Ch06 Real Numbers Pg73-88

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Chapter Review 2 Exercise 4.11 1 Write a definition of probability. Determine the probability of cach of the following events and mark the result on the above probability scale. a) The letter A will be randomly selected from the letters of the word PROBABILITY b) Iwill send a text message today. ©) Iwill spend more than $10 today. d) [will lose a biro today. When tossing a coin the theoretical probabilities are: Probability of Head = 5 =0.5 Probability of Tail = 4 = 0.5 a) Ifacoin is tossed 60 times, how many heads would be expected? b) Ifa coin is tossed 60 times, how many tails would be expected? ©) Ifacoin is tossed 600 times, how many heads would be expected? A six-sided die is thrown. What is the probability of each of the following a) 6? b) even? ©) odd? a) 4? ©) <4? ) >4? g <1? h) anumber divisible by 3? Write the complement of each of the following: a) The ball is blue. b) Aneven number will show. ©) Ella will win the lottery. d) The coin will show a head. ©) It will rain today. There are 1 000 tickets in a raffle raising money for the Junior netball club. If you bought ten tickets, what are your chances of a) winning the raffle? b) not winning the raffle? A bag contains five red marbles, five blue marbles, and ten green marbles. What is the probability that the first marble taken from the bag is: a) red? b) blue? ©) green: d) orange? ©) not red? f) not green: g) not blue? h) blue or green? Four books, A, B, and C are randomly placed on a shelf. Find the probability that a) Aand B are together. b) Aand Bare at each end. Review 1 (5) Chapter 11 Index Laws 2 <— Index convenient way of writing 2x2x2 is Y 3 <—Base Index Law 1 Index Law 2 Index Law 3 Zero Index amxan = am" aneat= an (any ann a’=1 Chapter 2 Integers Integers are: Positive whole numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and — Zero: and —- Negative whole numbers: “1, 2, “3, “4, “5,6, ... Tategers on the right are larger than integers on the left. Tntegers can be placed ona number 6 -S -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 3 6 Chapter 3 Algebra * 2a +3a=Sa, 4b— 6b = "2b, 3c x 2c? = “Gc, 18ad + 3a= 6d * Distributive law: —a(b+c) = ab + ac * Factorising: ab + ac =a(b +c) Chapter 4 Probability Probability is the chance of something happening. The chance can be expressed as a decimal, fraction, pecentage, ratio, or as words. Number of favourable outcomes ‘Total number of outcomes * Theoretical probability = The complement of A is not A. P(not A) = I — P(A) Exercise 5.1 Mental computation 1 Spell factorise. 2 What is the value of 4x ~ 3, ifx = 2? 3.742 4 4+72 5 Simplify: 7e— 3c. 6 7 8 9 A 6-sided die is tossed, what is P(>4)? Distribute: 3(2b +4). Factorise: Sa + 20. P(winning) = 0.25, what is P(not winning)? 10 Simplify: x°* x? Index Exereise 5.2 _— 1 Write each of the following in index form: da *—Base fa) 2x2x2 b) 3x3x3x3x3 ©) dxdxdxdxdxd a) 10%10%10x10%10 —e) zxzxzxzx2xz f) IxIx1xIxixixd 2__ Simplify and write the following in index form: __ [Index Law 1 axa’ a) 3°x3+ b) Px? ce) 105«10° d) ext e) mm f) 3°x3! 2) pp hy 5%55 i) 10'x10 10x10 kK) xP Dj 3. Simplify and write the following in index form: Index Law 2 Lees ee] = = b) ete? eo) 22 d) 11 f) mm! g) 10%10° h) gq . 