ch05 Review1 pg65-72

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6 Ifa letter is chosen at random from the word EXPERIMENTAL, what is the probability that the letter is (vowels are a,e,i,0.u): a) avowel? b) the letter A? ©) aconsonant? d) the letter E? ©) the letter R? f) the letter A or E? g) the letter 0? h) not the letter M? i) not the letter E? 7 Ifa letter is chosen at random from the word THEORETICAL, what is the probability that the letter is: a) avowel? b) the letter A? ©) aconsonant? d) the letter E? ©) the letter T? f) the letter T or E? g) the letter M? h) not the letter T? i) not the letter E? 8 A bag contains ten red marbles, six blue marbles, four green, and four orange marbles. What is the probability that the first marble taken from the bag is: a) red? b) blue? ©) green? d) orange? ©) not red? f) not green? g) not orange? h) blue or green? i) yellow? j) not blue? k) not green? 1) not yellow? 9 Using the occupation table and the average weekly earnings graph below, what is the probability that a person chosen at random will: Managers 1.500 000 Professionals 2300000 4, Trades 1.600.000 * Personal service 1000 000 Clerical 1600000 Sales 1.000 000 Machinery 700000." Labourers 1200 000 ss00 TOTAL 10.900 000 so Manag Pron! Tre Peso sevice Cleeal Soles Machinry Labourer a) beamanager? b) be a professional? ©) be in sales? d) carn more than $2000 per week on average? €) earn less than $1000 per week on average? ‘A Year 8 student is flipping a coin while answering a true-false test. At the end of the test, the student is again flipping the coin, "What are you doing?" asks the teacher. "Checking my answers." replied the student, Mental Computation Exercise 4.4 1 Spell probability. 2. What is the value of 3x — 2, ifx = 3? 3. Simplify: m'xm? 4442 5 Simplify: Sb ~ 2b. 6 A 6-sided die is tossed, what is P4)? 7 8 9 1 ‘You need to be a good mental athlete because many everyday problems are solved mentally. Distribute: 5(2a + 3). Factorise: 5x + 15. P(winning) = 0.05, what is P(not winning)? 3x2 The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting Exercise 4.5 something right, there's a 90% 1 Spell complement. chance you'll get it wrong, 2 2-3 3° Simplify: n?n’ 4° Simplify: 2a + Sa. 5 A coin is tossed 30 times, how many tails expected? 6 7 8 9 An 8-sided die is tossed, what is P(divisible by 3)? Distribute: 3(2x +4). Factorise: 4c + 12. P(winning) = 0.15, what is P(not winning)? 10 3x4 The latest survey shows that 3 out Exercise 4.6 of 4 people make up 75% of the Spell theoretical. 3+5 Simplify: xoxo Simplify: 2b + 3b. Acoin is tossed 40 times, how many heads expected? A 10-sided die is tossed, what is P(divisible by 5)? Distribute: 5(2t 3). Factorise: 3h +9. P(losing) = 0.75, what is P(not losing)? 10 ~6+3 World's population. Aeone ears Chapter 4 Probability Exercise 4.7 1 10 ul What is the probability of rolling a 4 on a six-sided die? A jar of jelly beans contains jelly beans with the following colours: 30 black, 25 white, 25 red and 20 green. What is the chance of picking a white jelly bean? A bowl contains 25 red apples and 15 green apples. What is the chance of choosing a green apple? A bag contains 50 marbles of which 20 are red, the others are the chance of picking a red marble from the bag? A traffic light is amber and red for 30 seconds. The traffic light is green for 25 seconds. What is the probability that the traffic light is green? There are 30 Australian stamps and 20 New Zealand stamps. What is the probability of choosing an Australian stamp? The following numbers are to be put into the stem-and-leaf plot below 45, 55, 57, 58, 59, 62, 67, 69, 70, 73, 73, 75. Which score is missing? 4]5 51789 6)279 710335 Sienna spins the arrow 100 times. Which is the most likely table of results? a) b) Shape | Number Shape| Number a | 25 oO 25 A 30 A 35 /e\ Q 25 Q 15, O 20 O 25 A. coin is tossed twice. There are 4 possible outcomes. What is the probability of getting 1 head and 1 tail in any order? Acoin is tossed 3 times. There are 8 possible outcomes. What is the probability of getting 2 heads and | tail in any order? Two dice are thrown, There are 36 possible outcomes. What is the probability of getting two sixes? Exercise 4.8 Ina class of 25 students, 16 students play soccer, 13 students play tennis, and 7 students play both soccer and tennis. Find the probability that a) a student plays tennis only. b) a student plays neither tennis nor soccer. Step 1: Draw a Venn diagram Step 2: Calculate the probabilities COs) 1 Inaclass of 27 students, 11 students play an instrument, 14 students have a job, and 8 students play an instrument and have a job. Find the probability that: a) student has a job but doesn't play an instrument. b) student doesn't have a job and doesn't play an instrument. 2 Ina sports club of 150 members, 88 play golf, 63 play bowls, and 45 play golf, and bowls. Find the probability that: a) amember plays golf only. b) amember doesn't play golf or bowls. Three books, A, B, and C, are randomly placed on a shelf. What is the probability that A and B will be next to each other? List all possible arrangements of the three books: ABC ACB BAC BCA CAB CBA 2 P(AB next to each other)= A = 3. Three books, A, B, and C are randomly placed on a shelf, What is the probability that B and C will be next to each other? 4 Three digits, 1, 2, and 3, are randomly arranged to form a three-digit number. What is the probability that number is greater than 200? 5 Three digits, 1, 2, and 7 are randomly arranged to form a three-digit number. Find the probability that: a) — the number is even. b) the number is odd. ©) _ the first and the last digit is odd. d) — thenumber is greater than 100. 