primary and the standby database is done manually.
• Warm Standby has Online automatic replication between primary and standby Database
Server. Switchover between the primary and the standby database is done manually.
• Hot Standby has Online automatic replication between primary and standby Database Server.
Switchover between the primary and the standby database is done automatically. The auto-
matic transfer does not cause any traffic outages.

When planning to deploy Transcend Chorus High Availability solution, contact your Infinera

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

© 2019 Infinera.
1900-001657 Revision 002 Scheduled RAID Disks Server Clustering Cold Standby Warm Hot Standby
Database Standby
Obligatory / optional Obligatory Obligatory Optional Optional Optional Optional
Distance between primary Unlimited Within the server Up to 15 km Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
and backup server
Failover: automatic / manual Manual Automatic Manual/Automatic Manual Manual Automatic
Recovery time Time of restoring Real time Start-up time of the Time of Time of starting Real time,
the database database software restoring the Transcend some latency
dumps database dumps Chorus system, depending on
some latency the connection
depending on between the
the connection servers
between the
Backup level Transaction level, Disk I/O Disk I/O and virtual Transaction Transaction Transaction
frequency of server host level, frequency level level
transaction log of database
dumps transaction
Loss in case of failure Database No loss No loss Database No loss No loss
modifications modifications
done after the last done after the
transaction dump last transaction
Configuration requirements Disk space and Separate disk Identical Database Identical Identical Identical
Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

separate backup drives Server hardware, Database Server Database Server Database Server
media (e.g. a shared disk array hardware, a hardware, a hardware, a
tape) system, cluster connection connection connection
software between the between between
Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

servers. Database Database

Servers and Servers and

4 Database Protection Levels

Replication Replication
Server Server
Additional requirements Dumps must be None Ordered from Server None. Trained Trained
tested regularly manufacturer Replication Replication
Server Server
administrators. administrators.

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

4 Database Protection Levels

Scheduled RAID Disks Server Clustering Cold Standby Warm Hot Standby
Database Standby
Supported database Windows, Windows, Depends on Windows, Linux Linux
platforms Linux Linux server Linux
Supported Management Windows, Windows, Windows, Windows, Windows, Windows,
and Communication Server Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux
May require starting other Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Transcend Chorus servers
1900-001657 Revision 002
© 2019 Infinera.
5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus for Packet Solution

5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus

for Packet Solution

5.1 RAM and CPU Requirements

The recommendations in this chapter are general guidelines and minimum requirements. Additional
memory and/or faster processor may provide better performance.

The RAM and CPU requirements depend on the actual network size. To make reading easier, the
network size is defined as follows.

Windows 32-bit operating system cannot be used with INM SR7.0 or SR8.0 anymore.

Network Size Definition for Multi-server Configuration

Small Medium Large
1 - 2 Communication Servers 3 - 6 Communication Servers > 6 Communication Servers

The number of Communication Servers is calculated as described in 2.3 Communication Server.

If performance history data collection is going to be used, contact your Infinera representative
for more detailed information about the Database Server requirements.

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus for Packet Solution

5.1.1 Notes on Virtualized Environments

• Do not oversubscribe the amount of host physical HW threads when allocating vCPUs. E.g. a 10
core Intel processor has 20 physical HW threads with Hyper Threading enabled. For example:
• In the physical server: Intel E5 v4 4 cores 3.0GHz
• In the virtual server: 8 x 3.0GHz vCPU
• Disable Power Management to ensure optimal CPU performance.
• The most critical virtualization performance counters that should be monitored:
• When using virtualization environment, CPU ready value of the VMs host should not exceed
5%. If the CPU ready values start to grow, make sure that the physical HW threads are not
oversubscribed or that the Resource allocation settings are configured to ensure correct CPU
priority for the Transcend Chorus VMs.
• Disk latency value: should be less than 1 ms (millisecond)
• For customer specific configuration design, contact Infinera Customer Services.

5.1.2 Single Server Configuration

Minimum CPU Minimum RAM (based on the network size)

Hardware SSC - Small SSC - Medium
SSC 1 x Intel® Xeon® 32 GB 64 GB
Processor E5 v4 (4
cores 3.0GHz or 10
cores 2.8GHz or better)
or better

5.1.3 Multi-server Configuration Requirements

The below table contains the minimum RAM and CPU requirements to run the latest Transcend
Chorus release with reliable performance. For RAM and CPU recommendations for increased
system performance please refer to Chapter5.1.4 Multi-server Configuration Recommendations .

Required minimum RAM (based on the network size).