4 10° vs DD ») if DoF 4 _ Simplify and write the following in index form: [Index Law3 es Sanaa a) (4) b) BY 9) (TY d) (by ) Oy f (vy g) (2x24 hy) 3x" 5 Simplify each of the following: a) 2 b) y! o » d) 3s" 13 14 Change the following words to an integer: a) A loss of $250 million. b) Arise of 15 m. ©) $500 under value. d) No change. Copy each pair of numbers and place the correct < or > between them. a) 5 71 b) 3 3 2) 4 3 Arrange the integers in ascending order (smallest to largest): a) 2,°4,°2,3 b) 4,°2,°4,0 eo) 3,1,°2,71 Calculate the following: a) 2-3 b) 742 °) 1-3 d) 4-75 e) 2-5 f) 73 g) 2x6 h) 8x1 i) 4x71 ) 12+6 kK) 14+72 D) “10+2 m) ~6+72 n) 4423 0) 6+3-5 p) (2+3)x4 q) “14+@-2) vr) 15+(4+1) ‘Order of Operations: 1 ()_ brackets first. 2 xand+ —— fromleftto right. 3) +and— from left to right. Andre owes each of four friends $70. What is Andre's balance? The temperature at midnight was ~4°C. If the temperature dropped a further 3°C, what is then the temperature? Ming borrowed $350, repaid $220, and borrowed another $60. What is Ming's balance? A submarine at 120 m below sea level rose 50 m. What is the position of the submarine relative to sea level? Mercury has a melting point of -40°C and a boiling point of 357°C. What is Mercury's temperature range from melting point to boiling point? Write an algebraic expression for each of the following: a) the sum ofaand b. b) the product of x and y. ©) cis increased by 5. d) his decreased by 2x. €) the product of x and triple y. Simplify the following expressions: a) 2a+7a b) Sb—3b ©) 6c%3 d) 3x3d e) 15f* 10 f) 3h-2h—-5h g) 4ex3g h) -3i+5i+Si i) 3x 3j j) 12mn+8n k) 4g°2g DY 4a°-74 602-1 m) 3xy x 3xy n) 12v2+3v? 0) 12p*=10p* Chapter 5 Review 1 Expand each of the following expressions: a) 3(b+5) b) 3(2a-6) ©) 5d-1) d) 7(4x-1) e) ~2(4y-7) f) ~6(3z-2) Factorise each of the following expressions: a) 3d+6 b) Se-15 ) 6f+9 d) 4d + 18de ©) 2b + 10ab f) 3xy-21 g) ~6t+14 h) ~15g- 21g? i) ~24mn - 28mno Use substitution to check that the following expressions are equivalent: a) 3x+9=3(x+3) b) -7(s +3) -21 ©) 5(c—3) =Se+ 15 d) 45v? + 15v = 15v(3v + 1) ‘Simplify each of the following expressions: a) %a+3)-5 b) 4(b-2)+3b+1 ©) 5(2k+2)-10 d) 3(6n—1) + 5(n +2) Write a definition of probability. LEE 0 0.5 1 Determine the probability of each of the following events and mark the result ona copy of the above probability scale: a) The letter A will be randomly selected from the letters of the word ALGEBRA. b) Iwill watch more than 2 hours of TV today. When tossing a coin the theoretical probabilities are: Probability of Head = % =0.5 Probability of Tail = 4 = 0.5 a) Ifa coin is tossed 50 times, how many heads would be expected? b) Ifa coin is tossed 50 times, how many tails would be expected? ©) Ifa coin is tossed 500 times, how many heads would be expected? A six-sided die is thrown. What is the probability of each of the following? a) 2? b) even? ©) odd? @) 3? °) <3? f) anumber divisible by 2? Write the complement of each of the following: a) The number is 3. b) An odd number will show. There are 500 tickets in a raffle raising money for the Junior basketball club. If you bought ten tickets, what are your chances of: a) winning the raffle? b) not winning the raffle? A bag contains ten red marbles, ten blue marbles, and five green marbles. What is the probability that the first marble taken from the bag is: a) red? b) not red? ©) not green? Three books, A, B, and C are randomly placed on a shelf. Find the probability that: a) Aand B are together. b) Aand Bare at each end. Exercise 5.3 Mental computation 1 Spell probability. 