6 Two girls and one boy are randomly arranged in a row. Find the probability that a) the two girls are together. b) the boy is on one end. ©) agirl is on one end. Chapter 4 Probability © Investigation 4.1 A weekend street festival, including a parade with marching bands, is being planned. Such street festivals are devastated by wet weather. Undertake some research to recommend a weekend in the year that has the least chance of rain. Investigation 4.2 Make a spinner similar to the one shown. The [J covers 90° and the @ covers 270°. a) What is the probability of a [J] b) What is the probability ofa @ ©) Spin the spinner 80 times and record the results. Does the experimental probability agree with the theoretical probability? d) Can you simulate the spinner on a spreadsheet (See Technology 4.3)? Investigation 4.3 Play the following game with a die: You score 2 points if you throw a number greater than 4. Your partner scores 1 point if they throw an even number. The person with the highest score, after 30 throws, wins. Comment on the fairness of the game. Use theoretical probability to support your point of view. Investigation 4.4 A staff social club raises money by conducting raffles. A typical raffle sells 50 tickets at $1 each with a $25 voucher as the one and only prize. A staff member buys 5 tickets in the raffle because the member believes that this gives better value. Simulate the raffle and comment on the staff member's strategy. Investigation 4.5 The value of pi a) Accurately measure the length of a match. Rule long parallel lines on a large sheet of paper so that the distance between the lines is exactly double the length of a match, b) From a height of about a metre, drop all the matches in a box onto the sheet of paper. Total number of matches Number of matches touching a line 9 1 Technology Technology 4.1 Use the Rand (random) on a calculator to simulate the throwing of a die. @ (=) {Round the answer} ‘The random function gives a number between 0 and 1. This is scaled to give a number from | to 6. Technology 4.2 Use a spreadsheet to simulate the tossing of a coin. This is a great way to estimate the experimental probability of a head or tail. Use the Help to find out about the Round function and the Rand function. Enter the formula andbetween( Iftails=1, heads=2 To count heads enter: =Countif(b1:b10,2) al—lelel—l—-1—[e Ie /—-l— No of heads Technology 4.3 Use a spreadsheet to simulate the throwing of a die. This is a great way to estimate the experimental probability of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Enter the formula Randbetween(1,6) Tfusing 500 rows enter: No 1s_|86_~— =CountlF(al:a500,1) No2s_|89 No3s_ [73 No4s_|77 NoSs_ [91 If using 500 rows enter: No 6s_[84 | =CountlF(al:a500,6) Hl elrfulefol-falulalu Chapter 4 Probability A Couple of Puzzles Exercise 4.9 1 When a number is doubled and the result is added to five, the answer is seventeen, What is the number? 2 The circle fits exactly inside the square. If the radius of the circle is 12 cm, what is the perimeter of the square? 3. Heron took three hours and twenty minutes to make the trip to meet Kara. If Heron left at 7:35 am, when did he meet Kara? 4 Inthe previous year, 45 of the 60 lambs were male. If 100 lambs are born this year, how many are expected to be male? 5 Place each of the numbers: ~4,-3, -2,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3,4 in the square so that the sum of each row, column, and diagonal is 0. ‘Two-up is considered a traditional true-blue Australian gambling game. The game is illegal unless played on ANZAC day or in a casino. The game is played with just two coins and a ring of smooth area of ground. Kip. _ A piece of wood on which the coins are placed for spinning. Ringer. The person in charge of the game. Spinner. Player spinning the coins. The Ringer yells ‘Come in Spinner’ and a Spinner enters the ring. Bets are made between a pair of people. One person may bet $5 on heads and the other person will bet $5 on tails. The winner takes the $10. The Spinner uses the kip to throw the two pennies into the air, If two heads show then the Ringer yells ‘heads’. If two tails show then the Ringer yells ‘tails’. Ifa head and a tail show then the Ringer yells ‘odds’ and the pennies are thrown until either heads or tails is yelled. The Spinner remains in the ring while heads are being thrown and is replaced when tails is thrown. Play the game with centicubes? Is the game fair? Chapter Review 1 Exercise 4.10 1 Write a definition of probability. Determine the probability of cach of the following events and mark the result on the above probability scale. a) Rolla 2 witha six-sided die. b) Iwill watch TV today. ©) Win first prize in a lottery with one ticket (Assume 1 000 000 tickets in the lottery). When tossing a coin the theoretical probabilities are: Probability of Head = 4 =0.5 Probability of Tail = 4 = 0.5 a) Ifacoin is tossed 50 times, how many heads would be expected? b) Ifa coin is tossed 50 times, how many tails would be expected? ©) Ifacoin is tossed 500 times, how many heads would be expected? A six-sided die is thrown. What is the probability of each of the following: a) 5? b) even? ©) odd? d) 2? e) <2? f) >2? 2) >6? h) number divisible by 2? Write the complement of each of the following: a) The ball is red. b) An odd number will show. ©) Riley will win the lottery. d) The coin will show a tail ©) It will be fine today. There are 1 000 tickets in a raffle raising money for the Junior Cricket club. If you bought five tickets, what are your chances of: a) winning the raffle? b) not winning the raffle? A bag contains six red marbles, ten blue marbles, and four green marbles. What is the probability that the first marble taken from the bag is: a) red? b) blue? ©) green? d) orange? e) not red? f) not green? g) not blue? h) blue or green? The letters of the word DUD are randomly arranged in a row. Find the probability that: a) the two Ds are together. b) the letter D is either at the beginning or at the end. ©) U occupies the first place. Chapter 4 Probability

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