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Kinematics in WoV 2.




Thomas Schneider

Telephone: +49 (0) 7031 - 90 74975

Fax: +49 (0)711
Document ID
Project name Kinematics in WoV 2.4
Document name Kinematics in WoV 2.4
File name 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version/release 40.00
Date of creation 2012-08-20

Distribution Only with the written approval of Daimler AG

Author Thomas Schneider 2012-08-20

Checked for content by Tobias Breitmaier (PKL/AST) 2012-08-20

Otto-Peter Egger (Fa. KUKA) 2012-08-20

Responsible for document Michael Lebrecht (PKL/AST), Tobias Breitmaier


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 Heading – Level 2  List – Sub-points
 Heading – Level 3 Italics Term is explained in the glossary
 Heading – Level 4 Bold Emphasis
 Document  Note
Figure/table [1] Reference to "References"

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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Update Service
Author Telephone E-mail
Thomas Schneider +49 (0) 7031 - 90 74975

Update Journal
Reason for
No. Chapter P. Contents of modification V. Date Edited by
Initially created by xx, 02-08-
1 Initial creation 40.00 T.Schneider
Settings on the ECM robotics 2012

The current changes relating to the older issue are highlighted in yellow

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Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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Document ID ......................................................................................................................... 2

Typographical Conventions ................................................................................................... 2

Update Service...................................................................................................................... 3

Update Journal ...................................................................................................................... 3

Contents................................................................................................................................ 4

Foreword ............................................................................................................................... 5

Document Contents............................................................................................................... 5

1.  General Information ........................................................................................................ 6

1.1.  WoV....................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.1. Safety Instruction.............................................................................................................. 6

1.2.  Basic Machine Data ............................................................................................... 6

2.  Linear Unit ..................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.  Conditions............................................................................................................... 7

2.2.  Individual Steps........................................................................................................ 7

3.  Servo Guns ...................................................................................................................14

3.1.  Conditions..............................................................................................................14

3.2.  Individual Steps.......................................................................................................14

Abbreviations, Glossary........................................................................................................22

Table of Figures ...................................................................................................................22

List of Tables........................................................................................................................22

German/English Technology Commands .............................................................................22

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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In the event of a contradiction in the project engineering guidelines or tender

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Document Contents
This document describes the use of external mechanisms (presently KL, servo gun) in
KUKA.WorkVisual 2.4 (henceforth WoV).

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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1.  General Information

1.1.  WoV
The WoV currently approved by Daimler shall always be used when starting robot
operation. Other versions are to be avoided due to compatibility issues.

1.1.1. Safety Instruction

 All changes to machine data influence the movement of the robot.

1.2.  Basic Machine Data

At present, WoV 2.4 does not support the complete generation of machine data. For this
reason, the basic machine data will first have to be loaded to a robot/Office PC and saved in
a WoV project.

These "basic projects" can be requested on demand from the project team.

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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2.  Linear Unit
Many thanks for the preparation of the workflow by PKL/K2.

2.1.  Conditions
- Robot stands on linear unit
- Drive bus and cabinet are prepared for the external axis

2.2.  Individual Steps

1 Add catalog in WoV

Catalog administration

The appropriate robot catalog and the KukaExternalAxes catalog have to be selected here.

 The catalog "KukaRobotsKRC4" should not be selected since it is no longer up to


Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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2 Add robot to the project (always required, even without external mechanisms)

Add the correct robot (matching the current machine data) to the project by drag&drop.

3 Add linear unit to the project

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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4 Couple up geometry

Switch to the "Geometry" tab and couple the linear unit up to the robot geometrically.
To do so, drag the whole robot to the "flange" of the linear unit with the mouse.