2 What is the value of 3x ~ 5, ifx = 3? 37-3 4 7x3 5 Simplify: 8m —2m. 6 A 6-sided die is tossed, what is P(<4)? 7 Distribute: 3(3d + 2). 8 Factorise: 6h + 10. 9 P(winning) = 0.35, what is P(not winning)? 10 Simplify: x°* x* Index Exercise 5.4 3 < 1 Write each of the following in index form: d — Base a) 5x5x5x5 b) 2x2x2x2x2 ©) wxwxwxwxwxw d) 101010 e) yxyxyxyxyxy f) Lxbdxixixd 2__ Simplify and write the following in index form: [Index Law 1 ee a) 4x45 b) Px ©) 10°10° a) xt e) non? f) 5°x5! g) hexht h) 77? i) 10105 j)_-10«108 kK) PxE D 23x25 Index Law 2 3__ Simplify and write the following in index form: an a) 3433 b) dd oe) 338 e) mm‘ f) dds g) 1010? , @ 28 10° ) 2 DF ® i 4 _ Simplify and write the following in index form: [Index Law 3 a) 2’) b) BY 9 ay d) (wy ) vy oy g) (2x2 hy 3**(")' 5 Simplify each of the following: a) 3° b) ox d) 2y° Chapter 5 Review 1 Change the following words to an integer: a) Adrop of 5°C. b) A increase of 25%. ©) Aprofit of $150. d) Shortened by 5 cm. Copy each pair of numbers and place the correct < or > between them. a) 2 2 b) 1 2 2 3 Arrange the integers in ascending order (smallest to largest): a) 1,3,2,3 b) “11,20 ©) 23,41 Calculate the following: a) 5-3 b) 4+1 °.) 4-1 d) 2-3 °) 1-6 f) 6x2 g) 5x2 hy) 2x4 i) “3x2 ) 10+5 k) 12472 D 14+7 m) “4+74 n) 44+3x71 0) 8+4-2 p) 5*(3+1) q) 10+(7-2) r) 16+(3+1) ‘Order of Operations: 1 ()_ brackets first. 2) xand+ from left to right. 3 +and= from leftto right. Ethan owes each of five friends $60. What is Ethan's balance. The temperature at midnight was ~4°C. If the temperature dropped a further 3°C, what is then the temperature? Yin borrowed $230, repaid $90, and borrowed another $40. What is Yin's balance? A submarine at 60 m below sea level rose 20 m. What is the position of the submarine relative to sea level? The Egyptian civilisation began around 3100 BC and finished around 30 BC. How long did the Egyptian civilisation last? Write an algebraic expression for each of the following: a) the sum ofc andd. b) the product of x and y. ©) bminus 5. d) divided by a. €) double x plus x cubed. Simplify the following expressions: a) 3y+2y b) 6d—3d ©) 12c+8 d) 65a e) 15a+5 f) Su-3u-3u g) 3nx4p h) 9e+2e+5e i) 4gx 3g j) 2idg+ 14d Kk) 4h’x2h D 2a-74 602-3 m) 2ab x 3a°b n) 15d3d 0) 18p*+12p* 18 1 S 2 21 2 8 24 2 a 26 27 28 29 Expand each of the following expressions: a) 2%(n+3) b) 63w-5) ©) 7Q2p-1) d) 6(4m-2) e) ~3(8k-9) f) “6(2t-3) Factorise each of the following expressions a) 6x+12 b) 4r-6 ©) 10c+8 a) 4j+ 14jk ©) 4e+ 12ef f) “3h-6 2) 3v+i8 h) ~1Swx-2lwx? i) ~21ab— 48abe Use substitution to check that the following expressions are equivalent: a) 2x +6=2x+3) b) ~8d-14="2(4d-7) ©) 5(r—3) =5r +15 d) 48s? + 6s = 6s(8s + 1) Simplify each of the following expressions: a) 4(a+3)-4 b) 2@-3)+5z+1 ©) 2(2b+4)-10 d) 5(2h-1)+3(h+1) Write a definition of probability. SS 0 0.5 1 Determine the probability of each of the following events and mark the result on the above probability scale a) The letter I will be randomly selected from the letters of the word DISTRIBUTIVE b) Iwill be in bed before 9:30 tonight. ‘When tossing a coin the theoretical probabilities are: Probability of Head = % =0.5 Probability of Tail = = 0.5 a) Ifa coin is tossed 70 times, how many heads would be expected? b) Ifacoinis tossed 