Required minumum amount of Intel Xeon (quad-core 2.2GHz,
turbo mode at least 3.0GHz or better) or Intel Core 2 Duo (2 GHz,
turbo mode at least 3.0GHz or better) processors.
Hardware Small Medium Large
Workstation 8 GB 8 GB 12 GB
1 x Intel® Core 2 Duo 1 x Intel® Core 2 Duo 1 x Intel® Core 2 Duo
Database Server (x64) 16 GB (+ 8GB if 32 GB (+ 8GB if 64 GB (+ 8GB if
Transcend Chorus HA Transcend Chorus HA Transcend Chorus HA
is used) is used) is used)
1x Intel® Xeon® 2x Intel® Xeon® 2x Intel® Xeon®
Communication Server 8GB 12 GB 16 GB
1x Intel® Xeon® 1x Intel® Xeon® 2x Intel® Xeon®

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus for Packet Solution

Required minimum RAM (based on the network size).

Required minumum amount of Intel Xeon (quad-core 2.2GHz,
turbo mode at least 3.0GHz or better) or Intel Core 2 Duo (2 GHz,
turbo mode at least 3.0GHz or better) processors.
Hardware Small Medium Large
Management Server 8 GB (+ 8GB if 8 GB (+ 8 GB if 12 GB (+ 8 GB if
Transcend Maestro or Transcend Maestro or Transcend Maestro or
Transcend Symphony Transcend Symphony Transcend Symphony
is used) is used) is used)
1x Intel® Xeon® 1x Intel® Xeon® 2x Intel® Xeon®
ThinClient Server 8 GB Base + 2 GB per 8 GB Base + 3 GB per 8 GB Base + 4 GB per
supported Transcend supported Transcend supported Transcend
Chorus Workstations Chorus Workstations Chorus Workstations
2x Intel® Xeon® 2x Intel® Xeon® 2x Intel® Xeon®

5.1.4 Multi-server Configuration Recommendations

The recommendations in the below table can provide increased system performance with the latest
Transcend Chorus release and can extend the lifetime of the servers for future releases.

Recommended RAM (based on the network size).

Recommended amount of Intel® Xeon® Processor (E5 v4 4 cores
3.0GHz or 10 cores 2.8GHz or better) or Intel® i7 (2.6 GHz or
Hardware Small Medium Large
Workstation 8 GB 12 GB 16 GB
Intel® i7 Processor Intel® i7 Processor Intel® i7 Processor
Database Server (x64) 16 GB (+ 8GB if 32 GB (+ 8GB if 64 GB (+ 8GB if
Transcend Chorus HA Transcend Chorus HA Transcend Chorus HA
is used) is used) is used)
1 x Intel® Xeon® 2x Intel® Xeon® 4x Intel® Xeon®
Processor Processor Processor
Communication Server 12 GB 16 GB 32 GB
1 x Intel® Xeon® 1x Intel® Xeon® 2x Intel® Xeon®
Processor Processor Processor
Management Server 16 GB (+ 8 GB if 16 GB (+ 8 GB if 32 GB (+ 8 GB if
Transcend Maestro or Transcend Maestro or Transcend Maestro or
Transcend Symphony Transcend Symphony Transcend Symphony
is used) is used) is used)
1 x Intel® Xeon® 1x Intel® Xeon® 2 x Intel® Xeon®
Processor Processor Processor
ThinClient Server 16 GB Base + 3 GB per 16 GB Base + 4 GB per 16 GB Base + 6 GB per
supported Transcend supported Transcend supported Transcend
Chorus Workstations Chorus Workstations Chorus Workstations
2x Intel® Xeon® 2x Intel® Xeon® 4x Intel® Xeon®
Processor Processor Processor

3 To match the physical CPUs to virtual CPUs in the virtualized server environment, contact your virtual server environment supplier.

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus for Packet Solution

5.2 Disk Requirements

When separate storage arrays or storage servers are used for the hard disk of any of the
Transcend Chorus computers, follow the recommendations of the storage vendor for the disk
and cache configurations as well as for the power supply. If a write cache is configured, it
should be backed up by a battery.

5.2.1 Disk Requirements for Workstations

The recommendations in this chapter regarding disks apply to Transcend Chorus for Packet
Workstations. These recommendations are general guidelines and minimum requirements.
Additional disk size or protection mechanisms can be used.

The recommended minimum size of the physical disks is 100 GB.

Transcend Chorus for Packet Workstations in Windows

Transcend Chorus Workstations Disk 1 – OS + Transcend Chorus software

5.2.2 Disk Requirements for Servers

The recommendations in this chapter regarding disks apply to Transcend Chorus for Packet servers
and Database Servers. These recommendations are general guidelines and minimum requirements.
Additional disk size or protection mechanisms can be used.

The disks can be categorized into two categories.