5 Enter $ET1_TFLA3

Please take this parameter for the relevant position from the attached PDF,
"000_Spezi_KL_MaDa.pdf", and at the flange of the linear unit:

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4
File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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6 Enter $ET1_TA1KR

Please enter this parameter from the attached PDF, "000_Spezi_KL_MaDa.pdf" for the
relevant position in the machine data configurer

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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7 Enter $RAT_MOT_AX[7]

In the machine data configurer, the prefix also has to be taken from the original.

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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8 Set software limit switch

The software limit switches have to be set in the machine configurer directly as follows:
Positive SW limit switch = 445
Negative SW limit switch = - [rated hub 445]

9 Check axis ID

Finally, the axis ID has to be checked and/or set.

The linear unit is always on identified axis no. 7.
If one or more servo guns are to be connected to the robot as well, the table in the following
chapter should be used.

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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3.  Servo Guns
Many thanks for the preparation of the workflow by KUKA.

3.1.  Conditions
- Servo guns are connected to the robot
- Drive bus and cabinet are prepared for the external axis and additional I/O
module (SDC).
1. If the drive bus is not prepared for the servo gun then it needs to be
adjusted. The simplest way of doing this at present is to merge this
modified drive bus on the basis of empty drive bus projects. This is in
the documentation
- Servo gun packages are installed in the control system

3.2.  Individual Steps

1 Add catalog in WoV

Catalog administration

The correct robot catalog and servo gun catalog have to be selected here. If the servo gun
catalog is not available it should be opened on the local hard drive using the button on the
lower left.

 The catalog "KukaRobotsKRC4" should not be selected since it is no longer up to


Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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2 Add robot to the project (always required, even without external mechanisms)

Add the correct robot (matching the current machine data) to the project by drag&drop.

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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3 Add a servo gun motor to the project

Servo motors have to be added here according to the number of servo guns at the control
The currently installed and approved motors can be obtained from the project team.

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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4 Couple up geometrically

The servo guns now need to be coupled up geometrically in the "Geometry" tab.

At this point one has to differentiate between stationary guns and coupled guns.

- Stationary guns do not need to be coupled up to the robot and undefined under
- Coupled guns need to be dragged and dropped to the "Flange base" of the

Figure 1 Geometric coupling

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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5 Mechanical relationships

For a stationary axis, the mechanical relationships also need to be defined.

open "Configure mechanical relationships

Call up the menu with the right mouse button and define a new master-slave connection.

Figure 2 Selecting a new connection

By dragging a new connection from the gun to the robot, the gun is coupled up to the robot.

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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Figure 3 Established connection

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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6 Modify machine data

The following settings have to be made in the machine data configuration for each
individual gun.

The settings have to be adjusted for the following variations of linear unit, servo gun and
changeable servo guns:

- The supply channel is currently always to be set to "1"

- "Axis decoupleable" is to be activated for all servo guns

The axis ID is to be set according to the following table:

Table 1 Axis ID settings
Description First external Axis ID Second Axis ID Third external Axis ID
axis (E1) for E1 external axis for E2 axis (E3) for E3
2 changeable Changeable 7 Changeable 7 - -
guns gun gun
Stationary and Stationary 7 Changeable 8 Changeable 8
changeable guns gun gun
Linear unit and Linear unit 7 Gun 8
gun (coupled or
One gun Gun (coupled 7 - - - -
(coupled or or stationary)
Linear unit and Linear unit 7 Changeable 8 Changeable 8
2 changeable gun gun

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4
File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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Abbreviations, Glossary
XYZ Explanation of XYZ

Table of Figures

Figure 1 Geometric coupling ................................................................................................17

Figure 2 Selecting a new connection ....................................................................................18
Figure 3 Established connection...........................................................................................19

List of Tables
Table 1 Axis ID settings........................................................................................................20

German/English Technology Commands

In progress, will be submitted at a later date

Project name: Kinematics in WoV 2.4

File name: 000_B3.040.07.01_GL_Kinematics _in_WoV_24_V40.00.doc
Version / release: 40.00
Author: Thomas Schneider
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