70 times, how many tails would be expected? ©) Ifa coin is tossed 700 times, how many heads would be expected? A six-sided die is thrown. What is the probability of each of the following? a) 1 b) even ©) odd ad 5 ®) <5 f) anumber divisible by 3 Write the complement of each of the following: a) Iwill pass the test. b) Aneven number will show. There are 200 tickets in a raffle raising money for the Junior softball club. If you bought ten tickets, what are your chances of: a) winning the raffle? b) not winning the raffle? A bag contains five red marbles, ten blue marbles, and ten green marbles. What is the probability that the first marble taken from the bag is a) red b) not red ©) not green Three books, A, B, and C are randomly placed on a shelf. Find the probability that a) Aand Care together. b) Aand C are not together. Chapter 5 Review 1 Make the Calculator Talk When the following numbers are entered into a calculator and the calculator is turned upside down, the numbers become the letters: wo | ‘Who can get: . . + the most words? 1 Use a brainstorming method to form erence) words with these letters: Examples: hello, booze, eels, globe. 2 Choose a word and work out the associated number. Check by entering the number and turn the calculator upside. Example: hello = 0.7734 use the decimal point to get the 0 in front). 3 Invent a calculation that gives the number as the answer. Example: (6.5468 ~ 5) +2 (The answer is 0.7734 which is hello) 4 Make up a story that has the word as the answer. Q: How do you keep a blonde in suspense? A: Present her with a mirror and tell her to wait for the other person to say "(6.5468 — 5) +2" What should you say when ‘What occurs in two days of you meet a monster with two the week, in six months of the heads? year, and once ina year? 6%(0.1289+100000+0.1289) (20530.587+12.81-6.7) + 532 Real Numbers Recognise terminating, recurring and non-terminating decimals and choose their appropriate representations. Investigate the concept of irrational numbers, including x. Understand that the real number system includes irrational numbers and that certain subsets of the real number system have particular properties. ATASK The Abacus was probably the first and most, enduring of calculating devices. The Abacus can add, subtract, multiply, divide, square root, and cube root with blinding speed and accuracy. Another 2 and Pll be a square. Experiment with an Internet ‘Abacus applet’. Learn to do either +, -, x, or + on the Abacus. Make an Abacus. Choose an audience and demonstrate your Abacus. ALITTLE BIT OF HISTORY ‘The modern controversy: ‘Our modem society owes much to our Hindu-Arabic number system. Caleulators and computers are a more efficient way of The Hindu-Arabie number system is simpler and dealing with numbers. Why more efficient than other number systems such as are we still using pen and the Roman number system and the Egyptian number paper? system because it: + uses the digit 0 + uses only 10 digits to represent all numbers. + has a place value system, The Hindu-Arabic system eventually dominated because it was better at multiplication. Our Babylonian Number - System ‘A number system is a set of numbers used to count, compare, calculate, ete. NE System Mayan Number System (Our Hindu-Arabie number system is simpler and more Egyptian Number efficient than other number System systems. Many other Number System Rational Irrational Numbers Numbers Can be expressed as ‘Cannot be expressed a ratio a/b where a asa ratio a/b and b are integers. (aand b are integers). Surds. atbi 2 = 1.4142135... aand b are real numbers. 