• Internal (I) – Disks that reside physically internal to the server hardware.
• External (E) – Disks that reside external to the server hardware on a storage device e.g. Fibre
Channel Disk Array or Storage Area Network (SAN).
The disks represented in the below tables are virtual disks, not physical disks. The actual number of
physical disks underneath a virtual disk depends on the implemented protection mechanism and the
vendor. The operating system (OS) disk is recommended to be protected by RAID 1, i.e. mirroring,
whereas the database disks are recommended to be protected by RAID 1+0.

The recommended minimum sizes of the physical disks are 146 GB for internal and 300 GB for
external disks.

Transcend Chorus for Packet Servers

Windows/Linux (1 disk)
Disk 1(I/E) RAID 1 Operating System and
Transcend Chorus software

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus for Packet Solution

Single Server Configuration

Linux (4–5 disks)
Disk 1 (I/E) RAID 1 Operating System, Sybase
ASE, Transcend Chorus
software, Master, tempdb and
Disk 2 (I/E) RAID 1 Data Volume
Disk 3 (I/E) RAID 1 Log Volume
Disk 4 (I/E) RAID 1 Backup
Disk 5 (I/E) if Transcend Chorus RAID 1 HA Replication data
HA is used

Sybase Database Servers

Windows/Linux (5–7 disks)
Disk 1 (I/E) RAID 1 Operating System and Sybase
ASE software
Disk 2 (I/E) RAID 10 (or 1) Master, tempdb, systemprocs
and Data Volume
Disk 3 (I/E) RAID 10 (or 1) Log Volume
Disk 4 (I/E) RAID 5 (or 1, 6 or 10) Backup
Disk 5 (I/E) RAID 10 (or 1) Separate PM Data (optional)
Disk 6 (I/E) RAID 10 (or 1) Separate PM Log (optional)
Disk 7 (I/E) if Transcend Chorus RAID 10 (or 1) HA Replication data
HA is used

The recommended configuration for the Database Server disk system (without the optional separate
PM database) is presented below.

Fig. 5 Recommended Database Server Disk System

The disks can reside as internal disks inside the Database Server, or in an external disk system.

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus for Packet Solution

Database Server Disk System Capacities by Network Size

IO Requirement for RAID Group Capacity
Data and Log
MB/s IOPS4 master, db8000 HA Repli- Backup
procs, log, cation
db8000 tempdb data
data, log
Small 10 MB/s 135 IOPS 50 GB 100 GB 100GB 200 GB
Medium 50 MB/s 670 IOPS 250 GB 500 GB 500GB 2.5 TB
Large 200 MB/s 2600 IOPS 500 GB 1000 GB 1000GB 5 TB

Network Share Server for ThinClient User Data

Minimum required disk space per user 50 MB

5.3 Accessories Needed for Servers

The following accessories are related to the Transcend Chorus for Packet servers and Database
Servers. The specifications may vary according to the vendor.

5.3.1 Accessories for Database Servers

External Disk Array

Model compatibility Supporting Dual Fibre Channel (FC) RAID and large disks
Disk system software Vendor specific Disk system software e.g. Veritas Volume
Manager, zfs, Red Hat Native Driver, EMC storage management

Backup Tape Device

Drive LTO drive

4 IOPS measured from the disk HW level and recorded in testing. Based on the results, IOPS measured from the OS level is 1.5 times IOPS from
the disk HW level.

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus for Packet Solution

Other components
Drives DVD-ROM drive
LAN adapter With four on-board RJ45 10/100/1000Base-T (Copper) Gigabit
Fast Ethernet ports
Display VT 100 or compatible terminal, terminal concentrator or graphic
terminal supported by vendor

5.3.2 Accessories for Transcend Chorus for Packet Servers

Accessories Set – X.25 Adapter DXX Server on Windows

Eiconcard for X.25 Eiconcard S94 (310-208)
Eiconcard S94/66 (310-828)
Eiconcard S94 V2 (306-296) Revision 50
Eiconcard S94 PCI Express (306-298)
Eiconcard connection support Windows 7 and Server 2008 (32-bit version)
Windows 7, Server 2008 and Server 2008 R2 (64-bit version)
Windows V6R10 for 64-bit Win 7, Win 8, Server 2003, 2008 R2
and 2012
(included in the Transcend Chorus for Packet installation DVD)

USB to Serial Adapter

USB to serial adapter Targus - connectivity series, USB to Serial (RS232) Adapter

5.4 Minimum Requirements for Service Computers

The network manager Service Computer software will run on laptop computers which meet the
specifications below. Note that Infinera can properly support only 3rd party hardware and software
tested by Infinera. In case of problems with other computer types, the vendor of that equipment
should be contacted.

The requirements for Service Computer laptops are listed in the following.

• a laptop computer certified for Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (follow the
minimum requirements specified by the operating system vendor).
• manufacturer provided hardware drivers
• serial port available
• parallel or USB port available
• 650 MB free space after installation of Service Computer software

5.5 Minimum Requirements for Workstations

The Transcend Chorus for Packet Workstation software will run on desktop computers which
meet the specifications listed below.

The general requirements for Workstations are listed in the following.

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus for Packet Solution

• a computer certified for Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (follow the minimum
requirements specified by the operating system vendor)
• manufacturer provided hardware drivers
Minimum performance requirements are listed in the following.

• the amount of RAM is dependent on the size of network. (The minimum amount of required
RAM should be checked from the table in chapter 5.1 RAM and CPU Requirements.)
• a display adapter capable of at least 1280 x 1024 resolution with 16-bit color depth is recom-
• an Ethernet adapter with a capacity of at least 100 Mbps

Keep in mind that the processor clock speed and the amount of RAM affects the performance
of the computer. For better performance, select your workstations among the latest
computer models. Using slow management workstations may affect the performance of
other workstations as well.

5.6 Software Sets

Transcend Chorus for Packet supports Linux, Windows Server and Windows operating systems.

Linux is not supported for 6300 and 8100.

5.6.1 Workstation Software

Operating system Windows 7 Professional/Enterprise, English with the latest

Microsoft recommended patches (64–bit version)
Windows 8.1 Pro/Enterprise, English with the latest Microsoft
recommended patches (64–bit version)
Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise, English with the latest Microsoft
recommended patches (64–bit version)
Software for reading help files in Current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader
Transcend Chorus

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.

5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus for Packet Solution

5.6.2 Server Software – Management Server and Communication Server

Operating system with Transcend Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition, English (Service Pack
Chorus 1 or higher) with the latest Microsoft recommended patches (64-bit
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition, English with the latest
Microsoft recommended patches (64-bit version)
Windows Server 2016 Standard Edition, English with the latest
Microsoft recommended patches (64-bit version)
RHEL compatible operating system 7 (7.0 or higher) with the
latest recommended patches (64-bit version)
Communication Server with 6300 MARBEN TM OSIAM OSITP4, version 1.2

6300 Adapter is only supported in Windows Server 2008.

5.6.3 Database Server Software — Open Database

Linux operating Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 with the latest recommended patches (64-bit version)
system or
RHEL compatible operating system 7 with the latest recommended patches (64-bit
Linux Database MariaDB software provided within installation.
Server software

5.6.4 Database Server Software — Sybase

Linux operating Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (6.3 or higher) with the latest recommended patches
system (64-bit version)
RHEL compatible operating system 7 (7.0 or higher) with the latest recommended
patches (64-bit version)
Linux Database Sybase ASE Enterprise Edition 15.7 for Linux x86-64 64-bit – SP136 + SP136
Server software HF1 or the latest Sybase recommended patches
Sybase ASE Enterprise Edition 16 for Linux x86 64-bit

For existing installations Windows OS is supported:

1900-001657 Revision 002 Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0

© 2019 Infinera. Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements

5 Computer Requirements for Transcend Chorus for Packet Solution

Windows Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition or better, English (Service Pack 1 or
operating system higher) with the latest Microsoft recommended patches (64-bit version)
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition or better, English with the latest
Microsoft recommended patches (64-bit version)
Windows Sybase ASE Enterprise Edition 15.7 for Windows x64 64-bit – SP136 + SP136
Database Server HF1 or the latest Sybase recommended patches
software Sybase ASE Enterprise Edition 16 for Windows x64 64-bit

5.6.5 ThinClient Server Software

Windows operating system Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition or better, English
(Service Pack 1 or higher) with the latest Microsoft recommended
patches (64-bit version)
Application Server Citrix XenApp 7.6 (Windows Server 2012 R2, 64-bit version)
Citrix recommended Hotfix Rollup Packs and hotfixes

5.6.6 Replication Server Software

Operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (6.3 or higher) with the latest
recommended patches
RHEL compatible operating system 7 (7.0 or higher) with the
latest recommended patches (64-bit version)
Replication Server Software Sybase Replication Server 15.7.1 for Linux x86-64 64-bit – SP207
or the latest Sybase recommended patches

5.6.7 VMware

VMware version 5.0 or higher, supported by the used Windows operating system

5.7 Displays

Specification display with 1280 x 1024 resolution or better

Recommendation 19" or larger screen

Small fonts should be used in Windows.

Transcend Chorus for Packet SR10.0 1900-001657 Revision 002

Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements © 2019 Infinera.


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