7320508. iis the imaginary part. Fractions. Special numbers. 1/2, 3/4, 5/3, 6/7 m= 3.1415926.. © =2.7182818.. Rational Numbers: Integer: A rational number is a number that can be written as a ratio a/b where a and b are integers. ‘The denominator cannot be 0 Integers are: and and -6 Positive whole numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Zero: 0 Integers are rational numbers because they can be written as a ratio a/b where a and b are integers. o|s 5 6, Negative whole numbers: “1, “2,3, 4,5, “6, ... “5-4 Exercise 6.1 Show that each of the following integers are Rational numbers. Integers on the right are larger than integers on the left. —_—_— | Because the integer can be written as a ratio of two integers, it is a Rational number. 5 15 Exercise 6.2 Arrange the integers in ascending order (smallest to largest): 61,2, 5,4 Fre 5,741.26 <] 1 2,0,3,1 2 71,3,0,3 4 5,72,1,4,0 5 83,71, 2 7 71,2,74,2,3 8 2,3,71, 2,75 left to 302 6 0 sht on the 3 6,2,1,2 6 4,6,°2,3,1 9 771,331 Chapter 6 Real Numbers Arational number is a aq b Examples: 2, 2, 5 improper fraction a xamples: 5. 5. 37 p 3 19 Mixed number whole number and fraction. Examples: 25, 35, 155 Exercise 6.3 1 Change each of the following mixed numbers to an improper fraction: This might be easier: 2x54+3=13 B Thus: 5 1 3 2 2 = 1S l= 25 a 25 by 1 oy a 25 1 3 L I ea a g4 oy 9 3 8 25 ») 35 13, 3 -:'13+5 =2remainder 3 A Henry the 1/8th. ee! =23 > 5 7 9 a 5 b) 5 94 d) 8 10 19 37 95 Ns 9) 5 Dt Library Technicians assist librarians and other information managers to organise and operate systems for handling recorded material and files. + Relevant school subjects are English, Mathematics, IT. * Courses normally involve a Diploma of library and information services. Rational Numbers: Deci 3 Change the following decimals to mixed numbers: 24 =24 3.92 = 3% 15.718 = 15-28 10 100 1000 a) 57 b) 49 ©) 8.58 d) 9.27 ©) 3.333 ) 15.417 2) 401 h) 0.0004 4 Change the following mixed numbers to a decimal: 8 1 35 Sa awe 40 wo 758 Too 7297 Too = 49.035 4 13 1 ” a 4 nt sa a) 0 >) *00 9 710 %) *T00 1 56 3 196 ot na 5s 7 9 Fo 9 X00 8 i00 ») "000 a J If is not a prime number (other than 2 or 5) then a Terminating decimal b 2 > 2 wt yt » 10 dD 10 a) D3 2 1 2 3 m 5 » 5 Or » | ll eI 3 4 9 5 B) & . 5 o 5 3 a 3 2 wy 5 Ys ”) 5 » 5 s Write each of the following as a fraction, as a decimal, and as a percentage: a) One-quarter of the students were absent on the last day of school. b) — One-fifth of the tomatoes had to be thrown out. ©) The trust fund reported a 15% return on investment. d) Water makes up approximately 75% of a person’s body. ©) Peron pays a marginal tax of 37%. f) The dodgy loan rate was set at 26%. g) GST isa tax of 10c in the dollar. h) The poll showed that around 7 in 10 politicians favoured a policy change. i) There are 581 boys in the school of 1 000 students. Jj) Lara scored 9 out of 10 for the test. kk) Sunny scored 21 out of 50 for the test. 1) Viroy scored 46 out of 50 for the test. m) Wal scored 64 out of 100 for the test. n) Gani scored 63 out of 100 for the test. 0) 99.95% of the students passed the Mathematics test. Chapter 6 Real Numbers ©

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